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Carnival Ecstasy passengers treated HORRIBLY!


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Where to begin??? My husband and I just returned last night from the 3/03/05 sailing on the Ecstasy. It was our first-time to cruise and if it weren't for other passengers on the ship encouraging us not to give up on cruising and to try other cruise lines - I think we wouldn't cruise again.


I'm sure most of you know by now that we lost one engine sometime on the way to Cozumel, but were only informed when we reboarded after our day spent there. We had to literally creep back across the Gulf of Mexico from Cozumel to Galveston on one engine. Mechanical issues happen, and I don't think most people were upset with Carnival about that - but the way the passengers were treated at disembarkation was disastrous! The Cruise Director held a meeting the night before we arrived back in Galveston to give her spin on the situation -- "aren't you lucky that you get a free cruise day?" Never an apology to those of us that were upset that we wouldn't be home on time and would need to make additional arrangements for children, pets, etc. and for those of us who didn't have add'l vacation days to use. Then, she started selling everyone on the "self-assisted disembarking" method -- in other words, we were told this would be the quickest way to get off the ship when we got home. The truth is, they just wanted us out of our rooms so they could get a jump start on cleaning to get the next cruise passengers onboard on Monday night. Those of us that bought into this ridiculous idea were told to keep all of our luggage with us, go through immigration and then take all of our luggage and proceed to the bow of the ship (to the Blue Sapphire Lounge). They crammed about 1000 of us into that lounge, not to mention the 2000-2500 pieces of luggage that we all had. They told us it would be about 20 minutes, which turned into over 2 1/2 hours! People were obviously ready to get off the boat, and the Assistant Cruise Director (Chris) had the gall to tell us, "Well, you don't really think we want to be in here with ya'll, do you?" As we are all held in this room, they began calling (by floor) all the rest of the passengers (who were waiting comfortably in their rooms or otherwise at leisure on the ship - without their luggage) to go through immigration. When they finished calling all the passengers that were in their rooms, they started letting EVERYONE off the ship at one time - even those who had remained in their rooms. Of course, we then had to turn around - proceed down 2 flights of stairs (with our luggage, I might add) and we finally got off the ship around 9:15pm (the boat docked at 5:00pm). What a nightmare! As we got off the boat, there sat all the other passengers' luggage waiting for them (and there was not that much luggage, since most of us had ours with us!).


The Cruise Director, Rebecca, was conspicuously absent the entire afternoon. Passengers repeatedly asked for her to come down and talk to everyone and tell us what was going on. Instead, she never showed her face to us, and continued to speak over the intercom only. However, we were subjected to a very sarcastic and rude Assistant Cruise Director, who definitely needs to work on his people skills.


We were never told that we would be accommodated in any way other than for those people who had flights prearranged with Carnival. I made a phone call home to notify my family to make arrangements for our young son and pets, and to notify my employer about my inability to return to work on Monday as planned. The phone call was $50 (I think it was about $10-$11 per minute) - but I was told I would not be reimbursed for the call because I had not received "permission" from the Information Desk before I made the call. Those who asked were granted a 3 minute free phone call.


As for the cruise itself, we generally enjoyed it, although the service was inconsistent at various places on the ship. Our room steward was really great, as was our head waiter and team waiter. However, we dined with some friends one evening and sat at their table. They had warned us that their waiter was very rude. I ordered the chateaubriand, and asked for it to be cooked medium. He said, "it only comes rare or medium-rare to well-done." I replied that I really would appreciate it to be pink, not well done or rare. His reply to me was, "Lady there are 1000 people on this ship ordering this dish tonight. That's the only want you're going to get it. Now, what will it be?" I was STUNNED! The evening before this, my husband's lobster was terribly overcooked and dry, and my entre and potato were stone cold. Overall, the food was tasty and well presented at each dinner, but we only had one dinner meal out of four served at proper temperature.


I would venture to say that a significant majority of the passengers from this particular cruise will NEVER sail with Carnival again. Carnival could easily have handled this situation very differently and been much more respectful to those of us who didn't want a free day of cruising. However, they must have assumed that we wouldn't likely be a repeat customer at this point, so why continue making any effort? It was extremely poor PR and a terrible reflection on Carnival Cruise Lines. I just hope others who have already booked this cruise don't have a similar experience.

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Interesting....Stircrzy didn't seem to have as much bad stuff to say, although they did mention the "self inflicted" debarkation. :D




Then again, maybe so...this seems to be a constant problem with Carnival. They better get their sh*t together and quick. The PR is very bad for them.

