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I hope he gets some good news about when and what is to be done in regards to surgery. The sooner something is done the sooner he can start getting better!


So its almost like another mini vacation for you staying at the hotel for 3 days, that means no cooking or cleaning, right?


We will be back late on the 7th of May. I have 2 reblooming lilacs and have been afraid to plant them outside, so yesterday I just planted them temporarily in a big pot. I will water them real good before we leave and they should be alright.


I still have a few days left of 30% off for Kohls and have been wondering if I should go and make sure there is nothing else I have to have, ha ha


I talked to the sitter and she said no problem she will take her for a walk on Tues and Friday. That makes me feel better knowing that Tink will get out a little bit to break up her day.


So far I have went several times after Zumba on Thursdays to the pool, but Bill and I go together on Sunday afternoons. When they open the outside pool I might go a little more during the week.

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Sharon, he called me to tell me it took him way over 2 hours to get downtown with traffic and construction. He was 1/2 late for the appointment, but never mind that they kept him witting over 45 minutes the last time he saw them. Now the concern is why he has so much food in his stomach and he had to go for another test on Thursday to see why the food is not digesting. Then 1 week from this Friday he has an appointment with the surgeon to discuss the surgery.


The Dr., gave him additional medication to better help control this acid. I am glad that you were able to get in touch with the sitter and that all will be OK. It is also good that you can go to the resort during the week. Yes, it will be nice for me, but Bill will have a lot to do. He will have to be getting up early to let the guys in and then get up early to go downtown. Then on Thursday he will have to get everything set back up so we can move back in our house on Friday.


I hope the weather will continue to improve this week. I also hope you have good weather for your flight. Take advantage of every single percentage of reduction you can get on buying whatever cloths you may need.




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Okay I am really annoyed!!! I went to the line dance place and no one was there. The manager told me there was no class, he said I guess she doesn't have your phone number, but she does, I gave it to her. So evidently she let everyone else know but me. So I'm done, you only get one chance to do something like that to me. No more dance lessons from her.


Also earlier this week I got an email from the gal that had arranged the 50th class reunion. She said some of the old girl scouts were getting together and going up to MN for a weekend and invited me to go along. Well the same gals from the reunion are going. Those are the ones we sat with at dinner and they completely ignored us and giggled and took pictures of each other. Then when we went to the old Des Plaines theatre for a box lunch they asked us to move so they could sit together. No way in the world would I go anywhere they were going and I told her so.


Guess I'll just have to keep crossing people off my list of who I want to be around or talk to.


On another note, I hope the medicine Bill got helps him and they get to the bottom of the undigested food also. Does he feel up to moving the bed and dressers and everything by himself or does he have help? My problems are silly compared to his health issues.

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Sharon, surprising enough, as I am always telling him not to do all of this by himself, he still does. He has one of those moving dollies that makes moving all of this easy for him. So I came home this morning to get a jacket and I found out that we cannot put anything heavy on the floor until Friday. So I hope we can get another night to stay.


Wow, I don't blame you for being upset. She tells everyone else except you. What that's all about? Also with that little click from high school, after one time of kissing you off, I would not give them a second chance. Well today a day filled with dampness and rain most of the day. I hope that does not effect the drying of the floor.


Well your time is getting short. Before you know it off on vacation. But you are right, kind of a mini vacation for me, no cooking or anything. Today is a good day to go to the resort. I will jump in the hot tub after work today.




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Its been raining here this morning, looks like an all day thing. I didn't get around to going shopping yesterday so I guess I will go today.


Good for you going to the hot tub, you hadn't mentioned it for quite a while so I didn't know if you were going at all. Hows the exercises and weight doing? I didn't lose anything and I wanted to, but I guess not enough. Not gaining anything but just hovering right where I always am, about 20 pounds too much.



Enjoy your vacation!

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Sharon, our hot tub will not start up for another 2 weeks. I am going to the one at the hotel. They are finished with the floor. So now starting on Friday putting things back and then taking apart the last bedroom. Rain, a good excuse to go shopping.


The center where I have been going is working out nice. I went into the hydro spa a few days ago and it was heavenly. You can adjust the pressure and like I said you go in with your cloths on. I can use it as many times until I've used the 5 sessions with the personal trainer. So in other words, using the hydro massage, and equipment is unlimited until the 5 sessions with the personal trainer is used up.


We were able to extend our stay 1 additional night but we are going have to move to a different room as they said our room is already spoken for.




