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Balcony Smoking


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I don't smoke but my husband does.

He is considerate and does NOT smoke in the cabin. However he does smoke on the balcony.

I would much rather sit with him (he sits towards the aft LOL) and enjoy his company than watch him run up to a designated smoking area for his smoke.

I have watched people go by the smoking area where he is sitting and make snarky comments because they have to "walk thru the smoke", roll their eyes, etc. at him but since there are so few areas, my suggestion to the non-smokers would be to stay out of those areas.


He sits to the AFT of you, so good for you, but he allows everyone in every cabin to the AFT of him to enjoy the wonderful wafting smell of burning tobacco.

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  • 1 month later...
Wow you are incredible. I have never ever seen any smoker treated like that.

You make me ill. Welcome to the ignore list.


I have weighed 240lbs at5'2", before I lost 100lbs. I am a smoker, and a very curteous one extremely sensitive to nonsmokers desires.


I only repeated things that have been said to me in both those circumstances.

I drew from actual personal experiences as a majestic size woman, and a smoker.


Please don't take personal offense, I said those things not as insult, or how I feel at all, but rather to make the point that discrimination, of any kind, ugly, foul or rude treatment, even due to a habit, is wrong. Lacks the Human of being.

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Let me respond as a dreaded "smoker". You know when we cruise we are always very aware of where the smoking areas of the ship are and adhere to the Line's policy on smoking. Yes we always sail in a balcony cabin and yes we always smoke on the balcony but never in the cabin.


I really take exception to those who have an issue with smokers, outside, 30k+ wind moving across the deck, smoking in allowed areas. You know the ones......the glare, the rolling eyes. Wow...this is a wonderful country we live in. Same thing in the casino which is down to about 3 smoking tables for 4500 guests in the case of the Dream. I cannot tell you how many times on our last cruise that a non-smoker would sit down at a smoking table and then proceed to ask everyone "Do you really mind?" I always graciously pointed out the other 66 non smoking tables available.


Just sayin.....You know I have a real issue with those folks who insist on entering an elevator prior to the guests on the elevator getting off. You know the "ones" I speak of.


Hopefully CCL will recognize the difficulties we are experiencing and make each ship a wide open smoking area and only for those who know elevator etiquette. ;)


Amen !


With CCL's new smoking rules, now there will be more peeps smoking on the balconies. wait and see.

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We have always asked politely if they minded not smoking when we were on the balcony, and sometimes get a "sure no problem", or we get the "I can do what I want it's allowed". We always bring "skunk water" with us and Carnival allows us to. If the smoker is a jerk we always spray accidently his balcony (Carnival said it was within the rules to bring this, we asked) and some how m,other natures winds blow this skunk water mist onto the balcony of said smoker. It's funny how we never see them out there smoking again when we are out there. Skunk water is your friend and the inconsiderate smokers worst nightmare. Trust me it works and it's allowed by Carnival.;)


Wow ! Living up to your screen name, aren't you ?

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But I can bet you a dollar once they see the vape that come out they will moan and groan. I live and work in a smoke free state, but I vape every where well haven't vaped in Church.


But on my Freedom cruise I smoked on my balcony and my neighbour said in port our last one as we were all watching sail away I didn't know you could smoke out here. I was on my balcony every morning from 5:00am till 7:30am and loved every minute of it.

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I am one of those rare folks who has never smoken and never even tried it. I grew us in a house full of smokers so it really does not bother me that much to be around it. Just don't dump you ashes in you plate after dinner. Yuk. I wonder how many others really don't mind being around it all that much but just like to argue and snark.

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We have always asked politely if they minded not smoking when we were on the balcony, and sometimes get a "sure no problem", or we get the "I can do what I want it's allowed". We always bring "skunk water" with us and Carnival allows us to. If the smoker is a jerk we always spray accidently his balcony (Carnival said it was within the rules to bring this, we asked) and some how m,other natures winds blow this skunk water mist onto the balcony of said smoker. It's funny how we never see them out there smoking again when we are out there. Skunk water is your friend and the inconsiderate smokers worst nightmare. Trust me it works and it's allowed by Carnival.;)


LOL!! See? Not all of those folks jump. Some of 'em carry skunk water and spray their neighbors.


