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My Victory Review- July 11-18, 2010


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Flew into San Juan on July 10 very late. Stayed at the Howard Johnson in Old San Juan. There was a festival going on. Lotta open vendors with food and drink everywhere. We decided to take a stroll up and down the streets. Very fun.


July 11- Got up and headed for breakfast at this place the New York Times recommends, Cafe Berlin. Great place. Nice sunny day in San Juan. Headed for the ship about 12:00 or so. Got there. Confusion on where to bring bags. Thankfully only one person knew and they were standing near us! lol.


Check in didn't take long but it also wasn't quick. As we made our way to the front of the line, the lady in front of us walked to the counter and promptly passed out. Luckily she was OK but she was out for a good 20-30 seconds. Got onboard about 1:30. Looked around for awhile. Couldn't get to rooms. They had posted a sign to wait until 2pm. Many people did not heed this sign and proceeded to try and get into their rooms anyway. We waited until 2pm ( though we should have waited until they opened the doors themselves). Our CA was still working on our room. We said no problem that we would go to the atrium and people watch which is what we did. Very fun watching the passengers come on board. Looking for cute guys! :)


We had a few martinis. This was a sign of what the night would be like.


Finally back in room. Unpacked and all that. Room 6394 balcony.


Rest of the evening was spent getting oriented with our ship ( highly recommended if you haven't been on that particular ship before).


Dinner was great. Open seating. Sat with some great people from New York. Had the best time with them.


Sail away party was fun but nothing special.


Next was party party party. We ended up in the piano bar( which would be a recurring thing throughout the entire cruise). Angela was the piano player. Met newlyweds Trey and Amber. Great people. My cousin, who works on cruise lines, wanted to let loose as she had just gotten off a very long rotation, so she downed a good 8-9 martinis over the entire day plus a bottle of wine at dinner. I did my part but could not keep up with her. We had our earliest wake up for St. Thomas ( 7am) so I was trying to drag my cousin out of the piano bar starting at Midnight. She wouldn't have any of it. LOL. Finally after 2am we made it back to our cabin. Would we make it to our excursion????


Later: St. Thomas, the shooting death of a passenger and find out if we made it to our shore excursion in Tortola with the dolphins!

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Thank You Mizz K!


July 12- St. Thomas. Gorgeous day. The island looks spectacular! 7am arrives very fast. But we did it! No hang over. Quick bite to eat and off to meet our excursion at 8am. We did Discovery Dolphin in Tortola, BVI. Met our boat to ferry us to Tortola. Very nice, scenic ride through different islands to Tortola. Beautiful everywhere we looked! Though we were going very fast and some got seasick.


Got to Tortola and met up where our excursion was taking place. After a short orientation, we got into groups and headed off to our pond to have our Dolphin adventure. Our Dolphin was Galielo! He was so sweet! We got to swin with him, holding his fins, cradle him like a baby and shake his flippers. To top it all off, we got multiple kisses from him. We had a lot of time in the water with the Galielo so the price was well worth it.


Next we headed in to do some shopping. We forgot to bring money so we didn't even get to eat! An hour later we were headed back the same way we came.


We had to stop at customs. It took forever with just our small group. Our line didn't move for a solid 10 mins. They finally brought in some more help so the line did start to pick up a bit.


All in all WONDERFUL day.


Little did we know a 14 yr old passenger was killed in the cross fire of rival gangs. We had no idea St. Thmoas was this violent. I was surprised because I had heard nothing of this anywhere I read. I guess I should have researched a bit more.


Back on board I hung out on the balcony for a bit then showered and got ready for the nitelife!


After some pre-dinner drinks, went to meet our new tablmates. The 1st couple were Janelle and Kevin from California. Great people. The other 2 couples were dull as dirt and one couple sat grumpy the entire time at dinner. So we mainly chatted with Kevin and Janelle.


After dinner, PIANO bar again! We again ran into Amber and Trey. Sang, drank, parties. Also met a family from Texas, especially this guy who lied about his age named Brandon. He was really only 17 but said he was 20. Thankfully, I had the sense not to get involved with him other than friends. We also met a group from Florida whom we will likely vacation with in the future. Closed the bar down once again! Ready for Dominca!


