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Hello I'm new to this board I have a few questions that I'm hoping you can help me with. My spouse and I are thinking about taking a cruise we have two children ages 7 and 19mos our biggest concern is the babyis too young to cruise? Second is ther one cruise line better than another as far as kid's activities? Is a week too long? We would be first time cruisers so any help would be greatly appreciated!!smile.gif

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I think that seven is a good age, the nineteen months I think is a little young although I have heard that RCCL is trying a new program with Fischer Price. I think that it is mentioned on this board.

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You'll get lots of people on these boards telling you not to take baby on board. But you have to judge for yourself if baby likes to travel (some do, some don't). For sure, the youngest won't be able to participate in the kids' programs. You'll have to have his/her with you or spouse at all times unless you find cruise line that has babysitting for that young. These posts will let you know.

We took our daughter on Carnival at age 23 months and she was too young for the program. But she had fun anyway. She saw a couple of the shows (we sat near the back just in case she fussed so we can make a quick escape -- but we didn't need to). The crew members usually made a fuss over her (many of children back home and really miss them). I made sure to pack (overpack) her normal supplies including a potty ring for potty training. It was a 3-day cruise so that made it easy. At 3, we fly to Miami and did a 7-day and she could participate in the Carnival program which she loved. Carnival will take those who aren't potty-trained (she was in pullups then) and will change diapers supposely but I think sometimes they weren't always good about checking.

Since then she has been on 3 more cruises and next Xmas we're going to be on a 15-day. But I don't think she'll mind all those sea days as she prefers to be in the kids zone (Princess).

I would suggest you try the shortest cruise you can take just to make sure everyone likes it. Take along comforts of home (a favorite toy with a tag attached with your cabin on it just in case it gets lost, enough diapers as you might not be able to get the right size in the ship's stores, snack foods).

BTW Princess cabins all have a small frig. But Carnival has more children's programming on the TV.

Another suggestion is checking out the various cruiseline websites such as RCL, Princess, Carnival, etc. and see what you can find about babysitting, age requirements, etc. Have fun.

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You mentioned your youngest is 19 months, but not when you plan to travel. If you wait until he/she is 2, the Carnival program starts at 2. Even if you don't use it all that much, it could give you a needed break and provide a good deal of entertainment value for the kids.

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You mentioned your youngest is 19 months, but not when you plan to travel. If you wait until he/she is 2, the Carnival program starts at 2. Even if you don't use it all that much, it could give you a needed break and provide a good deal of entertainment value for the kids.


that would be my recommendation as well. we took a 2 year hiatus on cruising until our youngest turned 2. She did her first cruise on Carnival at 25 months - because Carnival will accept 2 y/o. Have to stay with Carnival until 3 then we can explore. The cruise lines offer no leeway on their age entry requirements.

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We just traveled with my brother's family and his kids are ages 1 and 2 (almost three) - they had a good time but they had to do excursions based on what the kids could do - we did take the kids for them once so they could do an excursion on there own. It helps if you have family traveling with you. We were on RCCL and the kids program there starts at 3 and for the kids to swim in the pool they need to be potty trained. Any more questions please let me know!

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We took our then 16 month old daughter on a 7 day cruise in January. We all had a great time. It was so great to see the looks on the crew members faces that lit up every time they saw her. We did not care that we could not take her and drop her off in some kids program - we were going on a family vacation so being with her was our plan. We also didn't care that she wasn't allowed in the pools - they were too cold to get into anyway - even for the adults. We had a balcony room (she loved the balcony but she was never unattended) and we took her to the late (8:30) dinner every night and she was never a problem. You have to use your own judgement, but it was no more work for us to take her on vacation with us then it would be to stay home. But we have been traveling with her since she was 9 weeks (she has flown 33 flights by 18 months).

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We took our then 16 month old daughter on a 7 day cruise in January. We all had a great time. It was so great to see the looks on the crew members faces that lit up every time they saw her. We did not care that we could not take her and drop her off in some kids program - we were going on a family vacation so being with her was our plan. We also didn't care that she wasn't allowed in the pools - they were too cold to get into anyway - even for the adults. We had a balcony room (she loved the balcony but she was never unattended) and we took her to the late (8:30) dinner every night and she was never a problem. You have to use your own judgement, but it was no more work for us to take her on vacation with us then it would be to stay home. But we have been traveling with her since she was 9 weeks (she has flown 33 flights by 18 months).


first child, huh?

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Yep, First child. #2 will be here in May and we are not going to stop traveling. Looking at booking a cruise for fall 2005/winter 2006.


the reason I asked was because of the way you said "some kids program". Our daughters were enrolled in day care since 6 weeks so we look at it differently. They have a blast and so do we - at night or during an adult excursion they are at the Camp. Otherwise they're with us. I know Carnival has a 4+ age month limit (other lines vary). Bon Voyage.

