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Doing WW without the classes, any thoughts??


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Hi everyone, I am currently trying to lose 25 pounds before I cruise 4/3/05. I am following the WW plan from information a few years ago. I am having ok luck so far, but instead of going to the group meetings I am doing it alone. Of course the support received on here is better than any WW meeting I have ever attended. Is there any other WW people out there that want to exchange support, advise, success, plateaus, or temporary loses.


Thanks for the great post.:)

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I've been on WW since 8/5/04 and have lost 36lbs. I took a 'break' between Thanksgiving and early January. I only lost 1.6between those dates. If I were you I would go to the meeting(registration is free right now...) for a few weeks to get the new info. The new plans are AWESOME! One is similar to the older ones...counting points. The other is like the 2nd phase of south beach. They're better than the old ones(I did winning points). I dont know if you can lose 25...but even if you lose 20...thats amazing! Plus you always lose bigger your first few weeks. Check out the weight watchers site and go to the message boards. www.weightwatchers.com I LOVE the 50+ to Lose board, everyone is great and VERY supportive! Good Luck! I cruise on the Carnival Victory on 3/27 and hope to lose 10lbs by then!





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Thanks for the advice Kristi. I am basically doing the old point counting system. I really didn't want to have to spend the money each week, if I could help it. I cruising on Conquest 4/3 and I WILL lose 25 pounds before then. I know I can do it. I lost 5 this past week and my husband lost 7. Needless to say, we were both over 200 when we started. I will be be under that horrible 200 mark if I only lose 9 more pounds.


Again, thanks for the advise. I will consider going ahead and attending. But I was hoping for support and motivation from the boards.



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I joined WW for the first time in Jan. I have had a slow start 8.8lbs in 5 weeks but I am very happy with the results so far. Longest I have ever stayed on a diet. My friend tells me the flex points is a little different from the winning points but not much. Remember even a bad day does not end a diet. The superbowl weekend we had house guests for the weekend - went out to eat - pizza - beer and I still lost 2.6 lbs that week. Stay on track - put your scale in the closet and weight yourself only once a week ( I actually threw mine away) and get up and move and you will feel great about any lose.




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OH MY, Debbie you have me worried. I am doing the old winning points and it is working out pretty good. I am currently at 6 pounds lost in about 11 days. I am not sure that I want to lose it any slower. Oh, I know that each week will not be like the first. Unfortunately, I am one of those people that I MUST see some type of results. It doesn't matter if it is a number on the scale or the way that my clothes feel. But 8.8 pounds in 5 weeks, I am afraid that I would have gotten frustrated and given up.

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I should explain a little more. I have been trying to lose weight for about 2 years now on my own and I was stuck at one weight, quit smoking and hurt my foot which caused me to be laid up for about 8 weeks. I joined WW to get rid on the final 35-40 lbs (WW says 135 is my goal weight I would have put it a least 5-10 lbs higher myself) I have always had terrible eating habits and it took me a few weeks to adjust to limit my foot intake. My biggest drawback was serving sizes. Since I have throw away the scale the only time I get weighted is at the meeting and any lose is great. Last week was actually one of my biggest loses and I think this week will put me well over a total of 10 lb. The next 4 weeks (27 days til I cruise) is crunch time - we have no visits or guest planned to throw me off my diet and I plan to work out 6 days a week. My goal was 20 lbs before my cruise only 2.8 lbs per week LOL. Wish me luck. If I lose 6 more lbs I will be at my lowest weight in over 12 years.

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WOW, then you are doing so much better than me already. I can't seem to find a way to get in my exercise. I don't belong to a gym and that ain't gonna happen. To many family, children, etc. things keeps me running. I would love to be able to at least go out and walk some each day.


Keep up the good work and I will do all that I can do from this end.


I hope you enjoy your cruise!!!

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The short answer to your question is YES. THE "Old" WW diet is no more than the standard ADA diet (without the ra ra classes). I went to WW years ago not to loose wieght but I was a single guy who knew nothing about food. I didn't stat loosing wieght (I was 350+ and I'm 195 now) untill I went on my ,"I'll-never-go-on-a diet-again" diet.


