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Handling Allergies!


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In lieu of reading about NCL Epic's passenger that died of an allergic reaction ... what should you do if you have a food allergy. I was diagnosed last year with a shrimp allergy ... and a 75% chance of a reaction to lobster or crab (although I have eaten lobster and crab with NO problem since) ... I know some of the meat dishes that I love on Carnvial sometimes come with shrimp ... do I notify them in advance or when seated? Obviously I don't want ANY shrimp to come in contact with the food I eat. I do carry a dual Epi-Pen and will have benadryl on board, but just curious as to how to handle it. Thanks in advance.

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You need to notify whomever you booked with, and they'll note it on your booking. What SHOULD happen is your maitre d' should come over each night, or their assistant, and ask you to choose your dinner for the following night (so they can prepare it without chance of cross contamination with your allergen). Also notify your waitstaff. If someone DOES NOT approach you about it at some point during dinner on the first evening, you need to speak to your maitre'd or MDR hostess about it to make sure they are aware.


Buffet is more difficult. We normally stick to the grille for lunch, buffet is normally breakfast only (for us). BUT, make SURE you have someone wipe down where you will be eating to eliminate the chance of your coming into contact with your allergen THAT way. My son, who's allergic to eggs and peanuts, had a reaction that way on our last cruise. Thankfully he was fine, but it scared EVERYONE to death.

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You need to notify whomever you booked with, and they'll note it on your booking. What SHOULD happen is your maitre d' should come over each night, or their assistant, and ask you to choose your dinner for the following night (so they can prepare it without chance of cross contamination with your allergen). Also notify your waitstaff. If someone DOES NOT approach you about it at some point during dinner on the first evening, you need to speak to your maitre'd or MDR hostess about it to make sure they are aware.


Buffet is more difficult. We normally stick to the grille for lunch, buffet is normally breakfast only. BUT, make SURE you have someone wipe down where you will be eating to eliminate the chance of your coming into contact with your allergen THAT way. My son, who's allergic to eggs and peanuts, had a reaction that way on our last cruise. Thankfully he was fine, but it scared EVERYONE to death.



THANK GOD your son was ok. Never thought about that ... the wiping down of the table and such ... you can tell I'm new to this allergy thing. I think probably just to not tempt fate I will avoid the lobster and any crab as well, even though it hasn't caused a problem at home. At sea, don't ant a problem.

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We discovered the hard way my wife was allergic to mangos our last night of the cruise...She puffed up the next morning at the airport... The doctor that treated her said lots of people are allergic to mangos but have no idea and it was something that she tried for the first time on the cruise...


So i would say dont try an allergen for the first time on the ship it could ruin your cruise...The flight attendents gave me some mean stares on the plane when i asked for an icepack her whole face was swollen, they were nicer once they heard the reason why...

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And keep in mind that even if your servers are aware of the issue that doesn't mean there can't be an error in the kitchen. Best to avoid any dish that is combined with these foods...so if they have steak and shrimp, just order a different dish instead of wondering if they shrimp was removed as an afterthought....

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You should notify the special needs department, at least 2 weeks before your cruise.


What will happen is that -- after the first day (things are too hectic the first day!) -- the maitreD will meet with you with the next days menus, and go over them carefully, identifying the ingredients and pinpointing anything that might contain whatever it is you're allergic to. (Shrimp, and lobster, etc. are easier to single out than, say, eggs.. :o). Then you and the maitreD (or head chef...) can work out what needs to be done to be sure that nothing that is served to you will have those ingredients in it, or have been near something that might.


They'll try to work with you with regard to the buffet and any specialty restaurants, too, but the buffet is the most troublesome, as you can't really know what another passenger might do with the utensil serving shrimp...which he'll then dip into the salad to grab a spoonful, or whatever! Cross-contamination is a very real problem, as you likely know! But the chef will try to point out to you the obvious dishes to avoid, and then you'd be on your own.


Good luck, and I hope you have a safe and uneventful cruise!

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DW has a number of food allergies that will give her migraines.


We tell the head waiter on the first night and an asst MD will come over every night and she will preorder her next dinner.


However we do look at what comes as they have made a couple of errors over the years.


For lunch she will carefully select what she will have on lido but that has not been a problem.


We will say that Carnival is great about this.

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My husband is allergic to all seafood. His throat swells and it affects his breathing. I'm allergic to mushrooms. On our first cruise years ago we would just ask and make sure there was nothing in our food we couldn't eat. I remmeber a couple of times our waiter went to check with the chef to make sure. We didn't have any problems. We never thought about notifying ahead of time, just treated it like we do in any restaurant.


