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Do We Really Need All of This Junk??


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Other "must-have" items I always include are my portable welder,air compressor,inflatable 4-person raft,outboard boat motor,and assorted grinders,hammers,files,and my 127-piece Craftsman tool kit.


I have never actually used any of these items but pack them anyway "just in case",you never know!


Cruiserforlife. That is too funny. I actually have a friend that takes some tools (hammer, screw driver and pliers) when he travels. We were delayed one time at the airport and missed our flight because of his tools. He just wants to be prepared in case something needs fixing. I guess we all have our own little idiosyncrasies.

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I find the bungee cord an essential item to bring on a cruise. If I can't hurl myself and wind up smashing my body off the side of the ship, I can always look forward to tripping over it later in the dark after I go to bed but then have to get back up for no apparent reason.

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Other "must-have" items I always include are my portable welder,air compressor,inflatable 4-person raft,outboard boat motor,and assorted grinders,hammers,files,and my 127-piece Craftsman tool kit.


I have never actually used any of these items but pack them anyway "just in case",you never know!


It's been a long time since I've laughed as hard as I have right now! Well, that dosen't include the time I lol a few days ago when I came across a similar thread about bringing a crock pot and everytime I thought of it I would nearly spit from laughing so hard. Thanks for keeping me awake tonight. Seriously I do appreciate all of the helpful hints and tips and will be taking a few things as suggested on these boards but I think I'll leave the 4 person raft and crock pot at home.:)



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We met a couple from Australia on our last cruise. They took no clothes with them at all! I think their only luggage when they boarded was the wife's purse! They planned to buy whatever they needed while they were on the cruise. Even luggage to bring the stuff home! Wife looked a little stressed that first night, but hubby looked like he was on top of the world.

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Cruiserforlife. That is too funny. I actually have a friend that takes some tools (hammer, screw driver and pliers) when he travels.


I took a pocket screwdriver when I went in the hospital. One day they brought me a wheelchair with a screw loose. Well I wipped out my toll and tightened it.


Now I have a screw loose.

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We met a couple from Australia on our last cruise. They took no clothes with them at all! I think their only luggage when they boarded was the wife's purse! They planned to buy whatever they needed while they were on the cruise. Even luggage to bring the stuff home! Wife looked a little stressed that first night, but hubby looked like he was on top of the world.


Was it a nude cruise?


My plan is to do the same but at the end of the cruise return the clothes for a refund.

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There's some great ideas here! I can live on ship coffee if only for a week and anything requiring a bungee cord or duct tape in the room sounds like a maintenance team issue to me. Although very likely my 13 year old son will have duct tape stowed somewhere on his person!


I love the idea of the over the door shoe rack. I found the shelves in the bathroom adequate for most of the toiletries my dh and I would need but if we need to share a cabin with the kids, that would definitely help.


I usually stand one of the large pullmans upright in a corner of the closet and use that as a laundry hamper. Saved plastic shopping bags work well for separating items still damp on disembarkation day.


The Zip-locs were essential! Gallon sized ones are great for stowing toiletries so that leaks are contained. My husband was able to find some rather large ones through work and when we (me, dh and 4 kids) went to Alaska for two weeks I packed complete packets of clothes, socks, underwear for each day and labeled them. Then rather than having to rip through a bunch of suitcases and sorting through 4 kids clothes piles, I only had to pull out a bag for each one and DONE! Plus it helped to cut down on over packing because everything was in outfits and it kept me from tossing in "extras" for "just in case" ;0)

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I never travel without a small penlight flashlight and keep it in a handy place. Have been in two hotels when the fire alarm have gone off. One time the generators did not kick in and the stairwell was pitch black. Thank goodness for the flashlight.

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As far as duct tape goes, I'm sure that they sold it in the sundries area on our last trip. Our luggage was slit-split during handling on our last cruise. Luckily we were leaving and already in our car before we noticed but if it had happened upon arrival or we had to fly home w. split luggage, I would have been freaked out. BTW, I called the cruiseline immediately and they sent me a claim form.

