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Our Adventure on the Legend!


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About Us:


We are a 38 yr old wife and 43 yr old husband living in Tampa celebrating our 4 year wedding anniversary celebration. We cruise every year for our anniversary starting from a 3 day to a 4 day to a 5 day (always an ocean view cabin) and finally now our first 7 day on the Carnival Legend. We originally booked a 4k french door interior (has french doors that open but no balcony to step out on). When booking I figured this is better than an ocean view cabin since we can open the french doors for fresh air. We also had the cabin booked in between lifeboats so we would have somewhat of a view. Two weeks prior to our cruise date we upgraded to an 8k extended balcony. I am so thrilled that we did because what a BONUS it is to sit/stand/read/watch the sunset and sunrise/have coffee and the list goes on and on by having a balcony for the first time. I was however nervous about the ships movement being so far up the ship and nervous about the noise being under the lido deck. These worries coming from reading cruise critic website reviews. But heck, we are going on a cruise so I tried to shake off the worries. ;)


Leading up to Sail Away:


I spent so many months, weeks, days and hours leading up to our cruise on the cruise critic website. Reading review after review, learning and learning, jotting down notes from others' experience. My DH often called me to bed and I always said "Be right there!" and then literally hours later I would follow...haha. There were more ports to make decisions on, more things offered on the Legend and I just wanted to know all about it! Watching you tube videos, reading reviews, checking out pictures I just couldn't get enough! We have always used the ship's excursions on past cruises so I read and read about non ship excursions cautiously as I did not want to get left behind even though we have passports. After all of the time researching I made decisions and as I go through the day by day review I will add in the tips I have learned. WARNING: I am very, very, very (did I say very?) detailed oriented. In my profession we have one shot at a perfect day so details are very key. I am very detailed by nature. This review may be "overly detailed" for some of you. I am so detailed that I went so far as to list out all of the things I bought for this cruise before and during, the food we ate to a play by play of our adventures. Most of the reviews I read helped me and I hope I can pay it forward to those who read this. So buckle your seat belt, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride! Welcome to our adventure on the Legend....


Day One (Sunday):


Today is the day we have been waiting for to come! It is finally time to set sail. We are only about 20 minutes from the Port of Tampa but I was up very early. The butterflies were having a field day in my tummy. It was still dark out. I just couldn't help it. I told DH I wanted to get to the port early and he said ok ok ok. At 11:00am (mind you I had been ready to leave hours earlier!) he was sitting in front of the tv making sure he had the DVR set correctly. He was going to be missing football and baseball games (the Minnesota Vikings, Florida Gators and the Rays to be specific more about this later in the review) and other sports shows and I was thinking to myself - come on already get over it we are going on a cruise! We had asked our dear friends R & J to drop and pick us up at the port to avoid paying for parking. No parking fees means more drinks for us! When they asked what time to be at our house, I asked them to come at 10:30am.... well they showed up right on time and the DH had us all waiting. Ugh for me. They were laughing at us as I tried to rush him and he took his time. They were being entertained by the DH as I was itching to get going. FINALLY at 11:45am DH was ready. DVR set, he double checked and triple checked. Let's get this show on the road!


We jumped on the cross town and approximately 16 minutes later I saw her. There was the funnel...then as we got closer, she got bigger. The Legend. We pulled right up to the port circle and the porters were everywhere ready and willing to take our luggage and I was ready and willing to get it to them. We kept our two smaller pull luggage and checked in the two larger ones. Tipped the porter $5 for both pieces then gave R & J a big hug goodbye and our thank you's. J got a little teary eyed since they joined us on last year's anniversary cruise but had way to much going on this year to be able to come. DH and I walked over towards the port doors and saw the line. We jumped in line and it moved quite fast. Minutes later the port security was looking at our passports and fun passes and let us in. Yay, we are in the building! Lines keep moving quite fast. Up the escalator and there we were at the x-ray machine belt. Did not have to remove shoes (like at airport). When my carry on luggage went through the tv screen and screener called for a bag check. The supervisor grabs my luggage and asked if I had a wine opener. I said yes and he said ok and let us keep going. No stopping. We had a bottle of wine in each of our carry on luggage and I had the wine opener in mine. We also had twelve little cans of pineapple juice in each carry on for the two bottles of malibu rum I purchased ($55/bottle) through the Bon Voyage Department.


Another line to get our sign and sail cards (S & S cards). We had to fill out a form saying that we haven't been sick nor have had any symptoms in the last couple days. Oh, and don't worry if you don't have a pen, while they are reviewing your info at the sign and sail desk you can fill them out. We were next to go up making small talk with the port attendant who was releasing people towards the next available window. All the staff was very nice might I add. We walked to the window and the next port attendant asked us for our fun pass, passports and our credit card to set up our account. Seconds later he walks away and returns with our two S & S cards. We say thank you and then the butterflies start again. We are on our way woohoo quick and painless.


We walk over and they scan our S & S cards (DING!), snap a photo and say welcome aboard. A professional photographer snaps our photo and we are walking through the tunnel. Oh my... the atrium is huge! Much bigger and alot higher than our last cruises. So many urns...urns urns they're everywhere. This I was prepared for as I have researched and viewed so many photos. It is 1:15pm and we know we have another 15 minutes before we can drop off our carry on luggage so we go to the pursers desk to get our S & S cards hole punched. I bring our own waterproof lanyards so we attach them and are on our way. We walked around a few minutes trying to figure out how to get around and it was 1:40pm so we decided to head up to check out where we were going to be staying for the next week. We had cabin # 8153. We opened the door (your S & S card is your room key and your charge card used for drinks, the gift shops, photo purchases and even the casino if you want - more on this later). We open the door and wowza, the cabin space was bigger than our last cabin space and so was the restroom. Oh and the extended balcony. It was SAAAAA - WEEEEEEET! We were overlooking channelside and saw Bennigans and Gallaghers. On the vanity area the two pre-ordered bottles of malibu rum sat so I decided to empty out our carry on luggage. We added our wine and pineapple juice and all of a sudden we had a little bar set up. Oh, can't wait for the beer to get here we thought. We put an 18 pack of Select 55 cans (I watch my calories haha) for me in my checked luggage and a 24 pack of Bud Light cans for the DH in his checked luggage. Minutes later we heard a thump on our door so DH opened it up and viola there was my luggage. I opened it up and yippee the beer made it through. We sat and sat waiting for DH's luggage and it had not arrived. Announcement after announcement and it was getting close to the drill. I had read a tip on CC website that no life jackets were necessary anymore and this holds true. Since we were both hungry and the drill was going to be starting in 15 minutes, we went up to the lido deck to grab a bite. We took the stairs and how convenient, one deck up and there it was. Walked into the Unicorn Cafe and decided to grab something light since the sushi would be opening soon. We both went to the deli counter. DH had a grilled ham and cheese and I had a grilled hot pastrami sandwich. Mmmm...it was good and hit the spot. Horn blows and it is time for the drill. We go down to our assigned lifeboat deck. Quick and painless. I look up to see what the 4k would of been like. Again, thankful we had the opportunity to upgrade to the extended balcony.