Later- Dominica and the letter confirming the death of a passenger.

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July 13- Arrived in Dominica. Because we don't get into port until 10am plus our tour doesn't start until 2:30pm, I got to sleep late. Niice!


Didn't know what to expect from Dominica. Looked out from the balcony and was very unimpressed. Looked like a poor, Caribbean country. It was more mountainous than St. Thomas though. Very lush as well.


Got off the ship and ran into some of our piano bar friends plus some others we went the Dolphin Discovery with. Waited around by the ship ramp. We were early so we decided to venture into some of the little shops set up near our ship. I was apprehensive to say the least. Looked a little poor and scary but to my surprise it was wonderful. The people were so nice and didn't really hassle me to buy stuff. I simple "No thanks" usually did it. Some were more persistent but nothing I couldn't handle.


Finally our tour was ready to take off. We did the river tubing with Wacky Rollers ( thru Carnival). Loaded onto the bus through the town out along the coast we went. I didn't watch the driver drive because I heard it could be a scary experience so I enjoyed the scenery out the window. You could tell how poor the country was but it felt like a much more authentic Caribbean experience. Our guide was great. Very funny and personable. Very much enjoyed the ride to the river.


At the river we donned helmets and lifejackets ( I didn't need any as I am a regular tuber on the Guadalupe in Texas) but it was required.


The river was very pleasant- not cold, not warm. Just right for the humid air. The group who guided us down the river were the Wacky Rollers. They were FANTASTIC! They amazed me as they kept up with us ( they were not in tubes!) and guided us down the river, away from rocks or from getting stuck. Super, duper job. If you are apprehensive about rapids don't be because they take care of you!


We stopped at a swimming hole for a bit then back down to river to the awaiting buses. We were offered different fruits ( Mango, sugar cane, coconut)- it was all delicious. Everyone seemed to have had a wonderful time.


Drive back to the ship was again scenic.


We got back, boarded and got ready for the evening.


At dinner we found out those other 2 couples who were boring and grumpy requested to be moved ( our waiter told us). We were glad. Now it was the couple from Cali with us who we enjoyed so all was good.


Again, PIANO BAR!!!!!!!! This time it was packed. Everyone was singing, having a great time as usual. We went to the late night R-Rated comic. He was pretty funny but def R rated no doubt about it.


We headed back to the piano bar where we hung out with the people from Dallas. As the bar closed we didn't want it to end so a few of us decided to head to my balcony and watch the stars, talks and enjoy sailing to Barbados! We stayed out there until 4:45am! It is going to be an early morning for a very long excursion in Barbados!


Next up- Barbados!

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July 14- Barbados. I have always wanted to go to Barbados because my mom had this episode of "Guiding Light" where they were on location in Barbados. It looked so exotic and romantic. It was shot like a movie.


We did the Shipwreck/Pirate party cruise excursion. Very very disappointed. We were only about a mile up the coast from the Victory. We could still see the Victory while snorkeling at the shipwreck. The beach was Ok but nothing special. I was expecting something far grander for Barbados. The shipwreck was OK too but barely off the beach. The "pirate party" back was just OK. Good rum but I preferred to party at night instead of the day. This was the night everyone seemed to party a bit too much on their excursions because everyone on the ship was sick from drinking all day.


Piano bar was closed so it was a pretty relaxed night. I went on deck and lounged around, watched this party the ship was having below the big screen. Met some of our Florida friends who were at the Mexican buffet and we chatted for awhile. Afterwards, went back to the room and tried to get some sleep.


So far on the cruise the weather was good. Rained briefly in Barbados but that's about it.


So Barbados ended up being a disappointment. I didn't get to see much of the island because we picked the wrong excursion. It happens though. It's the chance you take when picking excursions.

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July 15- St. Lucia. Looked out the balcony and saw the gorgeousness that is St. Lucia. Weather was perfect. We decided to do a beach day so we headed off to Reduit beach.


Stunningly gorgeous. Just so happened our newlywed friends ended up beside us on the beach. We rented Jet Skis and just swam around in the stunning water.