WW will change the way you look at food and proportions. I hated going to the classes but learned alot about food. YES, you can do it. And if you find you need a little help, you've got the INTERNET to help.


Heck, even WW themselves now have an on line dont need to go to class version. What ever works for you.


Hemingway once said,' There is no such thing as right or wrong. Only how it feels after it's over"

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I have been on WW since Sept. and it's very slow for me but I don't stick to the strickness of the points. I want to learn portion control and food selection and I feel that if I just start cutting things out I will miss them and go back and binge on the wrong foods so I have only lost 16lbs and have a good 20 more to loose but I am not putting a time limit on it. My cruise is in april and I just hope I can look decent in a bathing suit. I did try to do WW on my own and thought I did good but now that I go to meetings I get more support and you meet people that can share their troubles and challanges and what they do to get through it. I find it so much more encouraging and when I know that every Friday I am going to weigh in, I know I have to be good it is more motivating this time around going to meetings. It is up to each person but having tried both ways I do think going to meetings has made a differrence in loosing weight faster this time than last.

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Just wanted to share with everyone my good news. Week 6 on WW and it seems to be getting easier and not harder. Eating more of the right foods and less of the bad. My sweet tooth can now be controled with very little effort. I don't even really want all that sweet stuff any more. I had a 1.8 lb lose this week for a total of 10.8. Cloths are fitting much better and thanks to my exerising my stomach seems to be much flatter. Hope everyone else has a great week.


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Hi everyone, I am also going to ww. I am cruising in April also and I would just like to feel good about myself again. I am also just over that 200lb mark and I can't stand it. I have lost 12.4 in 6 weeks with ww and exercise. It seems to be coming off slow but I WILL continue to do this. I had a lot on my plate this past year and it is now time for ME!!!! By the way, if anyone has an addiction to chocolate, you need to try Breyers 98% fat free Chocolate Fudge Brownie icecream. It is unbelievable!!!! And only 1 point for a 1/2 cup! Keep up the good work everyone.

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Hi everyone, I just joined WW again today. I wanted all the new info. I have been trying to follow it on my own since Christmas and have only lost about 4 pounds. Somthing about having someone else weigh me seems to give me alot of extra incentive!! Have a great day. Connie

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Hi Everyone,

I saw this board and decided to get in on this...I am a former employee for WW..I was a leader and due to unfortunate circumstances with family I gave it up.....but am still a Liftime member of course....but it has been a bad year and a few of the original lbs have crept back on so here I am. I am working on getting it off, but I will tell you even for me someone who knows the program in and out.....the meeting support is so very important...I need that support not so much from the staff ,but from fellow WW'ers in the room....I still learn something new every meeting I go to....and I lost my weight in 99 and worked for them until 2003...it is amazing what you gain from just being at the meetings....To each his own I understand that for sure and some people just don't like the meetings, but they are definitley a big part of my success and now a prt of my continuing motivation to get these pesky lbs. off!! Good Luck to all of ya'll and remember.....losing the the weight is a journey...enjoy the ride!!!!

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I decided to go back on the weight watchers plan without the meetings also. We are cruising on the Valor on 9/25/05. I originally joined in January of 04 and lost 42 pounds by June. This is when I stopped going. I was just 10 pounds shy of my goal. Needless to say I started gaining weight because I went back to eating whatever i wanted. I gained back 20 pounds and decided enough was enough. I started back on my own just last Friday (one week ago) and have already lost eight pounds. I still have 22 ponds to go to reach my goal. If I can do it anyone can. Just follow the program and you'll do fine, plus be able to save money to put towards your cruise

Good Luck


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Nineteen years ago I reached my goal weight and became a lifetime member. In the last ten years I tried other diets and they always sent the scale soaring. Now I plan on going to a meeting every week and keeping a diary. Positive thoughts and lots of support. I find that a good leader helps as well and that is what I am looking for now. I have a number of meeting options so I am hopeful I can find someone sparky. I sail on the Millenium on October 13th in the Mediterrean. It will be good to have the habits set up, such as eating healthy and exercising. The gym sounds great. So all of us can support each other and we will all be svelt come cruise time.

