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"We Made the Ship This Time!" Another cruisin USA "Long and Lengthy" review

cruisin USA

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Thank you one and all for commenting, and telling me that it's Don's problem and not mine.....whew....I was kinda worried there for a minute..


Got some work to do at the bar(We're sound checking the band tonight).


Although I won't make it through day 3 tonight.....I will continue the review around midnight EST.



Thanks again,



Gary aka cruisin USA

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Finally got a shot of the “Welcome to Grand Turk” sign that was being blocked by all the peeps as we cast off.





As we took off, we looked back at the beach we’d just been on. Where there’d been over a thousand people on that beach an hour ago, it was COMPLETELY empty now.




The awning was right behind us at the beach




It took awhile for Grand Turk to fade from view. We just enjoyed the view from our balcony as we started our way to Half Moon Cay. We decided to skip lunch, as tonight was our chef’s table, and we wanted to be hungry. We did get a little something to nibble on however, and then walked around the ship. We saw all the art on stands packing the Criterion Lounge. We’re not much for art auctions,(but free champagne?…that’s another story) We didn’t stop this time, but I remember thinking to myself that it took a LOT of work to move all that art into the lounge. The casino opened. We decided to play the slots. In the olden days(kiddies), you’d just put your money in, and play, and cash out(hopefully) when you were done. Now your play is connected to your sign and sail account(making it easier to spend money you don’t see). I didn’t like it. Winnings would be deposited into your sail and sign from what I understood. We both played, and as luck would have it, got our $20 back each, and I thought that was that(more later). We went over, and checked our photos out. Saw a few that we wanted, but we’d be back later for them. Pretty soon it was time to get ready for our Past Guest Party/Chef’s table. Back to the cabin to get ready, and off we went.


.....to be continued.....

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The Palladium showroom is typical of most Carnival showrooms. Large and Opulent. The last PG party, the room was practically empty. This time, at least the lower area was partially full, with a few people upstairs. Waiters were carrying trays of drinks, and distributing them out. Mary Ann tried a blue number, that I thought might be a mai tai(ended up being a margarita). I had my usual whiskey sour off the tray. There were also waiters distributing "finger food“. The first one comes up to us. I can’t believe it. Same chicken salad on a rye crisp, and gelatinous blob of red atop a cracker as last year!!! There were also waiters with trays of various cheese chunks, and olives. This was the first time we saw the Destiny band this trip. Very good. Female lead singer who could belt it out!!! At one point she came out into the audience while singing Bob Seger’s “Old Time Rock and Roll” Next thing I know she’s right behind us. Next thing I know she’s shoving the microphone in my face to sing 1 line. “I love that old time rock and roll”. I thought I did a pretty good job. After a few songs, Brent, the cruise director comes in and thanks us for being returning Carnival guests.They have some kind of drawing. It's for raffle tickets for a future cruise(another money maker, I'm sure). The lady that won just happened to be right upfront..




Wild Glasses Lady!!



After telling us the raffle tickets can be bought just out the lower level doors, a movie screen comes down. The lights darken Then they play the same movie as last year with Jerry Cahill and John Heald also thanking us.









The movie also featured the original owner of Carnival explaining to us, how he got in the cruise ship business. How he bought his first ship, and made it the Carnival Mardi Gras. The story went on about how on its first cruise, the ship ran aground. They ended up having to buy everyone’s drinks. The owner explained that as the people were leaving the boat, that an interviewer was asking someone coming off the boat about the trip. They answered that it surely was a “Fun ship”(and history was made). They again went through the Carnival fleet encouraging us to cheer if we’d been on any of the ships they feature. They started with the first Carnival ship, and worked their way chronologically through the fleet. Mary Ann and I cheered up a storm when we saw the Ecstasy, Imagination, and Paradise. But again, the biggest cheers came when the Destiny was on the screen. The presentation was over. The band started up again, and they encouraged people to come up on the stage and dance. We left. It was almost time to meet up for the chef’s table.



.....to be continued.....

