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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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OMG...that was HARD...I am not doing anymore B-day parties on this diet...I was good but only because my sister and DIL know I am dieting and both commended me on my willpower. They had BBQ sausage, meatballs, chips and dips and then 7 kinds of ice cream. If I have a gain tomorrow, it WILL BE from osmosis! The kiddies did have fun but what a price I to pay.

Hope that you all have a good weigh in Monday.

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OMG...that was HARD...I am not doing anymore B-day parties on this diet...I was good but only because my sister and DIL know I am dieting and both commended me on my willpower. They had BBQ sausage, meatballs, chips and dips and then 7 kinds of ice cream. If I have a gain tomorrow, it WILL BE from osmosis! The kiddies did have fun but what a price I to pay.

Hope that you all have a good weigh in Monday.


I'm in the last hours of P2...tomorrow morning is P3 and company from Belgium....OMG....someone help me....I am going to add a little fat right of the bat because Pascale cooks with olive oil and there's just no getting around it. I actually had a 1/2 pound gain this morning still on Phase 2....Is tomorrow my drop dead weight or was the last shot day? Confused there.


How is evereyone else doing? Medi.....P3 still treating you good?


AZ....Did you start P4 and Boot Camp?

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Hello ladies.... new to your thread....... I have been researching the hcg diet for awhile and am just wondering what brand and where do you buy your drops if you do the drops. I have looked into the injections and am thinking I may try the drops for my first round, see how it works out. Do any of you do the injections? If so where do you get them?

Thanks, Patricia

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Big, I have to say cheese is the thing that I missed the most also.


My two load days are over. I didn't even enjoy them much. I was working this weekend and just today I probably walked 5 miles. I had a loaded baked potato for my dinner. What they call loaded was only a tiny spot of cheese, butter, sour cream, bacon bits and chives. I had two eggs and turkey sausage for breakfast. Saturday I had a chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravey with squash casserole and made two meals out of it. That was it. I stayed at my 2.5 pound gain all through phase 3, but we will see in the morning what my load days did to me.


My daughter started with me. She told me what she had bought at the grocery store and I am so proud of her. She DOES NOT eat half of the stuff on the list. I will have to talk her into having any fruit at all. She never even ate fruit baby food! She spit it out!


Having a glass of skim milk before bed. I will so miss milk!


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Hello ladies.... new to your thread....... I have been researching the hcg diet for awhile and am just wondering what brand and where do you buy your drops if you do the drops. I have looked into the injections and am thinking I may try the drops for my first round, see how it works out. Do any of you do the injections? If so where do you get them?

Thanks, Patricia


Welcome Wests5....I can't help you out with the drops because I 've done the injections. I actually ordered them off of the internet and mixed myself. Big has a real reliable source for drops. I'm not sure if you can have them shipped thru the mail to Michigan or not. Where in Michigan are you from?


Good luck whichever way you decide to go.

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Big' date=' I have to say cheese is the thing that I missed the most also.[/size']


My two load days are over. I didn't even enjoy them much. I was working this weekend and just today I probably walked 5 miles. I had a loaded baked potato for my dinner. What they call loaded was only a tiny spot of cheese, butter, sour cream, bacon bits and chives. I had two eggs and turkey sausage for breakfast. Saturday I had a chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravey with squash casserole and made two meals out of it. That was it. I stayed at my 2.5 pound gain all through phase 3, but we will see in the morning what my load days did to me.


My daughter started with me. She told me what she had bought at the grocery store and I am so proud of her. She DOES NOT eat half of the stuff on the list. I will have to talk her into having any fruit at all. She never even ate fruit baby food! She spit it out!


Having a glass of skim milk before bed. I will so miss milk!



Medi, Boy did P3 really go quick for you. I barely knew you were on it and now you're ready for another P2...Good luck with that. Tomorrow is 1st day of P3 for me and I think I will have some yogurt in the a.m. I can hardley wait...Salad for lunch with CHEESE and a little lofat dressing...Scared to death as I had a little gain this morning and now tomorrow I have to eat more...Yikes....


Have a fabulous week everyone and I'll talk to you soon.

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Robo......where do you get your injections from? I was looking at a site all day chemist....but am unsure about ordering online. I am a nurse......so not worried about the mixing....just the ordering of the product. Thanks!



Welcome wests5! Let me know if you decide on the drops and I can get you some sites to order from. Good luck and hope to see you on this thread! Oh and I am a nurse too...what type do you do?


UGGGG...up 2 ounces and after I was so good yesterday...but today is another day and I may not have drank enough water yesterday.


ROBO...last day weight is the day that you took the last shot or drops. You will be OK!!!!!! Allow yourself a 2 pound gain in P3 and then if you go over that there are options (steak day) Gradually add the allowable foods in smaller portions, and see what happens.


Medical...I hope round two goes good for you and your daughter! It is nice to have someone to do this with!


ARMY and AZ...speak up girls! :p Tell us all about it...HCG minds want to know:)

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Hi Losers,

Big wow you are really a losers.. ;) You are doing so good.

Great job with resisting all that yucky stuff at the party.

Medi good luck with your next round.

Army how you doing?

