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We got home around 12am last night and it was getting pretty cold then. I thought about the marathon runners, but I bet they prefer this kind of weather than the really hot kind. It is still cold today, and probably will stay that way for a while. Bill doesn't watch the college games, usually only the NFL ones. He would like to watch the one tonight but we won't be home.


The dance place was good last night, hardly anyone else there to mess up our dancing, most everyone was upstairs in the bar. The one guy that had the arthroscopy done on his knee is not doing well, still hurting and limping. The other guy that is going to have his knee replaced had an elastic band on his kinee and was dancing up a storm. Bill also wore his elastic band and we danced some but not as much as they did.


Hope all goes well with your activities today and tonight,

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Went swimming tonight not too relaxing though because acouple of women came with 3 kids one being about 4 and very loud. But we went to Chilis for dinner afterwatds and I had a strawberry margarita to drink. All relaxed now and watching the end of the football game.


Last night had fun at Rumpoles Wonder Bar. The one dance lesson they taught was the Lindy Swing. It was a fun evening, some people wore costumes. One couple were a sailor and a nurse and when they had their picture taken they recreated that famous WWII picture where the sailor had a bent back kissing her. Another couple came as Olivia Newton John and John Travolta as in Grease.


How did you bth do with the marathon and hotel?

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Sharon, I am back to work today. I came in about an hour late. I had the jerk call me yesterday morning while I was working down at the runner village, and he wanted me to change his plane reservations from Tuesday to today. Someone told me back on Thursday that he was going to do that. He couldn't have done it earlier, so I told him it was Sunday and I was at the marathon working and he would have to do it himself. He does not like doing things himself, but too bad.


There was heat inside of the tent, so I was warm. It was a long day for us and we were very tired last night and went to bed early and slept 10 1/2 hours. Saturday we got down there around 1:30 and we got tied up in traffic around Solder's Field from the traffic going to the ND game Saturday night. I am glad I did not go to that game as it was very cold there into freezing temps both Saturday night and Sunday night.


Sunday there were perfect temps for the runners. We went to the American Doll place just 1 block away from our hotel and also the Water Tower Place on Saturday afternoon. It was just too cold to be outside walking for too long and too many people walking down there. So we came back to the hotel and stayed inside and ate at the hotel grill restaurant.


There was no traffic driving home this morning. I am glad you had a good evening out dancing on Friday with no crowds. I hate that when kids are running around yelling. At least you had a good time dancing Saturday night. Well back to another week. The good news the jerk is not here for most of the week including today.




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Good for you telling him he had to change his own reservations, who does he think he is anyway calling you on a Sunday for something he should know how to do! I saw quite a few bits about the marathon on several stations, that little guy that won sure was small! The two gals were only seconds apart, how disappointing for the second place gal to be so close and still lose. It was cold out, we didn't do anything really, Bill did find a football game to watch in the afternoon before we went swimming. Tonight our Salsa lesson is cancelled, something to do with Columbus day. Tuesday night our line dance lesson is cancelled for 2 weeks so I'm going to get to enjoy some evenings at home with Bill. Seems I've gotten so many things lined up its beginning to be a chore.


I see our resort is having a Halloween costume party on the 27th, you can buy a drink bracelet for $35 or if you get a room you can get one for 1/2 price. I think there will be a lot of drunk people there. We usually only get one drink or at the most I get a second, so it wouldn't pay us to buy one. Not sure if we will be going there or not on Halloween. No plans yet.


Welcome home, too bad you had to go right to work!

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Sharon, it sounds like you are not having much success with the dancing being canceled. What does Columbus Day have to do with the salsa being canceled tonight. Well at least you can get your lists all caught up with. Going into work a little late is not too bad and I really don't know what I would have done with myself being off today. I just cannot sit still and relax.


If there are going to be too many drunks at the resort for Halloween then perhaps better to find another place to go. We have not thought about making any plans just yet. We have gone to our club in the past and I have had a lot of fun dancing.


Yes, that jerk tries hard to just pull the string with me for whatever he thinks he can get away with. With all of the stress he has put me under lately, he can take a leap. Most of all of the flowers will be dead now with this cold we had over the weekend. I think most of all of our stuff is put away for winter. There will not be much else to do except pick up all of the leaves when they fall. The ground and bushes and trees will need moisture for winter.


