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You knew how to install the new router? I don't know anything about fixing computers, wish I could take a class somewhere on it. Don't want to learn programs just the basic thing to fix one. Since I installed the new security program Viper on mine it keeps buffering all the time.


I registered for the jewelry show down by Ohare again, its on Thurs, Fri and Sat. But my sister doesn't have any money so I think we won't go this time. I also have a skin dr appmnt on Thursday, same time as my Zumba. I made it about 4 months ago and didn't know I'd be doing Zumba on Thursdays.


Too bad about Whitney, but I think they will bombard us with so much stuff about her we will be glad to have it over, just like they did with Michael Jackson. They just talk it to death and I get tired of hearing about it.


The snow is coming down so fine it looks like fog!


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Sharon, actually I was on the phone with a technician for over an hour having him walk me through the process. Otherwise I would not have been able to install it on my own. Nothing is simple anymore, like just plugging it in and that is that. Things can't be that easy.


So you are saying the show is this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday? Best to go to your Dr's appointment on Thursday as you can do Zumba next week. What about the dancing lessons, are you going to do that as well each week?


Yes, once again the snow was coming down at a good rate last night. However when I woke this morning there was not much at all and most of it is already going away. As Lincoln's birthday yesterday and they celebrate the day next week as President's Day. We are lucky we get paid for Xmas, Thanksgiving. The jerk does not believe in paying us for any holiday's if he can get away with it.


Happy Valentine's Day,




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Was that a wireless router you installed? I'd like to have that, but then again I'd like to get a new and faster computer. I only need the "brains", I don't need the screen I bought a big one last year that looks like a tv and doesn't have the big back on it. Also still thinking about that tread climber, I have been walking outside, but yesterday, boy, the wind was really cold. I had to put my scarf over my face even.


No dancing tonight, I guess everyone was calling in and saying they were going out to dinner so she cancelled it. We are not going out to dinner, just having your favorite, lol, leftover sloppy joes. Bill got me a card and a Hallmark rose that slowly opens up and closes.


We had snow last night also, but it is melting now and the next few days are supposed to be in the upper 30's so thats good.


I was thinking about cancelling the dr's appmnt since I don't have any skin issues, but I guess I'll go, sometimes she finds things I don't.

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Sharon, it is connected to one computer and I also have a lap top that is wireless. The jerk bought me a Ipad. I am glad he is in STL once again. He is getting worse with the yelling and all of the crap he pulls when he is around.


It sounds like you had a nice quiet Valentine's Day. We went to the club and had a nice dinner. Bill said since it was Valentine's Day he ordered me a cosmopolitan. It was very strong. I agree with you that the next few months we are going to hear nothing but Whitney stuff. It is very sad and I am sure they will determine the cause drugs. Weather prescription or not, drugs are still drugs. Then you throw in drinking and it is not a good mix. Also people are getting into trouble with over the counter med's and not taking them as they are supposed to.


All the snow is gone and with temps in the 40's I'll take that. I would also like to get a tread climber but I am not ready to shell out the money they want for it. We have to get our buts in gear and start using the health club membership this year. Being outside walking is the best also. As long as the weather is decent.




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Was the ipad for a present or so you could do work away from work? I have a Samsung Galaxy Tablet. I like to play Angry Birds on it at night, while watching tv. I got the 3G and then found out I should have gotten the 4G, always a day late and a dollar short! ha ha


Sounds like your dinner was nice for valentines day, I like Cosmos too. I usually order an Amaretto Stone Sour, its kind of like a fruit punch and never very strong.


I should be working on getting my tax info together, but I keep putting it off. Instead started going through some files and throwing away things that I don't need to keep anymore. Wish I had a big dumpster outside, I would throw away a ton of stuff. Also packed up some size S, tops. I'll be lucky to ever get back into the M's. Going to take them to Good Will tomorrow.


I saw in the paper they said the the mating season is now for Coyotes thats why you can hear them more. I have never seen one during a walk, hope it stays that way. Looks like a nice day for a walk, bright and sunny!


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Sharon, what a difference in our locations. It was overcast here today and it also rained earlier. Yes, I bought it so I can do work at home and he paid for it. I also wanted one so I got it.


