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Anybody want start with me today 7/16


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Hi Everybody!! Today is a new day. I did get a 30 minute walk in with one of my dogs last night. :)

Today we are suppose to have heat advisorys, OUCH.. I love summer. I am taking the girls to the pool. I try to get about 25 minutes or so of exercise in there.

Now, I know how to swim. I do laps, but not real swim laps. What I mean is, I usually use a kick board or a noodle thing and kick and use my arms back and forth. DO you all think that counts as exercise? Then I do few laps of those, then I will just jog in place in the deep water for a bit, then I go back to laps. So do u all think because I am not doing real swimming, that it still counts as exercise? I do get my heartrate up though...

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Hi Everybody!! Today is a new day. I did get a 30 minute walk in with one of my dogs last night. :)

Today we are suppose to have heat advisorys, OUCH.. I love summer. I am taking the girls to the pool. I try to get about 25 minutes or so of exercise in there.

Now, I know how to swim. I do laps, but not real swim laps. What I mean is, I usually use a kick board or a noodle thing and kick and use my arms back and forth. DO you all think that counts as exercise? Then I do few laps of those, then I will just jog in place in the deep water for a bit, then I go back to laps. So do u all think because I am not doing real swimming, that it still counts as exercise? I do get my heartrate up though...


Anything that burns calories counts! I use to do that and I counted it as water arobics.


Well yesterday I tracked everything on the BB site and on my FB page with pics that I ate. Final tally I burned 1937 calories. I consumed 1122 calories. I was deficit 815 calories!


Wasn't my 2300 burn day and my 1000 deficit but I will take it. :-)


How did everyone else do yesterday and what is the plan for today?

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Can I join in? :) I am sick of being fat and have started looking at WW on line and was wondering if anybody here did WW on a cruise so then I found this thread.


My name is Debbie and luckily I don't have any major health problems yet. I want to lose 55 pounds for my 55th birthday which will be 9/07. Yes, I know that won't happen :D but it's something that sticks in my head when I think about a coke or candy. I'm another one that weighs everyday, today's number was 190. (uggh) We cruise 9/05 on Carnival Victory so I am hoping to get a least 10-12 pounds off by then - just over 6 weeks.


Looking forward to some ideas and encouragement.

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Can I join in? :) I am sick of being fat and have started looking at WW on line and was wondering if anybody here did WW on a cruise so then I found this thread.


My name is Debbie and luckily I don't have any major health problems yet. I want to lose 55 pounds for my 55th birthday which will be 9/07. Yes, I know that won't happen :D but it's something that sticks in my head when I think about a coke or candy. I'm another one that weighs everyday, today's number was 190. (uggh) We cruise 9/05 on Carnival Victory so I am hoping to get a least 10-12 pounds off by then - just over 6 weeks.


Looking forward to some ideas and encouragement.


Hi Debbie, welcome to our little group. Ive done WW on and off for yrs. I really love it, I mean it works if you still with it. BUT.. I feel any diet works if you stick with it. I had on planned on going back in the spring, and well I just never did..I am also in panic mode that we are leaving last week of Aug for our cruise, and I havent done a thing really about my weight. I am the highest Ive ever been.UGH..

But like I said..today is a new day. Ive made good healthy choices so far, and its only 11am.

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Count me in too.

Watching calorie intake and carbs.

Keeping journal - Calorie intake 1200-1400, carbs as low as possible

Also tracking way foods make me feel- If they make me bloat, gain, retain water.

I have IBS, headaches, joint problems, back problems.

Trying to exercise when I don't hurt.

I seem to be stuck at 173

need to lose 30 lbs.

Giving myself 6 months at 5 lbs. a month.

Trying for slow and steady.

One step at a time with small goals and life changes

Working on making myself feel better

Cruise is in January.


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I think WW will work but to me it is just easier to track calories because I can do that for the rest of my life and points just wasn't 'real' to me. I have tons of friends that swear by WW. I did it for 2 years and found it not to be for me.

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I agree that tracking the calories would probably be just as easy, if not more. But I do want some on line tracking system that shows my progress and has a lot of the calorie values already in there. Anybody use anything like that? Angela, what do you use for tracking calories?


Turkey sandwich, mustard instead of mayo and no cheese for lunch today plus a tomato on the side. For breakfast I normally have two cups of ceral with one cup of milk, today I had one cup with 1/2 cup blueberries and 3/4 cup milk. And took the stairs up the one flight to my office. :D It's a start.