I was in heaven, I had seafood every night and my husband had several things with mushrooms.


But for my DD's gluten-free needs for Nov. we have put in the request to special needs. Gluten is something that is in more than just bread.

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In lieu of reading about NCL Epic's passenger that died of an allergic reaction ... what should you do if you have a food allergy. I was diagnosed last year with a shrimp allergy ... and a 75% chance of a reaction to lobster or crab (although I have eaten lobster and crab with NO problem since) ... I know some of the meat dishes that I love on Carnvial sometimes come with shrimp ... do I notify them in advance or when seated? Obviously I don't want ANY shrimp to come in contact with the food I eat. I do carry a dual Epi-Pen and will have benadryl on board, but just curious as to how to handle it. Thanks in advance.


I've been out of town for several days and hadn't heard this. Do you have a link?

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I have severe allergy to Celery and others with the same protiens as Celery. We have been on Carnival, this will be #6 for us and have never had a problem.I let my PV know way ahead of time and she puts right on our reservations..I can't say the same for RCCl.. they were told way in advance as well as the head waiter was told on the cruise about my allergy. I was brought a plate of roast something with a green peice of something.. I knew it was celery, I told the HW that it was celery and had to go back, she argued with me and argued with my Husband and finally the maitre D came over and asked what the problem was and we told him that the green chunk was celery and about the allergy. he said oh no that's not celery that is onion..My Dh took the green chunk and ate it.. it was celery, then my Dh asked what he would have done if I would have taken his word for it..

I too carry the Twin ject epi pen as my allergy can come back up to 8 hours later.Make sure everyone in your party is familiar with the way to use the epi pen and not to put their fingers over the second needle so they will not get a shot too..

Call the special needs dept before you leave and make sure everyone that is associated with serving your table knows of your allergy. I would take a few extra Javex wipes to wipe table in the lido or the grill just in case.Carnival is a great company and will try everything to make your meals as safe as possible but ultimately when in doubt go with out...

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To the cruiser with the allergy to celery. So am I! I haven't heard of any other people with that allergy. Of course that includes carrots and parsley for me. I believe it's a particular enzyme in that family. In regards to Carnival and food allergies. I let special services know ahead of time and I was more than impressed with their diligence in service. Every meal someone was right at my table at each course. I have a lot of confidence in them although mistakes do happen. Would love to discuss this particular allergy with you.

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To the cruiser with the allergy to celery. So am I! I haven't heard of any other people with that allergy. Of course that includes carrots and parsley for me. I believe it's a particular enzyme in that family. In regards to Carnival and food allergies. I let special services know ahead of time and I was more than impressed with their diligence in service. Every meal someone was right at my table at each course. I have a lot of confidence in them although mistakes do happen. Would love to discuss this particular allergy with you.

there actually is a protien link to kiwi fruit, avacados,eggs, tomatoes, potatoes,and hers one for the record books.. latex..I actaully have scars on my forhead from an elastic band inserted into a hat ( meant to keep in on in the wind)where the skin is all but gone.. My father has the same allergy and can't wear elascisized socks.

And yes there is not to many of us out there but when ever I shop anything that has the word " spices" on it raises a red flag and goes back on the shelf.I am so sensative that in a local lobster restaurant that is mosly red;). The server walked past with a tray with steaming celery on it and that was enough to do me in...

The people on Carnival have been wonderful to me and my family in dealing with my allergies RCCL could take alot of notes on how to deal with them

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  • 4 weeks later...
there actually is a protien link to kiwi fruit, avacados,eggs, tomatoes, potatoes,and hers one for the record books.. latex..I actaully have scars on my forhead from an elastic band inserted into a hat ( meant to keep in on in the wind)where the skin is all but gone.. My father has the same allergy and can't wear elascisized socks.

And yes there is not to many of us out there but when ever I shop anything that has the word " spices" on it raises a red flag and goes back on the shelf.I am so sensative that in a local lobster restaurant that is mosly red;). The server walked past with a tray with steaming celery on it and that was enough to do me in...

The people on Carnival have been wonderful to me and my family in dealing with my allergies RCCL could take alot of notes on how to deal with them


I dont feel like a freak anymore. Severe latex allergy since I turned 40ish.All that you wrote is true.Avacado in certain stage of ripeness I get a reaction, The rubber seal on my car window sometimes causes a reaction. I carry an epi and benadryl .I hate to make a big deal and am not sure I want the special treatment on the cruise.I am gonna write to Carnival and ask about my specific cruise.