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I need to know..... Is anyone else there having trouble reading this review? Over 1500 hits in under 24 hrs! Seems like a waste of time if everyones having a hard time understanding it like Don...or is he one of these trolls I've heard about?


DON'T CHANGE A THING! I think Don is one of those people who thinks he is cool but we all know differently so carry on, carry on. I love the font because it's easy to read and I also like the way that you break up your paragraphs so that my eyes don't start to cross. I guess I just LOVE everything about your reviews...or I wouldn't be back for another round.



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Loving your review! It's very easy to follow, the font is awesome (no reading glasses needed). Please don't change a thing. (and you're really making me want to change my next cruise to another aft wrap, they are awsome) Thanks for taking the time to share your trip with us. :)

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The Chef’s Table



The entrance of the Galaxy dining room at 6:20. Okay….but there’s 4 entrances(2 upper, 2 lower). We ended up walking through the dining room.(we’d eaten here on our first cruise aboard Destiny) and made our way to the matre d podium. I knew they’d know where we’d meet. Turns out we needed to be on the bottom floor, atrium side of the dining room. We went there, and settled on the couches. Alison was playing light classical music(very quietly). Mary Ann had to use the restroom. I sat there, and waited. Some other people began to sit down. Ray came up, said Froufie was on her way. Eventually, the chef made his way there. After we all(13 of us) were accounted for, the chef led us through the dining room into the kitchen. There, just inside the entrance way, he gave a small talk about the kitchen and the supplies they keep on hand. He explained that he orders every 2 weeks, and that with little variation, most cruises use the exact same amount of supplies give or take. He said that they always keep an extra days provisions just in case. He mentioned that the food that they order is close to $450,000 worth of provisions. Although the chef made good eye contact he was VERY hard to understand. Have you ever had to call an 800 number for information, and talked to someone who was very HARD to understand, making the conversation all but impossible? (nowadays I’ve learned to hang up, and call again till I find someone who I can understand). Couldn’t do that here though. I know that it seriously hampered our entire experience. Just like the Italian officer last time who gave us muster drill(though not understanding him could have been a matter of life and death to us!) , maybe they need a liaison, a PR person who speaks very clearly. The chef could have just stood there, and elaborated a few points….oh well….Soooooooooo we head deeper into the kitchen. The chef takes us to the dessert preperation area. He asks for a volunteer. A young lady steps up. Next thing, she’s got a hat and apron on, and she’s helping them making a big batch of Warm Chocolate Melting Cake. She’s beats the eggs, but the chef takes over making sure there’s no lumps.(ended up the chef had to pull something out of the beaten eggs. Someone said they thought it was chocalate...hmmm)They mix the chocolate, eggs, etc, and after being well whisked they pour the cake into 2 big ceramic urns. We find out we’re going to get these for our dessert. The chef then takes us by the “line”, where waiters are bustling around trying to get their orders. We’d been in here before during last years “Behind the Scenes” visit We’re about 10 feet away from the line. Just far enough to stay out of the waiters way. It’s here that we’re handed a glass of champagne. Then they hand us a plate, with a napkin and small fork on top of it. As soon as everyone got a plate, this gal came up to everyone, and took the napkin, and put it underneath the plate while you held it(why they couldn't just remember to hand it to you that way is beyond me). I was 4th in line, but was fast enough to get the idea. I had mine done before she got to me, but off she moved to the next person. So here we are, champagne in one hand, and plates/napkins/forks in the other. Then they come up and put a small sample on our plate. Ahi Tuna Tarter…Yum…raw tuna…tasted pickled to me...hehe. Mary Ann didn’t like hers. Ray got a what looked chicken hash on a cracker. I got done with mine before the next item. A lot of other people were still working on theirs. It was hard to maneuver in our little corner, both hands full. The Wasabi Crisp wasn’t spicy as I thought it would be. It was crisp though….hehe. The steak taco was good(could’ve used some salsa and fresh cilantro though). Here we are 13 people, standing just a few feet from the hustling/bustling waiters. It was kinda tough, standing there, cramped together as they were passing out these appetizers They just kinda kept pushing the appetizers on our plates. It felt rushed and uncomfortable. Although I liked the short tour, we could have had the appetizers and champagne somewhere else. They tong a pot sticker onto our plates. I look over at Mary Ann‘s plate. Still lots of stuff still on it(uh-oh, not a good sign). The pot sticker was good, but I had to find out from the menu(later) that is was duck. Next up….Avocado cheesecake. It was in puff pastry. It tasted like plain ol cheesecake to me….Just a little fancier presentation.