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Hi, I am Brandy and I am overweight. It has been several months since my last weigh in. :D Ok...but seriously...I have been reading this thread and find it amazing to have so much in common with you all!

1. LOVE MY DOGS! Will go on and on about them later. :)

2. Hysterectomy at age 32 for adnomyosis - gained 50 pounds during hormone treatment

3. Son is not in college yet, senior year coming up...but close!

4. Migraine sufferer - just getting over a nasty one now

5. Gained a large amount of weight with my pregnancy - 18 years ago!

I Want to lose to a size 20 before my November cruise. I am between a 22 and 24 now. I can't post pictures at work, but will try to post tonight. Anyway, my husband and I started p90x (Yes, I know there is a thread about this out there) but I don't really want to focus on the program, just check in and be held accountable with diet and excercise and have somewhere to vent, rant, rave, whatever. We just started yesterday - I was surprised I could do push ups! Not many...but still I could do them so that made me happy. I don't know that I will ever do pull ups in this lifetime, but we'll see. :)

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I think you have a very doable goal you want to reach and I know you can do it if you just stay focused. Who knows you could be down more sizes!


I wish I could do a pushup...my carpletunnle wont allow for it!

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Hi, I am Brandy and I am overweight. It has been several months since my last weigh in. :D Ok...but seriously...I have been reading this thread and find it amazing to have so much in common with you all!

1. LOVE MY DOGS! Will go on and on about them later. :)

2. Hysterectomy at age 32 for adnomyosis - gained 50 pounds during hormone treatment

3. Son is not in college yet, senior year coming up...but close!

4. Migraine sufferer - just getting over a nasty one now

5. Gained a large amount of weight with my pregnancy - 18 years ago!

I Want to lose to a size 20 before my November cruise. I am between a 22 and 24 now. I can't post pictures at work, but will try to post tonight. Anyway, my husband and I started p90x (Yes, I know there is a thread about this out there) but I don't really want to focus on the program, just check in and be held accountable with diet and excercise and have somewhere to vent, rant, rave, whatever. We just started yesterday - I was surprised I could do push ups! Not many...but still I could do them so that made me happy. I don't know that I will ever do pull ups in this lifetime, but we'll see. :)


Hi Brandy

Welcome to our group. I may sound stupid but what is p90x???


Tell us about your dogs. I m a dog lover, and mentioned in a very earlier post.


I did about 25 minutes in the pool today, and hoping to get some walking in this evening. It is still 94 out at 5:30...hoping it will cool down like it did last night so I can enjoy a walk with one of my dogs.

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I agree that tracking the calories would probably be just as easy, if not more. But I do want some on line tracking system that shows my progress and has a lot of the calorie values already in there. Anybody use anything like that? Angela, what do you use for tracking calories?


Turkey sandwich, mustard instead of mayo and no cheese for lunch today plus a tomato on the side. For breakfast I normally have two cups of ceral with one cup of milk, today I had one cup with 1/2 cup blueberries and 3/4 cup milk. And took the stairs up the one flight to my office. :D It's a start.


So how did the rest of your day go? It seems like you started off good. I am all for making small changes. Sometimes trying to change our diet too much all at once, is very overwhelming.


I see you are in Ft Lauderdale. My parents live outside of Ft Lauderdale in an area called Coconut creek.

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I have 2 dogs. A 4 year old Keeshond / German Shepherd Dog mix named Kosar (or bear, or pup-pup, or baby....:)) and a 3 year old Pomeranian / Corgi mix named Duchess (or baby girl, or sweetie, or pretty girl...:)).


Kosar loves long naps in the shade (120 lbs with LONG hair!), sitting on the step in the pool (won't swim), spooning with mom in the mornings (yes, he jumps on the bed in the morning, and puts his head on my head and his paw around my neck - and then he naps) and chasing rabbits, and Duchess. He loves to talk and will tell you if you have missed treat time, car ride time (more on that later) or if he wants me to come check something out. And he is a tattle tale. He tells on Duchess all the time!! He will NOT, however, bark at any noise. He really can't be bothered with getting up and checking EVERYTHING out, so he leaves that to Duchess and only checks things out when he thinks it is necessary.


