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Sharon, don't even give it a second thought about crying in the Dr's office. With all that was going on you deserved a good cry. I also cried when I was getting the colonoscopy and found out that I had to have it done again.


Well all you can do is see what happens for Christmas. Maybe they will come if not it won't be a surprise as you know what to expect. I am so glad you are stating to feel better. A good idea not to go to Zumba until it is all cleared up.


For us we will go to my number 1 daughter's house for brunch and exchange presents. Then they all will go to the rest of their families houses and we will just come home and relax. Bill's son and grandson will be staying downtown at the Hilton, like we do every year for the 30th and 31st. So we do the presents then for them.




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Its amazing what a little bit of the right medicine will do, I am almost back to 100%. I feel so much better I can hardly believe it. Hope you are feeling better too and jerk boss is not even in town to bother you! I think last year you had to work the day after Christmas, do you have to again this year? I have been thinking about getting one of the bowflex treadclimbers. Its kinda a cross between a treadmill and an eliptical, might be good for winter time exercise. I forgot what kind of equipment you got last year and are you still using it?


We had rain yesterday and the deck got kind of icy last night but today just gray and cloudy again. I might go and try to find Bill something for Christmas this afternoon, just don't have a clue as to what to get him.


Sounds like a nice Christmas you have planned with the family. I mailed Hickory Farm boxes of cheese and sausage or Harry & David fruit to all Bills kids and to my grandchildren. He also sends them money, but is thinking about making this the last year for the money. They are all doing well on their own, so they don't really need it anymore. I think I would still send some to my grandson, he's had a hard time of it and probably could use some extra cash. We got an assortment of 3 wines and cheese, crackers and chocolates from my granddaughter, boxes of Figis cheese and sausage from his 2 daughters, fruit from Harry & David from another daughter. So we will have plenty to snack on for quite a while.



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Sharon, yea you are finally starting to feel better. A lesson learned not to do that again. Unfortunately the jerk came back today. Yes, I do have to work on Monday 12/26. It would be nice to get out early on the 30th so we can enjoy the weekend down town. Bill usually goes down and brings his bag and checks in around 2 pm and gives his son the keys as well. Then he comes back to pick me up. So we check out on the 1st and then back to work on the 2nd.


Isn't that interesting. I also have been looking at the 3 models for the Bowflex Tread climber. I don't know if I want to spend all of that money now or not. The lowest model is not electric so that one does not appeal to me the middle seems like a good one, but the top one also offers a bit more. Something to think about.


The one I bought last year is just a cheap one and I really don't use it. After the first I need to make a real effort as we get 2 for 1 at a local health club and neither of us used it once this year. So we need to change that for 2012.


That is a good thing to send out those baskets. I do some of those as well as they make nice gifts. Rain lightly here today and overcast. I am so glad you are feeling better.




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Sharon, how are you doing today? Are you doing anything tonight? If all goes well we will go downtown tomorrow and then go to a local chop house for dinner.


Enjoy the weekend and have a Merry Christmas.




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Hi Kathy and a Merry Merry Christmas to you and Bill! Sounds like a nice time at the hotel with his son. Sounds like a no cooking weekend to me, ha ha. I will be cooking a turkey, only Bills sister is coming, his son had other plans.


Bill got up Thursday morning with a terrible stiff neck, very painful. He took a couple of Aleve and we put some Deep Heat cream on it. Friday still bad, but his son came down from northern WI and we went out to dinner with him, and his other son and family. The one son is the dr so after he saw him last night he called in a prescription for some muscle relaxor pill and 2 other pills. Bill took some of the pills this morning and this afternoon and already feels better, thank goodness.


Yes we were just saying we needed to get back to the resort and the hot tub, steam room and pool. But we will wait until the holiday is over or it will be too crowded with resort guests. Then try to go more regular.


I did know that one of the bowflex tread climbers was not electric, I wouldn't want that one, I don't want to work that hard, ha ha.


