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Silly complaints

DJ Eddy

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OK, this was not a complaint, but it made me laugh, so I will share....


DH and I were on the Destiny last year and 2 ladies were talking in the pool. One was originally from Cuba (now living in FL) and the other was American. The Cuban lady was talking about her family and visiting them in Cuba. The other lady asks "so when you visit your family do you usually drive or fly, and is it a long drive?" I almost spit out my DOD I was laughing so hard.

I think she swam.:D

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These have to be the same people who do this in real life.


I was looking for a recipe the other day and stumbled across this review for a bread...


"This was much too doughy. I am EXTREMELY UPSET. Horrified."


Seriously? You wasted, what..45 cents on ingredients to make bread?


Wouldn't it be wonderful if a marker spot or a botched recipe were the worst things that happened to you?

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i love this thread! Thanks to all who have posted SO FAR! Am looking forward to some more giggles!

Have a few friends who are a bit hard to travel with. Complain about bad service when its SO not bad, just to complain about something! Having been in the service industry for years and years, I applaud and LOVE the service I get on a cruise. If there is a bad moment, it will pass! Not everyone is perfect all the time! Just knowing I am being taken care of and pampered and ON A CRUISE is way plenty for me and should be enough for most folks, but there are always those who just don't get it!

Please keep posting........the original post about the port side cracked me UP!:D

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On the last day of our 10 day cruise on Sun Princess I was asking my mom & dad did they get all their things out of the safe in their room....my dad (God rest his soul) looked preplexed & said *What safe...I didn't see a safe*. I told him it was on the shelf above his TV. He looked funny & said *I thought that was a microwave*...LOL.

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I think she swam.:D


This one reminds me of when i wanted to work in Bermuda (living in Toronto at the time) .. and told a friend... he asked if i would move there... my response no i would comute:rolleyes:

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Last year on our Mexican riviera cruisewe sat with another table of people in the MDR for breakfast- one couple started going on a tangent about how all the "mexicans" were just trying to rip off the tourists and that since we (Americans) give them so much money and if it wasn't for Americans tourism none of them would have jobs at at all. and we give the mall our jobs in America so they should be grateful and learn to speak English-etc, etc,, blah blah blah... (Why were they on a MEXICAN riviera cruise if they hated Mexicans so bad?)


Although me and my husband are both pale I am half Mexican and he is full we were both raised here in America so Our English is perfect. They had no clue we are Hispanic.


Latter on they said "what was your names again?" (We hadn't told them our names) my husband in perfect Spanish said " Sergio Y Maria Herrera...(shook the gentleman's hand) Idiotas" and we got up and left... the look on their faces was priceless! LOL.. any time we'd see them on the ship later on they would practically run away from embarrassment

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I was on the Fascination for a Christmas cruise awhile back. When they let us into our rooms I suddenly heard a lot of yelling coming from the hallway. I went out to see a man screaming at the cabin steward that he wanted an actual king sized bed and not the two twins pushed together. He kept saying it was false advertisement and was demanding that the poor guy go find an actual king bed and drag it to his cabin. I was mortified that someone would act like this.


I did a solo cruise on Imagination and they put me at a table with some other solo travelers. The girl next to me kept complaining about the rolls being too hard. She would make the waiter take each individual roll out of the basket, place it on her bread plate and then poke it with the tongs. She would then decide if it seemed soft enough for her. She would go through a good half dozen rolls each night before "giving the OK" to the poor man. I finally made a smart aleck comment to her about it one night and you would have thought that I had slaped her across the face by the way she reacted. I didn't care since I was completely over her behavior at that point.

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I was on the Fascination for a Christmas cruise awhile back. When they let us into our rooms I suddenly heard a lot of yelling coming from the hallway. I went out to see a man screaming at the cabin steward that he wanted an actual king sized bed and not the two twins pushed together. He kept saying it was false advertisement and was demanding that the poor guy go find an actual king bed and drag it to his cabin. I was mortified that someone would act like this.


I did a solo cruise on Imagination and they put me at a table with some other solo travelers. The girl next to me kept complaining about the rolls being too hard. She would make the waiter take each individual roll out of the basket, place it on her bread plate and then poke it with the tongs. She would then decide if it seemed soft enough for her. She would go through a good half dozen rolls each night before "giving the OK" to the poor man. I finally made a smart aleck comment to her about it one night and you would have thought that I had slaped her across the face by the way she reacted. I didn't care since I was completely over her behavior at that point.


i just want to know where her crown was!