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It's been a long time since I've laughed as hard as I have right now! Well, that dosen't include the time I lol a few days ago when I came across a similar thread about bringing a crock pot and everytime I thought of it I would nearly spit from laughing so hard. Thanks for keeping me awake tonight. Seriously I do appreciate all of the helpful hints and tips and will be taking a few things as suggested on these boards but I think I'll leave the 4 person raft and crock pot at home.:)




I visited this thread last night after American Idol. The "crock pot" and the "tool kit, etc." sent me into a laughing frenzy. I laughed so hard that I was actually crying (and leaking elsewhere, too!). I thought it was the two glasses of Cabernet, but DH started reading the thread and thought it was a hoot, too.


I hope it was alright to "enjoy" the thread this much. I see some fodder for an on-board comedian, don't you? Enough of the food jokes, already!


Truly, the suggestions are helpful and greatly appreciated.


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OK...How'bout this one. I always take a compact but bright book light and extra batteries. Use it on the plane, use it as a night light, a flashlight, patio table light (candles are not a good idea on a ship). I always take a cork screw, bottle of Pepto B. and Benedryl.

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OK - I know everyone is laughing but my DH packs for every emergency! .......and I dont argue with him anymore - here are some cases in point:


On Pre-cruise Shorex I went to the bathroom in a hotel and the door handle came off...I called (Loudly) and DH went to the hotel desk for help - they could not fix the handle and I could NOT get out of the bathroom - they decided to take the door off it's hinges - BUT - they did not have a Phillips Head screwdriver to do the job -lucky for us - my DH had one packed in his "take along tool kit" or I'd have missed the bus and still be in the bathroom (This was in Australia)


Another Shorex example:

Swimming (& snorkelling) in the Seychelles - a passenger with us screamed that he had just been bitten by a snake! (this gentleman was a doctor!) It was a long and extensive "Africa" cruise - and yes - my DH had packed a "Snake Bite Kit" - Sure came in handy!


I can't tell you how many times we have "shared" medications with others that "couldn't be bothered" to take along medication "just in case" -

We carry 2 prescriptions for anti-biotics, in adition to the usual over the counter stuff for "tummy distress", "Mal de Mer", headache etc. (lots of it) for simple precaution. (A well stocked "first aid kit" is a MUST!) Yes - this takes room and adds weight - but I wouldn't travel without it - it goes in my carry-on, with the camera, documents and other stuff I can't "lose". (This would need another listing)


My Miscellaneous Pack List: (Checked luggage)

Over the door "clear shoe bag" (for shoes)

Smaller, Over the door "clear shoe bag" (for bathroom)

Small Multi Pocket "Closet Rod Hanger" bag

Bathroom "stick up" deodorizer

Alcohol and disinfectant wipes

Plastic Gloves/Masks (In case of Noro breakout)

Travel alarm clock

Extra battteries (all types as needed)

Small calculator


Rain Ponchos


Eyeglass repair kit

Crazy Glue

Personal name & address stickers

Sewing Kit

Extension cord w/multi end plugs

Small Flashlight/Nightlight

Nail "Repair & Polish" Kit

Zip Lock Bags

Swiss Army knife


Small "Tool Kit"

"Stick On Wall" Hooks (For hats etc.)

Good Corkscrew


If you plan to shop, it's a good idea to line your checked luggage with Bubble Pack" - or as an alternative I always start my pack with a liner of a large black garbage bag -just in case your luggage has to sit out on the tarmac, or in Port and it's raining - the contents will not get WET - this can and does happen right thru the zippers!


I am not a fan of cruiseship coffee - a good friend gave me a small wonderful travel coffee pot - but, I think I will just make do with tea.........the thought of bringing my own coffee, filters etc., and brewing on the balcony seems like just too much work to me--- the coffee bars (for fee) have wonderful coffee - so I'll just "bite the bullet" and pay if I really need a coffee fix! - it's a vacation after all!!


I have in the past brought duct tape and rope - never used it in over 50 cruises (Usually the ship can temporarily fix your luggage or your Steward can get you some duct tape)


As a disclaimer - we usually do the more "exotic" itineraries and longer cruises! This would be a "little Much" for a 7 day Carribbean where you could buy most of this stuff in Port!!! (We don't usually do that, unless it's to take the kids on a vacation! LOL!) :D

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Renee, you are your DH are the greatest. I loved your bathroom story, sounds like something that would happen to me. I really hope that we get to cruise with you someday. I could always meet you at disembarkation from our British Isles cruise and hand you my coffee pot.( We cruise on July 21 and Return July31) I have to take my coffee maker, it is one of the parts of cruising that I really enjoy. Believe me, I have tried a million ways to figure out how I could avoid not packing that coffee pot:) !


