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Room steward on the Legend problem

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...not to mention the person who has that cabin the following week who has breathing problems who now has a flare up of his lung problems due to inhaling the residue from the smoke in the cabin you had the "right" to smoke in. He paid for the cabin too, he has the "right" to breath in it.


....and the steward has the right not to have his lungs damaged by the second hand smoke residue he is forced to inhale daily while he cleans your cabin.



I have only heard a few complaints from cruisers that have smelled cigarette smoke in their cabins, and those complainants just told their room steward, who came and ran the ionizer in the room, problem solved.


As far as the steward goes, if smoking bothers them that much, then they should seek employment on a cruise line that doesn't allow smoking in their cabins.


I will smoke where Carnival says I can smoke, if you don't like it, I suggest you contact Carnival. Don't jump my case because I am doing a legal activity that Carnival allows in designated areas.

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I must agree with the No smoking in the Cabins. The smoke penetrates the carpets, in the vents on the mattress and the pillows. Is it fair to pass that on to the next guest to use the cabin? It has been much better since Ontario has introduced no smoking ban in all public buildings, Casino, Hotels, restaurants bars. You name it. We can now enter these buildings without concern about the smoke. People have the right to smoke but in the designated areas on the ship only. Then we have the choice to use the side that is a non smoking. On cruise ships they allow smoking in the Casino, the air flow is somewhat a bit better. We are able to take an hour or so but after that we need fresh air since our clothes and hair reek with smoke. Consideration is the name of the game.

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Better idea here. Charge the non smokers a fee for a non smoking room!


Huh? Non-smokers don't cause more work.....smokers do.


I too would support Carnival not allowing smoking in the cabins. It's the one reason why I won't book a balcony cabin.


That said I don't think it's okay for the staff to lie about the smoking policy. As long as Carnival allows, the staff should accommodate.


Also, charging smokers a clean-up fee is NOT discrimination any more than rental car companies charging an extra fee to drivers under 25. It's simple, you cause more work/more risk, you pay more money.

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I must agree with the No smoking in the Cabins. The smoke penetrates the carpets' date=' in the vents on the mattress and the pillows. Is it fair to pass that on to the next guest to use the cabin? It has been much better since Ontario has introduced no smoking ban in all public buildings, Casino, Hotels, restaurants bars. You name it. We can now enter these buildings without concern about the smoke. People have the right to smoke but in the designated areas on the ship only. Then we have the [i']choice[/i] to use the side that is a non smoking. On cruise ships they allow smoking in the Casino, the air flow is somewhat a bit better. We are able to take an hour or so but after that we need fresh air since our clothes and hair reek with smoke. Consideration is the name of the game.



This has nothing to do with Consideration, its about following the rules. How am I being inconsiderate by following Carnival's rules about smoking?

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I have only heard a few complaints from cruisers that have smelled cigarette smoke in their cabins, and those complainants just told their room steward, who came and ran the ionizer in the room, problem solved.


As far as the steward goes, if smoking bothers them that much, then they should seek employment on a cruise line that doesn't allow smoking in their cabins.


I will smoke where Carnival says I can smoke, if you don't like it, I suggest you contact Carnival. Don't jump my case because I am doing a legal activity that Carnival allows in designated areas.


I'm am a nurse that has seen autopsies on smokers.......go right ahead, smoke all you want, where you want...

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I also smoked for years. It was,nt until I quit smoking and had been quit for about a year that I realized what an offensive habit I had. I have been quit now for 13 years, and really respect others wishes about not wanting to be subjected to such surroundings that smell like smoke and being next to someone that smokes. It really bothers me now to be around it myself. Smoking is by choice, but please consider those around you that wish not to have it blown in their direction. I myself think they should ban smoking in all cabins. Thank goodness they give you an option in Hotels for the type of room you want.

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I must agree with the No smoking in the Cabins. The smoke penetrates the carpets' date=' in the vents on the mattress and the pillows. Is it fair to pass that on to the next guest to use the cabin? It has been much better since Ontario has introduced no smoking ban in all public buildings, Casino, Hotels, restaurants bars. You name it. We can now enter these buildings without concern about the smoke. People have the right to smoke but in the designated areas on the ship only. Then we have the [i']choice[/i] to use the side that is a non smoking. On cruise ships they allow smoking in the Casino, the air flow is somewhat a bit better. We are able to take an hour or so but after that we need fresh air since our clothes and hair reek with smoke. Consideration is the name of the game.


