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Chair savers!!!

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Well, here is my two cents. Personally I do not save chairs whilst at lunch (usually because I get hot very easily and seek the shade and AC for longer than 30 minutes) or when off in the room. For me, I normally don't save a chair unless I am just taking a quick dip in the pool.


That said, if I am up before my wife (which s usually the case) I will save the chair beside me for a limited time. The caveat this is if all other chairs in my area are full, I will give up the chair (and usually my chair too as I would rather sit with my wife). But, if there are 2 or three other chairs available in the particular area I am sitting in, then It really isn't chair saving is it? I also have no problems if someone comes by and asks me if they can have the chair. If it has been only a few minutes I will tell them my wife is on her way down, but if she isn't there in 15 minutes, the chair is all theirs.


Now, IMHO, people need to bloody well relax man. If it is a person saving 15 chairs, okay, I fully understand getting miffed. But if it is a dad saving a chair for his son or daughter who is in the pool having fun (no kid sits still... I am a not a parent and even I know that), then they should be able too. What, should we say to the dad "you kid is off having fun, so too damn bad, I am taking his chair"? Lighten up... seriously.


If a chair in a particular location is that important too you, get your lazy but up early to get the one you want... otherwise, just sit somewhere else.


Sorry if this is coming across as a bit terse, but it really annoys me how some people think that just because they want something, they can have it. While I agree that it is not very polite to save chairs and not use them, it is also not polite to simply assume what ever you want is yours as long as there is no one there. On my last cruise (which was wonderful BTW) my wife got up to use the bathroom. Not more than five minutes after she left a woman came by and asked for her chair. I told her my wife was in the bathroom. She complained and reiterated the "chair saving" rule to me. Needless to say I was very annoyed (and admittedly I don't avoid confrontation), so I came right back at her telling her she needed to understand what is meant by the rule, and that going to the bathroom is okay. She simply would not shut up about how chair saving is not allowed (she called it chair hogging). Finally the three lovely ladies who were sitting beside us told the lady beaking about the chair that indeed, my wife had just left. The lady then started to accuse the three other ladies of being my friends... at which point I said something like "go have another sandwich you fat @$#%! (not my proudest moment... but I was really pissed at this point). Anyway, my wife cam back about the same time I lost it, and the lady finally went away in a huff. Honestly, the nerve of some people. The wierd thing was, we were no where near the pool (next deck up actually)


I am not suggesting that any of the board members ere would do something like that, but moving other peoples stuff and what not is just as offensive. Call security or one of the deck stewards, that is fine, because they will use their best judgment as to whether or not the stuff should be removed. Touch other peoples stuff, and they are well within their rights to accuse you a stealing.


Just my two cents.

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If a chair in a particular location is that important too you, get your lazy but up early to get the one you want... otherwise, just sit somewhere else.



Not harsh at all.........pretty straight forward and true! If a certain chair means that much to someone then get up and reserve it yourself......you snooze you sit with us :p It seems everyone that complains about chair hogs all want that same chair.....newsflash.....it ain't going to happen. unless you get up early and save it yourself..... quite your whining.....

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Not harsh at all.........pretty straight forward and true! If a certain chair means that much to someone then get up and reserve it yourself......you snooze you sit with us :p It seems everyone that complains about chair hogs all want that same chair.....newsflash.....it ain't going to happen. unless you get up early and save it yourself..... quite your whining.....


I second that!!!! :D

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I think I would just sit my butt down...when someone shows up and says "I was saving that seat"...I can say -- well you aren't allowed but here I'm done...I don't mind giving you my seat." Smile and say "have a nice day".


I haven't cruised in too long. The last time was when the Voyager of The Seas was considered the biggest -- or one of the biggest. Sure, sure -- pool hogs, rude people....has to happen with all those people -- but there were so many spots on the boat that we could find peace and quiet, sun and a chair......

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Last week on the Dream, the wife and I found two chairs empty next to four saved chairs. We sat in the empty chairs and I looked at my watch. 45 minutes later an older couple came by looking for chairs so I got up and moved the stuff off the four saved chairs to a nearby table. The couple thanked me and sat down.

15 minutes later a family of 4 showed up and the father raised his arms in disgust and said *****? What happened to our stuff? I told them I moved it and where it was. A few cuss words later he had his camera out and pointed it at me and snapped my picture. He loudly told me I was going on the internet! I said thanks and have a nice day as they left in a huff.

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Thank you. I wish the Elation had people like you when we sailed on it...then DD and I might have been able to find a seat outside to sit on.


You're very welcome.:) I figure if everyone just went to get a chair when they actually needed one and didn't save chairs during lunch then it would allow most of the people to have chairs during the day.

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I was under the impression that the deck chairs were "open seating". With budget cuts and economic downturns, I would assume that if Carnival wanted to make the seating "reserved", they could do so rather easily and with a nice profit.


