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Where are your parents?

grammy c

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I normally just yell at em. Whats a 12 year old gonna do, fight me? Its the sheer embaressment of being called out in front of a group of people that has made them stop in the past. haha


I was never like that as a child, I was always very appreciative of the vacations we took AND well behaved. It seems like these kids are spoiled ungrateful brats that have no concept of the value of a dollar.

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OP, you'll get no flames from me! We don't have children and don't particularly like children. I have no problems with well-behaved kids on the ship, but the little terrors that you mentioned should be taught manners and appropriate behavior or be left at home. :rolleyes:


I agree. No flames here.

But kids is why we cruise during the months when the little rug rats are in school.

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I know all the responses about kids, but maybe any cruise line should get their sign & sail card and see who the kids belong to and go to the parents. I know it is a sticky subject and parents would get pissed off and say I will never cruise this line again, but if all lines did this then I guess the parents would soon run out of cruise lines.

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I just finished a cruise, and there was only one "problem child" that I saw. A boy about 8 years old was in the "adult only" hot tub throwing water up to the top of the little roof. I went over to him and asked, "where are your parents?" He just said, "I don't know." A Carnival employee came over and made him get out after about 3 minutes. I have no problem with well behaved kids whose parents watch them. I have 2 dds, 10 and 6, and they would never be allowed to wander away from me, and they know not to act like that, or there will be consequences. Some parents just take a vacation from parenting, I guess.

I was on the same cruise and didn't notice any 'problem children' either really. I guess we were lucky. We were caught up in the storm of 12-14 year olds who were doing the club scavenger hunt activity, but I just stood aside and let the mob run by.


I had 4 kids with me (2DD-11 and DS-13 and son's friend-13) and they went to bed when we did each night, which was around 11:00. They never even tried to stay out late...didn't even dawn on them. And we wouldn't have let them. I gave them all rules when we got on the ship and told them if they broke any, they'd be sitiing next to me every moment for the rest of the cruise. The main theme to my rules was: not to disrupt other peoples vacation (no running on ship, no yelling, no innapropriate talk, no pushing a bunch of elevator buttons, no sitting on stairs, no knocking on other cabin doors, no skipping line, no touching food on buffet....). I agree with previous post that says "never say 'not my child'". That's why I knew where my kids were and what they were doing at all times (my DD and her friend-11 disappeared one night for 20 minutes or so and I got them and yanked my 2 DDs back to the cabin for the night and didn't let them go off on their own again).

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definitely is 80% the parents fault when they are not behaving on a ship. The rest could happen from peer pressure from the new friends they are hanging out with on the ship. My boys are generally well behaved but i caught them one time running in the halls with there new friends and put a end to it. As for people that don't like children at all lets hope you don't reproduce so yours don't get smacked around or brought up the wrong way. I have a friend who wouldn't have kids because she didn't want to ruin her figure...that irks me. And she is very good with kids too....very sad.

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I think the mentality of parents is "it's not like they're going anywhere." That was the very words my nephew told me when they talked about their 15 year old son on the cruise ship during their vacation. (They also have younger sons). They said they left him to do as he pleased, he found some friends to hang with and they gave him a curfew of 2:00 am. They went to bed and didn't 'worry' about him because 'there's only so many places you can go on a ship." Those were the exact words.


one word...OVERBOARD.

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Thank you. My daughter is my only child and Ihave dedicted my life to doing a great job raising with her since I was only blessed with one child. Every decision I make is with her best interest in mind. That certainly does not mean she gets whatever she wants. She gets whatever is best for her. Sometimes she's happy about it, sometimes she is not. I think the guy who made the nasty comment to me abut parenting is a jerk. To me nothing could me more insulting than to say I am not a good parent. Like you, my daughter is an honour student at school, is the most responsible respectful young lady I have ever met. I don't think that hearing her out about whether curfew on the ship should be 11 or 12 reflects bad parenting. Thanks for the kind words.

By the way, have you ever asked your mom why she married a guy who was so mean to you kids and why she continues to stay with him? I never understand why that happens and I assume since yu turned out to be such a lovely person it must have been because your mom has some wonderful qualities, so just curious.


