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Sharon your sister is in the right place and it is good that they are taking care of this now. Imagine, to think at one point they were just going to send her home. I will pray for her today in hopes that the surgery went well. It is good that her son is with her.


I was wrapping presents and sending out cards over the weekend. The party at the club was good as everyone came out for the free food at 3 as the free food was from 3 until 5. Bill was not feeling good all weekend. When we came home he went to bed for a few hours. As you said it takes a while to bounce back form being in the hospital so long.


Weather wise it is going to start to change to the cold and wet stuff, even snow by Thursday. I suppose we should enjoy the 40's for the next few days. You sure have been busy going out and eating and Zumba. It is good that you have friends to meet up with.


Everyone at the club was watching the Bears/Packers game. Bill is a Packer fan and he was happy with the outcome. But when you are not feeling good it is not good sitting around when everyone else is having a good time.


I hope your sister will be recovering and that the surgery went well. Have a good day and I will continue to pray for her.




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My sister came through the surgery ok, they put her on a ventilator which she pulled out around 3 am. They did not put it back in, and are keeping her pretty much sedated now. She had gotten sick to her stomach from something they had given her, it had happened before, don't know why they keep giving her the same thing when they know thats what happens. She will pretty much be out of it for a few days which is probably good.


We had snow here this morning, started to cover the ground, but has stopped now. We weren't supposed to get this until Thursday I thought.


Today will try and get those other Christmas cards wrote out so I can mail them tomorrow.

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Sharon, I am glad that your sister's surgery is over and that she is resting and they are keeping her sedated and keeping an eye on her. I am surprised they did not put the tube back in her. I know an alarm goes off when you pull them out and depending on the nurses you have would depend on what they do. But I guess they have to check with the Dr and it was most likely his decision not to put it back in. Let's hope that she continues to improve and get better.


I agree, that the weather was supposed to come in late tomorrow night and into Thursday. I guess the edge that was up in Minnesota and Wisconsin trailed more into Illinois, and you got it. I think that after Thursday we will be in more of a winter pattern than the mild weather that we have been having.


Once again I will continue to pray for your sister's recover and that all goes well and she gets better.




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Sharon, there was a senior sale at Kohl's yesterday. But it started raining and by the time I got out of work, I was just too tired to go.


How is your sister doing today? I hope she will continue to progress and to improve and get better. How was your lunch yesterday with the ladies?


I have been going in early the past few days to make sure the morning girl is organized and ready to start work. So far the new employees have been working well and I can only hope that continues.


I saw on the news last night, that with this storm that is heading our way, your area is supposed to get most of it. I hope not, but I guess we will just have to wait and see.




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Yes we saw on the news that the winter storm can bring up to 6", but the main thing is the wind can be 45 to 50 mph! Hope they are just hyping it up again like they like to do. I was outside this morning brushing Tinker when the young guy who is paralyzed drove up in his pickup with his mom. They were going to stake the driveway but we already had done it. I am truly surprised that he can drive much less plow snow. I told them we had signed up for a bus trip with the local bank to go on Friday afternoon to Rosemont to see the Rockettes. He said he would have us plowed out, not to worry. He asked what we had been paying and I told him $30 and he said that was fine with him too. So I guess we are covered, yippee!


We got a dozen Shari's Berries chocolate decorated strawberries delivered yesterday from one of Bill's daughters and from another one of his daughters a big ham, scalloped potatoes and green beans foil trays. Guess we got our Christmas dinner all ready to go.


Got my cards done now have to go up and mail them and hit the grocery store to stock up on some things.


Glad your new hires are working out, you must have picked some good ones.


Haven't heard anything about my sister yet today, hopefully she had a restful night.

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Sharon, I hope you are right as well. I do not even want to think of snow and storms just now. But at least you know that you are covered. I forgot you telling me you were going on a bus trip on Friday. That sounds like a good day out and a great performance as well. I am glad that you have found someone who you can depend on to take care of your plowing this year as well.


Those kinds of gifts are just perfect for the holidays. I sent out a few of them as well and I know that everyone really does enjoy receiving them.


The entire process with the hiring was a total night mere for me. I am also surprised that they let me have the finial decision and I hope that all will work out good for these employees in the future. The jerk is in FLA now visiting with his mother. So with luck I will not see him until way after Xmas.


I hope you do get good news today about your sister and that she will recover well and be back home soon. I assume that after she is back home her son will stick around and look after her for a bit to make sure she will be OK on her own. If not I am sure he will set up someone to be with her to look after her as well.


Let's hope they are wrong with the winter storm and it goes someplace else other than around here.