I was working on the computer and Bill came and got me and said come look at something, but be real quiet, I don't want it to wake up. Right outside the storm door on the deck was a raccoon. I looked at it for a bit and decided it wasn't sleeping, it was dead! I don't know what happened to it or why it was by the door, but we put it in a bag and took it over to the field and covered it with some dried grass and stuff. Then had to wash the deck off where it was laying. Strange things happen some times.


We were supposed to go meet his son one more time for lunch before he goes back home, but Bill just wasn't up to it. We are hoping to go to the candlight service at 11pm tonight at church.


It has really been nice "talking" with you all year, have a Happy, Healthy New Year my friend!


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Sharon, I value your friendship as well. I hope you and Bill have a nice Christmas and a healthy New Year. We took the train downtown yesterday to the Daily Plaza and checked out the German Village and then went to Mace's and walked around. We took the train back home and had dinner at our local Chop House. I never saw it so crowded before. So many people had the same idea as us.


This morning we will go to my number 1 daughter's house and exchange presents and then come home and relax. Enjoy the day.




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Sounds like a very nice day and you got to see that German Village like you wanted.


We went to the candle light service last night at church, 11pm. The last song was silent night and they had us all light our candles and then they turned out the lights while we sang. We like to go every year.


Bill got us 6 month passes at the resort and said we will start going again, he has been wanting to get into the steam room and hot tub. He also checked and they have water aroebics on Sat mornings there, don't remember how early it was, but think it might be doable, its closer than the other place, but I really loved the other place.


Today I made a nice turkey dinner for the 3 of us, we took her back home around 5pm. She doesn't drive this far or in the dark. So we had a nice visit and a nice day.



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Sharon, I forgot to tell you and you are not going to believe this, I have the day off of work today. The other brother made the decision that our place would be closed today. What a surprise that was. We went over to my daughter's house and had brunch and then came home and laid down for a few hours and just stayed inside and relaxed.


So a short week this week and Friday we spend the weekend downtown at the Hilton like we do every year. I am just going to do some shopping today. I would like to find a tree for next year as I plan to throw this one out. It will be nice to get back to the spa for the winter and spring. We also will have to use our health club in 2012 for sure. We never used it once this past year.


Enjoy the day.




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Yes, I'm sure once you get into the habit of going to the spa you will like it very much. Our resort was taken over and not sure but I think even bought by Geneva National. They have a place closer to Lake Geneva with a gated community, with a golf course. So far they are doing a much better job of running the place then the other management.


I'm going to Target today, I had bought Bill some jeans and got the wrong size, duh! I was going to go yesterday but figured people would be back to work today and it would be less crowded, we will see! Did you find a tree you liked? Since it was so close to Christmas when we go back from our trip and then with the medical issues, I just put up a little fiber optic tree. I have way too much Christmas stuff, I must get rid of some of it! Never did have that garage sale I was going to have last summer or fall.


How nice you didn't have to go to work, an added Christmas present for you! Bill went in to work, had to get through the mail from Friday and Saturday and thought he could pay his RE taxes, but the place to pay them at was closed. THe WI taxes are due at different times than ours here in IL are.


Seems to be some trouble on the other site if you noticed Diane's post a while back, less people are stopping in.



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Sharon, I do remember Dianne's post awhile back when se said she had some trouble with someone who was saying untrue stuff about her. I don't know what she was talking about but you did pick up on it too. Of course with this time of year and everyone being very busy and going places is some of it.


I did not go yesterday after all as I thought everyplace would be too crowded. Last night it rained most of the night. Then around 5 am it turned to all snow for a few hours. Well Bill spent many hours yesterday researching this cruise. It seems that anyone who ever went into Ensenada, Mexico had a real night mere getting back into the US. Most all of the people said that if a company was giving away a cruise there free they would not go.


The problem is the ship gets into port at 3 am and they want everyone off the ship by 7 am. Then everyone hops on buses to take the 90 mile trip to the US border and then gets dropped off at SAN Airport. People were telling stories of them making people get off the bus and walking across the border with luggage and then walking another 1/4 of a mile to board the buses on the US side. We do not have the final payment until 1/8/12, so we have some time yet.


