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Smoking on HAL


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terigo, it seems that sensitivity to fragrances is important to you, but making an issue of it within this thread makes it seem like a red herring as opposed to a valid point about the subject of this thread.

Why not start a new thread about sensitivity to fragrances?


Because terigo obviously doesn't feel that it matters that much to him, even though it sounds like he suffers from the effects of musk more so than some non-smokers complaining about a whiff of smoke. In other words, he's not a moaner and appears to be very tolerant. Seems he understands the fact that if he's out in public he's going to encounter these smells.

A previous poster mentioned cabin staff "carrying" the stench of smoke to her cabin. That conjures up a wonderful picture in my mind's eye, a nice neat parcel perhaps? What an exaggeration (and a whiner).

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Because terigo obviously doesn't feel that it matters that much to him, even though it sounds like he suffers from the effects of musk more so than some non-smokers complaining about a whiff of smoke. In other words, he's not a moaner and appears to be very tolerant. Seems he understands the fact that if he's out in public he's going to encounter these smells.

A previous poster mentioned cabin staff "carrying" the stench of smoke to her cabin. That conjures up a wonderful picture in my mind's eye, a nice neat parcel perhaps? What an exaggeration (and a whiner).


I'm a "she" not a "he", but that matters not as much as the fact that you apparently read all the posts, and have excellent comprehension skills to put it in the correct context.


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Didn't the OP post this same information in a different thread? I guess it's drama time. Popcorn is popping...


Yes the OP posted the same thread earlier, but referenced the Volendam in the title. CC monitors removed the thread. OP is trying again. Not sure why, but here we go.

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if you are looking for something other than anecdotal data, i am afraid i am not a scientist... all i can bring to this is my own empirical information.


have i been sitting outside a theater with my smoking friends and had someone walk by and make coughing noises waving their hands in disgust at the smoke and then find myself standing next to them in the lobby and been knocked over at the smell of their perfume? yes.... often, as a matter of fact.


do some smokers also use too much musk perfume? yep.... but since they are not whining, i have not included them for the purpose of this discussion.... which is my point... and one you seem fixated on not understanding...... and one i am apparently not explaining to your satisfaction...


see if this sums it up for you.....

if you are going to say that smokers intrude on your right to breathe free, then you have to realize that there are other things that keep people from that right as well.... and that is the whole point in a nutshell...

if you still don't get it, i can't help you further.


and please remember i am a NONSMOKER.


Oh, I am sorry... I did not realize that you were only referring to one whiny non-snoker who doused themself in perfume! Could have sworn you were insinuating that non-smokers often do that... :rolleyes:

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Oh, I am sorry... I did not realize that you were only referring to one whiny non-snoker who doused themself in perfume! Could have sworn you were insinuating that non-smokers often do that... :rolleyes:

can you read? i know you can.

do you selectively choose what part of a post to read? i know that you do.

read it again... where i say that happens quite often...not just once... then let it go, ok?

stick a fork in me... i am now officially done explaining this to you.

you apparently suffer from tunnel vision regarding this issue.... and i could not have made myself any clearer.

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Ah yes, another uninformed trash "X" comment based on second hand information (not smoke) on the HAL board. Go figure! Actually, "X" doesn't have cameras on each balcony to detect smokers. However one simple telephone call and they WILL enforce it!



Ah yes, another uninformed comment by an "X" cheerleader who is in denial

of smoking on a Celebrity ship. Go figure!! Probably also in denial of the first hand information posted by another poster.


How do you know that a "simple telephone" call was not made or that a steward wasn't informed. You don't, because you assumed.


I'm sure people break some rules on all the cruise lines, even HAL. FYI, they had a wonderful cruise on the Solstice, smoking was not an big issue for them. We are considering joining them next year on the Solstice as they loved the ship.



Keep telling yourself that everybody follows the rules!

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Please see the other side.:


I hate to take a shower and then stink because of your smoke. On a cruise it is not easy to wash my clothes and I don't care to walk around stinking like an ashtray. If your cabin gets cleaned before mine, the poor steward has picked up your stench and carries it to the next cabins.