I am sure everyone knows this but bring 70proof sunblock or higher and reapply very often. I did and still got burned a bit. The sun was very intense.


Also, this is the place we were bothered the most by local people. They were relentless in coming up to us trying to sell us everything imaginable ( even drugs). I finally said ( lied) our friends had all our money and they were at the bar behind us. That kept them off of us for awhile ( and being in the water where they can't get to us helped).


Caught the show where they sang all the music from the 50's to 90's. Everyone from Elvis, Madonna, the Beatles, Elton John, Tina Turner- all the greats- very very entertaining!


Next was the piano bar! Every night was just a blast in there. We closed it down then headed to the pizza bar until past 3:30am. Lots of kids still out without parental supervision. They weren't annoying or anything but still...


Next up- St. Kitts!

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Love the posts, we will be on the Victory in January--we plan on drinking and partying daily, so of course am curious what your bill was so we can be prepared!





Now that is what I am talking about- drinking and partying!


The bill- :)


Lets just say if you drink hard liquor, drink the special of the day. For instance- I loved the martinis on the ship. They always had a martini of the day. It is usually 50% off and VERY strong. Will cost you a tad over $5. Regular price is just over $10. If you want to switch it up with beer of course that will also be cost effective. Just remember, liquor before beer, in the clear! On this cruise, I did more partying than I ever had on a cruise because we met so many fantastic people and the piano bar was so much fun. The club, Artic, was awful. Everything about it was terrible- music, DJ, lighting, atmosphere, everything. The "disco" on the Norwegian Crown was fantastic and always a blast. I heard Carnival has problems with their clubs. Nobody likes them! haha


Hope you enjoy your cruise!

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July 16- St. Kitts. Day was partly cloudy to start. Quickly became cloudy. St. Kitts looked beautiful. We booked the Catamarn Fan-Ta-Sea excursion and were not disappointed.


We sailed along the coast to a snorkeling spot. Weather was overcast but no rain, yet. Snorkeling was very good. Pretty little spot, bottom was very rocky. Just watch out for fire corral. It is all over and the tour operators warn you not to touch anything or stand on the rocks. It was deep enough to not be a problem.


Next they took us to this cool little beach area. Not crowded at all. Really scenic with Nevis nearby. This was a very enjoyable beach. No one around to bother you to buy stuff and you could pretty much have a huge spot of beach to yourself if you choose to. They gave us plenty of time to enjoy ourselves. It did rain a bit but it really didn't ruin our experience. Just remember to put on sunblock because I got even more burned in St. Kitts with it being overcast than I did in St. Lucia with it sunny!


Next we sailed back at a leisurely pace and were fed hot dogs, chicken and of course RUM! Be careful on excursions that serve alcohol. So many people got trashed way too early!


After we finished eating, the operators played party music like the Marcarena, YMCA- all the usual fun songs. Everybody was dancing have a blast! Really really fun excursion. Well worth the money!


At night, we again hit the piano bar. Good times had by all. Closed it down once again!


Next up- St. Maarten!

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July 17- St. Maarten! Woke up to rain. It rained most of the morning. Such a shame because St. Maarten looks like it could possibly be the most gorgeous island yet on the itinerary. Rain stopped around 11 or so. We didn't book an excursion so that was good. This was an "open" day. The rain spoiled excursions for many. Even when it stopped raining it was very cloudy and dreary.


Took the water taxi to the beach which was in view of the ship. It cost like $6 and you can ride it unlimited. Tons of little shops, restaurants, bars and stores. Nice huge area to stroll the entire length of the beach.


Beaches and water were stunning. Again, in sunny weather I can only imagine what it would have looked like.


St. Maarten was very clean. There is a huge development on the beach to stroll and shop, dine or relax. Pretty much everything you would want to do is in one spot. The down side is that would be the only place on this beautiful island to see.


We just strolled around for a few hours and went back to the ship since the beaches weren't an option due to the weather.


Back on board we had our luggage tags and everything waiting for us. Our disembarkation number and everything. I hate this night on cruises. Everyone is so concerned with procedures to disembark there is little time to enjoy. However, we decided we were going to pack, leave out extra clothes for night and disembarkation day and not worry. You can take your luggage out yourself or leave it outside to be picked up.


