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Epic review, April 2nd-9th, LONG with pictures


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Originally Posted by nathand95

One thing about Taste is that the center of the resaurant is at the bottom of a 3 story atrium. I don't know about most people, but i would hate to sit there. It can get noisy from the casino one floor above and it's just awkward eating with people staring down at you.


Funny you say that.. Natalie our host for the solo cabins set up our dinner for the solos on my birthday and we were smack dab in the middle of Taste at the bottom of the atrium.. It was maybe about 18 of us. We did not notice the noise cause we were the noise makers. Natalie had the Captain visit us cause it was my birthday, so when he came down everybody was telling me to get up and take a picture with him. Well u know what happen next... the cameras start going off like crazy and everybody was looking down wondering who was that women with the Captain?? Did I feel like I was somebody... oh yeahhhh....Glad everybody was staring... cause I was with the Captain..

Also if you request a frig in the Studio u can get one.. I had one, and I know where could u put it? It was in front of the cabinet right beside the sink and the shower. Whenever I load my pictures I will post so u can see.

Hahaha wow that sounds awesome! the Captain is a very nice,and tall, man. "Did you see that celebrity with the Captain last night?"

"No, who was it?!"

"Oh, I don't know."

People get resourceful in small spaces. I stowed dirty clothes in the stool. lol

(Happy Belated Birthday;):D)


What did you do with that bottle of wine that was in the studio when you got there? ;)

Ha...ha...ha... Funny you should mention that. So I told my parents about it and they just shrugged it off and were basically like, "You can keep it and try it, but I know you won't like it. So one night, me and some freinds came back to my cabin, since everyone else was in with their parents, and we tried it. It was DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!! My parents were right... When I'm older I'll be a scotch man.:rolleyes:;)


What kind of camera do you have, Nathan? The photos are amazing!!



Thank you. Part of it is just from natural skill.:p It is a Panasonic-Lumix 14.1 Megapixel Digital Camera. It also has a touch screen. I saved my money before the cruise to get it. It takes amazing pictures,mixed with my natural skill. Here is the link to it on bestbuy.com


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I am so glad you figured out how to post those photos and got this review going.


I have one small suggestion to help improve the readability: when you begin to have multiple paragraphs, please use double line breaks between them. Otherwise it's like one giant wall of text -- it's harder to read that.


I think seeing your comments and pictures of the escargot have convinced me to try them when we go to Le Bistro. I am of French ancestry - my grandmother born and raised in Paris - yet I've been too chicken all of my 30 years to try some.

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So, I just got online hoping to post about Costa Maya, but then I realized Sunday never posted:eek:. I am not happy, but I guess I need to type it up again. So sorry everyone.


Sunday-April 3rd,2011

The day began with my 9:30 wake up call. I answered it, buuuuuut fell back asleep until 10:15. When i woke back up I was mad, because I wanted to go up a get breakfast and then go to the M&G which was at 11:00am in Bliss. When I was still in the process of getting up, I turned on the "mood lighting" only. This is made iit much easier on the eyes and much easier to wake up. My eyes are very sensitive to bright light, so this was nice to wake up to. At about 10:40 I walked to the Garden Cafe. I wasn't the hungry and the lines were a bit too long to wait in for the time I had, so I just grabbed a cup of coffee,found a table (which was not difficult), and enjoyed to amazing views. I could get used to this!

At about 10:50 I headed to Bliss for the M&G. When I walked in I didn't see my friends,so I just sat down and waited. While waiting I met two people. SHOUT OUT TO LINDA(linda the book lover) AND MICHELL (Host Michell). Then the M&G began. There were alot of officers there from all departments. We were given a slip of paper with each officers name and their personal numbers in case we need anything or have any questions. I was then thanked for setting up the Facebook account. Oh don't make me blush! Tip:setting up a Facebook account for the roll call is highly recommended. That was where I met some teens before the cruise,and also were non-CC members can find us and then join here. You're welcome CC Marketing! Next,the best part, was when Dennis (Tideone),who organized, the M&G said it was my time to meet the Captain. On the roll call I mentioned that I wanted to meet him very badly. I was shocked that i was about to meet him! Somehow I managed to stand up on shaky legs and go to the Bliss entrance we the Captain was standing. "Uhm hello Captain. I really wanted to meet you. *useless, nervous, rambling making me look weird* Is it okay if I get a picture with you?"