Robo Ph 3 you can do it. Its scary that's why I haven't added

alot back in. Scared to gain. First time I have ever maintained.

I am suppose to be in Ph 4 but still don't have Ph 3 down. I did

have oatmeal two mornings that was GOOD. What I LOVE in Ph

3 is Greek yogurt(Fage full fat) with vanilla cream stevia and some

berries YUMMO. You will do great just weight every day

and stay within range.

Have a great day losers

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Welcome West, I am a Registered Nurse also. I got my drops from HCG1234 dot com. I bought 4 two ounce bottles for an incredible 109 during a summer sale! They shipped really fast too. It is working for me!


My P3 was 4 weeks! Seems like a long time to me. I was up 1 pound this morning from load days.


I found the flavored stevia today! I bought chocolate, hazelnut, vanilla cream and lemon. LOVE the lemon which I am enjoying now.


Can't wait to report my losses this round! :D

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Welcome West' date=' I am a Registered Nurse also. I got my drops from HCG1234 dot com. I bought 4 two ounce bottles for an incredible 109 during a summer sale! They shipped really fast too. It is working for me![/size']


My P3 was 4 weeks! Seems like a long time to me. I was up 1 pound this morning from load days.


I found the flavored stevia today! I bought chocolate, hazelnut, vanilla cream and lemon. LOVE the lemon which I am enjoying now.


Can't wait to report my losses this round! :D





Good Morning Losers,

Medi lemon sounds wonderful I will have to try. I have the rest

of the flavors. I even have Stevia clear. After I ran out of vanilla I add

vanilla extract to my stevia clear.

Cant wait to hear all about your losses.:D

DH and I are hanging right there with in our 2lbs.

Losers where are ya all??

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hello...little bit of a stall...hoping tomorrow it will break through.

Medical...I am awaiting to hear how the losses go for you this second round.


AZ..you two stay on or under that 2 pound deal...I actually allowed myself 3 because it usually flucuated that much day to day...up and then down. But it did remind me to be aware of what I was eating.


ARMY...pipe in and hang in there girl...you have a cruise right around the corner.

Who else has one coming soon? Yes, I am too lazy to read back through:) I am 65 days out.

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Sorry it's taken me a week and a half after my cruise to get back in touch. Was on Caribbean Princess, Canada/NE, 9/10-17.


You may remember my goal was to only gain 3 lbs, to not "eat with my eyes", and to not eat anything that didn't taste wonderful just because it was on my plate.


I think I did quite well! Did 2 zumba classes, walked the promenade, took the stairs (was on deck 14 forward so LOTS of walking and stairs!!). When we got home, I wasn't exactly "good" as we had a pizza, went to a lots-to-eat cocktail party gala for a hospital opening, a family wedding (dinner, 3 pieces of cake, 2 sundaes between the both of us!), and also salads for lunch at work and moderate dinners when not at the functions.


Now the big reveal: one week after returning, I was only up 2 pounds!! It was a little higher than 3 when I returned but just being somewhat "good" once I returned has paid off. The exercise level is way down without all those stairs but (mostly!) the eating level is down too.


As another reminder: I'm 55 y/o; have done 2 courses of shots (40 days each) to lose the majority of weight 2 years ago; did 20 days shots beginning this past mid-July and lost 19 (some was a bit of re-gain as I wasn't as diligent as I needed to be.


Though I'm at the weight my practitioner said was a weight I could maintain, I'm tempted to use the rest of the HCG for an additional 20 days. It's probably not as potent (and I hate to waste it!) but I'm thinking another 10 pounds gone would sure be fun. I'll let you know what I decide.


Keep after it folks!! Being a weight loser is what it's about but more than that: it's finding out that losing the "loser" attitude, which keeps the weight on, is what will make us a weight loser and therefore, we become the real winner that was there all along. We can't depend on HCG to keep the pounds off--consider it a losing partner on the journey of becoming a winner.

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Good morning ladies, getting back on track!


Big I am focused.


Gotta cruise again, very well said!


Wishing everyone a losing day!


:Dgood to hear that ARMY...me too...down .7 this a.m. so off to work and enjoy another beautiful Montana day.


Gotta cruise, that is great news! I think we can splurge every so often and then IF we come back and clean up the eating that re-set metabolism does kick in and get us back down to that set point.


I am going to try and kick up the activity today to get over this hump weight that I struggle with.

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Good morning ladies,


It is my belief that the two pounds we all seem to gain after stopping the drops and VLCD is bulk and fluid in the intestines. That same drop is what we quickly see when we start the VLCD. I am sure it is a little bit different for everyone, sometimes being more and sometimes less.


I am very hungry today. :( I am having a harder time being excited about this round. Why is that? Maybe when I see the first pounds past my 'load gain' come off I will feel better. I just keep reminding myself how good I felt after a few days on it, the energy I felt and how the hunger went away. I expect to see some results by the weekend.


Until then..........one hour at a time.

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Hello ladies.... new to your thread....... I have been researching the hcg diet for awhile and am just wondering what brand and where do you buy your drops if you do the drops. I have looked into the injections and am thinking I may try the drops for my first round, see how it works out. Do any of you do the injections? If so where do you get them?

