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Sharon, I think that this year I will bring my own carry all bag to get extra samples of chocolate. It will be better than the little bags or sample things that just don't carry as well. Also they have really cheap things to buy for Xmas gifts and the stuff at least the good stuff goes really fast.


So if you leave your sister's house around 9:30, then when do you expect to arrive at the expo show? Our event opens at 5 and the train leaves our area at 4:!3. So that will put us at the hotel around 4:50 or so. Then we will catch the 8:20 train to come home.


Based on what you have told me about that GD, I'll bet she stays with the jerk, no matter if he is found innocent or guilty. It is kind of too bad that she is blinded by this guy to begin with. Well Elvis sounds good and it is usually a great performance. As far as your new bike, it sounds like a fantastic deal for the money and plus delivery as well. You just cannot beat that at all. What will you do with you old bike?


For 2013 you are headed in the right direction with the tread climber and now the bike. Now the key is to actually make good use of those things. I have a question. You did not order the tread climber direct from Boflex. Where or what site did you order it from?




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Yes I did order the bowflex direct from them, but I found the deal through a site called Brads Deals. He lists about 31 pages of deals of all kinds of things from jewelry to clothes and everything in between.


Yes now I will have to make use of them both. Maybe I'll have to wait until spring to ride the bike, its been pretty cold. But I did hear this weekend could almost hit the 60's again, that would be nice.


We are going to the snowball dance in Twin Lakes on Friday night, its the one that has the ballroom dancing. It is fun to go to and they are having a short lesson on the Fox Trot.


Going to the other zumba class this afternoon, she is a cute little gal that teaches it and its got different routines than the other two classes I take. So its kind of nice to get a variety.


Good idea to take you own "take home bag" you'll have to let me know what you bring home.


Oh yes, from my sisters house the hotel where the show is at is about 1/2 hr away.

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Sharon, 1/2 hour is not that bad at all. You just have the long drive from your place to your sister's house. Yes, I saw that as well about the temps getting to 60. Any day around this time of year that we can go into the 60's, I'll take it.


A snowball dance on Friday sounds good. Let's hope, that Bill and his knee will be doing better so he can participate with you. Always makes it more fun when you have your regular partner.


I always bring back a bunch of these chocolate bars that fit well into a sac. However one year it was so warm that some of the bars melted before I got home. One reason we get there right at the opening. Once the crowds start piling in around 6:20, everything starts lining up and things start getting harder to obtain. If nothing else the lines slow you down. So we try to get some drinks and something to eat right away and then again in 1/2 hour . Finish off the tables and then we are set.


They have been doing a very good job the last few years controlling the lines and crowds. How was your other Zumba class this afternoon?




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Sharon, you should be on your way this morning. Have a safe trip and I can't wait to hear about all of the fantastic deals you got today.


We will be leaving later on this afternoon and I will tell you all of the exciting things I saw. The great samples and all of the chocolate drinks and tasty treats. Thank God we take the train, as I know I would not be able to drive home.


Enjoy the day,




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Yes I got to my sisters house and we left right away and got to the show before it even opened, must have been around 9:30 or 10. Since we were one of the first 100 we each got a bracelet. I bought a grill that goes on your stove burner, got 2 for the price of 1. I will give one to Bill's DD. Also got a sparkly pink top, but got it a little big because it is 100% cotton and I think it will shrink. It was made in Bangladesh and I wondered if it was from that factory where all those people got caught in the fire?? Got a pretty dragon fly necklace and a pair of earrings both made out of swarovski crystal so very shiny also. My GD's bday is Dec 23 so I got a pair of swarovski crystal earrings for her. Bought a scarf that you can dress up a top with and a set of hat, scarf and gloves in pink. I must have been in a pink mood as I got several pink things today.


My sister did pretty good, but sat down every time she saw a chair and thought I would be busy looking at things. She wanted me to use my handicap placard that I have for Bill, but I told her I didn't use it unless he was in the car with me. She said she had one at home but forgot to bring it and she was handicapped because of her hip replacement, but I just read that they were cracking down on people using the placards that wasn't for them. Anyway it says Wisconsin on it and my license plate is Il. I told her when we were ready to leave she could wait at the door and I could go get the car and pick her up but she decided she could walk.


They have no food hardly and every thing they do have is expensive. She got a $4 hot dog and I got a $6 small personal pizza. We should have gotten something to eat after we left instead of buying it there. Since we were there so early and they didn't have near the crowds they usually do we were done by 2pm I dropped her off and didn't go in because when I came she couldn't get the 2 dogs they have to stop barking at me. So leaving early I got home really quick just over an hour.


