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It's a "GLORIOUS" day in Glacier Bay, had a Crakin' good time Spirit 9/7/10 review


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Thank you for posting your review and pictures. :)

Well' date=' thank you, I will try to get more up tomorrow,

I have not even had time to un pack, or do laundry

with work, babies, more work and Parents still visiting after the cruise,

Oh my!

But I will get there, I only have 1000 photos and they are coming soon, well just the best ones.[/color']

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After the sail away, I checked with all in our party, to make sure we were all at the same table in the MDR.

It seems someones TA did not link them to us, so off I went to see about the table arrangements.

Fernando, very sweet, but not much he could do.

Our table for Six was never going to handle two more...

So our friends were left at the table for 10,

oh no they had a table in the MDR at the window with a view :eek: in ALASKA

Sad they were not seated with us, But they ended up having a good table.

At some point Fernando had a couple move to anytime dining from the table next to us,

but by day 3 they didn't want to move and be rude.

I must Say Fernando was great, and was ready to adjust our table if there was anything to be done.

The table next to us was for 8, so if any of them would have wanted a diff. table,

we all could have been moved to the same table.

Never the less, all was fine...

And I might also say, we had a great table,

in the Middle of the MDR







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I am so sorry for being gone all day, man it is tough coming home from a cruise

All of a sudden you have to "do Life" again:eek:

And once again, I work tomorrow all day.

I hope Monday, the DH will go to work, my Parents will be on there way, and I will be better about getting this review done, at least on it's way to the Bay :D.

Sail away and the "Drill" coming up next ;)


It should be against the law to have to go back to work for one or two days after any cruise:(.

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Marie, Great Review so far!!! Do you plan on doing one for the Looney's cruise? :eek:

Thanks, I am still working on it...As you may have noticed

I hope to for the Liberty,

but maybe someone else wants to give it a shot :p

And that would be great too.

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Marie, Great Review so far!!! Do you plan on doing one for the Looney's cruise? :eek:


I agree! Great review Marie, keep it coming :)


In response to Marie's response, I'd be happy to write a review for the Looney cruise as well. Of course, most of it would revolve around a child's wrist leash attached to Andy, so I don't know how amusing it would be to others. :eek:


Cheers friends! :)

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It should be against the law to have to go back to work for one or two days after any cruise:(.

Yes, you are right Rich

Two days of work, one taking my mom to visit in the neighboring state (Meaning it was an all day trip) then back to work for 9 hours, them the kids all came for dinner, and today Church.

Tomorrow is going to be Heaven...


Now back to what I was typing before the lights went out...

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After our dinner in the MDR, I do not remember what I had,

and I forgot to take Photos, for a couple of nights

so there you go

But it was good what ever it was...

And we must have had the best Head waiter ever!

Ivica, was great...Fun and Funny...


We headed off to the Welcome aboard show...

Love the Spirit, never did we feel as though it was to crowded, Anywhere








The show was pretty much the same as I remembered the last on to be.

Fun never the less.

I didn't remember a Beach ball toss with the crowd, they tossed two or three out and that was fun.








Now back to the room to finish unpacking...

the DH was not around for most of that,

and for most of the cruise he was on the move...

What ever made him happy was fine with me.

While unpacking I was very sure I had over packed

But it got really cold we were going to have what we needed.

(didn't need 1/2 of it)

The Weather all but one day of Rain was great.

Even in Glacier Bay, as you will soon see (I promise) in the photos.

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Our first Visitor



Got everything put away and in bed around 1:30 a wonderful first day was over...


Day two the first sea day, Meet and Greet and ready for the cold beautiful sights of Alaska.


Nick was up before the BCOD, (B crack of dawn) then up again before 6am and off to find Coffee and my mom on the lido deck

Me, 7:00 was plenty early enough for me to get up while on Vacation.


No breakfast for me thank you, but a visit with the folks with a cup of Coffee sounded good.


