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It's a "GLORIOUS" day in Glacier Bay, had a Crakin' good time Spirit 9/7/10 review


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After the first big Glacier (I think the best one)

we were setting sail, for the next "finger?" as to see more ice.

I believe someone said over the intercom, this would be the best time to go find lunch

So we decided to go to the MDR,


we were the 2nd ones in line, and we were seated near a window, On the WRONG side for viewing the next Glacier???

And that is not where you want to be when they announce,

that we are now approaching the next Glacier.

What? RU kidding me :eek:

The burgers and fries were cold, 1/2 the table had the burger and fries,

but the server looked stunned when asked for ketchup

and each person seemed to have to ask for it.

So the fries were really cold by the time he got back.


Lido deck fries were so good that these fries really seemed bad.


On a good note, I didn't order the Burger and fries, Nick did,

I had the calamari and I wouldn't know if it was good or bad,

I was trying something different, and it was good to me?


All we really wanted to do was get out of there, and they were so slow,

Like they were a "training" crew with out their trainer.

Maybe so, as many of the crew were out looking at the Glaciers we wanted to be looking at.

Finally, dessert came, we packed it up and left...Dropped off at the Cabin, all in mine, as that was the side the view was on.

Opposite of the window in the MDR they seated us.

So if you go on this cruise next year,

eat the burger and fries on the Lido deck on Glacier Bay day!

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I wanted to post a video clip of the glacier, calving, that would have been nice

but it was not really a very good shot, and only a tiny calving, I missed the bigger one...

Again Camera timing. :(

We had seen Whales, Glaciers and the Eagle, what else could you ask for,

how about some cards with friends, Dinner a Sunset to die for...

Played a game of cards near a window as we cruised out of the bay,

saw some whales spouting in the distance.

A funny crew member says to us, did you come on a cruise to play cards or to see whales...

Both :p

Now it was time for Dinner, Crab legs were on the Menu

No Brainer for me

and how nice they came cut open for easy eating, and melted butter on the side

Nick ordered the same starter (He doesn't like crab) and had it pealed in in the butter for me by the time I had finished mine.

I could have just done starters for my meal too.

but the Steakloin, I think that was what it was called, was very good too.

Not sure about the Burnt rice Brulee, but I ate it.

Not as good as Creme Brulee

and now the sunset to die for.



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The show on this night was "Comedy Hypnosis"

with Jac Rene.

not sure how it is done, is it real?

I don't know

But it was a good show.

After that the DH went for more fries, and off to bed, and myself and a couple of girls went to Karioke just to see.

No time to stay as we had an early wake up call for the morning,

7:15 for the Tour of Skagway...

and that ends the Day on Glacier Bay

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Skagway, up and at it early...good day for some room service...

I love that I can put out a little door hanger the night before and receive a little something the next morning, before I have to go face the world

I think I did the morning Room service 3 or 4 times this cruise.

Skagway was an early port stop.

We got off the ship pretty easy, we all met in the lobby for all to show before we went off to met the Tour Van.

The walk down to the end was a ways, so some jumped onto a little shuttle train thing.

So now 1/2 of us are at one end while the other 1/2 walks the 1/4 -1/2 mile or so.

It was a little confusing, but that goes with the "Group"

some wander here, some over there and being all adults, It is hard to make them stay put in the same place.

well, before you know it we have rushed to wait like always, but soon we find our Guide, and our Van.

The morning is looking Gloomy, but who cares, we will be in the Van most of the time.

The Day turn out to be a warmer day, and we were all pealing off a layer or two by the time we were done.

And off we go... with Jeff and


OK that is Nick, but there is the Van with the Name of the tour Co. on it

This is at the turn around point...The Yukon territory...

We entered into Canada for a few miles to the Log house, ok what would have been the log house,

now it is just an outhouse, and from what I could tell, a very smelly one at that :eek:

yea for a good healthy bladder... I could wait thank you.

As with any tour, esp. one that you are on a long ride

it can be the best, nothing special or heaven forbid the worst tour ever depending on your guide

Yea, we had a great guide!

Jeff had stories, and knew all about where we were going, and if he didn't know, he said he would make something up

Sounded good to me.

He was fun and informative... all kinds of Alaska early days, gold rush type stories.

I would Highly recommend this tour, and for sure ask for Jeff.

I believe even the 18 year old enjoyed the tour, just not our 30 min walk back to the ship when it was over.

Lugging all our souvenirs

We wanted to shop, anyone else has a ride back to the ship.

By the way, going on the last of the season Cruises

the deals are great in Skagway, Alaskan Calenders for all my friends, 50 cents each, not sure about Juneau as we did not make it to town, and Ketchikan was only ok !

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After the Tour of Skagway, we were dropped off in town, or as I stated before, some back at the ship.

