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Anyone want to start a new weight loss group with me?


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Booked our first ever cruise on the Caribbean Princess 6/4/11 9 nights (woo hoo) Realized that I am at my heavest weight ever so decided to diet as of Jan 3,2011 now 28 lbs down. I was seriously worried I'd get off the ship in a sheet/toga cause the summer clothes were tight last year and 9 days of desserts and umbrella drinks were going to put my out of clothes and into the toga lol. Now I want to stay on track on the cruise, told the DH we're walking, swimming, gymming etc. hope to stay the same or gain only a little, 5 lbs or less. Was thinking of bringing my scale but it is a vacation and I don't want to make myself crazy. Too late. Already crazy...


9 nights! That will be fun :) 28 pounds, that's spectacular!


I actually did gain so much weight once when we were in Matazlan, that I was outgrowing the clothes I brought :o

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Well, I gained a pound, so don't feel bad *thumps self on forehead* I cut out the extra carby stuff, bread, etc. so not sure why I gained. Must have eaten too much though, I'm sure that's it really. It's VERY difficult to stay motivated sometimes in the face of food. I hope you stay here, even though you're doing the tv diet....


Oh Yeah, I'm A.D.D. when it comes to self portioning, but I'm sticking with my support system here!:D



Welcome TwoSpoiled!!! We'd love to have you join us! My Daughter works from home too. I know that sometimes it's hard to separate work time from personal time. If you like to use Wii, I hear that there is a good Zumba program/disc/game...whatever it's called. I'm thinking about getting it for our wii just to help me learn the moves!

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I hope you all won't mind another addition to your group! I am hoping that some support and encouragement from others that know the struggle will help keep me on track.


I am an almost 40 year old mom of 2. I am going on a cruise in September to celebrate the Big 40 and for a little destress time. I work from home 70 hours per week and after a summer with 2 kids (ages 9 and 6) home all day with me while I try to work I need some me time.

I actually need to lose about 70 pounds total but will be very happy with half of that before I cruise. Because I work so much I don't have a lot of time to excercise. I'm gonna try to at least get out the Wii Fit and get some form of exercise while I''m on my lunch break.

I started my journey (again) about 4 weeks ago and am back top my lowest point since last summer. The winter blues hit and I put some back on over the past several months.

I officially weighed myself today so I have an official stating point. I know that this will be a battle for me as I have food issues but I am hoping to change my mindset and overcome the battle.

Of course we don't mind! The more the merrier as they say :) Definitely have food issues myself. Hope you check in often :)


I booked my curise in Aug of 2010. Started a new life style at the same time. Decided to lose weight starting at 188 pounds. I now weight in at 155.5. I have lost inces as well went from a size 40 jeans to a slim 34. I am still losing my goal is in the 140's by sail time which is Mar 31 on the Inspiration. Me plan includes a few tips that worked very well for me.

I stopped all social eating (only ate out with friends and family on special events).

I no longer cook fried foods.

I no longer eat at a table with food on it.

I cut out all sugars, starch and high carbs.

I only eat when hungery.

I starve the fats and feed the muscle.

Fresh food is a must.

Cook foods a no no.

Canned soups with low sodium and 80 cal a must.

Post ceaerals with whole grain with bran added is a good snack as well as mornings and nite snacking.

welcome comigo :)
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I do go to Curves 3X a week and one of those is a combo Zumba class.....this week I have added 1 of the Curves protein shakes per day- two things have happened, 1(I am not as hungry and 2) I have more energy! I am looking forward to Curves now! The bathing suit I ordered came and I had to send it back! It was too big. I have ordered another one that I hope fits better, as time is getting close!


I still have a long way to go weight wise, but I look at this as a life style change not a diet. My mobility is 50% better already and I can actually walk without hurting now! Hang in there everyone!

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Well, I gained a pound, so don't feel bad *thumps self on forehead* I cut out the extra carby stuff, bread, etc. so not sure why I gained. Must have eaten too much though, I'm sure that's it really. It's VERY difficult to stay motivated sometimes in the face of food. I hope you stay here, even though you're doing the tv diet....

remeber weight goes up and down naturally and you have water that adds to it, so a pound one way or the other could be fluid

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I am a stress eater so this isn't going to help at all :(:

I can't believe how some adults act like they are still in grade school. I work this week end, so off wk yesterday and today. I gave xyz, my work and told her to not give something to abc because I don't think she would want to go there. Well, xyz told abc I said don't give it to her because they didn't want her there. abc was upset and said something in front of the boss, and then xyz complained to the boss that I had given her a hard assignment (I was lead that day) and didn't help her. I did help her (and found out she could have taken care of something the day before, and that same day, but she didn't do it with a significant cost to the company) I told her to call and do what needed to be done. I didn't tell the boss or anyone else. Just between her and I. :mad::mad::mad:


Needless to say I will not interact with xyz unless it's in front of others and only on a as needed basis. It seems she wanted to cause problems and start a rift in the dept.


