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Single Mom Sailing with 7 year old... help me?


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I know someone has probably discussed this before, but there are SO many forums, I don't know where to begin! I apologize if I'm covering ground that has already been covered.


I am a sun worshipper, and, have been on two previous cruises. I am very happy to sit in the sun most of the day and drink cocktails, while my son loves the kids' clubs, and, any kind of fun activity like bingo, arts and crafts, etc.


We have previously sailed on Disney together, and he loved the kids' club . I almost never saw him! From morning until late at night, that's the only place he wanted to be.


So..... we want to cruise again this summer. I am a single mom, as I said, and not looking to pick up any men (although eligible men are certainly on my list of interests! lol) BUT... I do want there to be things for singles to do. I don't want to land on a cruise ship completely filled with married folks or familes. And, even if there are, I would like to still feel welcome at events.


My agent has suggested Royal Caribbean Mariner of the Seas. I have also looked at some CArnival cruises.


Any input?


Thanks so much,


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I don't think single mom was looking for advice like keeping her child at home with grandma or thinking the ship was a babysitter. Obviously she wants to cruise with her child and mentioned that on previous cruises her child loved the the Kid things that Disney offered. She was looking for advice on kids activities on RCCL or Carnival...try a differnt cruise line.


I don't cruise with small children....because I no longer have any. I've cruised with my grown children and had a blast! I dream of cruising with my grandchildren.....*heavy sigh*....someday.

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MizzCard, thank you for explaining that. ;)


You are correct, I wasn't looking for opinions on whether or not to take my child. I enjoy traveling with him very much, and I am specifically looking for activities designed for children, and, cruise ships that welcome children. I specifically WANT that, because I do not want anyone else's children left unsupervised around the ship. :mad:


(Disney was very good about even having an "adults only" pool for us to get away from kids, and, they had fun poolside games that were dEFINITELY adults only!) ;)


Raysfun, thank you also for the input. My cruise agent says that all the major cruise lines cater to "everyone" now, but, I don't want to spend this kind of money to find out that the cruiseline I have chosen does not provide plenty of entertainment specifically for children.


For the record, Disney has an outstanding children's program. I never saw my son except early in the morning and when I stopped by to say hello, even though they had a pager and were willing to contact me anytime he asked for me. It was that much fun for him!


When I told one of the counselors I wanted HIS secrets for entertaining children, he said, "The philosophy is simple... we are not babysitting them, we are providing them with a vacation. This is their vacation, too, so we treat them like that."


The activities extended EVERYWHERE, including the stop on Disney's private island.


I'm not going with Disney again for three reasons. One, it is primarily families, and I don't want to be the odd woman out at dinner and everywhere else. Two, they are booked for summer. And three.....


....my biggest beef about Disney was that the food was not what I would expect on a cruise ship. It was very mediocre. I heard many people say it was "exquisite," but, it wasn't (and those were often people who clearly had never been on a cruise before). Especially the seated dinners---those were mediocre, and the service was really awful. Our waiter kept asking us what we wanted from the menu, then he would always contradict us and tell us we didn't want what we ordered! (I am convinced they had a surplus of something in the kitchen and told the waiters to encourage that dish).


Then he would rush us to finish so he could get off work for the evening. I didn't appreciate that at all. Their adults-only restaurant, which costs extra, is very nice, though.


If you have information on how Royal Caribbean or Carnival (or another cruise line you might recommend) provides SAFE entertainment for children, I'd love to hear it, and, you can e-mail me privately at msprof68@hotmail.com


Thank you,



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Really, I get very tired of the instant attacks from the "why take your kid cruising if you don't want to be with him" and "don't use the ship as a babysitter" crowd everytime someone posts about putting their kids in kids clubs.


The kids clubs exist so that kids will be in them. And this mom clearly stated that her son wanted to be there. It's not like she dumped a screaming child off at some dark dreary overcrowded room so she could go off galavanting.


I also get really annoyed at the constant suggestions that those of us who want to enjoy some of our vacation time away from our kids are somehow bad parents. We live with them, we're with them all the time, what on earth is wrong with wanting some adult-only time? And why should we leave them with Grandma when we can bring them along knowing they'll have a blast in the kids programs, and we'll all convene later in the evening and talk about the days' adventures?


Anyway, to get BACK to the OP's original question -- I think you'd have a great time on RCCL. You'll certainly find much more of a party atmosphere. I think you'll also find many more singles. Of course, you might find many more single GALS than single GUYS... I know of lots of gal pals who've done a group cruise together, but I don't know of too many single dudes who've done the same thing. But I do believe it won't be quite so many families as you saw on Disney. (Granted, I haven't cruised Disney, but I have cruised RCCL and that's what I saw.)


The kids programs were fantastic, too. Both my kids loved it! They don't offer as many hours of supervised care as Disney -- you'll have to pick him up for meals, etc, -- but we didn't find this to be a problem. And they did have a dinner in the Windjammer on one formal night so we could dine without them, which was LOVELY for DH and myself! :)



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Sorry, forgot to respond to these!


Ssaterly, thanks for the input. It's nice to hear that RCCL is what my agent said it was.