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Sharon, I must have had a senior moment. The Kohl's sale was yesterday not Tuesday. So I went and once again it was extremely crowded. I could not really find anything that I really wanted, surprisingly.


Any word on your sister and how she is doing? It started raining here last night and now we will just have to wait and see exactly what we will get. Watching the news last night and all of the snow plows getting ready for our first big snow storm if it does go that way.


It is also hard to believe that Tuesday is Christmas. I finally got all of my cards finished and mailed yesterday.


What time are you leaving and returning on Friday. I hope the weather will not affect your travel plans and that your day goes well and that you enjoy everything.




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We are leaving around 1 pm and getting back around 7:30 pm. Hopefully we will be able to make it, if the bus company doesn't cancel. It has been raining really really hard here all day, luckily got zumba in with no problems and a little more shopping. One of Bill's sons girlfriend got us a whole bunch of stuff so I had to go and round up some more for her. I like to just order it all and have it delivered, I don't really want to start exchanging personal gifts with her, but I did it. Bill left his house (work) as the flurries were just starting, it got so bad so quick he could hardly see the road. When he got here he had about 2 or so inches of snow packed all over his car. He brought with a beef pot roast he has cooking in his slow cooker and now the house smells wonderful!


I talked with my sister for a little while yesterday but I don't think she really wanted to talk, as she asked me to call back later. I haven't heard anything today so I am assuming that everything is going alright. Don't know if she will be able to go home for Christmas or not. Her son is married and the daughter in law is real good to my sister too, so once she gets home there will be someone there with her.


One of the dancing girls from Wed night had me stop by her house this afternoon, she had a vodka bottle filled with apple pie shot mix. I was telling her we had one at the dance place and she said she made a batch of them. You heat it up and pu

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We have lost electric 3 times now so I submitted what I had written so I would lose it.


Anyway with the hot apple pie shots, you pour it in a shot glass, heat it up, put whipped cream on it and sprinkle with cinnamon, very tasty!


Ok got to go, electric is going on and off.

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Sharon, it sounds like the snow has hit your area real hard. We have nothing as it has only rained here. Right now it is not raining or snowing.


I hope you can get off tomorrow. Let's hope the weather is not so bad that they do not cancel the trip. I have had a very busy day here today and once again I did not get a lunch.


I hope you do get news that is good on your sister. With her not feeling well I am sure that she will not want to talk to anyone. Only to visit with her son's when they get there. It sounds like she will be in good hands with care once she gets home.


It is so hard to believe what a difference the weather is in driving distances. You are only over and hour and 1/2 away and it is so much different than here. It is good that Bill got home without getting stuck and now I am sure you are in for the evening.It is lucky that you did get out today and finished your Zumba. It must be real bad for you to loose the power. I hope your evening is better than it has been.


Stay warm and I hope all will be fine to travel tomorrow.




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Sharon, I did not realize how bad the North part got hit yesterday. It appeared that the very high winds were the biggest problem. So I hope you went through the rest of the night without loosing your power again. Now all you have to be concerned about will the bus company still operate so you can go today on your trip.


Last night here all we got was the high winds and it is still blowing real hard now. The snow only dusted the lawn. So all we have today is the wind and the cold temps. Otherwise we have our first taste of how winter will be and just to be safe and deal with the conditions.


Looking down the road a bit. We are going to try to go to this chop house where they have really good steaks for Christmas eve. Come home and enjoy a quiet evening with just the 2 of us. On Christmas day, we will end at my #1 daughter's house early in the afternoon and do that scene and then come back home late afternoon and for me rest up for work on Wednesday with the scrooge if he decides to come in. As for today he is set to fly home from FLA, so perhaps his flight will be delayed or better yet canceled.


On the 30th we will go downtown early like around 1 and get settled in. Bill's son and GS meet up with us and we stay until the first. We go out to a quiet dinner on the 31 and then come back and watch the fireworks form our room while all of the crazies drink themselves into a stopper.




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We didn't end up with all that much snow but when it was coming down it was so thick and heavy, all night long until around 11pm the electric would go off and come back on over and over. We did go on the trip and had the same bus driver as we usually do with the other bank. He is very nice, friendly and a good driver. We had lunch first at LaCosta restaurant, turkey, dressing the works except no cranberries, which just about makes turkey for me. It was such a big serving we brought back enough that we had it for dinner tonight, but I had a can of cranberries to go with it this time! The show was wonderful I especially like the toy soldier routine, they were so in sync, every little movement and the costumes were very flashy and nice. We got home around 8pm and were going to go to the Grove and dance, but were too tired and just ready to stay home.