(He is REALLY tall!)


After the M&G ended I talked with Sascha from Switzerland (dreadlockjack) whom I talked to on Facebook. Then my friend and I headed up to Entourage.

So...yeah...it was kinda lame. Everyone was just playing video games. I don't really play video games (too busy on CC-not really,but...whatever) so I was just about to leave when 2 girls walked in and sat near me. Ooooh playa!!!! (DISCLAIMER-I am in no way, shape, or form a playa. I do not go on a cruise to hook up with people. I go on a cruise to MEET new people. On the last night of the cruise, after the teen dance, everyone began to "hook up" and leave. Hmmmmm....sketchy people. Who "hooks up" with people they just met-little nasties... Okay, enough of that.) The girls' names were Lexi (from New Jersey) and Bri (from Michigan). We talked a little bit and decided to go swimming. They said they needed to get their bathing suits so we went to their cabins. On the way we met Bri's brother who was my age. We started walking up the stairs to Deck 16. Woooooaah, they're in the sweet complex!! I had been dying to this place, but doubted I ever would. While the girls changed me and Michael chilled in the hallway. Later we went swimming in the courtyard pool. Pool-more like giant jaccuzi with no bubbles. It was so hot!!!! Almost uncomfortably hot. We decided to go to the main pool and try out the slides.

We went on the green and purple slides. The green slide is INTENSE,partially pitch black,partially open, and partially hanging over the side of the ship.. It was crazy fun!!!! Then we tried purple. It was totally pitch black and in my opinion, rather lame. It's basicall straight the whole time. Also, when I came to the end I think I took a gallon of water up the nose. Then we decided to get in the sardine can,er, pool. One thing I still don't understand is why the 3rd biggest cruise ship in the world has such small pools. Good thing I don't get claustrophobic of I would be S.O.L on the pool situation. It was small, yes, cramped, yes, fun, yes. We had fun,but getting rubbed up against by...uhm,"larger" hairy men was NOT FUN!!!! However, there was a drunk guy playing in the fountain in the center which was comical to watch. I saw him the next day on the slides and asked him about the other day. Yup, he was drunk and livin' it up. More power to ya man!

So now it was liek 2:00 and starving. We went to O'Sheehans for lunch. While there Michael and Bri's parents decided to join us. It was awkward at first, but their parents were really cool and really funny. I had the O'Sheehans burger which was very good and juicy. Also, the fries were nice and crispy.

At 3:30 I left because my parents and I had Cirque reservations at 5:15 and we wanted to line up at 4:45. So, as planned, we got in line at 4:45 in the priority line. We were very close to the front which was good. At 5:15 on the dot, they began letting people in. We were seated right on the floor with the closest possible seats to the action. Also, we were right on a main walkway. Double ++. The people sitting with were very nice. They were an older couple whose son worked for FedEx. My stepdad works for FedEx and surprise surprise he knew him. Small world eh?Then the show began!!!!

I was mad pictures weren't aloud :(

The food

-Appetizers-Crab cake, Iceburg lettuce salad, and...something else.

-The crabcake was good. But the salad had very little dressing and was lacking taste. I'm assuming the something else was good since i can't remember anything being bad.

-Main Course-fish, beef tenderloin, and chicken on a skewer

-Normally, I don't eat alot of fish, but it was very good,until I found 3 different bones in it. I pulled to out, but managed to swallow 1,which hurt going down. The tenderloin was very, well, tender! It cut like butter and melted in your mouth. I tried using etiquite and cutting the chicken off the skewer, but it was a little overcooked and tough. I gave up and bit into, biting off part of the skewer. This was not swallowed, thankfully.

-Dessert-red vevlet cupcake,fruit tart thingy,and something else.

-the cupcake was very good! I'm not a big tart person so i just gave it to my stepdad. As for the something else, I can only guess was good.


