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Happy New Year Kathy! We stayed home and went to bed around 10:30, our usual time. Bill had woke up the night before with a neck ache and it still was bothering him, either got it from putting together the office chair I got for him for Christmas or just slept on it wrong.


I am irritated with him anyway, he acted like a big grouch on Friday night, didn't hardly talk to anyone and didn't want to dance. He gets like that sometimes and it makes me mad because I don't see that many people to talk to and like to enjoy the time we are there. So we haven't had the best of times since then. I am one to carry a grudge and its hard to get over. He of course is going on his merry way, other than the neck problem.


We never heard from Bills son, we are thinking maybe he got a lot more snow and couldn't make it. He and a friend are going to Puerta Vallarta on the 5th of January for a week so not looking for him anymore.


I hope to try and get a start on losing weight, I can't stand looking or feeling like a stuffed sausage all the time. I have been using the Bowflex on days that I don't have zumba. With the holidays we have only had zumba one day a week, Thursdays. Next week everything will be back to normal.


Supposed to have a few very cold days, but the weekend looks like it will warm up a bit.

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Sharon, a very Happy New Year to both you and Bill. Don't worry about caring grudges, as I am the very same way, and my Bill does the very same thing as yours. They just go on their merry way like nothing has happened at all.


We just arrived home a short time ago. We left Bill's son and GS as when we left at 11 they were both still sleeping. But that is how they are on the weekends. They stay up late and get up very late. They got up late yesterday and we were both out and back by the time they got up. They enjoyed the pool and I went down there yesterday afternoon as well.


Very cold today and perhaps I will start taking down some of the Xmas decorations today as I just cannot sit still for very long. Back to work tomorrow. For me Zumba in a couple of weeks as I cannot wait. I feel the same way as you about loosing weight. It is just driving me crazy having this much weight when Bill has lost so much. I would like this year to be different from other years as not just making a resolution only not to follow through with it down the road. You have not had the Bowflex for very long, but do you think you are happy that you have it and do you think you will get good use out of it?


It did not seem like there were too many crazies this year. Although there was a lot of young folks who spent lots of money to attend parties. We went to dinner and had a nice evening out. We got back to sit and relax and watch the fireworks at midnight. Then shortly after we went to bed, and I feel we both slept very well and got a good nights rest.


Enjoy the day today and let's hope we both can kick this weight away somewhat better than we have in the past.




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Sharon, I was watching yesterday as they were saying how every year at this time they start with all of the dieting commercials. The amount of money that is generated each year in profits for them. The average diet resolution only lasts until the end of the month. The average health club visits only last for the first 2 months and then they go unused the rest of the year.


I am back to the bump and grind today. The good news is that I only have 3 days. I also get all mixed up with the holidays as I loose track what day it is.


I can't wait until Zumba starts for me. I am going to have to find out the exact day when it starts.




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You know when you think about it, it really shouldn't be so hard to lose weight for heavens sake, we know exactly what we should do and what we should eat and yet it becomes almost impossible. I saw a post on one of the other sites that said "Being overweight is hard, Losing weight is hard, Keeping off lost weight is hard.....Choose your hard". I think I am going to go back to writing everything down that I eat, I know before I wouldn't eat it because I didn't want to write it down, or on the other hand I just didn't write it down, only fooling myself that way. Just rambling on trying to get myself siked up for this "challenge"!


Did you hear that they put the payroll tax back the way it was, it was so stupid to lower it anyway. It helps fund SS and medicare, its like telling people...we are going to let you have a little more money now, but there won't be any for you when you retire. Glad its changed back!


Not much going on, Bill is going to call the dr again, this time about his neck. Seems a little better but then it was a little better in the morning yesterday too, but by nighttime wasn't feeling so good again. He of course went in to work and by the way still has not found a good bookkeeper.

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Sharon, you are so right. This all should not be so hard for us. Yet a huge industry that is making tons of money with the dieting and most do not work or only last for a short period of time. In Bill's case, as we were talking about this over the holiday. His weight loss was from being in the hospital and being sick. This is not the best way to loose weight. He has lost 65 pounds thus far and he said he is going to start back going to the pool tomorrow doing laps once again.


It takes a little while for a stiff neck to get better. Tell him to go to the drug store and buy one of those heated wraps to put around his neck. I am sure he will feel better after a few treatments. I have one and it has helped me a great deal as I have suffered from the very same thing.