How about if you want a reserved deck chair to call your own, you pay for a balcony?


oh...let the wailing and gnashing of teeth begin ;)


Actually, Celebrity has private cabanas that you can rent per day or half a day. That does alleviate the chair hog problem on the ship.


Now that one cruise line has implemented a cost for certain chairs I don't think it will be too long before other cruiselines follow suit.

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Alright so Ive got a good story here....last year we were on the Costa Serena and we have 3 chairs on a row...not even near the pool...about 3 decks up and at sail away we wanted to stand at the railing and look at the town...the railing mind you was about 10 feet in front of the seats. So for about 5 to 6 minutes we are all standing there when we turn around and an Italian man is taking all of our bags and towels off of our chair and he says he "did not realize the space was occupied". Long story longer he preceded to try to have a "tug o' war" for the seat and we won. Then once he walked away his wife (who was standing watching this from afar) started to scream at him in Italian. Now...I dont think we were being chair hogs..but maybe in Italy the play by different rules :) oh and did I mention there were 15 empty chairs about 20 feet away? haha It was a great day none the less.

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IMHO...If you leave for lunch and will be gone for longer than 30 minutes then you should be considerate (especially if the all seats are taken and people are looking for a place to sit), take your items with you, and let someone else have it.


But then they'd have to wander the decks looking at all those sandals and books getting suntans, while they hunt for another seat when they DO return. It's much easier to just call DIBS and say 'who cares' to everyone else hunting for seats. At least it's not them.


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I have never, ever had trouble finding a chair. Ever.. If you stroll your hungover arse out there at 11:00 a.m. expecting a poolside seat waiting for you, forget about it. But go up a deck and there are chairs everywhere. I'm not condoning saving chairs, but if it's that important to get one right next to the pool, you do got to get up early.



I'm never hungover. I'm out there right after breakfast (around 9:00 am) and I don't need one right by the pool (I think the parents of kids in the pool should get those).


But I do sometimes like to be where I can see the big screen, even if it's only showing underwater scenes, fish, turtles...........


There is absolutely no excuse for saving a bunch of chairs for those lazy hungover arses who don't get out there by 8-9 and expect the HOG to do their dirty work for them.

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why do people need to be near the pool? pool is small , crowded

noisy , I prefer to be higher up for the sun , wind, and hear the music

But I do have a pool at home to use everyday:)



You answered your own question. Not everyone has a pool at home.


Next answer: Some people have children in the pool that need to be watched. Or would you rather the parents wandered off and left them?

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Next answer: Some people have children in the pool that need to be watched. Or would you rather the parents wandered off and left them?


They have benches around the pool where alot of the parents can sit. I also have noticed alot of parents will sit on the edge of the pool or actually be in the water with their kid.

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You answered your own question. Not everyone has a pool at home.


Next answer: Some people have children in the pool that need to be watched. Or would you rather the parents wandered off and left them?


And I was very much amazed at how FEW chair hogs actually had youngsters. Lots of 18-21 yr olds, multi-couple adult groups, the lovely hog of 14 chairs that said I had "no class" for moving a Carnival towel off of one of her 14 chairs...


I don't get it. Why are people so geeked up about getting chairs near the pool or within that immediate vicinity if they aren't monitoring kids or using those amenities?


And I disagree with the posters who think "if ya can't beat em, join 'em" or that I need to get my "lazy" butt up at 6:30 to go break rules, be greedy and so inconsiderate. It's a very poor example to set for my kids..I'm far from lazy. I'm one of those go-go-go people but I'm also one who insists my children follow rules and be considerate of others.2 wrongs don't make a right and your 6:30 am orange or singular flip flop don't buy you a chair. If your lazy butt wants it, occupy it.

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And I was very much amazed at how FEW chair hogs actually had youngsters. Lots of 18-21 yr olds, multi-couple adult groups, the lovely hog of 14 chairs that said I had "no class" for moving a Carnival towel off of one of her 14 chairs...


I don't get it. Why are people so geeked up about getting chairs near the pool or within that immediate vicinity if they aren't monitoring kids or using those amenities?


And I disagree with the posters who think "if ya can't beat em, join 'em" or that I need to get my "lazy" butt up at 6:30 to go break rules, be greedy and so inconsiderate. It's a very poor example to set for my kids..I'm far from lazy. I'm one of those go-go-go people but I'm also one who insists my children follow rules and be considerate of others.2 wrongs don't make a right and your 6:30 am orange or singular flip flop don't buy you a chair. If your lazy butt wants it, occupy it.


I see lots of people without kids using the pool. Plus it is where all the action is with the music and activities.......

You don't have to teach your kids to be chair hogs.......just get up early and get a chair and enjoy the pool with your kids.....if it is that important.....