Your welcome. It is the posts by people who obviously do not like kids period and come on here and slam all kids as little monsters and their parents for raising heathens that really get under my skin. It is because I lived with a person like that for a few years and watched while he destroyed my brother's self-esteem after I left home. I agree there are some kids whose parents do not set boundries and therefore, they push the limits continually...but there are also many kids who have caring, loving parents who know how to set limits and how to enforce them with love and patience. There are well-mannered, good kids out there who became the way they are through their parents discipline, love, and mutual respect (yes I said respect...not the same thing as being a BFF). Why some people have such a hard time believing that is beyond me...unless they are like my step-dad who can't see the good in any child, no matter how good they really are.


As for my mother, she is great. I have many people who have commented on what a wonderful, caring person she is and how she doesn't deserve the grief she receives from my step-dad. My dad cheated on her and she went through a horrible divorce with him with the person he cheated on her with (eventually my step-mom) constantly calling her and rubbing in the hurt and embarrassment. The step-dad came in on the rebound and she jumped at the chance to be in a relationship. I think she wanted so hard to believe she could make a relationship work that she ignored the jabs he sent our way, even before they were married. He put on a good front for relatives and friends, but after a few years of marriage, the extended family started seeing him for what he was when he dropped his mask in front of them a few times. I went from being considered a rebellious teenager to having both sets of Grandparents wanting me to stay with them during the summers when I was on break from college because they knew it was not feasible to go to either parents home, not because of me, but because of the adults involved and because I needed a place to stay as I was paying totally for my college (besides the scholarships and grants I had received) and I couldn't afford to live on my own, even though I was working 3 part-time jobs to pay for school.


My mother is a peace-maker and a care-giver by nature. She never liked it when I disagreed with my step-dad. There were many times that she would tell me that I was right, but I needed to apologize to him to keep the peace. I would refuse to give him the satisfaction. By then, it was not only us he was attacking, it was her as well. She only stood up to him one time, when he wanted to kick one of my brothers out as soon as he graduated from high school. She refused and he left until my brother moved out. But then she let him come back.


He is now totally dependant on her. She still works full time and he has severe diabetes. She waits on him hand and foot and in return he is constantly tearing her down with rude and cutting remarks. He is an angry, bitter man who doesn't understand why none of us kids (now adults) want to come over to visit. It makes me sick to even be near him when he treats my mother like slave and she takes it with a smile. But my mother has the patience of a saint and is extremely forgiving and I'm sure will continue to care for him until he is gone. I thank God everyday that I have a husband who is loving and caring and would never even attempt to treat me and our kids the way that man treated us.


So you see it is the kid haters that really get under my skin...I was not a bad kid...I never got in trouble with anyone other than my step-dad, because, quite frankly, he just didn't like kids period and still doesn't. I sincerely hope that the kid haters decide to cruise on a line that is not as family friendly as Carnival is. I try to keep my kids away from people like that because I don't like them anymore than they like my kids.

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definitely is 80% the parents fault when they are not behaving on a ship. The rest could happen from peer pressure from the new friends they are hanging out with on the ship. My boys are generally well behaved but i caught them one time running in the halls with there new friends and put a end to it. As for people that don't like children at all lets hope you don't reproduce so yours don't get smacked around or brought up the wrong way. I have a friend who wouldn't have kids because she didn't want to ruin her figure...that irks me. And she is very good with kids too....very sad.



My mother , married 41 years til death did them part . Mother of 4, grandmother of 14, and great grandmother of 2 always says "Its funny that the people with all the answers on marital and parenting issues are the ones that have never been married or had kids "


God she is so right.


DWs sister is one of them :( All the answers all black and white and cut and dry


I finally told her the day she can sustain a relationship past two nights and can remember to water her Chia Pet twice in a row I will listen to her.