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I have sailed twice on carnival with shell fish allergies. I notified the special needs department and the first night at dinner a lady came and asked for me. She was there to show me the menu for the following evening. I feel that carnival does a wonderful job of helping people with allergies. Even though the buffet does list what the item is, I still avoid it like the plague(sp). I will eat at the grill with just the hamberger, hot dogs, and such. I always eat in the MDR whenever possible. I sure would hate to have to use my Epi-pen on a cruise. Just be as careful as you can be and have a wonderful time.

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My DD doesn't have food allergies (that we are aware of) but is allergic to feathers and some other things that can trigger asthma attacks. I contacted Special Needs Dept and they made detailed notes on our profile for the stateroom. Even though there is "hypoallergenic" down she seems to have issues with ANY feathers. So I would contact the Special Needs dept or your PVP and have them make notes on your profile. (We also had them make notes about her nebulizer so there wouldn't be any issues with it.)

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Even asking isnt too reliable. Asked at a Steakhouse,they said no latex,got rushed to hospital throat closed. The meat cutter brought his own gloves from home.I know the people who own the restaurant ,they were so sorry and made it up to me with a free dinner for four.

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I dont feel like a freak anymore. Severe latex allergy since I turned 40ish.All that you wrote is true.Avacado in certain stage of ripeness I get a reaction, The rubber seal on my car window sometimes causes a reaction. I carry an epi and benadryl .I hate to make a big deal and am not sure I want the special treatment on the cruise.I am gonna write to Carnival and ask about my specific cruise.

Even the scratch part of the scratch and win lotto ticket is made of Latex. I had surgery about 2 years ago on my elbows .. I had to be the 1st one in, in the morning so they could make sure it was latex free.

I'm not a big Avacado fan but I love kiwi fruit( and it is related to celery) and can't even have that. My father is so allergic to latex that his socks have to have no elastic.As for your car window rubber it is probably drying out and the powdery residue is irratating your skin.

As for getting special treatment on the ship.. don't look at it like that .. look at it as prevention of something that could cost you your life if you don't. I hated putting eveyone else out until one day in a red lobster a fellow went by with a steaming tray of celery and set my asthma off .. it was not 2 minutes later I was grabbing my epi pen..Carnival has always handled my allergies very well and I don't want to have us pull into a port because of me. Tell the special needs department and then tell your servers if you have allergies.. Carnival goes out of their way to make sure I am safe...they'll do the same for you

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  • 4 months later...

I am also allergic to latex airbourn and kiwi, I depseratly want to go on another cruise but was afraid I would not be able to go on one. What precautions did you take and what do I need to get the cruise line to do before I go on another cruise.

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Just wanted to add that I could not have been in safer hands with my allergies on Carnival. Contact special needs, and they will note the allergies on your reservation, then you'll pre-order each night for the next day. If the MDR was closed...I ate at the Grill, Deli, or Pizza station, where they all worked with me.

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I am also allergic to latex airbourn and kiwi, I depseratly want to go on another cruise but was afraid I would not be able to go on one. What precautions did you take and what do I need to get the cruise line to do before I go on another cruise.

I have dealt with the same PVP for 6 yeas and she is dilagent with making sure my allergies are delt with properly.I bring an epi pen and benadryl with and make sure I let the matireD and my head waiter now that my food should not be touched by anyone who has touched latex or celery.I ahve not eaten a kiwi so i can't say for sure what my reaction would be and avacado just the thought of it grosses me out.. but I know even so much a steaming tray that has celery on it is enough to set me off..

Make sure you communicate with everyone that could touch your food..and also let your cabin seward now that latex gloves are not to be used in your room and they can use vinyl or nitrile gloves instead..

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I am also allergic to latex airbourn and kiwi, I depseratly want to go on another cruise but was afraid I would not be able to go on one. What precautions did you take and what do I need to get the cruise line to do before I go on another cruise.

I have dealt with the same PVP for 6 yeas and she is dilagent with making sure my allergies are delt with properly.I bring an epi pen and benadryl with and make sure I let the matireD and my head waiter now that my food should not be touched by anyone who has touched latex or celery.Avacado just the thought of it grosses me out.. but I know even so much a steaming tray that has celery on it is enough to set me off..

Make sure you communicate with everyone that could touch your food..and also let your cabin seward now that latex gloves are not to be used in your room and they can use vinyl or nitrile gloves instead..

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