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Sharon, So you will be leaving Sunday to stay at the hotel, and the flight leaves on Monday. I wish you good weather and good flights. Enjoy and have a great time away. We have one more night at the hotel and then move back in tomorrow. Bill is putting the stuff back into the bedroom today.


He went downtown for this stomach digestive test yesterday. He left at 6 am and the test took 4 hours. He said he will talk to the Dr., on Monday and then on Friday talk to the surgeon. The Dr., put him on some additional med's as well.


It sure has been cold out lately. The room looks great and they came yesterday to do the trim. Just 1 more to go then maybe I can get this house back in order. It sure has been nice not having to worry about cooking or doing anything at all. But I will be glad to get back into my own house.


It also has been nice going into the hot tub and the pool at night as well. We have to get our hot tub back into operation in a few weeks.


Have a good day,




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What hotel have you been staying at? Sounds nice, also nice for the hydro spa sounds great too, I bet it feels wonderful. I saw one once at the mall in Rockford, but didn't try it as it was out in the open.


Now you will be able to just enjoy your house, all fixed up and nice! But back to cooking and cleaning ha ha.


I went to zumba yesterday and it was a great class, we had another gal come in who was certified with zumba weights and she led a couple of routines using them. I hadn't been using the weights since our current gal isn't certified so I could really feel it as could the rest of the class. By the end we were all sweating profusely! I went to leave and remembered that I had a picture I wanted to show Mandy the leader, so I got back out of the car and went inside. When I came out to leave the car had locked itself somehow and my keys were inside. I had to call Bill to pick me up take me back home to get my keys and then go back again to the car. Didn't really have time for that! Then I went up to Delavan and picked up a few things I needed for the trip and came home. I started to cut the grass around 4, I had to put the jumper cables on the mower it was so cold it didn't want to start thats why I got a later start. When Bill got home he got on the other rider and helped me finish it up. We were wearing our winter coats, hats and gloves. But now I won't have to worry about it until we get back.


I got a phone call from a guy last night that was doing geneaology research on his family branch that included my 1st husbands father, which would have been his uncle. My goodness the things he had already found out was outstanding. He already emailed me a copy of what he had so far. I don't think I can add too much if anything, I didn't know much about my father inlaws life before I came into the family.


Won't it be good to finally get some answers from the doctor next week!


Got to get busy, nice sunny day out there today.

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Sharon, we are finally back home to finish getting this place all back in order. Bill spent 8 hard hours getting the bedroom all set up. It really knocked him out with all that he did. I had my # 2 daughter meet me at the hotel last night with her 2 kids to go into the pool. The place was packed and lots of parting. We had the place all to ourselves all week and that was nice. We stayed at the Hampton Inn in Munster, IN. Real close to our house, like 5 minutes away.


I know what you are saying about locking you keys in your car. Especially with all that you have going on getting ready for your trip. Once you do that, you see the mistakes and now I always roll my window down if the keys are left inside. That can really wreck a day that was going so well to end with something like that.


Yesterday was very windy and on the cool side. Last night we got a lot of rain, and it is cold damp and still windy. I heard this morning that next week in Long Grove they are having a chocolate feast. Are you close to that town? Of course you will be away and enjoying nicer weather than here and having a relaxing time away.


It was nice being away but good to get back home to my own surroundings. I don't think I have ever been so close to my house and on a somewhat vacation. Yet I had no ocean or lake water to look at, only a Walgreens, watching people pick up their prescription.


So you are probably very busy today putting the finishing touches on everything as you go to the hotel tomorrow. Did you go out last night or are you going out tonight or just staying home getting ready? Have a great time away and safe travels.


Bill got on that site Ansestry.com last year and he has been setting up a family tree. They advertise it once in a while and it can get interesting going back into time.




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We were busy most of the day yesterday trying on clothes and doing some wash of summer things. Its supposed to be in the 80's and we certainly haven't been wearing anything summery here yet. I think we have it pretty well wrapped up, trying to decide if we need 2 suitcases or just the one.


We stayed home all weekend, and last night I saw a tick on Tinkers forehead. We tried to get it out, but I think the head is still in, will try again today. I looked up on the computer how to get one out and all the things I had heard, like oil or heat are not reliable things to do. Only way is to use a tweezers and try and get it out. I use some a repellant on her once a month, but it goes down her back not on her face. Maybe I will have to change brands or ask the vet for the best one to use.


