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Anyone unemployed taking a cruise alone or with the family?


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I am not unemployed, but I am certainly underemployed - were I not so young, I would consider it terribly irresponsible of me to book vacations. Both my bf and I have two degrees each and work at barely above poverty level jobs. We both are constantly looking for new jobs, but our current location is ****e for work, and it would take quite a good job offer elsewhere to be able to support the other until they could find a job.


We have no intentions of not taking trips - sure, they're bargain trips, but we figure we'll probably never have flexibility in our lives the way we do right now. Last fall, when we decided to leave on a cruise in less than seven days, we could. When we decide to run up to St. Augustine for a night, we can. Heck, we drove up to Akron for New Years Eve on 18 hours planning! We are one step shy of broke, maybe 8 weeks of paychecks sitting in the bank, but we figure we'll look back at these years and smile at all the little things we did to save money, and smile bigger at the things we chose to spend that saved money on.


EDIT: didn't want anyone thinking I was knocking the OP - if it's already paid for, and you don't have the top-tier cancel for any reason insurance, by all means, go! Spend as little as possible, relax as much as possible, I'm sure you all need it. I just wouldn't be *booking* nice vacations while unemployed - that's the time to start really appreciating hiking and camping trips, in my book.

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Perhaps the OP is looking for someone she can relate to at this point given the possible change in employment status. There have been some nasty posters lately, who if you look at their previous posts, seem to take great pleasure in snarky useless responses :(


Those who are chiming in about unemployment benefits, tax dollars, cruise not really paid for what exactly should a person do when they find themselves unemployed? Her cruise is in less than 2 weeks so she's been well beyond final payment for quite awhile. Insurance isn't going to help unless something was purchased that allows for cancellation for any reason which is unlikely. So should someone sit back and stay home when the cruise is paid for and lose the money paid? Carnival considers a cruise paid for regardless of wether it's on a credit card or paid by cash.


My dh worked for the same company for close to 18 years when they closed the stores in our area. He had another job waiting for him with another company that started right away. Fast forward a few years and the new company decided to sell off some of their stores in the area with his being one of them. Another hit to his employment but he was able to secure another job quickly. Finally the company he's been with for the past few years recruited him and he's been happy with the changes. Had we booked a cruise that was paid for with no way to get our money back we'd have taken that cruise and been frugal with any on board expenses.


We have been fortunate with being able to roll with what life has thrown our way but we will never lose site of having compassion for those that my not be as fortunate.


Op I hope that you have a wonderful cruise and that you are able to secure employment when you return.


How very well stated, thank you!

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Employers must pay the following when they have employees.

# Social Security taxes (6.2% up to the annual maximum)

# Medicare taxes (1.45% of wages)

# Federal unemployment taxes (FUTA)

# State unemployment taxes (SUTA)


So basically they are paying half of the employee's SS tax and half of their Medicare tax. Employees do not pay into the Fed or State unemployment system.



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When I lost my job! I was thisclose to booking the cheapest cruise I could find to recover from the stress of it all. When you don't have a job you could go on off peak times. I didn't end up doing it, but I can completely understand the need to disconnect for a week after losing your job and trying to figure out next steps.


I did find a job after several months of working at a temp agency. Still haven't booked that cruise yet! Working in a school now can only cruise when it's busy and I hate cruising with the younger set... after all I work with them for 15 years and don't need to vacation with them! ;)

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If it is paid in full, then go for it! It would probably take an act of Congress to get your money back anyway.


Just an interesting little FYI...NCL has (or had, I haven't looked at booking them lately) a "job loss" provision that would refund 100% of cruise costs at any time prior to sailing in the case of termination or lay-off. Not sure if it was part of their insurance or just a condition of the regular contract. :)


Happy Sails,



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Cruising while unemployeed is no more irresponsible than someone cruising who is employed but buried in debt (and going further in debt to go on a cruise).....


The point is to be financially responsible no matter what your employment status.....

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Cruising while unemployeed is no more irresponsible than someone cruising who is employed but buried in debt (and going further in debt to go on a cruise).....


The point is to be financially responsible no matter what your employment status.....