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This is a personal decision with no right or wrong answer. We cruised twice when we were first married, and then waited almost 15 years to sail again. For us, we were ready when the boys were 11 and 13 years old. We enjoy camping, so that's what we did when the boys were small, then added Disneyland vacations at around age 5. So now we enjoy all 3 types of vacations; yes, we still enjoy camping! LOL :)


Whatever you decide, have fun.

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the reason I asked was because of the way you said "some kids program". Our daughters were enrolled in day care since 6 weeks so we look at it differently. They have a blast and so do we - at night or during an adult excursion they are at the Camp. Otherwise they're with us. I know Carnival has a 4+ age month limit (other lines vary). Bon Voyage.


I am taking my 23 mth old in May and he is our first child and he is also in daycare. We don't want to put him in children's programs because he is in daycare all week. We already miss so much with him during the week that taking a vacation to us is to spend the time as a family that we miss working all week. When he is old enough to decide if he wants in a program on a cruise line than we have no problem enrolling but at this point he is still "ours" for the trip.

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Sorry if I sounded defensive. We have had so many people tell us that we would quit traveling when we had kids, so that is what my response was about. BTW, DD goes to work with us everyday, so no she isn't in daycare. I see nothing wrong with people that do put their kids in daycare (or the kids programs) - it is a personal decision. I guess I have just seen the response on these boards so many times that you shouldn't cruise with small children because you won't have any fun, but we enjoy being with our daughter so we had fun with her (maybe just a different type of fun).

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It's up to you! My idea of a great vacation is with my kids. We left our oldest years ago when she was 18 mos. We were SO glad we didn't take her, she developed the chicken pox while we were gone and my mom was stuck at home with her. LOL If we had taken her we would have been quarantined. So, be sure your little one is up do date on immunizations. That was a 4 day cruise.


On our 7 day cruise 2 years ago we missed our kids about half way through. We saw all these other little ones having tons of fun, they were well behaved except for a few that were unsupervised. But, even when I talked to them in the elevator and asked them about what they were doing, what was the funnest part of the cruise, what was their favorite thing to eat..... It seemed as soon as they got a little positive attention they wanted to be good little cruisers and were better behaved(at least around me-lol).


We're taking ours in Jan., they'll be 13, 10, 8, 8(boy/girl twins). We're practicing now our table manners, stranger danger and talking to them about manners. They're already pretty good but when they get excited they can forget to use their indoor voices or walk in the hallways.

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Hi, I just posted a response regarding cruising with young children on the "cruising with a 10 month old" just after this thread. If you take a look, I gave a couple of tips we found helpful the first time we cruised with our 8 month old at the time (she is now 8 years old, on her third cruise, and picked a cruise over Disney and a few Caribbean Island choices). We also have a 5 year old who did her first cruise at 3.


Like many others who posted, we work full time and the kids are in daycare most of the week. We wanted a vacation that allowed for a variety of activities that we could do as a family. If you are really into going to the lounges, disco, casino for late nights, then the cruise is not for you. But, we had a blast with our daughter, taking long walks around the ship at night, there is still plenty of excitement going on.


But cruising with a toddler is a lot of fun. The staff goes out of the way to help with everything. After the first time we ordered milk to be brought to our room for 7 am when she woke up, they brought it every day. And, when our 3 year old took her first cruise, it took one night for the wait staff to understand her deep love for black olives, every night we went to dinner from there on in, there was a small bowl waiting for her at her place setting!


We sail RCCL, can't comment on the other lines. We tried RCCL and are so pleased with the numerous activities there are for us to do as a family, we've never looking anywhere else. My girls love the Vegas style shows with the singing and dancing, and the ice show is a hit too.


If you really look carefully at the excursions, there are plenty to choose from that accomodate young children, especially beach breaks.


I say go for it, because they have been traveling since they were young, we can travel with ease. Last year we flew from Boston to Maui for a 10 day visit. It was me who got restless on the plane! Now a flight from Boston to FL seems like a drive to the grocery store!



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But cruising with a toddler is a lot of fun. The staff goes out of the way to help with everything. After the first time we ordered milk to be brought to our room for 7 am when she woke up, they brought it every day. And, when our 3 year old took her first cruise, it took one night for the wait staff to understand her deep love for black olives, every night we went to dinner from there on in, there was a small bowl waiting for her at her place setting!


We sail RCCL, can't comment on the other lines. We tried RCCL and are so pleased with the numerous activities there are for us to do as a family, we've never looking anywhere else. My girls love the Vegas style shows with the singing and dancing, and the ice show is a hit too.