Too bad about the pool, I know up here too on the weekend days or Fri or Sat night we don't even go, way too many kids and too crowded to enjoy. Thats why we like Sun night very peaceful...usually!


We are almost 50 miles from Long Grove, but I have been there when I used to live in Palatine. Its a quaint little town with all kinds of souvenirs and shops, good to browse around in.


Looks like its going to be a nice day today, don't know about how cold it is yet, only have been out to get the paper and didn't seem too bad.

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Sharon, you should be on your way to Texas by now. Enjoy and have a great time. How was the hotel yesterday? We did enjoy the hotel and had the pool to ourselves 3 out of the 4 nights there. But like you said the weekends are always crowded.


So now we have everything back in our room and now the last bedroom is almost empty. The floors get sanded on Wednesday. The painter is coming on Thursday and everything should be back on Friday.


It was a nice day yesterday. We got rain in the evening and it is overcast today. I hope you have a good weather while you are in Texas.




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The Hyatt was spectacular the flight very bumpy. We got here mid afternoon and while waiting for our room went on the river cruise just outside the hotel. Our room still wasnt ready so they upgraded us to a jacuzzie siute. Nice but I doubt that we will use it, only have time for showers. Today going walking plan to see the Alamo and other sights on the riverwalk. The hotel has free breakfast and food at 5:30pm. Pretty much all inclusive. Hope there is not too much rain at home been watching the weather and it looks like its headed that way.

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Sharon, I am glad you are settled down and enjoying the attractions. A while ago I stayed at the Emily Morgan Hotel that is directly across from the Alamo. Back then it was a part of the Hilton chain. So you are right on the river walk. What hotel are you staying at?


It rained all day yesterday and it is supposed to rain again this afternoon. But the temps are supposed to be in the 70's today and all week. Even in the 80's one day. I remember we had some drinks at a pub along the square that had Teddy Roosevelt pictures all around the pub. It had a kind of a British flair to the inside.


I went to the PT place last night and he had me on the treadmill and rolling with one of those Swedish Balls. No hydro massage yesterday. I could feel the effects from my mussels being tired.


The floor sanders are coming tomorrow and the painter on Thursday as well as the guys who will do the woodwork. It is nice that you are staying at a hotel that is all inclusive. I also remember that we went to a place in the market place that opened its doors in the 1940's and it has never closed since then. They are always open. Enjoy your trip,




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We started out about 10am right after brkfst and didnt get back to the Drury Plaza Hotel until 5pm. We dropped off our stuff in the room, Bill had a short nap and then we went down and got something to eat and a couple of drinks. Tomorrow we are headed to the restaurant that looks like the tower built in Seattle for the fair. Its supposed to be 16 ft higher though. They are really hoping for rain here only got .01 for the whole month of April. One more day here then we head t.o Dallas. The Alamo had so much to read about we really enjoyed it. Do you have 3 different guys working on your room? Gonna be good as new isnt it? What were you doing with the swedish ball?

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Sharon, is the place where you are staying have the ducks that ride up the elevator every morning? It rained yesterday and was supposed to today, but it did not. Rain predicted tomorrow.


We had 2 floor sanders do the floor today. Tomorrow 2 different guys are coming to do the woodwork. Then 1 painter to paint the room and closet. We are staying at the hotel tonight and tomorrow as Bill cannot take the fumes.


So are you flying or driving to Dallas? Are you planning on touring the Cowboys Stadium? I hear it is really something to see. They call it the Palace in Dallas.


We had a disaster last night. Trying to move the computer desk and it fell apart and broke all up. Today we bought a new one to the tune of $300. They are made of composit wood and they are not made to last too long.


Well enjoy and have a safe trip,




Edited by mstrc1
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No ducks in the elevator but everywhere else on the riverwalk. We did get up to the top of the tower today, you could see for miles. We got our boarding passes printed and a cab ordered for 9 tomorrow so we are all set. hey have a great brkfst here, I think I told you that already ha ha We are flying to DFW and renting a car. Hope we can find our way around. Its really hot here and no rain, its going to be the same in Dallas. Seems like nothing is made to last anymore, good thing you were able to get a new desk so quick.

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Sharon, I forgot to tell you what they had me doing with the Swedish Ball. There are 3 colors, blue, red, and yellow. I was using the red ball as that one is in the middle size. He had me doing back rolls and stomach rolls and balancing while sitting on it.


Get a GPS and you won't get lost. We rented 1 in CA. and then decided to buy 1 at Best Buy. We took it to Hawaii and SAN and we never got lost once. It has been it the 70's the past few days. It is supposed to rain later on.


