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Avoid Jet Ski Companies in Orient Beach area!


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Several years ago, while on a Carnival cruise, some friends and I rented jet skis at a rinky-dink hut on Orient Beach. To make a long story short, I got into an accident when another jet ski company sent a whole flock of people into the same area.


As a result, the company made me pay the full price of a brand new jet ski before I was able to leave the island (the $6,000 ended up going on a credit card, which ended up being paid with money I had been saving for college) because the company claimed they did not have insurance. They threatened to "hold us there" until the balance was paid. Not to mention, I was pretty banged up, and no one even offered to give me medical attention.


Our ship was leaving within forty minutes or so, so there wasn't much time for debate...after paying, we just barely made it back to the ship.


After the fact, I contacted a local congressman to see if he could look into it, and he tried to get to the bottom of it...but he ended up getting the runaround because of the Dutch/French split of the island (I guess there was a lot of finger-pointing as to which side should investigate) and nothing was ever done about it.


It still angers me to think about it. About two years later, I was contacted by a man who claimed to be a reporter from Saint Martin, and he said he was investigating fraudelent activity among the Jet Ski companies there...apparently it is a common scam to charge people for even minor damage to the jet skis...the unassuming tourists pay the company, and the companies are reimbursed again by their insurance agents.


Just a word to the wise...don't take the risk of renting Jet Skis in Orient Beach...it's not worth it!!!

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IMNSHO, this posting is BOGUS!



For one thing, there would never be a dispute over which side of the island should investigate, because Orient is VERY French, and they would never consider involving the Dutch side.

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I think that in that sort of circumstance, you would have been well-advised to call the police immediately. They could establish a record of facts, at the least. they would also have known, perhaps, if the folks you rented from were scam artists.


Last, you should always ask the what-if's BEFORE you head out on the water. You wouldn't rent a car without insurance and I'm not sure why you thought the jet ski accident was their fault more than your.

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I don't know why you think my posting is "bogus" as you put it, but that's pretty darn presumptious of you, since you are not the one who had to suffer through that mess.


The fact of the matter is, I was young and on vacation...I obviously didn't think something like this would happen to me.


First of all, the only thing that was on my mind was that I had just survived a bad accident, and had to make it to the dock before my ship left. I did not have time to sit and weigh my options.


Also, the jet ski I rented was far from being brand new, but I was still forced to pay the cost of a new one. The other fellow involved in the accident had to pay $2,000+ , and his jet ski only suffered a few scratches. Luckily, he was also okay, but the company he rented the jet ski from also threatened to detain him on the island until he ponied up the money; they did not even offer him medical attention.


As far as the dispute between the French/Dutch investigation, I am only referring back to what a congressman here in MA. told me.


I find it hard to believe that Jet Ski companies would be permitted to operate without insurance. If that company put in an insurance claim after I had already paid the damages in full, then that is fraud, plain and simple.


Obviously, if I was contacted by a reporter FROM ST. Martin, then I was not the only tourist to have run into a similar situation.


In the end, I only posted this message as a warning to others. You can take it as you will...

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I'm sure you had to sign a "release from damages" form when you gave them your credit card.

* Did you read it?

* Did you get a copy?


I suspect it pretty clearly specified the charges in event of damage.

* Did you decline insurance coverage?

* Did you challenge the credit card payment after you returned home?


When the congress person came back with the "French/Dutch investigation" it was clear they were in a fog. Since Orient Beach is on the French side and the business transaction was on the French side, any Dutch involvement is irrelevant. Sounds like typical bureaucratic ineptitude.


For future jet ski users, in the event of any dispute on the French side, just call the French Gendarmes especially if someone is going to charge your credit card $$$$$$.

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Basically, my friend rented two jet skis under his credit card, which had expired. He told the guy it was an expired credit card, but the guy didn't care, because we paid in cash. My other friends rented from the same place, but paid separately.


My friend signed both of our names, said "I paid for you, let's go!" and that was that.

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Basically, my friend rented two jet skis under his credit card, which had expired. He told the guy it was an expired credit card, but the guy didn't care, because we paid in cash. My other friends rented from the same place, but paid separately.


My friend signed both of our names, said "I paid for you, let's go!" and that was that.


Huh ?

Then how is it possible as you stated in your initial post :

"As a result, the company made me pay the full price of a brand new jet ski before I was able to leave the island (the $6,000 ended up going on a credit card, which ended up being paid with money I had been saving for college) because the company claimed they did not have insurance. They threatened to "hold us there" until the balance was paid.