We are all over 40 yrs old. When do some people grow up?????


I work this week end with abc, so I know it's going to be a stressful day and week end.


Thanks for letting me vent.

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I just wanted to check in with you all. I weighed in this morning and have lost 18.4 pounds so far this year. I feel good!:D


Suzque, I know what you mean about the "can we all act like adults". I've got no good advice for you, but just stay above the fray. Good luck tomorrow.

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Suzque, Some people can be very annoying and petty!:mad: I agree with LP, just keep above the fray and don't let them make you take your eye off the prize. You're doing so great, don't let them spoil it for you. :)


VT, YAY, nothing feels better than clothes that are too big! Congrats! Feeling more agile and energetic is your body's way of saying "thank you"! :) Good job!


LP Wow!!! 18.4 pounds is awesome!!! I need a calculator to figure out all the sticks of butter you've lost! Almost 74!!! :eek: woot woot!!! Go to the store and pick up 18 lbs of butter! You're awesome! Keep it up!


I'm really ready to start my "diet police" program. :rolleyes: I think my box will arrive on Monday. Until then, I'm trying to be good.


Have a good evening!

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Suzque, Some people can be very annoying and petty!:mad: I agree with LP, just keep above the fray and don't let them make you take your eye off the prize. You're doing so great, don't let them spoil it for you. :)


VT, YAY, nothing feels better than clothes that are too big! Congrats! Feeling more agile and energetic is your body's way of saying "thank you"! :) Good job!


LP Wow!!! 18.4 pounds is awesome!!! I need a calculator to figure out all the sticks of butter you've lost! Almost 74!!! :eek: woot woot!!! Go to the store and pick up 18 lbs of butter! You're awesome! Keep it up!


I'm really ready to start my "diet police" program. :rolleyes: I think my box will arrive on Monday. Until then, I'm trying to be good.


Have a good evening!

Diet police LOL


My diet police is on my computer the ugly fat me picture.

The new me is so much better.


Suzque be the older wiser happier one at work. I keep one thing in mind when dealing with adult "children"... Never sweat the little things, The big things get taken care of by our creator.

Good luck

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Thanks everyone. I have stewed about it all day and kept reminding myself that I did nothing wrong, the one who was complaining did do wrong and was trying to deflect the issue away from herself. End of discussion, put the issue to rest. What goes around comes around and you reap what you sow. I whole heartedly believe that in time it all comes back.


My motto:

Trust in God

Believe in yourself

Dare to Dream

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I am working on loosing weight for my upcoming cruise in August. Down 12.5lbs since Jan 1. Working on an ultimate goal of 100lbs.

way to go on your lose and hope you reach your goal, but 100 sounds very light, stay healthy.

I have 4 more pounds to go whohoo!!!

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Well, I gained a pound, so don't feel bad *thumps self on forehead* I cut out the extra carby stuff, bread, etc. so not sure why I gained. Must have eaten too much though, I'm sure that's it really. It's VERY difficult to stay motivated sometimes in the face of food. I hope you stay here, even though you're doing the tv diet....

Just wanted to check in with everyone. Still holding at the 155, so still have 5 to go to reach cruise goal. 24 days and counting

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Hey Suzque, I'm glad that you are feeling better about work. Your boss knows what kind of worker you are, petty bickering looks bad for them, not you. Congrats for sticking with your WW points!


Comingo, Only 24 days til you cruise??? I'm envious! I have 180 days to go...:( Don't worry, you'll lose the last few pounds!


Mommyto2kids, Welcome!!! Down to 100 pounds???:eek: Are you 4 ft tall? We are here to support you to a healthy lifestyle. With all due respect and compassion, are you sure that is the right weight for you? Just saying..... those 2 kids need a healthy mom!:o


Have a great Sunday everyone!:D

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Hey Suzque, I'm glad that you are feeling better about work. Your boss knows what kind of worker you are, petty bickering looks bad for them, not you. Congrats for sticking with your WW points!


Comingo, Only 24 days til you cruise??? I'm envious! I have 180 days to go...:( Don't worry, you'll lose the last few pounds!