We were glad to see someone different win the marathon this year and both male and female were from the same country. For the women it was a very exciting finish. Neck and neck to the wire. The man set a course record, so I was very glad for him and what he accomplished.


It is kind of crazy to think that just last week we had a day when it got up to 80 degrees around here and now to have such cold temps that just came upon us so quick. It was nice having the sun shine so bright today and I guess tomorrow it is supposed to get close to 70.




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Sharon, I was like a zombie yesterday at work. When I got home I took a bath and went to bed. It takes me a couple of days to recover from a day like we had on Sunday. Today should be a very nice day today and over the weekend it supposed to be nice as well.


I have my # 2 daughter bugging me for stuff for her garage sale this week. I told her I am way to busy to be looking for stuff. She is really going crazy trying to get this organized. She has about 2 of these a year and for me they are a big waist of time.


I hope you will be out enjoying this nice day today.




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I heard on the tv something about marathon runners not getting the medals they were supposed to, did you hear anything about that? Seems they were missing or something, not sure just what, just caught the tail end of it.


I need to have a garage sale, but just don't want to go to all the trouble, and now I think it might be too late and cold. I'll just give it to GoodWill, there is a store in Delavan. I was up there last week looking for a felt skirt for the dance last Sat, but didn't find anything. I ended up buying a black straight skirt and a top along with bobby socks and tennis shoes, kind of a costume.


No wonder you were tired, you got up even before the crack of dawn on the weekend. Maybe you'll be rested up now in time for next week end, ha ha.


I have had a little sore throat the last couple of days, but its feeling better so I hope it doesn't turn into anything else, we haven't either one been sick for a long time.


The zumba class this morning was 1/2 scentao zumba and 1/2 reg zumba. Then afterwards we had the pilates class. There were supposed to be 6 people there, they had waited to have the class until 6 had registered, but today only 3 of us were there, me and two young gals that had great stomach muscles and were very limber, darn! So she said there was no charge and gave us our $5 back. Again, I used muscles that hadn't been used for a while and can feel it already. Guess that is a good thing, my stomach muscles especially need work.


Cold outside, glad I am staying home again tonight,

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Sharon, yes you are right, they were missing about 1300 medals. So the people who were towards the end of the race did not get a medal. The race officials said the one's who did not get a medal would be mailed one later on. So we will just have to wait and see what the outcome of the investigation of the missing medals is.


I wore my fitbit on Sunday and I did some 16,000 steps and it said it was equivalent to 8 miles. I was on my feet the entire time, thus why I was so tired and why my back and entire body was aching so much. I just can't take that kind of stuff. Then factor in us getting up so early, like you said before the crack of dawn, go figure. That is one reason why Bill does not do the coaching at the run sites anymore. As we had to get up so early to be down there in the morning.


So what is scentao zumba? I can't figure that 6 signed up for the class and only 3 showed up. I'll bet the instructor is upset as well giving you back your money. If that continues then she will not have a class to teach as she cannot keep giving money back for a class that does not show up.


Doesn't that get you when you see gals with stomachs like that who are in a class to supposedly get in shape and they are already in shape. It is kind of like those commercials who always have people in them who have the best bodies that they are advertising to join their class or buy their tapes. It makes the rest of us jealous.


Around here yesterday it was very nice and it did get cold once the sun went down, and today is much colder. It was way too windy though. It rained last night, but nothing to really do anything.




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I was thinking about that, at Goodwill. I did not think that you bought something there. If your Goodwill is like the one we have around here, it is like a flea market and I would not buy anything from there as far as cloths.


It is a good place to drop off things as we do because I do not bother with garage sales, only my daughters.




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Sharon, to top things off my place of work is out of control. The jerk has everyone all tied up in knots. He is firing people and taking responsibilities away from his brother. His brother was crying to me yesterday. His daughter was crying as he wants her to take over his brother's responsibilities and she does not want to.