Who knew it was that easy to get someone that annoying to never speak to you again *LOL*

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I have one son, who is almost five years old. He is a very good kid, because I WORK to make sure he knows what is expected of him. I have a wonderful role model...my own mother. I hope I do as good of a job as she did. My dad traveled a LOT when my sisters and I were kids, so it was mostly just mom, my 2 sisters and me. My dad did the best he could, and I adore him, but it was my mother who made us who we are. My mom and my little sister and I were talking about it last night. Basically my mother's parenting philosophy was to parent with love, respect, and high expectations. We knew EVERY DAY how loved we were, and how much my parents would do and be anything we needed, but in return, we had to meet and/or exceed the expectations when it came to grades, behavior, athletics, etc. Because my mom gave us so much respect and trust and love to temper those high expectations, we all worked hard to not disappoint our parents, and most of the time, it worked like a charm. None of the three of us drank, did drugs, got pregnant, got speeding tickets or got in any trouble. We all participated in activities, youth group, etc., had jobs, and were very well respected as good kids in school, church, and the community. The few times we did disappoint them, they let us know they were disappointed, and there was a loss of trust, and we worked that much harder to earn it back. As far as behavior, well, we NEVER would have thought to behave like I have seen SOME kids behave. We never would have disrespected an adult. NEVER. It honestly would not have crossed our minds, because it was one of those behavior expectations that was ingrained in us from infancy practically.


I love kids, and generally, can find the positives in most of these so-called "little monsters, rug rats, demon spawn" or whatever other negative nicknames some people have given to children in this thread. Do I wish a lot of parents would do a better job sometimes? Sure I do. But I can only do the best job I can with MY kid. That said, IF there was a problem, a serious problem, with children on our cruise, or at a hotel or whatever, I would not hesitate to call security and calmly ask them to remedy the situation, and then thank them afterwards for doing so. Manners matter.

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As a mom of two girls (8 and 12), I can't even imagine letting them out of my sight for long periods. They've been on multiple cruises and the last one we took about a year ago was the first time we've let the older one go out alone. She got a kick out of us giving her a nightly order of fruit, cheese and crackers and asking her to go to the buffet to get them. Rules were - no outside decks, you go there, you get the food and you come back.


We always get compliments because my kids will always say 'Yes please' or 'No thank you.' The crew seemed to be astonished at the utterance of these words from kids. That is sad. Being polite shouldn't be the exception that gets recognized.

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I have one son, who is almost five years old. He is a very good kid, because I WORK to make sure he knows what is expected of him. I have a wonderful role model...my own mother. I hope I do as good of a job as she did. My dad traveled a LOT when my sisters and I were kids, so it was mostly just mom, my 2 sisters and me. My dad did the best he could, and I adore him, but it was my mother who made us who we are. My mom and my little sister and I were talking about it last night. Basically my mother's parenting philosophy was to parent with love, respect, and high expectations. We knew EVERY DAY how loved we were, and how much my parents would do and be anything we needed, but in return, we had to meet and/or exceed the expectations when it came to grades, behavior, athletics, etc. Because my mom gave us so much respect and trust and love to temper those high expectations, we all worked hard to not disappoint our parents, and most of the time, it worked like a charm. None of the three of us drank, did drugs, got pregnant, got speeding tickets or got in any trouble. We all participated in activities, youth group, etc., had jobs, and were very well respected as good kids in school, church, and the community. The few times we did disappoint them, they let us know they were disappointed, and there was a loss of trust, and we worked that much harder to earn it back. As far as behavior, well, we NEVER would have thought to behave like I have seen SOME kids behave. We never would have disrespected an adult. NEVER. It honestly would not have crossed our minds, because it was one of those behavior expectations that was ingrained in us from infancy practically.


I love kids, and generally, can find the positives in most of these so-called "little monsters, rug rats, demon spawn" or whatever other negative nicknames some people have given to children in this thread. Do I wish a lot of parents would do a better job sometimes? Sure I do. But I can only do the best job I can with MY kid. That said, IF there was a problem, a serious problem, with children on our cruise, or at a hotel or whatever, I would not hesitate to call security and calmly ask them to remedy the situation, and then thank them afterwards for doing so. Manners matter.


You were raised as I have been raising my children. They wouldn't even think of acting out because it would be an embarrassment to themselves and a disappointment to us. I have had plenty of opportunities to point out poor behavior in other kids (and adults) that I have told them was inappropriate and unexceptable. They learned from their example what not to do. They are not perfect but they do respect me and DH and have enough respect for themselves that they do not want to disappoint us or embarrass themselves.