The Show

Best and most innovative show at sea! I have seen Cirque du Soleil before (this IS NOT associated with Cirque du Soleil) so the acts were in themselves not all that surprsing, but the fact they can do them while the ship was rocking (this was the only time I felt the ship move the whole trip) was awesome! Yes, the is some sexual innuendo, but it will likely go over the head of many young children. It did not go over my head and had several times were I almost spewed my soda all over from laughing. There is also audience participation which adds to the hilarity. I read on one review that the audience participation was demeaning and unnecesary. Sorry for the bluntness, but what were they on??? It was hilarious. They busted a balloon between a guys legs (very tense leading up to it) and had several guys ring a cow bell type thing.

All in all it was a great show. I highly recommend it.


The parents and I waiting for the show to begin



Me with Madame Fifi (the main female actress)


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Later that night i met my friends in Entourage, but we went back to their suite to hang in there. We had many good conversations that night. After messing around in the arcade and doing whatever we called it a night around 12:30. There is a 1:00am under 18 curfew, but it is not enforced at all. There is hardly anyone up past 12 anyways ousdie of the casino.

End of Day 2

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So your review is making me chuckle! And Captain Svedung is tall, isn't he? And very patient, as it took my husband three tries to get our picture right!

haha that made me laugh. Oh my goodness he is tall. I'm aout 5'5 and he is a full foot+ taller than me! Way to make me feel ever more nervous Captain.


Tonight/this morning I will start Costa Maya, but I'll have to finish it until tomorrow unless I really get in the groove. Enjoy!!!!

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Some final pictures I forgot about from Sunday night.


The aquapark at dusk



The "sardiSpringBreak2011076.jpgne cans"


Sunsets just seem so much better when you're in the middle of the ocean.



Just of the sweet suite complex. Sadly, I do not have any pictures from inside.


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Good review, Nathan. Sounds like you had a blast. Thanks for sharing. You sound like a mature, bright young man with a great future ahead of you. I'm also an engineer (graduate from Texas A&M University). It's a great degree and will open many doors. I have found it to be very marketable and enjoyed all the great things I learned from it. For perspective, I am 24 years old and am about 2 years out of college.


My wife and I can't wait for our Epic cruise, only about 11 days now!

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Monday-April 4th,2011-Costa Maya, Mexico

Bienvenidos a Costa Maya, Mexico mis amigos!!!!!!

(Welcome to Costa Maya, Mexico my friends!!!!!!!)


At 7:00am my parents called me telling me to get up. It's sad that I wake up earlier on vacation than during school... Today we decided to try out the breakfast in the Garden Cafe for the first time. We were not dissapointed. I had bacon,hash browns, and a bagel and cream cheese, oh and coffee of course. One thing I should mention is I am not a morning person, no matter what country I'm in. The bacon and hashbrowns were excellent. The bagel was alright. I could not find the toaster for the life of me. It was right in front of my face. Also, I was not a big fan of the cream cheese. We have an authentic NYC bakery near us that we eat at every Sunday, so I guess I've become a cream cheese snob. The cream cheese on Carnival was much better, and served in bigger dishes too. i looked like a fatty taking 3 things of cream cheese, which still wasn't enough!!!!!


Moving on, at about 7:45 we headed down to Deck 5 to wait to disembark at 8:00am. Our excursion would meet at the pier at 8:30 and we didn't want to be "that family" that holds everyone up. At about 7:50 the Captain came over and said it would be about another 20 minutes before we could disembark due to high winds. Uh oh, I remembered back in Septermber(?) when the Epic was unable to dock at Costa Maya due to high winds. To kill the time we people watched. On larger ships people watching is so much better. Watching little kids protest their parents putting sunscreen on them, watching oblivious people try to see if they could down further to Deck 4,watching more oblivious people block stairwells...I could go on forever, so the time passed quickly. At about 8:15 the Captain said we could disembark. Thank the Lord!!!!


The Epic has disembarkation down pat; they have 4 lines open and move you through fast while still being somewhat personable. Once we disembarked we stoppe and got pictures with a sailor, who had a thing for mom..., and get ship pictures. We were within the first 100 people off so we figured we had time to take pictures.







