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Fan Confiscated - Carnival still hasn't properly informed all of thier own!


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Once my fan was "evaluated as to its safety" it was returned. That, to me, implies that the initial "evaluation" was either wrong, or (more likely) NON-EXISTENT.


I'm sorry you had to go through all this grief. My problem with all this isn't the issue with your fan, but the fact they went in to your luggage without you present. I know they can do as they choose, but I don't like it.

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So this has nothing to do with my being for or against smoking in general, but if fire on board a ship is the greatest concern--why is smoking allowed? I mean what greater risk for fire is there than lighting an actual little fire and then lighting something else on fire (cigarette/cigar) that could blow back into a room and catch a curtain or carpet on fire? I was just thinking about this the other day and it occured to me that my asthmatic friend will have to go without properly circulated air because of our dangerous fan (exactly the one the op pictured), yet Joe the Smoker can puff away unconcerned.


Makes no sense to me. :confused::confused:


While smoking can be a fire hazard, it can for the most part be controlled. An electrical fire is a whole different animal and can make it's way through the ship practically undetected. There is a reason why there is only one plug in most of the cabins. The ship's electrical systems were not built to handle all of the electrical items cruisers bring with them these days.


I don't understand why people find it so difficult to follow rules no matter how silly they may think they are.

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I don't understand why people find it so difficult to follow rules no matter how silly they may think they are.


On the one hand, being the daughter of an air force officer, I've pretty much been a "rules girl" for most of my life. On the other hand, statements like yours make me shake my head. Just because something is a "rule," we should follow it like little sheep, just because it's a "rule?":confused: "No matter how silly?" Is a "rule" something mandated from God above? If it's called a "rule," we are obligated to kneel at the alter of rulesville?


History has shown us that blindly following rules can result in some major injustices. Blind adherence to rules is not necessarily a good thing.:rolleyes: I'm not saying a rule banning fans is going to result in some kind of injustice on a grand scale, but I just do not get the mentality that "rules are rules," no matter how "silly.":(

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Not at all. The lack of adequate AC is Carnival's cabins is a main complaint on Carnival. Anyone reading these boards the last six months is aware of that.


We were just on the Freedom last week and had no problem at all with the AC. Very very comfortable all the time.


No need for a fan, for sure. And I can't believe someone would actually threaten to leave the ship because their fan had been taken!! :eek:

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Things I've learned from this thread (and I pretty much learn from every thread here at CC since I'm a bit of a newbie):


1. Pack everything that could potentially be deemed a "risk" by carnival into checked luggage.


2. Get a Dr's note for anything that may be considered medicinal (i.e. my Grey Goose or Ketel One)


On a more realistic note I packed my toiletries last cruise in my checked bag, and I'm feeling more and more everything should go in the carry on bag(s) and only clothes and shoes go in the suitcase.


I wonder if they would take a paper fan away as the sharp paper edges may cause the user to get a paper cut and they may possibly be on a balcony and in the shock and pain of this paper cut fall over board. :eek::eek::eek:

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We were just on the Freedom last week and had no problem at all with the AC. Very very comfortable all the time.


No need for a fan, for sure. And I can't believe someone would actually threaten to leave the ship because their fan had been taken!! :eek:


Just want to say that in certain people with various medical issues, the temperature of the room can be irrelevant. Hot flashes associated with menopause is only one example of this. People on certain medications might also experience this condition. The room temperature is not the issue-the body's inability to properly regulate its own temperature (or the perception of body temperature) is the problem, and in such cases, a fan goes a long way towards easing their discomfort. Think about it-you are in a room which is perfectly comfortable, maybe even too cool, and a friend or acquaintance having a hot flash will clearly disagree.

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I'm sorry you had to go through all this grief. My problem with all this isn't the issue with your fan, but the fact they went in to your luggage without you present. I know they can do as they choose, but I don't like it.


That is why we always lock our luggage. If they want to go through it, they can have me there when they do.


I don't buy the argument they used to take our things but there is nothing we can do when we are standing there and they are going to take it. It is frustrating when they take something from you, yet someone else has the same exact thing in their cabin, no problem.