Now we’re led to our dining area. We head up the escalators(never have seen escalators in any kitchen before). The chef leads us through the dining room, through to the Onyx bar. There’s a small room we’d never seen before. A big table with white linen, and place cards for everyone. Everyone sat across from their partner. The 13th of our party was seated at the end of the table. Before we all were seated, we were called to come up and take a group picture with the chef.



Our group with Executive Chef "Porvin Gama"



to be continued......

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We all found our seats. Mary Ann was sitting next to Froufie, and I next to Ray. At each place setting was a scroll rolled up. On the scroll was the menu. Each scroll was personalized at the top “Executive Chef Porvin Gama welcomes “your name” Aboard the Carnival Destiny Feb 9th, 2011. Followed by the menu. Ray had been at 2 other chef tables. As we sat down, I asked him what he thought so far, compared to the other 2. He told me that he’d tell me later. It was at that point I knew he was disappointed. I looked over at Froufie….Man did she get fried(sunburnt). She said she made it over to Jack’s Shack, but had spent too much time in the sun….OUCH…It looked painful. One thing nice about having a place card. The waiters all call you by name(like it). So it was “Mr. Gary, What kind of wine would you like? Red or White? Mary Ann and I both selected white. It was good. I’m not much of a wine drinker, but over dinner I had a glass and a half.(I knew we’d be returning to beer later). At the entrance way to the room was a small bar area. Muzak started playing. Yes muzak, as in, instrumentals to popular songs. If they are going to provide music for this dinner(which I believe they should)…Good music would help set the tone!! Just a standardized tape to be played at all Chef’s tables. Piano music, soft Jazz(how about some Riviera Paradise?). Instead, this tape was way too short, and on top of that we heard the muzak version of “Crazy”(Patsy Cline) 3 times. (C’mon Carnival, What’s up with that). On the other side of our table, against the far wall of the room, the chef had a table set up to prepare each of the dishes.






He had many helpers. Some with tall “chef” hats. Others with hats that weren’t too tall. About 6 people in all helping to prepare this meal. We all talked over our first glass of

wine. The man sitting next to me was celebrating his 40th birthday. His companion was across the table. At various times throughout dinner she’d break into this hilarious laugh. Too funny.

We talked of what we did in Grand Turk…(what a glorious “laid back” day at the beach!!!!). Suprisingly, I didn’t get burned. Mary Ann had spent the early morning on the balcony. She did get a little red.



Our first course comes…Beef Carpaccio(Parmigiano, Balsamico Gelee…aka the red gelatinous substance on the crackers we had earlier).





The chef stood at the end of the table, and gave a small presentation of what we were having… 2 things…1.

Couldn’t understand a word he was saying,( I don’t think anyone could…I didn’t hear ANY questions being asked whatsoever),and 2. When you have to speak to 13 people having dinner it would help immensely if you had a microphone and slight amplification. This happened with each course. Had we had better understanding of what we were eating, it would have made the dinner MUCH better. Sorry Carnival, like I said, I just call them as I see them.


Next up, Fried Calamari(Charred Lime and Lemon Preserve)




..Looked like Onion rings…didn’t taste like them though. The sauce made them semi-bearable. Ray got some kind of cheese stick with what looked like marinara sauce.



to be continued....

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The next course was soup…or as the menu put it, “Fire Roasted Tomato and Poblano Chili Bisque(Corn and Cilatro drizzle)” They brought over bowls with a few small items in the bottom. I could see the tomato, and corn, and the cilantro “drizzle” line on the bottom.




They then came over and poured the soup into each of our bowls.





