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john heald blog

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I am actually a little nervous posting on this thread.(Not really).

The last time I did, someone posted my comment on Healds blog and he called me a kook.

I may not get over it.:p


At the risk of opening another can of worms, the beards pick the questions for John to respond to.

Alot of them are hostile and nasty and often say they are CCers.

I'm sure the guidelines for which posts to choose originally came from John.

My question is why do they choose the nasty ones?


BTW- I like Johns blog. As for whether he has thick skin or thin skin, I don't know or care.

All this speculation on his feelings is kindda funny.


just look at the ones that attract the most attention here, like flies to "pop", and the ones that generate to most traffic will be the most desireable.


how many more times is he gonna bring up dress codes and smoking? as many times as they generate hits.


the fun part is, they don't get deleted over there! :)

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I have to think a CC Host writing the following comment on the blog just adds fuel to the fire for whoever likes stirring the pot with their asinine requests, complaints and comments:


...True, there are a VERY few people on Cruise Critic who are not your fans but they hate puppies, Christmas and sunsets as well. Why in the world they would want to set foot on a cruise ship seriously baffles me...


FWIW, not being a fan of JH's blog doesn't make you a hater of puppies, sunset or Christmas. I would even go so far as to venture that some who are not fans of his blog would even help old ladies cross the street. I personally love taking vacations and cruises are one option I enjoy. I don't worship staff or cruise directors, I don't clap for the servers but I do enjoy cruising.


Sometimes the mess you step in is the one you create yourself :rolleyes:

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I have to think a CC Host writing the following comment on the blog just adds fuel to the fire for whoever likes stirring the pot with their asinine requests, complaints and comments:




FWIW, not being a fan of JH's blog doesn't make you a hater of puppies, sunset or Christmas. I would even go so far as to venture that some who are not fans of his blog would even help old ladies cross the street. I personally love taking vacations and cruises are one option I enjoy. I don't worship staff or cruise directors, I don't clap for the servers but I do enjoy cruising.


Sometimes the mess you step in is the one you create yourself :rolleyes:


:eek: Wow. I'm with you... LOVE puppies, sunsets & (sometimes) Christmas, and cruising. And certainly do not follow or worship JH, or cruise directors or staff either. For the record. ;) :o

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:eek: Wow. I'm with you... LOVE puppies, sunsets & (sometimes) Christmas, and cruising. And certainly do not follow or worship JH, or cruise directors or staff either. For the record. ;) :o


it reads over there like who's gonna get noticed the most.


there's even about two people that are posting "jokes of the day". they're not even funny. poor john. he has to be polite.

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So is this about self gratification or is it about using a public forum to try to make a point by humiliating family members.


John is a diamond in the rough, as am I.


He is a very well educated guy but is not a debutante by any means.


If he was there and an old lady needed help across the road he would do it.


Of course anything his posts attracts praise and criticism, that is human nature.


So if someone said your spouse/partner/etc. was a person of ill-repute in order to point out that they should not have to pay for something would you take offense to that, I know I would.


Reading John's blog makes me chuckle, sometimes it makes me pee my large underpants. So is what he does worthwhile? After a long hard day in the office if it makes me laugh and gives me some extra washing then it is worthwhile. If it makes people happy because they get some surprise on their cruise then it is worthwhile.


If there were some politically correct guy that was the CD on your ship that all he did was say here is the next act and told you to put on your life preserver and was sterile would you be pleased with that? Perhaps on a Windstar cruise or one of the high end ones where you have to strap yourself into a tuxedo all day long. But not on a middle of the road type of cruise line. Remember it is the FUN ship not the STUFFY ship.


Now there are places for everything and John has found his niche. For 90% of the cruise passengers he is the quintessential Cruise Director.


Someone said earlier in this thread "If what he posts on his blog offends you then don't go there" That is a very true statement. If you just like to whinge and whine then "Go off to Mamby Pamby land you J%$Waggon"


CC Moderator/s I am sorry for my bluntness. I am no way associated with Carnival or John.