There was a lot of red flags when they kept dropping the fare as many people are staying away because of this one stop. They also say that in Mexico there is a lot of things that happen that do not get reported to the news. There is no use in having a nice cruise end in a bad way, and he does not want to set ourselves for a big hassle when we can just avoid it. Besides he is still dealing with trouble from those 2 SOB'S over his father's affaires. All of this trouble is starting to take a toll on him as it is really wearing him down.


Yes, it was a welcome surprise having the day off yesterday. I don't know what they will do for next week as it is day to day with them. I am glad you had a nice weekend.




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Hi, I did go shopping yesterday and it wasn't bad at all, walked right up to the counter to return Bill's pants and then went and picked out the right size. Also went to Best Buy, I have been kind of looking at getting a new computer, but their shelves were almost empty of computers. Only a very few and some of them were laptops. Guess I'll wait a little longer, they may put the 2011's on sale when the 2012 come out, if they get any in. I did buy a Norton 360, All-In-One-Security. I haven't put it on yet, but I'm hoping it helps with the virus's and slowing down.


Wow that cruise does sound a little iffy, I forgot which one it was and I don't see that its on your "page" anymore. It sounded like you were really getting a good price, but maybe like you say, thats why. I sure wouldn't want to haul my luggage across the border, there are too many shootings going on. Did you hear about that high school boy who went to see his Grandmother in Mexico and they found him in the trunk of the burned out car along with two other people!


Bill's sister and her daughter are planning another cruise in 2013, it starts in NO and goes to Stockholm and then it does the Baltic Captials, looks to be about 25 days. It's on the NCL Star. She is hoping she is still alive as she is 87 now.


We got a flyer from the local bank that they are going to Canada 9 days in July and will hit alot of the nice places and end up in Calgary to see the Famous 100 year old Calgary Stampeed. They will be having a travel guy come in and talk about it so we will think about it a little more then.


Hopefully next week they will give you Monday and Tuesday off!


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Sharon, I have been so busy at work the past few days. Tuesday I did not get home until 7:30 and yesterday at 6:30 with no lunch. Bill canceled the cruise yesterday and took everything off. He felt that now was the time to do it. He had a bad feeling about getting across the border form Mexico into the us. We did have a real good deal with the price and it could have gone down even more. But remember what was said, that if something sounds too good to be true, be aware, because it probably is.


Bill went downtown this morning as he has skin cancer on his hand that they had to scrape off. The past few days he was really sick. Almost sounded like the same thing that Dianne had. Well this Canada thing sounds interesting. Will it be by bus of plane?


I would try Dell.com and see if you can find a deal there. With all of the sales at Best Buy, you might just find what you are looking for and at the price with Dell. I have bought from them before and they ship to your house and even provide packing to ship your old one back to them for the same price.


Well just one more day and hopefully we will have a nice get away downtown. I do have Monday off once again. We are lucky we got Monday 2 weeks in a row. Tuesday would really be pushing it with them.




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Boy Kathy with not even having lunch you will be ready to weigh in at WW again. I feel like a slug, I haven't done anything exercise wise except to take Tinker for a walk a couple of days. Glad I went to Zumba today and saw the other gals. I really don't talk to anyone all day unless I get a phone call so its nice to socialize a bit. I was getting so I was thinking I might even drop Zumba I hadn't went for 2 weeks what with the trip and the allergy thing. But I should keep going to keep moving!


We didn't have the snow like you did the other day, but we had some rain last night and then the temps dropped and we had very icy roads. I couldn't even walk down the driveway to get the mail, had to walk on the grass it was so slippery. Also heard there were many, many accidents before they got the roads salted. When I left about 9am the driveway was still icy but the roads were good. The sun is shining brightly now and has been most of the morning so that helped.


You are probably right about cancelling the trip, so many other nice ones you can pick without having to worry about and just enjoy. I'm sure Bill will find one you both are interested in. Hope he feels better soon, maybe just a 24 hour thing. Is his skin thing basil cell? I have had that on my nose. Speaking of skin, the dr when I went to her about the allergies, said no way should I do that gel and light thing on my face, that I had already decided was not a good idea for me.