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The last thing I wanted this thread to turn into was place to add things to the got to have list.


My point it while the info is good we need to be careful we don't scare away newbies thinking you MUST have all of these things.



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I try to pack a little light.......... Nope, really we over pack all the time too. I do like some of the ideas here thou. The guy from Aussieland had it right. I wish I could do that too. lol I am a golfer or a reasonalbe faxcimile. So I take a hard shelled golf case . It's good for extra shoes, snorkel equipment and a few other things too. And so far sports equipment is no charge at the airlines.

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Linda - IKMAMOM - Always enjoy your posts - thanks for the good words !.. Maybe we WILL meet up one day ----

You are SO kind to offer your Coffeepot - I can use it for my 2 legs - on the Golden and then "Pass it on to another poster on the Golden TransAtlantic Aug. 20??..... maybe we could just keep this going ....... what a great idea.... Can you leave it at the Pursers' desk for me ??- easier than trying to meet at embarkation/disembarkation - that's always such a zoo - and with different times etc. it would be too hard I think. Let me know.... you can change your mind ...I won't hold you to it... just let me know sometime in July whether or not I should pack coffee, filters etc.---love ya! Renee

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One thing forgotten. Most of us do not travel without our cell phone. We usually need it till we get to our cruise ship. This small item is not only usefull as a phone but a clock to tell time by, an alarm for getting places on time, for those who have the picture phone-can substitute this as a camera thus lightening the load by simply carrying your cell phone which is always around anyway. It eliminates your camera, alarm clock and whatever else you may want to use it for. We use ours as a walkie talkie when shopping, vacationing, especially in Vegas. You can add additional min on it for your vacation spots for a small fee. My son does this in Europe. Canada and Australia when he has to go there.

Last cruise i took so much JUNK as suggested and did not use 90% of it. This time I'll go for the umbrella and rain poncho for Alaska and Hawaii, the sanitizer for all (although the ship had plenty of sanitizer around both on ship and getting off and on again.), overdoor hanger for small bathroom, small flashlight (keychain type), power strip to charge my phone, hair curler his phone etc. That all FOLKS



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Packing for a cruise is always more stressful than packing for a land vacation, as you can't just jump in the car and get what you've forgotten.



I forgot to pack all of my make-up and hair care stuff on our honeymoon cruise. What a way to "jump right into" married life and give that boy a sign of what was to come!


Now that we're older and have more cruises under our belts we have found one thing that we can't live without and the ship does not provide...in a word...



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Love this thread!


Well, we went our our 1st cruise last week and altho I did not pack ALL of that junk people were suggesting, I did have a few ziplocs full of things I have never packed for travelling before. Most of it never came out of the ziplocs, except:

* lanyards for the cruise cards - GREAT idea

* Did actually have a need to use the "personal wipes" and the hand sanitizer in a restroom in the middle of nowhere in Mexico with NO running water or toilet paper. LIFE SAVERS! :p

* Did use the extension cord.

* Never needed the duct tape until we were already off the ship and carrying two heavy cardboard boxes with handles - full of liquor. (I found Kahlua to be particularly heavy) The boxes were great for carring the liquor in (got them in the ship's gift shop), but those carboard handles KILLED our hands! So we used half a roll of duct tape to 'pad' the handles. We were so glad we had that!

* quite enjoyed having our little sign printed on magnetic paper stuck on our door.

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Hi! I have received so many helpful hints from this site. Also wanted to add my two cents. I carry a soft sided small cooler bag. Using my zip loc bags, I order sandwiches or fruit and cheese prior to leaving the ship. Comes in handy for those times where one is on a long excursion and not in an area to buy food or afraid to buy food. I carry a couple of water bottles in my cooler also. The cooler folds up flat. You probably have seen them - with pockets for other uses.

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