Drill is over and we head back to the cabin to check on DH's luggage. We go down the hall and turn the corner and realize no luggage in that area of cabins. Back into the cabin. My clothes are in drawers, hanging clothes in one of the closets. (there are three closet doors, two with hangers and one with shelves) Top drawer of the vanity area was a blow dryer and bible. Next three drawers empty for our use. There is a safe in the cabinet doors under the tv and a door towards the bottom with a mini refrigerator. Another cabinet beside the refrigerator for more storage space. Plenty of space in the restroom with shelve space. TIP: Since I can't stand a cluttered area or cabin, I brought my over the door shoe holder. So glad because it kept our vanity area in the cabin clear as well as the bathroom area. I kept our S & S cards, loose $1's for room service tips, sunglasses, hair scrunchies, comb, q-tips, lotion, aloe, toothpaste and tooth brush, contact solution, etc (you get the idea). I brought an old expired credit card to use to lock the safe. I brought binoculars since we had a balcony. A brought a plug in that turned one outlet into three outlets. I brought our laptop to access the free site to communicate with family and friends at home WITHOUT purchasing an internet plan. (more tips I will add as we go since they pertain to different areas).


It is 4:25pm and we have started sailing away and our tradition has always been to go up on the lido to overlook the houses and condos as we sail through Davis Island and head towards the Skyway Bridge because we never had a balcony. DH doesn't want to leave the cabin just yet... he is somewhat irritated since his luggage hasn't made it. Our collapsible cooler is in his luggage so we can't get ice yet to ice down the beer so I check the little silver ice holder and there was ice in it. I decided to make us both a malibu rum and pineapple while waiting for luggage. TIP: we brought our little tumblers with lids (they also sell them in red or blue in the gift shops) to use for our mixed drinks and beer, two koozies for when we ordered buckets of beer, and two HUGE mugs with lids. We used the huge mugs to bring down ice water, ice tea and lemonade to the cabin as well as used these big bad boys when laying out at the pool. It saved us trips back and forth for non-alcoholic drinks. (they are so huge they hold about 5 cans of beer)


DH sucked down his first cocktail and we were cruising by the houses and condos in Tampa. I was trying to distract away and make light of the missing luggage so I was asking him to point out Derek Jeter's new house and he answered by saying we couldn't see it from where we were. Anything sports related usually gets him happy but it didn't work. I know he was still nervous about his luggage. All of his clothes were in there and he is one who likes to unpack and get organized prior to getting the party started. It was nice to start sailing away on our own balcony because it started drizzling...the drizzling got harder and turned into a full down pour. An hour and several cocktails later, still no luggage. Everytime he heard a thump on the cabin door he went running to the hallway. FINALLY, at about 6:10pm his luggage appears. He is relieved! He opens it up and there is a letter. Oh no! "Dear guest: welcome onboard! We are looking forward to having you sail with us. We only want to take a minute of your time to let you know that during the security scanning of all baggage, your luggage showed the appearance of certain prohibited items....so on and so on." You know where this is going right? Yuppers, they confiscated the 24 pack of bud light. Now DH is kinda sad and kinda mad. He KNOWS that we were taking a chance by bringing the beer on board but thankful mine made it through...plus thank goodness for the Bon Voyage department.


He unpacked all of his luggage and I read our first fun times to figure out what we were going to be doing. (oh I saved all of the fun times and will try to scan and post them) We left a note for our room attendant and asked her to ice our cooler and to please check the tv remote control as it didn't work and the light barely lit up. Probably needed a new battery. With the note I left $20. We then went up to the lido deck middle bar. We ordered a bucket of beer (tip: you are charged port taxes on all purchases like drinks, gift shop, soda card, etc. until after you go under the Skyway Bridge) and walked up to the next deck. Rain had stopped but the ground was wet. We saw many falls and alot of people slipping while walking. TIP: Make sure to have good gripping shoes/flip flops on the pool decks. We didn't get to the Skyway until about 6:45ish due to the delay of sail away. After we went under the Skyway we went back down to the lido deck to get away from the open deck as it was quite windy up there. We sat at a table and met a mother and daughter vacationing together. They were super nice and in our conversations we found out daughter was from Tampa and mother from Sarasota. Three buckets of beer later, we went to explore the ship. We found the library, the internet cafe, rodeo drive, the Truffles dining room, the enchanted forest. Medusa's Lair, the nightclub. We found the Follies where the shows are held, the Firebird Lounge where the comedy shows are. We were looking forward to Punchliners. Yay. Love comedy shows. We found the piano bar. Another thing we were excited about since our last cruise we had Barry and he was absolutely AWESOME! Anytime someone walked into the piano bar he asked their name and came up with a rhyming jingle like my name is Barry but I ain't hairy, if I were that would be scary...haha. Unfortunately the Legend's piano bar was not as exciting or interactive. Boo! I don't want to focus on negative. It was somewhat disappointing but not enough to ruin our adventure though!