It's vacation, we don't stress about it, but every cruise, every screener, every "rule of the day" is different every time we cruise. Instead of one extension cord, we now put one in every suitcase with the thought that one gets through so we can watch a movie in bed on the laptop. The last cruise, all five cords made it so we put 4 back in the suitcase and used one for the laptop. Most times with the locks, they just deliver it to the cabin still locked, and we don't get called down.

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If you don't like the rule....either don't cruise on the cruiseline that has these guidelines....



take stated items and take the risk of them being confiscated....and if they are.....accept the fact and move on.....pick them up on the last day and go home !!!


arguing that you intend to use the stated device for a reason that would not cause a hazard is just ridiculous....there is NO WAY CARNIVAL can determine who is going to use the device in a safe way and who is not.


I"m sure if someone's device caused a fire that in some way interrupted your cruise......some of these passengers with fans and cords etc. would be the first in line to sue !!!!!!!!!!!!

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If you don't like the rule....either don't cruise on the cruiseline that has these guidelines....



take stated items and take the risk of them being confiscated....and if they are.....accept the fact and move on.....pick them up on the last day and go home !!!


arguing that you intend to use the stated device for a reason that would not cause a hazard is just ridiculous....there is NO WAY CARNIVAL can determine who is going to use the device in a safe way and who is not.


I"m sure if someone's device caused a fire that in some way interrupted your cruise......some of these passengers with fans and cords etc. would be the first in line to sue !!!!!!!!!!!!





(sorry, couldn't resist! :o)


They say FANS ARE PERMITTED unless determined to be a hazard. Given their actions as far as my case goes, I suppose it was determined on the flip of a coin! :rolleyes: (perhaps the coin even had two heads or tails) :D


That is an improper way to enforce policy. As a stock holder, I have an interest in this company, thus I would like to see that improper (yes, it was... sorry!) interpretation of PRINTED POLICY not occur. I don't think that is too much to ask for. If the response is something along the lines of "well, the company is SOOOO big, they can't keep up with it all", I don't accept it. It is NO EXCUSE. It would not be an valid excuse in the legal system (again, only using that as an example - I am not a litigious person)!


During our early cruising years we ONLY sailed on Carnival. We have come to realize that there are great experiences out there to be had on other lines as well. We have been pleased with Celebrity, and are giving NCL a try as well. Carnival no longer has our undivided attention, owing to reasons or our own, as well as some of their creation.



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I looked again... I still don't see where it says that.


Let me check one more time...


Nope, nothing.


What about THIS (below) don't you understand?


• Electrical devices such as fans, power strips, multi plug box outlets/adaptors, and extension cords will be removed if determined to pose a hazard and returned the last day of the cruise prior to debark.



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I love a good debate...


What about THIS (below) don't you understand?


• Electrical devices such as fans, power strips, multi plug box outlets/adaptors, and extension cords will be removed if determined to pose a hazard and returned the last day of the cruise prior to debark.




I understand all of that... my point is that they are saying that they (Carnival) will determine if the item poses a hazard. They determined that it posed a hazard.


You are reading this:


"Electrical devices such as fans, power strips, multi plug box outlets/adaptors, and extension cords will be allowed if determined by the passenger to be safe and not pose a hazard and can be taken directly to the stateroom."


That is not what it says.


My question to you is... who gets to determine if the item poses a hazard... you, or the cruise line? RIGHT! The cruise line. They determined that your fan posed a hazard. All these people are saying is that you should have shrugged it off, continued on your vacation, and received your fan on the last day. I am assuming that you knew the fan would draw some negative attention when you packed it in your checked luggage.

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I have to jump in here! Tom isn't saying that at all! the fan he had could not be determined to be a hazard by any stretch of the imagination. It seems that lately Carnival's regulations are being left up to the interpretation of the agent-no rhythm or reason. I think those that are standing up for Carnival's rules have not been subjected to such nonsense. We are platinum Carnival, Tom is milestone, which means we have been loyal to Carnival for years. this isn't saying that frequent cruisers should have preferiental treatment, but I know in my business, I take care of those that are the most loyal. Carnival seems to have forgotten this. the new regime has not been making changes that speak well for their loyalty to their regular customers.

