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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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500 calories seems so little. Do you feel hungry during the day. Thanks, George



I am not going to tell you that you don't get hungry, but if you research this diet (just google it) and read through the program it works and shows rapid results, which kept me going.


The HCG puts excess fat in to your bloodstream for you to burn so you are not actually living on 500 calories a day.

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Hi George, welcome!!! We'll help you as much as we can, we're a nice, non-judgmental group who have all had success (and struggles) on the hcg diet so we get it! lol


In regards to you question about hunger, if you load properly in the first two days, that goes a LONG way toward curbing the hunger. Also, if you don't do any cheats, you probably will not have much hunger. When I'd cheat, even a little, I'd wake the carb monster that lurks within me, not a good thing! When you're being good though, you will be shocked at how eventually people can eat your favorite things at the same table with you and you don't feel like attacking it (or them). For example, at Outback, awesome blossom was on the table and I happily sipped my iced tea with stevia as I waited for my salad which I had with a hint of balsamic vinegar and some lemon squeezed on it. I was perfectly fine as I'd already dropped a pants size and would be the only one that didn't feel 'gross' the next day. You will LOVE how much your stomach will shrink with this. Be SURE to take your measurements at the beginning, and then every week or two during the journey. Plan your food to some extent. For non-planners, this might just mean grilling a bunch of chicken breasts and keeping some in the freezer, or just having chopped veggies on hand. For me, I did better planning 3-4 days at a time. Kept me from cheating.

Ok, don't want to give you TMI, better in bite sized doses.

Again, welcome,



Ps. Block, I've missed you!!! What a wonderful surprise for your family to see Skinny Janet! I love it! Did you have a great time? Remember, nothing screams louder than success. I'd almost bet money that one of them will call you soon wanting to know how you did it. That's how I got many of my family members on board. Come back often!


Hugs to you Big, been thinking about you today :-)

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Hi Big,


I am biting the bullet and ordering from the place you gave me. I decided that I have until October to do this and I want to do this right. I have some questions ( will order the book you suggested) A bit confused on how the phases work. Any suggestions from anyone else I am all ears!

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Check your e mail and read through this thread, you will find lots of tips and ask questions. The gals and guys are great on here.

Welcome aboard!

Timing is key and make sure you have the time to set aside for this, especially the VLCD (very low calorie day)Phase

Good luck!

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Hi Girls, I started my first injection and my fisrt day

to load..:p I cant wait to get back to where I was.

25lbs thinner and felt a TON better.

Big, How are you doing? It takes a while.

I bought DH salad Spritzer is that legal though??

Block keep up the good work.

Happy and safe weekend to all,


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Hi Gang,

Thanks for all the nice thoughts.


I know that the spritzer I have has 2 carbs and 2 sugars per 10 squirt serving but I think since you are allowed melba rounds which have a minimal carb count also, I would substitute the spritzer for that. As far as the sugar, 2 is very low, much lower than a serving of fruit. Use it as a cautionary item, if he sees a stall or very little loss, stop it and see if that makes a difference. You have to decide for yourself what you can get by with and what you can't. I know at the beginning to eat a plain salad, without any dressing or the vinegar/stevia dressing, it was awful (Big Ranch dressing Fan). I would also note that for MEN, they lose faster and also burn what carbs they are eating at a higher rate, so a few carbs or sugars may not hinder his progress.


One of the gals, sorry can't remember who off hand, suggested blending in fruits herbs and/or veggies with ACV and stevia, that sounds good and wish I had done that.


Have a wonderful Sunday...we are looking at a high of 93 today! (No humidity here)

Yes, summer is here!


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How is it going Sheri? Hope you enjoyed the load days and are ready to tackle the VLCD.


I am pleading the 5th the for the 4th of July. I went to a BBQ where there were some older ladies who made some baked beans and a to die for mac/shrimp salad. They sure outdid themselves and I had *0* control on my portions size. So back to clean eating today and pushing the water. Have a heavy workload today and that helps.

Hope the rest of you fared better than me and everyone woke up with all 10 fingers!

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Wow, didn't realize I was gone from here for so long. I'm done with 2 weeks of P3, but this time I'm stabilizing around 3 pounds over LIW. I'm OK with that, since I'm still 50 pounds lighter than I was when I started all of this in February :)


Big, good to see you still here! I'm sorry about your cat - I'm an animal lover myself, and I have a 13 year old miniature poodle who isn't in the best of health these days. It's hard seeing them get old and their health failing.