Hope you have lots to good stuff to drink and eat tonight. I saw that the Rotary Gardens in Janesville, is having a World of Chocolate tomorrow night, but we will be going to the dance.


Tired tonight, got up at 6am, don't usually get up until 7:30 or days I don't go to zumba 8am.

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Sharon, good point about having that made in the same place where all of those people died. What a tragic story that was. Well, it was good that you were able to leave so early and get there when you did. Also having a great door buster for being there so early. I wonder why there was not as many people there this year. Once again, it sounds like you had a great shopping experience getting some great items.


I hear you about the handicap placards. That is Bill's pet peeve with people using those when they are clearly not handicap. We had one for the FIL and it was from Michigan. So it does not really matter where your own car is plated, only that the right person for the placard is in the car.


Bill was running a bit behind and we almost missed the train downtown. Something that is very rare for him to be late. But we made it and were one of the first one's to open the event at 5. We left at 7 so to catch an earlier train. That put us back home around 8:45. The one place that We usually get all of the chocolate bars had their booth set up, but no one ever showed up to man the booth. So I do not know what happened with them.


I drank chocolate martini's and even Bill had some as well. He has not had a drink in over 4 months. I brought back some containers with various chocolate teas, that tasted very good to us both. Also there were many samples to try. Also mini chocolate Martini with bacon in them. They had food to eat and plenty to drink as well. I bought some scarf's that are also made over improvised countries and pursers for gifts. There were not a lot of things for sale but just enough to make it worth while. Most was under $10.


Well I better get moving here as who knows when the jerk will arrive. I have been doing interviews for the past 2 weeks and I finished up with them yesterday. This entire process of hiring 2 new people has been a train wreck.


Enjoy this beautiful day.




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Chocolate martinis sound good, and it seems they are putting bacon in everything now days! I got some bacon wrapped ham at the deli and it was very good. You were kind of like me, you got there early and got out early, works pretty good sometimes. Last year I saw some footage from the fest on tv, but last night nothing.


It is beautiful today, I put up a shiny wreath on the fence and wrapped up the pole of my bird feeder with red trimmings stuff. I think I will take Tinker for a walk in a little bit, she spends most of her day sleeping in Bill's closet, so it will be good for her to get out.


Did you make a decision on who to hire? Hope the jerk doesn't come in too early and ruin your day!

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Sharon, originally they were going to leave it up to me entirely. But things have been getting screwed. Bill even had one of his friends call him yesterday, trying to influence him to get his wife into the job. So we will have to wait and see what the jerk wants me to do when he arrives.


A very nice day to take advantage of getting Tinker outside for a walk. They have been laying sod down today in front of our parkway. Who lays sod in December. Hopefully our PO Box will get installed real soon. We are tired of getting all of our mail at the Post Office.


We usually see ABC 7 Kathy Brock there but did not see her last night. Also I was surprised not to see it as well on the news last night. They usually always show something. Chocolates always makes me feel so good. What would the world be without chocolate?




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Sharon, you and me both with not having chocolate. But I can tell you I would not be very happy without chocolates. It should be another nice day outside to get outside and enjoy it while it lasts. Bill has been out trenching for the gas people to lay a gas line from our house to our garage so we can have the garage heated. He is doing a little each day as not to do too much. He should be finished either today or tomorrow.


We figure the mailbox should be in by Monday, Tuesday at the latest. They are down on the next block working this way. But only 1 guy, so you know how that goes. They put sod down yesterday and have been going down the street with a big water truck watering the sod. So perhaps by the spring time the sod will take and hopefully look OK.


There are no real plans for us over the weekend. I am just trying to organize the Xmas stuff in the basement and anything I feel that I will not use on a regular basis, I am going to get rid of it. We have to have the back bedroom all cleared out by Wednesday as they are coming to put down a wood floor. That was the only room in the house that did not have a wood floor. It is not going to be one of the real wood floors, but rather one of those pieced together type of flooring that looks like wood.


So there is enough to keep us busy over the weekend and do some outdoor stuff as well taking advantage of the warmer temps while they last. Enjoy the weekend.




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Sharon, you might have gotten the bug in me for perhaps getting a tread climber. If you do not mind me asking, what model did you get and what was the total with tax and S & H?


I have been getting a lot done in the basement today. I have a lot of stuff ready for garbage and some more to do. I went shopping this afternoon and the lines at Kohl's were very long. It was kind of overcast here today and it did not get as warm as I thought it would be.


Enjoy the rest of the weekend.




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Sharon, as far as the job postings. Bill had already told the guy that he does not get involved in his wife's business affairs. Then Bill told me not to hire this person as I would regret it. So I called her up and told her the position was filled and that it was only part time.