It sounds like you are doing a lot of flying as well. Enjoy and have a safe flight.




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We did not get a GPS but next trip will make sure to have one, we always get lost. This time we knew the name of the town but nothing else, took a while but finally found the hotel. Talked with my GD, she will come over to the motel tomorrow and we will follow her back to their house. The motel is very nice and clean which is the main thing I look for. We are staying in tonight, got up at 5:30, we meant to get up at 6:30 but looked at the clock wrong. So we are tired. Saw there was a severe storm warning for our county at home, supposed to be over after 7pm.

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There is a business center here at the Hampton Inn & Suites so I printed out driving directions to the Fort worth stockyards, there is a 5 year road constrution project going on and traffic is terrible. But we found it Ok. There was also the Texas Hog Rally going on and there were thousands of Harley Davidson and other motorcycles.


We walked through Billy Bobs, a very largr honkey tonk dance place. Not too much going on though during the day., really need to be there Fri or Dat night.


My GD picked us up at the hotel and we went to dinner. It was so nice to finnaly get hold my DGGS and kiss his little cheeks.


Tomorrow morning we will pick up my other DGD from the airport, she will fly back home to Houston on Sun, she is 14yrs old. The bday party is tomorrow afternoon.


Whats up with you, did Bill get any word ftom the dr?

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Sharon, Bill went to the Dr., on Friday and he said Bill will have to loose 10 lbs before he would do the surgery. He gave him 6 weeks to do this. On Saturday my company decided to put a float in the local parade that our town does every year the first weekend in May. Then in the evening we had a wedding to attend. I had the MS walk to do today.


We had very heavy storm today and more expected tommorow. They said the worst was up in your area. So I hope you did not have any damage.


It took Bill 14 hours to put the computer desk together. Our room and house is slowly getting back to normal. I hope you are having a great time and having an enjoyable vacation.


Have a safe trip home and I am glad that all is going well meeting your family.




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We have been wondering about the weather, saw alo of planes heading to Ohare were diverted to Rockford. Hoping everything is alright at home have not heard anything from the pet sitter.


Sounds like you have had alot going on, wish I could lose 10 lbs in 6 weeks, hope he gets it done too. I was thinking it wasnt real easy for him to eat anyway. Are you in charge of getting the float done or having to work on itThat must be quite the computer desk you bought. Mine only took about an hour or less, very basic though.


Checking the airport this morning and they are saying an hour delay, not too bad, if we still get to land where are car is.

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Sharon, we had bad storms last night and it has been raining all day. Yes, they had me coordinating all of the parade activities. I also had to walk the route, about 3 miles. Then figure the MS walk yesterday and that was 3 miles as well. I'd better have lost over the weekend or something is definitely wrong.


I have to see a skin doctor as I am having the same problem that you had a few months ago. I have been treating it with over the counter stuff and it is not working. My eyes and chest are affected. Somehow I think from staying at the hotel for the time we did. I must have picked up something from the hot tub and pool with all of the chlorine they used to sanitize the areas.


I bought the desk at Staples and since it was made in China most everything was backwards and missing parts. Bill was very angry with all of the stuff he had to go through to get it together. I hope you have a good flight today and that you do not have any delays. Also I hope you have a safe ride back home. Sometimes when I get home from a vacation, I have to take a vacation from the vacation as I am all worn out.




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You are so right about recovering from the vacation, we are pooped! Yes you should get to the skin dr. sometimes these things just keep getting worse without the right treatment. Our silly dog came out of the bedroom to see us for about 10 min and then went right back to bed, she is fine and the pet sitter said everything went just fine. Now we will get back to normal, think I ll have to cut the grass if its dry enough tomorrow. Will tell you more about the trip tomorrow.

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Sharon, I am glad you had a nice vacation and that you are both home safe and sound. I would imagine with the cooler temps and all of the rain we had while you were away the grass should be long. It might be wet for awhile.


Now all we have to do is put everything back in order. But at least we have the house back. I went to the PT last night and he showed me more exercises to do at home as we have one of those balls. He also said that he can get Bill to loose the weight he needs to loose. So I will have to talk to him and see if I can get him to go. Otherwise I don't know how he will loose, that weight by 6/22.


Everything went well with picking up your car at the hotel and was it A-OK? Now that boss wants to have a float in the parade every year. It looks like they opened a big can of worms.




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