Right down the stairs from Billie's Piano Bar we hit the jackpot! Sushi...mmmm yum! They were serving tuna, salmon and shrimp. All so good. We parked at a small stone table in front of Satchmos where folks were singing karaoke. Wow...some great talent (or the buckets of beer did us good!) haha. We had another plate each of sushi and another bucket of beer. Met a nice couple from Philly chatted a bit then we headed to Truffles. Tonight we were able to attend dinner "as is" so we didn't bother changing outfits. Headed to dinner and we were escorted to our table # 232. It was a table for six. Two other couples were already seated when we arrived. They all looked nice (and changed in cruise casual attire) and we walked in with our bucket of beer since we had two more bottles left wearing shorts our "as is" attire (cute but not dressy). TIP: They sell buckets of beer in ice cold aluminum bottles of Bud Light, Bud and Mic Ultra but they now also have buckets of beer in cans if you prefer that. They are almost $2 less per bucket. We like the aluminum bottles but on our last cruises they didn't have cans available.


We sat down, introduced ourselves to the other two couples. It was obvious that the two couples had not engaged in conversation prior to us joining them so we all started going around the table. One couple was from Ohio, she a nurse and him a airplane builder. The other couple was from Florida, he a business owner and she was his bookeeper/assistant. Our head server came over and introduced herself...she was Bianca and her assistant was Armando. They were two of the best we have ever had! My passport and S & S card had my legal first name but I actually am called by my middle name. I told Bianca that if she addresses me and I don't respond right away I apologize in advance as I go by my middle name and don't respond right away to my first name. She asked me what my middle name was and the entire week she and Armando called me by my middle name. Awesome I tell you. Our maitre d was Ken. Last year we had George the Greek and I thought to myself that Ken has BIG SHOES to fill to try to win us over after having George the Greek.


Since we had just devoured two plates of sushi each and several buckets of beer (plus a few cocktails in the cabin) I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to get dinner down. Well, guess what? It is NOT HARD TO DO when the adrenaline and excitement is running through your veins. I didn't want to over do it so I ordered the shrimp cocktail, chicken ala greque, vanilla creme brulee and a cappuccino. DH had the shrimp cocktail, flat iron steak and the warm chocolate melting cake. TIP: espresso and cappuccino is free at dinner in Truffles. The maitre d never made it over to our table. I had read comments/reviews about some maitre d's not working the room until towards the end of the cruise closer to tipping day. Again my thoughts were, he is not like George the Greek.


After dinner, DH and I headed to the piano bar. Was not jumping at all. On past cruises this was the place to be. I ordered a Classic Carnival cocktail. TIP: If you order from this list of drinks they cost $8.75 each but if you take the receipt to the casino cashier's cage they give you a $5 credit ticket that you can use at the casino tables. So it breaks down to your cocktail costing $3.75 since you get the $5 back in casino credit WOOT WOOT! (Carnival Classic cocktails are Long Island Iced Tea, Ultimate Margarita, Mojito, The Cruiser and I think there are a couple more. I only know which ones the DH or I ordered)


Since the piano bar was boring we decided to go back downstairs to the casino. Ding ding ding ding....bells going off we were excited. DH and I go to the Seminole Hard Rock Casino in Tampa so we enjoy the casino atmosphere. DH headed to the slots and I headed to the roulette tables. We do not have roulette at the Hard Rock Casino so I was excited to be able to play. We were having a blast! After a few hours of playing in the casino, we realized we missed the Welcome Aboard show and started getting tired and knew we were just starting this adventure. We decided to call it a night... went back to our cabin as winners! Yuppers, $156 from the roulette table for me, and $175 for the DH from the slots and another $101 from the slots for me. Woohoo! TIP: there is one HOT SHOTS slot machine which is fun fun fun and over by the casino bar around the corner from the restrooms are two CASH SPIN slot machines. They are the best...and they pay well. Bad thing is they are always in use. Boo!


We got back to the cabin and I started filling out our room service breakfast order. We ordered coffee, orange juice, fruit and muffins. I wanted to sit on the balcony to drink my first cup of coffee. Our first towel animal waiting for us was a seal. The cooler was on the floor full of ice and we had a different tv remote control. Tried to use it the light lit up but the tv didn't. New remote but it didn't control the tv. :confused:


Next up is Monday, our first sea day. I also have photos but have to figure out how to post them. Will write more soon!


Yeah, another detail oriented person!!!

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Day Three (Tuesday in the Grand Caymans):


Room service arrives right on time 6:45am as requested. Tipped our deliverer and set the tray down. I am still tired! I crawl back in bed and DH doesn't let me fall back asleep. I am a hard sleeper and we had an exciting day planned. Today we are booked with mobydicktours dot com to see the stingrays and to snorkel. Excited but nervous here. I hate to admit it but I am a jumper, screamer and a girlie girl all wrapped up into one. Yikes! DH reallyyyyyyy wanted to do this and I do but don't if that makes any sense. Had my coffee on the balcony. Room service stocked me up with cream and sugar woohoo. Tummy has butterflies again.


I pack up a little bag and with the timing of our excursion, I knew we would have plenty of time to get back on the last tender so I decided to leave our passports in the cabin safe. When leaving the ship you must have a picture id and your S & S card. I did purchase an aquapak camera bag and an aquapak belt case from ebags dot com. We tested them out in a sink full of water with Kleenex in the waterproof bags. No sign of water on the test so we were good to go. It isn't everyday you get to hang out with stingrays so I wanted to take ALOT of pictures. Oh and not to mention that I have never snorkeled. I grew up in Hawaii and have never done it haha. This needed to be caught on film no doubt.


We went out thinking there would be a line to get on a tender but nope...we handed ship security our S & S cards, DING! and off we went. Walked right onto the tender and we were on our way. The tender let us out at the North Terminal and we were to meet mobydicktours at the Royal Watler Terminal which was about a two minute walk away. We found the bright teal shirts and saw their banner. Paid our $40 per person and were asked to hang tight for about twenty minutes. We looked around the shops a little but nothing caught our eye. We then applied our sunscreen and they led us to the bus. Climbed on board with about 25 others. Quick ride to another dock and we were there. Shoes off and welcome on board. Mark Button was our head tour guide. There was also his girlfriend Amy 1, Amy 2 and Nick also known as the Cayman Cassanova. He had long hair and totally reminded me of Claude from the movie Along came Polly. Claude was the tour guide/instructor cassanova who stole Debra Messing away from Ben Stiller. Oh so funny!