Flame away1:D

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To add a postscript to my previous post. the rules are not standard ship to ship. This causes confusion. You sail one ship, your fan or whatever is fine-a month later, same object, different ship, it is confiscated. Carnival needs to make its rules apply across the board. Same for platinum services-some ships are great-others hardly recognize those that are platinum. I think the biggest issue here is Carnival needs to standardize its policies.


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You are reading this:


"Electrical devices such as fans, power strips, multi plug box outlets/adaptors, and extension cords will be allowed if determined by the passenger to be safe and not pose a hazard and can be taken directly to the stateroom."



What I have written, thus far, gives you that idea?... :rolleyes:



My question to you is... who gets to determine if the item poses a hazard... you, or the cruise line?



I believe I have made myself clear on that.



… I am assuming that you knew the fan would draw some negative attention when you packed it in your checked luggage.


No, that is not what I had ANY concern over… ;)



I have to jump in here! Tom isn't saying that at all! the fan he had could not be determined to be a hazard by any stretch of the imagination. It seems that lately Carnival's regulations are being left up to the interpretation of the agent-no rhythm or reason. I think those that are standing up for Carnival's rules have not been subjected to such nonsense. We are platinum Carnival, Tom is milestone, which means we have been loyal to Carnival for years. this isn't saying that frequent cruisers should have preferiental treatment, but I know in my business, I take care of those that are the most loyal. Carnival seems to have forgotten this. the new regime has not been making changes that speak well for their loyalty to their regular customers.

Flame away...


Thank you.



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Lets put it this way... People get their Coors Light and Budweiser confiscated all the time because Carnival (for whatever reason) considers it to be "beer," or "alcohol." We all know it isn't either.




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I suggest that you have medical information proving that i.e. Dr's note indicating that it is a medical necessity. It seems to me a bit childish to use a lame excuse just to get your way.


I know, I can get a Dr's note that I need a particular brand of vodka so I can bring it onbaord and circumvent the rules .....


Actually, I dont need a doctors note confriming anything. Its NOT againist the rules to bring one on. It could be taken IF deemed to be a fire hazard. There is NOTHING childish about having severe Asthma. I have to, repeat HAVE to have the air flow when I sleep. I also travel with a portable nebulizer, Xopanex, Advair and Singular that is also medically neccessary. I suppose you find that childish also? I am not trying to get my way, I am trying to ensure that I have a safe, healthy and happy trip. I have taken this particualar fan on a cruise before with out causing mayhem and havoc and I dont forsee there to be a problem this time. But in case I am going a bit further and letting them know in advance that I have this issue. The ship is aware of my medical condition and they also know that I travel with the fan. I was told that I could bring the fan and it would be inspected....I will let yall know if its allowed or not. If not I do have the back up battery operated one in case.


And good luck with the Vodka...I want the name of the that doctor for myself! I want a Rx for vodka..I wonder if Tricare would pay for it?:D

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I love a good debate...




I understand all of that... my point is that they are saying that they (Carnival) will determine if the item poses a hazard. They determined that it posed a hazard.


You are reading this:


"Electrical devices such as fans, power strips, multi plug box outlets/adaptors, and extension cords will be allowed if determined by the passenger to be safe and not pose a hazard and can be taken directly to the stateroom."


That is not what it says.


My question to you is... who gets to determine if the item poses a hazard... you, or the cruise line? RIGHT! The cruise line. They determined that your fan posed a hazard. All these people are saying is that you should have shrugged it off, continued on your vacation, and received your fan on the last day. I am assuming that you knew the fan would draw some negative attention when you packed it in your checked luggage.


This is a straw man argument as this is not the fan was confiscated. The reason as stated by the Carnival rep was that it was a household appliance, not a hazardous fan.