Today I told Bill we had to clean off the kitchen counter and the dinning room table so we worked on that until around 3pm. His dr. son from northern WI came down with a friend and stayed until about 5 pm. He said he is coming back next weekend and we will all go out to his favorite Mexican restaurant. I was telling him about my sister and our friend w/the knee replacement. He just said sometimes it takes a while to get well, especially with all the germs in the hospital. Also said if the aneurysm is not any bigger than 5 cms they can let them heal by themselves. Speaking of which, I talked to my sister today, they did put her in a room, some of her words sound a little slurred, I think she is on quite a bit of pain medication. I had sent her a box of Fannie May candy for Christmas, which is both our favorites, and she had her son bring it to her. She said she had eaten a few pieces and went to set it back on a table next to her and dropped it. Then the nurse came in and picked all the pieces up and threw them in the garbage. She was so disappointed, I told her I would get her some more.


You always have a nice NY's at the hotel, sounds like a great time and very nice to see his son and GS also. I'm not sure what we are doing yet.

Edited by timeormoney
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Sharon, I am glad that you had a good trip and enjoyed the performance. It is good that they do such a good job organizing those trips and that you have a good driver and the same one as well. I wish we had something like that around here as well.


I looked out and saw a very light coating of ice on the lake across the street. But nothing that could hold anyone on it. I am going out later on and buy some steaks for cooking on the grill later on this afternoon. Then tomorrow late in the afternoon we have reservations at a restaurant we go to for dinner. We will come home and spend a quiet evening home.


On Tuesday we are going to my #1 daughter's house and have lunch and do all of the stuff with the kids and then we should be home late in the afternoon. Back to work on Wednesday and hopefully the rest of the week will go OK. I get out at 1 on Monday.


It sounds like you will be enjoying things with Bill's son. That is nice that he comes for visits. They opened up our street and are finished with the construction for the winter. They will be back in the spring to finish the over due project.


I hope your sister will continue to improve and that she will be able to come home and will be able to get back to what she enjoys doing. Have a good Sunday,




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Just going to finish wrapping some Christmas presents and after the Packers game we will go to the resort. I will only go to the steam room, my spots are still there, healing but don't want to take the chance.


Very cold and still some spots on the driveway where the snow melted a little and then froze that are very slippery. Good way to fall and break a wrist or hip.


When Bills son came over with his friend yesterday afternoon I fixed us all a warm apple pie shot with whipped cream and cinnamon on top. My friend that made it did a really good job, it is delicious. We only had the one, but I think you could drink several real easy.


Your grilled steaks sound good, last night we ate the rest of the turkey dinners we brought home. Will probably just go to Chilis for a bowl of soup for dinner.


Stay warm, glad you get off early tomorrow!

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Sharon, I'll bet those apple shots really warmed your inner's. I went shopping and went to Kohl's and even though I had a coupon that expired yesterday she still accepted and I was able to get some good stuff. It was very crowed out this afternoon. Even the grocery store was packed.


I had to pick up stuff for work as they are having a Xmas party for some of the locals where they sit around and drink and tell lies. You will not find me sticking around for that garbage. I will be out of there and doing any last minute stuff before we go out to eat.


Going to the resort this afternoon and then Chili's is a good afternoon break as that is what you usually do on Sunday. Steaks on the grill is simple and easy and that has been our usual thing on Sunday's.


We have nothing here as far as any trace of snow. I know what you mean about being real careful not to slip and fall on the ice. It is a safe bet here that it is not going to be a white Christmas. I hope you had a good evening out eating,




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It got cold after the snow so we still have the ground covered and the trees, so it is a white Christmas here. I don't think much of any of it has melted. Only some on the driveway and then froze back up again to make ice. We have a slight incline down the driveway and you have to be very careful where you step so you don't fall.


I talked with my sister this morning, she will stay in the hospital a while longer, she has some fluid in her lungs and it getting breathing treatment and still has a great deal of pain in her upper thigh, groin area where they went in to repair the aneurysm. She has a terrible deep and long cough, doesn't sound good at all.


I'm going up town in a minute or so also and get some last minute things for dinner tomorrow. We did ask Bill's sister if she wanted to come over and she does so we will have to go and get her and take her home. But she is alone and has no one else but Bill and his family. Her daughter is in Colorado and wants her to move out there with her but she doesn't want to leave her home.


Merry Christmas to you and Bill!

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Sharon, your sister has to be real careful that things do not turn into a phenomena. The longer she is in bed and not active will mean her lungs will continue to get fluid. I am sure they are having her use that breathing machine to keep her lungs open. The hospital is the best place for her now.