Mom had her table, as she does every cruise, with a view, and it was a "Glorious Day" for sure, the sun shining and glistening off the waves.




At 10ish we were to Meet up with the Official and Roll call groups for our Meet and Greet

Kind of a smaller turn out than I thought




But we did a bit of visiting, and I had the chance to give out the Official CC Lanyard and Pins...

Some of my Official Group members I didn't meet until we got into port and disembarked...

Sorry to those who didn't receive your lanyard and pin, but they were packed up again by that time.


After the meet and greet , I believe it had been ten mins. so we had to get back to the Lido deck to re fill and re charge


Then it was time for the Ice Carving, I love to watch that.

they are so fast at their work.








I think there might also have been a Hairy Chest Contest, I saw it later on the TV, My Sis, Mom and Dad were in the back ground

It looked as though they thought it was Hilarious, but the TV show of it, was kinda gross.

Then they watched it on TV and thought the same, so I guess you really needed to have been there for it to have been hilarious.

So sorry no photos of it either...I can reach back into my Spirit cruise from 08 and get you one if need be...

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Still on Day 2

We had decided to try the "High Tea"

everyone was to met and see what that was about as we had not done that before.

Some of us forgot to make it, but that was all well and good anyway, as it was a vacation, do what you want to do!

Four of us went, My DH, a friend and her Daughter, when we got to the location, there was a table for 4 maybe 5,

Perfect if My mom and sister were going to show

and my DH was more than Happy to go off again on his own.




The tea was fun, plenty of teas to choose from, and the little desserts and such were fun, and tasty

I will say, for those of you reading the review,

if we are doing this on the Liberty, we will need to get there EARLY so we can all enjoy the tea in the same area.

It was crowded, and the Music, was loud.

It would have been nicer, to have had a piano playing, rather than what I think was a Jazz band.

you really couldn't visit with your table mates.

unless the band took a breather.


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We went to the Explore Alaska with the Naturalist Michelle...

This was a good informative hour spent...

If you ever are going on an Alaska Cruise I highly recommend it.

Esp. if you are doing sight seeing tours, like whale watching, rather than land based tours

You still get the feel of Alaska, and the sights of the Alaska ports,

even if you didn't really get to do much in that port.


That first Sea Day was also the first Elegant night,

Lobster on the Menu...




The Lobster was small but good, the Mashed potatoes are to die for,

OK that was a bit over board but I LOVE them.

I would have ordered a 2nd Lobster just for them,

Oh ya, I did that on the Dream last Feb.

Not this time, I was full, and the dessert menu was coming :eek:

Had the Apples and Carmel Thingy, Wonder"FULL"

I wonder how good all those desserts would have been if I had been hungry,

knowing how good they were being stuffed already...

Not the end of the night yet, but the sun was setting...Or was it?

I really took this when waiting for the DH to move it on out of the Bathroom LOL

Another day closer to being in the memory books.




Off to the Comedy club we go, as soon as we change, that is.

So much for getting photos taken, the DH was out of there, to get out of the "stuffy" clothes...

At least he put them on for the dinner,

I can't say that about all who were in the MDR on that first Elegant night.

But, I don't care, we were pretty and that was my concern, I didn't want to end up on CC (in a photo) as one who didn't know what "Elegant Night" should be.

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Nick and I stopped in to the Comedy club, to see one of the two comedians on the ship

They only have the PG shows early, and we are not big into the "r" rated so much,

so we squeezed in one of the comedians before the "Big" show.

sorry I can't review the "R" Rated one...

anyone want to give their take on it?

fill in for me.

Paul Lyons was very funny, if you see his 2 min bit in the Welcome aboard show, you may think, naw, I'll pass,

but don't, he was pretty good.

I am guessing if you are into the "R" rated stuff he would have been hilarious...

Then off to the Main Show for the night Jazz Hot.

I was thinking, crud, I don't like jazz, but I am on the ship, and I am going.

