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NOT Anti-Kids, Alternatives, Etc...I am ANTI-This!!!


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If I may add...Table manners have also seemed to go downhill in the last few years. My kids (now all in their 20's) hated the constant harping i did at the dinner table and yes we did insist we had dinner together every night. But now I can tell you they have all thanked me as they can go to any restaurant or "working lunch" and know table manners. The worst for my DH and I was on our last cruise we sat opposite a man who would not chew with his mouth closed! he also thought it was okay to use his cloth napkin to blow his nose! It was too much! and please one last thing if men could please remove their hats in the MDR, even if you are having a BAD hair day, I assure you that would be better than the hat you are so proud of. Okay im off my soapbox now:D Thanks for letting me vent!

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Try being in a wheelchair. It's like being invisible.


My husband is a very easy going guy, but he lost it on the Glory when he was wheeling me out of the elevator.

We arrived at our desired deck, some kind people on the elevator with us tried to hold the door for us to exit.

He hadn't even maneuvered the chair to the front, when 2 couples (who were obviously together) pushed into the elevator and blocked our way.

No "oh, sorry", or "oops".... they just stood there while one of their party pushed their desired button.


In 35 years of marriage I have never heard my husband raise his voice.... this was a first, "What the h-ll is wrong with you people? Get out, wait till everyone gets out of the elevator, like civilized humans, and try to learn some manners for the next time!"


They did as he said, but rolled their eyes as though he was from another planet, and my wheelchair and I were the biggest inconvenience that ever existed.


Apparently there are people who were raised by wolves who also cruise. ;)



Sorry about your experience. I would have said something too had I been there. The people who were raised by wolves LOL are everywhere, not just on cruise ships.

I notice it more on a cruise ship, I think, b/c my elevator use jumps while on a cruise as opposed to when I'm just at home in the burbs and don't go into many buildings with 8, 9, or 10 stories where an elevator would be utilized. If I worked in the downtown business district and had to take an elevator to the 30th floor or something, I'm sure it would be just as prevalent.

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I'm just wondering why this is posted on the NCL board, and not the Carnival board where the alleged rudeness happened?


I have not seen quite this much rudeness in my experience. Maybe it's because I try to use the stairs on a cruise to mitigate the impact of my food intake... :o, or maybe I've just been too vacation-blissful to notice....


Or maybe it doesn't happen as much on NCL?



OP....maybe it's time to try NCL again!

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The worst I have seen was persons in wheelchairs or with walkers waiting to get on an elevator and able bodied persons pushing past them to get on. I watched a woman wait while the elevator came and went 3 times. I know because I was one of the people who were standing back and waiting for her get on. Finally, when the elevator stopped again, I had to yell at the people to wait and motioned them to stay back until she and her escort finally got on.


I don't know how people can be in such a hurry as to not help others anymore, or even just be kind enough to wait their turn. It seems like it's survival of the fittest, or the meanest.

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While we're on the subject. What ever happened to "yes sir", "yes mam" and "no sir" and "no mam"? This is how I was raised and still to this day, answer in this manner. I don't expect it back, from other adults but do expect to be answered in that way by children. Even in the south, kids are not drilled in their manners like they were in the past.


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It's not like I extend my arm completely out and hit someone who's 3 feet away from me....the circumstances I am talking about is when I am already practically hugging the wall and the people coming at me refuse to move over even an inch. I don't pull my appendages in so as not to hit the offenders, if they get bumped b/c they didn't move over....sorry, not my fault. I'm not going to acquiese to them though. If that makes me rude, than yes, I am rude b/c I won't let someone walk all over me...literally:D


Don't feel bad, I stick my foot out and trip them...then when they look at me I tell them if they moved over they wouldn't have tripped over my foot...I make my kids walk single file down the hall, as do my husband and myself when someone walks by...so should everyone else...


The buffets are like Walmart on Black Friday...I LOVE the people that load up so much food on one plate it is falling on the floor for everyone to slip on...ummm...you can go up and get a second plate or put your food on 2 plates on one trip...duh!

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Ugh...don't even get me started with the whole elevator issues. I try to deliberately book my cabin on a mid deck (like Empress or Upper) so I can just use the stairs to go up and down. All manners go out the window as soon as more than 1 person is waiting around for an elevator. People go into Survivor-Rambo mode, like the ship might blow up if they can't get on the elevator first. Geesh!


