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Cruise 'Snobs'


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No one said ALL..or even MOST senior citizens are rude. However there is a small but vocal portion of the seasoned citizen group, that consider themselves naturally entitled by their age to not follow the normal traditions of politeness and decorum in group settings; and quite frankly most of them are females.


I experienced that on one 8 nite cruise imparticularly...cutting in line, loud inappropriate complaining..basically the same self centered behavior the above poster has accused their critics of.


I always stay polite; bite my tongue and "respect my elders" (and hey I'm in my 50's)....but I don't appreciate it, and the criticism of their behavior on this forum is justified.





My point was that nearly all of them were that way when they were younger and the ones complaining at the seniors will be complaining when they are seniors.Some people use age to explain my DMIL sometimes rude behavior but by DW and her siblings say she was always that way.I'm in my fifties my MIL is 82


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Have to chime in here. I am an old bat who rides a scooter.

I travel alone since my husband passed away. Rudeness to me is people

who rush in front of me to get into an elevator knowing I am trying to get in also.


Have humorous incident to tell though. My husband and I were seated at a

table with 6 German tourists. They spoke German only. They hated America,

hated the ship, hated the food and crew. They made fun of my husband

who was a big guy with long hair. They pittied me because of him.

There are two forms of German, the formal German and the slang version

which they were talking. At the end of the evening as we were leaving

I spoke to them in my best formal German and said I hoped they are

enjoying the cruise and America. They all turned white as sheets and

then very red in the face.


Sometimes you can use scarcasm to deal with rude people.


Great story:)


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Great story:)



I agree! I did that with some French folks once. It felt pretty darn good. :)


I always assume that other people know English. If you are being rude to people or talking about them in front of them, you deserve whatever you get in response.

Edited by bluegirlum
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Have to chime in here. I am an old bat who rides a scooter.

I travel alone since my husband passed away. Rudeness to me is people

who rush in front of me to get into an elevator knowing I am trying to get in also.


Have humorous incident to tell though. My husband and I were seated at a

table with 6 German tourists. They spoke German only. They hated America,

hated the ship, hated the food and crew. They made fun of my husband

who was a big guy with long hair. They pittied me because of him.

There are two forms of German, the formal German and the slang version

which they were talking. At the end of the evening as we were leaving

I spoke to them in my best formal German and said I hoped they are

enjoying the cruise and America. They all turned white as sheets and

then very red in the face.


Sometimes you can use scarcasm to deal with rude people.


I understand. Rudeness to me is in the form of people who rush by my Mom, age 78, as fast as they can, and as close to her as they can, and then they cut in front of her. She tries to stay out of their way, but some people just HAVE to get "there" a whole 30 seconds early. :mad: It seems to happen an awful lot, especially in the Windjammer.


Older folks sometimes don't have great balance. It would be great if folks would just be considerate.

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So you and your little group decided to lump all southerners into one group? What this person did was wrong but your making comments about an entire segment of people out loud is just as wrong. Pot meet kettle. You're no better than the person that you described.:rolleyes:


Cruisingator2: Ummm, we were hanging out with Comedians..."Making comments about an entire segment of people out loud" is their JOB!!! We have many Southern (by the Grace of God) friends (who just love to tease us about being "Damned Yankees" :rolleyes:). I do not think any of them would say DH and I are anti-Southern!!!


Actually I did not believe that story.Seemed to be a bunch of baloney.These stories of obnoxious non smokers always decribe them as overweight,drenched in perfume,and waving hands frantically.The way the bartender was addressed in her tale was uncommon in the fifties let alone today.:cj


Captain Jake: How nice of you to call me a liar! Frankly, I could care less whether YOU believe me or not! My DH, the Comedians, our friend, and God witnessed this woman and her behavior. Believe what you want!


<Sigh> I guess rudeness isn't unique to cruise ships. ;)

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So you and your little group decided to lump all southerners into one group? What this person did was wrong but your making comments about an entire segment of people out loud is just as wrong. Pot meet kettle. You're no better than the person that you described.:rolleyes:


Cruisingator2: Ummm, we were hanging out with Comedians..."Making comments about an entire segment of people out loud" is their JOB!!! We have many Southern (by the Grace of God) friends (who just love to tease us about being "Damned Yankees" :rolleyes:). I do not think any of them would say DH and I are anti-Southern!!!


Actually I did not believe that story.Seemed to be a bunch of baloney.These stories of obnoxious non smokers always decribe them as overweight,drenched in perfume,and waving hands frantically.The way the bartender was addressed in her tale was uncommon in the fifties let alone today.:cj


Captain Jake: How nice of you to call me a liar! Frankly, I could care less whether YOU believe me or not! My DH, the Comedians, our friend, and God witnessed this woman and her behavior. Believe what you want!