They had a very good system/program. They talked about safety in a fun way. Very straight forward, informative and FUN. They had water, lemonade and fresh Cayman organic baby bananas for us on board. They kept us very entertained on the way out. We get to Stingray City and there were not too many other boats which Mark is thrilled about. He said it makes for better one on one time for us with the stingrays. They also bring out squid to feed the stingrays. Not participating in that I thought to myself. Everyone is getting out of the boat including DH. He is calling me in the water but I am nervous. Heart pounding and butterflies in the tummy just a flying. I see the little ones in there and I know I can do this. I watch a minute. They are all standing in about 3-4 feet of water. I watch for another minute more. DH is now not only feeding the stingrays but holding them as well. Our tour guides are all around. I know I can do this again I think. I decide it is time. I slowly get in, cautious not to step on anything. The females are huge and the males are smaller. I get over by Amy 2 and she is so good with keeping me calm. I touch the top of the stingray rough like sandpaper...I touch under and it is softer and smoother just like a mushroom. I know I can do this I think again. Cassanova comes up behind me with a stingray and I get a lil back massage. Wings flapping back and forth and so soft and gentle. I am calm. DH gives me some squid. I carefully place it in my hand just like they told us on our boat ride over like an ice cream cone. Not too tight they told us as they have a vacuum like suction. I place my hand under the stingray and up a bit and viola she took it out of my hand. WOW! We were told that when you kiss a stingray you bring 7 years of good luck. Truth or not, I need good luck. I bend down towards what I think it the stingray's lips, she curls it up oh my word she kisses back! This is absolutely A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! Amy asks if I would like to hold her...no thanks I say. DH isn't scared and he is handling the stingrays like he has been doing it for years! This was a really neat experience.


Nick blows into a conch shell and the loud sound turns our heads. It's time to go. We were there for about 40 minutes. With all of the guides very interactive and making sure that EVERYONE had a chance to kiss, touch, hold the stingrays, whatever they wanted to experience. We load back up into the boat and now we are off to snorkel at a near by barrier reef. Amy is passing out life jackets. Most of the participants declined. I was still unsure if I was going to participate. Short little ride and we are there. Everyone is jumping off the boat. You see snorkels sticking out of the water and fins moving around. I am still in the boat. A couple parents with their youngsters are still in the boat. Yay..I'm not the only one. Then I see that they were still in the boat making sure that fins and masks were nice and tight on their faces. They were going in. Ten minutes since we got there, I decided I have to do this. DH is all over with the camera in the aquapak snapping away taking pictures of everything he sees. I ask for the life jacket, grab the freshly sanitized mask and snorkel and go to the ladder of the boat. I put on my fins and get in. DH spots me and swims right over. He is so excited that I am giving it a try. Oh my word...what a blast! It was sooooo neat and seeing the coral, the yellow fish, the blue fish the little baby fish...wow! I was having a little trouble with fogging up my mask so I would have to stop swimming and wash out the fog. I need to practice more and learn to stop breathing through my nose and focus on breathing through my mouth. I found out that is why my mask was fogging because my mask was sprayed with some type of anti fogger. DH and I are going to head to Sports Authority to purchase me my own mask and snorkel and I am gonna practice breathing in the pool haha.


Snorkeled for about twenty minutes and the conch shell sound again. Boo! I was enjoying this. We get back on the boat. There is a fresh water shower and we wash off. There is also a restroom on board although we didn't use it. Had some lemonade and a baby banana as we rode back to the dock. Nice ride back. On the way back, Mark told us about a local place called Rack 'em. He raved on their fish and chips and cheap local beer, Cay Brew and Cay Light. He also mentioned that the place has a ladder and while you are there if you want to snorkel you can. We decided to check it out. We got back to dock and as we got off of the tour boat, we noticed they had a "love bucket" and we dropped $10 in the bucket. Just a lil something extra as we had a good time. We highly recommend mobydicktours dot com and would use them again. We found them through cruise critic reviews and made our reservation online.


We are now back on land and boarding the same bus. You can either get dropped off back at the port or at the beach. We already went to Seven Mile Beach last year so we opted to stick with the plan on checking out Rack 'em. When we got there it was very tiki hut like. An outdoor bar and outdoor dining room which was good by us. We sat at the bar so we could chit chat with the local bartender. Entertaining and educational in our book. I ordered the Cay Light and DH ordered a bud light. He loves his bud light (especially since he works for them haha). We look through the menu and decide fish and chips it is. I am not a big fan but he definitely is. Mark mentioned that it was a big enough order to share so we only ordered one. We sat and watched as people from the dining room and bar went out to snorkel with their own snorkel gear. I was somewhat envious. I wanted to snorkel again. I needed gear and I need practice. DH and I are going to head to Sports Authority to purchase me my own mask and snorkel and I am gonna practice breathing in the pool haha. We got our food and Mark was right - portion was large. Bartender brought us some malt vinegar and we went to town. Our bartender was interesting. She moved to the Caymans on a whim. She was a snowboarder, had a bad accident and lost her finger. She went back in the snow, and the cold hurt her hands especially her finger. DR said no more cold so she packed up and took up skateboarding instead of snowboarding. She now lives in the Caymans runs the local skate park and tends bar. Neat-o.


After a couple beers, we decide that we have to make a pit stop at Margaritaville and have a margarita. I was looking forward to it as they are yummy. It was about a four minute walk and as we got closer the DJ got louder. We walked up the stairs and wow there was a crowd. During my research, we planned our excursion in Grand Cayman early because there were gonna be four ships in port. Three Carnival ships, the Legend, Valor, Destiny and the Celebrity Solstice. Margaritaville was totally hopping. We went to the bar and there was one stool open. Minutes later another one. We had somewhere to sit yay. We ordered our margaritas and watched the craziness going on. Scavenger hunts including looking for the most men's swim shorts. Guys were dropping their pants. One guy had a bikini on under and the DJ poked fun. There was also a baby got back contest. Girls shaking their thang. We had two margaritas each and the bill was $44 plus gratuity. It was too busy to chit chat with the bartender but we were entertained with the activities. DJ was passing out free tequila shots and we decided no thank you it's time to head back. We walked across the street to the tender and woohoo no line. Got right on and headed back to the ship. TIP: After we got back on board, we looked and saw lines and lines of people waiting to get back to the ship. DO NOT wait until the last minute to get back unless you want to sit in the sun baking in line. Also, it is pretty pricey here. We purchased shirts from Margaritaville and a magnet as I collect for our refrigerator from all of our trips. Grand Cayman is not cheap.