It doesn't matter if you agree or not.


Smoking is allowed in the cabins (Spa excluded/certain ships)

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"denial is NOT just a river in Eygpt"

Haha...loved that !

And I agree, I would not want a room where the previous tenants were smokers. The smell is next to impossible to remove. You almost have to repaint the room and change the carpets and curtains to fully remove the stench. Not to mention how much of a fire hazard smoking in your cabin would be (falling asleep with a lit cigarette and setting your mattresses on fire, it happens)! Carnival should change the policy to allow smoking only in the balconies, outside decks or alloted spaces. Smokers are a minority and as much as I feel sorry for you, (you have to smoke outside in the cold rain and snow in Vancouver), it is a disgusting habit. If I get a room that has smoke residue, I would ask to be moved.


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I'm am a nurse that has seen autopsies on smokers.......go right ahead, smoke all you want, where you want...



I will smoke all I want, just where it's designated. I believe it tells me right there on the box that they are bad for me. Smoking causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and may complicate pregnancy (not a worry for me on that one)

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"denial is NOT just a river in Eygpt"


Haha...loved that !


And I agree, I would not want a room where the previous tenants were smokers. The smell is next to impossible to remove. You almost have to repaint the room and change the carpets and curtains to fully remove the stench. Not to mention how much of a fire hazard smoking in your cabin would be (falling asleep with a lit cigarette and setting your mattresses on fire, it happens)! Carnival should change the policy to allow smoking only in the balconies, outside decks or alloted spaces. Smokers are a minority and as much as I feel sorry for you, (you have to smoke outside in the cold rain and snow in Vancouver), it is a disgusting habit. If I get a room that has smoke residue, I would ask to be moved.





Chances are you have slept in a hotel where the previous guest had smoked; sat in a chair where a previous smoker had enjoy a cigarette or two - if a room/area is cleaned appropriately; chances are you would never know

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"denial is NOT just a river in Eygpt"


Haha...loved that !


And I agree, I would not want a room where the previous tenants were smokers. The smell is next to impossible to remove. You almost have to repaint the room and change the carpets and curtains to fully remove the stench. Not to mention how much of a fire hazard smoking in your cabin would be (falling asleep with a lit cigarette and setting your mattresses on fire, it happens)! Carnival should change the policy to allow smoking only in the balconies, outside decks or alloted spaces. Smokers are a minority and as much as I feel sorry for you, (you have to smoke outside in the cold rain and snow in Vancouver), it is a disgusting habit. If I get a room that has smoke residue, I would ask to be moved.





Like I have said before, there is a very small chance that you will be able to tell the room was occupied by a smoker. I have seen several of the religious non-smokers on these boards say that the machine Carnival uses to clean the air in the room is amazing and that they couldn't tell the difference. as far as the fire hazard, most if not all cigarettes are Fire safe cigarettes, which means after a minute or so, the cig will go out if you don't draw on it. And they work, I smoke slowly and most of the time I have to re-light before I finish smoking the cigarette.

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Hey you may be on to something here.. I bet if there was a cleaning fee for smokers, your cabin would have a stack of ashtrays & complimentary cigarettes on day 1compliments of your room steward of course....or how about $50 cleaning fee for people who eat lunch or dinner in the lido finish & leave with food & everything else thrown on the table & floor...dont forget $50 for people with the god-awful perfume/cologne ?...$50 if you're one of the obnoxious drunks - $50 if you find it your right to order a 1/2 dozen entrees in the dining room...$50 to the parents that let their kids run up & down the halls all nite long...or am I being ridiculous :eek: ???

No you are not ridiculous I was thinking the same thing. Have you ever seen the these datelines when the shine a black light in the room how about $50.00 for that. I have never smelled cigarettes in the cabins and I live with smoker. And I agree it is the room stewart job. We always give him extra at the end of the cruise. So lets get off the smokers I seen things in public by non-smokers that can be just as offensive.

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I will smoke all I want, just where it's designated. I believe it tells me right there on the box that they are bad for me. Smoking causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and may complicate pregnancy (not a worry for me on that one)



And as another health care professional - drinking of horrible for your liver ....maybe Carnival should charge extra for drinkers :eek:

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Oh Salty - nine out of ten times I agree with you; this must be number ten :)


I am not a smoker (never have) and my Dh does smoke....