Mommyto2kids, Welcome!!! Down to 100 pounds???:eek: Are you 4 ft tall? We are here to support you to a healthy lifestyle. With all due respect and compassion, are you sure that is the right weight for you? Just saying..... those 2 kids need a healthy mom!:o


Have a great Sunday everyone!:D

Reweighed this morning I am 154. 4 more pounds to my set goal. That way I can eat and gain the 5 back lol. Not really this new lifestyle is working so well and I look forward to the cruise I love fresh food so it will not be a problem.

24 days just seems like it will take FOREVER, I know it will go by way too fast lol.

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Mommyto2kids, Welcome!!! Down to 100 pounds???:eek: Are you 4 ft tall? We are here to support you to a healthy lifestyle. With all due respect and compassion, are you sure that is the right weight for you? Just saying..... those 2 kids need a healthy mom!:o


Maybe she has the ultimate goal to lose 100 pounds. I know my ultimate goal is something like that too.

Welcome Mommyto2kids. :)

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Maybe she has the ultimate goal to lose 100 pounds. I know my ultimate goal is something like that too.

Welcome Mommyto2kids. :)


You know LP, you're probably right. Mommy, will you please clarify?


How was your weekend, LP? My weekend was very lazy, but today I'm going to be very busy with appointments. :rolleyes: Cat and Uncle both need rides to the Dr. I hope to get to zumba tomorrow.


Have a good day!:)

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I'd love a lazy weekend, maybe in 500 years I can have one of those!! :p It seems that too much always comes up. Saturday, bf & I went for a hike. Since it was just the two of us, we were able to keep a fairly fast pace, which makes it a great workout climbing up those hills! The waterfall was beautiful this time too. We last did this hike late January and there has been a lot more snow melting higher up, so the water level was probably double. It made crossing the stream a little interesting though! Good balance practice LOL. After that, we visited bf's parents and grandma.


We live in his grandma's house, because she had to move out due to not being able to care for herself completely any more. We took over her payments and are trying to fix the place up, which has turned into more work than any of us anticipated. Sunday was working on the house, doing some tree trimming and other yard work. Laundry, grocery shopping... all that fun stuff!

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Suzque49- Oh how well I feel your pain! I started a job last May and there is a woman in my office who honestly thinks I want her job! I have much more experience than she does in this area and could have been a great asset to her, but she has turned on me so many times, I just shut up now and let her flounder and make mistakes. I dread going to work every day, and I am searching for a new job. I believe that we all get back what we put out into the universe and I sincerely try to send out positive energy and thoughts, but she does try my patience! All you can do is do your own work, keep your mouth closed and ignore her petty childish attacks!


On the positive side, I weighed myself at Curves on Friday and was down 3.5 pounds for the week! :D

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Thanks to all for the welcome. I'm looking forward to this journey with all of you.


I am trying to keep up healthy eating habits but falter on the weekends because I have a part time job as well working at Mrs. Fields making cookies. It's not as bad as it sounds because after 3 years you can only eat so many cookies. Don't get me wrong, I still want them but I limit myself to one per shift which equals 2 per week. I know I shouldn't have any but if I do that then after a while of not having any I will stuff my face with way to many! :D


I actually started my journey 4 weeks ago but only weighed myself for the first time last Thursday. I know that in those first weeks I did lose but just not sure how much.


I am looking forward to spring and warmer weather so I can bring the treadmill up from the basement (where it's been siting for quite some time) and put it in the garage so I can use it in the evenings. Here in western NY we use our garages as family rooms in warm weather. Lots of room and a TV to boot! I have to have something to focus on to make it easier to get on and go.


Does any one have any good suggestions for DVDs or music to help get you pumped while on the treadmill?

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Thanks to all for the welcome. I'm looking forward to this journey with all of you.


I am trying to keep up healthy eating habits but falter on the weekends because I have a part time job as well working at Mrs. Fields making cookies. It's not as bad as it sounds because after 3 years you can only eat so many cookies. Don't get me wrong, I still want them but I limit myself to one per shift which equals 2 per week. I know I shouldn't have any but if I do that then after a while of not having any I will stuff my face with way to many! :D


I actually started my journey 4 weeks ago but only weighed myself for the first time last Thursday. I know that in those first weeks I did lose but just not sure how much.


I am looking forward to spring and warmer weather so I can bring the treadmill up from the basement (where it's been siting for quite some time) and put it in the garage so I can use it in the evenings. Here in western NY we use our garages as family rooms in warm weather. Lots of room and a TV to boot! I have to have something to focus on to make it easier to get on and go.


Does any one have any good suggestions for DVDs or music to help get you pumped while on the treadmill?

hmmm...Music of all kinds works well. Put on your fav and walk away. That of course coming from me who does no exercise. But there was a time when thats all I did so I guess it counts for something.

Good Luck

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