Duchess loves being inside as much as possible, looking through the cat door into the garage (to see us coming and going) laying her head on our shoulder and just looking into our eyes...or laying her head on our lap and looking into our eyes...she does this a lot and it is the cutest thing ever! She sleeps on our bed all night, but sometimes she snores too loud and we move her, then she settles where she is half under our bed, with her legs sticking out - frog leg like. SO FUNNY! She doesn't talk at all, and will only bark and make noise when she hears a noise or at other animals. Oh - and she is a licker. :eek: Can't figure it out but she licks us all the time. ICK!


And...they get a car ride every morning. Usually between 5:30am and 6am when it is still cool outside and not much traffic. We live on acreage in the country and due to wild animals don't walk them, but they do get out and about every morning!!

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Jackie, Coconut Creek is north of us, we are in Davie which is due west of Ft Lauderdale.


The rest of the day went pretty good, was hungry around 3:30 but I had some of those 100 calorie packs of popcorn. I also had a Coke though but only drank half of it. And.... took the stairs a total of 5 times today. ;)


Brandy, that was cute ... I weigh in everyday but let's just say it has been several YEARS since my last weight loss attempt. Still debating which way to go; WW, calorie counting or what. Boss is back on Atkins but she can never stick to it for more than a few days and I know I couldn't. I need something that I can stick to for the long term.


One thing I found impressive here is the number of posts on the different threads, these people really stick with it!

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I need to lose a lot of weight, and I intended on starting WW back in March..Well here it is July...and have not done it :(

Ive done it at least 8 times over the years, so its not new. I just like the accountability.


I had bouts of illness IBS(new to me)and now chronic daily headaches, and sometimes its just hard to do the right thing eating and exercising wise.

The dr put me on a new prevenative for chronic headaches, and said no more MOTRIN and EXCEDRIN..so its hard to want to exercise with a chronic dull pain.


BUT..today, as soon as I am done here, I am going to go get myself dressed and outside for a walk. I use to walk almost everyday, sometimes twice a day. Since I ha ve 4 dogs, It was great to get all the dogs out for a walk and yet get exericse.


Does anybody want to be my exercise buddy and help me with this all..

Oh by the way we are cruising Aug 28 2010....I fell so far from my goal..I hate myself for it..

Today is a new day..and countdown to being healthy..


Anybody want to help me along the way??PLEASE

Have you given any thought to food allergies? Wheat or gluten is a big one and causes the exact same symptons you have. It can also make it hard to lose weight. You might want to try a gluten free diet and see if it works for you. Google gluten free- it will give you alot of info.


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Hi to All & welcome to all the new posters,


Jackie - I would think anything that gets you moving and your heart pumping would be considered excercise. Good for you!


I use myfitnesspal to track my food and my exercise. You can search the foods you eat and it tallys up the calories, fat and protein. It also keeps track of your excercise & tells you how much calories you burn for that day. I use to go to WW, stuck with it for awhile, but got tired of paying.


Got my walk in for today. Decided to do it tonight, it was way too hot & humid earlier. I wear a plus size and would love love to wear some normal size clothes! I'm so tired of not finding any cute clothing out there. I'm also the only one in my household that is overweight. I never did lose that baby weight from my two DDs. And the pounds just kept packing on.

I've been really trying not to buy any snacks or to buy more fruit and vegs, but its so hard when the rest of the family likes all that yummy stuff.


Ok, gotta tell you about my "baby boy". He's a 7 yr old basset hound named Buddy and is a little spoiled. He usually sleeps all day and gets frisky at night. Tells us when he wants his chewy bone treats or when he wants to be fed a little early. He has his own loveseat in the living room where he sleeps or we like to say "when he's on guard duty". (All four legs up in the air with his head tilted back.)


Been rambling on long enough. Hope eveyone has a good day tomorrow and stay strong.

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Have you given any thought to food allergies? Wheat or gluten is a big one and causes the exact same symptons you have. It can also make it hard to lose weight. You might want to try a gluten free diet and see if it works for you. Google gluten free- it will give you alot of info.



Hi Pat, I did think of food allergies at first. I only had the one bout of IBS..ok..it lasted about 2 months. It was odd, it was the first time Ive ever experienced it, and honestly I thought it was something worse. It did happen, however, during a VERY stressful time for me. I went to a gastro doctor, and she did endoscopy and even tested for celiecs disease, but it came back negative, whichis a good thing.


I am a nervous person by nature, and a constant worrier,so it doesnt suprise me that I have headaches all the time as well as stomach issues..but thankfully, the IBS has been gone for a couple of months now. I did follow some of the IBS diet websites(loosely)for awhile and that seemed to help.