Went to the Legends show. Loved it. Had Elvis, Garth, Madonna, Elton, Dolly, James Brown...all the legends except I had a problem with them including Britney Spears in this category. She is far from a legend as the names above! It was still great fun!


Hit the piano bar for one last, raucous night and boy was it! Our friends got back their confiscated alcohol about 8pm. We made sure to tip the people who made the cruise ( Alice the waitress in the piano bar and the piano player Angela!). Plus a few others. When the bar closed we took the party to the balcony until almost 4am( I know- we had to be out of the cabin by 7:30am!). But we had fun and it was well worth it.


Later- Disembarkation.

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July 18- San Juan- Disembarkation. The post cruise blues are about to set in. It is over. 7:30am arrives faster than expected. We get up and head to the Lido(?) to get breakfast and wait for our number to be called.


Our friends from Florida were going to join us after we get off the ship to hang out until they had to head to the airport that evening. Since we were staying at the Sheraton Old San Juan, literally right across the street from the ship, they could keep their luggage there.


It took way longer than I expected to disembark. On Norwegian, we were off the ship by 8am I think. We sat around for hours waiting for number 22 to be called. It seemed they were going at a snails pace. Finally around 10am, our friends number, 18, was called. We didn't want them to wait around so we decided to go then. I was worried we weren't going to be able to get our bags because our number hadn't been called but our bags were out there so we just went over, got them and proceeded to head outside. We could have left at any time.


Once we check into the Sheraton, we head to the San Cristobel fort. Wonderful views. Very nice. Then we headed to Senor Frogs ( some of the prices were outrageous). Had a good time but we were all spent. We relaxed at the hotel with our friends until they had to leave for the airport.


Went to bed early ( about 8:30) but was woke up by our ship's horn blowing as they were sailing off on another cruise.


Had a great time. I was a very full, jam-packed cruise full of wonderful people. I wish anyone going on the cruise in the future all the best!

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Did you travel with passports or birth certificates? I've heard you can use a birth certificate if you're from the US and Puerto Rico is a US territory. Are you able to get off the ship at the different ports of call with just a birth certificate? I saw where you had to go through customs in St. Thomas?


Thinking of doing this cruise in March...our son was born in Berlin, Germany but has a Birth Certificate from the US consulant that we used on a cruise out of Miami back in 2003...with no problems.


Please no flames about no passport ... right now with the added expense of passports we wouldn't be able to cruise at this time.


Hopefully you or someone else can answer my questions!!

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Did you travel with passports or birth certificates? I've heard you can use a birth certificate if you're from the US and Puerto Rico is a US territory. Are you able to get off the ship at the different ports of call with just a birth certificate? I saw where you had to go through customs in St. Thomas?


Thinking of doing this cruise in March...our son was born in Berlin, Germany but has a Birth Certificate from the US consulant that we used on a cruise out of Miami back in 2003...with no problems.


Please no flames about no passport ... right now with the added expense of passports we wouldn't be able to cruise at this time.


Hopefully you or someone else can answer my questions!!


I travel with a passport. I am not sure if you can cruise without a passport in San Juan. Probably so but I am not 100%. The only place I had to go through customs was St. Thomas because we did an excursion in Tortola, a British Virgin Island then went back to St. Thomas, a US Virgin Island. We then had to go through customs in San Juan disembarking. All the other stops we did not need a passport when getting off the ship. I carried a picture ID ( drivers license) when I got off the ship at various ports but never had to use it.


Let me know if that answered your questions or if you have any more!

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Great review! we leave on Oct 31ST I am so excited:D how was the hotel? we are staying there 1 day post cruise as well



Hotel was very very nice. Had a casino and good eating places inside and in the immediate vicinity. Senor Frogs is next door. Enjoy your trip!

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  • 3 weeks later...

BTW- I posted my friends video from the same cruise.


Go to Youtube, type in "Carnival Victory July 2010" and it is posted under my account- cowgirlamy. 18 videos in all I think. I didn't post any of my videos nor appear in these videos because of an ex who I don't want to know what I am up to.



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