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Anybody want start with me today 7/16


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Hi all

I just came across this thread tonight. can I join your group too? I am going on the Princess Ruby on Oct 24th for my 40th birthday. When my DH and got off the RCCL Adventure of the Seas we swore we were going to lose a bunch of weight after that cruise. Unfortunately staff members made remarks to my DH about his stomach which wasn't nice. Long story but we thought that would change the way we were. Well here it is how many months later and we have probably only lost 15 lbs. We have been working 60 to 70 hour weeks trying to save for this cruise and a vacation to Vegas in Nov for our 10th wedding anniversary. Needless to say, we have not been exercising that much nor eating right. My hours have gone back to normal now so i should have time to do the right thing.

It is time to get on track!

I don't have dogs, but love them. We are not home much (work a lot) so it would not be fair to them.

I have IBS, which I see other people have, so we have something in common. Unfortunately, it is a pain to have!




HI Dawn, welcome to our group.. I cant beleive that some staff members of your last cruise made a remark about your husband..That is so RUDE!!! I am so sorry you both had to go through that.

We are all here to support you in becoming healthy.

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Hi Dawn and amo2travel

Glad to have you all join the group.


Boy y'all, I really struggled getting in my 5,000 steps yesterday. I did it, but was not happy until it was finished. Only difference was that I ate before doing my walk, usually I walk at 5ish, then eat. Yesterday I was busy so ate at 6:30, then walked at 7:30. If I can help it, I won't do that again!


Lost .5 lb. this week, but did my walking as planned and am satisfied.


Have a good weekend everyone.

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Welcome to all of the new members!

We all seem to have alot in common.

I Started keeping my journal on July 12 at 176 lbs. I was stuck for several weeks at 173. I had not weighed in over a week and really dreaded it, but when I got on the scale today I was really surprised to discover I had lost some weight and was 171.

Yesterday was 1 month since beginning and I met my first months goal of 5 lbs!

Five more months to go till the cruise.


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Hello to all the new posters,


Boy we are getting quite a group!:) Congrats to everyone who lost and who stuck with their weight loss plans. My goals for this upcoming week:


I can lose the weight and keep it off.

I can resist salty and sweet snacks.

I can stick to my diet plan and make good food choices.


Can you tell I've been reading more weight loss books...


Have a good weekend everyone!!!

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Mamaboss - I had a pedometer, but it wasn't very good. I got it from walmart and it was one the cheapest they offered (less than $10). I think the name brand was Sportline If I accidently bummed it, it would count it as steps:confused:.

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Welcome new posters - and congrats to all on a great, successful week! Staying the same or losing is AWESOME when there could have been a gain. And for the poster (Marie?) who had a schedule change but did her steps anyway - WAY TO GO!


I have to say I probably have it easier because my husband and I are doing the workouts together. I know there were at least 3 times I would have bagged the exercise if he wasn't here waiting for me to get ready. And, there have been a couple of times he told me the same, so it really does help.


I also keep telling myself that one day I won't spend so much time focusing on every morsel I eat or sweating buckets and panting like I'm dying but won't it be worth it when I can go into a regular clothing store and have my choice of what I want to buy? I SAY YES!!


Also - I have mentioned before but for the newbies - I am turning 40 next week and I really feel that now is the time to get it together. I know we all have our own goals, 10lbs, 30lbs, etc but I am a big girl, and have been for most of my adult life and I just don't want to be that anymore. I am active, and don't hide out at home, and...I wear tank tops because it's frickin hot!!:D I don't care what other people think of my body size, but I got to the point where I finally cared enough about my health to get busy and take action.


Anyway - for those cruising soon...Good luck with your weight loss!


So we just wrapped up our 4th week of P90X today - this week we had 2 days of yoga (90 mins ea) but we got lucky and one night was Stretch X - and YES! It was only stretching! :p That was a HAPPY day!

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Thanks all for the warm welcome. You guys are doing great. I just need to start doing the same thing. Can anybody give me ideas on what you are eating for breakfast lunch and dinner? I would love to hear what you all are eating and give me ideas to make something new.


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Hi mammaboss - I bought the Omron HJ112 pedometer (~$30 on Amazon w free shipping) and love it - it is electronic ... you can download your steps (software provided) and when you put in your stride length and weight, it will calculate distance and calories burned. It also tracks your aerobic steps - that's 10 minutes of contionuous walking/movement or above a certain number of steps in a minute. Great for analytical types that like to track everything. You can carry it on a lanyard around your neck or in a pocket. I found it to be sensitive enough to know when I'm really walking, not just shuffling around the bathroom. Have a look at it - well worth the money as far as I'm concerned. My DH has one too ...