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Yeah - he/she also mentioned winning $7,500 in the casino! I'm sure that makes a few hours of inconvenience less troubling, don't ya think?


And I didn't even mention the rocking and rolling of the ship on the first night and full day at sea! It seemed to be a general concensus of those we spoke to that it didn't seem that the stabilizers were out. The seas were only 6-8 feet (according to the captain) - but that boat was rocking and rolling for sure. Hmmmm......

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Wow.We knew there were going to be some issues.And I am sure it was a horrible experience.

Not that it matters,but your ship docked at a few minutes after six.We watched it here on the Webcam.It passed the Harbour House Cam,at 547..So however much time it takes to turn the ship around...

I would think it is always risky to be returning to work on the same day you return from a cruise,or any vacation out of the Country.Lord,I usually need a week off :D

I really don't think there is anything to be said here.Or,that can be said rather.

It is unfortunate,but in these type emergency situations,it seems that the cruiselines in an effort to do "damage control" and "not admitt fault" Really end up making people angry.Most cruises,on disembarkation are the same.They really just want to get you out..

Again..I really am sorry you had the problems.Hopefully if you were flying,you had insurance that will take care of any flight problems.

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We are going on the 21st....sure hope things are better by then because it will be Spring Break...hope the engines etc are fixed!!


Carnival can be the best and the worst.....but after 4 i find more good than bad......

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Yeah,it probably was.Now me..I would be loving it.Thats only because,as a SAHM,with a 5 yo..(who cruises with me) I have no where to be.So as long as it was warm enough to sit outside,and eat..I would have been cool.

I of course would not have even tried to carry my own luggage..Way to many,way to heavy....Way to lazy:p

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wow, i am really sorry that you ended up having such a horrible time getting off the ship, among other things. we sail on the ecstasy on 4/18 for the exact same voyage, i hope nothing goes wrong! i was wondering, what did you do while in cozumel? i have been before and booked an excursion off the ship, this time we were thinking of doing it ourselves, any suggestions? also, what did you think of the food on the ship? this will be my 3rd cruise and i must tell you that i thankfully have not had a bad voyage yet... i would definately suggest you go again.

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Ecstatic on the Ecstasy? probably not. I was watching these boards while the Ecstasy was limping in also. I also feel for the people who were waiting to board and their difficulties. I can't help but think that those fast turnaround cruises are hard on ships and wear them out quickly. I'm on the Elation this Sunday and it will be my first Carnival Cruise. I'm a huge fan of the Royal Car. line with 3 cruises under my belt with them. Try another cruise, make it a 7 day, cruise on a Saturday - Saturday turnaround and chalk your experience up to just that, experience. Thanks for posting your experiences on the cc boards and remember that we were all watching you come home and thinking of you and your shipmates.

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That's why we only choose the new ships, less of a chance for mechanical things to go wrong, and they have a better crew aboard the new ships. I know things can still go wrong with the new ships, but not as much as the older ships.

Why does Galveston always seem to get stuck with the older ships? Are there any ships less than ten years old sailing out of there?

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Oh, by the way, I am sorry that you didn't enjoy your cruise, and that you felt as though you were treated rudely. I have never experienced rudeness from any of the crew members aboard a Carnival ship- everyone I came across were extemely cordial. The only rudeness I have ever come across were from other passengers.

Maybe you should try a 7 day cruise aboard a newer ship.....From everything I have heard, I would be very hesitant to sail on an older ship on a short cruise.

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I read alot about people's meals not being at the correct temperature. I've never had this problem. Do people expect the meals to be piping hot when they receive them? As in you can't really eat it until letting it sit for a few minutes, and it burns your mouth.

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I've noticed several people on these boards complain about the seas in the Gulf of Mexico. First of all, let me say that the seas aren't the fault of the cruise line and they do normally have the stablizers out. On an earlier post, someone complained about the ship "rolling" but the captain said the seas were only 6-8 feet. In the Gulf of Mexico, lower seas can make for a rougher ride than you'd get in the Atlantic ocean or Caribbean Sea. In the Gulf, the seas tend to be more choppy and the wave period shorter. I know small craft operators that can take their boat out in 10 foot seas off the Florida East Coast but will get beaten up by 4-6 foot seas in the Gulf of Mexico off the West Coast. The reason is the wave period. This is well known to boaters around Florida. Also, this time of year, stormy weather from Continental US weather systems is much more likely to cause problems near ports like Galveston, New Orleans, Jacksonville, Tampa than for cruises leaving directly from ports like Miami. The weather is always different and each day at sea is different but those are some general guidelines.