The water looked very rough, and it was WINDY!!! As the ship was moored you could still see it bobbing like a cork in the water. Great job getting us here Captain!!!! Also, in port with us today was a Pullmantur ship. It looked like a bath toy compard to our behemouth. As we walked further we came to where to excursion signs were. Our excursion was the "Biomaya Canopy Tour". This would proove to be an excursion that we felt was not worth it's price. I will post on that tomorrow.

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Good review, Nathan. Sounds like you had a blast. Thanks for sharing. You sound like a mature, bright young man with a great future ahead of you. I'm also an engineer (graduate from Texas A&M University). It's a great degree and will open many doors. I have found it to be very marketable and enjoyed all the great things I learned from it. For perspective, I am 24 years old and am about 2 years out of college.


My wife and I can't wait for our Epic cruise, only about 11 days now!

Thank you so much. Texas A&M is a very good school. What type of engineering did you major in? I'm planning on going to Georgia Tech and majoring in aeronautical engineering. I'm sure you guys will have an awesome time. I will most likely have it finished by the time y'all leave. Western Carib . right?

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Yes sir, Western Caribbean, like your itinerary!


Yes, Texas A&M has a very good engineering program. That's really great that you are looking at aeronautical, and obviously Georgia Tech is a great school. I actually started off in aerospace engineering at A&M and obtained my student pilot's license at the end of my freshman year of school. I haven't flown in a while, but planes are a passion of mine and I plan to get back into it in the future. I didn't end up staying in aerospace - even though I love planes, that specific major just didn't end up being the right fit for me. I ended up majoring in Industrial Engineering, which I love. You should look at it just to see. I had no idea what it was until I switched to it, but it is a very broad engineering discipline and I think the name should be switched from Industrial Engineering to Efficiency Engineering or Optimization Engineering, because that's what it is! In the end, though, you will be an engineer and that's the biggest part. As my dad said when I was looking at what I wanted to major in, you will be taught to think like an engineer and that's something all engineers share in common, no matter what type you are.

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Dear Nathan,


Thank you for such an entertaining and well written review (with great photos). Makes me what to book a cruise on the Epic!


I am enjoying your perspective and love your enthusiasm. BTW, do people ever tell you that you look like Justin Timberlake? :)

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Yes sir, Western Caribbean, like your itinerary!


Yes, Texas A&M has a very good engineering program. That's really great that you are looking at aeronautical, and obviously Georgia Tech is a great school. I actually started off in aerospace engineering at A&M and obtained my student pilot's license at the end of my freshman year of school. I haven't flown in a while, but planes are a passion of mine and I plan to get back into it in the future. I didn't end up staying in aerospace - even though I love planes, that specific major just didn't end up being the right fit for me. I ended up majoring in Industrial Engineering, which I love. You should look at it just to see. I had no idea what it was until I switched to it, but it is a very broad engineering discipline and I think the name should be switched from Industrial Engineering to Efficiency Engineering or Optimization Engineering, because that's what it is! In the end, though, you will be an engineer and that's the biggest part. As my dad said when I was looking at what I wanted to major in, you will be taught to think like an engineer and that's something all engineers share in common, no matter what type you are.

Thank you so much. I'm keeping my options open to all right now. I'm unable to get a pilot's liscense because I have very bad vision (I barely got my driving permit), but AE would give me an oppurtunity to puruse my love of aviation. I just did a quick parusing through the GT website and IE seems like a popular field of study with great beneifts. Who knows what will happen in college though. What does thinking like an engineer entail? Thinking analyticaly and at a higher level?


Dear Nathan,


Thank you for such an entertaining and well written review (with great photos). Makes me what to book a cruise on the Epic!


I am enjoying your perspective and love your enthusiasm. BTW, do people ever tell you that you look like Justin Timberlake? :)

The Epic is an awesome ship. I was extremely nervous before coming on it after reading negative reviews, and being overwhelmed by it's size, but it is the best vacation and cruise I have ever been on. I'm trying to convince my parents to go on the Eastern itin. in 2012 for spring break. :D

I have never gotten that before. Hahaha. Thank you though...that was a compliment right?;)


Thanks for a wonderful update, I love your pictures.:)

It all in the skill...well, maybe a good camera helps a little bit.

