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Pride Review 2-6-05 to 2-13-05


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Normally I am just a lurker on this site, and have been for about 2 years, though I thought I would try to help out others by writing a review of my vacation since the reviews of everyone elses helped me in so may ways. Please keep in mind this is my personal opinion.


Part 1:

Review of Pride 2/6/05 – 2/13/05



This was a vacation for my DH (30) and I (26) to relax and enjoy ourselves before we start a family and no longer have the money to vacation. This is our second cruise, the first a 5 day on the Imagination in May of 2003.



We flew out of Kansas City on the day of the cruise at 7:40 am CST and landed in LA at 9:05 PT. Upon landing at LAX we grabbed our luggage and went outside. We had decided not to use Carnival transfers this time since they did not start until 11:00 am and also we did not want to have to wait for the bus to fill up and the driver to load and unload all the luggage. Upon the suggestion I read here we decided to use SuperShuttle to get to the pier. Once you are outside the terminal go to the center island and look for the sign and the person in the blue SuperShuttle jacket. We told him where we wanted to go and he said a van would be there shortly. Within 5 minutes a van showed up and loaded us up. Since we flew Southwest which is in terminal 1 we did have to drive through the other 6 terminals to pick up other passengers going to Long Beach. In total we had my DH and I going to the Carnival Pride a family of 3 going to the RCCL ship and 1 person going to a hotel. We dropped of the RCCL passengers first and about 35 minutes after leaving the terminal we were at the Long Beach pier. The total for the 2 of us was $37 plus tip. The cost of the Carnival transfers would have been $38 plus tip and a lot of hassle/waiting around. We gave our luggage and tip to the porter and headed to the Queen Mary for early check-in.



We checked in at the Queen Mary which took a total of 15 minutes. By this time it was only about 10:30 and the estimate was the ship would be cleared by about noon. We grabbed a quick burger at one of the stands and then sat down to wait. About 11:00 a line started but we just sat were we where until the line came to us. About 12:30 the line started to move and by 12:45 we were walking on the ship. The weather this day was about 60 degrees overcast and windy. I was very cold and uncomfortable waiting in line outside. I really wish Long Beach would either build a new building our re-configure the one they have to create an inside waiting area. We were both just really glad that it was not raining.



We booked a balcony guarantee about 3 months before the sailing. The book/modify page never did update with our cabin number but I was able to figure out our cabin number by the code on the back of the sail & sign page of our documents. We were assigned cabin 8267 on the panorama deck. The location of the cabin was great (I could leave my cabin grab 2 slices of pizza from the grill and be back in my cabin in 2 minutes flat) but the noise of the lido deck chairs in the morning was slightly annoying. We felt the size of the cabin and balcony was adequate for 2 and we never felt cramped. The shower on this ship was much better and larger than the one on the imagination and we never had to fight off the shower curtain from sticking to us. The only bad thing I have to say about the cabin was that the rest of the ship is beautifully decorated as well as the wood cabinets in the cabin were beautiful, but whoever decided on the horrible shade of orange/peach for the couch and bedspread needs to be fired.



In comparison the Imagination we felt we were on a totally different cruise line. The Imagination was glitzy and neon and in our opinion overdone. The Pride was very classy. The ship was done in reds with brass timing and beautiful art murals everywhere. I know some may have a problem with the type of artwork (nude women and men) but we both felt it was beautiful. Also the atrium on this ship was not even a comparison to the atrium on the Imagination. We felt the layout of the ship was very convenient and flowed nicely. The cabins were on decks 4-8 with the grill and lido area on deck 9 and 10. The dining room, promenade, Taj Mahel theatre, and most of the bars are on decks 2-3. I like that you did not have to go up and down stairs to get to anything on either of these decks as they went from stern to aft without any blockages.

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In comparison the Imagination we felt we were on a totally different cruise line. The Imagination was glitzy and neon and in our opinion overdone. The Pride was very classy. The ship was done in reds with brass timing and beautiful art murals everywhere. I know some may have a problem with the type of artwork (nude women and men) but we both felt it was beautiful. Also the atrium on this ship was not even a comparison to the atrium on the Imagination. We felt the layout of the ship was very convenient and flowed nicely. The cabins were on decks 4-8 with the grill and lido area on deck 9 and 10. The dining room, promenade, Taj Mahel theatre, and most of the bars are on decks 2-3. I like that you did not have to go up and down stairs to get to anything on either of these decks as they went from stern to aft without any blockages.



