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Orient Beach

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Sorry folks...gotta go with Lisa on this one. I believe it is rare for anyone to go to Orient Beach and be "surprised" to find out there is nudity there. I wonder why people go to OB and then only complain about what they see. Perhaps we in the US have been "marketed" to death that nudity only occurs amongst the beautiful people.


My wife and I love Orient Beach. Not because we expect to see starlets and hunks, but because we love the attitude of most of the folks we have met there.


There are plenty of other places on St Marten to go if you want to have a beach day. Most are just as beautiful as Orient Beach. So why not go there?

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I'm with Lisa also. Sorry I won't be able to meet you there, Lisa. My wife and I love Orient Beach. Everyone knows what is there so don't be suprised or don't go there. I will be there in a week and will be joining to others on the right. I really don't care if you want to sightsee. But why would you take pictures if you don't like what you see? you don't go there to look. You go there to enjoy youeself. The people that are there in the nude aren't worried what others look like. It's a feeling of freedom. Nobody is worried what type of bathing suit you are wearing. Most if not all look better nude than in a bathing suit. Some people just don't appreciate it. Those are the people that would make fun of anybody even clothed. Try it, you might like it. Take my picture, I'll be the one without clothing.

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Orient beach has to be one of the most beautiful beaches that I have seen. I have been there four or five time now within the last two years and I can count on one hand the number of nudes that came walking by each time. I did not pay any attention to them. I find the ones that bitch and moan about the nudes are the ones that sit and look at them. You know it is a clothing optional beach. If that bothers one then you have no business going.

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We'd read so many comments on what a beautiful beach Orient Beach is and it is a pretty beach. What surprised us is no one had mentioned the squaler you drive through to get there. I don't mind dirt roads, it just wasn't what we expected to see. No vegetation, garbage, so many run down houses and abandoned cars. We didn't realize it was this way in St. Martin.


It is a very crowded beach filled with lounge chairs that you pay for. That was fine, an umbrella and a drink are most welcome. We just felt Orient Beach was overrated.:rolleyes:

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There are lots of other beaches on St. Martin. If seeing people in their natural state offends or amuses you, why not investigate one of them? The Dutch side of the island is not clothing optional and can provide you with an enjoyable beach experience. there are also more secluded areas if going au natural is something you'd like to try without all the tittering and as large an audience. Whatever you do...do it with gusto and no shame! Happy cruising!

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I agree with you Sunpsyche. All of the beaches are beautiful there. Fishschtick, if you ever go on any island you will find the same thing . Go to Hawaii and drive around. You will see the tin shacks that some Hawaiians' live in. I don't know about the dirt roads, where I live there are plenty of dirt roads and ther aren't very nice either. Every island I've been to has some bad part to it. They aren't paradise like we think they are.

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I'm going in a few weeks ( St. Martin)and although I won't be parading my stuff I expect most of the nudists do exactly like you say, make a point to parade around. I actually would enjoy going to a place to do it but not to be some show for others to look or more importantly to show off.


I'm going to be rolling in the sand taking pictures of these freaks and talking about it when I get back.




Do you have first hand knowledge that most nudists (including topless women I suppose) make it a point to parade around or show off? I have been to numerous places that allowed topless/nude sunbathing (in the US, Caribbean, Canada, and Europe). Sure, I've seen a "parader" from time to time, but it is the exception and not the rule. Just like some people strut around in tiny little bathing suits on US beaches. Cultures (and beaches) that allow topless/nude sunbathing don't consider it a big deal, it's just a part of going to the beach.


Actually, it is no different from a woman parading around in a skin tight dress or a guy in skin tight jeans--except that you are offended by nudity and/or less than "perfect" bodies (whatever you think that is). That's your right, but don't go to a beach that allows nudity if it bothers you so much.


And I wonder who the real "freak" is in your scenario. You'll roll around in the sand taking pictures for some sick reason so you can talk about how you acted like an idiot when you get home? You think it's some kind of circus sideshow I guess. BTW: Don't try this at Club Orient; they'll take your film or camera card. It says so in very large letters on a sign near the entry point, both on the beach and at the road. They mean it. The people there go to enjoy being in their natural state, not to parade around for your "enjoyment."



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Actually, it is no different from a woman parading around in a skin tight dress or a guy in skin tight jeans--except that you are offended by nudity and/or less than "perfect" bodies (whatever you think that is). That's your right, but don't go to a beach that allows nudity if it bothers you so much.


Nudity doesn't bother me at all beach,sp? I commented on the other post that said people were purposely walking in front of others to show off.