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And contining!!!!

Once we got to the little area where all the shore excursion were we found our excursion, "Biomaya Canopy Tour".


Shore excursion area right before the shopping area.



Once there we were met by a very lively Ana who was in charge of our tour. She asked us all the typical health questions to make sure we wouldn't well, die.We booked this excursion since we had never been ziplinning before and there were not alot of choices of things to do in Costa Maya. My mom was very adaminant about booking an excursion through NCL in Mexico. At the excursion next to us was my friends I had met, who were going to swim with dolphins (which they said was amazing). At about 8:45 everyone had arrived and we set our for the buses. There is a large area behind all the shops were buses and cabs were lined up. We boarded a very nice air conditioned bus for the HOUR AND 15 MINUTE DRIVE to the ziplinning place. It was a good thing the bus had comfortable seats because about 15 minutes I was out! My mom explained to me after that the drive was extremely boring and flat, like the Midwest. About 4 years ago Costa Maya was devastated by Hurricane Dean and is steal realing from the effecs. Oh, before I fell asleep I let Ana finish her introductions and what not. She was very funny and seemed to genuinely enjoy it.

"Feel free to ask me any questions you have about anything, except cooking. I suck at that."


Anyways, sometime about 10:15am we arrived at the ziplining place. Once we got off the bus, we had to fill out a waiver, you know in case of death they aren't responsible. We were also given a bottle of water. We then boarded an open-air safari type jeep to where we would get geared u and have an opporunity to use their lockers and restrooms before we set out.


View from inside the jeep



Me standing in back of the jeep



Tip: sit on the inside of the jeep. I was on the edge and got smacked in the face by branches quite a few times as the driver tended to cut corners quite sharp


After about 15 minutes of getting backhanded by branches we arrived at this palapa complex. When we got there we had a 10 minute jungle walk to get to the lockers and things of that nature. It was a nice walk through beautfiful jungle scenery. This is also a legitamite jungle, very cool. Once we arrived at the palapa complex we used the restrooms,with really cool sinks. I want one of these in my bathroom at home.



Also, they had lockers you could use free of charge. You cannot bring anything with you onto the lines. If for instance a guy has zipper or botton pockets that won't come open during flight, then you could perhaps fit whatever you can fit into. I had large pockets and fit my whole water bottle inside a pcket. They do not encourage you to bring cameras as it's very easily to drop it, which if you do there is 0% chance of you getting it back. This jungle was very dense. I don't recommend bringing cameras either. They make you were gloves, which i thought were unneccesary, and it would be very difficult to get a camera out and take a few pictures in the time you're on the line. After getting our harnasses on we boarding the open air jeep to go the 1st line. I was smart this time and sat in the middle. Since we sat in the front of the jeep we were last off, meaning we were going to be the last one's to go on the lines. Also, they make you wear helmets. It was a good thing too because while waiting for the first line a tree branch fell on this woman's head. Nothing big just enough to be comical.


Since we were last off we had to wait over an hour to make it to the base of the 1st tower. This was the worst part. You are brought to the top by a special harnass that carries 2 people at a time and we had about 40 people in our tour so it took awhile. Ther first tower was about 95 ft high and it takes a long time to get everyone up. Finally, after a long sweaty hour of waiting we got to go up. I went up by myself so my parents could go up together. It was now my long awaited turn to go ziplinning!!!!


I neared the edge of the platform, got clipped in, and after a push from the platform I was flying 9 stories above the Mexican jungle. the view was incredible!!!! The 1st line was medium length, about 30 seconds of flightime. At the 2nd tower they hoisted you up about 3 stories. This next line is the 2nd longest in the world (the longest being in Costa Rica-which I'm going on this summer on a trip with my school) at about a 1/4 mile long. Soon enough I was again flying through the air, spinning in circles, trying to take it all in. This was a long ride at about 2 minutes. The line is so long in fact that near the end it flattens out and you loose momentum, so they have 2 guys standing below you holding long sticks. You have to grab a hold of the stick (with both hands. I grabbed with 1 and he ripped it out of my hands) and they will pull you to the platform. One thing I should mention is that there is a weight limit. You must be between 100 and 250 pounds. The lighter you are the slower you go and the heavier you are, the faster you go. My mom just barely made the cut off and fell shor of the very first platform and to pull herself to it. My stepdad who weighs about 240 went extremely fast and the people on the platforms had trouble stopping him.