<Sigh> I guess rudeness isn't unique to cruise ships. ;)


Just cause its their job does not mean its not rude.Rude comics suck.If I witness their alleged vile behavior I would have filed a complaint.BTW some of my best friends are from PA and some are actually from Philly home of the most obnoxious fans in all sports(and they are proud of it,but heck they are still my friends)



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So you and your little group decided to lump all southerners into one group? What this person did was wrong but your making comments about an entire segment of people out loud is just as wrong. Pot meet kettle. You're no better than the person that you described.:rolleyes:


Cruisingator2: Ummm, we were hanging out with Comedians..."Making comments about an entire segment of people out loud" is their JOB!!! We have many Southern (by the Grace of God) friends (who just love to tease us about being "Damned Yankees" :rolleyes:). I do not think any of them would say DH and I are anti-Southern!!!


Actually I did not believe that story.Seemed to be a bunch of baloney.These stories of obnoxious non smokers always decribe them as overweight,drenched in perfume,and waving hands frantically.The way the bartender was addressed in her tale was uncommon in the fifties let alone today.:cj


Captain Jake: How nice of you to call me a liar! Frankly, I could care less whether YOU believe me or not! My DH, the Comedians, our friend, and God witnessed this woman and her behavior. Believe what you want!


<Sigh> I guess rudeness isn't unique to cruise ships. ;)


Maybe just like your friends these 2 guys are Comedians so maybe it's also their job to mock rude behavior.

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So you and your little group decided to lump all southerners into one group? What this person did was wrong but your making comments about an entire segment of people out loud is just as wrong. Pot meet kettle. You're no better than the person that you described.:rolleyes:


Cruisingator2: Ummm, we were hanging out with Comedians..."Making comments about an entire segment of people out loud" is their JOB!!! We have many Southern (by the Grace of God) friends (who just love to tease us about being "Damned Yankees" :rolleyes:). I do not think any of them would say DH and I are anti-Southern!!!


A comic doing HIS or HER job in a setting where would expect this type of comment is one thing but to do it in the setting that you described is another. Like I said, pot meet kettle. You and and your little group lowered yourself to the other persons standards.


<Sigh> I guess rudeness isn't unique to cruise ships. ;)


Yes and that has been shown right here on CC.

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I am a fun loving old bat. I cant run into someone

cause they will sue me. I have a big horn on my

scooter so I can scare them if they are in my way.


Love that horn! Everyone who came down the hallway when you were parked just had to sound it. It was a happy sound!

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I guess I manage to avoid these situations somehow. My partner and I are in our early 20's and we've done two cruises. I haven't had any issue with rude young poeple or rude old people on our cruise. I think there was one or two people who skipped in line but that doesn't bother me, it's not the end of the world. Also to avoid any nasty remarks me and my partner(both males) don't hold hands on the boat or show any affection in public while on the boat, by doing so we're avoiding a potential nasty situation. If we see some people that look snoby in the windjammer we simply keep going and find a seat somewhere else, maybe in a more quiet location or where the people are laughing and having a great time.

I am sorry that you feel you need withhold your affections in public.

Marriage, LOVE, sharing a kiss or holding hands in public is for all humans.


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We have encountered rudeness onboard but then again, DH and I work in industries where we literally encounter those types of people EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!


It sucks when we come across it while on vacation but them's the breaks and I guess we've built up a tolerance to it or maybe we are both such a couple of smartasses that we've built up an arsenal of witty comebacks for those situations...


But I have to say that the rudest encounter we have had onboard was while sitting in the solarium and a Blue Hair started dragging a lounger across the deck... the lounger got caught on my DH's foot (he's tall so his feet tend to hang over the edge a bit)... she literally kept pulling on her lounger (and subsequently, DH's foot) until he yelled quite loudly, "OUCH, DAMMIT B**** my foot's not coming with you"...


She actually had the nerve to be offended, offered NO apology... rolled her eyes, huffed and puffed and acted all irritated by the incident...


The least she could have done was offered to buy him a drink after trying to take off his foot with her stupid lounger... :rolleyes:

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We have been on 6 cruises and the only behaviors I have encountered involved the elevators, People with hover round type things and strollers pulling on the elevator no mater how many people were already on it, and rolling over our feet or hitting our legs.... 99 % were great and fun to talk with from multi cultural backgrounds. Don't let this episode affect your opinion of cruising it's great and we love it :)

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she literally kept pulling on her lounger (and subsequently, DH's foot) until he yelled quite loudly, "OUCH, DAMMIT B**** my foot's not coming with you"...