I need to get all of my tax stuff together so we can get it to our tax man. I did not hear that about mating season for the coyotes. You better watch your dog. One of them could pick her up and take her away. I hope I do not see any around here.




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Sharon, how did your Dr appointment go today with your skin Dr? Today is very sunny and mild here. It is supposed to go to 50 tomorrow.


I have not been going to WW as I lost my free membership and I have just put too much weight on. I need to get that corrected and we are planning to move to another location near to our house and they have more flexible hours and more days and times to attend.




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Sharon, I saw on the other site that your Dr found some Pre areas that she had to zap off. It was lucky that you went yesterday to have that taken care of.


I also saw that you are going dancing for the next 2 nights. You should have a nice complete weekend.






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Kathy, my dog is as big as a coyote so I don't think she's in any danger, thats why I like her to walk with me. Even though she is such a baby other people don't know that, I feel safer with her along.


I had about 3 places zapped with the liquid nitrogen on my forehead. I didn't think they were anything but the dr said, lets get rid of them. So now I have some bright red spots but they will blister and peel off and it will be nice and smooth.


Yesterday I went to several different stores and looked around, found some good bargains on Valentines candy, thats just what I need right??? Then dropped off some stuff at Good Will. I broke 2 pair of my earmuffs recently so I found some for $5.19, I got two pair and they are nice and warm. I like to wear them because they keep you warm and they don't mess up your hair.


I still have to work on my tax stuff too, just keep procrastinating, if i get started I know it won't be so bad.


Bill came home yesterday and said he was quitting smoking, I said oh really? Then later I asked him how come, I have tried to get him to quit for 10 years. He said he had had a coughing spell and couldn't hardly get his breath earlier in the day. Guess it must have been pretty bad to have scared him into quitting. He has been coughing more and more lately anyway, any little thing he does he coughs. I was getting pretty worried about him. So hopefully he does quit and the coughing lets up.


Going dancing tonight, then tomorrow night we are going to a chili cookoff and auction at church. It should be done around 7 and I got tickets to a Comedy show at the resort that starts at 8. So it should be a fun and busy weekend.



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Sharon, is Bill going to quit cold turkey or is he going to get patches or something else. Once again you seem to find such good deals, so going to the resort tomorrow and seeing the comedy show will be nice. When I came home for lunch Bill told me he got tickets for the Beach Boys 50th Anniversary concert at the Chicago Theatre on Monday May 21, 2012 at 8 pm. So what a surprise that was, as I had emailed the info this morning and he went and bought the tickets.


Well I am glad, that tinker is big enough to make you feel safe and secure while out walking. Now a days, one has to use extra precautions to keep safe with all of the nuts out there. It is also good you did have those areas taken care of on you head.


Have fun dancing tonight.




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Sharon, how was the dance place last night? Today should be a full day with the cook off and the show later on. At least it is mild and sunny. Enjoy and have a great day.


I was watching the Whitney service all afternoon.




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The dancing was good last night, the gal that has been teaching us the line dances on Tues night was there. She brought her disc of music and had Bob, the dj, play it so we could do everything we had learned. One of the other gals DH's would like to come but asked it it was all "girls", and also another guy friend of ours is thinking about coming. I don't know if anyone else will, but they saw how many dances we knew already and I guess it looked fun.


How nice your Bill got tickets to see the Beach Boys, should really be a good show and great music. We saw them on the music awards show last week, they sure aren't "boys" anymore lol! Yes I saw the whitney funeral was on this morning but turned it off, really getting tired of it. I hope now that they have her buried they will find something else to talk about. For a private service they sure had media coverage.


We are looking forward to the chili cookoff and auctions tonight at church. Also hope the comedy show is funny. It is at the resort we have the membership at so we can check out how far along they are with the pool/locker room renovations. After the show they are having a "sinatra' like singer in the lounge, so I guess we will check that out before we head home.


Stay warm, its sunny but cold her today.


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Sharon, so when the guy's found out that there were all girls are they still interested in joining you all? If you watch ABC news at night the Chicago Theater is just across the street. Maybe after the show we will walk across and wave when they turn the camera on us at the end of the news cast.


Too bad they will not have the renovations complete. It would have been nice to take a dip before the show. I am going to get my car washed and then to the butcher to pick up steaks on the grill tonight. Have fun later on and don't laugh too hard. The other Sinatra singer should be good as well.