People with health problems should be able to enjoy their balcony without getting sick. I should be able to enjoy mine without needing to come in and shower and change my clothes.

It is not whining to want to stay fresh and not absorb your disgusting habit--it is just common sense that not everyone wants to stink like an ashtray.

HAL nor any other cruiseline could not stay in business if all the nonsmokers sailed another line as you suggest--are you for real?

Finally, it "stinks" when a small majority could care less that they ruin it for so many others. I know, they're entitled. Aren't we entitled to be clean, also?

You say you know smoking is not good for you. Your smoking is not good for us either, and we don't want to breathe it. How can you not understand?

Why not smoke in your cabin? Does the smell annoy you, too? It would be considerate to keep your smell in your cabin instead of on the balcony where it annoys and harms others.

Your post comes across as "I could care less of how my habits bothers you. Quit whining! Sail another line so I can have my way!" Very very sad.



I am not one to usually join in on controversial topics but you mentioned what people with health problems should be able to enjoy and also mentioned entitlement.


Smoking is an addiction. Addiction is a disease. Therefore smokers suffer a health problem just like anyone else's health problem. I don't think it is necessarily a matter of anyone being 'entitled'.


One could make the argument that the smokers 'health problem' is self inflicted but really that could be said for a lot of other 'health problems' as well. If everyone were perfect and lived their life so, with a lifetime of healthy diet, regular exercise and clean living there would in all likelihood be less health problems of any kind.


My point being that one person's health problem should not really trump anothers.


I believe HAL has taken the concerns of non-smokers very seriously. The fact that they have equipment to rid the smell from cabins, the implementation of non-smoking nights in the casino and the reduction of smoking areas on their ships are just a few examples of how they do, in fact, listen to their non-smoking customers. At the same time they are also listening to their clientele that does smoke by keeping areas for them to do so.


When someone posts with 'all or nothing comments' expecting the complete banishment of smoking ( I don't mean to single you out here) but it becomes difficult to place their viewpoint into any meaningful discussion. It would be just as difficult to take seriously a smoker demanding to be able to smoke anywhere and everywhere on the ship just for the fact that smoking is not illegal afterall.


I think in this day and age smokers are aware of how non-smokers feel and most smokers are considerate to others or try to be. It appears though, from the vast number of comments made in these endless smoking threads, that the number is in the minority for non-smokers who show any understanding or compassion for smokers and when they do they themselves come under attack as witnessed in this thread.


It almost always helps to step back and try to see things from the other side. It goes a long way to people just plain getting along.


Just my two cents.



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Good Lord!! I don't smoke, don't like the smell of it, and I STILL think the endless anti-smoking threads are redundant, tiresome, and whiney.


The last X cruise we were on there were smokers on the balcony next to ours... you really think they enforce these rules?


The difference is, I dont complain because I don't care. A whiff of smoke? Jeez, even with health problems it doesnt bother me. Most of it just goes out into the sea air....


But people live to gripe, I suppose. You want to switch to another cruise line? It won't hurt HAL's feelings and it won't hurt mine. I find whiners harder to deal with than smokers, but hey, that's just me.


You took the words right out of my mouth :) Let those whiny, complaining people go elsewhere, then the rest of us can have an even more enjoyable cruise! JMO



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The very people who whine and moan about the smell of cigarettes are often the same people who pour musky perfume all over themselves and make me gag at dinner, unable to taste my food..... yet they do not see themselves as intruding on my rights as an allergic "non-fragrance" person.


last time I looked, don't know of any person no one ever died from "second hand perfume odors":eek:

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Please see the other side.:


I hate to take a shower and then stink because of your smoke. On a cruise it is not easy to wash my clothes and I don't care to walk around stinking like an ashtray. If your cabin gets cleaned before mine, the poor steward has picked up your stench and carries it to the next cabins.

People with health problems should be able to enjoy their balcony without getting sick. I should be able to enjoy mine without needing to come in and shower and change my clothes.

It is not whining to want to stay fresh and not absorb your disgusting habit--it is just common sense that not everyone wants to stink like an ashtray.

HAL nor any other cruiseline could not stay in business if all the nonsmokers sailed another line as you suggest--are you for real?