When I ever I was unemployed sue to a downsizing or buyout , I always took a cruise. It was the best time for me to do it because once I started to work again it would be another year before I could take vacation. In fact whenever I got laid off if some one asked what I intended to do another friend would always reply she's going to take a cruise that's what she always does in between jobs. An no I never thought of it as being inrresponsible. After all no mortgage, no cc debt, no car payment , never lived beyond my means, and had the money to take a cruise. As poster stated the point is to be financially responsible.

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Employers must pay the following when they have employees.

# Social Security taxes (6.2% up to the annual maximum)

# Medicare taxes (1.45% of wages)

# Federal unemployment taxes (FUTA)

# State unemployment taxes (SUTA)


So basically they are paying half of the employee's SS tax and half of their Medicare tax. Employees do not pay into the Fed or State unemployment system.




What you say is true Dave, but I always figured I EARNED the money that the employer had to pay into the Federal and State unemployment tax system.



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I used to work at the Unemployment office and the EMPLOYERS are paying unemployment insurance. Workers do not pay INTO it.


Yes you do by putting your time. Your employer pays FUTA and SUTA. Just make sure you save for situations if your job dissolves.

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This seems like a very dangerous thread......


With probably the most judgmental and harsh posters on any site I have seen, you are brave to bring up something this personal. Just hope they pull this thread before the historical attacks happen with the "take no prisoners" mentality.


Good Luck and Happy Cruisin' to all

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DH and I have both been unemployed for 4-5 months, and cruise in 12 days. We had the cruise, gratuities, excursions, flights and motel already paid for (in cash). It really did not make sense to cancel since unemployed. If new job started that had a problem with a pre-planned and pre-paid vacation might have changed plans if insurance cooperated.

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If it's paid for (no credit cards) and your bills and rent/mortgage are paid to current, then go. If your worried you won't be able to make rent/mort. then check to see if the insurance you bought covers lay-offs(most do, including ours) then you really should put it off until another time that you are more finacially stable. You're the only one who truely knows your situation. Good luck and I hope you find employment soon. :)

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Honestly, I am a small business owner and posters that say they have "paid into unemployment for 50 yrs" are incorrect. Only the employer pays into unemployment. They pay both Federal and state.

I however believe if you have the money why not?? I imagine the loss of a job is very traumatic and they deserve some relaxation.


Employers pay on behalf of employees. It's part of your employment package, just as any insurance, vacation or holidays are part of your total employment package. Employers can claim, correctly, that they pay it, but it is on behalf of the employee.


Happy cruising to all!



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I'm an IT contractor who is self-employed, so unemployment is not an issue. There is so much demand for certain skills, it is unbelievable.


Contracts do end, and I expect that. Going for a time without any pay or benefits is part of the game. I don't know when the contract will end, but I nkow there is always another one waiting somewhere nearby.


A year ago at the bottom of the recession I was worried that I would have to accept a lower rate but ended up with two competing offers and one of them was at my asking price. Still, I used up all my savings waiting for that to happen. But NOT working can be very relaxing, if you don't let the stress of no money get you down.


We had a Med cruise booked a few years back on the then-brand-new Freedom. DW's job of 22 years ended when they moved the office to another city. She was not fired just told she would have to move, which we of course would not do, so bye-bye career!


Since we had not yet purchased airfare and could get a full cruise fare refund, we felt the responsible thing to do was cancel the cruise and be frugal until she got another job. She was working again before her severance ran out, but it was tough for her to find that job. Her good reputation and industry contacts let her find work 5 minutes from home, and that is a big plus, even if the pay is less.


If we had a lot invested in the cruise and it was non-refundable, we would probably have gone. Some people worry about starting a new job and taking a long vacation the next week, but it happens all the time. All you have to do is disclose your vacation plans when they make you and offer and make your acceptance conditional on the vacation time off. They may not want to pay you for that time, and that is understandable, but at least you can go on the cruise!

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Did you get the job? I always wonder what is the best time to mention planned vacations when interviewing. I usually book months and sometimes as far out as I can and who knows what can happen!


I am in between jobs and had 3 job offers.. I told all about my upcoming cruise next week and all said no problem.. honesty is best.. and they understand we have them booked months ahead.. if they dont you dont want to work there. :eek:

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Is it possible op meant leaving (not living) on Valor?


