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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Hello Liz, Janet, and Bighorn...


you're all keep me going! You're all doing so well and I'm glad to hear about your losses, keep up the great work!!!!


I weighed in first thing this morning and I lost 3.6 pounds :D I was thrilled to see that. Day 1 on VLCD was alright. I'm kinda tired, and I'm hungry. I drank my water and didn't cheat. I made an orange smoothie with 1 orange and some ice in the blender and I'm having that right now. I'm going to have to get some HCG approved recipes and get creative with the food options because I know I will get sick of lettuce and grilled chicken. I know if I can get through day 4 or 5 that the hunger will most likely go away, so I just have to make it through then!


Keep up the good work Gang, and thank you for keeping me on track!!!!!!!

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Terry, Don't feel bad I too will be working On memorial day.


I made some chili/taco filling...had that for lunch on romaine mMMM it was good. Dinner I had a salad at a Thai restaurant with a friend ( it was my dinner break at work) so when I got home... I had to have more chili... It may have not been my best decision to eat so late..:(


Oh and I locked the poor cat in the garage before I left for work....She's hungry now that I have discovered her....Poor Kitty .


Busy day tomorrow...dd Is off from school so I will have a helper. Carpets are getting clean and I need to clean up my pigsty.


Eat well ladies,



I forgot how good the chili was....That reminds me.. Fajitas too !

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Jersy Girl...GREAT loss! That is what keeps you going, pound and inches. Keep up with the protocol.

One thing I used to do when I was craving a sweet "thang" was ice. lemon juice (fresh squeezed) and some stevia in a blender...just like a pretend milkshake(HA!)

Block...you sound busy and yes "poor kitty". Life happens.

I had a dish tonight that was good, called Asian salad, bought as a "kit" from Costco...cabbage, broccoli of some kind shredded and a sweet soy sauce with dried noodles and almonds put on top...pretty good and very easy. Low sugar and zero net carbs

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AAHH, I keep bouncing up and down !! I can't move. its killing me...Looks like I can forget that goal I set for myself. Is it a stall or is just TOM.... UGH ! and I am HUNGRY.



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AAHH, I keep bouncing up and down !! I can't move. its killing me...Looks like I can forget that goal I set for myself. Is it a stall or is just TOM.... UGH ! and I am HUNGRY.




I feel ya, I got really hungry last night. And I'm finding that Aspirin isn't as good for headaches as Aleve or Excedrin :(, but I"m going to stick with the protocol and just use the Aspirin.


Stay strong this weekend everyone...we can lose quite a few pounds if we stay away from the grill and other BBQ temptations!!!!

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I have not had a problem eating today. I grilled some lean burgers and made tomato/cucumber salad. I also made a thai pasta salad...and potatoe salad ..I will not eat either...looks like DH won't either.. I think he's alittle annoyed I called him chubby:D...since I weigh less than him :D

He did eat 1/2 a bag of chips. He's working it off now doing yard work. I swam a bit...but other wisse my flabby butt hasn't really left my chaise !

OOH AND I LOST 2 lbs this morning..soo, I'am rolling again.

Today was another milestone. 40lbs today =total r1 and 2!!!! My real goal was to lose 40 lbs before I turned 40..My birthday is in Jan..So I am allready ahead of my goals:) I am so looking forward to phase 3..cheese...mmmm...cheese. I was never a big fan of just cheese..but because of hcg dieat.. I can't enough of cheese !!!


Eat well,


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I have not had a problem eating today. I grilled some lean burgers and made tomato/cucumber salad. I also made a thai pasta salad...and potatoe salad ..I will not eat either...looks like DH won't either.. I think he's alittle annoyed I called him chubby:D...since I weigh less than him :D

He did eat 1/2 a bag of chips. He's working it off now doing yard work. I swam a bit...but other wisse my flabby butt hasn't really left my chaise !

OOH AND I LOST 2 lbs this morning..soo, I'am rolling again.

