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Kathy did they drop your rate even after the final payment? That is just terrific!!!


Zumba was fun, there is another Zumba Master coming to the Grand Geneva Resort again tomorrow night and several of the gals are going. They said I should come too, but with the walking around all day at the jewelery show and going dancing tomorrow night, just not in the cards this time. I told them I had went to the last two and they hadn't.


My sister is going again, I will pick her up this time, she has already told me that she is really broke so she will be doing more looking than buying. I said that was alright since that is pretty much what we did the last time at the Convention center by Ohare. I think I told you, my mom left us both the same amount of money, but my sister got started going to the riverboat and playing the slot machines and before she knew it, the money was gone. My mom knew what she is like, and should have put the money in some kind of trust where she could only get so much a month, but its too late now. Good thing she lives with her oldest son and his wife as she could not afford to live on her own.


Oh yes, the World of Chocolate, yum, yum, yum! I will watch the news, if you see the camera on you, wave real big so I'll know it's you! Are you getting all dressed up?


Did you see the winds in CA? Some gusts around 100 mph, trees down, elec off for thousands what a mess. Also, there have been 3 small plane crashes around here in the last week, whats up with that!


I'll keep my fingers crossed also that you get either a raise or a bonus. He might as well make it worth you while to spend every day there.


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Sharon, final payment is not until 1/8/12. Yes, we took the train downtown and I did get dressed up. This year we left at 7 as we were there at 5 and it takes an hour on the train and it was getting really crowed. I did get a lot of chocolate.


Have fun at the show today and I know you will find some good deals. It is too bad that your sister is that way. Also have fun dancing tonight. You will be tired on Saturday with all that you will be doing today.




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I saw the choc thing on tv last night, but only for a few seconds, they didn't show people only some things that looked like champagne glasses. Bet it all was tasty! Could you bring some home?


I got some good deals today, bought a purse with lost of sparkles on it. Had to laugh the guy was telling me it was genuine "man-made" leather and Versace "inspired". So nothing was real about the purse, but I did like it and got him to come down $5, so all was good. It was terribly crowded as this was the first time they charged $5 to get in. There must have been several thousand people in lines to get in! They had us get in the wrong line at first and we waited an hour in it. Then when we got to the front they said we had to get in different line and spent almost an hour in that one! They should tell those people where to direct you.


I got home about 5pm and we will just get something to eat at the dance place. I will sleep late tomorrow!


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Sharon, I did bring a lot of chocolate home with me. Wow, waiting 2 hours just to get in that is nuts. But it sounds like you got some good deals like you always do. We are now leaving tomorrow and we are getting picked up at 5:45 am. Tonight we are going to Naperville to see Bill's grandson play basketball. He is only 7 years old.


Were you too tired for dancing last night or did you get a couple of turns in? It has been raining on and off today and more for tomorrow so I hope it does not delay our flight.




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Sharon, We left on Sunday and returned home Friday afternoon. We had a great time in Southern CA, and the weather was nice as well. I will fill you in later when I have a chance to get all caught up with sleep and organizing.


Have a good weekend.




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Sharon, we flew out of O'Hare on Sunday at 8, connected in LAX and landed in PSP around 12:30. Rented an auto and checked into our hotel early. Then we just relaxed. The hotel offered free cocktails from 5:30 until 7:30 then free cooked breakfast the next morning. Then we drove to the place we stayed the rest of the time. A villa at the Westin Mission Hills Resort. On Tuesday we took a tram up 10 miles on top of this one mountain.


Wednesday we drove to SAN through the mountains. We stopped in a place called Paradise after coming out of the mountains and had lunch. We went into SAN and we were 2 blocks form Tijuana, MX, but never went in. We were right on the Ocean. We drove back later that afternoon. Thursday they block off one of the downtown streets and have vendors every Thursday form 6 until 10 every week. Our room had a huge hot tub in it and I enjoyed going in every night. On our return we connected in DEN.


Nice to be back except for the cold temps. Now nothing until March when we go to Hawaii and return from SAN in April. The jerk had me call in for a conference call on Wednesday for 1 1/2 hours and then wanted me to go in and meet him this afternoon at work. The man is nuts. I saw the nice purse you bought, very nice.


Have a good weekend.




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Sounds like a wonderful trip! I was wondering about jerk boss and how he felt about you going again so soon, did you go in for a while yesterday? I used to have to always call in too when I went somewhere, seemed like a waste of time but was required so you do what you have to do!


We are leaving tomorrow around 5am, have gotten stuff packed today, don't need a whole lot for only a few days. Poor Tinker knows when we get the suit case out it means we are going somewhere.



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Sharon, enjoy and have a great bus trip to Nashville. Tell us about everything upon your return. I had a colonoscopy yesterday and I was very upset as I have to have it done once again in 2 or 3 months. I did not go into work on Friday after we returned and I was off all day yesterday. Today has been crazy.


We are just staying put now until March. At least you have some good weather for your trip.




