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bigger passenger


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What a wonderful review of your cruise. Thank you. Being a person of size, with very bad joints and a knee replacement, I give you a gold star for treking on with the Bath tour. There would be no way at all I could crawl on my knees.... and would have had to simply refuse to go to that area.... So reading how you did, with grace and a sence of humour I am proud of you.


I will be heading to Alaska (first time on Celebrity) next year and I am concerned about fitting in. Will not be doing any exursions, and one port will be by tender. With my walker and bad legs I walk at about a snails pace...LOL.... so my biggest concern is with the tender and making it up the steep ramp once on land.


Anyway, just really wanted to say thank you from a BBW from Vancouver.

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If you get the opportunity to do the White and Western railroad ride, look ingo it as the train stops at the pier with very little walking and the seats are double train seats what were comfortable. I used a rented scooter but could have managed with my walker. Bathrooms are spacous in the h/c car and water is supplied. Definitely worth it. for alaska

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What a wonderful review of your cruise. Thank you. Being a person of size, with very bad joints and a knee replacement, I give you a gold star for treking on with the Bath tour. There would be no way at all I could crawl on my knees.... and would have had to simply refuse to go to that area.... So reading how you did, with grace and a sence of humour I am proud of you.


I will be heading to Alaska (first time on Celebrity) next year and I am concerned about fitting in. Will not be doing any exursions, and one port will be by tender. With my walker and bad legs I walk at about a snails pace...LOL.... so my biggest concern is with the tender and making it up the steep ramp once on land.


Anyway, just really wanted to say thank you from a BBW from Vancouver.



thank you. i tried to refuse but he just held up the rest of the group and wouldn't let them proceed without me. I just couldn't ruin it for them too. Honestly, i still don't know how i did it. At one point, i just prayed over and over "please don't let me die here amid all these rocks. They'll never get me out!" I would have liked to spend more time investigating the grottos in the rocks, but every time we caught up to the group, they headed out again. So while they got to rest and explore, it was a steady trek with no breaks for us.


What Celebrity ship will you be taking? As for the tenders, i think you'll be fine. I saw many people more mobility challenged than i was, getting into and out of tenders without much problem. THere truly is a mass of hands from several staff members helping you in and out.


What steel ramp are you talking about? I'm not familiar with the Alaskan ports so i don't know anything about ramps on land. I hope your Alaskan cruise is all you hope it will be. I know that while there are several things i wish i would have done on this cruise, this truly was a dream vacation for me and my husband.

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Hey Kitegirl,


I will be on the Millennium beginning Monday for 11 nights. I will let you know about my experiences. I have been to Alaska twice without any problems, never had a port call at Icy Strait Point though.



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the Millenium is a good ship. I was on her for our 5th anniversary.


I googled Icy Straight. Yeah it does look like there is a sorta steep ramp from the tender platform to the main area, but it doesn't look too terribly long/bad. Just take it slow and i bet you'll be fine!


here's a pic of it..




it's the one in the bknd with the red roof. it looks like it's covered so it shouldn't be slippery. Just based on the boarding ramps we just had to walk on to board the ship in the first place, i don't think this is any steeper and definately a whole lot shorter.


Hope you enjoy your cruise!

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Hey Kitegirl,


I will be on the Millennium beginning Monday for 11 nights. I will let you know about my experiences. I have been to Alaska twice without any problems, never had a port call at Icy Strait Point though.




Thank you so much.... I will look forward to your report.... Being a lady of size I do worry about fitting in the chairs, especially by the indoor covered pool, and buffet area... I know the theatre is good, except for the stairs as I use my walker....


Does anyone know if there is a way into the theatre so I can sit up front and not have steps....


And Thanks to MissRabbit, but the link for the picture does not work... I see you are on the Island...where abouts are u .... my father is in Sidney...

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woops. i'll get a new link for you... saved it to my computer then uploaded it to my own site. Hope it works now.




i'm halfway up the island, about 2 hours north of Sidney.


as for the buffet, the chairs mostly had arms on them but there were chairs around that were armless. some times we just had to pick a table them swap an armed chair for an armless one nearby if the people at that table weren't using it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

To kitegirl and other interested readers:


The Millennium is indeed a great ship and very size-friendly. As a superBBW and solo traveler, I did not have any trouble finding comfortable places to sit. As has been noted before, the main dining room is all armless chairs. In the buffet, the chairs toward midship are armless, aft are with arms.


There are lots of large wing chairs and sofas about. The Rendevous lounge had club chairs that were a squeeze for my pear shape, but I managed ok long enough for the trivia games that I took part in. The area around the indoor pool has the teak, rather than plastic, lounge chairs. Since I was traveling alone, I did not use them (or the pool for that matter, as a personal decision) because they are low. There is a bench on either side of the T-pool area that I used when I was eating there at the Spa Cafe. On deck 11 there was a wonderful semi-circular sofa on either side. I used it for enjoying the scenery or reading. It was shaded and worked great for the tropical itinerary that I was on.