We got back and dropped of our things in the cabin and headed up to the lido deck to lay enjoy some sun and swim a bit and wanted to see sail away. Still somewhat full from the fish and chips, I made a small helping of nacho fries. Outside buffet has french fries, nacho cheese, salsa and jalapenos. Yum. I like fries more than tortilla chips. We ordered a bucket of beer and hung out. Decided to try out the slide. I knew there was one, just hadn't found it yet. Found it, went down, it was alright. Not very fast for the DH but I went down quite speedy and ended up with water up my nose. Went back to our loungers decided to skip the swim and go sit on our balcony.


Got back to the cabin and we had something in our mailbox. It was an invitation to the future cruise talk. DH went on the balcony to read and I decided I needed a shower to wash the salt off. When I got out DH was fast asleep on the balcony. We had a small table and three chairs on the balcony. He had layed back his chair and had his legs stretched out on another. He is 6'2 so it didn't look very comfortable although he said he was. I made us malibu and pineapples and when DH finished his he drank beer. Since his didn't make it he was drinking the Select 55. No biggie for me, I just drank the malibu more. Turned on the tv and guess what? The remote control still doesn't work. I didn't notice since I don't look at the tv on the cruise ship too much with all of the other things and activities going on. DH may have noticed but hasn't mentioned it. I tell myself no biggie, I will just leave another note for her when she does the turn down service. I have heard that part of the dry dock for the Legend next year is replacing the big older style thick tv's with flat screens. Anyhoo, the cruise ship video of various ship activities is on again. I am not paying full attention then I heard CD Jen say the name of one of our table mates. It is not a commonly used name so it caught my attention. I watched on and she was on the stage and participated in the Welcome Aboard Show on day one. She was part of the spoon and string contest. She was in a dress and at one point her dress flew up with the spoon. Oh my word. She was an instant ship celebrity I thought.


We got ready for dinner and down we went downstairs. We grabbed our regular plate of sushi and headed to the Follies to check out the Motown Show. Marcus Anthony is good...real good. I mentioned to DH that I wanted to see the R rated comedy show. He wasn't really interested. We left the Motown show and stopped by the bar right outside of Truffles and had a drink. I had seen some people on the first night of the cruise with 5 smaller sized martinis and inquired about it. TIP: The first night on board, they have a martini tasting available between 5:00pm - 8:00pm. You can order five different martini's from a list of assorted flavors for $15. The smaller sized martinis were not normal size but they were not tiny either. When I think tasting, I think a taste, these were actual drinks and well worth the $$ in my opinion.


So it's time for the late seating. Our table mates from Florida are seated but Ohio is not there. We ran into them earlier and they informed us that they were going to go to the buffet. So knowing this, we didn't wait long to order. Normal hello's. Bianca and Armando doing their thing. We do not order a drink but MR from our Florida couple table mates do. He orders a Long Island Iced Tea. We tell him about the casino credit with the Carnival Classic drinks. He is stoked. He said he had no idea and nobody ever told him and he has a bunch of them up in his cabin from previous nights. He orders another and another. That is $15 worth of casino table credits. MR is cracking us up! He is hilarious. We talk about how each couple met, about our families, about past cruises. They are fun. For dinner I ordered the sushi sampler, caesar salad, short ribs and the strawberry cheesecake. DH orders french onion soup, caesar salad, pork chops and the warm chocolate melting cake. Tonight, Ken our maitre d stops by. He introduces himself to us, welcomes us. Hmmm...I think we have been here Sunday and Monday for dinner and finally on Tuesday you stop by. Then I look around the dining room. There are alot of people to talk to, to touch. I guess it's not so bad. We met Ken, we ended up having great conversation with the table mates this is all good. We are having a good time.


We finish dinner and our new friends walk out with us. We all go towards the casino. They mentioned going to the comedy show and said the comedians name. It was Happy Cole. That got DH's attention. DH knows him from the Ron and Ron radio show and he has seen him at the Improv a long time ago. He was all in about going now. I noticed that Hot Shots slot machine is open. I sit down and play. We hang out in the casino a little bit, I go over to the roulette table. MR from the dinner tables comes over and I am trying to explain the game to him as he watches. He decides to give it a try plus he had the three $5 credit tickets. He asked the dealer for $5 in chips. That is a total of five chips as they are each one dollar. He bets the $5 in chips and places the $5 credit ticket under the chips. Yippee, he wins. He does this again with his next $5 credit ticket and then again with his last $5 ticket. I don't remember if he continued to play or not but he ended up leaving the roulette table with $80. He just won and walked away with $75. Way to go!


The four of us head over to the Firebird Lounge. It is crowded so we split up. I spot two open seats towards the front. DH does not want to sit in the front row. We are heading that way and we see Ohio couple in the front row. They invited to sit right next to them and DH pretended as if he didn't hear them. We have seats right behind them in the second row. I have no idea where Florida couple went off to. Show is hilarious. He had me close to peeing my pants! Haha. MR Ohio got picked on. Happy Cole was talking about a woman's private area on the top of her body and he had to yell it out loud. I LOVE _ _ _ _ _ _ _! So he looked to his right and said it quietly. Happy Cole told him to stop looking for permission from his wife and just yell it out loud. He yelled it loudly then pointed to his right and said that isn't my wife, he points to the left and says she is. Happy Cole teased him more by asking why he is looking at the other lady and her _ _ _ _ _ _ _! Again we are cracking up. DH is glad he went.