They did not have your credit card, they had your friend's expired card - how did they charge $6000 to your card. Also how could they "hold" you? Only the gendarmes can do that. All you had to do was LEAVE without giving them any further credit card info.

Sorry but I agree with gtaylor this all sounds mighty fishy.

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You know, the intention of my original post was simply to keep another stupid youngster from doing what this stupid youngster did several years ago. Instead, it seems I've rustled a few tailfeathers, so I guess there are a few people on here who own jet ski rental shops in St. Martin :(


...Anyway, as I mentioned, the gentleman at the Jet Ski company did not care about the credit card, of course, until AFTER the accident. It was then that I was told that we could not leave the island, and at which time I was forced to pay with my own credit card (I had to use two cards to cover the balance, just to be more specific for all of you paranoid people who think I'm making this up).


Others can say what they will, but my tour bus was leaving, and we had approx. 30-40 min to get back to the pier, get in line and get on the ship. Believe me, I did not want to dish out that kind of cash! When it comes right down to it, it was my first cruise, and if I did not pay, I imagined myself being detained in some crappy jail cell while my ship went on without me.



ZENO SAID: "They did not have your credit card, they had your friend's expired card - how did they charge $6000 to your card. Also how could they "hold" you? Only the gendarmes can do that. All you had to do was LEAVE without giving them any further credit card info.

Sorry but I agree with gtaylor this all sounds mighty fishy."


My response: This incident occured about seven years ago, so I do not remember offhand just how long the bus ride was to Orient Beach, but I know it was too far for us to walk, so the idea of just "leaving" was out of the question. Believe me, we talked about trying to find another cab to take us out of there, but with three or four guys from the rental company watching us like hawks, the only way we could have done that would have been to fight them...which probably wouldn't go over too well with the "gendarmes".

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It's possible that folks are being too rough on the OP. I'm not sure that his experience of seven years ago is still relevant but I think his actions were consistant with what one might expect from a young, relatively inexperienced traveller. Putting myself in his place, I would guess I would have been equally rash in trying to get out of there.


That said, most travel books are out of date almost immediately. Advice from seven years ago might be a good anecdote, but it has little bearing on the current situation anywhere. Most travellers these days know to check out their liability before accepting a rental (be that a car or a boat) and will act with more finesse than this fellow did.

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WHEW! Schplinky and ILUVCRUIZN, thanks for being the first two posters to not attack me. If I'd had known there were the "gtaylors" of the world, just lurking around the site to bash people without provocation, I may have reconsidered my original post. And here, I thought this was a friendly environment.


Sadly, it's been about three years since my last cruise, and I've felt that old wanderlust kicking in. That's why it's been so long since I've been on the site...just came back to do some research, and just like that, the old memory of my accident came back with all of my good memories of the Caribbean. I guess it still irritates me to this day, which is why I posted my story.


As an afterthought, I do not have anything against the French, the island of St. Martin, or the people of St. Martin... only those who scam others and yes, I am aware that one can find those people anywhere...

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I think I would go crazy if it had been three years since my last cruise. DH and I try to go at least once a year 2 if we are extremely lucky. Well don't let this put a damper on CC for you. Thanks for your input!!!!!!!

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I remember when I was 19 and I took a family car un an "unauthorised" road-trip. A tube broke loose and spilled oil and there was smoke everywhere. The mechanic was very kind to squeeze me in and fix the car (in about 5 minutes) but I was going so mental in my panic that I likely would have paid him $6000 to fix it! I seriously did not want my folks to know. I told my Mom that story about 15 years later and she was so annoyed that I felt like I still was getting in trouble for it!

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Yeah...I had been going good for a while there, trying to take at least one good vacation a year, but then lack of money in a poor economy, bad timing with job scheduling, and lack of planning amongst friends lead to the elapsed time.


The funny part is, now that I have it in my mind to go on another cruise, I've become a bit obsessed...again. Now, I'm more nervous about being stuck on a ship with too many kids, than I am about the money, the planning, etc.

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If I'd had known there were the "gtaylors" of the world, just lurking around the site to bash people without provocation....


If you would search just some of the previous postings by gtaylor even you would find that Gary is extremely helpful to cruisers calling upon St. Maarten. In many, many cases he has helped folks realize considerable savings and has provided thoughtful and extremely useful ideas for exploring the island. This is about the only instance on these boards where he has spoken clearly and distinctly to someone who obviously didn't have a clue about how to solve issues in a foreign land. Even then after numerous postings we learn that YOUR problem occurred 7 years ago. Sometimes it's best to consider things as a learning experience and get smarter next time.