The theater has some seating at the back clearly marked as being for those in need of special accomodation. I did not find any way to get to the front of the stage without going down steps. I usually sat a few steps down and never had any concerns about being too far away from the stage. The cinema was not comfortable for me. It was a tight squeeze and getting out of the seat was difficult without assistance.


Cosmos lounge on deck 11 had some sofa seating that was good for enjoying the entertainment held there. The other seating there was club chairs, and depending on the size of your derriere may not work. They did not work for me. I asked a crew member where people like to watch the scenery in Alaska and was told Cosmos. Mostly because it has panaromic views. A good place for viewing I thought was the Card Room on deck 5. It has large wing chairs situated in front of a large bay-type floor to ceiling window area. Very comfortable and close to the Cova amenities. If I was not in a balcony cabin, I would stake my claim there for Alaska scenic viewing.


By far the best thing about the ship was the wonderful crew. Especially the activities staff and waiters. They really seemed to embody the spirit of "it is my pleasure to serve you."



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so glad to hear you had a wonderful time on the Millenium! She is definately a beautiful ship and Celebrity really classes it up. Did they still have the warm hand towels in the public washrooms or have they done away with them?


I've never understood bucket chairs. And they seem so dang prolific on cruise ships too lolol.


I hear ya about the loungers being too low. We brough these foldable beach chairs to use as almost every stinkin place uses those plastic ones with arms. The problem being, these were mini chairs, that were only a few inches off the ground. Easy enough sitting down, not so easy getting up. If i had been travel solo, *shudder* it would have been a feat of cosmic, and comical, proportions to get upright again!


Again, so happy you had a great time and found the ship friendly.

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LesaL, thank you so much for that review. I will now know where to look for an armless chair in the buffet and will for sure stake out a seat in the card room. I would like to sit up front for the theatre but I guess if no way to get there with no steps I will use the disabled seating area.


I just cannot wait for May 13th to arrive, and board the Millennium. Love all the reviews and helpful hints for me so keep them coming....


Also LesaL I am so glad u had a great cruise... were u in a HC Room....?

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Hi kitegirl,


I was not in an HC room. I was very comfortable in the Ocean View stateroom that I booked. There was a loveseat sized chair by the window and since I was traveling solo I requested the beds be kept together so that i had plenty of room to spread out while I was sleeping. I thought that the entire bathroom was no larger than my shower stall at home, but it worked out fine. I could sit on the toilet to put on my makeup and for the first time ever on a cruise, I did not flood the floor while showering.


I will be happy to answer any other questions that you or anyone else has.


Note to MissRabbit: I did not use any of the public restrooms onboard. I just went back to my cabin. This is a cruise idiosyncracy of mine. Never been sick though. They had cool facecloths and water to greet you as you reboarded in port. Very nice in the hot weather. They also had a shaded seating area with chairs and a couch on the dock gangway area.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello there. I can't believe this is the only thread about cruising as a larger person. But, I found it! So here goes. My husband and I are going on our first cruise in less than a month, and I am more than a little nervous. I am a big girl, and we are going on the Oasis. I'm so worried that I will be the biggest girl on the ship, and will be judged! I mean, I'm not super huge, but I am feeling like I'll stick out like a sore thumb. I'm worried about all the walking, on the ship and in the ports. I'd like to be able to relax and enjoy the ship, but I fear I will be too self conscious an end up staying on the balcony of my room. Am I crazy for feeling this way? Will there be other big people there? My husband is a bit husky, but very active. I think I'll be too afraid to do the excursions with him. I guess I'm looking for support, and words of advice. Any responses would be appreciated!

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Hi there seadrifter,

I was also so relieved to find this thread. I have laughed and cried reading back through every posting. You are not crazy and fully entitled to your feelings and thoughts.

I am also a fluffy woman (ok I'm quite a large lady!!) I am also cruising soon in Feb. I have been on one cruise before and I was large then. I can't really relieve all your feelings as I know of what you speak. That horrible feeling that you are all everyone is staring at and feel horrible. I guess all I can say is just try to enjoy it. Even if they stare at you, believe me it will be for a second before their attention is elsewhere. Just like bad news on the front page, sooner or later it's back with the classifieds and no one is paying attention. That is one of the great things about cruising. You will find all sizes, shapes and colors and believe me you will not be the only one!!! I found that if I just walk like I owned it there may have been some stares and snickers but too bad. I paid just like everyone else, I am a human and I belong like everyone else. I also found some great friends there were of a "birds of feather" so to speak. Some fluffies just like me, we were a force to be reckon with I tell ya. Long story about a hot pink dress and the macarena!! LOL. As for you husband, I'm not sure how supportive etc he is. Just work out some compromise. You can go ashore, perhaps he can go off and do something as you hang about the pier stores etc. Or perhaps at a stop you may not be so interested in book a his and her day at the spa. Facial and the such or hang about, you would be amazed how deserted a ship can be on port day. Sounds silly but you only live once and what the heck.