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Actually, I dont need a doctors note confriming anything. Its NOT againist the rules to bring one on. It could be taken IF deemed to be a fire hazard. There is NOTHING childish about having severe Asthma. I have to, repeat HAVE to have the air flow when I sleep. I also travel with a portable nebulizer, Xopanex, Advair and Singular that is also medically neccessary. I suppose you find that childish also? I am not trying to get my way, I am trying to ensure that I have a safe, healthy and happy trip. I have taken this particualar fan on a cruise before with out causing mayhem and havoc and I dont forsee there to be a problem this time. But in case I am going a bit further and letting them know in advance that I have this issue. The ship is aware of my medical condition and they also know that I travel with the fan. I was told that I could bring the fan and it would be inspected....I will let yall know if its allowed or not. If not I do have the back up battery operated one in case.


And good luck with the Vodka...I want the name of the that doctor for myself! I want a Rx for vodka..I wonder if Tricare would pay for it?:D



Agreed... and I think blindrid is out of line. However, if I needed something that was medically necessary, I would carry it on and make sure it made its way to my stateroom by way of my own hands, rather than packing it in my checked luggage and risking it getting removed. Putting questionable items in your checked luggage is a crap shoot.

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I hope that if people get anything from this thread, they will no longer post:


"this does not apply to me as I have taken ______on 100 cruises, the steward even dusted my____________and plugged it back in to my octopus extension cord so you are mistaken, wrong, lying, or anything else that has been thrown around on the various threads about this subject over the last months."


Tom is posting a "yes it can happens to you" regardless of how many times it has been allowed. The point is the fact that it is like the Wheel of Fortune at embarkation. Spin the wheel to see which object you personally will be allowed this particular cruise. The fact that 10 people walk on with box fans and they take your little 5" one happens. That is what the thread is about. As far as how you handle at the time....it is easy to sit back after the fact, and judge that someone else's response in not appropriate. Getting to the ship, boarding, waiting in lines, xray machines are all stressful to everyone including the crew. If people did not want something on the ship, they would not have dragged it in their suitcase. It is fair to say it is upsetting to be in this situation.


If you want to print out the policy and bring it, fine but I wouldn't bother, as it is written in such a way that it is open for interpretation anyway.


Thanks Tom for reminding us that if you cruise enough, you will be subject along the line somewhere to losing something you have brought for the duration of the cruise. I'm sure you will now lock your luggage so you can intercept at the "I am taking this from you" point rather than after the fact where you have to track it down. There is so many layers of people from the guest services, to the person that can over ride the seizure. Those people are in the naughty room and you need a lock on your luggage to make sure those people are there when the item is questioned. This stops the frustration of having to go through guest services and 4 other people to get to the person who will retrieve the item.

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Thanks Tom for reminding us that if you cruise enough, you will be subject along the line somewhere to losing something you have brought for the duration of the cruise. I'm sure you will now lock your luggage so you can intercept at the "I am taking this from you" point rather than after the fact where you have to track it down. There is so many layers of people from the guest services, to the person that can over ride the seizure. Those people are in the naughty room and you need a lock on your luggage to make sure those people are there when the item is questioned. This stops the frustration of having to go through guest services and 4 other people to get to the person who will retrieve the item.


It is certainly looking that way!


They will have to pry that fan from my cold, dead... wait, no - I just got back from lunch and was behind a vehicle with a large NRA sticker... :D



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It is certainly looking that way!


They will have to pry that fan from my cold, dead... wait, no - I just got back from lunch and was behind a vehicle with a large NRA sticker... :D






Wait until the Carnival embarkation Wheel of Fortune comes up with Cheryl's curling iron:eek:


We're on the Splendor in 10 days......hoping to bypass the Wheel of Fortune....we'll see...

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Wait until the Carnival embarkation Wheel of Fortune comes up with Cheryl's curling iron:eek:


We're on the Splendor in 10 days......hoping to bypass the Wheel of Fortune....we'll see...


The words MAD and WET HEN come to mind for some reason... :eek:


Cheryl would have the ability to "tell it like it is" w/regard to her flat/curling iron... whereas I still default to diplomacy initially.




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