Show is over and we head back to our cabin. Quick detour to the casino, all of our fav slots are used and roulette tables are packed. Time for bed. We have Cozumel tomorrow. We get back to the cabin and I spot a cute elephant sitting on the bed. Oh I love the turn down service! I am ready to fill out my sugar and cream with some coffee order and there is no order form. She forgot to replace it. But good thing was the tv remote control is now working. Another note for her tomorrow requesting a new breakfast order form.


More to come...up next Day Four (Wednesday in Cozumel)!


P.S. I forgot to post that yesterday on Day Two we came back to the cabin to find a dog on the bed.

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I'm loving your review we sail in March on her. I do have a question. you mentioned the carnival was it classic drink of the day that you get $5 towards the casino. How does they work do they give you a reciept that you take to the casino????




Hey Donna,


You take the duplicate drink receipt that the server gives you when you order your drink. You sign one and they keep that and you get the duplicate. Once you take that to the casino cashiers cage they give you the $5 credit ticket to use. Great thing is if you win, the carnival classic drink only costed you $3.75 instead of $8.75. ;)


Oh you will LOVE the Legend. I do not think I have ever heard of anyone not enjoying her layout. :)

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Thanks for all who are enjoying the review so far. I didn't realize how long writing a review actually takes LOL. There were so many wonderful things and little things that I hope will help others. PLUS I get to re-live the memories step by step.


Back to work today and *sigh* at this time last week I was in Grand Cayman. :( :o :rolleyes:

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Hey Donna,


You take the duplicate drink receipt that the server gives you when you order your drink. You sign one and they keep that and you get the duplicate. Once you take that to the casino cashiers cage they give you the $5 credit ticket to use. Great thing is if you win, the carnival classic drink only costed you $3.75 instead of $8.75. ;)


Oh you will LOVE the Legend. I do not think I have ever heard of anyone not enjoying her layout. :)


I'm liking this. Thanks for the reply

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Great review so far! I hope the piano bar gets livelier throughout your cruise. I was on the Legend 8/15-8/22 and the pb was not hopping AT ALL! I'm going again on same cruise with my family on 10/24. Hopefully, the pb will be more fun. Keep up the great review.

How lucky that you were upgraded to an 8K. We've got one too (7258) for our cruise!!


You will love 7258. We had it once before and will have it again next January. ☺ ☺


We have this cabin next year. Tandemcruzr - do you have any pictures? And did this cabin have a lounger on the balcony?

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We have this cabin next year. Tandemcruzr - do you have any pictures? And did this cabin have a lounger on the balcony?


We had that cabin too!!


There were two loungers and four regular chairs. There were also two side tables.


There was still room to lay our a towel and tan on the deck.

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More, I want more!!!! I am enjoying the review very much. My DH and I will be on the Legend for my birthday in December. The cruise of 12/05-12/12/2010 and I am ready to go NOW!!!!


Could you please tell us more about he Cameo Factory. I make jewelry and am interested in all the details I can get on it.

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More, I want more!!!! I am enjoying the review very much. My DH and I will be on the Legend for my birthday in December. The cruise of 12/05-12/12/2010 and I am ready to go NOW!!!!


Could you please tell us more about he Cameo Factory. I make jewelry and am interested in all the details I can get on it.


I'm sorry but I am not sure what the Cameo Factory is :confused:

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I'm loving this review and all the details! Great job!


I'm getting married on the Legend in May 2011 so am trying to read everything I can about the ship and such. Thank you!


Congrats! May 2011 wil be here sooner than you think. You will love the Legend!

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Could you please tell us more about he Cameo Factory. I make jewelry and am interested in all the details I can get on it.




Catzcrazy....We went to the cameo factory on our last cruise to Roatan. Small little building with a couple of carvers. The cameos were nice - very expensive. I paid $300 for a broach which the lady told me was 14K gold. Was 14K gold overlay which I found out when I got home :mad: Good thing it's a broach/pin, because I can only wear 14K gold (I am alergic to all other metals). I can wear it as a pin on my clothes. I have heard that the Italian cameos are much better. I have also heard that they now have a small building right at Mahogany Bay besides the one inland.

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Day Four (Wednesday in Cozumel):


Due to not having a breakfast room service order form we did not have an order or our wake up. I use room service as our wake up call haha. We slept in until about 9:45am. Got up and went out on the balcony and it is pouring down rain. This is a first for us on any cruise as we have always had sunny weather. We did two years ago have an afternoon down pour also in Cozumel while we were in Carlos n Charlies. It lasted about 10 minutes then the sun popped out and it was hotter than ever! We thought about going to the Truffles dining room for breakfast but it was just about 10:00am and they stop seating then. We got dressed and went up to the lido buffet. First thing for me was my coffee. We easily found a table and sat down. DH was getting an omelet and I was enjoying my coffee although I like it a tad more on our balcony. I made a note to self to leave a note for room attendant to ask for the breakfast room service order form when we get back to the cabin. I finish my first cup and go for a second. Drop my cup off at the table and go through the buffet for some bacon and potatoes. I am not an oatmeal or grits eater. I hoped there might be corn beef hash or something on the buffet. They might have we just didn't dine there when it was served. No biggie, they have it in the dining room and I can have it there along with some eggs benedict hopefully some time soon... yum!