The least she could have done was offered to buy him a drink after trying to take off his foot with her stupid lounger... :rolleyes:



Exactly. Especially since he called her a "B***H," because under the circumstances he deserved at LEAST that (she should've offered to pay for a portion of his cruise).


I mean, it would've made no sense at all for your husband to have gotten off his lazy a** and offered to help the struggling old broad get her lounger....you're on vacation, after all.


The nerve of some people....she certainly got off easy!:rolleyes:

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Exactly. Especially since he called her a "B***H," because under the circumstances he deserved at LEAST that (she should've offered to pay for a portion of his cruise).


I mean, it would've made no sense at all for your husband to have gotten off his lazy a** and offered to help the struggling old broad get her lounger....you're on vacation, after all.


The nerve of some people....she certainly got off easy!:rolleyes:


Yeah...wow. I don't think I'd be bragging about that.

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We have encountered rudeness onboard but then again, DH and I work in industries where we literally encounter those types of people EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!


It sucks when we come across it while on vacation but them's the breaks and I guess we've built up a tolerance to it or maybe we are both such a couple of smartasses that we've built up an arsenal of witty comebacks for those situations...


But I have to say that the rudest encounter we have had onboard was while sitting in the solarium and a Blue Hair started dragging a lounger across the deck... the lounger got caught on my DH's foot (he's tall so his feet tend to hang over the edge a bit)... she literally kept pulling on her lounger (and subsequently, DH's foot) until he yelled quite loudly, "OUCH, DAMMIT B**** my foot's not coming with you"...


She actually had the nerve to be offended, offered NO apology... rolled her eyes, huffed and puffed and acted all irritated by the incident...


The least she could have done was offered to buy him a drink after trying to take off his foot with her stupid lounger... :rolleyes:

Please excuse my ignorance as I am 82 and have been called a lot of things in my life, but exactly what is a bluehair? I wouldn't want to leave this life not knowing.
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Please excuse my ignorance as I am 82 and have been called a lot of things in my life, but exactly what is a bluehair? I wouldn't want to leave this life not knowing.


its an old term ,which I would never use,from the days when female seniors used a rinse that left a blue tint on their hair


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We have encountered rudeness onboard but then again, DH and I work in industries where we literally encounter those types of people EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!


It sucks when we come across it while on vacation but them's the breaks and I guess we've built up a tolerance to it or maybe we are both such a couple of smartasses that we've built up an arsenal of witty comebacks for those situations...


But I have to say that the rudest encounter we have had onboard was while sitting in the solarium and a Blue Hair started dragging a lounger across the deck... the lounger got caught on my DH's foot (he's tall so his feet tend to hang over the edge a bit)... she literally kept pulling on her lounger (and subsequently, DH's foot) until he yelled quite loudly, "OUCH, DAMMIT B**** my foot's not coming with you"...


She actually had the nerve to be offended, offered NO apology... rolled her eyes, huffed and puffed and acted all irritated by the incident...


The least she could have done was offered to buy him a drink after trying to take off his foot with her stupid lounger... :rolleyes:


I honestly believe you are joking.You are aren't you? I would not of hesitated to help the lady,as my father would have.It's a trait that I passed on to my children also.They are helpful to others too and would never speak to their elders in such a way


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If you ever feel like that stick of TNT, remember you are on a foreign flagged ship in international waters. The ships personel can and will take action against you that would not happen in the US and without recourse since the incident will be recorded.

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We have encountered rudeness onboard but then again, DH and I work in industries where we literally encounter those types of people EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!


It sucks when we come across it while on vacation but them's the breaks and I guess we've built up a tolerance to it or maybe we are both such a couple of smartasses that we've built up an arsenal of witty comebacks for those situations...


But I have to say that the rudest encounter we have had onboard was while sitting in the solarium and a Blue Hair started dragging a lounger across the deck... the lounger got caught on my DH's foot (he's tall so his feet tend to hang over the edge a bit)... she literally kept pulling on her lounger (and subsequently, DH's foot) until he yelled quite loudly, "OUCH, DAMMIT B**** my foot's not coming with you"...


She actually had the nerve to be offended, offered NO apology... rolled her eyes, huffed and puffed and acted all irritated by the incident...


The least she could have done was offered to buy him a drink after trying to take off his foot with her stupid lounger... :rolleyes:

Never occurred to your DH that all he had to do was move his foot? I know being on vacation makes people not want to do anything strenuous, but....

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