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Hey Brandy, Happy Birthday! Make it a great week!


So let me tell you what happened yesterday. My son also needs to lose weight, yeah....this runs in the family!

We go to Sears to buy a second treadmill so that we can have both of us walking at the same time. He has incentive challenges shall I say! LOL, the gaming on his computer seems to draw him more than exercise, go figure. He has said too bad we don't have a second treadmill so that we could walk at the same time, he would do that. Momma pulls out the budget, refigures here and there and yup, got the bucks.

Picked out a treadmill, go to package pick up and the guy loads it into the back of my SUV. We'd laid down the back seats and voila....the dude gives the boxed up treadmill a mighty push in and promptly rips the carpet on the back of the seats and tears the leather upholstery on the side of the seats.


Then had to wait around for loss control person to come out take pictures and write up a report. Good thing I am currently unemployed so I can run around getting three estimates and send in more forms. Ugh...just one more thing to 'deal with'. (sense the negativity?)


The good news is DS put together the treadmill last night and today will be his first day walking with me! Looking forward to it.


Dawn, I'm following the South Beach Diet. Since I am diabetic, my dr had recommended it for both losing weight and managing my blood sugar. I had originally gotten the book at the library and later bought the book through Amazon. For a used book, I paid more for shipping than I did for the actual book. LOL

The book has sample menus and recipes also. Most are quite good, and I change 'em up now and then, add this, take away that....


For an idea....

Breakfast today was 2 slices turkey bacon, green pepper, onion, mushroom, tomato and cheese omelet made with egg beaters.

Lunch will be a big lettuce (with other veggies thrown in) salad with some leftover salmon from last night.

Dinner will be chicken alfredo with broccoli. I use whole grain fettuccine for it.

Snacks throughout the day will be hard salami roll ups (a green onion wrapped with a salami slice that's been spread with a bit of cream cheese), mozzarella sticks, apple and blueberries.


OK, I almost wrote a novel. Y'all have a great day. Except for Brandy who has a great Birthday week!

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Happy Birthday Brandy! Hope your birthday wishes come true! How was everyone's weekend? It has been so hot and muggy here in MI, we are not used to that every day for weeks. Wish I could bottle some for the winter! Weighed in this morning and lost 5 pounds for the week. Probably sounds stupid but my legs feel stronger and I feel better. Gonna start walking today. Have a great week all! Cindy

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Happy Birthday Brandy, I hope you have a great day!


Cindy - Congrats on your weight loss! Did you get a pedometer yet?


I weighed in and only lost another .5 - Ugggghhh! I wish the lbs would come off faster! Oh well, gonna try harder this week. I wish my zumba classes started this month instead of next.

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Thanks for the birthday wishes. :) And WOW - 5 lbs down...and .5 down - AWESOME!


I know what you mean about feeling stronger! I feel it too. I gained 1 lb this week - I did some things differently...I changed from 2.5 lb weights to 5 lb on the work outs, and this week was more core and stretching. If it isn't muscle then OOPS!! :D


I can tell you all that I stayed true to the diet plan, and worked out every day but Sunday so since I am super puny and have no strength, this is actually good news for me! I am not looking at it like I gained fat, I really don't see how that could be. Anyway - onward!!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!


(I know, I say that a lot, but I look at it like power of suggestion!)



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Good morning everyone. I've been AWOL for the last few days. We just returned from a quick trip to Ruidosa, NM which was a wonderful respite from the Texas heat. I have to say that I am more inspired than ever to lose as much weight as I can before we leave on our cruise in exactly one month!! Boy would I love to lose 10 pounds. I know...that's a lofty goal but I was so uncomfortable in my clothes while we were away. I have a huge muffin top that just seems to grow larger the older I get.:(


On a brighter note, I didn't gain any weight while away. In fact I lost 1 pound. I think it was because I actually wore clothes without elastic waistbands and felt miserably fat most of the time. It's hard to eat when your pants are tight. Elastic sure feels great but I don't think it's my friend.:rolleyes:


Wow. So many of you are doing great with your weight loss. Keep up the great work everyone. WE CAN DO THIS!!!