We did not even realize that you could smoke in the cabins, until this thread (we have cruised many times). I just told DH and he laughed.....who knew! He only smokes outside on the balcony


We pay for our cabin the same as everyone else, we are very clean cruisers; I have seen some cabins where people leave clothes everywhere, trash and empty bottles. Why would a smoking cabin be any more difficult to clean than some that leave the cabin trashed and full of other disgusting smells (vomit, baby diapers etc.)


Until smoking becomes illegal, I think it is sad how we discriminate against those who do smoke.....yes it is a choice as someone said here but it is a legal choice that someone makes - therefore punishing someone by charging an additional cost would be discriminating; which is illegal


I am sorry to read that your husband smokes and even more sorry to read that he subjects you and others around you to the residue smoking produces. Discrimination to charge someone who smokes in an area not designated for smokers is illegal? Nope. Hotels have been rightly doing it for years. There are laws on the books in many states that prohibit smoking in public places and restaurants.


My DH grew up in a family of heavy smokers. As a little boy and a young man, he suffered from his parents chain smoking. Terrible lung problems and scaring, multiple bouts of pneumonia, inhalers and oral meds to keep himself breathing, weeks hospitalized in oxygen tents were all part of his grownig up. He missed half a year of school because he could not breath. Still his mother and father blew smoke at anyone who stood near them. Their house reeked. It still does. We moved away from them about ten years ago. His breathing problems are GONE. He has not used an inhaler for years.


I am amazed at how people still delude themselves about the dangers of smoking and not just to the smoker.


Regarding the incident Heald writes about on the Legend. We lost a local fireman a few months back. There was a family party going on at his house. He took his O2 tank up to his bedroom to light up privately. He was wearing the O2 and it was turned on. Lighting the smoke accelerated the flame and his clothes went up with his entire extended family downstairs. He was still alive when the other firemen, those who had worked beside him carried his burnt body down the stairs while others who loved him watched. He died before the copter who came to airlift him arrived.


All for a smoke.


I will clean up the dirty diapers anyday.

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I will smoke all I want, just where it's designated. I believe it tells me right there on the box that they are bad for me. Smoking causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and may complicate pregnancy (not a worry for me on that one)


I love your city. We recently spent three months there and had the time of our lives! We could go outside in May without sweating to death- always a win!


We're from FL and smoking is not allowed in restaurants and hasn't been for years. When we first went out to eat in WS, I was like 2. The hostess was all looking at me then after like 10 seconds of awkward pause she "goes smoking or non?" I was all like uhhhh? then finally Non. She probably thought I was nuts!


Agreed on the avatar.


For the person who asked if I'm okay with it for a $50 fee- no, I'm not. I'm all about personal choice and will support your right to choose until it negatively affects me which indoor smoking does. I don't believe anyone has the right to force someone else to breathe poison.


And finally, having a non-smoking section in an enclosed space is like have a peeing section in a pool- pointless.

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And as another health care professional - drinking of horrible for your liver ....maybe Carnival should charge extra for drinkers :eek:


They do....have you seen the prices? :D So glad I'm not a drinker!


The difference is you drinking isn't going to hurt MY liver. You smoking WILL hurt my lungs.

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I am sorry to read that your husband smokes and even more sorry to read that he subjects you and others around you to the residue smoking produces. Discrimination to charge someone who smokes in an area not designated for smokers is illegal? Nope. Hotels have been rightly doing it for years. There are laws on the books in many states that prohibit smoking in public places and restaurants.

Please do not apologize for my Dh behavior, he is a respectful smoker. He does not smoke in the house, vehicle or anywhere that can be invasive of others. I work in health care so I know what smoking does to someone (as does he) my point was that smoking is allowed so therefore should not be an issue - NEVER did I say smoke wherever you want!


My DH grew up in a family of heavy smokers. As a little boy and a young man, he suffered from his parents chain smoking. Terrible lung problems and scaring, multiple bouts of pneumonia, inhalers and oral meds to keep himself breathing, weeks hospitalized in oxygen tents were all part of his grownig up. He missed half a year of school because he could not breath. Still his mother and father blew smoke at anyone who stood near them. Their house reeked. It still does. We moved away from them about ten years ago. His breathing problems are GONE. He has not used an inhaler for years.


I am amazed at how people still delude themselves about the dangers of smoking and not just to the smoker. No delusions, most smokers know the consequences of what they do and still make an adult informed decision to partake


Regarding the incident Heald writes about on the Legend. We lost a local fireman a few months back. There was a family party going on at his house. He took his O2 tank up to his bedroom to light up privately. He was wearing the O2 and it was turned on. Lighting the smoke accelerated the flame and his clothes went up with his entire extended family downstairs. He was still alive when the other firemen, those who had worked beside him carried his burnt body down the stairs while others who loved him watched. He died before the copter who came to airlift him arrived.

