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Glory Review w/ Pics!! Jan 9th-16th, 2011


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Loved the pic of you on the camel, i got one of my mother on it lol i uploaded it to facebook off my cell before we ever left dock wit the note "...and shes not even drunk yet.." lol :p




Haha that's great! Thanks, jusplainsh0rty!


Are you coming back? we so want to here more.... It helps us count down our days until we creuise......


So sorry dapaddo! This weekend has been hectic! I'm working on the next installment now.


Loving your review so far!


Thanks, navybaby!

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Another fan here of your review. In 203 days we will board the Glory in Norfolk, VA for a 6 day cruise to Bermuda. We have only been on the Legend and the Miracle so far, so this is a new class of ship for us.


I've read about the Fish and Chips station for lunch on the Lido. Is it on the same deck or a deck above ? Is there an elevator that goes there, or do you have to use the steps?


I'm anxious to read more and see more of your photos. They are great. You and your girlfriend look smashing in your blue for elegant night. Keep those photos coming. We're all hooked on this review.


Thanks, Delta Dear! We love getting dressed up so thank you for the nice comments!


HMMMM someone must have had a busy weekend.... now get back to work so you can finish the review lol


Haha, exactly!

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Hello again everyone! Sorry for the delay. This weekend was hectic and I was all over the place. I spend 9-10 hours a day at a computer at work so usually when I get home it's the last thing I want to do. So without further ado, my next installment!


Day 3 - Cozumel, Mexico


After starting the day again with a run on the jogging deck and getting ready, we decided to try out the MDR for breakfast. We had some mixed feelings about this experience. The menu was good. I got an omelet and some french toast with a glass of milk. The complaints from this experience stem from the service. The waiter (I've forgotten his name at this point) was completely nonattentive. When taking our orders he wouldn't even look at us. It seemed like an annoyance to him to be there. He would just look out into the distance as we talked, spurting out little "Mhm"s and "Ok"s as he jotted down our order. It was difficult finding him for any refills of drinks. And we had to ask him a couple of times for the pastry basket at the end of the meal. On several occassions we just started asking another waitor in that area for service. He was more than willing to help us out and get us our requests. I don't know if this angered our guy but too bad. Haha. This was the last time we went to the MDR for breakfast. It did take a bit longer but that was expected. We chose the buffet for breakfast from that point on for the quickness. It allowed us to eat on our time and get moving on to enjoy the rest of the day. Here I am enjoying a cool glass of milk (when I could get it, haha)...




After breakfast we disembarked the ship. Here is our ship (so expertly modelled by my GF) docked beside the Carnival Ecstasy...






There we are by the street entrance to Puerta Maya. This had a nice shopping area with plenty of little shops to kill time in. I, however, had a secret plan for the day for us. I told my GF that I had read online about a little beach club that should be nice to check out. She was under the impression that we had absolutely nothing planned for the day and that we were just going to adventure around the area. Well, I had other plans. We took a taxi to Mr. Sancho's Beach Club. It cost $15 and was about 8-10 minutes down the main road that rides along the port. Once there I went right over to the activities desk to arrange for our adventure, horseback riding! My GF absolutely loves horses and her family actually used to own one when she was a child. For quite some time I've heard her talk about how much she misses horseback riding and that we should go sometime. Well, I figured what better time then in Mexico along the beach!




This cost us $80 for the two of us and it was an hour long. It was one of the few options for horseback riding that actually took you along the beach. It was absolutely beautiful and I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone visiting Cozumel. After our riding we went to Mr Sancho's beach. It was beautiful and very relaxing. We got a couple of drinks and some chips with salsa. I have to say, one of the best salsas I've ever had. My GF was way more into the chips, so she left most of the salsa for me. We're such a great match! Mr Sancho's also had an area in the water with trampolines and inflatable objects to climb on and jump off of. I think that was $12 to use for the day. We just wanted to be beach bums so we opted not to try that out. There were a handful of people out there that seemed to be enjoying it quite a bit so that's an option too.






After baking a bit in the sun (don't worry we had plenty of sun screen on, although my GF could have used a little more as she got a bit red) we made our way back to the port. Another $15 taxi ride and we were back to check out the shops there. There are plenty to choose from with all sorts of things to purchase. I'm not big on souvenirs to be be honest so shopping isn't my cup of tea but I am always willing to indulge my GF's wishes. After spending some time at the port we went back on ship for a little late lunch/snack.


Hope this is enough to tide you guys over for a bit!


To be continued....

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Yeah! so glad your back! I'm loving your review! Keep it coming!


Thanks, jnl134! I'm glad to be back too! haha


What a great review and your pictures bring back memories. We loved Glory!


Thanks, Morris4me! She is definitely a great ship!

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Mr Sancho's also had an area in the water with trampolines and inflatable objects to climb on and jump off of. I think that was $12 to use for the day. We just wanted to be beach bums so we opted not to try that out. There were a handful of people out there that seemed to be enjoying it quite a bit so that's an option too.