The Canada trip is both, plane and bus. It is with another bank in town that I moved some money into. We have not went anywhere with them yet but a lot of the people from the other bank are here too. Remember this is a small town so you run into the same people all over!


Okay, better go, Sharon

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Sharon, Bill said this morning there was a lot of accidents and road closures due to the icy conditions. This skin cancer he had on his hand was called SCC in situ. Situ means that the skin cancer cells were only seen in the top layer of the skin, called the epidermis.


Bill does not like it when I go all day without eating, he says it is unhealthy. Today was another day without lunch. Perhaps a new resolution will be to use the health club and to get back to WW and get my lifetime dues paid. I lost that and got depressed over me falling off after doing so well for so long.


I do not think that you should drop the Zumba. As you said, you did have a few bad weeks so it should have felt good to get back into the swing of things once again. The plan is for Bill to go downtown around 2 and check in and drop off some of the bags, and then come back and wait for me to get off of work. He does this because he gets nervous if he does not check in early enough, and if I get out late at least we have the rooms and his son and GS can go to the pool in the meantime. It is supposed to have good weather once again this year, with Sunday getting colder and windy. The cruise was a Hawaii cruise and that was the good part. The bad part was ending in Mexico and taking a bus for 2 or 3 hours into SAN.


What are your plans? Enjoy,




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That is strange that it ended in Mexico, I have never heard of that happening. But maybe Bill can find another Hawaii one and get that lined up for you. Thats good about his hand, probably got it all taken care.


Just tell your boss you can't work late! ha ha Thats good though that you will be all checked in, can go right to dinner! Speaking of dinner, I don't know what we are doing tomorrow night for dinner. We are going to the dance place but they are not known for having anything good to eat except for pizza. We already have our tables reserved so maybe we'll go somewhere else first. Only thing is can't eat too much or will be too full to dance.


Too bad about WW, you did do so good for a long time, and it is really is hard to keep it off, much easier to gain it back than to get it to come off. But I bet if you go back you'll hit your goal in no time flat! I don't eat much for lunch either, just a couple of cookies or candy, and I know thats not the right thing to eat, but its handy and quick and I like it.


Well, if you don't get back on tomorrow, let me tell you now....Happy New Year!


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Sharon, I hope you and Bill had a nice, safe New Year. Bill went downtown on Friday around 2:30 and checked in. He said it was bad driving down and coming home. Then I did not get out early and we both went back down around 6 pm and it was still bad driving. We parked and got to the room and then went to dinner and then to the pool and hot tub. All in all it was a good weekend and the fireworks on Saturday night were great.


What Bill is doing with the trip. He canceled the sea end of the vacation and decided to do the land end of it. He has kept our hotel reservations and the flights. But has to make additional reservations for hotels and air. So we will visit some of the islands that the ship will go to meet up with some of the CC people and do one excursion on Maui that was already planned. This way we see the islands and avoid the Ensenada, Mexico thing. All of the reviews of that area is not good at all, and they say that things happen in Mexico, that do not even get printed in the news.


A surprise to wake up to snow this morning. I go back to work tomorrow, so a nice time off the past 2 weeks. I have been dealing with a cold all weekend. Hard to shake this time of year. Stay warm and enjoy the day.




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Sharon, how are you doing today. I was not ready for that sudden cold that fell upon us yesterday. I met my friends for lunch yesterday and had a nice visit.


What Bill has decided to do with our cruise. He canceled the cruise but we are still doing the land portion of it. We will still fly into Honolulu as planned and stay at the same hotel as planned. But now he will make additional reservations at other hotels on other islands and leave from Hawaii and fly to SAN and stay there as planned and fly home from there.


This way we can still do the land part and avoid the Mexico part and not have our vacation end in disaster. It was a 13 day cruise on Celebrity Century from Honolulu to Ensenada, Mexico from 3/23/12 to 4/5/12.




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Hi Kathy, I got an e-mail from Celebrity, they had a Hawaiian cruise that was 16 days, started and ended in San Diego on the 16th day. (The 15th day was a stop Ensenada, MX). They have a veranda starting at $2199 with an onboard credit of $100. The sailing dates are 4/5 and 4/20 aboard the Century. Just thought I"d pass that along to you.