So hopefully that will take care of it, as I agree with you, that this entire thing can and has turned out to be more than a slippery slope. We have not advertised for hiring in such a very long time, that I never saw so many interested in finding a job.




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We were surprised to get up on Saturday morning to see two huge boxes right by the garage door. It was my bowflex. I'll have to check the model no and the price, I've got the invoice further down in my e-mails. I know it was on sale and had free shipping, and I paid more than I should have for it. We were going to put it together right away on Sat but got busy with other things and today we had to go to the assisted living home so its still in the box. Bill said he will put it together tomorrow night, they wanted $249 to have someone come and do it.


The thing today was a big bust! First it was so nice outside we hated to even go and then we sat there for an hour and he never showed up. They started everyone singing Christmas Carols and then telling about their favorite Christmas and their favorite gift and then the got out the karoke machine and thats when we decided to leave and head for the resort. When we got to the resort there was a birthday party with about 25 7 & 8 year old girls. Luckily they were just getting ready to leave, but the locker room floor was so wet you could have swam in it. After they left us and Bill's DD & hubby were the only ones there so it was nice after all. We went to Chilis for dinner and got home early for a change.


Our dance on Friday night was fun, the Fox Trot lesson was much too hard for beginners and after the lesson no one was doing it. We were able to get in a few dances and not look too out of place, there are some great dancers and then there are some not so good dancers.


Tomorrow I have to go and spend the $40 Kohls cash as it is the last day and I sure don't want to lose that much by not buying something!


Hope the guy gets to your house with the setting up of mailboxes, and your sod grows good. With all the rain and heat I could almost mow our grass again, but I'm not!

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Sharon, too bad about the assisted living not going the way it usually does. I know in the past that Elvis was a good show there. Something happened in communication. But at least you were able to enjoy yourselves at the resort. It seems like that Bill's DD and husband are the ones you usually meet up with there, and that sounds good.


It got real foggy last night, such so that we could almost not even see the other side of the street. This morning, still foggy, but not as bad and it is damp outside. I hope they come sometime this week to put the mail box back. I do not think the sod will really get a chance to root the way it should before it gets real cold. So I guess we will have to see how it all comes out in the spring. Just get our mail box so we can get back to normal, if there is such a thing these days.


I have seen on the TV last week advertising for the Bill Murray Dance Studio's. I remember I used to see them advertise a long time ago. So I do not know if you have seen it advertised as well? Wow, you did real good to get the bowflex so quickly in the mail. That was a lot of money they would have charged for someone to come to put it together. Was Bill able to put it together last night?


So I am glad you had a good weekend. Go today and get what you need at Kohl's. They have such good deals. I had said that the lines were so very long on Saturday when I went. I also went to a craft fair at a local high school in the next town from us yesterday as that was a real disappointment.


I put the tree up over the weekend. I am just getting the Xmas stuff organized and either putting it up or getting rid of it. Have a good day today.




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I spent most of the afternoon at Kohls trying to find something I really wanted. I ended up getting a couple of tops that were on sale for $4.50 and a couple of Christmas presents. I was going to get this really pretty cardigan beige and cold fleck sweater but decided it was too heavy and I would be too hot wearing it. I ended up not paying anything, with my $30 Kohls cash and $10 card.


Bill did not get around to putting it together yet, instead we went up and got the flu shot and went to Subway, they have meatball marinara 6" subs for $2.00. Now we are too full to do it!


I haven't seen anything on tv about a dance studio, but a couple told us about ballroom dance lessons up in Elkhorn at the community center, don't know if we'll do it or not, probably not, kind of far to go.


Its pooring rain here tonight, really coming down hard at times, it was very foggy here too this morning.


I found the invoice for the bowflex in my e-mail, it is model BFX TC10 and it was $1,874.00 plus tax so total was $1,991.13. It is motorized and has several program on it. I didn't even think to look if there were cheaper models this was had such a discount and had free shipping. Maybe tomorrow night we'll get it put together.


You are ahead of me with the tree, I put some things outside but have not got the tree up yet. Tomorrow I have zumba from 9:15 to 10:15 and then have to get to the dentist by 11:00 for a teeth cleaning, going to be close because its about 1/2 hr past my house and zumba is 20 min the other way. Hopefully I don't get behind any slow drivers.

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Sharon, such good deal you got at Kohl's yesterday. Good job. You just cannot beat the deals at Kohl's. I like going to Subway as they have one right in our town. I don't go a lot but once in a while. We did our normal Monday night 1/2 price burgers. For the 2 of us usually around $13.00. Last night was a 2 wine night as I almost walked out on the jerk. He arrived around 12:30 and was going on and on and I had just about enough of his crap. Today he flies to STL and will not be back until Friday.