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It wasn't a complaint per se, but on a recent cruise on the Pride, a gentleman next to me at the slots would punch and cuss at the machine everytime he "spun". He was furious. I looked at him like he was crazy and finally said, "Doesn't look like much fun." He says, "You put all this money in, the least the GD thing could do is give me some back!" Yeah, like we all wouldn't like that to happen! It just amused me that someone would spend time on their cruise so angry over something so trivial.


Fun thread--thanks.

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On the last day of our 10 day cruise on Sun Princess I was asking my mom & dad did they get all their things out of the safe in their room....my dad (God rest his soul) looked preplexed & said *What safe...I didn't see a safe*. I told him it was on the shelf above his TV. He looked funny & said *I thought that was a microwave*...LOL.


Cute!! I can hear my mom (God rest her soul) saying the same thing! Sure nice to have those funny memories of them, isn't it! Thanks for sharing!

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One of my all time favorites has to be the two women at the next table at breakfast on the Dream last June, who were having a loud conversation about the crew.


Woman #1: I wouldn't have come on this cruise, if I had known how bad the crew is on this ship. They are only out for the tips. They are always smiling at you or speaking to you. Thank goodness they finally stopped. It makes me nervous.


Woman #2: I know, isn't it awful? People aren't that nice where I come from.



Seriously? Complaining because someone was too nice to you? I had to wonder where they might be from........He11 came to mind!:D


I do have to admit that it was kind of unique. I've heard a lot of complaints about the crew--most of them very much unjustified--but this was the first time I've ever heard of someone being mad because they were too nice!:rolleyes:

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I do have to admit that it was kind of unique. I've heard a lot of complaints about the crew--most of them very much unjustified--but this was the first time I've ever heard of someone being mad because they were too nice!:rolleyes:



But maybe they felt the crew were like the waitresses in restaurants who insist on asking you every 5 minutes "is everything ok?". Drives me mad. :D

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Last year on our Mexican riviera cruisewe sat with another table of people in the MDR for breakfast- one couple started going on a tangent about how all the "mexicans" were just trying to rip off the tourists and that since we (Americans) give them so much money and if it wasn't for Americans tourism none of them would have jobs at at all. and we give the mall our jobs in America so they should be grateful and learn to speak English-etc, etc,, blah blah blah... (Why were they on a MEXICAN riviera cruise if they hated Mexicans so bad?)


Although me and my husband are both pale I am half Mexican and he is full we were both raised here in America so Our English is perfect. They had no clue we are Hispanic.


Latter on they said "what was your names again?" (We hadn't told them our names) my husband in perfect Spanish said " Sergio Y Maria Herrera...(shook the gentleman's hand) Idiotas" and we got up and left... the look on their faces was priceless! LOL.. any time we'd see them on the ship later on they would practically run away from embarrassment


Not to hijack but I have a similar problem. I'm half Italian half African-American but I take after my Italian side. People say some of the craziest things.

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OK, this was not a complaint, but it made me laugh, so I will share....


DH and I were on the Destiny last year and 2 ladies were talking in the pool. One was originally from Cuba (now living in FL) and the other was American. The Cuban lady was talking about her family and visiting them in Cuba. The other lady asks "so when you visit your family do you usually drive or fly, and is it a long drive?" I almost spit out my DOD I was laughing so hard.



I have to enjoy the sense of humor here, but who knows the other lady could of missed the part of Cuba being a country and was thinking of the small town in NY state called Cuba ..... but I sure knew where you were going with that.

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The lovely Mrs. Jones and I were standing in line to debark the "Glory", and we were casually talking about how good the food aboard had been. The couple in line behind us commented that it sounded like we'd eaten every dinner in the dining room. We told them that "yes, we had eaten all our dinners in the dining room". They said "How in the world could you afford that? We ate every meal in the buffet, because we figured it'd be way too expensive to eat in the dining room!" They actually thought that it cost extra to eat there, and had eaten every meal at the buffet! Guess they found out just a little bit too late that it was included in the price of the cruise. :eek:



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I found this:




Number 10 – Does the crew sleep onboard?

That would be one heck of a commute if they didn’t huh? Yes, there are crews quarters onboard all cruise ships, but don’t expect to see them while on your cruise. The crew’s quarters and crew areas are offlimits to fare paying passengers.

Number 9 – Does the ship generate it’s own power?

I don’t think they make extension cords long enough to reach all the way back to Miami! In reality, cruise ships have multiple engines onboard, and run seperate generators that provide power to the ship. Some ports, however, do provide shore power (at a price) to cruise ships while docked so the ship doesn’t have to run it’s engines and burn fuel.