Yes, I will be dealing with all of that tax stuff this year and trying to balance or transfer this from one place to another. I also saw that all of the politicians get a raise as well. It kind of makes the rest of us feel that we are not worth anything when they get their unjustified raise.


I think that writing down everything is very important. It really helps to track and keep track of everything. We all have to pay more attention of what and how much we eat. This entire process should not be so hard. I feel it is about the right choices, and most of us do not make the right choices. A great deal is also our society and the choices that are out there to choose from and there should not be those bad choices there to begin with.


In NYC the Mayor has put a ban on large beverages. I guess that is a start as there is so much sugar in those beverages to begin with. Why not just cut back on the huge amounts of sugar added into things? They are starting to get better with keeping out the Trans oil they are putting in the foods. Having processed fats and the major thing is sugar is a huge problem. I also saw something that they put in not to make you feel full, but has you want to eat more. These are the things they should be looking at.


Well there are so many things that we have out there for this coming year. We just have to start making the right choices an sticking to them. Easier said than done, I know that, as I have been making the wrong choices for so very long.




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Bill has an appmnt with the dr tomorrow, he has had some problems with the vertabrae in his neck, just hoping something hasnt shifted. He has been in alot of pain tonight.


I did pretty good eating all day, but made a big pan full of baked scslloped potatoes, ham, and cheese. Don't know how to list that on My Fitness Pal since its made up of different things. Talked with a friend tonight, her very health concious daughter came for a Christmas visit from Washington. She made several really healthy veggie dishes that sounded really good. I should try and cook more vegetables and unprocessed food. My problem is sweets!

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Sharon, you and me both have the weakness in sweets. I am also the very same way about vegetables. I do not like them thus I rarely cook them. However I am getting better and I am trying to push myself into eating and cooking more vegetables. As far as processed food goes, a lot of us just do not know what they are putting into foods. Although it is clearly marked someplace on the label. I do not look at the label the way I really should. Since they had the huge controversies last year about pink slime, I think a lot of places are getting that out of some of the foods.


I remember shortly after that was announced about the pink slim, I was in my meat market and someone brought that up and the owner got very upset and clearly stated that he will never have any of that kind of stuff in his meats.


I remember it was around this time last year when I had to go to the Dr as I was having major problems with my neck. He said I had the arthritis and sent me to PT for about 6 weeks. Each time I was at PT they put one of those heated wraps around my neck and I felt so much better. So I went out to the drug store and bought one. From time to time I heat one up in the microwave and it really helps my neck. So I hope the Dr will help Bill today.


I agree that we have to spend more time tracking what we are putting into our mouths. Also reading the labels should also be something we pay more attention to. When eating out it is very difficult not to go over where we should be at as far as calories. I seldom eat everything and most often bring 1/2 of it home. I will never eat leftovers and Bill has his lunch the next day as he eats it.


Have a good day today,




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The dr said he thought it was a soft tissue strain and prescribed Vicodin and a muscle relaxer. No xrays unless after a few more days its not getting better. He checked him for shingles also, said that up to 3 or 4 days before the rash starts you can have severe pain from the onset of shingles. I had shingles and I don't remember that, but then I didn't know what it was that I had until it was almost over. We stopped at Culvers after picking up the prescriptions and had a bowl of cheesy broccoli soup and I had a sour dough melt burger with swiss cheese, bill had the butter burger. They were both really good, after we finished the soup though we could only each eat half of the burgers so we brought them home for later. We both eat leftovers so its good that way.


We had a substitute for zumba today, regular gal has the flu, its been going around like crazy up here, glad we got the shots. This gal had so much energy and made it so much fun! She had all different music than we are used to and new routines, but walked us through them and made it a really a good time. Actually would like to have her instead of the other one. She teaches at 5:30pm on Monday nights up at Elkhorn, which is about a 35 minute trip for me, but several of the other gals were going to go and I might have to go once or twice also. We'll see how the weather is. Speaking of which its supposed to get kind of nice by this weekend, we are hoping the snow and ice will melt.


I think thats a good idea about the heat, I will find the heating pad and put it on Bill's neck for a while tonight to see if it helps him.