If you really look carefully at the excursions, there are plenty to choose from that accomodate young children, especially beach breaks.


I say go for it, because they have been traveling since they were young, we can travel with ease. Last year we flew from Boston to Maui for a 10 day visit. It was me who got restless on the plane! Now a flight from Boston to FL seems like a drive to the grocery store!




I recently sailed on the Dawn Princess and, although we had tons of fun, I have to say they did not proactively pamper my toddler the way you describe on RCCL. We had to remind the server every night to bring out food for him right away (he was 20 months old), and only after about 5 days did they remember to have juice out for him when we arrived. There was other little things that did not flow well, too. So, after reading your post I am more excited than ever that my next cruise is going to be on RCCL. I am going next spring right after my little guy turns 3. April 22, 2006 on the Grandeur of the Seas. Yippee!!!!


And I totally agree about not having expectations of late nights dancing and clubbing. Actually I recommend that people have very low expectations of what they will be able to do and just relax. Tommy LOVED just hanging by the pool, and he loved the beach excursions the most. Even though having a 20-mo-old was challenging at times, it is challenging at home somtimes too, and I don't have anyone cooking for me at home, LOL!!!

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Hi Shellie,


I really can't say enough about RCCL and how accommodating they are with kids.


Our last cruise was 2 years ago and our youngest was 3, oldest was 5 at the time. The oldest was excited to try Adventure Ocean, but wanted her sister there too. Problem was, 1 month before sailing and the 3 year old was not potty trained. Well, we explained to her that she would not be able to go to "camp" with her sister, and 2 weeks later, completely trained. The first time they went was for a couple of hours at night. We all went to dinner together and then brought them up. They spent about 2-3 hours (we checked in once during that time) and when we went to get them, they were so reluctant to leave. They begged to go back after that. They went one more night for a longer time and again, loved it. One of the theme nights is Pirate Night for the kids. I highly recommend it. The staff made pirate hats and face painted the kids to look like pirates. Then they had a parade through the ship, the dining room, promenade, etc. yelling out "pirate night, what a fright, walk the plank" it was the cutest thing and we have some great pictures and video.


This time, they want to go a little more often at night, especially the night the kids go to Johnny Rockets.


So, if your 3 year old is ready, even just a couple of hours, they take excellent care of them and the kids really enjoy spending time with others there age.


Which ports are you going to? We've been to Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Cozumel, Antigua, Barbardos, ST. Thomas and St. Lucia. Our cruise next month is Belize, Cozumel, Costa Maya and Grand Cayman. So, if you want any tips on excursions that work well for kids, feel free to ask.

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Hi Shellie,


I really can't say enough about RCCL and how accommodating they are with kids.


Our last cruise was 2 years ago and our youngest was 3, oldest was 5 at the time. The oldest was excited to try Adventure Ocean, but wanted her sister there too. Problem was, 1 month before sailing and the 3 year old was not potty trained. Well, we explained to her that she would not be able to go to "camp" with her sister, and 2 weeks later, completely trained. The first time they went was for a couple of hours at night. We all went to dinner together and then brought them up. They spent about 2-3 hours (we checked in once during that time) and when we went to get them, they were so reluctant to leave. They begged to go back after that. They went one more night for a longer time and again, loved it. One of the theme nights is Pirate Night for the kids. I highly recommend it. The staff made pirate hats and face painted the kids to look like pirates. Then they had a parade through the ship, the dining room, promenade, etc. yelling out "pirate night, what a fright, walk the plank" it was the cutest thing and we have some great pictures and video.


This time, they want to go a little more often at night, especially the night the kids go to Johnny Rockets.


So, if your 3 year old is ready, even just a couple of hours, they take excellent care of them and the kids really enjoy spending time with others there age.


Which ports are you going to? We've been to Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Cozumel, Antigua, Barbardos, ST. Thomas and St. Lucia. Our cruise next month is Belize, Cozumel, Costa Maya and Grand Cayman. So, if you want any tips on excursions that work well for kids, feel free to ask.


We're going to Cozymel, Grand Cayman, and Costa Maya. Leaving from New Orleans.


One of the reasons that we are going right after he turns 3 next year is so that he can go to the kids area. On the last cruise he loved the kids area, but I had to stay with him the whole time he was there, and it wasn't that fun for me to be in there with him because it definitely wasn't toddler-proof, kwim? He goes to day care 2 days a week and loves to be around other kids so much. So I think he will love a couple of hours here in there in the kids area. Of course, Grandpa will be with us so he might never want to go, LOL, but you never know.


I'm so excited to cruise again and also this time to try RCCL.