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Not a very good pic but here's a close up of Buddy:



Oh my goodness..SOOO CUTE!!! Another hound dog.

I have a black and tan coonhound, and she is just the best. My foster dog is some sort of hound dog as well, as sweet as she can be.

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I have 2 dogs. A 4 year old Keeshond / German Shepherd Dog mix named Kosar (or bear, or pup-pup, or baby....:)) and a 3 year old Pomeranian / Corgi mix named Duchess (or baby girl, or sweetie, or pretty girl...:)).


Kosar loves long naps in the shade (120 lbs with LONG hair!), sitting on the step in the pool (won't swim), spooning with mom in the mornings (yes, he jumps on the bed in the morning, and puts his head on my head and his paw around my neck - and then he naps) and chasing rabbits, and Duchess. He loves to talk and will tell you if you have missed treat time, car ride time (more on that later) or if he wants me to come check something out. And he is a tattle tale. He tells on Duchess all the time!! He will NOT, however, bark at any noise. He really can't be bothered with getting up and checking EVERYTHING out, so he leaves that to Duchess and only checks things out when he thinks it is necessary.


Duchess loves being inside as much as possible, looking through the cat door into the garage (to see us coming and going) laying her head on our shoulder and just looking into our eyes...or laying her head on our lap and looking into our eyes...she does this a lot and it is the cutest thing ever! She sleeps on our bed all night, but sometimes she snores too loud and we move her, then she settles where she is half under our bed, with her legs sticking out - frog leg like. SO FUNNY! She doesn't talk at all, and will only bark and make noise when she hears a noise or at other animals. Oh - and she is a licker. :eek: Can't figure it out but she licks us all the time. ICK!


And...they get a car ride every morning. Usually between 5:30am and 6am when it is still cool outside and not much traffic. We live on acreage in the country and due to wild animals don't walk them, but they do get out and about every morning!!


Thanks for sharing about your dogs.

I have an 11 yr old Golden retriever named Qtip-she is the best dog ever

I also have a 7 yr old yellow lab mix named Tulsa

I have a 7 yr old black and tan coonhound named Ashley. Ashley use to my foster, but after two yrs we just adopted her.


I also have a foster dog now named Sabrina, she is a hound, some sort of hound, very sweet.


I dogsit out of my house here as well, so right now I have 6 dogs here, sometimes I have as many as 9.

I am the equavelent of the crazy cat lady;)

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I lost a whole .7 this week but that is ok. I am now at 175.8. I need to focus more on working out!


I have 2 labs and they are my babies. :-) If you friend me on FB you can see pics of them. Angela Hornback Urquhart.



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I got so carried away talking about my dogs I forgot to answer the "what is p90x" question. It is just a series of work out DVD's and a food plan that I bought my husband for Father's Day. He wanted it and has some friends doing it. Last night we did day 2 DVD (plyometrics or somthing like that) and it totally kicked my butt! :eek: I am SO SORE! Yesterday I ate: 2 very large cups of coffee with half n half (probably equivalent to 4 regular cups). I had a turkey sandwich with dijon mustard and on double fiber bread (no cheese), one cup of cottage cheese, 1 cup of raspberries, 3 single servings of string cheese, 3 oz turkey, 4 green olives, 1 apple, and lots of water. I usually eat more than that but after I worked out (before dinner) I was wiped out and too lazy to fix anything! Today so far I have had my coffee and 2 slices of bacon.


Tonight the DVD is for upper body - arms and back I think. Was too tired to go online last night and post pictures. Will do sometime soon. :)

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I lost a whole .7 this week but that is ok. I am now at 175.8. I need to focus more on working out!


I have 2 labs and they are my babies. :-) If you friend me on FB you can see pics of them. Angela Hornback Urquhart.






I always say, its better then gaining..so good for you:)


Im going to look u up on FB :)

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Any of you do yoga? Do you think it helps with stress reduction? My dr suggested it to me. I did it many yrs ago, and it was so boring to me. Ive done a ton of other classes at the gym, and they do have yoga there.

I am just such a nervous person by nature, so I guess I will look up the schedule and give it a whirl.


Today was a bad headache day. I actually have TMJ type problems from clenching my teeth at night. I wake up and my face hurts, and the pressure comes and goes all day..it stinks..it takes away my motavation, that and it being 95 out..UGH.. I had being so lazy .

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