We were seated at table 320 on the upper lever at a booth for 4, late seating. We ate in the dining room every night except for the day in Mazatlan, we were tired and just went to the buffet. We loved every meal that we had in the dining room and felt that there was good variety for everyone. The night that we went to the buffet it was 8:30 before we got there and a couple of the stations had already shut down so our choices were limited. Overall we felt the food on this ship was good and we have no complaints.



I have not comment on this as we have never made it to a single show in either cruise. We watched a few of the presentations on the TV but that was about it. In regards to the TV the whole cruise we maintained ABC, NBC, and FOX as well as CNN and 2 cartoon networks. I know most people do not care to watch TV on a cruise but my DH and actually watched a great deal of TV while we relaxed.


Sea Days:

This cruise starts out with 2 full days at sea and then one day at sea at the end of the cruise. We really did not do much any of these days. We slept in, went to breakfast, went back to our room to watch TV and sit on the balcony, went to lunch, back to the room to take a nap, got ready for the evening, went to bar and had a couple of drinks before dinner, went to dinner, bar for a couple of drinks after dinner, back to the room to sleep. Like I said this was to be a relaxing cruise for the both of us and we both took full advantage of the sea days for just this. The weather on all 3 of these day was in the 60s to low 70s, overcast and windy. The weather was a little of a bummer but we knew the chances when we booked the cruise.

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Puerto Vallarta:

We booked an independent tour with Los Veranos Canopy Tour for 11:00 local time. The ship will stay on mountain time while Puerto Vallarta is on Central Time. This was the highlight of our trip. We grabbed a white cab at the pier to take up to the office. After dropping of the rest of the riders in down town we proceeded to the canopy tour office. The trip was about 20 minutes and cost $4 per person plus tips in the white cabs. Once at the office we waited about 15 minutes for the rest of the groups to show up. They then loaded us into an open air bus for the trip to the site. This was the only bad part of the trip as it was extremely windy on the bus ride and both my DH and I did not bring our sunglasses to block the wind out of our eyes. Once we reached the site we stored our bags in the lockers, a canopy tour employee will keep the key to the locker so I would not suggest bringing a lot of valuables to store in the locker. After a bathroom stop they strapped each of into our gear and gave us a quick demonstration. After the demonstration it was time to head to the first platform. Please note there is a great deal of walking involved in this excursion and a good part of this walk is up stairs and paths to get to the next launching point. Also several times you are asked to carry your pulley with you which weighs close to 10 lbs. Once on the first platform you take the shortest zip line, about 25 feet, it is also where Los Veranos will take your picture. They will show it to you on the digital camera and decide, they will only print the pictures that people want to buy, and each is $8. You will then do 14 or 16 more zip lines with the highest 450 feet off the ground and the longest 1,200 feet. The final zip line will take you right the start and the restaurant. Once there you can have drinks and food and look at your picture one more time on the computer to decide if you want it. Also they sell a video of the trip for $30. We did not purchase either the pictures or the video as we took several pictures along the way and are confident several of ours will turn out. The guides will encourage you to take your own camera and take as many pictures on your own as you like. We paid $63 each for this excursion, compared to $109 for the ships excursion, and felt we got every pennies worth out of it as it is an experience that we will never forget. The weather for the day was partly sunny and in the 80s. In the tree canopy it was very muggy and we were both sweating by the time we finished.