Today was another milestone. 40lbs today =total r1 and 2!!!! My real goal was to lose 40 lbs before I turned 40..My birthday is in Jan..So I am allready ahead of my goals:) I am so looking forward to phase 3..cheese...mmmm...cheese. I was never a big fan of just cheese..but because of hcg dieat.. I can't enough of cheese !!!


Eat well,



Way to go Janet! I think you are going to have to move your goal up for the 40th B-day. Was wondering about you, sounded so upset your last post, glad to see that it is working out for you. MMMMMM...the power of cheese...I am addicted to Babybels.


Jersey...I always stuck to my Aleve and I didn't notice that it interferred...but what ever you decide for you will be great. I just know, there are some mornings I cannot get out the door without a couple of Aleve, well that and coffee!

Hopefully this is just a tough patch on the hunger, really push the fluids and see if that helps. I found that some hot teas flavored but SF did the trick for fooling my tummy.


Kinda blew the 17 day diet today, but not too serious. I have the grandkids and hoping all the extra activity helps with staying on track. I am flushing with water as we speak.

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Terry, sounds like you are having a great weekend with grandkids!! I was abit bummed the scale wasn't moving...but I realized in less then 20 days I have lost 20lbs and in another week I could lose 25lbs and last round it took 40 days to lose 25lbs...so its all good . I also realized that my goal was to lose 40lbs b4 40 and I am well ahead of that ~


I have to work this weekend \. I had off My normal friday saturday...but will work sunday and monday while my family are home in the pool. UGH.

But I won't eat ! to compensate. I did lose...6 ounces..its something. ;)

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Morning all, just a quick check-in. I had a nice loss this morning after a few days at the same weight. Down 1.6 pounds this morning. :)


Janet, you have done wonderful this round! You just might hit that goal this round, and you have already blown up your 40 before 40 goal! Great job!!


Terri, looks like the 17 day diet is working well for you. Enjoy your time with the grandkids..


Jen, how's it going? Just an FYI, when Dr S wrote the protocol, ibuprofen and naproxen weren't invented yet. I take ibuprofen for headaches without problems while on VLCD. How are you doing with losses?


I hope that you all have a safe and happy Memorial Day, and even if you are working that you get to spend some time with your family. Please take a moment today to be thankful for all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for us to enjoy the freedoms that we enjoy in this country.

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It has been a year since I first posed the question regarding cruising and HCG.


I went on a cruise a year ago and gained a little of the weight back. A few months later I went back on just to lose 15 pounds more.


This past spring I gained 8 lbs back and now I am loading to start my 23 day stint before I go on my next cruise at the end of June.


In general, I am thrilled I did this diet (on drops) and kept it off for the most part. I am more aware of what I eat and what I have to go through to lose it. I feel good. I do need to get to the gym more to firm everything up more but I feel it has been a success story for me.


Tomorrow is the first day of VLCD for me again and it will be a tough one for sure!

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Hello HCG'ers,


I have been interested in some time about HCG after witnessing my brother and sister-in-law lose 40 and 32 pounds respectively in about 6 weeks time. I have been on Weight Watchers and the weight is just coming off sooooo slowly. I just have a couple of questions and hope y'all can help me. My GNC has the HCG drops. Do you recommend I get them there? Also, it's difficult for me to give up coffee with fat free half-n-half, but I will do it if thats what it takes. Is this an absolute no no?


Thank you for the advice.



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Janet .6 is something, it is over 1/2 pound...so that is a good loss. Raise that goal now so you have something to keep your eye on.


Welcome Michelle! As mentioned before, read the manuscript protocol by Dr. Simeons.

It was hard for me to give up my creamer, but I did for 23 days and then went onto Almond milk (unsweetened) not as rich but cut the coffee for me and also added a stevia. Good luck to you and wishing you much sucess.


Shellgoodman...glad to hear from you. Sounds like you did great and are looking forward to another round. So you will be cruising on P3? I think that is doable and hope it works for you. Check back and let us help you if we can.

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Thank you so much for the response. They ordered theirs from a dealer(sounds funny)!! I was just wondering if I could go across the street and pick mine up. I have been reading all over the internet on HCG and this forum of course. I appreciate all the info everyone has given.