The business in STL is going down because the jerk does not know how to change with this economy and the changing times. This guy does not know how to handle pressure so then I come home like a crazy person and Bill does not know what is going on. I really feel if this continues, that when he does come in later on this week like on Friday, the roof will blow off if he starts anything with me. Now I am hearing that he might not even come in on Friday. Things are getting really, really close to a total blow up around there.


Then to top everything off even more, I have bunco this Friday, not at my house but at another person's house. But if things get the way I think they are going to get, it should make for an interesting conversation that night.


I guess it is supposed to be nicer today, enjoy




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The Goodwill store is very clean and organized, I have not found anything there I want but a few of my friends go and every once in a while will find something that even has the original price tag on it.


I have things in my closet with the price tag still on it in, comes from buying summer clothes at as great price in the fall and then gaining weight and not being able to wear them the following summe! Yes I agree about the very fit young gal, probably in their 30's that come to the ex class. In our zumba class we are mostly older with only a couple of young gals, but that Pilates class was where the "fit" gals were. The Park district had waited until 6 people signed up for the class before they held it, but for some reason only the 3 of us showed up. I was already there because of the zumba class before it. Next week I won't be able to make it either, we are going on that overnight bus trip to Indiana to see the covered bridges with the local bank. Today our zumba teacher gave me 4 day passes to the Grand Geneva Fitness Spa. She said they are checking memberships now so didn't want me not to be able to get in if I wanted to come. Very nice of her I thought.


Boy sounds like your workplace is headed for a blow up of major porportions! Can't wait to see how this all works out and if anybody is left working for the jerk! Hope in the end everything turns out right for you though.


We are going to Janesville later today for a travel show put on by Van Galder bus and tour company. They have it once a year and go over many of their up coming trips, they serve some little appetizers and punch. Then we will probably go to dinner at the Olive Garden, it is our 10th anniversary today. I didn't say anything about it this morning, wanted to see if he remembers or not.

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Sharon, a very Happy Anniversary to you both. So did he remember? Have a great day out. I remember you go to that travel show every year and last year didn't they have a disappointment for you where they had a bunch of stuff not related to travel? I hope you are able to get some good deals for the upcoming year.


Where are you staying next week on your overnight bus trip to the covered bridges? So do you think that there is a possibly that they will cancel the class if it continues to have lack of participants showing up? For our Goodwill store around here. The people who shop there are ravaging through the cloths and it is not a very organized place to shop for cloths. If the people who shopped respected other's then perhaps this area would be more appealing to some of us. We do take a lot of things there to drop off and then get a receipt.


Now I am hearing that the jerk might not even show up tomorrow. Go figure, just when he feels that there will be further confrontation he wimps out. He is coming back late this afternoon form STL, so I guess we will just have to wait and see.


It is very nice that the gal gave you passes to use at the Grand Resort. When you do go there it should be a very good experience. Once again, enjoy and have a great afternoon and evening and I hope you have many more. You, guys are not that far ahead of us as we will be celebrating our sixth.




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Sharon, I had yoga for the second time last night and it was very relaxing for me. After the week I have had it was really good for a change. We have been getting there early so we can get up in front so I can hear the instructor.


Tonight I have bunco to go to and I am just exhausted with what has happened this week. I am thinking that today the jerk will not even come in and that will be a good thing. His granddaughter's birthday is today and his daughter is staying with him as she is from out of town. So the jerk will be doing things to impress all of them I would think.


I guess we have a lot of rain forecast for the weekend. Although we do need it. What are your plans for this weekend. Dancing tonight and tomorrow or something different? How was going out last night?




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The travel show highlighted a lot of their trips, a couple appealed to us but we didn't make any commitments. Afterwards we went to Olive Garden for dinner. Yes he did remember, he brought me a dozen red roses with tons of baby breath and a red rose corsage. I saved the corsage for tonight, I don't think people wear them much anymore, but he has always been a big corsage giver and I don't want to tell him I don't want one, so I just wear it and smile.


For our trip the itinerary says we are staying Monday night in Crawfordsville, Ind at the Holiday Inn Express. We drop off our stuff at the hotel then head to Rockville for an Amish Farm Tour. For dinner we will have the FAMOUS buried beef sandwich in Tangier, then off to see a Melodrama at the Ritz Theatre in Rockville. Tuesday will have a tour of the Red Route, and will see the McAllister Bridge and Neet. Make a stop in Bridgeton to visit the Mill and Bridge. In Rockville there is the festival headquarters with a "big tent" with local crafters and vendors. Have lunch and then head home. So it sounds like 2 full days.