Sheri, How's it going so far? I love doing this with my husband, it makes is so much easier for me! And we used the walden farms fat free calorie free dressings sometimes for salads. I know that they are really just a bunch of chemicals and probably not very good for us, but they weren't too bad tasting - creamy bacon ranch and the asian are my favs.


Janet, congrats on being the "skinny one!". Glad you had a good trip!


Liz, you poor thing, having to take another cruise :) And how much fun to go with your daughter! I hope you both have a wonderful time.


All you newbies, welcome, and feel free to ask questions. I'm always glad to help!

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I am on maintinence for the 4th week now after the HCG shots, and I feel fantastic. My knees have caused me so many problems from my being heavy. They do NOT bother me at all. i am in my sixties, and this was the best diet. If you do what they say, you will lose 1 to 2 lbs. a day with the shots. I will stay on maintinence now, until I return from our cruise in Sept. Then I will do another 23 shots so I can reach my goal weight. Good Luck to all who do this diet.

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Congrats on your weight loss, but I just had to mention HCG drops really cannot work orally. Your loss is due to the drastic cut in calories. You must have amazing willpower.


My daughter was on HCG shots, brand name Humatrope. It is waaaay expensive, several thousands of dollars a month, but covered by insurance for idopathic short stature. Without the shots she would have only been 4'7. We eventually got her to 4'10. She hated the shots at first, so I asked if there was an oral type. The endo. laughed and said the diet people would have you believe there is but taking the hormone orally means it is digested and never makes it to your blood stream. Shots were the only way to get it.

You are absolutley right !!!!! Shots are the only way, but mine only cost 695.00 for 40 days or 500.00 for 23, depending on how much you need to lose. The shots also put 1500 to 2000 calories into your body. Thats why you don't get hungry on 500 calories a day. I have lost 29 lbs. and am on maintinence now for 4 weeks. Still doing good.

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Now that I have your attention....I hope you are all having a good day.

Sheri, you must have done a good job loading and fluffing up them fat cells to get you going on VLCD. Hunger is a fact of life with ANY diet. The motivation for me, was seeing the results on the scale and the way my clothes were fitting. So what was a little hunger now and then. I will tell you one thing I did learn from HCG, was the difference between hunger and wanting to just eat. Now I look at that situation VERY differently now. What am I actually feeding, my body or my brain/emotions? Makes a big difference when you are done with this and keep that notion with you.


One pitfall, I did have the first round, was not having something to eat prepared, ready at hand...because when I realized that I was hungry, and I may add VERY HUNGRY...I wanted food now if not before. So have it on you or close by when the true hunger does start...because it is so easy to cheat and grab whatever is handy or pull into a drive through...well you get it. Do not take away from all your hard work for a fleeting moment or crisis. OK lecture done....for the time beings...LOL

Have a great tomorrow!

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Good Morning everyone,

Well DH and I are on day three.

DH down 5 and I am down 4...:p

I think he is having a little more difficulty then me

with hunger pains. He is hanging tough though.

Big thanks for the lecture.;) I always welcome

a lecture from you.

I want a digital scale can anyone recommend a

good one??

I went to buy one the other day and so many choices

with so many different features.. I walked out empty handed.

Have a great day,


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Sheri, you're doing great! Love those first few days of big losses, aren't they wonderful? Hope your hubby hangs in there with you, the hunger should get better quickly.


And I totally can't recommend a scale, especially mine. It seems to be varying a lot lately, but since I'm in P3, almost P4, I'm not worried right now.


Big, great advice about being prepared with food. I still cook up 5 or 6 chicken breasts on the grill at a time, they are always ready in the fridge. I throw them in my lunch and put them on a big salad and done (in P3 now)! I also usually make my salads up the night before so that I don't run out of time to make lunch in the mornings. We take our lunches every day to work - saves money, plus we know exactly what's in the food that we are eating. No surprise/hidden sugars to throw us off :)


Hope everyone is doing great and acheiving your health goals!

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Good Morning everyone,

Well DH and I are on day three.

DH down 5 and I am down 4...:p

I think he is having a little more difficulty then me

with hunger pains. He is hanging tough though.


Big thanks for the lecture.;) I always welcome

a lecture from you.