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Why do you have to have that done again so soon? I would be upset too. A friend of mine just had a mamo then they had her do an ultra sound then a MRI after that they told her to have another mamo.....she was fit to be tied! This place is so huge everyone keeps getting lost even with a map.

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Sharon, I did not have it yet, but am supposed to go back in 2 or 3 months. They found poiups and I am awaiting the results from the biopsy. After drinking the entire gallon I still had stool and they could not get a good reading. I was in bed all day yesterday with the flu. Today still not 100% but here I am.


How was your trip?




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Sorry you don't feel good Kathy, I'm not in the best shape either. You know with that colonoscopy, both me and Bill have had those polops(sp) removed, I think they are quite common and thats why you have the scope to remove them so they don't change into anything bad. Thats a bummer though that the pre cleansing didn't do the job, its always the worst part of getting the test I think.


We got back late last night, I had colored my hair on Friday and had put some Scalpicion on my head, Fri and Sat nights because it was itching. Well on Monday when we left I had blisters on my head that were draining a sticky stuff. Also my eye lids were puffy and all around my eyes was swollen up. It has been that way ever since. I had called the skin dr on Wed from Nashville to see if I could get in on Friday when we got home but they said they were making appmnt is Feb! So today I callled my family dr and she wasn't at work. Both places said I should go to immediate care or the ER. So I was so tired of having this itching and draining that I went to the ER this morning. The Dr gave me some predesone and said to take Benedryl tablets. Also gave me a prescption for a shampoo but the drug store was out of it and will try to get it by tomorrow or Monday. Hope it does the trick. Oh, yes my bp at the ER was 192/98 and that was after I had already taken my bp pills.


We are not going dancing tonight, strange but you know how you can feel like you are still on the ship when you get off a cruise? Well we feel like we are still on the bus, same unsteady feeling.


Trip otherwise was good, the place is so huge, I heard something like 4.5 enclosed acres. They gave you a map but it was hard to follow and quite a few of us got lost and couldn't find the way back to the room for over an hour or more. It got a little better each day, but wow really really big. They had something like 8000 poinsettias, flowers vines, trees, waterfalls, boat rides on the river that runs around, I tell you it was amazing! Also they brought 40 chineese ice sculptors over from China in July to do all kinds of statues and things with blocks of ice. The exihbit was called

ICE and it was in a separate building. They gave you a parka to wear because it was 9 degrees inside. I will try to put some pictures of some of the more fantastic items in there.


More later, Sharon

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Sharon, I am sorry you had such a reaction to the treatment you did on your scalp. I hope the ER with what they did for you can help to give you some relief soon. Did they say what actually caused all of this? Yes I have heard many people who have had those polups removed and they did not turn into anything, but who knows what could really happen.


So I found out that in 2 or 3 months and I don't know what exactly the next step is called. But I do not have to drink, that stuff again. This time they want me to give myself 3 fleet enemas right in a row and I will be awake this time. So maybe not so bad.


I am still aching from the effects of the flu. Our family is having a Christmas Party in Indiana today. But with all of the kids that will be there, I don't think I will be going as I do not want to give them anything or do I want to pick anything up from them in return. Perhaps if I just stay inside this weekend I will recover.


We are getting light snow falling here today. It sounded like you had a real nice trip. I can't picture how big this place was. I was wondering how they kept that ice from melting having it brought here in July. It was good they provided parkas to keep you warm.


Once again, I hope you start feeling better soon. Have a nice weekend.




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Well we got our first measurable snow fall, and had to shovel the driveway this morning. The surveyor also came and marked the back field for the fencing. Yesterday the fencing guys came and redid the fencing along the front driveway with a split rail fence. The other was just posts and barbed wire, not very nice looking. Since the drunk guy had taken out several of the posts I figured I'd just have it redone at the same time. They should be back on Monday to start the back fence.


Seems like I just can't win, now I got up this morning with red welts all over the trunk of my body, a reaction to the allergy medication I got from the ER doctor yesterday. I called the hospital and asked to talk to him but he wasn't there so talked to the nurse. She couldn't imagine that I would get that reaction to the medicine but said try to drink alot and flush it out of your system. So I am not taking anything now, just hoping it will all go away by itself.


I think you are probably wise to not go to the party, too bad though that you have to miss it. We are to go to dinner tonight with our dancing friends so hope I feel better, at least mine is not catching, ha ha. I hope it doesn't snow anymore either I hate to drive in it.


Good thing you don't have to drink that stuff again, but not sure I'd like the enemas any better! Hope you feel better soon, probably just in time to go back to work!


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Sharon, I am sorry you are having so much trouble. I hope you are getting some relief soon. I just came back from the pain clinic. I got some shots in my neck to help relieve the pain that I have been having. Stayed in all weekend and tried to get myself better. I had a touch of the flu over the weekend. I figured I picked up something on one of the flights.


We also got some snow, but with the sunshine, it is all gone now. Once again, I hope you are getting better. All the best.