If they don't get enough people, which is 6 in the class they will not hold it. I did not pay in advance, just $5 each time I go, so no money lost. I was really sore from doing it, we did all kinds of stretches and things using muscles that we don't use in zumba, evidently!


I think its a good think the jerk didn't come in today, he just riles everyone up when hes there, you can enjoy your day and have fun tonight. Are you getting anymore flexible at yoga?


We are going dancing tonight, I bought 2 large cheesecakes to take with, I was going to buy a 1/2 sheet cake but they wanted $32 for one, so I decided on the cheese cakes for $23. I hope it doesn't rain all weekend, we want to go to Fall diddley at the fair grounds. They do have about 6 large, large tents and a couple of big buildings but we would get wet walking between them to get to the next one. Would be so much nicer if it doesn't rain.


Enjoy your evening playing bunco,

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Sharon, I am glad, that Bill remembered, that makes life so much easier when things go so nice for you. It sounds like you had a real nice day. I have been to Rockville before and to the Amish places as well. We try to go at least once a year if we can. So it sounds like you will have 2 fun filled days touring. I like how you are able to find fun things to do with the bank trips. So can you go back and still book with the travel places that you did not yesterday if you do change your mind?


Yes, I am getting more limber, but we still are having fun laughing at ourselves falling down with some of the moves she has us doing. It would be nice if all 6 people would show up for the Zumba class, but at least if they do not then you have not put any money out for anything.


Here in town over this weekend they are also having a fall feast and craft fair. They have put up big tents and many tables for everyone. They said today that there will be rain for some of the weekend. It will run in banks and there should be times when we can still enjoy the weekend. I guess on Sunday it is going to be very windy as well. So I guess we will have to just wait and see how all turns out.


Tomorrow, my # 1 daughter and granddaughter are coming to pick me up and we are driving to Michigan City to go to the Outlet Mall for shopping. It would be nice if the jerk does not come in today, but he said he might later on. Later on with him is late, like 5 or 5:15 and then wants to go over everything.


Have fun out tonight dancing and over the weekend at the fall activities. Let's hope that we can survive the rain and still enjoy the weekend.




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Sharon, the jerk came in around 5 and talked to me non stop until 5:50. He wanted to fire this one and that one, ramble and ramble. I got home around 6:10 and then left for bunco at 7 as I have to pick up another lady and then drive to the house that is hosting the evening about a 1/2 hour away. I got home around 12:30.


Today my daughter will pick me up and then, her daughter and my daughter will drive to Michigan City for shopping at the Outlet Mall. Yesterday all the streets were loaded with people and cars with the fall activities with vendors for craft and bands playing and selling food. Depending on what time we get back today will depend if we go to the fair today or wait until Sunday. Of course, a lot will depend on the weather. Like you, I do not want to be out walking around if it is raining.


I hope you have a good weekend as well if we both can survive this weather they are predicting.




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No its not the zumba class that doesn't have enough, there are always plenty of people for that, its the Pilates class that they are just trying to get started. I will miss it and the zumba class this Tuesday, so hopefully enough others go so they can have it.


That sounds like fun going to the outlet mall, with your daughter and friend. Hope you find some good buys!


We can still book any travel with Van Galder and if we do it before Oct 31st we will get a 5% discount. So when we get back we will have to take time to look at the brochure again and see if it will fit with the pet sitter also.


We went to the Fall Diddley yesterday and good thing too. It only rained a little yesterday afternoon and here today it has had some really big storms come through. It has stopped now but looks very dark to the west yet.

I bought a black 3/4 length sleeve top with sparkles along the neckline and a small leather purse that has a long braided handle so I can put it crosswise over me and not have to hold onto it. It will come in handy for trips I can just put a few of the things out of my purse in it and take it instead.


Did you see that Amy, Punki, Marianne and Diane (plus the DH's) are all on a coastal cruise together? It is the first time meeting for some of them but they already know so much about each other that I'm sure they will have a ball.