My worst peeve is when someone bumps into you and just keeps walking, no "I'm sorry" or "Excuse me." *****?? Arghhh!:mad:

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Try being in a wheelchair. It's like being invisible.


"What the h-ll is wrong with you people? Get out, wait till everyone gets out of the elevator, like civilized humans, and try to learn some manners for the next time!"

Apparently there are people who were raised by wolves who also cruise. ;)



Hurray for your husband. He handled the situation w/o being a bully or rude. JMHO


If you are rude to rude people, then ummmm you are just another rude person? It is a vicious circle.

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Way to go OP, good topic.


I agree, as some have said, we're becoming a selfish "me, me, me" society. It's been debated here to death in the tipping, dressing, and rules threads."I don't care what you think, it's my vacation".


Having manners and being polite is about having and showing concern for other people. If wearing a sportcoat, leaving a tip or following a few simple rules doesn't conform to their "me" attitude how can one expect other unselfish acts such as elevator and hallway manners. It all starts with a breakdown somewhere in attitude.


In the past I just tolerated their rude behavior. Now, I'm taking a personal stand against rudeness and rule breakers. If someone doesn't say something it will never improve.


I'm my own new superhero, Superman-ners!


I pity the fool who rushes my elevator, hogs my pool chair, cuts in my line, wears jeans at my MDR table, slams a door in my face, pushes me in the hall, soaks a diaper tea bag in my pool, disrespects the crew or other passengers in my presence, ignores the rules or violates simple concepts of respect.


I'm also recruiting anyone who would like to be my loyal sidekick(s). Step up to the plate folks, why are you tolerating their rude behavior!? Biting your tongue or walking away just reinforces their attitudes. I guarantee if enough people spoke up in person like they do here on the boards this disrespect would decrease.


All I need to do now is to choose the color for my cape.



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Lots of threads lately about anti-kids, anti-alternatives, anti-whatever. The only thing I am anti on a cruise ship is anti-rudeness. In my experiences, the rudeness is becoming more and more prevalent. I witnessed way more rude behavior on my last cruise than I did on my first cruise back in 1986. It has nothing to do with the cruiseline IMO, but way more to do with where society is heading.


My #1 biggest peeve is getting off of an elevator, or trying to, and having other passengers(mainy adults btw) rush on before everyone has exited. This is VERY rude IMO. I was taught as a young child to stand off to the side of the elevator and wait until everyone has exited before attempting to board the elevator. On my last cruise on the Fantasy, I was nearly pushed down by a rather large, adult male who appeared to be about 50 years of age or so, who could not wait for the crowded elevator to empty before getting on. I did say out loud that you'd think someone that old would have manners. He just glared at me.


Another peeve I have is when walking down a cruise ship corridor on the way to or from my stateroom or to a venue. I tend to keep the right side of the corridor and usually passengers coming at me stay to the left. I hate encountering a group of 2 or 3 passengers who walk side by side and when they see someone coming towards them they do not move and continue walking 2 or 3 across. The person closest to me SHOULD move to allow me room to pass without having to hug the wall IMO. This rarely happens lately. I guess they think I'll move out of their way, but I refuse to and I have had more than one collision with a rude passenger who thinks its ok to take up the entire corridor. I usually stick my left arm or elbow out as we're passing and jab them somewhere. Then usually they look at me like I'm the crazy one.:rolleyes: I guess I should have just turned sideways and walked along the wall to allow his or her highness more room to pass.


I won't even get started on the behavior I witness at the buffets. Again, mainly adults. Will just say 1 thing. The food isn't going anywhere, you can always go back for more.


P.S. What happened to holding the door open for people? Some of those doors that lead to the exterior of the ship can be quite heavy and I've had people see me coming and just let it close practically in my face.




Really think manners need to be taught in schools today as rudeness is becoming more and more prevalent and it seems to me that the parents are NOT teaching manners as the parent's parents didn't teach manners either. Manners really help a society IMO and may even prevent a lot of the problems we see on the streets today. Hopefully it would help prevent the problems I see on a cruise ship.



The elevator thing bugs me to. Like Mr Pete, I return rudeness now. When they start to crowd on, blocking all who may want to exit. I say, "HOLD IT! When people are FINISHED exiting, you can board!"


I hold doors for people, it's COMMON COURTESY, and it is how I was taught. I do get many "Thank You's," Occasionally I get a weird look when holding a door, then I say, "I take tips ya know!":D


In the hallways I stay to the right. Those taking up the entire hall find out that after 11 years of football down in the pits, I still am quite capable of delivering a 'pancake block.' Its good to be the largest person in the room!:D:D:rolleyes:

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Rude knows no age group. And I used to sit back and say nothing.