It's time to move on.

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KAL, you are correct about me being "someone who obviously didn't have a clue about how to solve issues in a foreign land". That's probably the reason I clearly stated that I was young, naive, and on my first cruise at the time of my accident.


I might be mistaken, but I thought that the idea of this site is for experienced people to help others who are equally "clueless." To that end, I was trying to be helpful. I did not think this would turn into some kind of witch-hunt, where I would have to defend my every word.


...If my post offended you, or was of no interest to you, then you are welcome to keep your negative comments to yourself, rather than attacking the poster.


Inexperienced as I may be, I have enough tact that I would not bite somebody's head off for posting his/her opinion on this venue or any other.


It is immature and presumptious for anyone to jump in and make the claim that another person's post is "BOGUS" without understanding the situation at all...


Simply because my accident happened seven years ago does not mean it cannot happen again. I have seen numerous other warnings of scam artists running lousy tours, beaches to avoid, cab companies to avoid, etc...these are all important messages in my opinion, and the posters have the right to relay their bad personal experiences without fear of being singled out.


I visit this site to share stories and to be educated on places I would like to go (or places I would like to go to again). If that's your thing, to bash people, then perhaps you should look elsewhere...

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If you would search just some of the previous postings by gtaylor even you would find that Gary is extremely helpful to cruisers calling upon St. Maarten.


Maybe, but he once attacked one of my helpful postings about St. Martin. It wasn't as bad as this subject, but I felt also ambushed and it was silly because it didn't change the direction of the discussion.


Why is it so hard for folks to skip a thread if they can't at least be civil?



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I thought your post was quite helpful in that we always need a reminder to be cautious. I am not young or naive but still made and incredibly stupid decision last month becaue I was stressed!! We make decisions for different reasons that sometimes cost us. My husband was quite ill, the Doc said to take him immediately to the closest hospital and wouldn't you just know it...that hospital was no longer covered by my insurance! $3000 later....


Anyway, I hope you will cruise again and have a great time.



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Just a word to the wise...don't take the risk of renting Jet Skis in Orient Beach...it's not worth it!!!
I understand that your perception is that you were ripped off by a business at Orient Beach. Even though it was seven years ago, you slam all current PWC rental businesses. Even the title of your posting paints them all with the same brush: Avoid Jet Ski Companies in Orient Beach area! Without knowing exactly what happened and the full extent of the damage you caused to the equipment (yes, as the operator, you were responsible) the company you rented from was faced with significant repair (you said "bad accident"). Just as anyone who rents a car on St. Martin, the driver is responsible for damage - therefore most ensure there is adequate insurance for just that reason. Do you feel the company should just absorb the cost of repairs? Perhaps they felt you did not exercise due caution in the manner in which you operated their equipment, and maybe they were tired of irresponsible people tearing up their machines. Bottom line - we all make mistakes, things happen, and we have to own up to the mistake and pay the price. Sometimes that price hurts a little.
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Well, I'm not going to "keep my negative comments to myself" if I truly question the validity of the post that I'm responding to.


I feel a responsibility to current and future travelers to give a heads-up about comments, either positive or negative, from years ago, that most probably are no longer accurate.


As it unfolds, it appears even more inappropriate to post with your original subject line warning people heading to St. Maarten about something that happened seven years ago.


I still have questions, but I'm happy to move on at this point.




p.s. My e-mail is posted in my profile.

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Maybe, but he once attacked one of my helpful postings about St. Martin. It wasn't as bad as this subject, but I felt also ambushed and it was silly because it didn't change the direction of the discussion.


Why is it so hard for folks to skip a thread if they can't at least be civil?




I'd really like to know when this happened and what the subject was.


In my years on the board I can only recall one other possible incident (about the view from a beach) and I don't have any idea of it was with you. I never understood what my mistake in that case was. If you could refresh my memory I would truly appreciate it.


Feel free to do so via e-mail (in my profile) if you wish, but not necessary.



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I have a friend at Orient who works at the jet ski rental booth next to Pedro's Bar. His name is BeBe and is the person with the yellow shirt in this PHOTO.


I'll be in St. Maarten next month and will ask BeBe all about the liability and financial responsibilities for renters of jet skis. Will share that information when I return in early May.

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