I'm putting together my carryall for the trip, not long enough to warrant a suitcase. Just a change of underwear and a different top, plus toiletries and I'm good to go. I told Bill we will be back before we know we have gone almost! ha ha


We had a good time on Friday night, eveyone loved the cheesecakes. I had too much for just our group so we passed pieces around to other people that were there. I had the DJ play a song by Alan Jackson, called I'd do it all over again. It starts out with the words, "has it been 10 years since we fell in love" and goes on from there so it was very fitting. The DJ that plays at the dance place is also the one we had at for our wedding reception. He said oh yes I remember it well, can't believe its been 10 years already, in fact thats what everyone was saying. Time sure does fly!


Not sure if we are going to the pool tonight or not. Depends on how much we get together today and how the weather is later on.


Hope the jerk leaves you alone tomorrow!

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Sharon, we went to the fall craft fair Saturday morning before we left. But we did not stay long as the threat of rain was coming. It was my daughter and granddaughter who went to the Outlet Mall. I did get about 1/2 of my Christmas shopping done there. Since this is one of those old malls mostly everything is not connected inside so you have to go outside from one store to another.


We had umbrellas, but with the wind they were blowing away. So we did get wet a bit. My daughter came much earlier than I had expected her, so we were on the road early after the fair. We stopped up there and ate at Cracker Barrel. We had a full day of being together and shopping. But we did get a lot of rain on Saturday.


Sunday it was raining heavy in the morning and early in the afternoon. I went to the other grandson's soccer game and I thought they would have canceled it, but they did not and we all got real wet. I had to come home and change my clothes as I was getting cold with being wet.


That is so nice that you had such a good evening out on Friday and that song that the DJ played was very appropriate for your anniversary. It sounds like you did a fantastic job with everything. I hope your trip today, and tomorrow goes well and you enjoy the trip and the play as well. I probably won't hear from you for a few days, so I will try to post to keep us on the top. OK, now I understand about the class. I am the worst for packing. So you would be able to get away with a overnight pack. Where I would have a suitcase as I always bring much more than I really need or would ever wear. You should have good weather as all of the rain has moved out and we should have some days of sunshine. So enjoy and have a great time.


I sometimes are envious of how well you are able to choose such good trips on the busses. I wish we had something around here where they organized bus trips like you do. When we travel and go on airplanes, it is such a hassle going to the airport and security and all of the walking and going here and there, I almost hate the experience. A bus trip sounds much more relaxed and enjoyable. So perhaps when you come back you will be able to find something for next year.


Did Bill ever find someone reliable to rent his place to? The jerk is flying to STL today and will not come back until Wednesday. So the earliest I will encounter him will be on Thursday. Have a great trip and take plenty of pictures. I have not been on that site with the other ladies for a long time, so I did not know they were going on the cruise together. I remember they all were talking about it, so it sounds like they are having a real good time together. It was taking me too long to go through everything and often I do not have a real lot of time especially being at work. I think that was a good idea involving the DH's as well and I am sure both men and all of the gal's will get along together.




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Sharon, I hope you and Bill are having a nice tour today and that the theater was good last night. At least you have good weather for being out and about. We get woken up almost every morning around 6:30 to the sound of construction trucks from our street. They say they will be all finished by Thanksgiving, but the way they have been working, I do not believe that.


Once again enjoy the rest of your journey,




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Sharon, I am glad you are back and that you enjoyed yourselves and had a good time. You are probably tires today from all of your travels. At least the weather has been good, but I hear we have more rain coming in later on today. You couldn't have picked a better time to travel as far as the weather goes.