The rain had stopped and we packed a bag to head off the ship. We initially planned to go to Mr. Sanchos for the day, but with the rain we figured the beach water would probably be kinda cloudy and after being in Grand Cayman water, we decided to just walk around downtown and shop and have our usual $1 bud lights. We hopped in a cab that took us downtown for $7 total. We got out and paid the driver and tipped him a little extra. As soon as we got out of the a/c cab the heat just melted towards us. It was hot. We walked around and began our bargain shopping. Stopped by our regular gift shop and went in and ordered two of the $1 bud light bottles. We walked out of the gift shop and continued looking for deals. DH was on a hunt for a new wedding band. We have very nice bands that he wears on special occasions. Because of work, rings get damaged pretty easily on his hands. With that being said, when we got engaged and he gave me my beautiful ring, I thought it would only be fair to surprise him with his own engagement ring. I found a nice platinum band that had three little diamonds. About a year into our engagement he lost one of the diamonds. Replacement was going to be $350+. Sooooo, with that being said, he doesn't wear that or our nice wedding bands to work and every year we get him a new Mexican silver band that he wears as his work wedding band. The one we purchased last year held up nicely but he still needs a new one since we are here – kinda one of our little traditions. We checked out store after store. I did spot a cute little fake LV handbag. Seller wanted $120 for it...are you kidding me? DH found a ring in the same store and fake LV bag guy said he didn't handle rings and that someone else did and pointed at another gentleman. The other seller wanted to sell DH the ring for $100. Again I am thinking are you kidding me? DH said oh no thanks the wife won't pay that. He asked DH then what will she pay? DH said $30 at most. Seller says ok then takes out a lil jewelry pouch to put the ring in. Then fake LV bag guy says what about me? I said $50 for both the bag and ring and that was it. Fake LV bag guy declined and the ring seller guy gets mad and put the ring away and throws the pouch in a drawer. He is also mumbling something that we don’t understand. He didn't place it in the drawer he threw it in but it was so light it didn't do anything. I told DH I didn't want to buy anything from either of them and we walked out. Fake LV bag guy tried to call us back but I was already over it. He then ran after us and I calmly just said no thank you.


We continued walking around. There were many different little stores in the market place selling imitation Oakley sunglasses. DH had his real ones on and they were really really close. There is no way anyone truly would know that they were not authentic. DH found a pair he liked. Seller said $40. We said is that the best you can do? He says ok if you buy two pairs I can sell each one for $30. Umm...hello they are NOT real. As I was soaking in the idea of his outrageous prices I found a cute pair of pink Oakleys. Wow they are the same as the gascan model my DH owns but a nice smaller girlie version and pink no less. So now DH has one he likes and I have one I like. $60 for both the seller wants. There is no way I am paying that I thought to myself...these are not even real! Looking through more of the sunglasses, again I found a second one I liked. We now have three pairs. What to do what to do? DH shows me a second one he likes. We are now up to four sunglasses. Oh no. So I ask the seller if we buy all four how about $40 for all. He came back with how about $60 for all four. I said no $40 for all four. He said how about $50 for all four. He said he couldn't go lower than $50. We thanked him for his time. As we were going towards the door, he said ok ok ok $40 for all four. Yay! I was still disappointed that I hadn't found another bag I liked. I have been on a hunt for the Gucci belt bag. It is kinda like a fanny pack but is a nice design that sits flats on the tummy and doesn't buldge out like a regular fanny pack - so you do not look prego with one on haha.


We browse around a bit more and head back over to our $1 bud light bottle shop. We went to town in that store. That store is always our "sure thing". They have great souvenirs. We always find something new each year. This year we found the cutest little shot glass and miniature tequila bottle set with a little sombrero on the tequila mini. We bought several. Also found the bottle of vanilla for DM and my in laws. Lots of little gifts for the family like hot sauce, Mexican blankets they had all kinds of stuffage. Yay...happy some more.


It's really hot and we are ready to follow our normal ritual and head into Carlos n Charlies. DH ordered a large Sol beer and I ordered a medium one and some chips, salsa and guacamole. We were taking turns snapping pictures of each other when a nice man says get together and I will take one for you. So nice of him. We got to talking and he was celebrating with his wife and another couple. It was their 40 year wedding anniversary. They were staying at a resort and not on any of the cruises in port. Today in port there were the two Carnival ships, the Legend and the Imagination and the Celebrity Solstice again. We were chatting down with this man and he retired from the same company my DH works for. He had a forced retirement and had to cash out his stocks with the take over. My husband had to cash out his stocks as well. This man was able to retire because he had over $2 million in stocks. WOWZA! DH had a nice cash out but no where near that. The usual clown that makes the balloon hats is working the room. We tip him a few dollars. You kinda feel obligated as he stands there and plays the balloon whether you want it or not. Then Kiwi is in the house. He is great. Always teasing or aggravating customers and working the room. We had watched him earlier scare a lady with a plastic roach on a string. She almost jumped outta her chair. He also had a long stick with a feather at the end and was rubbing the ankles of some of the customers eating. They over course keep reaching down at their ankle. Haha. Kiwi had down magic for us two years again and we were happy to see that he was still working there. He did such a great job again for us and spent about 20 minutes performing magic at our table. We obviously tipped him again. The nice man and his wife celebrating their anniversary as well as the other couple they were with also watched the magic show with us. The nice man tipped Kiwi double what we did…yikes!


DH’s favorite food when visiting Mexico is ceviche. He loves it and wanted some from Mr. Sanchos today. I was also going to surprise him with a massage while we were there. Since weather didn't cooperate with us and we didn't make it to Mr. Sanchos, we planned on heading back to the pier in enough extra time so we could stop at Panchos Backyard restaurant for some ceviche. We had heard lots of raves about this place and how good the food is. We finish our beers, said our goodbyes and hop in a cab back to the pier. We walked straight to Panchos and were seated right away. We looked through the menu and there was no ceviche to be found. DH looked sad. We then asked our server and he said no they didn't serve it. Oh no. Poor DH. So we thanked him and walked out disappointed. We walked through the shops and DH found a ring he really liked. We spotted the exact same ring style but in my size. We asked how much and the sales lady said $60 for his and $50 for mine. Yikes. I don't consider myself cheap but come on. DH really wanted the rings. I asked how low they could go and she said $90 for both. Nice they just knocked off $20. There has got to be some wiggle room. I look in my bag and I only have $42 left. She speaks to the man behind the counter and all of a sudden they said ok...$42 is ok. DH asked both rings for $42? Sales lady says yes. Scoreeeeeeeeeeeeee! I am not sure how we went from $110 down to $42 but I like it. TIP: always always always bargain. There is always wiggle room from the seller’s price. They will always quote you a lot higher. Even if you really want something, bargain and tend to walk away. They do NOT want to loose your sale. Especially if you are paying with American $$$$.


