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Decline in food quality on RCI fleet


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Food has gone downhill b/c it CAN and we still keep cruising. If we start sailing other lines b/c the food is so bad, only that will change things. Money talks.


I just read a recent Liberty review where they say the food wasn't good and inferior to other lines they sailed. However, at the end of the review, they DID say they would sail Liberty and RCCL again. So, the other things, besides food, are keeping pax filling the ships.


It is a shame but I guess the best we can hope for, those than enjoy good food, is that the pay for dining options don't also go downhill.


I think it is interesting the amount of Oasis dining options that are going into the Radiance after drydock. Sambas, Giovannis, Park Cafe, Boardwalk dogs, Izumi, Chefs Table. Maybe the ships that appeal to people that do not care about or use rock walls or flowriders and don't want dreamworks, will become more about the food, but at a cost. It's sort of fair, pax that don't desire better food than currently served in WJ may not want to have their cruise fare higher to support the foodies.

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I think part of the problem is that people tend to stick to one cruise line too long and grow tired of the same old menus. We did 4 RCI cruises and thoroughly enjoyed everyone but in all honesty, after the fourth we needed a change. We did a Princess (the food was outstanding btw) and we're getting ready to do our 3rd Carnival. Carnival's food is a notch below RCI IMHO but is still rather good.


So now we're lined up to return to RCI and I'm looking forward to the menus, Windjammer, Seattle's best and maybe even a visit to Chops. It all seems new to me now. So we'll do a few RCI and then when its starting to get old, we'll change it up.

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I think part of the problem is that people tend to stick to one cruise line too long and grow tired of the same old menus. We did 4 RCI cruises and thoroughly enjoyed everyone but in all honesty, after the fourth we needed a change. We did a Princess (the food was outstanding btw) and we're getting ready to do our 3rd Carnival. Carnival's food is a notch below RCI IMHO but is still rather good.


So now we're lined up to return to RCI and I'm looking forward to the menus, Windjammer, Seattle's best and maybe even a visit to Chops. It all seems new to me now. So we'll do a few RCI and then when its starting to get old, we'll change it up.


Excellent observation. That's why we vary our vacations from year to year. We mix it up between cruises, Disney vacations, land resorts, or just renting a house on the beach. That way we don't get bored with doing the same old, same old. If I was on the same cruise year after year, I'd probably get pretty tired of everything, too, including the food.

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Uh.........no. There you go again ASSuming. No one took it personally that you gave your opinion on the food quality or lack thereof :rolleyes:


What part of no one wishes to sit back and let you call them sheeple because they DO like the food though are you having trouble comprehending here? :confused:


Fact is, you keep on putting down folks with your snide remarks that dont share your opinion by calling them cheerleaders and many here are calling you out on it. Why do you have to put down others to make yourself feel better about your opinion?


Good grief.


As I said Ryno...if you and mummy are happy with the food then all is right with the world.:)


But those of us who notice the difference will continue to voice our opinions.




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Don't let some of these people fool you. The food on the ships is good to very good.

Why is it that when someone gives a negative opinion about the food, everyone wants to say that is your opinion and yada yada yada, but when someone paints the food as being good, they can state it as fact as the above poster is doing?

It makes them feel better to be complaining about this.
please do not assume that by voicing our opinion about the food, we are in some way making ourselves feel better. You do not know me or the others, and so you have no right to make such a statement. What would of made me feel better would of been a better experience in regards to the food.


You don't have to cook it, don't have to serve it, & don't have to clean up. Starting to sound better all the time.

I have 3 eggs left over that expired over a week ago. Forgot to put them in the trash, anyway, I can cook some up for you........serve it for you....and even clean up after your done! Does that make the expired eggs any better?? Furthermore, this type of attitude above, is why I feel that the food has declined. Several reasons:

1)Prices for commodities have steadily gone up including food, fuel and probably staff. Cruise prices have not gone up. The lines have to make up the money somewhere.

2)RCI has new ships that aren't even selling out and have to pay for all the builds.

3)Being that prices have not gone up, cruise lines are now attracting a larger segment of vacationers. This is why you don't see people dressing up on cruises. This is why you see MANY threads about "smuggling". This is why you see so many people ditch out on the final night to avoid Tipping. Like it or not, but my opinion is, as cruises are becoming more affordable, the cruise clientele becomes less and less sophisticated and more and more joe six packs. BTW, I consider myself more of a six pack guy then sophisticated

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There are clearly 2 braindead people in this thread. Why are you 2 insisting that your opinion on the taste of the food is universal? So since probably one of you listen Justin Bieber are we all now supposed to say thats good music cuz you find it so??? What is so hard to comprehend about stating your opinion and leaving it at that? Why are you 2 on a crusade to try to get everyone to have the same taste buds as you? It's ok to have an opinion and not have everyone agree on it. Trust me, you'll get through it. Someone likes the food on RCCL, RING THE ALARMS!!!!!!!!! You don't like the food and you think it has degraded over time. Which I'm pretty sure everyone is on the same page about cheaper food being bought. Some still find the food to be "good", why is that such a sin and a call for a crusade to change that opinion? You 2 are wacked.