Now, at the second tower you have one line left. This is the fastest and steepest line. This line also gives you the best scenery as you are flying over a gorgeous lagoon with about 7 different shades of blue. With my final step off the platform I was plummeting face towards the last platform. *Flash* Dangit! I forgot they take pictures on the last line! Here's how my candid picture turned out.


MomspicsfromSpringBreak2011111.jpg We never intended on buying the picture, but we wanted the pictoral memory, so my mom took a picture of the picture. Yes wrong, but they gave us a deal of $24 for all 3 of our pictures, as opposed to $30 which is what it was earlier that day.)


Once we took off our gear they had drinks and snacks available for purchase and free oranges to eat. We then boarded the jeep back to the palapa complex to get our stuff, buy pictures, and then return to Costa Maya.




Before we boarded the bus we were given a sack lunch and another bottle of water. The "lunch" consisted of a triangle of a ham and cheese sandwhich and a granola bar. I was a little put off but this. We're (my parents) are paying $100+ p/p and this is our "lunch". I see O'Sheehans in my future on the boat... The sandwhich was surprsingly not that bad. It had spicy mustard on it and I love all mustard products. I didn't even try the granola bar. My mom brought her own granola bar and only at that. I ate her triangle and my stepdad ate her granola bar. After another hour and 15 minute ride (another hour nap) we were back at the port. Before entering the port we had to go through a gate with armed guards. We also had to present our ships cards in order to proceed through. After tipping Ana we were off the boat and wandered around looking for a spot to take pictures.


We took a few pictures on the rocks in front of the beach then headed back to the ship. Before we got on the ship there were tents set up in front of the gangway where they had ice water and cold towels. This is one of the msot surprising things I saw. This is a very, very, good thing of NCL to do. I have never seen this before and this is just one thing that makes NCL the best in my mind. We were through the detectors quickly and went back to our rooms. By this time it was about 3:00pm.

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Once we got back on board, I went to my cabin, grabbed my camera that I forgot to bring ashore, and went up to snap a few pictures. Once I was satisfied I found a chair to put my stuff while I tried out the EPIC PLUNGE!!!!! I then went over to go get in line for a tube. This is the longest time spent waiting. On port days the lines aren't too bad. I think to get a tube it was about 15 minutes. Might I add now that a.) put sunscreen on even if you are waiting in line. I got sunburned very badly!!!! and b.) the pooldeck gets very HOT!!!!! I picked a chair underneath a little overhang at the back of the ship and I left my shoes there. I had to walk all the way around the pools to get in line. It looked like I was walking on glass. I was high stepping it like crazy. It's funny watching people hop around the first day then you later feel for them when you're in pain. Watershoes (that you can get for about $10 at Walmart) are high suggestible). Nevertheless I went to wait in line. While in line Sascha (dreadlockjack) and his wife and son got in line behind me. It was nice talking to someone in line. It helped the wait go by faster.It is also comical while in line to see people come out of the tube. Many people are screaming, a few flip out of the tube, and some have trouble getting out of the tube.


After I got my tube (oh tube sizes-there are 3 sizes, pink is the smallest and suitable for young children, it was even to small for me. Next size up is yellow. This was best for me. Yellow is best for teens, early 20's, and small older women. The largest size is blue which is best larger people.). Okay, I got my tube now. Take the stairs up to Deck 16, then 2 flights up to Deck 18, walk past the green and purple slides and begin waiting in line the flight of stairs to Deck 19 and the slide entrance. This line is shorter of only about 5 minutes. Finally, it was my turn. I put my tube down, got in and waited for the sldie attendant to motion me to go. *Motions* "Au revoir Sascha!!!!!!! I was sliding down the yellow tube very fast!!! Soon enough I was spit out into the toilet bowl. This is an awesome experience. Most people go around twice, but if you have skills, like me, you can go around 3 times. Once you stop spiraling you fall into a place before the last tube where water pools up. This cause you to stop, so you have to use your feet to push to the last opening. It's almost like you're sucked into this opening as the last part is very steep. Then you are spit back into the small pool at the end where you hand your tube off to the next person. After doing this a few more times I went back to my cabin around 4:45 to get ready for dinner. Tonight we would be eating in Taste.