Spicy!!! I could taste the peppers within the deep red “tomato soup”. I liked it. As I dug to the bottom I pulled up the corn, and could actually taste the cilantro from time to time. I liked it. I like spicy things. Mary Ann and the rest didn’t seem to enjoy it as much as me.



Next course…..”Chopped Mediterranean Salad(Shaved Pumpkin, Feta Cheese Crumble)”





Good salad…as far as salads go. I really liked the flatbread served with it.



to be continued.....

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The next course was “Fillet of Chilean Sea Bass(Wine Stewed Shallots and Chives Vinagrette, Leeks Emulsion, Peas Risotto)”



Nice Presentation...too bad I couldn't understand what all the "swirls" were. I'd surely have relayed it on to you.



My least favorite entrée. I’m just not much of a fish person. I guess I should have followed Ray’s lead on the “no fish”. As it was, Ray got a lamb chop with mint jelly. Our waiter comes by and asks us how we will like our Filet prepared. I said medium. The birthday boy ordered it medium well(what a waste of filet mignon) About this time, we had a table magician come in. He .did tricks with foam balls, and card tricks. Very entertaining, but we couldn’t understand his English too well either. He was there about 10 minutes, and off he goes. They come and take our plates away. I had hardly touched mine.



Next up…..”Aged Filet Mignon(Onion Streusel, Homemade 3 pepper mustard)”





Nice cut of meat. Melted right in my mouth. The sauces were interesting, and I tried them each with every bite of meat. Very flavorful…What a dinner!!!



to be continued...

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Next up was dessert…finally!!!






We checked the time…..We’d been there over 3 hours! The waiters come up to all 13 of us, and had us sign our bills. Then the chef comes back and hands out autographed Carnival Creations to the women..Ray asked if the guys get one. He was told no. We weren't happy. If you charge us $150.00 per couple, then I could maybe see getting 1 cookbook for both, but we all paid individually, and thus each one of us should have got a cookbook. I told that to Ray. I also pointed out that technically we could dispute it on our credit card bills. (I did know that Ray had done the chefs table twice before, so Froufie getting their cookbook was ok, and I knew I‘d be able to use Mary Ann‘s if I need it) But what was prominent in my mind that it was a pretty SEXIST thing to do!! The chef said his goodbyes, the dinner was over. We all got up from our table, and everone went their separate ways.


Would I do this again....I don't think so. I've heard so many good things about the chef's table. We just had to try it. Ray had better experiences with his first 2, but I think from now on we'll stick to the dining room.


Just had time for a quick freshen up at the room, and off to the casino to enter the blackjack tournament. Got there, found the director, who told us that we’d be on the last table before the finals.(We wanted to get there late, so we’d know how many points we needed to place in the finals) Went to the cage, purchased 2 entries, and off to the table we went. The rules…Standard Blackjack. They start you off with $1000.00 in chips. You play 5 hands of blackjack. Your winnings determine your place in the tournament. Only the top 7 continue onto the finals. Pretty Basic…The top score was 12,000 something. The lowest score on the board was 6800.(Definitely reachable IF we were lucky). We figured to play $500 a hand, and try to double it along to get over the 6800. If we lost on the first hand, we’d have 1 more chance. As it was the dealer beat EVERYONE on the first hand with a 20. We anteed up our 2nd hand. Dealer got a blackjack against all, knocking 6 of our 7 out.(As it turned out, the last one standing DID get into the finals!). People were starting to really crowd around the tournament table. They had given every entry a “wild” card ticket, which would be drawn, and the winner would get the 7th seat in the finals for the $500.00.….Speaking of…….I did a quick scan around the room. Lot’s of entries into this tournament. Let’s do some quick math. $20 per entry. 7 people playing at once. That’s $140.00 per table of people just trying to get to the finals!! At 1 minute a hand, that’s $140.00 every five minutes assuming the casino can keep people trying(Yes, you can enter multiple times…..and we would have had there been another chance). That means the “house” would have enough for ALL the prizes handed out after 4 tables($640.00), or 20 minutes. The tournament qualifying went from 8 pm till our last table at 10:30. Also assuming that the tables kept full during that time. $640x3 = $1920 per hour x 3 hours= $5760.00. $5760.00, and only $500.00 for first place? I don’t know what the rest of the prize structure was, but that tournament potentially could have grossed the casino over $5000.00 in a little over 3 hours!.……We stuck around the casino for awhile. Made our way over to the All Star bar(directly adjacent to the casino, and a place where Mary Ann can smoke). It started getting late. We had a big day, and decided to turn in. We were certainly looking forward to our day at Half Moon Cay tomorrow.


to be continued......