Do you have any pictures of the water toys? Last time I went to Mr. Sanchos they did not have any? Will probably check the ports of call boards. Thanks for the information.

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Do you have any pictures of the water toys? Last time I went to Mr. Sanchos they did not have any? Will probably check the ports of call boards. Thanks for the information.


I'm sorry but I didn't take any pictures of them.


Great review, we are planning a cruise on the glory for next year.


I feel like I'm right along side you when I read it

can't wait for more


Thanks, freddymale! You're going to love Glory, she's a great ship.


great photos


Thanks, LBumb!

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Enjoying your review and espcially the visuals.

We visited Cozumel on our very first cruise and it had us hooked. Now mind you we only did one thing, which was be beach bums, but we'd love to go back. We did Paradise Beach while there which was gorgeous and serene back in 04'. Now I see they've added a pool and it looks a lot more lively. We also visited San Fransicso Beach which was right next door (not sure if it still is), but they had a pool with a swim up bar and we enjoyed our last hour in Cozumel lounging by the pool sipping on non alcoholic coconut drinks. Ahhh, that was the life!!

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Loving the pics & review....40 days & counting til our Glory..ous adventure:)


Thanks, okieuser! So jealous that you're only 40 days away!


Enjoying your review and espcially the visuals.


Thanks, surprise_4_sha!


I know there will still be the Hairy chest contest but are there any other pool games? What about horse racing or the ship building contest. Is there an age limit on the ship building?

Your review is great. I'm checking everyday to see whats new.


Thanks, Cruising Dreamer! I did not see any horse racing or ship building. There were a few other pool activities that came about because of the unexpected day at sea. Those included a flip flop flipping contest and a spoon diving contest.

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So the last time I left you guys we were returning back to the ship after enjoying a beautiful day in Cozumel. After showering, cleaning up, and grabbing a quick snack, we decided to head up to the spa deck for sail away. I originally planned to watch the late comers that I've heard so much about stumbling back to the ship. Unfortunately... my body had other ideas...




I guess a day of laying out in the sun and drinking can really take it out of you. Thank you to my wonderful GF for snapping this candid shot. That was after I fell asleep and the ships foghorn went off to signal our departure. When I fell right back to sleep I guess I wanted to catch some flies for a little more of a snack. Haha. That night at dinner I had a relatively memorable experience. The first night at dinner I decided to get the flat iron steak that's offered. I'm a huge fan of steak and wanted to give this a shot. I loved it so much that I got it again the second night. Both times they were cooked absolutely superbly. On this night I actually considered getting it again but I thought, "No, let's be adventurous and try something else". So I settled on the Norwegian Salmon Fillet, and I ordered it just like that, "Could I please have the Norwegian Salmon Fillet?" The waitress then asked me, "How would you like that cooked?" I immediately asked, with a confused look on my face, "I have a choice?! I don't know. I never knew I had a choice." She then asked if I usually liked it pink or another way. So I thought to myself that every time I've had salmon in my life it was pink, so I told her yea I like it pink. So she said ok let's go with medium. I thought this was extremely strange but shrugged it off and chalked it up to my ignorance. Perhaps I just wasn't that refined. So later the meal comes and she places my plate in front of me... a steak. Suddenly it all made sense. She thought I was ordering a steak, not salmon. I started chuckling to myself, and even thought, "Did I like the steak so much that I subconsciously ordered it and just thought I said salmon?" So I called her over and told her that there was a misunderstanding and that I ordered the salmon. She replied, "No, you ordered the steak." I once again said no I ordered the salmon, that's why I was confused when you asked me how I wanted it. "No, you ordered the steak." I couldn't believe it. After some back and forth she finally said that she would get me the salmon, and that I could just keep the steak. So it was very strange that she would argue with me, especially since it's no big deal for her to just get a salmon.


Anyways, that's my little novel. Sorry about that. That night the waiters danced and performed for us and my GF and I both got up to dance with them. It was a blast but unfortunately the pics came out really blurry. After dinner we again went to the comedy shows. They were again great. Afterward we came back to our room to find...




Now this one I know!! It's an elephant! haha


Day 4 - Belize City, Belize

This was our favorite day by far. We had an early excursion so we were up early to work out, get ready and eat breakfast. I wanted to get an early tender to port so we got there 20-30 minutes before they had told us to. I don't remember the exact time they told us it would start, sorry. We were group number 3 and it didn't take too long to get us to land. We quickly made it to the gates and found the company that we booked with. Ok, so here begins my advertisement for the best company in Belize, cave-tubing.com! I love them. My GF loved them. Everyone that was there that day loved them. You can book an excursion to go tubing through Belize's famous caves, and you can add on extras such as ATVs through the jungle or zip-lining or both. We chose to do the ATVs as well as the cave-tubing. We were greeted by Yhondy, the man in charge when we got on the bus...




The experience started with a bus ride to their main site for the ATVers to be dropped off. During the bus ride we were given a tour of the local culture by Evan...