Thanks all for listening to my rants I am 7 days after a great 12 day cruise on the Magic in Europe and suffering from End of Cruise Blues.


All have a great weekend and if you are about to go on a cruise I envy you but at the same time wish you a Bon Voyage.

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I read his blog maybe a year or two ago and since I hate to come in the middle of a series I started at the beginning!:eek: I only got a year or so in before life took over and I never got back to it. I then went and read his posts about the Sensation. Maybe I have a strange sense of humor because he has me ROTL with every post! While I have no plan to worship, stalk or probably even ever meet him I do enjoy his look behind the scenes and his way with words.


I have just booked our very first Carnival cruise (for our anniversary) and went to look at his blog to get "in the mood" I only read a few days worth starting in the current time and was absolutely gobsmacked (my favorite British word!) by the rudeness of people. I can't even imagine DEMANDING that someone send me a gift. There were countless posts of "We will be on this cruise in this cabin and it is our (insert occasion here) so you need to be sure we have the best table in the dining room and you have to send us something." No please, no thank you, no making a polite request just an out and out demand for a reservation or a table or a gift. And several posts then COMPLAINING about the gift they got. Seriously? Do people really have so little manners?


God Bless him, that he does things for these rude cretins. He is a much better man than I am a woman. I would have a very definite "no cruise for you" attitude for anyone that made demands like that.


I don't post on blogs (and I know he doesn't read here) but this is what I have to say to him

John: I will be on a Carnival ship in the near future to celebrate my anniversary. We will enjoy what ever table we get, buy any gifts we feel we must have and just love that we are relaxing and having fun together on our cruise. We will appreciate and enjoy the crew and only regret that no tip is large enough to thank them for all they do for us. Keep writing and making people laugh. You have a gift and have done any amazing job expressing your creativity in multiple ways so you can reach so many and put a smile on their face.

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I have to think a CC Host writing the following comment on the blog just adds fuel to the fire for whoever likes stirring the pot with their asinine requests, complaints and comments:




FWIW, not being a fan of JH's blog doesn't make you a hater of puppies, sunset or Christmas. I would even go so far as to venture that some who are not fans of his blog would even help old ladies cross the street. I personally love taking vacations and cruises are one option I enjoy. I don't worship staff or cruise directors, I don't clap for the servers but I do enjoy cruising.


Sometimes the mess you step in is the one you create yourself :rolleyes:



What I was saying, and I suspect that the vast majority of folks can recognize, is that haters are haters... they hate in general. I didn't say 'Folks who aren't John Heald fans hate puppies and sunsets.' That would be utter nonsense. You know as well as I do that there are people on this forum who post almost nothing but hateful, derogatory items. If you want to quote me from some other source the least you could do is keep it in context.

I'll gladly step in any mess I create... even if it's not a mess.

Have a very nice weekend...


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Amazing that John Heald by all accounts an incredibly good person can generate such controversy.



What's amazing is that some people, very few but some, can have so much hate for someone who is not just a good person but extraordinarily helpful and generous. To add to that, not a single one of those who are so negative about him have sailed with him.

I certainly can understand those who say 'Yeah, I can take him or leave him.' or 'Yeah, we sailed with him but cruise directors do nothing for my cruise'... fine, but the outright venom spewed at him for no reason what so ever is stunning and tells a remarkable story about those who write those words...

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No one would be wiser to the crappy statement about his daughter had he, himself, not put it out there. He helps feed it.


I agree with you totally. I believe he puts things out there that should never be and then people wonder why the readers say what they do. IMHO

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I don't agree with anything you wrote. I think it was obvious that the poster meant to be hurtful with these comments. If you go back and read all of the posts by this person over time you will see a pattern of increasing personal attacks in order to provoke a response. This poster knew perfectly well what she/he was doing. They finally poked around till they found a sensitive spot.


As far as being a public figure so he has to expect this. WHY? No one should be disrespected in that way. Just because it happens doesn't make it right or expected. The level of personal discourse that has evolved on the internet in this country is depressing. To excuse it as you suggested is to condone it. I couldn't disagree more and will never stoop to doing that in order to make me feel superior to someone, which is the real reason for those comments.


