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Cruise 'Snobs'


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My first cruise was on Ocean Village (probably the least snobbiest of all cruise ships apart from Thomsons).


There was a British woman on day one in Barbados who was probably lates 60's/early 70's who went to the pool bar to make a complaint.


What was her complaint ?


"It's too hot up here on deck !!!!!"


"Why are there no parasols"?


"It's ridiculous to expect people to put up with temperatures like this" !!!!!


"What are you going to do about it" ?




Silly Cow


3 days later I held a door open for her, she walked through without saying a word.


"Oh THANK YOU" !!!! I said to her sarcastically


"RESPECT YOUR ELDERS"!!!!!! She shouted back in my face.


As I say - SILLY COW !




You should have told the "Silly Cow" if she wanted respect she should go to India and "MOO" *LOL*

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My first cruise was on Ocean Village (probably the least snobbiest of all cruise ships apart from Thomsons).


There was a British woman on day one in Barbados who was probably lates 60's/early 70's who went to the pool bar to make a complaint.


What was her complaint ?


"It's too hot up here on deck !!!!!"


"Why are there no parasols"?


"It's ridiculous to expect people to put up with temperatures like this" !!!!!


"What are you going to do about it" ?




Silly Cow


3 days later I held a door open for her, she walked through without saying a word.


"Oh THANK YOU" !!!! I said to her sarcastically


"RESPECT YOUR ELDERS"!!!!!! She shouted back in my face.


As I say - SILLY COW !

Maybe you should of listened to her, know why? Someday you will be old & crabby too.
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On our Indy cruise over the weekend we experienced two incidents of rudeness: On one occasion we went to the MDR for breakfast and were seated with an older couple who didn't speak to us at all (to be honest, they didn't even speak to each other, so I'm sure they're a barrel of fun on holiday!). The only time they made conversation was when I asked if they were going on to the France portion of the cruise later in the week, and I was informed that they were not, and that it was the first time they had cruised "on THIS ship." Whatever.


The second time was when we were queueing to get back on the ship and there was a crew member bringing his family on board. There were quite a few family members so it took a few minutes and we had to wait. The woman in front of us tut-tutted about how he was holding up the queue and how it was disgusting that we were all being made to wait to get back on the ship because this crew member insisted on bringing his family on board (who he probably hadn't seen for quite some time). Once we got on the ship we got in a lift and she came running, saying "hold the lift." We let the doors shut on her. *shrug*


Love it. She probably would have closed the door on you. Good for you..

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She was wrong. You were just as bad. The ship employees insubordinate.


Wow. Sorry, but you are totally out of line. When someone becomes intentionally confrontational and is in the wrong, good people should stand their ground.


Your defense of such behavior is unconscionable.

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When traveling with my parents (mid 80's), we ask for a table of 4, by ourselves, for breakfast and lunch in the MDR (and try to get a small table for dinner). It's not because my parents are snobs, but rather because my father cannot hear that well (but doesn't need a hearing aide, LOL). He can follow a conversation in a small setting, but gets lost if there are many people -at a table, especially if there is more than one conversation going on. Sometimes you have to cut the older people a little slack. Maybe they are not talking to you because they really aren't hearing you that well. Even with hearing aids, there can be a problem (as it magnifies all of the noise). Working with older people I realize there are those who can be very disagreeable or feel "entitled" (the Greatest Generation label has gone to some of their heads). Sometimes meds can cause them to be cranky too. Just be pleasant, do your own thing, and realize it's "their" problem, not yours. If they think they're superior it does not make it so. Shucks, there are still those who belong to the flat earth society-doesn't make the earth flat.

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When traveling with my parents (mid 80's), we ask for a table of 4, by ourselves, for breakfast and lunch in the MDR (and try to get a small table for dinner). It's not because my parents are snobs, but rather because my father cannot hear that well (but doesn't need a hearing aide, LOL). He can follow a conversation in a small setting, but gets lost if there are many people -at a table, especially if there is more than one conversation going on. Sometimes you have to cut the older people a little slack. Maybe they are not talking to you because they really aren't hearing you that well. Even with hearing aids, there can be a problem (as it magnifies all of the noise). Working with older people I realize there are those who can be very disagreeable or feel "entitled" (the Greatest Generation label has gone to some of their heads). Sometimes meds can cause them to be cranky too. Just be pleasant, do your own thing, and realize it's "their" problem, not yours. If they think they're superior it does not make it so. Shucks, there are still those who belong to the flat earth society-doesn't make the earth flat.