For our day in Mazatlan we booked a horseback riding trip with Randi’s Happy Horses. We met Randi at the terminal at about 9:15. At 9:30 we took off for Stone Island. We first took an open air truck to the ferry, we got on the ferry and rode to Stone Island, once on Stone Island we loaded onto a wagon for a tractor ride to Victors. We had to wait at Victors for about 30 minutes until the riders from the Mercury returned with the horses. Everyone was paired up with a horse and we took off down the beach. I had the laziest and slowest horse of the bunch. My horse even stopped on the beach for 5 minutes to wait for the last horses that had stopped to return one rider back to Victors. Once you reach the end of the beach you will stop to take pictures before heading back through the coconut trees. On the way back my horse started out first but by the end I was the last person to reach Victors. The only downside of having such a lazy horse was that my DH’s horse kept up with the lead pack and we were not able to ride together for any part of the ride. Next time I would let Randi’s team know that we want horses that are compatible in a speed sense. On the way back we did have a scary moment as one of the horses did take off running and the rider who was not used to riding horses fell off the horse after about 500 yards. The rider was okay and after about 5 minutes got back on a different horse and finished the ride. I in know way am trying to discourage anyone from riding with Randi, I felt her team was fabulous and this was just a fluke that this horse took off. I also may contribute the horse’s behavior to being tired; this was one of the rare days when the horses pull double duty. The horseback ride lasted about 1–1 1/2 hours. Once back at Victor’s we settled in and ordered a plate of garlic shrimp and several Pacificos. We had the plate of garlic shrimp and 9 beers and our bill came to $20. After an hour or three we headed back to the ship. The only drawback of Stone Island was the vendors, there was an endless stream of the trying to sell up things. We learned that a no gracias worked better than a no thanks. Once back at the terminal we bought a couple small items and then each had 10 minute massages for $10 each. After the massages we saw Randi and 2 of her friends which were on our ship sitting at the bar, we stopped and hung out with them for about another hour just talking and drinking. I will note to dispell rumors/comments made on the ports of call board Randi did not have even one beer let alone get drunk and fall of her chair.


Cabo San Lucas:

We woke up to gray cloudy skies, a few sprinkles and 60 degree weather. The water was also starting to get choppy so I woke my DH up and we went ashore early as I was scared the ship may stop tenders. Once onshore we walked first to the craft market and then downtown. We stopped at the sports bar to have a few drinks and a snack, 4 bloody marys 2 coronas and a taco for $17. Once finished with this we decided to shop a little more before heading back to the ship. It started to sprinkle a little bit, which we were not concerned about so we continued to shop. Then the skies let loose, within 20 minutes the streets were flooded and you had to wade though 1 ½ to 2 feet of water. After waiting about 10 minutes we decided it was not going to let up and we started back to the ship. Before we got to the tenders we were stopped and told to wait in the shelter as the tenders were not running right now. Apparently a lady broke her leg trying to get on or off the tender and they decided to stop them for a while. After about 15 minutes people started to leave for the tender so we followed. There was a huge line that had to stand in the rain so we headed back to the craft market to wait for the line to go down. Well we found a bar in the back of the market and stayed there and drank several more Pacificos. We also did a little more shopping at this time as the vendors were ready to deal sine the chip was leaving soon. We caught one of the last tenders back to the ship and took a nice hot shower to warm up.



We were in no hurry to get off the ship since our flight was not until 3:40. This was a very good thing as we had the black luggage tags. This was the very last color called at about 11:15. We walked off the ship and by our luck picked the slowest customs line. At 11:40 we were the very last people to clear customs. The good side of this was in the luggage area there were 7 pieces of luggage left and 3 of them were ours. After grabbing our luggage we headed out to the parking garage. We walked to the SuperShuttle representative in the island in the middle. He said a van would be by shortly, and within 3 minutes the van was there loaded us and 5 others up and off we were to LAX. Once again the cost was $37.


Final Thoughts:

Since this review has already drug on way to long I will leave you with my final thoughts. My DH and I had a fabulous time and even had our minds changed about cruising. We did not necessarily enjoy our first cruise in comparison to an all-inclusive vacation to Playa Del Carmen that we took for our honeymoon. The only reason we went on this cruise versus an all-inclusive was the price. But now after the Pride we definitely would consider doing another cruise. We would even consider doing this exact same itinerary again, although we would pick a warmer month of the year.


If you have any questions please feel free to ask.


Also wish us luck that all our attempts to start a family while on this vacation pay off.