Finally, it "stinks" when a small majority could care less that they ruin it for so many others. I know, they're entitled. Aren't we entitled to be clean, also?

You say you know smoking is not good for you. Your smoking is not good for us either, and we don't want to breathe it. How can you not understand?

Why not smoke in your cabin? Does the smell annoy you, too? It would be considerate to keep your smell in your cabin instead of on the balcony where it annoys and harms others.

Your post comes across as "I could care less of how my habits bothers you. Quit whining! Sail another line so I can have my way!" Very very sad.


You have a right to your opinion and although I respect that right, I also repectfully say that the people who pay extra for those balconies also have the right to follow the rules of that cruise line...and if that includes being allowed to smoke on them, then so be it. As they say, "rules are rules".


You also ask why they don't smoke in their cabins. All smokers doing that? Wouldn't your stewards then pick up even more stench and bring it to yours? Wouldn't it go through the vents even moreso, thus you AND your cabin would reek from it as well? Is that really what you'd prefer? I think not. I'm not saying you are one, but there are "habitual complainers" out there who just want things their way as well, which smoker or non-smoker, is also very sad.


Yes, smoking isn't healthy, but then again, tell that to my 94 year old (smoker) uncle, who still goes on cruises. He'll tell you differently...and if he paid for a balcony and he's allowed to smoke, he most certainly will.


Just my opinion....



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last time I looked, don't know of any person no one ever died from "second hand perfume odors":eek:

I personally don't know anyone who has died from second hand smoke either. I do know of people who have died in fires caused by smoking though.


This thread was started to inflame opinions, it worked. HAL has a policy in place, you can like it or not. Go somewhere else if you don't like it. Don't bash the line for the stanse they take. They cater to a given market and the overwhelming majority seem happy with it. I have never smoked and I don't really like the smell, but I could give a damned others on the ship do smoke. If I did care that much or was bothered I would I would seek a cruise line more to my liking.


Whiners you gotta grow up and realize the world and HAL does not revolve around you.

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I personally don't know anyone who has died from second hand smoke either. I do know of people who have died in fires caused by smoking though.


This thread was started to inflame opinions, it worked. HAL has a policy in place, you can like it or not. Go somewhere else if you don't like it. Don't bash the line for the stanse they take. They cater to a given market and the overwhelming majority seem happy with it. I have never smoked and I don't really like the smell, but I could give a damned others on the ship do smoke. If I did care that much or was bothered I would I would seek a cruise line more to my liking.


Whiners you gotta grow up and realize the world and HAL does not revolve around you.


I agree with everything you stated.


If I didn't like fish, I wouldn't go to a seafood restaurant and then whine about their menu.

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Ah yes, another uninformed comment by an "X" cheerleader who is in denial

of smoking on a Celebrity ship. Go figure!! Probably also in denial of the first hand information posted by another poster.


How do you know that a "simple telephone" call was not made or that a steward wasn't informed. You don't, because you assumed.


I'm sure people break some rules on all the cruise lines, even HAL. FYI, they had a wonderful cruise on the Solstice, smoking was not an big issue for them. We are considering joining them next year on the Solstice as they loved the ship.


Keep telling yourself that everybody follows the rules!

Hmmmmmm, an "X" cheerleader...apparently you can't count. Seven cruises on RCL, four on X and one on Princess:confused:. But please don't let facts get in the way of your accusation! There have been quite a few reports of X (on the X board) enforcing smoking rules when they are aware of it. They also charge a bundle if you smoke in your cabin! I know that every line has their issues with passengers such as the anchor master on the HAL ship!

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I am not one to usually join in on controversial topics but you mentioned what people with health problems should be able to enjoy and also mentioned entitlement.


Smoking is an addiction. Addiction is a disease. Therefore smokers suffer a health problem just like anyone else's health problem. I don't think it is necessarily a matter of anyone being 'entitled'.


One could make the argument that the smokers 'health problem' is self inflicted but really that could be said for a lot of other 'health problems' as well. If everyone were perfect and lived their life so, with a lifetime of healthy diet, regular exercise and clean living there would in all likelihood be less health problems of any kind.


My point being that one person's health problem should not really trump anothers.


