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Sharon, I was keeping my figures crossed as Friday was the day they left and with the bad weather I was hopping the flight didn't get canceled. But they are all there now and I should have a week of piece and quiet. Now did you hear what happened with that cruise ship and how they arrested the captain. Unbelievable what goes on and most of the time we never hear the real story.


It was nice that you had a nice time dancing. I kind of figured the band would be too loud. Then meeting the best friend of your son's, and after all of these years.


It should be a little warmer today, no holiday for us.




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Too bad you don't get off on MLK day! Years ago I was HR mgr for a minority owned company. I think it was the first year it was going to be recognized as a holiday. However we had a meeting and decided that no one wanted a day off in Jan, June would be much more to our liking. So we had our day off in June instead. Needless to say the minority owners were not happy and after that we had to take MLK day off on the right day! IDOT still has not put our mailbox back up, Bill tried to call them this morning but no answer. We thought they might have the day off, but I did see a state plow go past earlier this morning. We are wondering when they will get around to it, I have to go pick up the mail in town, of course not today, but that will get old fast.


Sounds like some strange weather coming our way, sunny now, rain and then snow later! Still hoping for good weather on Thursday, thats when we go to the Fireside dinner show.


Yes that is that terrible about the Costa ship, how scary for everyone not being able to get off in life boats or any other way except to jump. It must have taken forever to get them all off with a helicopter! Good thing it didn't go any further under the water, at least it gave them a chance to get off. Stupid captain, deserves to be arrested, abandoning the ship like that, but how did he get off?


Well enjoy your peace and quiet this week,


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Sharon, I am lucky with this boss that I get any holidays off. I don't remember you telling me that someone knocked your mailbox off. Was it a snow plow and did they admit to it? Of course you will not be able to contact anyone today.


Yes, this captain should be in jail for a long time and with people getting killed, he will have lawyers suing him and much jail time and it is safe to say he will never captain again.


Well have a great time on Thursday. This is the Elvis show you are seeing correct?.




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Sharon, you were right, we are getting snow just now. I think they said we might get 1/2 inch with you getting a lot more up north. It will be interesting on how long it will take them to get your mailbox fixed.


With all of the rain we got last night and now with this snow falling there will be some bad areas to watch out for driving. Be careful and stay warm.




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It was the state plow, I thought it was county but since we are on a US highway we had to contact IDOT, IL Dept of Transp. They said they would put it back up as soon as they got caught up, they knocked it down last Wed when we had the big snow. Now with the blowing and drifing again today, they won't come for who knows how long. I asked at the post office today how long I could just let them hold my mail and come and pick it up daily before I had to rent a box, they said they would give me 30 days, so hopefully then it will be taken care of.


The dinner show at the Fireside is Viva Las Vegas, the picture shows Liberace, Elvis, Sinatra, Dino and Sammy Davis Jr. Along with show girls, so it should be pretty entertaining, if we can get there, hope the weather gets better by then. I saw on the weekend its supposed to get back up to 40 again.


Looks like it has stopped snowing and I think the sun is actually coming out. THe plow guy didn't come, so I might go out and shovel some.


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Sharon, if they do not put the box back up within 30 days, then I would make them pay for any charges you would have to pay for. Maybe then they will speed things up a bit.


The show sounds like it will be a great performance. I hope the roads will be good for you driving. It might be real cold, but hope the roads will be in good shape.


How has the Zumba been going for you? Do you plan to go to the resort to use the pool or the hot tub anytime soon?




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Sharon, have you heard anything about getting your mailbox fixed yet? So far we got about 1/2 inch of snow. How about your direct TV, did they come to fix everything for you? Tonight you are going to the Viva LAS show. Enjoy and have a great time. I will say a prayer that the roads are clear and open for you travel.




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Kathy it has been snowing here since 9 am today and still going strong, hope we don't get as much as they are predicting, 6 to 8 inches. We went uptown to a travel meeting this morning, started at 9:30. They said there would be refreshments but it was only coffe and a small piece of coffeecake already on a plate at the table. They had a gal from the Land Conservancy give what was supposed to be a short speech that went over an hour, I thought they were going to have to drag her away from the microphone. Everyone was getting really bored as she went on and on and on. Then there was presentation about a 7 day trip to the Canadian Rockies in July. Sounded good but quite expensive so don't think we will sign up for that one.


Last night the roads were clear and even though it was cold we were not outside much. The dinner was great, and for dessert they had a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream rolled in chopped pecans drizzled with caramel sitting on a bed of chocolate fudge. I was so full already though I couldn't even finish mine. We bought a loaf of their 7 grain Maple Walnut bread. They serve it warm while you are eating and it is so good. We had a piece of toast of it this morning before we left.


The high def is in and it does make a difference. We wanted him to put the dish where the other one was, on the tv tower, but he said it was larger and weighed 20 pounds so he had to put it on the roof. We almost didn't have it done as Bill does not like anything with holes put on the roof, but the guy said it was guaranteed not to leak, so I let him do it. He was here until after 5pm, he came at 2pm. Got both tvs switched over and now have a recorded on the one in the bedroom too. We forgot to record Person of Interest and Mentalist last night before we left, and those are our favorite programs all week, so we will have to catch them when they start the reruns again.