I was pleasantly surprised, I liked "Carnival's" Jazz.

It was the Best show of the Cruise I thought.


What a great way to end our day, a stroll around the the outside deck...

Nice out, and full of stars.

I would poet a photo, but it looks like a dot on black :(

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I decided that room service was in order, so I had put out my request the night before.

Oh to have a poor mans mocha (coffee with a packet of hot choc), OJ, Danish, and a Bagel with cream cheese on the Balcony...

the air was cool but not freezing, slipper boots, and my fleece over the jammies, worked great.

It was gorgeous, even "Glorious" sitting on the Balcony

watching the water, and seeing a few whales.

Now back up to the Lido deck to see if I can find that wondering husband, and my parents...who knows where that sister of mine was...

Off having breakfast with her DH ;)

The weather declined the closer we got to Juneau. And of course, it was good and wet by the time we made it into the pier.

Sad to say not the pier near anything either, so even though we were not leaving the port til 11:00pm,

being at the AJ pier, on a very rainy day, did not make for going back out after dinner even a passing thought.




If we would have been at the pier in town, we may have gone out shopping,

or site seeing as there would have been time,

but who wants to walk a mile in the rain, or wait for a bus.

So we didn't see much of Juneau, besides our Whale Watching Trip.

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Yes, you are right Rich

Two days of work, one taking my mom to visit in the neighboring state (Meaning it was an all day trip) then back to work for 9 hours, them the kids all came for dinner, and today Church.

Tomorrow is going to be Heaven...


Now back to what I was typing before the lights went out...

Question for you can i ask what cabin you were in?

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Still on Day 2

We had decided to try the "High Tea"

everyone was to met and see what that was about as we had not done that before.

Some of us forgot to make it, but that was all well and good anyway, as it was a vacation, do what you want to do!

Four of us went, My DH, a friend and her Daughter, when we got to the location, there was a table for 4 maybe 5,

Perfect if My mom and sister were going to show

and my DH was more than Happy to go off again on his own.



The tea was fun, plenty of teas to choose from, and the little desserts and such were fun, and tasty

I will say, for those of you reading the review,

if we are doing this on the Liberty, we will need to get there EARLY so we can all enjoy the tea in the same area.

It was crowded, and the Music, was loud.

It would have been nicer, to have had a piano playing, rather than what I think was a Jazz band.

you really couldn't visit with your table mates.

unless the band took a breather.




Agreed. We must have missed you as we were sitting on the back wall and we complained about not being able to hear eachother. It was nice though. I enjoyed the little chocolate tart with all the fruit on it.

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I forgot to post our 2nd Cabin visitor



While making our way to Juneau


We still had the morning and early afternoon to do some things...

The DH decided to take Stu up on that

"you're on vacation, do something you would never normally do"

and we headed to the Spa, to see the acupuncturist :eek: Really are you kidding me...Nope not kidding

It was considered a port day, so we took advantage of the discount (LOL)

Had a consultation around 10 and the DH made an apt for noon.

Nick went back to shower, and off I went to find some friends and Lunch.

Today seemed like a great day for the MDR for lunch

Tried the Apple Currey soup, not for me thank you, and not for the guy sitting next to me either...

Good thing the ribs made up for it and in a big way, finger linking goodness.

Top it off with German Choc. Cake, Yummy

The food was good, the table mates were friendly, and the view was incredible!

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Question for you can i ask what cabin you were in?

Yes you may, we were in 5240

the first cabin aft of the lifeboats on the upper deck, port side.

Easy off and on of the elevators or the use of the aft stairs.

Right to the dining room for more food :D

Looking Downward


Looking Aft


Looking Forward, but you really had to be looking out and down the front of the ship,

the boat was never in my reg, view, I just took the photo, in case some one wanted to know.