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Puerto Vallarta:

We booked an independent tour with Los Veranos Canopy Tour for 11:00 local time. The ship will stay on mountain time while Puerto Vallarta is on Central Time. This was the highlight of our trip. We grabbed a white cab at the pier to take up to the office. After dropping of the rest of the riders in down town we proceeded to the canopy tour office. The trip was about 20 minutes and cost $4 per person plus tips in the white cabs. Once at the office we waited about 15 minutes for the rest of the groups to show up. They then loaded us into an open air bus for the trip to the site. This was the only bad part of the trip as it was extremely windy on the bus ride and both my DH and I did not bring our sunglasses to block the wind out of our eyes. Once we reached the site we stored our bags in the lockers, a canopy tour employee will keep the key to the locker so I would not suggest bringing a lot of valuables to store in the locker. After a bathroom stop they strapped each of into our gear and gave us a quick demonstration. After the demonstration it was time to head to the first platform. Please note there is a great deal of walking involved in this excursion and a good part of this walk is up stairs and paths to get to the next launching point. Also several times you are asked to carry your pulley with you which weighs close to 10 lbs. Once on the first platform you take the shortest zip line, about 25 feet, it is also where Los Veranos will take your picture. They will show it to you on the digital camera and decide, they will only print the pictures that people want to buy, and each is $8. You will then do 14 or 16 more zip lines with the highest 450 feet off the ground and the longest 1,200 feet. The final zip line will take you right the start and the restaurant. Once there you can have drinks and food and look at your picture one more time on the computer to decide if you want it. Also they sell a video of the trip for $30. We did not purchase either the pictures or the video as we took several pictures along the way and are confident several of ours will turn out. The guides will encourage you to take your own camera and take as many pictures on your own as you like. We paid $63 each for this excursion, compared to $109 for the ships excursion, and felt we got every pennies worth out of it as it is an experience that we will never forget. The weather for the day was partly sunny and in the 80s. In the tree canopy it was very muggy and we were both sweating by the time we finished.



For our day in Mazatlan we booked a horseback riding trip with Randi’s Happy Horses. We met Randi at the terminal at about 9:15. At 9:30 we took off for Stone Island. We first took an open air truck to the ferry, we got on the ferry and rode to Stone Island, once on Stone Island we loaded onto a wagon for a tractor ride to Victors. We had to wait at Victors for about 30 minutes until the riders from the Mercury returned with the horses. Everyone was paired up with a horse and we took off down the beach. I had the laziest and slowest horse of the bunch. My horse even stopped on the beach for 5 minutes to wait for the last horses that had stopped to return one rider back to Victors. Once you reach the end of the beach you will stop to take pictures before heading back through the coconut trees. On the way back my horse started out first but by the end I was the last person to reach Victors. The only downside of having such a lazy horse was that my DH’s horse kept up with the lead pack and we were not able to ride together for any part of the ride. Next time I would let Randi’s team know that we want horses that are compatible in a speed sense. On the way back we did have a scary moment as one of the horses did take off running and the rider who was not used to riding horses fell off the horse after about 500 yards. The rider was okay and after about 5 minutes got back on a different horse and finished the ride. I in know way am trying to discourage anyone from riding with Randi, I felt her team was fabulous and this was just a fluke that this horse took off. I also may contribute the horse’s behavior to being tired; this was one of the rare days when the horses pull double duty. The horseback ride lasted about 1–1 1/2 hours. Once back at Victor’s we settled in and ordered a plate of garlic shrimp and several Pacificos. We had the plate of garlic shrimp and 9 beers and our bill came to $20. After an hour or three we headed back to the ship. The only drawback of Stone Island was the vendors, there was an endless stream of the trying to sell up things. We learned that a no gracias worked better than a no thanks. Once back at the terminal we bought a couple small items and then each had 10 minute massages for $10 each. After the massages we saw Randi and 2 of her friends which were on our ship sitting at the bar, we stopped and hung out with them for about another hour just talking and drinking. I will note to dispell rumors/comments made on the ports of call board Randi did not have even one beer let alone get drunk and fall of her chair.

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Cabo San Lucas:

We woke up to gray cloudy skies, a few sprinkles and 60 degree weather. The water was also starting to get choppy so I woke my DH up and we went ashore early as I was scared the ship may stop tenders. Once onshore we walked first to the craft market and then downtown. We stopped at the sports bar to have a few drinks and a snack, 4 bloody marys 2 coronas and a taco for $17. Once finished with this we decided to shop a little more before heading back to the ship. It started to sprinkle a little bit, which we were not concerned about so we continued to shop. Then the skies let loose, within 20 minutes the streets were flooded and you had to wade though 1 ½ to 2 feet of water. After waiting about 10 minutes we decided it was not going to let up and we started back to the ship. Before we got to the tenders we were stopped and told to wait in the shelter as the tenders were not running right now. Apparently a lady broke her leg trying to get on or off the tender and they decided to stop them for a while. After about 15 minutes people started to leave for the tender so we followed. There was a huge line that had to stand in the rain so we headed back to the craft market to wait for the line to go down. Well we found a bar in the back of the market and stayed there and drank several more Pacificos. We also did a little more shopping at this time as the vendors were ready to deal sine the chip was leaving soon. We caught one of the last tenders back to the ship and took a nice hot shower to warm up.