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I chaperoned my daughter's high school trip to Costa Rica. You are going to LOVE it! The food is soooooo good and the scenery just amazing. I came back wanting to learn Spanish and move there!

Awesome! We are going for 8 days and also going with 2 of my favorite teachers and best friends. I know enough Spanish to get by. However, at the ziplinning they couldn't understand me. I was sad:confused:. My accent isn't that bad...

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To answer your question about "thinking like an engineer", it's just approaching everything with a problem solving mentality and your degree will give you the tools to solve those problems. I'm not talking about your typical on-paper problems you're used to necessarily either. You'll learn how to look at situations and think "How could I make this better?" or maybe more on a physics-related note - "I'm flying at 35,000 feet right now traveling at 500 knots. What is at work here keeping me in the air and moving so quickly?", or "What's keeping this plane from falling apart?". The biggest thing for me now is I just look at things more in a mindset of how they work and how could I make it better. Some of that is more IE focused but you get the point.


Sorry to de-rail the thread a little. The water looks beautiful. We've never been to Costa Maya - it kind of looks desolate haha. We're going on the Chacchoben Mayan Ruins tour. The other two stops we're just relaxing at a nice beach, so Costa Maya will be our more active, adventurous day.


Just got back from the gym...trying to tone up some of the flab before the cruise :cool:

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To answer your question about "thinking like an engineer", it's just approaching everything with a problem solving mentality and your degree will give you the tools to solve those problems. I'm not talking about your typical on-paper problems you're used to necessarily either. You'll learn how to look at situations and think "How could I make this better?" or maybe more on a physics-related note - "I'm flying at 35,000 feet right now traveling at 500 knots. What is at work here keeping me in the air and moving so quickly?", or "What's keeping this plane from falling apart?". The biggest thing for me now is I just look at things more in a mindset of how they work and how could I make it better. Some of that is more IE focused but you get the point.


Sorry to de-rail the thread a little. The water looks beautiful. We've never been to Costa Maya - it kind of looks desolate haha. We're going on the Chacchoben Mayan Ruins tour. The other two stops we're just relaxing at a nice beach, so Costa Maya will be our more active, adventurous day.


Just got back from the gym...trying to tone up some of the flab before the cruise :cool:

Oh that does sound really interesting. Seems to me that all engineers are just giant nerds capitalizing on their nerdy strengths. Personally, I welcome the term nerd. :D

Anyways, it is VERY desolate. Personally, I'm not one for ruins. We learned about The Age of Eploration and conquistadors and etc. and he showed a picture of Mayan ruins and I yelled out, "I've been there!" I got some weird stares, but it was funny. Anyways, I would much rather prefer doing something active, like ziplinning. But different strokes for different folks, I want to do all the active things while I can. My grandparents have been on too many cruises to count and are deciding on shore excursion for their Europe cruise and toss over half out because they can't walk far. I know I'll be like that one day, so I'm going to enjoy my youth while I can.

As for the gym, I tried that, didn't work, don't care. I ate my 15,000 ice cream cones happily. One thing you can't miss is where they scoop you ice cream. Go in the main entrance of the Garden Cafe, go right, then make another right and on your right will be the ice cream serving station. That rotate flavors so get the one you want while you can. I had 3 cones of Dulce de Leche in one day. They have EVERY kind of flavor too. I saw green tea one day. i tried it and it was disgusting! I have some good looking "food porn" that I'll get up later today.Hmmm, probably not the best choice of words-I will upload them later today. My immature 15 year old humor coming out. I think I should go to bed...

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