Shopping was fun, and the town was Cute.

The walk back to the ship was sunny, and a tad long, but nothing really, unless you have trouble walking,

then you can catch a SMART Bus for a couple $.

Back on the Ship, this was the day of the Past Guest Party,

Chelle and I got there just as it started, and Sharon found us a few mins. later,

We were seated way up front, and the drinks were flowing.

For some reason, all the Drinks are sour, but the rum punch...

I thought the rum punch was good, Sharon, thought weak, and Chelle was on antibiotics, so she went the "West" Route with just Punch.


This past guest party, they were at your side over and over again, and it was not crowed at all.

But tell me, why the same old film over and over again...we left early,

Didn't need to see that same film. Once is enough.


I am sure we then had dinner, to bad I had to many drinks, and now was not hungry

After we were ready for the show, "The Big Easy" It was suppose to be "The Show" of the Cruise...It was not really

It was ok, but in my eyes it was a bit raunchy, for the first 1/2,

allot of nasty dancing, and grinding, and at one point, it looked as though some mimic of oral sex...

(sorry for saying that, but I didn't know how else to put it.)

I was uncomfortable with the 18 year old sitting near me, and she finally said that was enough at went off to do something else.

at that point, the show came out of that era, and moved into a less raunchy few years,

but really some of that did not need to be in their dance routine.


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After the The Let down, of the Big Easy, we decided to go check out Karaoke,

Building up the nerve, as Sharon is very pushy, but scanning the million songs, I don't sing those songs :p

But it was 9/11, and with a little (allot) of help from my 18 yr old friend Stephanie,

we did get up there and do Lee Green woods, God Bless the U.S.A.

For some reason this program *****'s out Lee's last name if it is typed out completely??? Weird

She also did one from the Titanic, and she and Sharon, did something too

so we all really had our first Real Karaoke moment.

doing Ba ba ba, ba ba ba ran as a back up singer with 6 others didn't really count...

Janet I know you are proud of me...

then we met up with the MDR Magician Arron and he did a few card tricks...and Mind reading?


He had been to Sharon's table at dinner, and told Stephanie to try some new things, so she wanted to tell him about Karaoke.

Then he let her do a card trick, I have it on tape, and I still can not figure out how he did it.

He was good, at one point over the time we were visiting,

he had all three of us adding into his trick,

and I know I didn't get rehearsed on it, and I am pretty sure neither did they....

So how does he do that?


Now it is after 1:00 and we have another port in the morning, Ketchikan, and the Deadliest Catch excursion...

off to bed we must go...

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Big Easy is best show on Carnival. Did not know Spirit had it. Conquest and Freedom have it.


Would not consider it raunchy, its HOT.


Good reveiw n pics.

I suppose it is all how you look at it.

And if you are sitting with a child who thinks the dancers look like they are having sex out on the stage. You see it thru their eyes.

Really if there was not that one point I mentioned before, I might not have used raunchy, over sexed maybe...

Don't get me wrong, the Dancers/Singers were great and did a great job,

and I know that it was the Story of past up to present, mardi gras, NO and all.

But it is suppose to be a family show, and that one 5 second act on stage could have easily been dropped,

and the show would have still portrayed

"The Big Easy"

oh and I think Dancing in the Streets is Carnival's Best show, but I have not seen them all

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Enjoying your review. Sorry we missed the meet and greet, but met many about the ship.

Thank you, it is my first review, I have a whole new respect for those who do them and do them well.

Sorry we missed you at the meet and greet too

This was not the same as my past to "Groups"

one a roll call group and the other a CC Group.

Both very interactive,

Alaska, I think brings a different aspect to a cruise,

all you want to do is look at the beauty, not play Games or Cabin crawl, well not during the daylight hours anyway.

It was a wonderful relaxing cruise for me.

I will be learning from it and try not to over due it on my Liberty CC Group Cruise this coming Jan.

On the Dream, I wanted to do everything, Really Everything,

and that is not possible in 7 days, with all the activities we had going.

Not to mention the ones the Ship had going.

I came home with a blur of a memory, and I couldn't tell you what the Dream even looked like with out a photo or two.

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Well, it was a late night, but another day is here so up at 8 this morning,

I slept in...

No room service, oh how I wished I had put out that little piece of paper.

Oh well, up to the lido deck for Grits and eggs, with a bit of bacon on the side.

Might I say, the Bacon police were very generous, I always had that extra piece for my mom to steal :p

She is the reason they even have a need for the Bacon police, and I told her so on this trip!

While sitting having breakfast there were a view whale sightings, and we just enjoyed the time together.

The rest of the morning was on the balcony or walking around. waiting for 11:00 to come so we can head to what turned out to be a very long line...

Far end of the Casino...if we didn't have the 11:30 deadliest catch excursion, we would have waited a few before we went down.