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Hi everyone! I'm determined to lose 15 lbs. by Oct. 10th. Hoping to fit into the bathing suit in my closet. Also need to look good in my "cruise clothes". So any help and words of encouragement are welcomed! I started to track my weight and would like to lose 2 lbs. each week. Started to walk on my treadmill 30 minutes each day and going to start a low calorie plan with Joy Bauer - Your Inner Skinny - 4 steps to thin forever. Anyone else following this plan?

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Welcome Cruisin Crazy, Bay City/Essexville Michigan here. My first goal is

20-25 LBS by Oct 20 as I am planning a 4 day Vegas trip with a fellow worker who wants to do some pool time. The second goal is another 20-25 LBS for my Feb. Hawaii cruise. I am following low carb for now, down

5 lbs the first week and working on the second week. I am very curious about your Joy Bauer plan. What is it about? I wish you good luck and hope we can all be of help to you, if only just to listen! Have a great weekend!

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Hi Cruising Crazy! Welcome! This has been such a great and supportive group for me, and I hope you like it here! :) I find planning ahead is a key factor in staying on track, that and having a partner. Tonight we have back to school night, so have 90 mins of yoga but can't start until late. So when we have late nights we eat dinner earlier, so it settles and then after we work out we either have just a protien snack or a recovery drink - which is part of the program we are doing (P90X). WE CAN ALL DO THIS!! :D



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Hi everybody..sorry I have been such a slacker...I have just finally gottne relief from a 4 day migraine:(..UGH..I just couldnt get rid of it, for more then a few hours. Now, I am painfree and feel like a new women.


You are all doing so GREAT!!! Keep it up.. I love hearing about everybodys success's..I am leaving for vacation a week from today:eek:. We fly into Ft Lauderdale on the 26th, and cruise out of Miami on the 28th...I am not anywhere near my goal:rolleyes:.. BUT.. I have made some promises to myself on the cruise..First I am going to walk EVERYWHERE..we are staying on Deck 2..so thats a whole lot of stairs to get places. I am going to get up early(Well I am always up early)and walk the jogging deck.I am going to make healthy choices at dinner, but also going to not deny myself desserts.

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Jackie, glad your feeling better, migraines are brutal. Have a great time on your cruise! Cindy


Thanks..too bad it was short lived :(..I woke up with my head killing me again. I dont get it :(..Its making me miserable, and makes me not even want to go on vacation. I have anxiety about having headaches everyday on my trip..it really stinks.

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Welcome Cruisin Crazy, Bay City/Essexville Michigan here. My first goal is

20-25 LBS by Oct 20 as I am planning a 4 day Vegas trip with a fellow worker who wants to do some pool time. The second goal is another 20-25 LBS for my Feb. Hawaii cruise. I am following low carb for now, down

5 lbs the first week and working on the second week. I am very curious about your Joy Bauer plan. What is it about? I wish you good luck and hope we can all be of help to you, if only just to listen! Have a great weekend!


It's really all about portion control and making the right choices of food. I like the book because it has sample menus to follow.


The unlimited foods are low-starch vegetables to eat anytime. It suggests to drink 2 glasses of water before eating lunch and dinner. Also, eating a 2 cup salad or 2 cups of skinny soup (which is a vegetable soup recipe) before dinner. I learned alot about picking out the best cereal. I had no idea that cocoa puffs were bad for you! :)


As the plan progresses, there are more food options added to the diet. The plan also recommends 30 minutes of exercise. I've also learned over the years that if I don't exercise, I just don't lose any weight. There's more to the plan than just this but you get the idea.

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Thanks..too bad it was short lived :(..I woke up with my head killing me again. I dont get it :(..Its making me miserable, and makes me not even want to go on vacation. I have anxiety about having headaches everyday on my trip..it really stinks.


Jackie, sorry to hear about your headache being back, ugh.

Your eating plan on board sounds perfect! Yup, all about making a plan that you can live with. I think you are being perfectly realistic and you can look forward to your wonderful cruise knowing you have got it all together!


Karen, welcome back from Ruidoso. What a lovely place that is, I've not been since I lived in Texas (left in 1991). I could use some cool temperatures too! All over the country we've all been struggling with the heat.


Brandy, hope your birthday week has been fantastic!


Everyone else, hang in there, you are doing great.


I lost 2.2 lbs this week and am quite happy with that indeed. The walking 5,000 steps is going good!


Over and out for this week, everyone have a great weekend and week ahead.

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