We booked this one and my sister booked 5247 Starboard side same location

because we could then just cross over to each others room to see something the other side was seeing,

with out having to go up to the lido deck and fight the crowd.

just a couple steps to the Stairs and elevator area and another two steps to her cabin.


Might have worked too if I wouldn't have been a wildlife jinx :o

every time I would show up to see the Whale or Dolphin, poof they would be gone.

Anytime I turned on the Camera, poof they were gone

(OK not all the time, I did get some good shots in.)

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Agreed. We must have missed you as we were sitting on the back wall and we complained about not being able to hear eachother. It was nice though. I enjoyed the little chocolate tart with all the fruit on it.

I have never been to a Tea before on a ship,

but I have been to tea, and we were able to visit ,

I believe soft music was play in the tea house,

not a Band fit for a Parade :D

We were not as far away as you were from them...

No one has ever told them about using their "indoor" voices or volume level.

Where was there mothers :D

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Yes you may, we were in 5240

the first cabin aft of the lifeboats on the upper deck, port side.

Easy off and on of the elevators or the use of the aft stairs.

Right to the dining room for more food :D

Looking Downward


Looking Aft


Looking Forward, but you really had to be looking out and down the front of the ship,

the boat was never in my reg, view, I just took the photo, in case some one wanted to know.


We booked this one and my sister booked 5247 Starboard side same location

because we could then just cross over to each others room to see something the other side was seeing,

with out having to go up to the lido deck and fight the crowd.

just a couple steps to the Stairs and elevator area and another two steps to her cabin.


Might have worked too if I wouldn't have been a wildlife jinx :o

every time I would show up to see the Whale or Dolphin, poof they would be gone.

Anytime I turned on the Camera, poof they were gone

(OK not all the time, I did get some good shots in.)



Thank you we are booked in 5220 same side of the ship as you were on. Thanks again

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Agreed. We must have missed you as we were sitting on the back wall and we complained about not being able to hear eachother. It was nice though. I enjoyed the little chocolate tart with all the fruit on it.


Thank you we are booked in 5220 same side of the ship as you were on. Thanks again

Are you doing the Mexico Cruise, that was my first cruise and it was on the Spirit, I fell in love with Cruising, and the Spirit was just as nice this time around...

If you can get Table 237 or 238, you will have the best waiter on the ship

Ivica, was such a great guy, we LOVED him

You will also see him on the Lido deck at 6am...


Ok I only know of two on the ship this time, but I don't know the #'s of Ramona's Tables, we had her on the Dream, also one of the best.

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So now we have Nick back from the Spa, with little patches on his ear LOL

for sea sickness,

He thought he might get a touch of it on a smaller boat, the one we were about to go whale watching on.

No problems, I didn't even give sea sickness a 2nd thought, to much fun to worry about that!

We pack up our gear for a cold wet day of Whale watching, and off we go

We chartered a 6 pax vessel, call Rum Runners

with Capt. Chris and his 1st mate Moon...

Bummer again that we were at the AJ pier,

But getting off the ship, easy peasy...

as we were getting off the ship, I figured I had better call Chris,

and tell him we were off the ship, and find out where we would be picked up.

As I was talking with him, he said I am here waiting for you,

Look over to the parking area, I am with the white dog.

so the four of us piled into the van with Chris and moon and off we went for a great adventure...

And a great adventure it was.

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On the boat, we set out, and Chris contacts some of the others out there to find out where a few killer whales were at this time.

He had seen them earlier in the day, and thought we might get a chance to see them, if we were lucky...

Yippee they were still hanging around, so off we went to find them.

within 1/2 hour of our tour, we felt as though we had gotten our money's worth.

Anything else was going to be the icing on the cake

We spotted the three of them off in the distance...

Chris has a great eye, they were pretty far away, I saw a black dot.

Then Chris says to Moon, "call 'em over here girl",

and moon started barking, the more she barked the closer they came...

Photo time.

Call 'em in Moon









Click on this one for the video clip


Moon did her job, time to rest for a bit.


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