FinelyCruising, yes, this is a "mother-son only" adventure. We try to have those as often as possible. Last month I had a business trip in Monterey, CA. He had wanted to visit California for years, after first seeing it on a map. So, for Christmas I wrapped up "clues", including a cutout of California's map.


From beginning to end, it was really fun. We drove down the coast, toured aquarium, spent lots of time on Cannery Row, found a video arcade, walked on the beach, etc. In spite of TWO cancelled or seriously delayed flights (one going, one coming back home) we still had a blast, and, it did not take long to crank out a number of scrapbook pages. I think my favorite was seeing the live otters and sea lions just hangin' out. It was amazing to see them OUTSIDE of a zoo or marine park.


This summer is Sea World Adventure Camp again, but, mom wants a vacation that caters to HER, too. It's hard to find one that provides something Iwant, PLUS allows him to have fun with kids his age AND that I feel safe leaving him for. We often go to a hotel in Panama City beach that has kids' activities, but, they run every 30 minutes ON the hour only. So, you drop your child off, then come back in 30 minutes, then drop him BACK off in 30 minutes, etc. It's really not very conducive to going anywhere or doing anything that's adults only.


The last cruise we went on, we went with my significant other (who is now the former s.o.) :cool: S.O. was NOT a beach worshipper, nor a sun worshipper, and he hated the heat (don't ask me why he went with us). Tension ran high and it was a miserable trip for me.


So, I really want to go on ANOTHER cruise, but, this time have fun in my own way and do what *I* want, while also letting him do what he wants. Sans dull s.o. :D


Thanks again!



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Well, thanks for saying that. I felt like I had farted in the chatroom. hahah


That was my very VERY first post on this board. I signed up tonight to try and get more input. I was surprised at the attitude.


For the record, a single parent traveling with a child gets ZERO break for that child. I pay the same for him as I would for an adult. But, it's WELL worth it to make sure that we are BOTH entertained.


I'll be very happy if they close up for meals, because I only got to eat ONE dinner with him last time, and that was because he refused to leave the danged club! He would literally wake me up at 9:00 in the morning and complain that he wasn't in the kids' club yet. I had to force him to go to breakfast to eat before I dropped him off.


I can understand why people would be concerned, though, about letting kids run loose on a ship. There were PLENTY of unsupervised kids on the Disney ship (just as there are at every amusement park, theme park, mall, and any other place you can think of), and they drive me batty. Again, that's a very good reason for WANTING kids' activities on the ship. So that your kids are entertained, and, SO are everyone else's! lol


But, speaking as a divorced mother, I do not appreciate anyone assuming that because I want to travel and have child care or a kids' club for my kid that I somehow do not want to spend time with him. Did it ever occur to anyone that the grandparents might not be around to take care of a child? His are, and I leave him with them for trips where he will not be welcome or entertained. But, this cruise is for us, it's his vacation, too. I take him because I enjoy his company, but, he doesn't like to do all the same things I enjoy. I can tell you what, though... if there's a karaoke machine on that ship that allows kids to sing, he WILL hog it! lol


Thanks again,


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My family cruised on Disney years ago when my son was about 13 (he's 20 now). We felt the same way about it as you did. The food was mediocre, and the waiter - especially the assistant waiter - was just terrible. Our next cruise was with HAL. We found the crowd to be significantly older than us and not particularly diverse. Great service, great food, but we didn't feel it was a great fit for us. Then we tried RCCL. It was like coming home! We loved it, our son loved it. He enjoyed the kids activities on Disney. He really loved them on RCCL. We have been cruising on them ever since and we always have a great time. The kids activities are extremely well run. The counselors are excellent. Whenever you see them out and about with groups of kids, they all seem to be engaged and having a blast. My son has email address lists a mile long from all of his cruises and corresponds regularly with kids he has met onboard. Our son has always been the independent sort. He felt very proprietary having his own places to go and people to see, as it were, with the kids activities. We met up for meals, shore excursions (although there were occasionally kids excursions he asked to go on that were supervised by the staff), shows and whatever curfew we set. We didn't abandon him - he enjoyed the freedom to have his own vacation within our family vacation and we thought it was a great experience for him.


RCCL has a very diverse clientele. All ages are on the cruise. If you go on a school vacation, there will be plenty of kids of all ages, multi-generational families cruising together, and couples of all ages and a number of singles. I think you will both have a great time. If you go on one of the biggest ships (Navigator, Explorer, etc.) their sports facilities are amazing. How can you beat an ice rink at sea? If you go on the smaller ships they still have plenty to do and a climbing wall to boot. I think you will find that your money is well spent with this cruiseline.

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I also am a single mom. I took my 8 year old on the explorer and he had a blast (same age group that your son will be in.) We have also cruised the Carnival Fantasy and Royal Caribbean Sovereign. We had a great time on all three ships. Royal Caribbean also has educational portions like science experiments for the children to do.


We liked the Explorer so much we are already booked on the Mariner for October. Please email me if you have any questions. rabbitbearsoup@yahoo.com


Have a great trip.