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Kathy, did you go to work today? I hope the shots helped with your neck and you are over the flue. I am still itching but maybe a little better. I called Bills DS on Saturday, he is a dr and asked him what he thought was making the red itchty welts, he said it was probably the predesone and I should not take any more of it. I had already decided that anyway. He said I should be alright to take the benedryl, although he said it should not be the generic, but that is what I have. I did take the generic benedryl last night and it stopped the itching somewhat. I do not take it during the day because it makes me sleepy. I had so many red spots I was beginning to wonder if I had the chicken pox or measles again!


Today the guys are out in the back field putting up the fence, I don't think they will get done today, but it depends on how long they work. The field is pretty muddy since it was gotten sunny and melted the snow.


Might run up town for a while got a 30% off at Kohl's. But I have to go to another town for that, we only have a WalMart in town.


Me too again, hope you are feeling better!


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Sharon, I am back at work today. I sure hope those red blotches start going away and also stop inching. Once all of the fencing is up will, that prevent that other guy from coming on your property and dumping stuff like you caught him doing?


Well if you can find a deal at Kohl's now, might as well take advantage of it. We might go downtown after I get off of work tomorrow and see the German Village in the loop. This will probably be our only opportunity before it closes on the 24th. I would not say I am 100% but I am over the touch of flu I had over the weekend. Turned out to be an OK day after all.




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Kathy I hope they didn't save up too much work for you to do! I remember those days, whenever I took off there was so much to catch up on when I got back!


My "rash" is even worse, started last night going up my neck and onto the side of my face. I am taking the benedryl round the clock now, otherwise can't stand the itching. I did call the skin dr again this morning, and had to leave a message, its only a recording, they have not called me back. I sure hope I can get something done soon!


They are almost done with the fencing, now they are cutting up some huge brances that fell from a big oak tree. I told them they could have it, just to get rid of it. We have a gas fireplace so don't need the wood.

I will tie that pink plastic strips to the fence in several places so the stupid guy does not run into it or run over it with his huge equipment when he gets back in the field in the spring. It sure better keep him out now!


Gray, cloudy day today, but nothing like they were showing of the blizzard conditions out west. Sure am glad that it is going south of us, hope they are right about that!


Do they have a big Christmas display at that German village? I have not heard of it.



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Sharon, I am surprised you have not heard of it. Downtown at Daily Plaza they have it every year from just after Thanksgiving until 12/24. They have all of these houses you can go inside all around the plaza.


Wow, I am so sorry you are having such a rough time with this rash. If you cannot get in to see the skin Dr, I would go back to the ER and tell them it is getting worse instead of better and have them give you something else.


So this jerk who is in the field next to you sounds like a real winner. You will have to keep checking on it as it sounds like he might just plow through the fence and he would never admit it on his own I would also get some no trespassing signs as well. Keep out or whatever works.


I can't believe how high your pressure was as well. Yea, that jerk boss just keep pilling up all of the work for me to do. It is raining lightly now and it is supposed to pick up more this afternoon. Get better.




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OK, I got some more pills and a cream, but the drug store hasn't got the cream in stock, but think they will get it in tonight when the truck comes in. I felt so bad when I started to tell the dr about how this all started I just started crying. I tell you my nerves are about strained to the max, this itching has me going crazy. She said it was all from using that stuff on my head that had hydrocortozone in it and I am terribly terribly allergic to it. She said the pills would help soon and make me sleepy, but thats what they said about the benedryl and it never did. I think I am too wired up for anything to put me to sleep.


I think the fence guys might be all done but I was gone most of the afternoon and they were not here when I got back.



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Sharon, I do know how hard it is staying in control when you have all of that inching. I also know how stressed out you are. I will pray that you get some kind of relief soon. I have also been major stressed out at work. The past few days I did not even come home for lunch.


It was raining when I came home last night and I had a total melt down. So we did not go downtown. It took a while to calm down and gather myself together. We may go downtown on Saturday and then return home and go to the chop house form dinner. Hopefully today will be better.


I hope the fence does the job for that jerk that is next to your property. Have a good day.




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Ahhh, finally some relief! The pills and cream worked wonders overnight. I took one pill around 4pm and one around 11pm and put the cream all over before we went to bed. When I got up this morning the red itchy welts were all gone on my chest and up the side of my neck and face. Still a few on my upper back but nothing like it was. See, all I needed was to get to the right doctor.


I don't blame you for having a melt down, you have had some trying medical times lately also and then having to get it at work also, no wonder the stress got to you. I felt so foolish crying like that in the dr's office but just couldn't control it any longer, guess she knew how much I needed to get some medicine! Hope your stress level is down a little today like mine is.


Bill is going to ask his DS and DS over for dinner on Christmas day, we'll see, his son doesn't usually come for any of the get-to-gethers we have with the rest of the kids, don't know why not.


Rain today, but not a whole lot, really like this better than snow.

I don't think I will go to Zumba tomorrow, don't feel quite up to it yet.


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