Excellent points...I can imagine that if someone is hard of hearing they may be embarrassed about it and avoid conversations because of it.


But of course there will be those that will jump to conclusions and immediately think them rude for not acknowledging the presence of others. I'm not sure where it is written that if you sit at a table it is imperative that tablesmates have conversations with one another.

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I cannot believe what I have read on this thread. I am 67 yrs old and am certainly not a blue hair and I resent anyone that calls other ladies that. My Mom, at age 93 when she passed away, always taught me to respect my elders and if someone is over the age of 67 I will respect them no matter how rude they are. There are some that cannot move as fast as you, or cannot hear as good as you, or cannot speak as good as you. The older people in scooters or wheelchairs I admire for still cruising. My sister , who is 15 yrs older than me, and I took my Mom on a cruise to

Alaska when she was 92 which was 10 yrs ago. We would push her in a wheelchair because she could not walk very well and we never had rude people trying to cut in front of us or talking down to my Mom. She was the most gracious lady I have ever known and she taught me a lot about being old and being respectful. If you are younger than me and want to be rude and disrespectful then I will let you know you are. Older people have a right to cruise just as much as kids, teenagers, young adults and middle age people do. My DH and his "blue haired which is really white" wife cruise a lot!!!

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Maybe you should of listened to her, know why? Someday you will be old & crabby too.


Sorry, don't buy that at all. I, for one, am sick of old crabby people........life is too short (esp. for them!!:o) so I suggest continuing to use good manners and be polite even when it's a struggle. BTW, I'm 54.....not old but old enough to observe the sense of entitlement that so many of my elders exhibit, including my own mother.:rolleyes:

Edited by alwayshappytocruise
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It's none of their business what I want to eat, or how old I am, or why I think i deserve to cruise, being only "lower middle class, what, what, what...."


Oh no, the Bucket Woman has taken up cruising;)

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My wife got threatened by a group ( actually a mob) of former Cuban nationals on NCL...we had picked up 6 "Cubans" at sea, and the Coast Guard came to take them to Miami..in foul weather, in a lovely cutter. Her brother is a CG Officer....she was watching the Coast Guard and then was accosted by about 40 ( out of 300 or so ) people who were watching the exchange! They were booing, she voiced TO ME her disapporoval at booing these brave men and women who serve...these irate folks heard her and started to encircle us....


This was 18 months ago...there was no security and it was ugly.

The crowd was chanting 'F the Coast Guard...SCr%%...America" and then asking my wife if she thought her "friends" at the CG would save her a@@ if they threw her overboard.


We exited stage right...


But , other than that, n oone has ever been rude to us on a cruise..passengers, anyway ( except drunken bozos in the casino, but that is part of the fun!)

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My wife got threatened by a group ( actually a mob) of former Cuban nationals on NCL...we had picked up 6 "Cubans" at sea, and the Coast Guard came to take them to Miami..in foul weather, in a lovely cutter. Her brother is a CG Officer....she was watching the Coast Guard and then was accosted by about 40 ( out of 300 or so ) people who were watching the exchange! They were booing, she voiced TO ME her disapporoval at booing these brave men and women who serve...these irate folks heard her and started to encircle us....


This was 18 months ago...there was no security and it was ugly.

The crowd was chanting 'F the Coast Guard...SCr%%...America" and then asking my wife if she thought her "friends" at the CG would save her a@@ if they threw her overboard.


We exited stage right...


But , other than that, n oone has ever been rude to us on a cruise..passengers, anyway ( except drunken bozos in the casino, but that is part of the fun!)



Good Lord...did NCL security do anything about that mob scene?


And as an aside I always love hearing stories about people, who couldn't wait to get to this country, trashing it.:rolleyes: I imagine if they were adrift at sea they would love to see our Coast guard.

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Rudeness comes in all ages:


We were on one cruise were we went and put jeans on after dinner on a formal night. A lady who was quite a bit older than I (I am 43) came up to me and asked if I knew it was formal night. I replied that I did and that I already had dinner and decided to change. She proceeded to tell me that I was be rude by not staying in my formal clothes.