This guy was awesome. We learned a whole bunch about the area and their customs. While talking he let us know that he had a little treat for us: cashew wine. It's an alcoholic drink made from cashews and it's a local Belize product. Every one on the bus that was of drinking age got to have a shot...




There happened to be a newlywed couple on the bus and Evan said that cashew wine is like pringles, once you pop you can't stop. So the bottle had to be finished and he said that the rest of the bottle goes to the newlyweds. They adamantly refused it even as the entire bus was egging them on. They asked if they could give it to someone else and when Evan asked if anyone else wanted it, somehow only one person said anything: me. I think I was caught up the the excitement and I yelled out that I wanted it so I was the lucky recipient. Evan instructed me that you can't just sip it, that it's got to go down all at once...



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So that was fun! I found it kind of funny that he let me do that and then gave me complete control of an ATV. Haha, don't worry I didn't feel it at all, it is not a strong alcohol.


We eventually made it to the ATV site and after a quick instruction we were off!!




They had one of their guys take my camera and run around the jungle as we rode around to get action shots of us. I thought that was so awesome. I felt bad for the guy because he was really huffin' it around there and it was hot. We got some great shots though and I thank him for that. I also want to note that this was a time where they had everyone stop for a photo op. Most of the time we were all separated and could really get going on those things. There were even some really muddy areas that you could cruise through and really kick up some mud. Once our ATV adventure was over, we got in a smaller van and caught up with the rest of the group at the cave tubing site, a national park.


We had a hike up to the caves from the main entrance. On our way we got another tour as our guide showed us some local vegetation and took us to a termite nest. Here things got a little interesting. He told us that today we were all going to conquer our fears. He went over to the nest, poked it with a stick, and got some termites onto a leaf. He then went around to our group and offered up a snack, saying it tasted minty! I thought, "Eh, what the heck. How often am I going to be able to do this?" So I took one and took it down. It was minty! haha.




There he is getting our snack. We made it up to the site where our cave tubing was going to start.




We all got onto our tubes and linked up and were ready to go!




To be continued...

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Thank you so much for this review! - especially the section on cave-tubing. I am set to sail on the Glory in 18 days & have reservations with cave-tubing.com. I am beyond excited & so happy to hear another good report on this company. Your pictures are fantastic too! Thanks again! :)

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I'm sorry but I didn't take any pictures of them.


I've seen one picture and they appeared to be farther down the beach from the main area. Mr. Sancho's did not have them in Feb. of 2009.


Can you guesstimate how far away they were from the main seating, (lounge chairs and/or tables with cover)? Want to know if a family could sit and watch their children well if we did the AI.


Love the pictures and review.

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I've seen one picture and they appeared to be farther down the beach from the main area. Mr. Sancho's did not have them in Feb. of 2009.


Can you guesstimate how far away they were from the main seating, (lounge chairs and/or tables with cover)? Want to know if a family could sit and watch their children well if we did the AI.


Love the pictures and review.


The area was directly in front of their main seating area with the bar and infinity pool. You could definitely sit there and see your children in this area.

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I am LOVING this.


We sail Glory on this Western itinerary for our 10yr anniversary on 2/19/12 and I am getting so excited reading your review and seeing your pics!


Keep it coming! :)


Thanks, rnvattes! We're sailing the Liberty on 2/18/12!! Got you beat by one day!


Great review and wonderful pictures. It will help me pass the time until we sail on the Glory in July. Thanks for taking the time to post.



Thanks, daisitroy! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.


Thank you so much for this review! - especially the section on cave-tubing. I am set to sail on the Glory in 18 days & have reservations with cave-tubing.com. I am beyond excited & so happy to hear another good report on this company. Your pictures are fantastic too! Thanks again! :)


Thanks, heels-fan! You're going to absolutely love them. I'll have a few more pics up in the next day or so. The money was so well spent on them. I'm so excited for you!

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Glad to hear you did well playing craps.....im a big craps player myself, but i never played on the ship


what were the table limits?


and were the craps tables open early like the blackjack tables? I've been reading on diff threads that on some ships there werent many craps players and they would only open up the tables late (around 7pm). And even then it would only be 1-2 people playing. How was the crowd at the craps table during your cruise?


Keep up the good work on the great review! :D


Any thoughts on these craps questions....thanks in advance!

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Glad to hear you did well playing craps.....im a big craps player myself, but i never played on the ship


what were the table limits?


and were the craps tables open early like the blackjack tables? I've been reading on diff threads that on some ships there werent many craps players and they would only open up the tables late (around 7pm). And even then it would only be 1-2 people playing. How was the crowd at the craps table during your cruise?


Keep up the good work on the great review! :D


So sorry wlivingston! All the table games that I saw had a $5 minimum. It's true that the table was not open very often. I caught it a couple of times at 2 or 3PM, but for the most part it was only open later on, after 7 or 8PM. When they were open, however, there were quite a few people there. I was almost always able to walk right up and play (I think once I had to wait for someone to walk away). Once or twice I was one of 2 or 3 people playing though. Hope that answered all your questions!

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