As for the ship, I sailed on NCL but I found them very accommadating. I would politely and quietly ask for a chair without arms and voila it would appear!! Most of the staff are just great. Spend the first day checking things out. Where you may want to go or not go etc. And remember this is your vacation you have no requirements to be anywhere at any time. If it takes you 1/2 hour to walk somewhere, so what enjoy the sights and plunk along.

Be comfortable. Don't bring a bunch of clothes you 'think you should'. Bring some nice comfortable clothes you like, and bring some broken in comfortable shoes. This is not the time to 'break in those brand new sandals'!!!! Or start wearing them now around the house.

I also had no problem contacting the excursions and drilling them for details. What kind of transportation? Bench or not? How big? Air conditioned etc. I feel like as long as I polite they really don't know me personally so don't feel bad.

Please try not to stay on the balcony. You don't want to go home, spent all the money and regret it all. You will miss the best parts and I am sure you did not pay to watch the world go by on the balcony. I sincerly hope you enjoy your trip, own it and enjoy it!!!! :)

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Hello Panbear,


Thank you so much for your sweet and sincere words of encouragement! That's exactly what I need right now. I wish you were going on my cruise, I have a feeling we'd have a blast! I do plan to act confident and like I don't care what others think, but you know differently deep down. How did you meet your "flock"? I have a good friend who is also fluffy, but there is no way she and her husband can come with us. I'm sure once I get on the ship, and see the variety of people I will feel a bit better.

So, what kinds of excursions did you do? Where were your ports of call? I'm curious to see how you handled the activity. Do you have trouble walking? I'm simply out of shape. I am 40 years old, and way too young to feel so tired after walking such short distances. But I try very hard to keep up with my husband, and he tries to slow down to accomodate me. The heat is another story. Combine heat with walking and I'm a mess.

I'd love to find out if there are any other full-figured people going on my cruise. Maybe they'll read this thread and speak up!

We're going on the Oasis of the Seas on Feb. 5th, 2011.


Thank you again for your kind response!

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Hello there. I can't believe this is the only thread about cruising as a larger person. But, I found it! So here goes. My husband and I are going on our first cruise in less than a month, and I am more than a little nervous. I am a big girl, and we are going on the Oasis. I'm so worried that I will be the biggest girl on the ship, and will be judged! I mean, I'm not super huge, but I am feeling like I'll stick out like a sore thumb. I'm worried about all the walking, on the ship and in the ports. I'd like to be able to relax and enjoy the ship, but I fear I will be too self conscious an end up staying on the balcony of my room. Am I crazy for feeling this way? Will there be other big people there? My husband is a bit husky, but very active. I think I'll be too afraid to do the excursions with him. I guess I'm looking for support, and words of advice. Any responses would be appreciated!


Hi Seadrifters. I know exactly how you feel. But don't worry about what others think. You'll never see those people again. There are people of all sizes there. I am a large lady too with a medical condition that only adds pounds to my already large size. I have trouble walking and use a rollator to walk. But my cruise is in less than a week and I will go and enjoy it and not care what anyone else says. I hope you will do the same on yours.


Make sure you get out all over the ship and enjoy all it has to offer and don't miss a thing. As far as excursions go, if there are no weight limits, just go and enjoy yourself. I for one am too heavy for ziplining, so I would pass on that, but I go on many excursions that I feel I physically can handle.


I hope you have a great time.

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Hello Panbear,


The heat is another story. Combine heat with walking and I'm a mess.


Ungh! the heat is a killer for me. I looked around (at a gajillion stores, no lie. ok, maybe only a dozen, but still lol) and found those personal handheld battery operated fans. THey were a lifesaver. For the most part, you get a nice breeze while you're on the ship, balcony or at the beach coming in off the ocean. But it's times when you're stuck on a bus, in a tender or other boat, waiting in line with a crowd of people, where the heat just gets stifling! I whipped out my handy dandy fan and cooled off, much to the envy of those around me. :)

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Does anyone know if it is possible to request that a larger wheelchair be available for embarkation and disembarkation? The only ship I have cruised that had larger wheelchairs available was the Carnival Miracle. I will be cruising with Celebrity soon and the wheelchairs they had available when I last cruised with them were basically built for 150 lb people max., which I am not.


I don't need a wheelchair often enough to bring one or rent one. I get around the ship fine with a cane and do also have a rollator if need be. It is just that I have found that there is more standing and walking than I can tolerate when getting on and off the ship, including some ports. I am happy to tip the pusher generously, but hate to have to cram myself into a small wheelchair and then worry that it will break in an embarrassing incident.


Has anyone called special needs with a request like this or will I be laughed at?


We are booked to leave the end of the month on the Dawn - I spoke to NCL access desk and asked for 2 wheelchairs for boarding - one regular and one extra large, I was not told it was not available - so we will see what happens.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Everything is booked and ready to go. I must admit after giving advice to Miss Rabbit, I find myself a bit nervous about the trip. Actually I'm not so worried about the cruise as the flying!!! Nothing like being a fluffy person in a steel tube at 30,000ft stuffed into a 17 inch seat cause they "accidently" screwed up and gave away the second seat!!!


Ok now that I got that out I feel better. Whatever happens I will just let the sun soak it out of me!!!!



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