So as soon as the line started moving, it went pretty fast.

Not really knowing where we were headed, but pretty sure we needed to go north on the pier

I had forgot the map, and instructions at home.

We ran into the Deadliest Catch guy, Kiwi holding a sign...

That was nice...But we were headed in the right direction, and one of the first on the boat.

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Once on board the Aleutian Ballad



We decided to go up top, for the best view of the surrounding area

now the best seats for the Show on board the boat are on the main deck

but you are allowed to wander up and down and all around,

so you can be all over and enjoy the show and the great surroundings.

That being said, I was up down and all around :D

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If you are a Deadliest Catch fan, even if you are not, you will enjoy this Excursion

The Capt and the Crew are wonderful, very informative and FUNNY.

Oh and do watch out for the Crab claws, the first pinch, is only them warning you.

Don't let them get to that second pinch. :eek: This is what my face looked like!

It hurt, but was funny at the same time :confused:

After the tour

we did more Shopping,

by this time I don't know what I had for who, but it seems I got enough,

between Shopping the Ships, 2 for $10 getting rid of Alaska stuff sale, Skagway,

a little Lido deck sell off of fun stuffed Moose or should I say meese ?

(I got 10 of them. Perfect stocking topper for Christmas.)

and now the Ketchkan port.

Oh my, will I ever be able to meet my weight limits for the Airlines.

Did I mention before about the Rock I was bringing home too, it must have been 5 lbs.

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OK I looked back and I don't think I mentioned the rock :D

So here is the story, while on the Skagway tour,

I took a drink from the Glacier waters coming down out of the Bridal veil Falls,

and I saw this beautiful rock, stone, granite,

Kind of greenish, with layers of white, and specks, just a good looking rock,

so I decided I would take it home for my new pond

I asked the tour guide what he thought and he said

put it in your pocket and if no asks no worries. I did need a good sized pocket, and I had one.



We were in Alaska again, but not thru the border check yet

as the border checks are not very close together,

Miles apart with the actual border line miles from their little stations.

So any way, I pack it in one of the carry on bags, on the bottom, with all of my souvenirs...

Never thought about it again, until we are going through the X Ray at the Vanc. Airport.

I happened to have put it in the Carry on my DH was carrying :D

There was only he and I in the line, but for some reason,

there was a LONG wait, for me to go through the scanner.

I stood there with my bare feet for longer than I thought normal,

then finally I was waved to come through

as I approch to gather my goods, I hear the guy say to Nick

do you have a rock packed in here?


And now, my lovely DH looks up and says,

"NOT ME, HER" and points at me..

Nothing like being tossed under the bus.

So I open the bag, and the guy takes my rock, and goes to show the supervisor,

he comes back and says, it is about 5 lbs..What ever that means?

I read the little deal about what you have to declare, no where did it say Rocks :p

I wanted it, but I wasn't going to argue about it.

Anyway, I asked if it was going to be a problem,

and the supervisor just said you can have it,

but next time put it in your checked bag, you should be ok for the rest of your flights now.


So if you plan on picking up rocks and taking them through the air ports, put them in your checked luggage ;)

Good to know!

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Maybe it could be considered a weapon? Not that you couldn't hit someone over the head with a laptop, but I guess a rock doesn't serve any other purpose, LOL.

They never did say why I shouldn't have a rock :rolleyes:

I guess it was maybe an odd thing for them to find.

Although my DH said he heard them talking about if it was over 5 lbs, :confused:

again, not sure why it matters, wouldn't a 4 lb rock be good enough to knock out someone :D Not that I would have even thought that way.

I do like it in my pond, it goes well with my Montana Rocks, I got while on a visit to my Sisters home.

and the little ones I got from the Yukon, that were next to the green rock, but they didn't bother with them.

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Marie, of all the things to bring back from Alaska, a rock would be one of the last things on my list

But Rich, it is a nice looking rock...

and the Glacier Ice I put in my pocket melted :(

I think I have a problem, I was just at my son's

leaving off the truck for them to use,

My DILove was in an accident today,

Hence me not being on the computer after noon.

but i digress, while there I stole a few of his rocks for my pond too

I see a pattern starting here, Oh and I have one from the Caves of Belize too.

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OK we are now back to the ship for dinner

Always great This was a weird starter, salmon, sliced really thin

but it was kind of stuck to the plate...didn't matter is was good!

I am tossing in a food photo, for no other reason, but I was looking for them, and this was the only one I found.


I know I took food photos, but for the life of me, who knows what Card they are on.

And you have all seen all the food anyway.

Off to the show

Singing with the Big Band...

That was pretty good too, just kind of loud.

a bit more screaming rather than singing, but it was good.

I think I am getting old. I bet it was just right for most people

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