I wonder if that "lady" posts on CC?

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Rudeness comes in all ages:


We were on one cruise were we went and put jeans on after dinner on a formal night. A lady who was quite a bit older than I (I am 43) came up to me and asked if I knew it was formal night. I replied that I did and that I already had dinner and decided to change. She proceeded to tell me that I was be rude by not staying in my formal clothes.

I wonder if that "lady" posts on CC? Sounds like a member of the clothes police unit.

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I wonder if that "lady" posts on CC? Sounds like a member of the clothes police unit.



Probably not a member here if I had to guess..only a small portion of cruisers even know this board exists.


She is probably recalling earlier years of cruising where pax stayed dressed for the evening.:)

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Good Lord...did NCL security do anything about that mob scene?


And as an aside I always love hearing stories about people, who couldn't wait to get to this country, trashing it.:rolleyes: I imagine if they were adrift at sea they would love to see our Coast guard.



Nope! They told us to mind our own business, so to speak.ANd people were holding their toddlers up over the side of the ship to see the events...we have some on video, was turned over to the CG....we love the suites on NCL, but this lack of safety really soured us. And when My wife posted the experience on the NCL board she was BLASTED by some CC members for daring to critcize "their" ship! She never came back to CC and I know that she loved it...the last straw was when she was getting nasty e-mails from folks we met on board for a CC get together totally inappropriate








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My two cents,,,we have been on many cruises and never encountered any rudeness..

Now if you go to Disneyworld,,,look out,,,,rudeness is the key word and believe me they are not sr.citizens,,,,so no general criticizing please!!:)

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We had the same issues on the Explorer last month. It seemed like the older people (walkers, wheelchairs, hover-rounds) were the rudest of the bunch. They spoke down to us constantly. DH and I are early 50s so we're not young by any means. Also, we tried to be polite ... like we were both raised.


Just saw this thread. Maybe these people (I'm just talking abour those with crutches, walkers, etc, -- not those who are in good health) are in pain, suffering from a desease, which would explain why they are agressive. Then, and only then, we should be a little more compassionate.


The others who don't have health issues probably mostly have an attitude problem, or are mad for a reason or another. It's quite sad, but it should not ruin nobody's cruise.


At least, that's the way I see it.

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And when My wife posted the experience on the NCL board she was BLASTED by some CC members for daring to critcize "their" ship! She never came back to CC and I know that she loved it...the last straw was when she was getting nasty e-mails from folks we met on board for a CC get together totally inappropriate



As or the emails, two things.


1. delete

2. block sender - most email programs have a setting to delete/block emails from senders that you do not wish to hear from.


As for getting "BLASTED" on a message board, it should be accepted as water off a duck's back. It happens, but, do not let it effect your enjoyment of a board as good as this.

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As or the emails, two things.


1. delete

2. block sender - most email programs have a setting to delete/block emails from senders that you do not wish to hear from.


As for getting "BLASTED" on a message board, it should be accepted as water off a duck's back. It happens, but, do not let it effect your enjoyment of a board as good as this.


Agree,, can't let theflamers bother you...Just enjoy the board,,we get alot of good info and tips....:cool:

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I admit it, I have been rude. :o I have physically stopped people from getting on/off an elevator in order to allow someone on a scooter, in a walker, etc...to get on and/or off the elevator. I'm sure it was commented on somewhere about the rude so and so who blocked them at the elevator. Sigh...you can't win.


I want to share a story about the rudest people I've ever seen on a cruise. We were on an overnight trip arranged by a CC group. One family, not CC members, heard about this overnight trip and asked to come along. On the bus they promptly grabbed the front seats, otherwise known as the "best seats". One older but far from elderly, gentleman, who had a prosetic (sp) leg was having problems sitting and finally managed to grab a front seat. This family, there were 5 of them and they all were major pains, pestered him about moving and when he told them about his leg...they demanded to see it!!! They also tried to stiff the tour operator for the fee but that's a whole different story. :rolleyes:

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It's not that we don't like other people, but we just enjoy our alone time, and I personally think it would be horribly rude for us to sit at a table with other people and just ignore them. Although we clearly are in the minority,


Personally, I don't think you fit a minority. My wife and I are the same, we sometimes prefer dining alone by ourselves and it isn't that we are not social, au contraire ! :)

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