And I wonder who the real "freak" is in your scenario. You'll roll around in the sand taking pictures for some sick reason so you can talk about how you acted like an idiot when you get home? You think it's some kind of circus sideshow I guess. BTW: Don't try this at Club Orient; they'll take your film or camera card. It says so in very large letters on a sign near the entry point, both on the beach and at the road. They mean it. The people there go to enjoy being in their natural state, not to parade around for your "enjoyment."


Hey beach,sp? Yeah you pegged me! I'm a sicko. If your looking for some fight go somewhere else. If some flabby ass 80 year old guy or gal starts parading up and down the beach in front of me I really don't care. But don't preach to me beach, sp? that that is some natural state that they have a right to. If they are so hell bent on being natural why don't they parade down with all the other out of shape nudies further down the beach.. Come on defend them, better yet head on out to the beachand join them.





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I am still deciding between to go and not to go. I heard there was as much nude guys as there was girls, so knowing that I don't think I really want to go.

And that makes you not want to go because...??? :confused:

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We went to Dawn Beach and had a wonderful time snorkeling. They have beach chairs and umbrellas to rent. They also have a bar and food. I would do that beach again in a heart beat. My DH said he saw a lady w/o her top, but never noticed any guys w/o their swimsuits on. It isn't that far from the ship. Maybe you'd feel more comfortable there?

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I relate these conversations to Tatoos.


Of course I've always enjoyed nudity but I thought tatoos were stupid and silly.


Tatoos have become so common these days that it isn't as "shocking" to see a tatooed lady as it once was. Perhaps this is why I don't really get surprised or "disgusted" when I see tatoos as I used to. --and maybe I've gone back to my tolerant roots.


So, the same people that are offended by nudity are likely offended at tatoos. Yet I wonder how anyone can be offended by a situation that has nothing to do with them? Does anyone have a right to be offended or upset by another's appearance?


It's not as if these naked or decorated people are trying to harm anyone.


As a liberal American, what I find it utterly disgusting and offensive is the cheerful embrace our society has towards WAR and MURDER, killing and celebrating the deaths of people. From CNN in Iraq to television shows and movies about mass murderers and slashers like Freddy Kruger.


All that unnatural violence is tolerated and encouraged, yet a little nipple or a tatoo on a girl's butt just sends "mainstream America" into tizzy fits.

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Wow - You work late for a few days and look what has transpired...


Hey Lisa, thanks the Papaygo's tip - we'll be sure to check it out.


As far as 'Letting It All Hang Out' goes...


All I know is that being born and raised and living in Southern California my whole life, I have never had the opportunity that Orient Beach presents - at least I don't know where to locally go if it does exist. This isn't about some kind of parade or looking for someone’s approval - for me anyway. This is about taking advantage of a situation and doing something that I have never done before. Maybe I'm rambling here but I can't wait to have the chance. Maybe I'll chicken out - maybe I won't. All I know is that I can't wait 'till the rubber meets the road.

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glentally: I kind of lost your rebuttal since you hid it in the quotes, but I think I've got it now.


I am aware of the post relating nude people parading around showing off. Let's see, this is a beach that allows nudity so how is a nude person showing off on Orient any different from a guy in a tiny little speedo parading around on some other beach and showing off? I don't care to have "paraders" in my face on any beach. If someone is going to the beach to show off (bikini, monokini, or nothing at all), then that person is going to the beach for the wrong reason.


Actually, on Orient Beach walking around in their natural state is the right of all beachgoers. That's what I don't get in your argument. You know it's a beach that allows nudity; there will be nude people there. Would it bother you less if the only "nudies" on the beach were 20 year olds with perfect bodies? And how do you know that ALL the topless/nude sunbathers are old, ugly, fat, or whatever bothers you?


BTW: We have been out there enjoying the beach (with me topless). It was great. I'd love to go to Orient again. I saw all ages, shapes, and sizes of sunbathers in everything from full bathing suits to nothing at all. We do stay further down (around Pedro's and La Playa) where there are far more "nudies" just lying around on padded lounge chairs (with towels of course) or swimming in the water. All were enjoying the sun and the sea.


I have no desire to "fight" with you, but the fact is that, at a minimum, female toplessness is allowed on all parts of all beaches on the French side of the island. Get over it.



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This is really a no-brainer. Go to another beach if you are uncomfortable. The Grand Case area has the most spectacular restaurants and sunsets. (We like the Sunset Cafe). Beaches are much less crowded, there is snorkling at Creole Rock (Grand Case). It is on the French side...so topless is probable. Orient beach is so famous...its way to crowded for me, unless I were staying at the resort, I'd avoid it. Do a little investigation before you get there. The island is small...you can basically drive around it in less than an hour...find something more to your liking!