Thank you again,



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I have not heard good things about the drops from GNC... and one of the people was a person who worked at GNC.? I also get mine from a dealer:p. It now comes in a spray and not dropper.


I have had a very hard time this holiday weekend not being able to be with my family.... Makes me hungry. :eek::eek:


I am also tired of grilled chicken and beef...I really don't eat much of the other proteins on protocol except shrimp and lobster and dh doesn't eat those.... 4 more pounds to lose and I will be happy. I am to hungry this round ???? but I will stick to it till I lose the 4 pounds.


Shellgoodman, So glad you posted this thread...it has been most helpful to many of us. I have since cruised (leaner too) and still try and keep up. I cruise again in April 2012.


My previous post I realized I ws counting wrong:mad: DUMMY...

I have lost only 16 pounds this round thus far...a total of 41 pounds.. I am still happy. and hungry this time:confused: ( allready mentioned that )


Eat well,


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Okay I did it.... I ate another dinner last night...finished mt daughters left overs...chicken and pasta...:( I was sooo hungry I tried everything..more drops, ate breadstick....drank water...nothing helped. I was just hungry..not bored or craving ..just hungry... so I ate it... and this morning..Gained 3 lbs :eek: well that will learn me ! I just needed to get it off my chest. I was bad. Today I start over and drink lots of water and hope its water weight I gained and move on.... grilled chicken and salad for lunch. Hope everyone has a better day.




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Bahaha Block, you were me this weekend. I just couldn't seem to stop myself as I ate homemade kolaches (2 of them!!), chips WITH dip, fresh veggies WITH dip...you get the picture...

Anyway, was up 4 1/2 lbs. two days ago after all that eating, back down 1 1/2...still trying to get back to that milestone 29 lb. loss at the end of rd. 2.

11 days until our cruise!!! I just want to make myself be good until then...grrr.

Ok, going to wake up people to do zumba with me. Just what the teenagers want to do during their new summer vaca!

Welcome back Shell! Hi, I'm Liz and I'm inconsistent but cheerful! lol

Hello fellow Texan! Where do you live? I'm in Kingwood, outside of Houston...got to love that heat and humidity!!!

Hello to the rest of my friends! Hi Bighorn, Disney, Jif!

Jersey, how is it going for you????


Ok, back later today. Glad to be back. The lake was lots of fun, but hard on the program!!



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Hi LittleWing, cute name btw. I order mine from hcgdropsplus dot com online. Right now they are having a sale and it is $99 for the drops, plus they send you the supplements and a product that you mix with water that kinda tastes like weak crystal lite. I think this is the last day of the sale and then the price is 139 ???

Anyway, I just ordered more as I never like to be without it. I got the info from my massage therapist who has lost over 60 lbs. and he is in his 60s. That was enough to get me to try this. Did injections the first time. Hated the shots but for me, the first round was the best. I also think there are lots of reasons that I won't go into, but if you truly have made up your mind, I would read everything I could about it, especially Dr. Simeon's "Pounds and Inches" and there are others on here that can tell you what else to read or do. You need to pick a time in your life when you can eat at home quite a bit and don't have lots of special occasions to get you off track. We are FULL of advice, right girls???? lol

Anyway, we're so glad you and CruisinTexans and Shell and JerseyGirlJen have joined us. We fall off the wagon, but we have truly learned how to not let a bad meal (or 10) ruin our efforts. This is a process and I'm slowly believing that my size is a direct result of lots of little daily decisions about what I put into my mouth. Ok, so feel free to post often! We're cheering for all of you!!!


Liz in Kingwood


ps. No bootcamp this week so I made up my own. a brisk 8-10 minute walk, plank, bridge, push ups, 6 minutes of different types of crunches, squats, and then 30 minutes of zumba. So much fun and I talked my son's gf into doing it with me since she is staying here for a few days...wonder if she'll ever do that again? lol

Gotta go drink the water!!!!!

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What the HECK are those ??? Must have been good to have two of them !!