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Good For You hulajopig....I hope you find a good leader....definitley a big key...I know all my old members are still trying to get me to go back, becasue they said I was honest with them and inspired them to accomplish their goals....makes me glad to know I helped others....now I need the help to get my extra 20 lbs. off:) We are planning a cruise on the Conquest next Feb. and haven't been on one in 4 years since I originally lost my weight so I definitely want to get those pesky lbs. off before then, but I have other trips planned between now and then so I am getting in gear now....good luck to you and remember how important you are every day and it makes it easier to make time for yourself in order to get to your goals!!!!

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On our last cruise,which was almost one year ago, I made the resolution to join WW when we got home. I was tired of my clothes feeling tight, even my "fat clothes. It took me almost 6 weeks to finally get the gumption to go and join but I did it. 9 months later I am down 53 pounds and feel wonderful. I've dropped from a size 14 to a size 6. I began by following the flex plan but now do CORE because I am simply trying to maintain. We are scheduled to take our next cruise on the Elation in early Oct 2005 and I can't wait to shop for that little black dress (the sexy one). Anyone on WW please stick with it. I think going to the meetings gives you a reason to be a little more vigilant in following the program and makes you accountable. This program works and I give my best wishes and skinny vibes to all who are on the WW journey.

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I was started WW as an online-only member (i.e., no classes) in May 2002 when I realized my weight had hit an all-time high of 168. I was down to 134 after several months but then I got lazy and gained it all back. Immediately after my cruise in October 2004 my all-time high became 172. I know for some people that doesn't sound bad at all but it's a personal thing - I would like to get back down to my college and immediately-post-college weight of 120.


I had started on the Winning Points program and I switched to FlexPoints when that came out. When they announced the Core Plan I didn't think it would be very helpful so I never did that. But I had been on a plateau for several months until right around Xmas, so I decided to quit doing WW and try counting calories. I am STILL on the plateau...haven't lost weight since then, or rather I get down to 165 then go back up to 169.


I never found the WW boards very helpful, mostly because they don't use proper forum software! The threads are so hard to keep track of. I am a member on another weight loss board but I don't go there very often.


I'd just like to get off this plateau right now. *sigh* I don't have any cruises or other vacations planned so my only goal right now is to get below 160 and stay there.

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If you are really stuck on a plateau the WW CORE program might just be what you need to get you back on the weight loss track. It works for many people. If you've already done flex you know all about portion size and won't be tempted to overeat on Core. You may not have a cruise planned yet but I am sure a vacation will be in your future sooner or later. Even if you stay in "Homestead Park" during vacation this year at least you'll look and feel better.

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Hi philly50's! I have two main concerns with Core. My first is that I am a vegetarian so I always worry about diet plans having enough options for me to eat. (I will never do Atkins...it would be tofu and eggs all the time!) Also, the main thing about core was "eat when you're hungry, stop when you're full" and I am still learning how to do that. I eat when I'm hungry...but I'm always hungry! And I have a hard time stopping when I'm full, too.


But thank you for the advice! I will try doing some more research. :)

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Hello everyone:

Week seven on WW I thought I would have a gain this week, I had one of those PMS weeks and I always seem to crave sweets - but when I stepped on the scale at my meeting today I was so suprized I lost weight!!! I lost 1.4 lbs for a total of 12 lbs since 1/06/05. I really think portion control is the main reason I am still lossing weight. Hope everyone has a lose this week as well.


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...the main thing about core was "eat when you're hungry, stop when you're full" and I am still learning how to do that. I eat when I'm hungry...but I'm always hungry! And I have a hard time stopping when I'm full, too.


I found that sometimes I used to eat when I was actually thirsty, so I follow a suggestion I read in Prevention magazine -- If I know I shouldn't be hungry, I drink about 8 oz water or a polar seltzer drink (no calories). If I'm still hungry in 15-20 minutes, I have something light to eat -- under 100 cal. I get fewer of those "hunger" feelings, now that I drink more water & less soda, too. I also usually drink water as my beverage when I eat -- helps me feel fuller faster.

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Hi philly50's! I have two main concerns with Core. My first is that I am a vegetarian so I always worry about diet plans having enough options for me to eat... :)


Hi There, Just a heads up, Core foods include most grains, legumes, seitan, tofu, tempeh, many frozen veggie burgers and lots of other good veggie options :-)

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