Our New Years eve was not so great, Bill was tired and kept acting like it, doing stupid things like when one of the group wanted to get a picture of all of us, he didn't even want to stand up. I finally got mad about it and was still mad yesterday that he had ruined the night. Not a good start to a new year!


Just found out that my DGD in Texas ran into her long lost 1/2 brother. My oldest son had been married briefly and had a son, they had a nasty divorce, he moved to FL and she didn't want anything to do with any of us, so never ever even seen a picture of him. Couldn't belive it, he is 18 now and lives only about 4 or 5 miles from her with his mom and "dad". She posted a picture, its the first time I ever saw him, he looks mostly like his mom, I can't see anything of my son in him. Maybe when I go down to see her baby, I will be able to see him too, if his mom isn't still carrying a grudge.


Cold day today, haven't went out except to get the mail and paper, already blew my diet too, bah humbug!


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Sharon, too bad things did not go as you expected on NYE. Yes, that is the ship and it does start in SAN when our ship gets back form our cruise. However it is not the same itinerary as the one we were booked on. Look at the one out of Honolulu starting on 3/23/12, and you can see how the price has dropped so low. Also you will see all of the ports. This is the one we were booked on, but now we are just doing the land part only.


It is still cold today but starting to warm up each day after today. Well that is some story about her seeing her 1/2 brother. I hope you will be able to see him sometime.




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I tried to look up the other Clebrity Cruise but it says they are working on their site to come back later. Anyway, because of how it ended its no wonder that the price dropped. I'm sure your other arrangements will be much better!


Yes not so cold today, we still have a little snow on the ground and I don't think its going away for a few more days. I kind of like having it go back up to 40 every few days, my kind of winter!


I guess the one causing the trouble on the other thread is gone, so everyone can enjoy it once again. I do enjoy reading about whats going on in other peoples life, makes you feel a little connected to the world.


Hope your cold is better, Sharon

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Sharon, my cold is still lingering on. It is hard to get rid of them this time of year. Who do you think the person was who was causing Dianne trouble? They are a good group of ladies, and you are right about feeling connected with all of the different stories.


Feels good having the temps rise. I am just not ready for those cold snaps. But if we keep getting these warms ups even if it is only a few days a week that would be a good thing. Yes, the Century was leaving form Honolulu and ending in Mexico. Figure the ship gets in there at 3 am and then they want everyone off the ship by 7 am. Then everyone has to wait on busses until everyone is on board. As all of the busses have to leave all at once. So just this part is a real big hassle. Let's not forget the 90 mile bus ride and then you are in the mercury of the customs people on how quickly you get across the border.


My boss's farther passed away over the weekend. So people will be coming from all over the country for the services on Friday and Saturday. I used to work for him as he was the founder of the business. Enjoy the day,




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Thats too bad about your old boss, however, do you think that will mean the store will close for those couple of days?


Probably should not really say a name, but if you pay attention you will notice who is missing, someone already has. I found out from a private message on FB from someone.


Just went out and tied bright pink marker tape in places all along the new fence. I got really muddy, so had to clean my shoes off, should have worn my boots. I am going to tie it along the old fence too I think. And then get some "No Trespassing" signs to put up also!


Had to go up and get milk and had some coupons for Taco Bell so stopped and got us a couple of Nacho Bellgrande's. I'm sure they are loaded with calories and fat! Oh well, theres always tomorrow!


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Sharon, good idea not to post, and I just figured it out. I wonder what the problem was?


No they are not closing on Friday as they plan to show case the place for all of the out of town people who are coming from the bosses other business in St Louis. He has set contacts with dealers all over the country. They may close on Saturday as that is the mass and luncheon to follow.


Good idea to put the pink ribbon around the fence. If only the jerk respects your boundary and does not do anything to mess it up. You will just have to keep an eye on it to make sure he does not do anything. If anything does happen, call the police and tell them you saw him damage your fence.




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