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Sharon, I know that drug will make me dizzy after a day of taking it. It is strong and hopefully it will give him some relief. I found that the neck wrap worked best for me. The heating pad did not cover the neck area like this neck wrap that they sell at the drug store.


Yes, our Dr did say that there was a lot of flu going around and it arrived about a month early this year. It sounds like you had a good workout with the new instructor today. Too bad she cannot stay and the other one could move someplace else. If the weather is OK it might be a good idea to go to her place and try it out. Thirty five minutes is not a bad drive as long as the weather is good.


I know for me this cold weather tires me out much quicker than when it is not so very cold out. If it does get into the 40's over the weekend that will be nice. Around here there is no snow only a few icy spots here and there.


I have bunco this Friday night, but not at may house. With the holidays and us changing it for last month it seems like it is coming up early. But then again I am getting messed up with the holidays falling during the week.




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Sharon, I hope that your Bill is starting to feel better and not in so much discomfort with his neck today.


It is very cold here today but sunny. I have bunco tonight so I will be out late getting home around 12:20 OR 1.


Are you and Bill feeling OK to go out tonight? It looks like there is no major snow in the forecast except, tomorrow night where I heard we could get maybe and inch.


Enjoy the weekend and I hope Bill is feeling better. How is your sister doing?




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We are staying home, the pain pills and muscle relaxors help but when they start to wear off the pain come back again. At least he was able to get a good nights rest last night.


I hadn't heard from my sister, was kind of waiting to have her call me but she didn't, so I called this morning and the answering machine picked up. She has not called me back so I really don't know how she is doing. Haven't heard a word.


One more thing now, Bill went to take a bite of a piece of hard candy last night before going to bed and broke both of his front teeth off. The roots are still in, luckily it doesn't hurt. He called the dentist and has an appointment Tues, to see what can be done, his other teeth are not in the best condition either. He was almost glad not to go in for a few days so his neck can feel better hopefully by then.


Seems he has been having one thing after another happen. He took my hand in bed last night and said, hold on to me, don't let me slip away. I hope we can get everything straightened out again so he can feel good.

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Sharon, that was so nice what he said to you last night. I guess that one thing is happening after another. I hope the dentist can fix the broken teeth and help to come up with a plan for the rest of the teeth. Hopefully the pain medication will start to work better so when the pills do wearer off he is not in so much pain. Have you tried any heat wraps?


With these extreme cold temps at night and even with the brisk wind we had today. It is not good for him to be outside at all. Best to stay inside where it is warm. I hope someone contacts you and gives you an update on how your sister is doing.


Besides being out late tonight. I made a 9 am appointment for a pedi tomorrow morning. I don't know what I was thinking when I made that appointment so early especially when I knew I was going to bunco.


Stay warm tonight and enjoy the time together. Have a good weekend. I am either going to take down all of the Christmas decorations tomorrow or Sunday. Perhaps it might be best if I do a little each day so not to overwhelm myself all at once.




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My sister called this morning, said she is feeling fine. Going to the cardiac dr next week for check-up. Her one son's SO is starting an apartment mgr job on Monday so my sister is going to baby sit the 2 young girls 3 days a week. She said she is looking forward to it and has all kinds of places she plans to take them. They are about 4 & 5, one girl is her sons the other is the SO's. My sister had 4 boys so she is really liking the little girls.


Bill got up a feeling a little better this morning so that is a good improvement. One of his sons left for Puerta Vallarta this morning, lucky him! We have a temp of 32 and it has just started snowing. Bill is going to watch the Packers tonight on tv.


Tomorrow he want to go to the hot tub and get his neck in the bubbling water, I will go into the pool as all my zapped spots from the skin dr are healed up. I have never ever had a pedicure, have you had many before?


I see on one of the sites I get everyday that Nutri system has a deal where you pay $269.99 for 28 days, which is supposed to be almost half off, then the second month is $256.49. You can cancel after the second month with out an early cancellation fee. I am half way thinking about doing it, but wonder if I'll like the food or not. Haven't made up my mind yet.

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Sharon, I have heard that they do not have very good food. Also, have you noticed that now there are so many ads for diets and health club memberships? They had a piece on ABC World News last week telling of all of the money that these companies are making. Only for these people as the average will only use the diet plan until the end of January and the average health club membership will only get used for the first 2 months and then they either rarely will go or never go again.