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Why are you 2 insisting that your opinion on the taste of the food is universal? So since probably one of you listen Justin Bieber are we all now supposed to say thats good music cuz you find it so???


:eek::eek::eek::eek: As Kelso would say, Burn!!

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you should read your signature more often.


Please explain? I asked a question......what does that have to do with my signature? I was not insulted by your post. Just wondering why you feel the need to throw out insults.


Often fine that people feel the need to throw insults when they have no leg to stand on.


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So since probably one of you listen Justin Bieber are we all now supposed to say thats good music cuz you find it so???


No, actually, their argument would be more like:


Oh, you like Justin Bieber? Well, he used to be a wonderful singer before Usher discovered him. I remember seeing him in this tiny venue back in the day. Since the masses have discovered him, his songs have gone way down hill. But that's what happens when the sheep will listen to whatever the radio stations will spoon feed them. It's all the sheep's fault.


Elitism isn't attractive on anyone.

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If you are not happy, switch to Celebrity...you go at the level you are on with RCI because they are owned by the same parent company. It is a notch above RCI but to be honest be have never been on a bad cruise with them either.:D



Ya kiddin me? Knots and Bakin are RCI's golden eggs. They continue to cruise RCCL despite finding no satisfaction in the meals already paid for. They willingly continue to cruise with RCI and dine in all the specialty restaurants pumping more revenue into the company. This is as Bakincakes thinks is exactly the customers they want. Talk about sheep.

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3)Being that prices have not gone up, cruise lines are now attracting a larger segment of vacationers. This is why you don't see people dressing up on cruises. This is why you see MANY threads about "smuggling". This is why you see so many people ditch out on the final night to avoid Tipping. Like it or not, but my opinion is, as cruises are becoming more affordable, the cruise clientele becomes less and less sophisticated and more and more joe six packs. BTW, I consider myself more of a six pack guy then sophisticated


Thank you for being honest, and predictable.

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If you read my post, there are 5 questions you won't answer. I often "fine" (as you say) that people who avoid questions have no leg to stand on.

Now we are breaking CC guidelines by pointing out spelling mistakes. I don't type for a living and hit the E key when I thought I had hit the D key.:p

Here are your answers:

Why are you 2 insisting that your opinion on the taste of the food is universal?

Show me one post where I state or imply that taste is universal.

So since probably one of you listen Justin Bieber are we all now supposed to say that’s good music cuz you find it so???

Sorry, don't know who Mr. Bieber is let alone what kind of music he plays. Also, the discussion at hand is not one cruise lines food against another. We are discussing the DECKINLE in food. A better analogy would be the late Ludwig van Beethoven music before or after his hearing loss.

What is so hard to comprehend about stating your opinion and leaving it at that?

Because this is a discussion board...where we discuss issues such as food quality. If you have a problem with discussions going back and forth, perhaps you would be better off writing your own blog.

Why are you 2 on a crusade to try to get everyone to have the same taste buds as you?

No crusade here, again, show me where I have tried to get people to have the same taste buds. I think I have been very clear in stating my feelings as my opinion. I am not the one telling other new cruisers what they will like and not like. Seems as though the pro RCI foodies, are the ones telling posters they will like the food....how can one make such a statement. I do not see where I told anyone how they will like the food. Those are the posters from your camp my friend.

. Some still find the food to be "good", why is that such a sin and a call for a crusade to change that opinion? You 2 are wacked.

I think I have made my self clear with my other answers.

Again, why the need to throw out insults such as calling us braindead or wacked? Does that make you feel better or strengthen your argument???

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Ya kiddin me? Knots and Bakin are RCI's golden eggs. They continue to cruise RCCL despite finding no satisfaction in the meals already paid for. They willingly continue to cruise with RCI and dine in all the specialty restaurants pumping more revenue into the company. This is as Bakincakes thinks is exactly the customers they want. Talk about sheep.