Are you enjoying your boss being away, ha ha. Hope you get home alright with this snow, looks like you are getting it also. Are you also still recuperating? A friend of ours has been sick, kind of nausious for 11 days now, she it getting real tired of it also.



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Sharon, I am almost all recovered now. Lucky the TV'S got all hooked up yesterday. Do you have any idea when they are going to put your box back up?


OK, I know what a nice dinner, but you did not say anything about the show. They are predicting 9.3 inches of snow for our area. I hope I will be OK to drive home later. If not I will just have to call Bill. It is nice not having to deal with the boss all week. He hasn't even called me. They might get stranded tomorrow as that is when they are coming home. With this storm they might not get back as planned.


Will you be able to depend on your snow plow guy to plow everything? Bill does not go outside to clear at night nor while it is still snowing. He only does it in the daylight and when it has completely stopped. So it is supposed to continue through the night and possibly into tomorrow.


Kind of a waist of time it sounded going to hear about travel dates. Stay warm and enjoy watching the snow fall.




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Kathy the show was great, we had front row seats and when the one guy was singing Chubby Checkers song the Twist, he got down off the stage and held out his hand for me to dance with him. I kinda had to do it but it was only for a little while and some of the others on stage had gotten down and asked other audience members to dance also, so all eyes were not just on me. The songs were all ones we had heard and knew so it was very nice. They always have good shows, I think the next one starting in March is 9 to 5 the Musical. We usually go at least once a year, some times what they have is not something we care to see.


We did not do anything over the weekend. Stayed home of course on Friday night and last night also. Today I went to church and stopped at Perkins Restaurant in Delavan, thats where my church is, and got us 2 banana nut muffins. They were delilcious! Bill is watching one of the football games now.


Our guy came early Sat morning and plowed us out. Bill got a big metal fence post and wedged it up against the mailbox and we piled snow around the post to keep it tight. I will have to go to the post office on Monday but will tell them to start delivering it again on Tuesday. It is a temporary measure, so hopefully the state will fix it for good soon.


Did you get home alright on Friday? We have been getting a light mist and its supposed to turn to sleet and then snow overnight. Sounds wonderful!

Too bad your boss will be back, but maybe if they cancel some more flights he won't be able to get back for a few more days.


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Sharon, it is good that you are able to see various shows during the year. As this one sounded real great. I made it to the garage and had to get out and shovel a little to get the car into the garage. Then on Saturday did not go out at all. Just stayed inside and cleaned and read a book.


The boss got back very early Sunday morning and is coming in sometime later on today and gone to STL tomorrow. Woke up this morning and most of all of the snow is gone. Will your mailbox stay up with the snow gone? How far of a drive is it for you to go to Delavan?


There were a bunch of guys ice fishing yesterday. There is still one guy who left his fishing hut out there. I hope he can get out there without falling in as I am sure the ice has melted as well.




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Sharon, the boss did not come in until after 3 and we had so much to go over and I did not get out of there until well after 5:30. He is gone today and I should not see him until Friday. He was in a rotten mood with all of the money he spent on his family last week.


If you are able to get through, you should keep the pressure on the state to fix your mailbox. Otherwise who knows when they will come out. Lots of sun today, enjoy.




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Hi, sorry to not get on but my computer has been just terrible slow, I mean really, really, slow, like 3 to 4 minutes for each page or thing I click on. Ever since I put that new security program on. I would check what the gals are saying on FB, then check my e-mail and by that time an hour or two would have gone by. I called the software company today and told them I was about ready to throw my computer out along with their program! He got on my computer, after sending me an e-mail asking for my ok, and fixed a few things. I had one more security program on called Microsoft Security Essentials and he took that off. Seems they were both scanning everything and running into each other! So now it runs much better, not lightening fast, but much better.


Not much else new, how are you feeling, back to normal yet? I love this weather we are having, but heard it might snow on Friday night.


The mailbox is still holding up even though the brace is just held up by the snow. If more melts, it might fall down again, no word from the state, even after the country police notified them we had filed a report against them.


How are you doing with WW? I was really good for 2 days, 1st day lost 1lb, second day, today, gained .4 back. So I blew it by eating some choc chips cookies! Yikes, now I'll have to eat very sensibly for dinner.


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Sharon, I am glad you were able to get help to fix your computer. It is so easy to pick up something that will crash your computer in nothing flat. I was starting to get better and now I am back sliding in the wrong direction. Bill is concerned it could turn to phenomena and he wants me to go back to get something else.


I would think that you will have to stay on the state or they will just blow you off. I would even call the post office and ask them what you can do. Yes this weather is crazy. Warm and then cold.


I go to WW with a friend from work and we are thinking about changing locations to a different place that has more favorable hours for us. I only went that 1 time a few weeks ago and have not gone back. Last week closed due to the holiday and this week the jerk held me up so I could not go.