I want a digital scale can anyone recommend a

good one??

I went to buy one the other day and so many choices

with so many different features.. I walked out empty handed.

Have a great day,



I have a weight watchers scale that I got from Target for $26 on sale. It has served me well:eek: Lots of use as I still weight daily...setting the tone and all that stuff.


Way to go on the losses, that feels great doesn't it?


Jennifer how are you doing? Enjoying your summer being a slimmer version of your winter self? You and hubby did AWESOME. Should be the poster children for HCG.


OK...where are the rest of the clan and THE NEWBIES...speak up!

Have a great day...today and always.

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Helllllloooo Losers!!!

How is your day going?

Well, my dd, Hallie, has just started the diet with me. Would this be rd 4 for me? Losing track but I think that's it. Anyway, I pretty much relapsed and gained all of my little rd. 3 losses back. That's what happens when you eat like you're 15 with a 40+ yr old body I guess...

Plus, no bootcamp and no tennis (it's awfully hot), so why am I complaining? lol

Anyway, we loaded on Tuesday and Wednesday and today is our first vlc day. We decided to do this together as we're taking the cruise together and none of her little clothes are fitting right. Think the last cruise and 3 days of deluxe dining at Disney had anything to do with that?

This is an interesting journey when you take it with a 17 yr. old. I called my md and got it approved and she is shocked at how she isn't starving, even though she is existing on such a small amount of food.

I must say, I don't know if the shots worked better or the drops, but I do know that the first round worked best for me, and others that I've spoken with. I think the shots are much stronger, more pure hcg for one! But I'm happy doing the drops from this company because of the supplements I take with them. I just have to be good. All the time!!

Block, we just took our measurements. Amazing that even with the weight gains, it's still so much less than at the beginning...

So, I'm back girls, and I'll be posting because I need the support and besides, I just like you guys! lol

Great job Sheri!!! To you and your hubby!!! Hi Big, Hi Jif!


Ok, off to roast broccoli...



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Helllllloooo Losers!!!

How is your day going?

Well, my dd, Hallie, has just started the diet with me. Would this be rd 4 for me? Losing track but I think that's it. Anyway, I pretty much relapsed and gained all of my little rd. 3 losses back. That's what happens when you eat like you're 15 with a 40+ yr old body I guess...

Plus, no bootcamp and no tennis (it's awfully hot), so why am I complaining? lol

Anyway, we loaded on Tuesday and Wednesday and today is our first vlc day. We decided to do this together as we're taking the cruise together and none of her little clothes are fitting right. Think the last cruise and 3 days of deluxe dining at Disney had anything to do with that?

This is an interesting journey when you take it with a 17 yr. old. I called my md and got it approved and she is shocked at how she isn't starving, even though she is existing on such a small amount of food.

I must say, I don't know if the shots worked better or the drops, but I do know that the first round worked best for me, and others that I've spoken with. I think the shots are much stronger, more pure hcg for one! But I'm happy doing the drops from this company because of the supplements I take with them. I just have to be good. All the time!!

Block, we just took our measurements. Amazing that even with the weight gains, it's still so much less than at the beginning...

So, I'm back girls, and I'll be posting because I need the support and besides, I just like you guys! lol

Great job Sheri!!! To you and your hubby!!! Hi Big, Hi Jif!


Ok, off to roast broccoli...





WELCOME HOME! Now you just have to get that P4 down...for life:D

Were here for ya and pushing you along. Good luck to your daughter too:)

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I am starting this as soon as I get my order. I have read the book (more than once) and I have a question: are there any dressings/seasonings that anyone would reccommend?



THIS WAS "STOLEN" from Liz from a previous post.:D


Ok I did combine a little balsamic vinegar, some dijon mustard, and some lemon juice, plus cut up fresh herbs if I had them, and whisked all that together, put in fridge to solidify a bit, and thinned with water if needed. That was my favorite. Also did the fat free italian as it was allowed. Didn't love that one...

Also, some will take strawberries, puree them, add a little acid, like lemon juice and use that as dressing, I can't remember what else went in that one, sorry!


If you look on the labels of some fat free dressings, make sure they have no sugars in them...and that they are VERY low in calories (20 calories and under per serving) Also learn to use less than a regular serving, I found after awhile, I actually liked BARE NAKED salad.


Good Luck to you Bari and hope your drops come SOON...like yesterday:)

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