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We had a really messed up first day, seems we were in a rush all day. Evidently the itinerary changed so we had to hurry through everything. It started with lunch and then we dropped off our luggage, those that had luggage, and got our card key. We could not get off the bus at that time too much in a hurry. We picked up a guide and he took us around to see 2 bridges we only had time to stop and get out at one, the other one we drove slowly past, then rode past some farms the Amish people had, but we did not stop, too much in a hurry to get to dinner and finally to the melodrama. We didn't stop to eat lunch at Culvers until about 1:30, and we stopped for dinner for the FAMOUS buried beef sandwich at 4pm so most of us weren't really hungry yet. It was open seating at the theater so we got there an hour early and waited an hour for it to start. It was a classic hometown melodrama production, we were encouraged to boo and hiss and awww for the various characters as there appeared on stage. Then we had a 45 minute drive back to the hotel and finally got to go to our room at around 10pm. Indiana is Eastern time so we were an hour later than our time. I set the alarm clock for 5 am CST, since we had to eat breakfast and be on the bus again at 8am EST. I even called for a wake-up call for 6 am their time. I did not sleep well and after looking at the time over and over I got up and got dressed thinking it was 4:45, after getting all ready I took another look at the clock and realized I had gotten up at 3:45. So I just read until Bill got up at the right time. The second day we again picked up the same guide and he took us on another route to see a couple more bridges and then to a town named Bridgeton. They were having a huge, gigantic festival with all kinds of vendors, antiques and food. We stayed there about 3 hrs and headed back home. On the way back we stopped at the Cracker Barrel restaurant for dinner and got home about 9 pm. We were both really tired as we walked and walked at the festival and I had not slept well and in addition gotten up so early. The gal who leads the group from the bank has decided not to do any overnight trips for next year, just ones that are close enough to do for one day. It would have been a much better trip if we weren't hurried through everything the first day. The weather was beautiful, yesterday afternoon probably in the 70's, and the colors of the trees outstanding.


So back to regular routine today, tonight one of the gals is having a birthday so the bar owner is making taco's for us and one of the other gals is making a cake. I think we will only stay for a bit and come home to get to bed early. I also have a zumba class this afternoon at 4pm. Got a message on the phone that the Thursday Pilates class has been dropped because of low turnout, just as I thought it would.


So how is your day going, won't it be nice when they get the street done in front of your house!! A nice sunny day here, thought it was going to rain for awhile this morning, but how has cleared up.

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Sharon, it was too bad that they rushed you so much on Monday, especially when they got you to the play an hour early. They could have slowed down a bit so not to mess up your schedule. What did they think you all were going to do for an hour just sitting and waiting. The old classic, hurry and wait.


It is nice going for trips but when you do things all in one day, you are exhausted by the time the trip is finished. It is also nice sleeping in your own bed. I like going away, but I always enjoy coming home to sleep in my own bed. Good that the weather did cooperate and you had good weather for the trip. Does this bank who runs the trips look for feed back on how the trip was and wether you enjoy the trip or not?


It has been very windy all afternoon and the skies look dark and treating rain. I guess we might get some storms later on into tonight. Somehow the construction crew broke a water main and our street and alley were flooded last night until the public works crew came to turn off the water. Someone was racing down the street and got their car flooded in the middle of the street as well. I think that alcohol may have been involved for the person driving. I sure will be glad when this is all finished.


We kind of figured that the pilates class would be canceled, too bad for you that there was not enough interest. I am starting to enjoy going to the yoga class on Thursday with my friend. The last time I went to the class I could not hear the instructor and it was not a good experience for me at all.


So do you have any upcoming trips planned or are you going to look at what was offered at the fair last week and then decide? I hear thunder and hear the heavy rain falling now. Thus far things have been somewhat good for me at work as the jerk did not come in Monday as he was flying to STL and he did not call me at all yesterday either. Today may be another story but I may luck out today as well as he is supposed to come back home today. But with the storms we are having perhaps his flight may get canceled or major delayed. It would serve him good to sit in the airport all afternoon and into the evening. As he thinks that he is a real big shot and that people are supposed to bow down for him. Fat chance that will ever happen around here with me anyway.


Well I hope your day is going better than the last few days and enjoy and have a good time tonight.




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We had a good time tonight and ended up staying until 10 pm. The owner Tom, made tacos, for free and Ronnie the gal whose bday it was made a cake called "Better than sex". It was very light and good. Tomorrow morning is zumba, at the zumba class this afternoon two of the gals that also go to the Tues and Thurs class said that the Tues zumba was cancelled because they were the only 2 people that were there. They said if I had been there they would have had class, but I reminded them that I was out of town.


We have had rain all afternoon and still raining now at 11PM. Your street will really be a mess what with the flooding and the rain!

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