He shouldn't have to grow a thicker skin, people should stop hiding behind their avatar's and man up. If you made those comments to my face, you would eating with a straw. Since there are no real consequences to their inane chater on message boards, the cretins continue to come out to play.


i agree, can't go anywhere without people taking videos for you-tube. no privacy any more.. big brother's always watching & he's being a jerk. so many weasels around who wouldn't have the ***** to confront you face to face yet have false bravado hiding behind a computer monitor.

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I agree with you totally. I believe he puts things out there that should never be and then people wonder why the readers say what they do. IMHO



You can believe what you want but the bottom line is that the comments that he answers are directed to him for responses. He has nothing to do with it. The folks that manage the blog harvest those and send them off to John for response... John has always addressed both the positive and the negative.



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You can believe what you want but the bottom line is that the comments that he answers are directed to him for responses. He has nothing to do with it. The folks that manage the blog harvest those and send them off to John for response... John has always addressed both the positive and the negative.




and you really don't think he can simply not respond or delete them once he sees them?


i have a bridge in arizona to sell you.


even anthony weiner knows how to delete.

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and you really don't think he can simply not respond or delete them once he sees them?


i have a bridge in arizona to sell you.


even anthony weiner knows how to delete.



He certainly can... but he doesn't...

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How could people be so mean to John's family







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Fascination, Jubilee, Triumph, Pride, Destiny, Victory, Miracle, Pride, NCL Dawn, Liberty, Valor, NCL Majesty, Miracle, Freedom, Victory, RCCL Explorer of the Seas, NCL Gem, Glory, Legend

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but John did not put that comment out there the office types from Miami did. I wonder if any of you would say what you say if someone attacked your children. My guess is you dont have children and in somecases a heart !


I do not like that John/Carnival publishes so many letters giving CC a bad name but criticizing wife and child is way out of bounds.

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As a serious reader here and aboard, I'm beginning to think your right.

No reason to post such trifle just to stir the pot.


Remove the offensive poster and the post and move on . Was John looking for sympathy ?



He was a lot kinder than I would have been if someone would have stooped so low as to insult my grandchildren.....How would you react if Iit was your wife,children,mother...ect...that was insulted?

If you do not care for his humor please do yourself a favor by not viewing his blog. There are many informative travel blogs that will furnish you information that you will find helpful and might be more palatable to you

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He was a lot kinder than I would have been if someone would have stooped so low as to insult my grandchildren.....How would you react if Iit was your wife,children,mother...ect...that was insulted?

If you do not care for his humor please do yourself a favor by not viewing his blog. There are many informative travel blogs that will furnish you information that you will find helpful and might be more palatable to you


i wonder if mr. heald would condone you directing people away from his blog?


did he personally ask you to do this?

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He was a lot kinder than I would have been if someone would have stooped so low as to insult my grandchildren.....How would you react if Iit was your wife,children,mother...ect...that was insulted?


If you do not care for his humor please do yourself a favor by not viewing his blog. There are many informative travel blogs that will furnish you information that you will find helpful and might be more palatable to you


I love it when people wait there or four days later to respond to a poster :rolleyes: thinking their not reading here.


if it were my child i simply would delete the post and the poster and move on. John craves attention and he always will.


BTW , you don't have to read my post as well :D.

Please do youself a favor and not read my post , it it bothers you so much.

Have a nice day !

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I love it when people wait three or four days later to respond to a poster :rolleyes: thinking they're not reading here.



If it were my child I simply would delete the post and the poster and move on. John craves attention and he always will.


BTW , you don't have to read my post as well :D.

Please do yourself a favor and not read my post , if it bothers you so much.

Have a nice day !


There, I helped you.

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i see his wife and kid has arrived, yet he remains online.



What's your point? He's still working, he's not on vacation even though his family is with him, and his Facebook posts certainly seem to be part of his job as Brand Ambassador or whatever. When I was on R&R from Afghanistan I still posted stuff to Facebook and answered emails from my office.

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