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I have seen kids and their parents removed from the ship at the next port when they do something the breaks the rules...of course these are only the more serious offenses...but I don't think that some sort of juvnile detention center on the ship would be a bad idea...and the parents get charged to have the kids released...


The main problem I see the most is the kids running in the hallways at all hours...we call security but a lot of the time by they time they get there they are gone...on a cruise on NCL, the same kids kept running up and down yelling and screaming...hubby told them to stop once and they kept doing it...he stood with the door opened and as they approached he threw out a small suitcase and they tripped over it...no one was seriously injured and I really wouldn't have cared if they were but they didn't do it again...

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We've been very fortunate on our cruises, have yet to run into any problem children. Most of our cruises have been outside of spring or summer breaks, but our last cruise with the kids was during spring break and still no problems.


I think that most kids really want to be good - most, but not all. If only parents would sit them down pre-cruise and discuss what behavior is expected of them, then there would be a whole lot less anti-kid posts.

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I am 14. I don't understand why so many kids just can't act right. Now, everytime i walk into a room on a cruise, people are thinking in their heads oh now my day is ruined. All I am is nice to people. And also, whenever I act like an adult and be mature about stuff, all the adults still treat me like a snot nosed brat or something

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Several years ago on the Conquest a little girl of about 3 to 4 was in the adult only hot tub on the aft of the ship. I was in the hot tub with friends and this little girlv was all by herself with no adult overseeing her. We moms and grandmas were stunned that her mother was nowhere around - I called security over and it turned out mom was up by the buffet area eating a hamburger. When security called her out and made her get her daughter she came up to us and said "what would you do if it was your child/grandchild wanting to play? Thanks for ruining my cruise" (or words to that effect). My response: My grandchild would NOT be running around by themself and especially in a hot tub where they could drown". She walked off in a huff - however we did not see her little darling running around by herself again.


Just because you are on a ship does not mean I am going to watch *your* children for you -- and I do not expect you to watch my grandchildren!

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On another website.... www.cruisejunkie.com


NOTE: From October 2007 through October 2008 Carnival Cruise Lines reported to the FBI 93 sex related incidents -- in a significant proportion of these incidents the victim was a minor.


This is why I'd watch my chillin's like a hawk, vacation or not.


Amen! You are cruising with STRANGERS!!! Predators are not necessarily scary looking people that you would avoid.....

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[We were caught up in the storm of 12-14 year olds who were doing the club scavenger hunt activity, but I just stood aside and let the mob run by. quote]



I am far, far from 12-14, but I want to join the kiddies for the photo scavenger hunt! What a great way to explore the ship. A little "mob" activity for an hour or so during the day sounds like fun.... :p

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I am 14. I don't understand why so many kids just can't act right. Now, everytime i walk into a room on a cruise, people are thinking in their heads oh now my day is ruined. All I am is nice to people. And also, whenever I act like an adult and be mature about stuff, all the adults still treat me like a snot nosed brat or something


Don't take it personally.... ;) This thread is not necessarily about you. I am sure that you are a respectful and well behaved YOUNG ADULT. Unfortunately, some younger people do not always conduct themselves in the same manner. Thank you for commenting and adding your perspective on this thread! I'm sure I would be delighted to make your acquaintance on my upcoming cruise. :p

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Actually I do whatever I feel is right as a parent and I can tell you my daughter has turned out amazing. I think midnight, she thinks 11 and I will hear her out before I decide what will happen. I happen to be a very dedicted and involved parent so keep your comments to yourself.[/quote]


Not saying I agree with either side but "keep your comments to yourself"???? Isn't that the whole point of the boards to discuss things? :confused:

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Actually I do whatever I feel is right as a parent and I can tell you my daughter has turned out amazing. I think midnight, she thinks 11 and I will hear her out before I decide what will happen. I happen to be a very dedicted and involved parent so keep your comments to yourself.[/quote]


Not saying I agree with either side but "keep your comments to yourself"???? Isn't that the whole point of the boards to discuss things? :confused



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Don't blame the kids, blame the parents. I just wish parents would realize that there may be pedophiles on board as cruisers or as crew. There have been arrests of both groups. Just protect and watch over your kids. A cruise ship is like a city, it is not a safe community.

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