Yes, exactly. Unfortunately not everyone caught that, but some who did tried to make light of the typo and were drug across the pit of enmity!


I don't know if I'd want to live on a cruise ship anyway. Do you realize how high your parking bill would be?

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Hang in there OP...


don't let the negatives and know nothings get you down


*how ridiculous to assume that your "tax dollars" are paying for someone's unemployment benefits LOL


Since the cruise is paid for and you are in "penalty" go ahead and have a good time, maybe this is what you need to clear your head and prepare you to look for a good job when you get back


Lots of ways to save money :


>>> leave the auto tips on BUT don't feel you need to tip any extra


>>> carry on soda/water (as much as allowed)


>>> bring your own camera and vow to NOT buy any pictures, don't even pose for any, and just don't buy em


>>> bring a bottle of wine each and corkscrew, get wine glasses from steward or bar and yes you can carry a glass into the dining room


>>> don't go near the casino


>>> the mdr food is great, NO need to go to the "steakhouse"


:::::: rumrunners?? LOL....(flame suit on )


>>> stay out of the overpriced gift shops


>>> enjoy the spa, gym, sauna, steam if you like but don't go for any spa treatments, even their "bargains" are high priced IMHO


~~~~~~~~~~~ Excursions..

I spent $45 plus tips for 3 tours on my last cruise...in Coz, Grand Cay and Ochos Rios...yes, $45 total :)


Despite the pundits here on the boards who tout various tour guides you can just get a tour at the port if you are willing to bargain and haggle

I have done it many times and works out great


Valor excursions


Grand Cayman : you can get a $10 tour around the island, to "Hell", to rum cake place and then watch the dophin swimmers/encounter folks and then have them drop you at Royal Palm Beach, you don't have to rent a chair, you can put your towel on the beach , $4 to get back to town (many vans and cabs)


OR you can pick up a $25 sting ray city tour right at the pier


OR just walk around, sample rum cakes , check out the town



Coz...I had a fantastic tour for $15 total, and then hung at a beach with free chairs for buying food/drink, about $10...great day


Belize..been there 2x and it is pricy cause you have to get a tour

nothing much to do in town, but you could ride the tender over and check out the little shops, have a drink in Wet Lizard, go to their site print off a coupon for a deal I think


or you could pick up a cave tube tour right at the pier, I would not spend more than $40, $45

or...just hang on the ship


Roatan...I was there before Mahogany Bay...since Carnival has Mahogany Bay now, just go there and enjoy....free beach chairs, nice beach etc


Have a wonderful cruise and come back refreshed and ready to "go go go"..

I hope you have a great time and come home and get a great job




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We are leaving Sunday on our 4th cruise since I lost my job a year ago last March.It was about 60+k a year.So the little amount that I would have gotten on unemployment wouldn't had made a difference.

We have been able to do this by saving our money when times are good,living well below our means[average house,cars,etc.],and having a plan for these times.

A bad time for us is now just a bump in the road.

It was hard to break the bad habits of spending but the feeling of security is worth it.

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I am unemployed and going on the Valor 10/14 paid and planned for it a long time ago, why should this economy stop me from having a vacation. Heck looking for a job is like having a job right now, so I need a vacation from trying to find a job!!!

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I am in between jobs and had 3 job offers.. I told all about my upcoming cruise next week and all said no problem.. honesty is best.. and they understand we have them booked months ahead.. if they dont you dont want to work there. :eek:


Completely agree with you. That exact thing happened to my wife. We've had our cruise this month on the Fascination planned since January. My wife started a new jobs three weeks ago. She let her boss and HR person know about the vacation and they were totally fine with it. They're even letting her use paid vacation time she hasn't accrued yet. I think as long as you let the employer know and ask (not demand) for the time, they'll try to accomodate you.

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HaHaHa- My DH was laid-off about 4 weeks now, I still work. We've been wanting to take a cruise and was feeling kinda bad about doing it considering the circumstance.

But, he's soon to be 62yrs old and can receive social security. Anyway, we booked a 9-day cruise for December 2010 and feel so excited and besides we need this trip ! And before we're really too old to enjoy them.

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