Now today if I haven't told you how things work there. There are two brothers that run the place. The one I work for is the oldest and he is really the one in charge. Well today his brother the one who is under him is in the emergency room with heart problems. So I do not know how that will turn out. He is in his upper 40's but doesn't take care of himself and eats junk all the time.




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Sharon, I heard on the news yesterday that 2 human skulls were found in a town that I never heard of near Mc Henry. Is that close to you?


How is your computer running and with what they did has it corrected the problem you were having?




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Yes, Bull valley is not far from us, only around 20 minutes or so. It is a very ritzy area with homes spaced far apart and very wooded, so I guess it was a good place to dump the skulls. Wonder if they will ever be able to determine who they were?


The problem with my computer was the 2 security programs I had on, they were both scanning everything and running into each other. I had 3 on the computer and had taken 2 of them off. The 3rd one also needed to come off. I now only have the one Viper program on and it runs very well, thank goodness.


I had zumba today, and it was a great workout, the gal just needs to remember the moves a little more fluently. Sometimes we have to wait until she remembers what comes next, but only briefly, so it's not so bad. She tries hard and seems very nice, I think she will get her act together pretty soon.


I heard that we could get up to 3 in of snow tomorrow night, looks like if that happens we won't go dancing. It would be alright though because there is a good band Sat night so we would go then.



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Sharon, as far as the sculls goes, I think it was a prank. Kids around this time of year go to great lengths to do things like that. They break into labs and pull things such as that.


The snow is not coming until late like after 10pm. It is good that you were able to get the computer corrected. As long as you are able to do some kind of exercise that is a good thing.




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It was a beautiful day again, got our walk in while the sun was still out, clouds have moved in now.


This afternoon I was typing year end forms for Bill, he has one employee so we have to do W-2 and 941's and the futa and suta. He gives me the numbers and I just have to type them in, without mistakes. I bought a new elec typewriter last year that has the display mode on it, so you can see what you are typing before entering it, but it is very hard to line it up on the typing line. Most typewriters you can go by the small open area by the print wheel, not this one, you have to go by the little triangles on each side of the print wheel. So it makes it hard to line up and even harder to type around the decimal point already on the form. Anyway I got them done for another year.


Hows the WW going, sounds like punki has really got a good mind set right now along with several other of the gals. Me, not so much...one day yes the next no.


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Sharon, it started snowing here around 10 and this morning the only snow was on the grass not on the sidewalks. I went back to the CVS minute clinic on Thursday as I was getting worse instead of better. Now finally I am starting to get better.


As far as WW goes I have not been going. I may change locations to a different place not too far away from here that offers better options and service. Yes, all of the end of year stuff that has to get finished for the tax year. How about you and how much snow did you get last night. Did you stay in like you were talking about.


Should be a very nice weekend, enjoy.




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Good t hear that you are starting to feel better, I just assumed that you were well by now. Did they give you some different medication to take?


We had enough snow that we did shovel the driveway and deck, got most of it off and then the sun took care of the rest. Since the driveway is balcktop it melts off pretty good. It is sunny but very windy, we went up to the grocery store and where the fields are, snow is blowing across the road.


We did stay home last night, but have a table reserved for tonight, so should be fun, the gal singer is just terrific, she has a wonderful voice and big expressive eyes, so its fun to just listen to her and not even dance.


Did you hear the settlement that the cruise ship wanted to offer those people was $14,000 and a refund of the price they paid for the cruise, but there are some suing for $5 million dollars each. I don't think 14,000 is enough not for all they went through and lost. I heard they found another body so that makes 17 dead.


Should be nicer tomorrow, Sharon

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Sharon, I did hear about the settlement offer and like you I also think way too low. It is sunny and cold here today with light snow falling this morning. So how was the singer last night? Yesterday we did not get enough snow to do any shoveling as the sun was out and melted any on the driveway away.


They did give me different med's and it is really working this time. I really waited too long and it just got a good hold on me. We are not doing much today, just staying inside and relaxing. Have a good day.




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The band started playing at 8:30 last night, usually its 9pm and the one gal that is so good was not there, but then they announced that she was coming but just a little later. So when she finally got there the band just came alive, she is the spark that gets everything going. Before she came different ones would sing but nothing special, the stage lit up once she got on and started to sing. Of course it was way too loud, they do supply cotton balls to put in your ears, but the couple we were sitting with couldn't take the noise even with the cotton so they left around 11. We had all been sitting at the table by the window and saw it started to snow around 9, it came down pretty heavy for about an hour. On the way home there were places that were like a white out with the blowing snow. This morning I couldn't go to church it was again snowing heavily. Yesterday we shoveled and today we shovelled again. Our snow plow guy called and said his plow was stuck in one position but he had a snow blower he could come and use. I told him not to come we would take care of it. It wasn't too bad the sun was out and helped melt some of it.


I hear its supposed to be near 40 for the next several days, yipee!


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