I have reversed my stance over the years, and will retalliate with "rude", when rude is encountered!


Watching people post about one age group, class, or _______, makes me scratch my head.


But DEFINITELY, there are MORE rude adults than ANYTHING a kid can even think of doing.


I have been a big griper of kids running amuck, and playing on the elevators. There's many different degrees of rudeness at every age. There's no excuse to act that way any time or any where. I take the stairs and not the elevator my past 5 cruises, so I don't encounter the rude people getting on. But I see plenty of it in the buffet--people cutting in front of you like you're going to take it all and leave them nothing. My pet peeve are the slamming of the cabin and balcony doors. On our last cruise the people on both sides of us slammed their doors constantly. Another one are the people crowding in at the MDR for dinner. Like dinner is not going to be served if they don't get there first. Reminds me of a herd of cattle going to the trough.


So I do agree, that there are more rude adults than children.

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I'm also recruiting anyone who would like to be my loyal sidekick(s). Step up to the plate folks, why are you tolerating their rude behavior!? Biting your tongue or walking away just reinforces their attitudes. I guarantee if enough people spoke up in person like they do here on the boards this disrespect would decrease.


You're da man! :D BTW, I will say something in the future to rude people--matters not to me what they think.

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Way to go OP, good topic.




I'm my own new superhero, Superman-ners!




I'm also recruiting anyone who would like to be my loyal sidekick(s). Step up to the plate folks, why are you tolerating their rude behavior!? Biting your tongue or walking away just reinforces their attitudes. I guarantee if enough people spoke up in person like they do here on the boards this disrespect would decrease.





Where do I sign up to become a Superman-ners? Do we get to wear a badge of some sort?


Your post is my favorite post of all time.

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Thank you for this wonderful post..you hit all of my pet peeves. I have taught my wife to just stop when confronted with folks who walk 3 and 4 abreast and no one wants to move. Also as you noted whatever happen to the idea of walking as if you were driving a car, always to your right. Also the holding of doors for the next person should be such a common courtesy. My 16 year old grandson gets so many compliments because he holds the door for the next person to enter. I agree with you 100% on the rude behavior of adults. I just don't understand. As you stated there is enough food for everyone. I noticed that older folks will cut in front of lines then act as if they did not notice all the other folks.

This post should be made a sticky and must read for all folks who join cruise critic.

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I think the problem with these people who walk 3 abreast in the hallways and don't give you room to pass is that sometimes they are caught up in conversation and they're not even paying attention to who else is there. That's what I noticed when I ran into a few of them on this last cruise.


Another rude thing was the guy who let the elevator close in my face. I let everyone off, which took a while because there was someone in a wheelchair in there. When I turned to get on, the doors shut in my face. There was a guy in the elevator looking right at me. Even if I didn't know what button to push to keep the door open, I would have at least attempted try to find a way to hold the door, but nope, he just stood there looking at the door close.


One last really rude thing we encountered was when they had Mardi Gras night and were throwing beads from the balcony. My goodness, you would think they were throwing down dollar bills! This rather large guy almost knocked my over by backing up to catch his stupid beads. And people who already caught them were greedy and kept trying to catch more instead of letting people who didn't get any have them. People were jumping up and fighting over them. I looked at my son and said "let's get out of here!"

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What bothers me is, when I hold that elevator or hold open a door for a person and they can't even say, Thank you. :rolleyes: I in return will say, Your Welcome! :D(which I get weird looks for). I guess they figure they don't have to say, Thank you.:confused:

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After several elevator rides that happened the way you describe, next time, i will let them all pile in and force me to the back. then i say excuse me we have to get off here. whenever i hear the first sigh or see a roll of the eyes, i just mention, it would have been nice to let people off first.


If someone walks through a door i am holding open and doesn't say thank you, i too will give a You're welcome in a loud tone!

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I thought that a woman who works in my building was really rude. Day after day I wished her a good morning or said hello and she never responded. I couldn't believe how rude she was. Well, it turns out that she is totally deaf. That taught me a lesson.


Strangers may be visually, hearing or even mentally impaired and I have no way of knowing that.


I would feel awful if one of the people walking two abreast in the narrow hallways were visually impaired and I scolded, elbowed or tripped them.

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