(I'm done for today. got a big night ahead. Won't be able to post day 4 till tomorrow)

They brought out some very pretty arranged

desserts on plates, and came around added our WCMC with a scoop of vanilla to each plate In the center of the plate was some sort of cake topped by a string of something that had the consistancy of cheese, but tasted slightly of coconut. Ray didn't like the coconut cheese, and it didn't seem like anyone I saw finish it. On one corner of the dessert plate was a pastry that seemed to be wrapped in cellophane. Turns out the cellophane was also a confection, something in the rock candy genre, but thin and brittle. Tried it, slightly sweet. Didn't finish it. Also on the plate were what looked like little piles of pepper. They were some sweet spice in the 'nutmeg, but more exotic" variety. It was good, but after that long dinner, a lot of my dessert plate was left untouched(cept for the WCMC and ice cream..which there is ALWAYS room for.
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Day 4




I was still in HEAVY R.E.M. when the announcement came over the intercom. Looked at the clock..9:20. I fought through the cobwebs to hear “This is the Captain speaking” Then something like, “Today we’re not going to be able to anchor safely at Half Moon Cay, so we’re going to proceed directly to Nassau”. by the end I was pretty awake. Then he repeated it……Shooooot!!! Then the cruise director, Brent comes on the intercom. He reinforces what the captain says, saying that we couldn’t drop anchor, cause the ship kept getting pushed toward the shoreline, but that they’d be doing lots of “extra stuff “aboard to make up for it. Although we’d been here before, we were sooooo looking forward to the “I Wish I could Stay Here Forever” beach, overlooking the ship anchored in the harbor….snifff. Was really looking forward to seeing the new pirate ship bar I’ve heard about and seen pictures of. DEFINITELY a LET DOWN, but after missing the ship last time, how much more badly could you let us down? I definitely felt bad for all the peeps who lost a stop at a beautiful island/beach, that unless they book ANOTHER Carnival trip there, they’ll never see(even though they‘d already paid for it).. Found out later Ray was going to do the horseback riding in the ocean, like we did last time. I will say I liked the excursion. Mary Ann wasn't so hot on it. They have these big ramps that you can easily mount the horse from. After a brief safety lecture, we were given helmuts.Then 1 by 1, all 14 of us got on our horses. They start you out just walking around this sandy fenced in area. It's a different feel with the horse trying to balance in the sand. After about 10 minutes of practice we were all led out of the corral and we did a short ride. Got to go uphill(lean forward) and downhill(lean back). Pretty cool. You end the ride, get off your horse, and then they let them back into their little meadow. Then they bring horses out, and put water saddles on them. They picked Mary Ann to be first. She got on her horse. I ended up being last. Couldn't believe my eyes when they brought out this horse that was 3 or 4 hands bigger than any of the other horses, and expected me to get on. I did(stupid me). I'm pretty sure they were just having fun with the gringo.(more in a minute)...We were led out to the beach next. The leader had Mary Ann's horse by some rope leading it into the ocean , and next thing you know we're all getting into the water. Pretty cool sensation, feeling that horse balance it's 4 legs while walking through the water. It's a pure straightaway for about 100 yards...Then the leader starts to make the turn back towards the corral. Ok, at this point I going to stop and ask you. I'm on the Alpha horse of the bunch(and last in line). Alpha horse sees the others turning around to go back and get these heavy creatures off their backs and back to the meadow for some "easy livin". What do you thinks going to happen? Well, the horse saw the others heading back, and started to make the turn almost immediately. I had the reins, and pulled to try to keep him following the horse in front of it. Didn't work. Next thing I know, I'm 3rd in line with people yelling and mad at ME! All I could do was explain that it was the horse. Like I said, I'm pretty sure that the guys running it knew that that would happen, and wanted to have some fun with the gringo(who did have to sign a waiver of liability, so it wouldn't have bothered them much if that horse would have thrown me(and my camera) into the ocean. Could have been pretty dangerous, and I just thought I'd pass that along to all of you who might try this excursion.