I suppose you do not have anything to say about his smoking, that he would listen to you?




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I don't know if any of the guys will come, really since there is a big floor and its line dancing its ok for anyone to come. We'll see down the road if any show up. If they do, Bill will probably come to. In regards to his smoking, no, I have said just about all there is to say, its just up to him, I can't make him stop.


There were 800 people that came to the chili cookoff, and they raised $25,000. It was record for both people and money. We went early, around 4:15 just before it started getting really crowded and we didn't have any trouble finding a place to sit. I only bid on one silent auction item, and that was a year membership at Curves. It said the value was $470, and the bid was 80 so I bid $85, but didn't win. I don't know what it ended up going for as we left before it was over. We got to the resort and had a drink before the show. There were 3 comedians, the first 2 were supposed to 'warm up" the crowd. The last one was the best, but there was some pretty rauncy dialog. Most people it seemed were from the Chicago and surrounding area and stayed for the night. The hotel was sold out, the show was sold out at 300 people and the dining room before the show was full and they were seating people in the lounge/bar area to eat. After the show we went back to the lounge where they had that Sinatra like singer. We danced several and had a really good time.


Today was church and maybe we'll eat out, your steaks sound good. I got my car washed just before that big snow a week or so ago. Now it looks like it needs it again, but I hear more snow is predicted.


You'll have to remind me again when your show is so I can look for you on camera, lol!


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Sharon, wow 800 people and all of that money raised. Also the resort must have done a good job on advertising to get the crowds that they did. All in all I would say you had a full weekend.


I woke up this morning to a heavy frost on the ground. But hopefully when the sun gets full in the ski it will warm up some. It would be nice if some of the guys would come to add some mix with the dancing. It would also be nice if Bill could join you as well.


We did not do anything yesterday but relax. I even laid down for awhile in the afternoon. I got my car washed over the weekend and yes, I did hear that we have some weather coming in tomorrow night. Although we can't complain about the weather this year at all.


I had to laugh when you said on the other site about the clutter in the basement and garage. You should see our basement and garage. With all of my mother's stuff from when she passed and now the FIL stuff there is not much room to move around down there. It is hard going through the stuff and everything has memories.




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How were your steaks? We went to the broasted chicken place, it was very good as usual. I ate some Jordan almonds and broke the back part of a tooth off Saturday, but this morning I got lucky and got a dentist appointment at 4 today.


We don't necessarily want any guys to come, Bill knows he can come if he wants to, but right now he would rather stay home and read the paper. I'm sure if other guys started coming, he would come too.


I haven't seen you post anything on the other site, just busy? It does take time to keep up with all the things everyone is doing.


I would like to go to the flower show this year, do you know if you can get there from the train station? I don't know much about Chicago. I have a couple of friends that might be interested in going too. I would ask my sister but she is always broke. Maybe Groupon will have a deal like they did for the auto show.

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Sharon, I am sorry you broke a tooth. Did they fix it yesterday. Yes, I have been too busy to keep up with the other site. Sometimes I don't even take a lunch. I could see where it would not be as comfortable having the guys come, but then again, who knows.


So when is the flower show and where is it? You can almost take a train anywhere around the Chicago area. You might have to transfer some. I saw that up by your area a man fell through the ice skating with his son and the man drowned. People just do not use any sense.


There is a meat market near us and they have the best steaks. They almost melt in you mouth. I did go to WW last night and I lost 1 pound from the last weigh-in but I am still over my goal weight. So I had to pay. Also you have to go at least once per month to get qualified into the lifetime membership.




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I can see why they would have to add another show, the Beach Boys have really good music and are very well known. Should be a great show for you to see.


I'm not even sure where the flower show is in Chicago, they just always say The Flower Show. I know several buses have trips listed but they seem pretty expensive. Van Galder Bus line was charging $50 for the round trip and admittance.


Good for you losing the pound, I bet now that you have went back to WW you will lose some more. Being accountable on that scale will give you some incentive. Two of my friends have joined Curves, their supplement insurance has a "Silver Sneakers" part in it that pays for it 100%. I don't have that insurance and would have to pay.


Looks like the weather will be alright for driving to line dancing tonight, most of the snow has melted already.