For a spectacular nudist experience, try St Barts! No ooglers!

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Did anyone else go for a walk when getting off the ship and see the canal that flowed into the ocean? Appeared to be open sewage. We had seen the long beautiful beach near the ship but after seeing this canal and knowing :( where it is emptying out, we thought maybe that wasn't the best beach to swim at. Is it just me or did St Martin appear to be a land raped and pillaged?

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Thankyou all..I had no idea when I asked a simple question I would get such an excellent and heart felt response. Thanks again for all who helped. This says sooo much about our group. We will be sailing on NAVIGATOR 05-07-05.

Our maiden voyage, so any additional help in any area is greatly appreciated....

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Lorabele, it is VERY safe to taxi there. My cousin and I grabbed a taxi/tour at the dock and went around the island and stopped off for a few hours at OB. Grabbed another taxi back to the ship. Do it on your own, you won't have to go by "their" time schedule, and it will be cheaper.


Have a great cruise!



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Orient beach. One half are the 'naturists" who are TOTALLY nude. The other half is MOSTLY TOTALLY NUDE.


While it is indeed a beautiful location, the people are generally NOT.


One thing I can say however, I feel MUCH happier with my body than I ever would have, prior to this display. Many of the young girls around us were laughing, having no clue as to the "shrinkage factor" (cold water, as previously discussed on Seinfeld).


St. Martin (or San Maartan to snobbies) is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!! But Orient Bay is a MARKETING tool to appeal to horny old men.


Take it from someone who just left there------Steve is right! I had to laugh because my hubby and the other guys we were with thought they would see some "Cindy Crawford or Anna Kournikova" strutting her stuff.......but all they saw were shrivled up old men with a gut protruding out so far you couldn't tell whether or not they had shrinkage!

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Just got back on Sunday and we were in St. Maarten on Thursday. We rented a jeep between five of us for $60.00 and had it for the entire day. We went around the whole island including Orient Beach. The water was absolutely beautiful, but there was a lot of seaweed on the beach and in the water where we went.


We rented chairs. It was $12 for a regular one and $16 with an umbrella. My DH went parasailing for $50 and they kept him up for 16 minutes which is a very long time for parasailing. All of the RCI excursions we checked out said 6 minutes for a lot more money.


There were a few nudies. One old man who walked back and for and a lot of topless ladies. Nobody bothered us and everyone was minding their own business. No paraders. My friends had their 8 year old daughter with them, but she didn't really seem to notice anything.


We also went to Mullet Bay Beach which IMHO is the most beautiful beach on the whole island. It is on the Dutch side very close to the French border. Most of the locals will tell you the same thing. There are no nudies and only a few topless women. It is not a very busy beach as far as restaurants and stores go. Much more relaxing.


Have a great trip.

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Dear posters,

I love seeing all the comments about Orient beach.

It is One of the most world class beaches

in the Caribbean, if not the planet.


We are drawn there like moths to a full Moon.

The guests at the nudist resort are mostly europeans.

They find anyone taking their photo without consent

an invasion of their privacy.


Yes the beach is open to the public, but once you

Pass Pedro's, you are on private property and subject

to their rules. It is Their Beach, not yours.


My wife had our digital camera out, and was taking

a few shots of the kids riding a raft in the waves,

and their security was on us in seconds...


They were NOT happy, as they thought she was

taking others photos. Which we weren't. And

would not do, as we respect them, and their

right to privacy on a private resort.


Visit the club orient web site, visit the Caliente

resort web site near Tampa.


Getting naked is not bad, our kids wear suits,

but we love skinny dipping.


You Must understand this resort was there LONG

before it was crashed by 4 to 6 ships a day,

and they have to put up with thousands

of people a week gawking and acting like

the boys in the "Porky's" movie.

We had friends go with us on a Disney cruise years

ago, and thats all they talked about, shooting

video, etc. It is no big deal to us...


Have a drink, get naked, people are people.

No "sand" to worry about in your suit! >s<


Fat, skinny, old, young, whatever...

Please consider you are visiting Their

world class resort, they fly there from all over

the World. Not just the "day" like most of us.


Its always Five O,clock somewhere, but at Club

Orient it Stays Five O'clock all the time!


We love it there!


The Moore Gang

Mariner 10-16-05

Cabin # 9218


Ps- The snorkeling out by the floating dock is awesome,

sharks, manta rays, very cool! A four foot ridge

runs from the beach out to the deep water. >s<

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Eddeb, we'll be on the same cruise! Funny thing....I know a "moore" in the Tampa area, and he's named Ed....Do we know each other??


Now THAT would be a small world moment!


Thank you so much for your great post about the beach...I totally agree..

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