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I think I read someone on another thread who had a great idea. They would take the ppl's belongings and put them under said chair and sit there. If the "chair hog" returns within 30 mins or so, they'd apologize, and vacate the chair for the original owner. If they never come back, or come back an hour later, kindly explain the 30 minute rule. I would think you can tell if they were in the pool (they'd be wet), so I'd probably reneg on the 1 hour thing if they were in the pool. It's all at people's discretion.


I think that's fair.

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I see lots of people without kids using the pool. Plus it is where all the action is with the music and activities.......

You don't have to teach your kids to be chair hogs.......just get up early and get a chair and enjoy the pool with your kids.....if it is that important.....


My kids can READ. When the giant screen on deck is posting the rules, its very obvious to anyone with a brain that a scene like the picture posted above, violates those rules. Why should I have to get up early to teach my kids how mommy breaks the rules while someone holds down 14 chairs for people (who half of them) didn't show?


There's plenty of action space all over. Parents shouldn't be forced to sit on a bench so your towel can sunbathe for a few hours.

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My kids can READ. When the giant screen on deck is posting the rules, its very obvious to anyone with a brain that a scene like the picture posted above, violates those rules. Why should I have to get up early to teach my kids how mommy breaks the rules while someone holds down 14 chairs for people (who half of them) didn't show?


There's plenty of action space all over. Parents shouldn't be forced to sit on a bench so your towel can sunbathe for a few hours.


What in the world does reading or anyone having a brain have to do with what I posted:confused: I said get up early and grab some chairs and go swimming with your kids........I never said chair hog some chairs:confused:

And you are right there is plenty of space for everyone including you and your special children:rolleyes: I didn't see parents being forced to sit on the bench to be with their kids......they were actually watching them and interacting with them.....

This is what happens when your cruise with 3,000 of your closest friends.......and it does not just happen on cruise ships...it happens pretty much everywhere there is a public pool......

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What in the world does reading or anyone having a brain have to do with what I posted:confused: I said get up early and grab some chairs and go swimming with your kids........I never said chair hog some chairs:confused:

And you are right there is plenty of space for everyone including you and your special children:rolleyes: I didn't see parents being forced to sit on the bench to be with their kids......they were actually watching them and interacting with them.....

This is what happens when your cruise with 3,000 of your closest friends.......and it does not just happen on cruise ships...it happens pretty much everywhere there is a public pool......


My beautiful babies are a helluva lot more "special" than your towel. And I do swim with my kids. But when my 6 yr old wants to spend 4 hrs in the pool, I have every right to get out of the pool at some point, move your towel or flip flop or orange when your "special" self hasn't graced us with your appearance on deck, and continue to watch my sweet baby have a great time.


You are the same person on the kid-related thread that wanted to argue with and to pick fights with me. If you want my email address, lemme know and we can continue this further, privately. I'f not, let's hope we don't cruise together cuz I WILL move your towel while you're not occupying the chair you tried to reserve. Happy cruising to my "special" friend.

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My beautiful babies are a helluva lot more "special" than your towel. And I do swim with my kids. But when my 6 yr old wants to spend 4 hrs in the pool, I have every right to get out of the pool at some point, move your towel or flip flop or orange when your "special" self hasn't graced us with your appearance on deck, and continue to watch my sweet baby have a great time.


You are the same person on the kid-related thread that wanted to argue with and to pick fights with me. If you want my email address, lemme know and we can continue this further, privately. I'f not, let's hope we don't cruise together cuz I WILL move your towel while you're not occupying the chair you tried to reserve. Happy cruising to my "special" friend.


ROFLMAO!!! I am going to go out on a limb here and bet those special little apples don't fall far from the tree:D If you have ever read.....or I should say comprehend any of my posts you can't be further from the truth:rolleyes: I don't even come close to wanting to be by that pool....nor do I care if anyone hogs chairs.......you see I am a realist and know that there are many chairs to be had without hogging. But I also know that if I wanted something bad enough I would get off my sorry butt and accomplish it......something all children should be taught btw......

What part of getting up early and playing in the pool with your kids don't you understand.......that was merely a suggestion since that is why you said you needed a chair up front and center......save the whine for the cheese.......

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They have benches around the pool where alot of the parents can sit. I also have noticed alot of parents will sit on the edge of the pool or actually be in the water with their kid.



Have you ever sat on a bench for 4 hours? My kids would stay in the pool all day when they were younger and I did the same at their age. I don't want or need to be near the pool and think the chair hogs should have to give up their chairs for parents to watch their kids rather than save chairs for 4 hours when no one comes.

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You answered your own question. Not everyone has a pool at home.


Next answer: Some people have children in the pool that need to be watched. Or would you rather the parents wandered off and left them?


Say, maybe that's the solution. Carnival can make and post a new policy: Any adult in the first two rows are responsible for any/all children in the pool. :eek: (I'm not really serious, for those who need the disclaimer.)

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