Yes, with this thawing and then freezing you do have to be real careful. For us we have nothing except the cold. Although today was not too bad while the sun was shining. I did the same thing after I left work. Getting the dinner for tomorrow at my daughter's house. It is at her house and I am supplying the dinner. Tell me what is wrong with this picture?


I am just putting things away and getting last minute stuff organized and I think I will lay down for a bit, then we are off to go out to dinner this evening. Once the sun goes down the temps really drop. It feels good to be inside where it is warm.


You and Bill have a very nice Christmas as well, be safe and warm.




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Sharon, I hope both you and Bill had an enjoyable Christmas. We were at my daughter's house for 3 hours and it felt like 8 with all of the kids. Back to work today, tomorrow and Friday and then start it all over for next week. Except I think I will take off Monday. It seems kind of silly to run all the way back home for a few hours of work when we will already be downtown.


It is very cold and windy here today. I heard a winter's storm may hit our area sometime today, but I have not watched the weather to see when and how much.


I am sure the stores are crazy with all of the people returning stuff and just having the day off of work. I heard that a lady had her purse stole in church on Monday evening. It is very bad when something like that happens. She was in the choir and someone swiped it on her.


Any word on how your sister is doing? Enjoy the day and stay warm,




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We had a very nice Christmas, we went to church on Christmas Eve and sang Carols, the last song we all lit candles and turned out the lights and sang Silent Night. A good beginning for Christmas day.


On Christmas day we picked up Bill's sister and brought her home for dinner, which was very good and easy, just heat everything up and it was ready. When we took her home we stopped at our friends house that had the knee surgery and all the problems following it. We had called first to find out if they wanted company and they did. I took along the bottle of apple pie shot mix, whipped cream and cinnamon and made us all one. They enjoyed them too! We had a nice visit. When we got home I tried several times to call my sister in the hospital and got no answer. Finally I called her son and found out she had went home Christmas Eve around 6 pm. I had talked to her earlier in the day and she never even knew they would send her home. Evidently they also sent with her several prescriptions she should get, but everything was close by then and she couldn't get any filled. Have not talked with her today yet, so hope everything will go smoothly and she will recover more quickly at home.


I saw you are supposed to get hit with the storm, maybe since you are right on the edge you will only get rain. Saw they had over 30 tornadoes yesterday, I have a grandson in LA, so hope it didn't get close to him.


Good idea to just take off next Monday, get a start on your NY celebration!

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Sharon, you are right. With us being right on the edge of Indiana and Illinois we could either get hit with everything or it will miss us altogether. It is real windy and cold here now.


Even though Bill never tells me if he is sick or not. I know something is not right with him. First time ever he has taken home food from going out to eat as he hardly ate anything. Although we started out with appetizers and soup and we never do that. So that could have been a lot to do with it. But once we got home he went to bed early like before me and slept for 12 hours. Than last night he slept for 10 hours.


I am sure they sent your sister home with med's for a few days until she can get the prescriptions filled. So hopefully they gave her what she needs to recover properly at home so she will not end back there. When they send someone home too quickly, that is what happens, they end back in there to correct what they should have by staying in.


It sounds like you had both a nice Christmas Eve and Day yesterday. It is good that Bill's sister can depend on you to do things for her, as being around family is the best for someone who is all alone. For us there is not much of a New Year's Celebration. As we go out to dinner the same place right on the river we eat at every year. We usually go around 6:30 and are back at our hotel shortly after 8. The restaurant is not at all overly crowded as they do not stay open late for any kind of party. Just people who want to eat dinner in a nice quiet atmosphere and enjoy quiet company without all of the hoopla.


Last year I think it was warm and mild and it other years it has been cold and windy. So I have not heard ahead about the weather for that time yet. So it is kind of a roll of the dice. Whatever the case, it is a nice get away and a good time to see Bill's son and GS. They look forward to that as well every year, as we book a year in advance for that time away. Same room, same place each year.


All the people who spend loads of money on packages go way overboard. I think the hotel sponsored party is like $275 pp. People can only eat and drink so much and then you know what happens. That is not for us and we have never done anything like that. Even at our club, they have a party for $75 pp and that is way over the top for us as well and they know we always go downtown and do our annual thing.


The nice thing about this year, is we are going down on Sunday, versus other years where I have to work, and Bill goes down early to check in and then comes back to pick me up. On Sunday we can go down early and get settled in and relax.


Waiting for the jerk to come in as we have a lot of things to do to get the pay roll in for the end of the year. Like always he buys me stuff that I will never use. This year he bought some gaudy jewelry that just is not my style. I like small things not way over the top like he always gets. He just is out of touch with how I am as a person. I also look for major changes on how he treats me or I will be out of there. I am fed up with being treated like some object as a brunt of his own frustrations.