We were in no hurry to get off the ship since our flight was not until 3:40. This was a very good thing as we had the black luggage tags. This was the very last color called at about 11:15. We walked off the ship and by our luck picked the slowest customs line. At 11:40 we were the very last people to clear customs. The good side of this was in the luggage area there were 7 pieces of luggage left and 3 of them were ours. After grabbing our luggage we headed out to the parking garage. We walked to the SuperShuttle representative in the island in the middle. He said a van would be by shortly, and within 3 minutes the van was there loaded us and 5 others up and off we were to LAX. Once again the cost was $37.


Final Thoughts:

Since this review has already drug on way to long I will leave you with my final thoughts. My DH and I had a fabulous time and even had our minds changed about cruising. We did not necessarily enjoy our first cruise in comparison to an all-inclusive vacation to Playa Del Carmen that we took for our honeymoon. The only reason we went on this cruise versus an all-inclusive was the price. But now after the Pride we definitely would consider doing another cruise. We would even consider doing this exact same itinerary again, although we would pick a warmer month of the year.


If you have any questions please feel free to ask.


Also wish us luck that all our attempts to start a family while on this vacation will pay off.



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Hi Melissa!! I was so happy to see your review in here. We leave for the PRIDE in 3 weeks and I hope to HECK it's a little warmer when we go!! (I'm from Lenexa, Kansas...remember me?)


Anyway......I have some questions?


What time did you get off the ship in PV for the Canopy Tour? Our tour is at 11:00 also.


Were you terrified doing the ziplines? Were the guides compassionate for the people who were scared and didnt want to do it?


Was it warm enough after the Canopy Tour to go swimming at Pancho's? Did they have more than ONE slide into the water at the restaurant?


I have emailed Randi special requests for horses which she said she would try and honor. When they were matching you up with your horses, did it appear she had it organized before hand or did she just point a finger at the human to the horse???


Do the vendors bug you at Victors while you are trying to EAT?? Or do they just bug you if you go for the water??


Hope to hear from you soon!

Christi in Lenexa

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Christi, I was on the exact same Los Veranos tour as Melissa. LOVED IT!! Ziplining was one of the best things I've ever done! (And I've done my share of the fun, wild and unusual)


In P.V., the ship docks, so you can step off the ship, walk maybe a 1/2 block to the taxi stop. Just to be safe, plan on 1/2 hour from the taxi stop to the los veranos office, so try to catch a taxi by 10:15. However, ship time is one hour different from local P.V. time - they tell you in the Capers the night before which way to adjust your watch.


The guides at los veranos are great. They are upbeat, cheerful. I had a small case of the butterflies before we started, but the first zip line took care of that. The first line is very short, just to get used to it. Then they get longer. Nobody in our group of maybe 35?? people seemed scared, so I don't know how the guides would react. But I'm sure they've seen just about every reaction before.


There are many spots where you can see multiple zip lines. It was really neat, suddenly you'd see a body flying through the air. You do go over a ravine /small gorge with a river flowing in it. I'm somewhat afraid of heights, but I had no problem zipping along, looking down at the river.


A couple people went swimming, but the water was apparently pretty cool. There are two slides - they looked fun. Not long or twisty, but you drop off pretty far from them into the water.


I loved it so much, we even bought the DVD. The video guy makes sure to get everyone at least a few times. And he has clips from when he does the zip lines, so watching it really makes us remember it well.


We didn't do Randi's, so can't help you on that one!




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I'm glad to hear about the DVD. We were debating getting it and I think we will just go ahead instead of trying to carry all the equipment ourselves. There are four in our group. Will they just put all of us on one DVD??


So, what time did you get OFF the ship? 9:00 ship time?

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Thank you for posting your review. We are leaving in two weeks for this cruise. We are most worried about weather for our cruise as well, damn having gotten married in March lol. We also booked a balcony gty and ended up with room 8263, kinda funny how we eneded up on similar positions on the ship. Good luck with your family starting!;) We have three beautiful children who will be staying home with grandma.