Didn't seem very supportive to be laughing at me:mad: for eating anything I possibly could shove in my face.....and gaining 3lbs.... I think I heard the chicken parm calling my name....:o


I have been on VLCD for 23 days now.. as soon as I get those 3 pounds back I certainly will stop the drops and goto P3...This time was rough for me. Maybe it wasn't the mind set.. I sure to respect Az girl now. When I did R1 I was SOOO READY !! this time I just felt obligated ....maybe it wasn't the right time. Anyway... I've done it with only a minor slip up.


How is everyone else doing ?


Be Well,


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Awww Block, I wasn't laughing at you, I promise!!!!!

I was laughing at the fact that I was just like you, just a stuffing my face. Think of it this way, you had company!!! :-)) And yes, I have heard food calling to me. I think a brownie screamed at me tonight at a meeting. But I thought of us, and how hard we've all worked to get this crap off our bodies and I ignored that screeching brownie. Sure was hard...

Ok, a kolache is a small skinny sausage, wrapped up in a dough with some cheese and baked.

This one had been wrapped in one of those crescent rolls...

See why I ate two of them? Ok, ok, truth be told, it was two PLUS the 1/2 of one someone didn't finish...hanging my head in shame.


I just want to end this third round with those same pounds off and I'll get within 2 lbs. and do something stupid. Right now I'm four pounds from it and I'm supposed to stop drops next Monday. I want to set a goal, but I feel like I should just take it one meal at a time. I feel like willpower has fled lately!


Ok, off to bed. The later I stay up, the more hungry I get.



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Liz I know you weren't poking fun at me:p


I had to google what kolaches were...Yes I saw why you ate 2..like a pig in a blanket. I saw they make them with other things than sausage....;)



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Hey everyone! Been MIA for a few days, spending time with the daughter, then the son. I did really good, never ate anything off plan. I did have a few drinks Friday night at the show in Austin, but I've still been losing. :) Hubby is veering off plan a bit, but not too far. I'm about to catch up with him if he doesn't quit his little cheats, though.


This is my second round, doing injections again, and I feel like I'm doing pretty well. I have been tempted to cheat much more than on my first round, but I committed to doing this long round, and I'm going to do it. I think that I will hit my goal for this round, my losses have stepped back up the last 3 days, finally passed a set point that I was at a few years ago. I keep myself on plan by reminding myself that I don't have time to do another round before my cruise in September if I do a full P3/P4 of 8 weeks after this round. I really want to be done with that and stable before I cruise, so that I don't have to worry much while on vacation. And, I can start shopping the end of summer sales before the cruise and know what will fit!


Liz and Janet, you can finish this round on a good note, just commit to no more cheats this week! and stay away from the kolaches! (I love them!!)


Michelle and Littlewing, do lots of research on line, there are several reputable places that I am told you can buy from. I get my injections through a physician. Read Pounds and Inches and make sure you understand how the whole protocol works before you even buy your HCG, it's a big committment, and there need to be some permanent changes to what and how you eat after you do your round of HCG. Come here and ask questions about what you have read in P&I, we are happy to help.


Terri, how's the 17 day diet going??


Hope everyone is having a good day and good losses on the scales!

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Jennifer...good motivation not having time to do another round before cruise. I like your thinking. You just keep it going and hubby better watch it!


17 day is going ok...mind over matter stuff mainly. Think I am just tired of the dieting and scale...LOL But today I did have a pretty big cheat, in buying my lotto tix (I have a dream!) and Lo and behold, there was one of my occassional pitfalls...JALENPENO CORNDOG! Yup...bought, ate it, regret it. We'll see what happens tomorrow. Needless to say I am flushing my guilt away with LOTS of water. But dang, it did taste good. I guess in reality, it is not like I can NEVER have one once in a great while...but just finishing up 1st section of this and that is definetly a NO-NO. Also having something like this mid-day is probably better than late afternoon or evening, I have a chance to burn some of that carb off.


Janet and Liz...I blame you for my cheat...Just kidding and glad we all have a great sense of humor here. How would we have survived this long right? Get back on track and maybe a little more movement today for all of us.


How are the newbies doing???? Come on back and let us know.


Have a GREAT day! 8~D

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