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The last time we were in Grand Cayman we took a boat that had a submarine type viewing area, all in glass, underneath. You climbed down a set of stairs in to the submarine area. My daughter was really young at the time and she loved being able to see all the fish under the ocean. Very different than going to an aquarium. So, even though they can't snorkel at 3, still got to experience what is was like under water.


In Cozumel, we did a jeep tour. It was a little bumpy, and I was a little nervous because there was no seat belts, she sat between me and my husband and we both had our arms around her. If I had to do it over, probably wouldn't with a child that young.


I hope you have as good a time on RCCL as we do!

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We went on Carnival 2 years ago with our then 7-year-old son. Our 3-year-old daughter stayed at home, because I just wasn't ready to take her on a cruise yet. I thought it would be more work than fun, since that was our first cruise with children of any age. I also was worried about her on such a big ship with so many dangers, but now that I've had exposure to the kid's program, I think she would have been fine. It all depends on your plans and expectations for the cruise. If you take along a child too young for the program, you must expect to be with them 24/7. But if that's what you want, then go for it!


On that cruise, I let my 7-year-old pick and choose what he wanted to do at Camp Carnival. He usually spent most of the morning there doing one thing or another, and spent the afternoons with us swimming and going down the waterslide. We made the mistake of choosing late seating dinner, and there were no activities during early seating, so we used that time to swim in an almost deserted pool. But right after dinner, it was time for bed.


We are going in 3 weeks with both kids (now 5 and 9), and I'm really excited about the fun they will have. I do want to spend some time with them, but I want to have some alone time too. And they will want to spend some time away from us, I'm sure, especially since there are so many fun things going on. My 5yo DD is especially social, so she may want to spend the whole time with other little kids her age. We are doing early seating this time so that they don't miss out on the activities that go on during late seating, and so that we don't have to go straight to bed after stuffing ourselves. ;)

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We were on RCCL also and they loved our daughter. Everytime a crew member saw her their faces just lit up and they couldn't pass without taliking to her. After the first night, they always had applesauce waiting for us to arrive and a small glass with a straw for her water.


We were very pleased with how welcome she was on the ship and in the dining room.

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We were on RCCL also and they loved our daughter. Everytime a crew member saw her their faces just lit up and they couldn't pass without taliking to her. After the first night, they always had applesauce waiting for us to arrive and a small glass with a straw for her water.


We were very pleased with how welcome she was on the ship and in the dining room.


I am so happy to hear that. I already think that I am going to love RCCL. Like you I have traveled many many times already with my little one. He's my little traveling companion. We've even taken a couple of plane trips without my hubby, to visit friends and family. I am so excited to take him on another cruise. We're getting a balcony this time, yippee!!!!

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We too will be taking our 2 yr old on a cruise next month(already? been planning for a year). She is our third child. The other 2 went on a cruise 5 years ago. One was just 4 the other was 18 months. As you can tell from my sign on name I believe traveling with kids is one of the reasons you have them. RCCL was terrific on our last cruise. We are traveling on them again. This time on the Navigator of the Seas. There is always on board babysitting for those few times you want a break. I think you will have a blast. I always do. My kids ALWAYS do. And when we are happy so is hubby.:) Good luck hunting.:confused: I can let you know how it goes.



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Last summer we took my then 18 month old daughter, 4 year old son and 13 year old son on a European cruise on the Royal Princess. They all had a blast. I had never cruised with children before so it was a completely different experience than cruising by yourself. The staff were very attentive to my little girl and always had the high chair set up in the dining room for her and her juice ready from the first night. Other passengers doted on her as well. However, since she was too young for the kids club it did limit what my husband and I could do together. For instance, someone had to be in the cabin with her from 7pm on since that was her bedtime and "her crankiness" couldn't tolerate staying up later. Another thing that bothered us was how easily she could slip under the rails and off the deck of the ship. We found ourselves having to limit outdoor time or take it in shifts or having to watch her like a hawk or hold her the entire time. But we did have a good time anyway. She was a huge hit in port in Morrocco with the soldiers there and she was an angel on our day long trip to the Beaches of Normandy. I think you will all have a great time as long as your expectations are in check. Now she is over 2 and this time around we made sure to have a kid's club that she could go to also.



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  • 1 month later...

We are taking my son who will then be 18 months in Nov 05. We're going on RCCL because they have babysitting in the room for him for $8-10 per hour. Also, we are going with my in-laws (they are great). So, between the babysitting and the rotating between the 4 of us, we'll all have a great time together. Also, I read on another forum here that RCCL has plexiglass on the inside of the railings and several other safety measures for little ones. And, we're going to bring a toddler leash just in case. We can always return it if we don't use it, but I'd rather be safe than sorry even if others give me dirty looks. ;)


Hope you enjoy your cruise and hope this helps.



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