I believe HAL has taken the concerns of non-smokers very seriously. The fact that they have equipment to rid the smell from cabins, the implementation of non-smoking nights in the casino and the reduction of smoking areas on their ships are just a few examples of how they do, in fact, listen to their non-smoking customers. At the same time they are also listening to their clientele that does smoke by keeping areas for them to do so.


When someone posts with 'all or nothing comments' expecting the complete banishment of smoking ( I don't mean to single you out here) but it becomes difficult to place their viewpoint into any meaningful discussion. It would be just as difficult to take seriously a smoker demanding to be able to smoke anywhere and everywhere on the ship just for the fact that smoking is not illegal afterall.


I think in this day and age smokers are aware of how non-smokers feel and most smokers are considerate to others or try to be. It appears though, from the vast number of comments made in these endless smoking threads, that the number is in the minority for non-smokers who show any understanding or compassion for smokers and when they do they themselves come under attack as witnessed in this thread.


It almost always helps to step back and try to see things from the other side. It goes a long way to people just plain getting along.


Just my two cents.




Way too much common sense contained here. Obviously, you missed the "internet bullying" class.

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Hmmmmmm, an "X" cheerleader...apparently you can't count. Seven cruises on RCL, four on X and one on Princess:confused:. But please don't let facts get in the way of your accusation! There have been quite a few reports of X (on the X board) enforcing smoking rules when they are aware of it. They also charge a bundle if you smoke in your cabin! I know that every line has their issues with passengers such as the anchor master on the HAL ship!


I can count, and I see you no HAL cruises! Hmmmmmm, It figures!!


Why would I look on X boards when it doesn't concern me and I certainly wouldn't post on that board? And if I did peruse that board, and someone said that the smoking rules were enforced, it would be in your words, "second hand information".


Please don't let the facts get in the way of your denial. I'll sign off on this one and let you get the last reply. It'll make you feel better and a you will feel like hero!!


Happy Cruising on your upcoming X cruise!!

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This is like beating a dead horse to death all over again. Lord only knows how many posts there have been with people whining about smoking on HAL ships. I am darn sick and tired of hearing this over and over again.


My DH and I are both smokers. However, we DO NOT smoke in our cabins -- only on our balcony or in the areas designated by HAL. Period, end of statement.


My suggestion to you is if you don't want to be around smokers regardless of where smoking is allowed, then go to another cruise line where smoking is totally prohibited. I have seen people walk through an approve smoking area and cover their mouths, nose, etc. and start coughing and cast such hateful looks. If you don't like it, then don't walk through those areas. There are other ways to get around the smoking -- especially if it is outdoors.


We all realize smoking isn't good for us, but it is an addiction. You have no idea how many of us have tried to quit, but to no avail. My hat is off to those who have quit.


But for your non-smokers, go somewhere else. Try Oceania, Crystal, or some other high-end cruise line. Yes, they're more expensive, but that way you won't have to deal with us. Quit the d___n whining!:mad:

First of all WOW I go to work today only to come home and find this thread has exploded! So just to clarify some things. We do not have an issue with designated smoking and non-smoking areas on the various cruise lines. Even for that matter smoking allowed on balconies. We take our chances with that. It is allowing smoking in the cabins that we have a problem with. So HAL has some magic formula that no one else knows about to eliminate the residual smoke smell? We are very skeptical about that, but if anyone can convince us we will consider HAL. We were recently on the Celebrity Solstice and while they do have designated smoking areas, We just simply avoid them. I will say even though we are not big on casinos, we sometimes will play the slot machines a bit, and it was nice to enjoy that on the Solstice without the smoke.Bottom line for us is we have and will continue to cruise with those lines that designate smoking - non-smoking areas, but not in the cabins.

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Seriously folks, this person has posted about this before. I think under a different user name. He/She has now gathered the attention they wanted and stirred the pot. Hope you that continue to post on the topic are happy with your feeding of the troll.


Actually, I believe it was posted by the same poster. However, CC removed the previous thread. That thread was titled Smoking on Volendam. On neither thread has the poster returned to comment. He/she must just enjoy all the response he/she gets to these threads.

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