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Msprof68---take your son on RCCL and have the time of your life. I think that RCCL is a excellent line to take your son on. I think that perhaps the Carnival experience, although a great time and cruiseline, would be a bit more than you would want to take him on--they seem to cater to the younger, party crowd, although they are trying to get away from that image from what I read yesterday. We are taking our granddaughters in the fall on RCCL--I think we have had enough Disney--and I anticipate they will have a wonderful time as will your son. Sorry that some posters feel the need to flame folks with a different view on life from theirs. Some of these folks can be brutal in their attacks. Go and enjoy!!

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Hi MsProf,


I'm also a divorced mom, and my son is 15. On our first (and only) cruise on RCCL last June, it looked like the younger kids (4-10) were having a blast in the kids program. I think your son would make lots of new friends and have a great time while you got to relax in the sun (with sunscreen on, of course :) ). I have not read one negative comment on these boards about any of the RCCL kids programs. Also from what I've read, the Mariner sounds like a good ship for the both of you. There will be enough activities for you separately and together.


I can understand how you feel about being "odd woman out" because I let that affect some of what I did or didn't do on our 4-day cruise. On the next cruise, in June, I plan on taking full advantage of the ship, with and without my son, and I hope you'll do the same should you go on the Mariner. Of course in my case, I'm just too darned old to play basketball 5 hours a day with a teen who's taller than I am, although I may be able to whip his tush at mini golf or pool. ;) When I post my review of the Serenade, I'll be sure to include something about the kid's program, in case you get tired of sun worshipping and decide to go North to Alaska someday.:)



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I don't cruise with small children....because I no longer have any. I've cruised with my grown children and had a blast! I dream of cruising with my grandchildren.....*heavy sigh*....someday.



I am just looking forward to having Grandchildren.......I keep telling my children, but they don't seem to be interested

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I'm cruising with my two daughers who are 8 and 9 this April on the Enchantment. On the Wonder last year I found that there were mostly familys with both parents and I felt a bit uncomfortable participating in some of the events. I'm hoping this will be a better experience for me. Of course the girls had a blast then and will have a blast again this time. I also welcome the closing of the kids club at lunch and dinner. On the Disney I really thought they should have done just that because it was difficult to get them out of there!! I put my foot down but they were none too pleased since they wanted to be back at the club.



I love cruising because I do feel safe leaving them with the counselors at the club. I don't know if I'd feel as safe doing that at a hotel only because there are a thousand scenarios that go through my head about people taking them, etc., but on a cruise obviously there is no place they could go, which makes me feel better. I also think it's a great educational experience for them to see the various different islands/countries.


As far as it being a case of the ship being the babysitter, we pay just as much for the children. I pay for myself to be entertained so why shouldn't they be entertained as well? They aren't running around on the ship without supervision, they're at the club with counselors that I have paid for with their cruise fare. I really do think some people were just born miserable and I pity them for having nothing better to do than to attack someone such as a single mom trying to give her son a good vacation.

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Bostonlass, don't worry, you're among friends here -- most of us posting in this thread have had fantastic experiences with the kids clubs, and wouldn't for a moment question the right of any parent to utilize them as they are intended.


I've been so pleased with the kid programs on my RCI cruises that this is the only line I will cruise when I'm bringing my kids. I have other preferences when it's just me and DH alone, or me and my mother (coming up in May -- we'll be on RSSC). But I've had nothing but wonderful experiences on RCI ships with my kids. :)



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I second that. The kids programs are so good to have. It is nice to see families able to vacation together on a cruise and if not for the kids clubs that would not be as easy. I particuarly like the program because I enjoy taking my Granddaughters on vacation and this way it is a vacation for all---plus we spend time together as well. If the cruiselines did not want children and families onboard they would not be so family-friendly. They understand in order to get the families vacation dollars they need to cater to them as the theme parks do.

I felt compleatly safe with my darlings in the clubs and I am a worry-wart grandma.:)

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I know someone has probably discussed this before, but there are SO many forums, I don't know where to begin! I apologize if I'm covering ground that has already been covered.


Some where in life everything has already been covered at one time or another, so there is nothing to apologize for as this is what these forums are for.

With that out of the way Welcome to cruise critic !


We have 2 kids, they are son-28 & daughter-22, now. Took them on 1st cruise at 15 & 9. They now have 10 behind them and Daughter just finished her 1st contract with RCI. IMHO, you and your son will be very happy with RCI in the things to do for both of you !


BTW, as you post more and more you will always find a wicked witch of the west trying to get Dorthy out of OZ.

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My sons are 15 and 20 now but I started cruising with them when they were 6 years old. They loved their counselors in the kids zone and had a great time in there. You can see the shows while they are in the kids zone. I think they close around 10pm or so. You will have a great time. I have had single women sail by themselves in the cabin next to us and they enjoyed themselves during the day as well as in the evening. No one really cares if you are by yourself. You can join others for dinner and take shore excursions with others. You won't be lonely. You will also meet people on the ship. My single girlfriend traveled with us at xmas time and she was picking up guys each night at the bars. And when we went to the beach she would go to the bars there and pick up more guys. Her kids were alittle older than 7 but I know you will have a great time. No worries.

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