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I agree that the seas rolling are not the fault of Carnival... I would imagine when one is going on a CRUISE (ship + water), you would prepare for such things happening...


I am sorry you didn't enjoy your cruise... but I do hope you try Carnival again... perhaps one of the newer ships. Sounds like there was definite miscommunication and everyone handles that differently. I was at least pleased to hear that they treated Monday like a normal day at sea somewhat... at least feeding people, etc... I was hoping they would at least do that. I'm also sure that it's not the majority that won't cruise Carnival...it's likely the minority. I can definitely understand where you are coming from, and I am truly sorry you had a bad experience... I personally, would not do the self assist, regardless... always sounds like a pain...


I really hope you give cruising another chance! Things can happen on any cruiseline, and sometimes as hard as it may be... you just have to enjoy the lemonade..

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I read alot about people's meals not being at the correct temperature. I've never had this problem. Do people expect the meals to be piping hot when they receive them? As in you can't really eat it until letting it sit for a few minutes, and it burns your mouth.


WOw...the OP said the meals were "stone cold"....I agree with her that if they aren't warm, they are no good....but served COLD? That's unacceptable....:(

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Why does Galveston always seem to get stuck with the older ships? Are there any ships less than ten years old sailing out of there?


Actually, the Elation is only 7 years old, as is the Grand Princess. I have no idea how old Rhapsody or Galaxy are.


I'm with you, though, I love cruising out of Galveston, but after the Grand, I'm burned out on the Fantasy-class. If the Grand can fit, a Spirit or Conquest-class could fit as well, so why do we have the only 7-day itinerary featuring a Fantasy-class ship? Hello, Carnival!!! You own Princess, you can see the Grand is sailing full every week! We want new ships!


That said, though, I love the Elation, it's a great ship. :)

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Yeah - he/she also mentioned winning $7,500 in the casino! I'm sure that makes a few hours of inconvenience less troubling, don't ya think?


I'm a she....and yes, winning $9250 in the casino does take the edge off of standing in a 3 1/2 hour line crammed with others like a sardine can. I also did not have young children with me, had no flight to reschedule, and I live 30 minutes from the port. My pets were taken care of, and I don't work outside the home.


I didn't let this debarkation circumstance...which I could not control...ruin my day. That's not to say that I enjoyed the experience any more than anyone else did. Carnival is lucky that they didn't have a riot on their hands.


Your rude waiter should have been reported to the Maitre d'. Our party of 12 (one 8 top and one 4 top) had a wonderful dining experience in the Wind Song Dining Room.


I'll STILL sail with Carnival. It's an inexpensive getaway from a port that's close to my home. I will NEVER do the "self inflicted" debarkation again, though.

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dk - I'm sympathetic to the fact that you had several disappointments on your first cruise. After that, I wouldn't blame you or anyone who never cruised again. I'm booked on my first Carnival cruise in September and find these recent reviews of Carnival's "poor PR" skills to be a little unnerving. Sure, things can go wrong with a ship - but treating adults as little children who should be happy to have an extra day on the ship isn't my idea of good customer relations. Seems they should have better plans in place, and better communications with passengers, when things go awry. Maybe I'm misreading their intentions, but it sounds like some of the Carnival cheerleaders may be trying to misplace the blame on passengers who have jobs and lives to return to. Personally, if I had your experience (including overdone lobster and stone cold entrees), I wouldn't return to Carnival - but I would not stop cruising - there are plenty of other lines. But, if you read the boards regularly, they all have problems to some degree.

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I think once someone goes on a cruise, and comes back here to share their experience, you will see that everyone tells their story a different way and everyone sees something differently... I don't think anyone is trying to place the blame anywhere else, it's just that some people are half full people and some are half empty... nothing wrong with either. But as you see just from 2 people that were on the same ship and dealt with most of the same issues, one would not cruise Carnival again, one would... I would recommend going in with realistic expectations and just try to enjoy yourself! If you have a problem, bring it to someone's attention, again and again if you have too. Too many people come back complaining, but never said anything while on the ship... You are in control of the fun you have!!!! Enjoy your cruise!!!!!!

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WOw...the OP said the meals were "stone cold"....I agree with her that if they aren't warm, they are no good....but served COLD? That's unacceptable....:(



I have a hard time buying this, as I have never had a "stone cold" meal once at dinner time on a cruise ship. I think some peoples definitions of cold are different and more exaggerated than others.:cool:

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