As an aside, just how long CAN you tread water?


(I don't smoke btw)

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It is amazing how people make threats of retaliation on a message board while hiding behind a keyboard. I am sure it is just emotional typing and I doubt these statements and/or acts would ever be done face to face.


I don't know about that. If somebody sprayed me or mine with a foul-smelling substance both parties would have to visit the infirmary. The "sprayer" for anal surgery and me to get my flip-flop back.

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I don't know about that. If somebody sprayed me or mine with a foul-smelling substance both parties would have to visit the infirmary. The "sprayer" for anal surgery and me to get my flip-flop back.


BEST response EVER!!!!!!!!! :D


I've read this guys rants about "skunk water spray" many times...methinks he is full of...... bologna! ;)


And I've said it before, and I'll say it again...


BRING IT ON!!!!!!! :cool:

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We have always asked politely if they minded not smoking when we were on the balcony, and sometimes get a "sure no problem", or we get the "I can do what I want it's allowed". We always bring "skunk water" with us and Carnival allows us to. If the smoker is a jerk we always spray accidently his balcony (Carnival said it was within the rules to bring this, we asked) and some how m,other natures winds blow this skunk water mist onto the balcony of said smoker. It's funny how we never see them out there smoking again when we are out there. Skunk water is your friend and the inconsiderate smokers worst nightmare. Trust me it works and it's allowed by Carnival.;)

Carnival allows this? Yea right.

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What gets me is the choices non-smokers make and then blame the smokers, but that is the American way these days. I don't smoke and never have but 75% of my friends (plus my DW) do and I have never had a smoke issue. Sometimes one of them will forget and hold their cigarette in their hand right in front of me but realize it and switch hands or just move it away. Our local bowling alley went smoke free 2 years ago except for the bar. I CHOOSE not to use the restroom in the bar - I would rather walk to the end of the building to use the one there. I CHOOSE not to sit in the bar and drink after bowling and not once have I ever complained that the smokers are ruining my bowling experience.


Likewise on the ships, if I CHOOSE to walk through a smoking area the onus is on me - not the smokers. It is a choice, people. If we choose to sit in a smoking section or walk through a cloud of smoke, it is our decision...NO ONE IS FORCING US!!!!! Take some responsibility for your own actions.


My DW will go out of her way to be considerate of others - sometimes it drives me crazy and I tell her just to go ahead and enjoy her cigarette. It's not like she is chain smoking; it's usually just one (or even a 1/2) to get her nic level back up. Yes I know its an addiction but I have learned to deal with it.


And now I know the the 'true' non-smokers who have never lived with one will say that my sense of smell has been compromised by living with a smoker, but that is not true. I can tell when she has had a cig in the house and sometimes I do let her know that I can smell the stale cigarette 'aroma'. But honestly, I have never had an issue with lingering smoke in the staterooms or balconies from others, and I spend a lot of time on the balcony when she takes her power naps.


Just my thoughts on the subject. The rules have changed, everyone knows what they are, so lets just accept it before someone has a coronary over it.


I always think back to Stephen Covey's "Circle of Concern" vs "Circle of Influence". Since the smoking policies are outside of my circle of influence, it's not worth any aggravation. It seems like too many people on these boards are living in the circle of concern.

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I do not smoke. My husband does. A LOT. We love cruising. We always pay for a balcony room so he can smoke out there ~ and he does ~ A LOT ~ day and night (lots of times at night with the light on so he can read). If Carnival ever bans smoking on balconies we will continuing cruising ~ with RCL or Norwegian or any other line that allows smoking on balconies. I want my husband happy on vacation and any vacation where he can't smoke would be an extremely unhappy vacation. It is THAT simple of a decision for us.


Btw... many non-smokers (family/friends) have commented to me that my husband is an extremely courteous and polite smoker. For a plethora of reasons, I know this is true. HOWEVER... if he was ever smoking on our balcony and someone asked him to not smoke... I am quite sure he would tell them NO WAY. Possibly politely. The idea that anyone would even ask such a thing is beyond my etiquette compression.