Everything on our list accomplished. Only thing that I wanted but not purchased was the designer belt bag and for DH the ceviche. No biggie. We had all kinds of other goodies. And great "we were thinking of you while on vacation" gifts. We head back towards the ship and we see a sign that says MASSAGE. DH's face perked up. He asked how much and she said $40 for 1/2 hour. DH said I only have $20 left and she said ok. Wow...I am shocked at most of our bargaining/negotiation skills are working for us! DH goes in and I tell him I will see him on the ship. I walk towards the ship and I saw Fat Tuesdays. Last year I had a killer mudslide from here so I figured I would stop by for one. I sit at the bar and literally seconds later MR & MRS Florida our dinner mates show up and sit right next to me. I ordered a mudslide and they didn’t have any so I order a bud light. Sticking to what I have been drinking which was beer. We chatted a bit and once again MR was hilarious and had me laughing. We also talked about the comedy show and how funny our MR Ohio table mate was. Time was a ticking and we all finished our drinks and walked towards the ship. It was getting closer and closer to sail away.


We were in line to get onto the ship and I see hubby and his green and orange balloons on his head. We are cracking up because MR Florida is so funny so DH spots us. We board the ship and decide to go straight to the cabin. It is 5:40pm and we had the past guest party to attend at 7:00pm. We drank a beer then showered. I made us our malibu and pineapple so we could sit on the balcony for sail away. It’s after 6:00pm and we aren’t moving. Strange. I finish my drink and go inside to start dolling up. DH goes downstairs to grab us some sushi. (I know I know – how could we eat so much! Haha. Don’t know how it happens it just does.


As I was sitting at the vanity area I almost flew off my chair. The loud speaker came on and there was an announcement. They keep calling out for three guests over and over. I don’t remember who but something to do with Valentine. I guess two of the three had that name so they announced it over and over. DH gets back and we go back out to the balcony and DH points down at the pier. Man running towards our ship. Passengers on their balconies clapping and whistling at him. He gets near the ship security and he is talking with his hands and pointing towards the shops then gets onboard. Ok one down two to go. It is now almost 6:30pm and we were still docked. Two guys are walking towards the ship. Passengers on their balconies are screaming for them to get on the ship. The two walkers continue walking and I don’t mean a fast walk more like a stroll until they get to the ship. The ship security is throwing his hands up in the air and pointing at his watch as they stroll on by. Passengers clap again. We finally sail away….


We go down to the follies for the past guest party. We see MR. and MRS. Ohio and said hello and we see MR. and MRS. Florida and we sit next to them. TIP: Past guest party = free drinks. Server walks by with a tray of drinks, there is a fruit punch (with alcohol), beer, screwdrivers, champagne and something blue. I have a fruit punch. Then a screwdriver. I liked that better than the fruit punch. Music is playing and couples are on the stage dancing (that was the dance floor) so DH and I went up and so did MR. and MRS. Florida. Then CD Jen had us playing games for prizes. We didn’t win. She did announce that they were selling raffle tickets for a free cruise for two that she would be giving away on the last day of the cruise. Apparently these were being sold at bingo as well but we never went to play bingo. TIP: During the past guest party they sell 20 raffle tickets for $20 for a chance at winning a free cruise for two.


The past guest party was fun and now we head to the dining room. Our table was complete. Everyone showed up. For dinner I had fried shrimp, Caesar salad, petite filet and no dessert. I am stuffed! I did have two long island iced teas with dinner though..haha. DH had a tomato and mozzarella salad, shrimp cocktail, the petite filet and the warm chocolate melting cake. Another smashing meal! TIP: You can order whatever you want from the menu. I always ordered from each list of food items. Same with DH. He really wanted to try the fried shrimp but he also really wanted the tomato and mozzarella salad, you CAN order both. Also, you can order one of the pastas from the ENTRÉE section as an appetizer in a smaller size.


As for our table mates, this was our best night together. We laughed and laughed and laughed. MRS. Ohio told us how MR. Ohio was a cheapskate so MR. Florida was calling him “squeaky”. We also laughed at how MR. Ohio had to say I LOVE _ _ _ _ _ _ _! And looked at the wrong woman for permission. Maitre d Ken came over and he was talking about how he also LOVE _ _ _ _ _ _ _! Bianca and Armando are also laughing. DH is turning red because he is laughing so much. That MR. Florida I tell ya!

Oh I wanted to mention, in our conversation with Ken tonight, I asked him if he knew George the Greek. He told me that of course he did. He worked for him earlier in his career and knew him very well. I asked him where he went as he was no longer on the Inspiration. He informed me that he is very very sick. He is at home. My heart felt sad. George the Greek is one of my fav's.


We all decide to go to the Sports bar because MR. Ohio wants a cigar. We all get up and but DH and I fall behind talking with nice daughter and mother at the next table. They were curious to find out about all of the fun we were having at our dinner table. I am not even sure if it sounds as funny in this review as it did in person. We catch up to the table mates in the Sports Bar and DH orders a beer and I order another Long Island Iced Tea. Slurped that down and then I did the unthinkable. I decided I wanted a White Russian. Oh they are so good. It was a little too smoky in there so DH and I decide to go upstairs and check out the piano bar again. We get upstairs and same as the previous nights so I order another White Russian but now I ordered a double…bigger and better. Why wasn’t the piano bar any fun? Grrrrrrrr!


We head back downstairs and go to the cashier’s cage to get our $5 credit tickets from our carnival classic drinks we have been accumulating. Time to play again! We both go to the slots. I am not having much luck so I move over to the roulette table. MR. Florida joins me. After a while, DH joins in. I give DH one of the $25 chips I had won so he can have his own colored chips. All of a sudden tables get crazier than they already were. DH is calling out different athletes and their jersey #s as he placed the chip on the number. Players at the table are cracking up! All in all a very fun night. DH and MR. Florida are both done, no chips left. MRS. Florida is playing slots so I close out my chips and start on the slots. We decide to keep playing while the two “light weights” go to bed. We played for about an hour then decided to call it a night as well. DH is sound a sleep and sitting on the foot of the bed is a rabbit.


More to come…next up day five in Roatan.

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Loving your review and all of the detail! Glad your table mates warmed up, I think it is fun to sit with other people at dinner on a cruise. For the casino credits for the classic cocktails, are they for any table games? I am mostly a slot player but did play 3 card poker on my last cruise and I wonder if I can use them there? If not I think I may give roulette a try!

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