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yes, I think we got off the ship a little after 9am ship time. We ended up getting in a white van taxi, which delayed us a bit. They stay there until they are full. But we still got to the office at 10:45 PV time, which was plenty early. We just sat around there anyway, because once you check in there's nothing to do. Not much for shopping or sightseeing around there. I think actual drive time from the port to the office was 20 minutes, including the couple stops to let others off. If you don't want to wait in a van taxi, find a yellow car taxi - if they aren't in the immediate vicinity, just start walking out along the road. I believe the yellow car taxis aren't allowed past the port gate unless they're dropping someone off. You might save 5 - 10 minutes with a yellow car taxi.


The DVD includes everyone in the entire group. They do not make personal ones, so you'll have a lot of strangers in the DVD. I would guess they showed us at least 5 times each. I would recommend being somewhere middle to end of the big group, because the video guy may not have always made it all the way in front of the entire group each time he changed spots. They probably don't have staff to make one for each couple or little group in the big tour group, plus it wouldn't be price effective. The DVD cost $40. They also sell VHS for $30. We opted for the DVD in hopes of being able to pull a few still shots to make into pictures. It takes approx 30 minutes for them to edit, add music and make copies.


They also take a picture of everyone on the first zip line. If they show it to you and ask if you want it, just say you don't know. Wait until you are all done with the tour. At the final stop / restaurant area, they can show you your picture on the computer, and if you want it they'll print it then. $8 per picture. If you say yes right away, then they'll print it, and then you feel obligated to buy it even if you really don't want it.


I also took our little digital camera and DH had a disposable camera. We took quite a few pics of each other coming and going on the lines. There are places where you can switch places in line, and get front and back of the person(s) you are with. If I were to do it again, I would just take the digital, and I would use it half the time then give it to DH for the remainder.


fyi - they have no problem with you taking a camera, but I don't know about a camcorder. On each zipline, you're supposed to hold on with both hands - I took my hand off once to reach for the guide to reel me in, and he politely yelled at me. So pictures are only taken between zips.

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Sorry it took so long for me to reply.


We got off the ship in PV around 9:00 ship time, it took us a little while to figure out the terminal so we did not get to a white taxi until 9:20. Since we got into a full taxi it took off right away and we only had to make one stop downtown before going to the canopy tour office. I think we got there around 10:40.


All of the guides were great and made both of us feel at ease. I am sure they would be very understanding with individuals that were scared. In our group we had 2 boys ages 8-11 and the guides were great with them.


We did not go swimming at Panchos, we were to busy drinking beer and eating guacamole and chips. A couple of people got in and said it was cold at first. There are 2 slides both looked scary to me. We did see a few people in the river about 100 feet down from Panchos where it looked like the water was shallower and warmer, there were also rocks in this area in the river that people were laying out on.


Randi was not really involved in matching us up with the horses she did ask who had ridden before which she passed on to her guides (Maria and Tony). After that the guides would just point at one of us and then put us on a horse. If you want to ride together as a group I would let the guides know that so maybe they will be you on horses of the same speed. I got to watch my DH and his horse's backside the whole way.


The vendors at Victor's were constant. We had to wait about 20 minutes for the horses to get back with the riders from the Mercury, during this time we were constantly turning away vendors. The vendors were also constant while we were eating and while we were on the beach. Most of them were quick to move on when we said no gracias. Also the vendors will cycle through all the restaturants on the beach so you will see the same vendor multiple times.



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Great......thanks for all the info. That helps me a lot. Boy, I dread those vendors. You would think the restaurants would not allow their patrons to get bothered constantly like that?? I will have to watch my husband. He will not tolerate it very well....especially if they come around our kids. Oh well, part of the "flavor" of the Mexican Riviera I guess.


Thanks again!


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  • 2 weeks later...


We will be doing this cruise in 6 days and have already booked Randi's, but was wondering what days were formal. Wife loves the lobster and doesn't want to miss it as we are planning on doing David's also.



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We will be doing this cruise in 6 days and have already booked Randi's, but was wondering what days were formal. Wife loves the lobster and doesn't want to miss it as we are planning on doing David's also.




Jerry, we will also be on the PRIDE this Sunday the 13th and are also booked for Randi's!!



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