Listen close my friend, you have got to stop making false statements that are ridiculous. I have cruised RCI in the PAST. Didn't cruise RCI in 5 years, went back and found the product not to be what it was 5 years ago. I am not, and will probably not be cruising RCI. Why do you make statements that are sooooo un true? Again, do you think this strengthens your argument? Absurd to say the least.

You throw out several insults. You point out a typo, then you make a false statement about whom I will be sailing with. I will end it here as I see the intellect seems to be at different levels.




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Has food quality declined some? Yes. But prices have also declined. I am paying less now for my cruises than I did in 1997 when I first started cruising. I think suggested tips increased a little but not much since then. So cruising is a bargain, and I don't think many here disagree with that.


But...At some point I hope cruise lines realize that a lot of us including me would be willing to pay a little more (maybe 5 or 10 percent) to get better quality food. The MDR elegant experience is part of what makes me and my wife feel like a King and Queen -- for a week at least. Please don't spoil this with poor food.


Also, it seems to me that as more dishes are poorly prepared, there will be more food wasted with more people re-ordering something else. That does not sound like a cost-saving measure to me. Hmmm...I wonder if the cost saving is in the quality of the actual food, or in the quality of preparation (read this as "paying chefs less and getting less qualified chefs) -- or most likely both. Well, I say to ship lines DON'T DO THIS, because I think this could eventually ruin you.


Even on land I know of several restaurants that either had poor food initially or had good food but eventually the food got poor. Well, even if these places turned it around and started searving good food, they all seemed to eventually fold because people took their business elsewhere and these places could not recover from their bad reputation. Same for cruises. If the experience ever turns poor (and it only takes one thing to make it poor -- like bad food), I will find alternative vacations.


Now, currently, RCCL to me still has pretty decent food in the MDR. The prime rib (served 2 nights on the 7-day Voyager of the Seas) was very food. The fillet of beef the 2nd night was very tender and flavorful. The Black Angus Top Sirloin on the alternative every-day menu is hit-or-miss but never has been great. (I wonder if this is the steak some poster say could not cut or chewed.) Soups were good but bordeline too salty -- I suggest the chef not add so much salt as I can always add salt at the table. I don't care for the Windjamer lunch that much, as I find the "hot" food not very tasty and often room temperature -- but I still find enought to eat there. I can always get a good sandwich at Cafe Promenade. I enjoy the Windjammer taco and nacho afternoon snacks (not sure if this is shipwide or just on certain cruises). Breakfast is still good, and I often eat a lot for breakfast and not so much for lunch.


One more thing: I have read that the windjammer evening dinner is often very good -- even cooked-to-order steaks. I will have to try this something. I think there are other threads on this.

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But...At some point I hope cruise lines realize that a lot of us including me would be willing to pay a little more (maybe 5 or 10 percent) to get better quality food.


I think cruislines across the board are already addressing this with the specialty restaurants. This way people who are happy with the food in the MDR or who do not cruise primarily for the food, do not have to pay an increased price. While those who want a more upscale dining experience can opt to pay for that experience in the specialty restaurants. IMO, it's a win-win. Keep the fares low, provide a base level of service and let each passenger customize their vacation by paying extra for the services they prefer to use.


If the experience ever turns poor (and it only takes one thing to make it poor -- like bad food), I will find alternative vacations.


I agree!

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I think cruislines across the board are already addressing this with the specialty restaurants. This way people who are happy with the food in the MDR or who do not cruise primarily for the food, do not have to pay an increased price. While those who want a more upscale dining experience can opt to pay for that experience in the specialty restaurants. IMO, it's a win-win. Keep the fares low, provide a base level of service and let each passenger customize their vacation by paying extra for the services they prefer to use.


I agree. It is a win-win unless cruise lines purposely decrease the quality of the food in order to encourage more people to pay for the specialty restaurants. I recall another thread devoted to this. So, I'm all for the specialty and fancier restaurants, if the MDR does not decrease in quality because of these other upcharge restaurants. Personally, I rarely eat in any specialty restaurant, although sometimes I have ordered the $14.95 Chop's fillet in the MDR. And, even the reviews of Portofino and Chop's are mixed (but I suppose reviews on just about any restaurant will be mixed). As I have said, I can always find good food in the MDR. I just don't want it to get worse.


Maybe more upcharge items in the MDR is the answer, similar to the Chop's fillet. That way those who don't want to pay extra don't have too -- even those in your family or group who dine with you. But, being a broken record, I still say to RCCL "Please don't lower the quality of the MDR food in order to encourage paying an upcharge." Also, $14.95 seems a little high for the upcharge for the fillet. $9.95 would be more like it, since all you are paying for is the extra cut of meat. The chef, the service, the room, the side items -- these are the same cost regardless.

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