I went into work early today as I am leaving at 10:30 to pick Bill up to go downtown for the upper scope this afternoon. To determine if everything is going as planned from the surgery he had back in August to get the bad cells and to fix the erosion inside of his esophagus. This is also a biopsy. It should not take very long like 20 minutes and I should be back at work by 4.


Well once again, you secured another great deal with the tread climber. Let me know how you like it as I would imagine there is a 6 week trial with it. We only got drizzle here last night. It is overcast this morning and should still be warmer than normal. Yesterday 70 degrees. This morning I woke to see them putting our mailbox in. So maybe not today but tomorrow or the next, we can cancel our P.O. Box at the Post Office. We will not have to go there anymore to pick up our mail. As they have been screwing up our deliveries.


You have a very busy morning. So drive safe and I hope you can get everything done. Have a good day,




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Sharon, we got back home around 3:15, so I dropped off Bill and went back to work. So everything went well and there wee no lingering effects. He will find out the results from the biopsy on Friday. Bill will either go to cancel the P.O. Box tomorrow or the next. Depending on what he has going on.


I hope you were able to get everything complete today and that your dentist appointment went well. Good to get your teeth taken care of before the holidays. How was Zumba?


It was not a bad day as far as temps go here today. Tomorrow in the 50's as it is starting to cool off now little by little.


Have a good evening.




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I got a good report from the dentist, no cavaties! Then I went to Pennys Outlet, everything in the store was 25% off. Got Bill 3flannel shirts, each only 8 dollars eac after the discount, also a bright red ski jacket for me for 11 something. Hope Bill gets a good report on his biopsy. Our friend who had the knee replacement has been back in the hospital for a week, something still about his kidneys. He was supposed to come home finally today with a catheter, so his problems are not over yet.


Zumba was good, supposed to get my bike delivered tomorrow, still did not get my bowflex put together.

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Sharon, you are doing so well with shopping, you will have all of your Xmas shopping finished very soon. Yes, if your plumbing is not working correctly you will have problems. That is what was going on with Bill and why he was in the hospital as long as he was. Finally he blew up at them after they had taken the cat in and out 5 times. It was at that point he had just about enough. It takes his body 3 days to return to his normal functions. They were just impatient with that process.


I am glad you got a good report with the dentist yesterday. I do not know why there are so many people who are afraid to go to the dentist. It is just basic dental health that we all have to maintain. I get Bill flannel shirts as well, as he enjoys wearing them this time of year.


I would imagine that your bike will come all put together for you. Then all you have to do is get the bowflex put together and you are good to go. Perhaps with the temps being somewhat mild still, you will be able to take it for a ride to try it out.


What is on the agenda for today? Have a good day,




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Just waiting for the bike (hope its put together) and doing some laundry today, later will go to zumba from 4 to 5 and then tonight go to talk and do a little dancing with friends.


Yes you don't realize the things you do everyday that you take for granted until you can't do them anymore. Simple things like urinating! Big problem when it doesn't work right.


I really don't have any Christmas shopping done, most everything has been for me and Bill a little. I did get a bday present for his GGD who will be 3 and a christening card and small gift for his new GGD, 3 months. We have been invited Sunday for those two things. Its almost 2 hrs to get there and the church service is at 9 so that may be a problem.


Cold out today but nice and sunny!

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Sharon, that is the best kind of shopping, for yourself and Bill. Everyone else comes down the line and they get it when they get it. I am turning over a new one, that I am not going to get crazy over buying things for everyone and anyone. I think that we all get too crazy trying to find, that perfect gift, when I have found out that the person receiving it does not feel the same as you did purchasing it.


You will be busy once again today. Zumba and then more dancing and socializing . Have fun and enjoy. Wow, you will really have to leave very early on Sunday to get to the function on time. They should have realized that some people travel far and should have adjusted the time for those in that situation.


Friday night it is bunco with the girls. It is not at my place so that means a lot of driving and a very late night out and getting home. Yes, nice and sunny today with a little bite in the air. I figured you got most of the rain yesterday as I saw that on the news. We only go a sprinkle.


Bill is going today to cancel our P.O.Box at the post office. So perhaps by next week our mail delivery will get back to normal.




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Sharon, how was all of your dancing yesterday and exercising? The crews are working feverishly to get the street completed, I hope very soon. They start very early and of course make a lot of noise. Bill canceled our post office box yesterday. I know how the post office operates, I would think that our mail will start coming back to our mail box sometime next week.