Number 8 – Is there cable TV in my cabin?

Of course, the cable is attached to the extension cord that runs back to Miami. Really, most ships do have some sort of TV entertainment in the cabins, be it onboard closed circuit TV or some TV channels through a satellite connection.

Number 7 – How do I know which pictures in the photo gallery are mine?

One crewmember I saw assigned to the photo gallery had a great comeback for this question. He would hand the passenger a small mirror, and tell them to hold the mirror up to each photo, look at the photo and then into the mirror, if what they saw matched, that was indeed the passenger’s photo!

Number 6 – Do these stairs (or elevator) go to the front of the ship?

They really only go up or down, not side to side. I’m sure what these passengers where really asking was if that particular set of stairs or the elevator was located in the front of the ship. Larger cruise ships will have multiple banks of elevators and sets of stairs throughout the ship to allow passengers the ability to move throughout the ship easily.

Number 5 – How small does my head have to be to get the “mini-facial” at the spa?

I don’t think that is what the spa menu was referring to!

Number 4 – What does the crew do with the ice carvings after they’ve melted?

Where do you think they get the bottled water they sell you while you’re getting off the ship in port?

Number 3 – Is the water in my cabin toilet salt or fresh water?

I really don’t know, and I really don’t care! If you are brave enough to find out on your next cruise, let me know and I’ll update this post.

Number 2 – What religion are all those people with the patches behind their ears?

I think they are called “patchies”! If you want to convert, they give the patches away for free at the medical office or the pursers desk I believe. For some reason or another, those “patchies” never seem to get sea sick!?

Number 1 – What time is the midnight buffet?

The key word in that question being “midnight” I believe! In reality, most cruise ships have done away with the midnight buffett to save money and stop excessive food waste. Those cruise ships that do still have them, usually start around 11:30pm.

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I just got off the Conquest 2 weeks ago...because of a tropical thingie that came up AFTER we left Galveston, we did not make Jamaica OR Grand Cayman....there were people storming around, screaming, spreading rumors left and right....it was a mess! My friend and I casually walked into a meeting of "The Mad People" just to see what they were saying....One lady said the following...


"I believe that Carnival is blocking my text messages from getting out"!


My friend and I rolled our eyes and left....We went to the Lido deck where i then told another friend about that comment...he looked up at the Farcus Funnel and said, "Ya know, I always WONDERED about that funnel...maybe they have some kind of text blocking technology inside of it..." :D


rofl! i personally had a GREAT cruise in spite of missing 2 ports....but i'll never forget "the mad people"....:D

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On the Dream in January we were seated with a 50ish couple for breakfast on the 1st sea day. I was trying to be friendly so I asked how they were enjoying the ship. They both got this disgusted look on their faces and started complaining about a black magic marker stain on their curtains.


I didn't even know what to say - I didn't even recall the color of the curtains and I certainly didn't inspect them for markings.


What a trivial thing to complain about. There is just no pleasing some people.


a black marker stain? rofl!!:D:rolleyes:

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a black marker stain? rofl!!:D:rolleyes:


we leave on Oct. 20 for our first cruise and I will make sure that the first thing I do is check my curtins:p Then I will probably need to make sure my bed is a "real" king size bed, not just 2 twins pushed together. Fianlly after all that I think I will head down to the piano lounge and get me some cinnamon rolls:D People are so crazy. I hope that I get to hear some of the crazy compaints.

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On Liberty in Aug. we were talking to a couple who complained that it was Elegant Evening and nobody told them they'd have to bring nice clothes to wear! They also couldn't believe we were on our 4th Carnival cruise: "really, how can you stand to come back?":rolleyes: We were drinking our 5 martinis for $15 and they wanted to know how we found out about them (we read about it in the Fun Times).:) I remember what it's like to be a cruise newbie, but seriously, can you not take some reponsibility to be informed about what's happening on the ship?


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but i'll never forget "the mad people"....:D


I am really cracking up because there are some of them on every cruise. From now on I'm going to call them "the made people":D


On the Dream I was standing in line when someone came up to the desk that had been served and had to go to her cabin to get something. One guy in line became apoplectic when she walked up to the desk and they took the information and completed her transaction. He was actually yelling at her to go to the end of the line. We told him to pipe down and why.


Then someone walked up to the Platinum line and I thought he was going to stroke out!!! Needless to say, we tried to educate him regarding his stupidity, but he made an A$$ of himself.:cool:

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