Thanks, Patricia


Hi Wests5,


I'm new to this as well. I actually started with drops and a nutritionist last Friday. As of this morning, I am down 8 pounds. The only thing that is hard for me is giving up the Diet Coke as I am addicted. I don't drink coffee or tea, so the nutritionist has asked that I drink only water for Phase I. I'm used to the limited food now and to tell the truth, even though my chubby mind still thinks I'm hungry, my stomach is not convinced. It seems like alot of food to try to eat for lunch and dinner. Don't get me wrong, I would love chocolate or something sweet, but seeing the weight loss is so sweet in its own.


I have to thank everyone on this thread for being an inspiration. I haven't read the whole thread, but I am bit by bit and I appreciate the fact that you have posted your stories online. It's nice to know that I'm not alone in this weight loss experience.



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SoCaL....I love to drink root beer...so I have changed over to seltzer or club soda (low sodium) and add the flavored stevia drops. Not the same but very passable for die hard soda drinkers. Good luck on your journey and stay with us for ideas and support.


I am down .9 this morning, I hope to get down that 20# but really need to evaluate the load weight, to include that? I think not...go from the weight I started at before load days and try to get 20# off that. So using that formula, I have lost the load weight and 10#. I have but 8 more days(I only do 23 day rounds) of VLCD, more if I can hang on...so maybe 20# is a bit unrealistic. Like Medical...I hate/love load days. The gains are scary! Even tho they come off, but I do understand the purpose and it is what makes us get through the first week.


Good luck on that scale this morning girls and hang tight!

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I was up .5 this a.m. no idea why...but I am also very weak and tired today. Staying on strict protocol and hope that tomorrow brings me a loss.

Yesterday, I was starving so I did gave 1 cup of cukes extra...I wouldn't think that is it as I was still at 500 calories. :~(

Next Thursday I go to P3...I can't wait!


Hope you are all having a great week-end...I have yard work and domestic goddess work for the entire week-end planned...oh yea (insert sarcasm)

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Last night I sat down and read pretty much the entire thread. I think it's so great that you have all formed such relationships. Shoot, I even felt like I knew some of you as I followed the thread.


I did learn something from everyone...I'm apparently not drinking enough water, so starting this morning, I'm really started drinking it non-stop. So much in fact, that I think I am making fish look dehydrated. LOL.


Here's a question for you pros...When can I start to bring Diet Coke back into the picture? I don't miss food or even chocolate. I miss my Diet Coke.


Big Horn, in the meantime, you find that Stevia works well to curb the soda cravings? I will have to check into this.


Thank you for being such a great group of losers. I'm learning alot from you!!!


And, to whoever first mentioned taco meat in a lettuce wrap, as soon as I hit my second goal, which should be by Wednesday, I am sure to make that my reward!!! I'm so excited!!!!



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Last night I sat down and read pretty much the entire thread. I think it's so great that you have all formed such relationships. Shoot, I even felt like I knew some of you as I followed the thread.


I did learn something from everyone...I'm apparently not drinking enough water, so starting this morning, I'm really started drinking it non-stop. So much in fact, that I think I am making fish look dehydrated. LOL.


Here's a question for you pros...When can I start to bring Diet Coke back into the picture? I don't miss food or even chocolate. I miss my Diet Coke.


Big Horn, in the meantime, you find that Stevia works well to curb the soda cravings? I will have to check into this.


Thank you for being such a great group of losers. I'm learning alot from you!!!


And, to whoever first mentioned taco meat in a lettuce wrap, as soon as I hit my second goal, which should be by Wednesday, I am sure to make that my reward!!! I'm so excited!!!!




:)way to go for reading through! The stevia in club soda (low sodium) or seltzer works for me, not that I was so addicted to the pop but helps me feel full when water doesn't do it. I also used pop to satisfy my sweet tooth. I added mandarin orange drops today in seltzer.


As far as bringing diet coke back into your life, that is a personal choice (after P3 I would think) but the information out there suggests that the artificial sweeteners really mess with the body. Until they start using stevia or another total plant sweetener, I will probably only drink a couple of cans a week of the diet root beer.


Good luck and stay with us...everyone here has been just wonderful!:D

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OK...down .9, no idea why I am bouncing up and down this round. Frustrating though, but knowing in the end I will be close to goal, keeps me on track when I feel like giving in. I just keep saying to myself...push yourself through and generally the feeling to cheat goes away. I have realized how MANY food commercials there are on TV...gooey, cheesy, sweet ones...LOL


Hope that everyone has a wonderful Sunday, will be a little cool here and actually next week they are forecasting snow, hopefully just in the mountains, but fall IS here!

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SoCal NO DIET COKE! I read in one of the books no pop. Be careful only drink 1/2 of your body weight in water otherwise you dilute vitamins, minerals and protein. I was drinking so much and that is what I was told yesterday, only half of your body weight.


Big I ordered root beer still hasn't come I actually just spent a fortune on stevia! I think we should all buy stock in it.


I am plugging along we leave in two weeks. Nervous I will become miss pigster, oink oink.


Where is the rest of the crew?

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