I am getting 2 crowns, one for the tooth that broke and one for the one in front of it. They both have a lot of filling in them and if I get them both done at the same time he is giving me $100 off each. Still very expensive at $1700. But at least they will look nice.

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Sharon, you do not have dental insurance? Is there not a Metra train that runs from your area to downtown? I think the flower show might be at Navy Pier, but I am not sure of that. If you took a train downtown that would not cost that much for a round trip ticket.


I guess the snow was up your way, as we only got rain. How about that, those guys are in their 70's and making that kind of money, not bad at all.


Enjoy the dancing tonight.




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I'm not sure where it is but I think I saw something about March 24th for the bus trip. Yes the metras last stop is in town so we are the first to get on. I'll have to look into it a little more, I love flowers, just got a Nursery magazine in the mail yesterday.


Dancing was fun, there were 9 of us, a couple of men came too. Not the ones that were asking about it though. So I guess I will tell the other guy he can come if he wants to, maybe his wife will come too. A couple of the dances are starting to stick in my brain after repeating them several weeks now.


Tonight is the beginning of Lent so we are going to church, they are having a baked potato bar with all the "fixings" they said, before the church service. Bill is going with me, so that will be nice, he usually only goes on Holidays. He is Catholic and I am Lutheran, but my pastor knows him and calls him by name, where his priest doesn't know him from Adam. I recently told him that he better write down somewhere that if he "goes" before me, I am having his service at my church. His kids are all Catholic too and I'm sure would give me a hard time, thats why I want it in writing. Anyway hope neither one of us goes soon!


I bought YoCrunch Cherry Pie yogurt, made with light vanilla yogurt, is it ever delicious, and only 80 calories. I could eat all 4 of them at once but am restraining myself to one a day.


All our snow is gone, and today is sunny. I got my walk in early so I could work on my taxes, change the bed linens and do some laundry. So guess I better get busy!

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Sharon, I went on-line and found it. The Chicago Flower & Garden Show is at Navy Pier from 3/10/12 to 3/18/12. Go on and see it yourself at http://www.askkids.com/resource/Navy-Pier-Chicago-Illinois.htm. then go down the page until you come to Historic Navy Pier-Things to do and click on that and then click on Calendar of events and you will see it there.


Wow, the dancing sounds like it is picking up. Now all you have to do is talk Bill into going now. Tonight it sounds like good eats. We went to the Club and ate there last night for Fat Tuesday.


We also had some snow on the lawn this morning. But all is gone now. It has been overcast here all day, no sunshine. Yes, a good idea to have Bill write everything down. It will save you a lot of trouble down the line if something does happen. We had everything written down with the FIL and look at all the trouble we are still going through with those 2 jerks.




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I had a good zumba class this morning, leader passed out a flyer for a Zumbathon at Grand Geneva for Friday 6 to 8 pm. I would kind of like to go, but also would like to go dancing, don't think I could fit them both in unless I left early from the Zumba, 2 hrs is plenty long. She also gave a couple of us who had asked, day passes for Grand Geneva. They are worth $25 each so it was nice of her. She said she would get us a couple more too.


I don't have dental insurance, I don't usually even get cavaties, mostly problems with old fillings, so it is cheaper to pay for the 2 x's a year cleaning then to carry the insurance. Now however it would be a good thing to have it for these 2 crowns. My first appmnt is March 7th and then it will be 2 weeks before they are ready.


I had to go up town for a couple of things and got back about 3:30, we usually go for the walk around 2, so Tinker was looking to go. It had just started sprinkling a little bit, so we went anyway, but it came down a little more after we got started. We did get it in, but got pretty wet, I have my coat hanging on the shower rod in the bathroom to dry, and toweled Tinker off.


I saw the address didn't work you listed for Navy Pier, but I got to it anyway, thanks.


Last night they had a nice assortment of things to top the baked potato and we had a nice visit with others sitting at the table. Then we went in to church, after pastor was a ways into his sermon I looked over at Bill and he was sound asleep! I nudged him awake and gave him the "evil eye" to stay awake. He usually comes home, we eat, clean up the dishes, he gets the newspaper and sits down to watch the news and falls asleep, so I guess he was just following the pattern. I hope the pastor didn't see him!

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