I have patients who smoke with O2 all the time, is it right no - but it is their legal choice to do so

All for a smoke.


I will clean up the dirty diapers anyday.

Again choice, I would rather clean a dirty ashtray then look, smell or clean Sh!t

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I love your city. We recently spent three months there and had the time of our lives! We could go outside in May without sweating to death- always a win!


We're from FL and smoking is not allowed in restaurants and hasn't been for years. When we first went out to eat in WS, I was like 2. The hostess was all looking at me then after like 10 seconds of awkward pause she "goes smoking or non?" I was all like uhhhh? then finally Non. She probably thought I was nuts!


Agreed on the avatar.


For the person who asked if I'm okay with it for a $50 fee- no, I'm not. I'm all about personal choice and will support your right to choose until it negatively affects me which indoor smoking does. I don't believe anyone has the right to force someone else to breathe poison.


And finally, having a non-smoking section in an enclosed space is like have a peeing section in a pool- pointless.



LoL..tourist want to come to our city, locals want the hell out! LoL.


I guess being from where I am from is a reason I support smokers rights so much. R.J. Reynolds made Winston Salem what it is today.R.J. Reynolds employees' thousands of people from this area. Growing up, that company paid for my school, all my clothes, and the roof over our head. Even now, that company still pays the bills at my home. I would hate to see what will happen to this area if smoking laws become much more stricter or worse, is outlawed all together...:eek:


Of course, if the right people would see my avatar and hurry up and legalize it, I would never touch another cigarette.:D



As far as smoking in the resturant, it is illegal in NC now. I went down to Myrtle Beach last month and was like you, they asked me smoking or non, it had been a while since that question came up..

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DST, not a chance of getting a hotel room where smokers have been as I always ask for a room in a non-smoking floor..Hotels have come to their senses about smoking, time for cruiseline to do the same.


I would think that the cruise lines at some point would hop on this - even though you may ask for a non smoking room you are assuming the previous guest follow the rules ;)

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hey you may be on to something here.. I bet if there was a cleaning fee for smokers, your cabin would have a stack of ashtrays & complimentary cigarettes on day 1compliments of your room steward of course....or how about $50 cleaning fee for people who eat lunch or dinner in the lido finish & leave with food & everything else thrown on the table & floor...dont forget $50 for people with the god-awful perfume/cologne ?...$50 if you're one of the obnoxious drunks - $50 if you find it your right to order a 1/2 dozen entrees in the dining room...$50 to the parents that let their kids run up & down the halls all nite long...or am i being ridiculous :eek: ???

yes you are..!!!!!

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LoL..tourist want to come to our city, locals want the hell out! LoL.


I guess being from where I am from is a reason I support smokers rights so much. R.J. Reynolds made Winston Salem what it is today.R.J. Reynolds employees' thousands of people from this area. Growing up, that company paid for my school, all my clothes, and the roof over our head. Even now, that company still pays the bills at my home. I would hate to see what will happen to this area if smoking laws become much more stricter or worse, is outlawed all together...:eek:


Of course, if the right people would see my avatar and hurry up and legalize it, I would never touch another cigarette.:D



As far as smoking in the resturant, it is illegal in NC now. I went down to Myrtle Beach last month and was like you, they asked me smoking or non, it had been a while since that question came up..


I know the feeling about tourists.... People are always coming here (FL) for vacation and I'm all like WHAT???


You guys just have such nice and well-maintained parks and much better weather!


I wasn't aware that they outlawed smoking in restaurants there. We haven't been back since the 3 month contract job hubby did for WSSU.

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I know the feeling about tourists.... People are always coming here (FL) for vacation and I'm all like WHAT???


You guys just have such nice and well-maintained parks and much better weather!


I wasn't aware that they outlawed smoking in restaurants there. We haven't been back since the 3 month contract job hubby did for WSSU.



Yeah, nicer weather for now, but when its 80 down there and 30 up here....:D

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Yeah, nicer weather for now, but when its 80 down there and 30 up here....:D


I prefer the cold to the hot. It wouldn't be so bad if it'd be hot for 2-3 months but it's hot and humid for like 10 months. We're in a cold front now...it's 81.

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