It has been real crazy at work. They are putting everything on me to tell some of the candidates that they did not get the job. They hired 1 person already and I hope that will work out fine. Already the jerk is screwing up the pay structure for this person and I feel that she is a good person for the position and very qualified. Now all we have to do is decide who will fill the last position.


Stress compounds into more stress. Did your bike arrive all put together yesterday and where you able to test ride it yet? Have a good day today,




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Will the new gal be able to help you out with your work? Would be nice if when you come back from a day or so away the work would be done. Glad you like her it will make it easier, just hope they don't pay her more than you, however that is the benefit of HR, knowing what everyone else makes.


The bike did come yesterday, and I am sad to say I am a little disappointed. It is a mans bike with the bar across the top and it is very tall, I am afraid I would hit my pelvic bone getting on and off, I am only 5'3''. So I think I might have to sell it and get something that fits me. One good thing is that with the instructions it has the price $359.99 printed right on it, so I should be able to sell it at a discount and still make some money on it.


The exercise was pretty intense but the visiting and dancing were just fun. Today we had a lot of people at zumba and she kicked our butt too! I have not been back to the Thursday class since October so was nice to see the ones that do not go on Tuesday. Two different sets of friends there want to go out to lunch, but not together. Hopefully the day they each pick is not the same one!


Our friend who had the knee replacement is still in the hospital. They found after doing a scope yesterday that his one kidney is not draining into his bladder, something is twisted and thats why its getting infected. Today they are doing surgery to put a drain through his back into his kidney which will go into a different bag than the catheter that he still has in. Sounds like it just keeps getting worse and worse. His SO said there are some other issues he is dealing with also but didn't go into detail and I didn't ask. Hope its not cancer somewhere, evidently they are getting some test results tomorrow.


Okay, got to get busy,

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Sharon, I know today that a lot of women prefer a man's bike, as they feel they are stronger but then again you have to have the right size. So as you had already said, you cannot go wrong with the price you paid. It might be a good idea to start thinking about selling it now at a discount, as more people would be more inclined to buy now rather than after the holiday.


This girl was hired as a graphics artists. I am on salary and they will not be making more than me. If that was to happen, I would be out of there for all of the crap I have to put up with. Shortly we are going to talk about getting me more money with all that he has increased all of his family's base pay. The other position that needs to get filled is a receptionists.


When I was home for lunch, I saw a temp sign around 1 in town that said 38 degrees. I do not think it will ever get to 50 as they said it would. Bill canceled the PO Box yesterday and he told me when I got home for lunch that they sent him a notification that there was mail at the post office. So he went there and sure enough they had mail in the box he just canceled. They asked him, did you put a change of address. da...


Too bad about that man still in the hospital. I know Bill was going along and not saying a lot. He went in on a Thursday and on Monday he blew up as he had just about enough. Getting cathed 5 times, he told them how many more times are you going to keep cathering him. He said that he either wanted it in or out not in and out 5 times. So the very next day the doctor came right in and took it out and then the IV's and he was out on Wednesday evening. He at one point was very sick as he ate actually nothing for 3 days.


But if your plumbing is not working properly you will have problems. His point was his body needs 3 days to come back after being knocked out and under narcotics. So I hope your friend starts to feel better and gets out soon if they tell you.




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Sharon, I don't know what the temp will get to today but we got some rain last night. I know they said it was going to get into the 50's yesterday, but at least around here I don't think it ever made it as I was home for lunch and I saw a sign stating it was only 38 degrees.


Now I forgot to mention yesterday. Bill had a doctor's appointment yesterday and he weighted himself. He is at 210 now. So he has lost 56 pounds thus far. He wants to go to 180, so that means another 30 pounds. He feels that he will not get to that point unless he starts exercising again. He cannot swim yet as he is supposed to stay out of being submerged in water for 6 weeks after being in the hospital. So either swimming or if we ever get the tread climber then that will be his exercise.


Now all I have to do is start exercising myself. We are still looking into the tread climber and of course in a few weeks after the holidays I will start the Zumba at the church where myself and my friend was exercising with the yoga. I feel that the Zumba will be more enjoyable for me than the yoga was. We could never get to doing the moves the same way that she wanted us to do. It was always kind of a joke for us.


So tonight we are going much earlier for the bunco as we are having Xmas dinner for everyone. The lady who is hosting tonight said she is doing it all herself as we all offered to help out and bring a dish, but she said she has it all. So that means I will not have much time after work today. Lately have been getting out after 6 with all that has to be done. We have to be there at 6:30 tonight as usually we do not get there until 7:30.


Enjoy today and tonight.




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