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I do not smoke. My husband does. A LOT. We love cruising. We always pay for a balcony room so he can smoke out there ~ and he does ~ A LOT ~ day and night (lots of times at night with the light on so he can read).
Unfortunately I can see you getting hounded real soon on this thread:eek:...or someone may create a whole new thread.
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I have a balcony booked for my next cruise. I did so since my daughter smokes...and she knows that I do not allow smoking in my home or cabin. She is not a chain smoker but will have her little cancer causers a few times per day...I only book balcony cabins if there is a smoker in the cabin, other then that I will book inside and save my money for alcohol consumption.:cool:

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While all the "Me, me, me" posters are busy flaming the smokers I would greatly appreciate it if they would also campaign to have the following banned from Carnival cruises:


1 - Line cutters

2 - Loud talkers

3 - People who allow their children to run up and down halls screaming at night

4 - People who touch buffet food with their hands

5 - Chair Hogs

6 - Adults who shove through your kids to get to the front so their kids can see

7 - People who send 1 person to hold a spot in line and bring 20 as that person gets close to the front

8 - People who play loud music late at night in their cabin

9 - People who cough/sneeze in the buffet line

10 - Door slammers


All of the above "ruin" my cruise and I am willing to bet some of those complaining about smokers have commited at least one of the above offenses.

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There's nothing "me, me, me" about not wanting to smell cigarette smoke - I would rather have someone continuously farting in my face than someone continuously smoking near me. I don't think smokers realise quite how obnoxious the smell is when you aren't desensitised to it.


The person not wanting smoking in their vicinity is far less self-centred than the person who wants to smoke and doesn't care about the impact (both healthwise and smellwise) on others. The funny thing is, your list below, containing a bunch of objectionable stuff which most sane people would want removed if possible, could have "smoking" easily tacked in there. Are you a "me, me, me" poster for, quite reasonably, not wanting others to do this slew of things you've listed that make your cruise less pleasant?


While all the "Me, me, me" posters are busy flaming the smokers I would greatly appreciate it if they would also campaign to have the following banned from Carnival cruises:


1 - Line cutters

2 - Loud talkers

3 - People who allow their children to run up and down halls screaming at night

4 - People who touch buffet food with their hands

5 - Chair Hogs

6 - Adults who shove through your kids to get to the front so their kids can see

7 - People who send 1 person to hold a spot in line and bring 20 as that person gets close to the front

8 - People who play loud music late at night in their cabin

9 - People who cough/sneeze in the buffet line

10 - Door slammers


All of the above "ruin" my cruise and I am willing to bet some of those complaining about smokers have commited at least one of the above offenses.

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There's nothing "me, me, me" about not wanting to smell cigarette smoke - I would rather have someone continuously farting in my face than someone continuously smoking near me. I don't think smokers realise quite how obnoxious the smell is when you aren't desensitised to it.


The person not wanting smoking in their vicinity is far less self-centred than the person who wants to smoke and doesn't care about the impact (both healthwise and smellwise) on others. The funny thing is, your list below, containing a bunch of objectionable stuff which most sane people would want removed if possible, could have "smoking" easily tacked in there. Are you a "me, me, me" poster for, quite reasonably, not wanting others to do this slew of things you've listed that make your cruise less pleasant?


No, just simply trying to make a point. There are people who object to drinking alcohol but no one would dream of telling drinkers they should be banned from drinking on a ship. There are a number of objectionable behaviors exhibited on cruise ships, but for the most part people deal with them without opening multiple threads on chat sites.


I smoke. I pay as much for my balcony as you do. I am allowed by the cruise line to smoke on my balcony. Therefore, if I chose to do so, I will. I am no more selfish than the loud drunk, the line cutter, or the person who feels that their dislike of the smell of smoke is superior to my right to do so in designated areas.


As a matter of fact, on our last cruise the "gentlemen" in the cabin next to ours felt the balcony was a fine place for him to relieve his gas issues regularly and loudly. While I found it repulsive, it never occured to me to confront him about it.


Same difference. I do not enter spaces designated non-smoking with a lit cigarette. I respect those rules. If a non-smoker enters a space designated as smoking (which includes balconies) they need to respect the rules as well.

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