We tried to shrug it off. Like I’ve said(again and again…I know), "At least we made the ship this time!!!" We decided to go get some breakfast. The Lido deck was super crowded, so we decided to eat in the Sun and Sea buffet. Believe me there were a lot of pissed off/bad vibe people sulking around. I did notice that they were playing very “syrupy” 80’s ballads. “Can’t Fight This Feeling”(REO), “I Wanna Know What Love Is”(Foreigner). I knew why they were playing this “soothing” music, and it made me think about the bus scene in “Almost Famous”….”Hold me closer tiny dancer”…..hehe. We were determined not to let it get us down. We were on our way back to Nassau. The ship was moving the slowest of any ship I’ve been on. After breakfast, I suggested that we go up through the secret doors to the front of the ship. Hit the 6th floor, and went all the way forward to the “secret doors”. Went out. This time there were a few people out there on deck chairs just sitting in the shade.




It was sooooo calm. The last time we were up here, the wind was blowing like crazy!! Looked up to the bridge. An officer was looking down and waved. I waved back. I looked up to see the stuffed bear that was there last year. This year, he(the bear) was holding a video camera…Wonder if they call it the “bears eye view”?...hehe. Looking down. I saw 4 people on the “crew” deck that we’d seen last year during the Behind the Scenes tour. They were tanning.





Hung out there for awhile. It was soooo tranquil and peaceful up there, with hardly anyone around. A man offered us a lounge. We weren’t sticking around. But it was probably the calmest we’d ever see it up front.





to be continued....

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really long paragraphs. Lines center justified. Blue type. Strange font.


All this makes it rather difficult to read what you have spent a lot of time creating. No comment on the picture of the limes.




really dude?

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At this point I am going to STOP the review.....

Looks like I'm not going to get to finish Day 3 tonight....sigh



I need to know..... Is anyone else there having trouble reading this review? Over 1500 hits in under 24 hrs! Seems like a waste of time if everyones having a hard time understanding it like Don...or is he one of these trolls I've heard about?



Don, are you a teacher or something?

I can't believe you're criticizing my justifications and fonts.

"Sorry, I'm not handing this paper in to be graded teach". Just telling my FRIENDS about our vacation.

If it's too hard to understand, read it slower....(and keep a dictionary handy.....hehe). And I'm sure sorry that the paragraphs are too long....Hey, you want me to "left" justify the pictures too? You just ask...Oh, and I'm sorry I don't use spellchecker either.



As far as the limes. EVERY cruise we've been on(including this one, I'll tell you in advance of hearing it in the review) has run out of limes. Sure glad I had the extras when they ran out. At noooooo point when I ordered the bottles of Corona, was a "bowl of limes" ever offered.

Who ever heard of a Corona without a lime? Sorry, Corona with a lemon is not the same. We would never DREAM of taking them off the ship.

Stopping the review until I hear if everyone is understanding it ok.


Man are you kidding, I am totally enjoying this, it's fresh and different, I swear makes me feel like I am there with you. Please don't stop and don't change a thing you are doing.




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Hello to All,


I'm sorry I haven't been able to continue the review. I was trying to post it all BEFORE last weekend(Thanks Don).


We were VERY busy at the bar over the weekend,(including today) and Today is Mary Ann's birthday.....Which also means its the 1 year anniversary of us "Missing the Boat". (Still stings a bit).



I'm going to restart around midnight EST to get us at least till the end of day 4. Then I should be able to finish up the review tomorrow.



Till then, Although I traditionally don't post FUNTIMES.(Cause it always good to leave somthing to the imagination...hehe)...I thought some of you might like to see the drink menu and prices...











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