Enjoy the day and stay warm.



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I hope Bill is feeling better, I too hate it when Bill doesn't act right and I ask him whats the matter and he says "nothing". I know somethings the matter. On Tuesday evening he told showed me his handkerchief, when he blows his nose, its bloody. I told him to call the dr and he did yesterday but the dr was not in. I think it is from taking the full aspirin every day, his blood may be getting too thin. He needs to have that other clotting blood test done so we know where we stand in regards to strokes. He is going to call the dr again today.


We don't have any plans for NY eve, there is one place we could go with a DJ and some dancing, but almost thinking we'll stay home. Bills son is coming back again this weekend so we will go to the Mexican restaurant with him.


Did zumba today, seemed hard to get in the mood with having almost a week off. I did do my Bowflex yesterday. Had hopes of going for 1/2 hr, but only went for 15 min. Harder than I thought, kind of like climbing stairs, but you can control the speed.


Looks like maybe you lucked out with the snow again too, like us.

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Sharon, we decided not to get the Bowflex. It is too big and heavy for where we would put it. Also we figured the only place we could put it is in the basement and with the height of the machine and the clearance in our basement, Bill would hit his head on the beams.


Yes, we did luck out on the snow. It went to the South of us. I guess we could get an inch tomorrow. On Monday it is supposed to be very windy and snow with temps in the 30's. Tuesday it is supposed to be in the 20's.


I hate it when they tell us that nothing is wrong when we know better that something is. As they act not the same way they usually act. So I hope with all of the sick people out there that he does not pick up anything. It must be a man thing to act like nothing is wrong. Your Bill should take the 81 mg aspirin as that is what my Bill takes.


The jerk never came in yesterday as he thought I was off. So for sure I am not coming in on Monday. So he is here now and wandering around in the store and driving me crazy as all of the payroll has to be in today for the end of the year.


So perhaps it will be good for you to just stay put after Bill's son leaves and just watch TV and stay inside where it is safe and warm. Let all of the crazies do their thing.




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We are already getting snow and I want to go to the Grove to dance and visit tonight, we didn't go last week because of going to see the Rockettes. Hoping that it stops soon, although they are saying it could go till tomorrow morning!


Bill is taking the whole aspirin because the dr told him to after he had the stroke in his eye. It is supposed to be only until he has the second test which determines the clotting time for his blood. I have forgotten the time period he is supposed to wait for the test, seems like it was 3 months and if so it should be any day now. He would never take a whole aspirin otherwise, most people take the baby aspirin everyday.


I remember those days of trying to get all the payroll in before the end of the year. With two plants it was always a hurried affair, with child support payments and garnishments and whatever else they could come up with. I'm sure you have it under control and will be able to enjoy your long weekend.


Bill still has not gotten a bookkeeper, but I am going to keep on him and make him follow through, time he makes things a little easier on himself.


Happy & Healthy New Year to you and Bill!

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Sharon, you just have to keep up with things so they do not progress or return. Let's hope that 2013 is a healthier and better year for us all. It has been snowing here as well and it looks like it stopped now. We were not supposed to get all that much here. I guess most of it tracked your way.


There are things that are going on here that you would not believe. I hope you will be able to get out tonight. A friend of Bill's has invited us to go to their place tomorrow night. We did not want to go for a dinner so we suggested having appetizers and drinks instead. They are like your fiends who had the knee surgery. They are a couple, he has his place and she has hers. They go way over the top and it is just not that comfortable going over there. She hardly will ever come over here only once a year and we are even surprised that we got an invite.


It should be a crazy day here today and the jerk has no concept of what is going on and he likes passing the buck and avoiding real issues. For them it is only about money and no regards to anyone else. I went to Kohl's last night as there is a huge sale going on now. So I was able to return stuff and get the right things exchanged and picked some last minute stuff for Bill's son and GS.


Enjoy tonight as I hope you will be able to get out and enjoy yourselves. Have a safe and warm 2013 even if you do not do anything, at least you will have each other.




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Sharon, I wish you and Bill a nice safe New Years whatever you may do. We will be leaving shortly to go downtown for the next few days. It is a nice sunny day here today and the rest of the week I guess it will not get out of the 20's. When I return on Tuesday, I can start taking down the Christmas decorations.


I hope that we can break the weight loss thing and start something new in 2013. I know I will look forward to Zumba in a few weeks as that is something I think I am going to enjoy.


Have a great day,




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