I am a prime example of that. For 2 years now Bill has paid a 2 for1 membership for this health club in our area. Yet I have never used it at all in the past 2 years. If he renews it again for this year, this will be the third year, and I probable will not use it this year either. The only thing I can say for him doing this, is it is a 2 for one. So he is not spending extra for me. I am glad that he has taken advantage of it. The first year neither of us used the membership. So we are prime examples of what they were saying about all of this stuff.


Wow, I am glad to hear that your sister has come around as well as she has. It is also good that she has son's who are caring about her and keeping her time occupied. It is the same here as far as the weather goes. Earlier it was snowing to beat the band. Now it is just cold and windy with no real accumulation on the ground. I guess late on we could get some freezing rain.


It is good to hear that Bill is starting to feel better. Sunday will be a good day to relax in the hot tub and now you can enjoy as well.




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Our direct tv went out just when the Packers started playing, I called and got a gal in California. We tried all different things but none worked. We set up a service call, the soonest one being on the 15th, which is an awfully long time to wait. Well Sunday morning Bill turned on the tv and it worked fine and has ever since. So I guess I will have to cancel that service call. Also my computer is acting funny, every time I turn it on I have to enter the modem no before I can get connected. I never had to do that before and am wondering if something is wrong with the modem.


Bill goes to the dentist tomorrow, hopefully they can do something about his front teeth. His neck is much better, between the meds and the hot tub almost well. We went to Chilis after the pool last night, I had the Mango Chili Tilapia, it was very good, but very spicy. I asked the waitress if I ordered it again if I could have the pico do gayo(sp) left off and she said yes or even just on the side. I would order again, it came with rice and broccoli.


We got another layer of snow the other night on top of what we already have. Hopefully the next few days will melt some of it. Today very windy so feels colder than it is. I am going to the zumba class this afternoon, one of the other gals said she is going so that will be good. Have to see how big a class she has since she is so good and its at 5:15 I'm thinking quite a few will be there, even some that work during the day will be able to go.


You should make it a point to go to the pool, you might like it!

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Sharon, that must have been very frustrating not to have your TV work. Only to get it back the very next day. That is crazy for them to give you a service call on the 15th. I would have really said something about that. It should be the next day or the day after at the very least. If they could not do better, then I would tell them I am going to another company that can provide the correct service.


Is this class you are going to later on in Wisconsin? At that time I would think it will be a nice size for the instructor to teach. We only got a very light dusting of snow the other night and all is gone now. It was even gone shortly after it quit as it was nothing much at all. Yes, it is very windy today.


I cannot eat anything spicy. It will always mess up my stomach. We are going for our usual 1/2 burgers at a local place a short distance from our house. Every Monday this place offers 1/2 burgers. I got home around 12:30 on Friday night from bunco. Now I go to get a pedi about every 6 months. Bill was laughing when I got home as I was wearing flip flops. As I could not put shoes or socks on as they would have messed everything up.


I got all of the Christmas Decorations taken down yesterday and put away. I still have to go down and get rid of the one's that I will not be using. Went to Kohl's to return and exchange some things that were given as gifts on Saturday.


I am glad that Bill's neck is doing better and hopefully the dentists will be able to do something for his teeth so they do not cause any problem down the road.




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Yes the class was in Elkhorn, WI. There were around 20 women there, a very energetic class!


You know with Direct TV you cannot cancel without paying a huge penalty, so they got you where they want you. We have one more year to go then I will go to Dish TV.


We had some snow and ice melt today but still have alot left to go.


I stopped after class tonight and got us one Italian beef, we cut it in half and had plenty. They put so much beef on it along with sweet peppers and cheese, it makes quite a meal.

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Sharon, did Bill go with you to the class? We go to get Italian beef as well on Thursdays. I start my Zumba this Thursday. I don't know what I was thinking once again as I guess when I made the appointment I did not realize the class was starting. I have a hair appointment also on Thursday.


It sounds like the class you went to yesterday might be a very well attended class. Are you going to continue to go there each week? Now if Bill does renew the 2 for 1 membership at the health club. One reason I do not use the pool is when I get home form work I am way too tired. On the weekends unlike your resort where they are open in the evenings. This place in the summer closes at 2 and during the winter they close at 4. So the hours do not work well for me to use it at all.


Now I am getting the feeling that the jerk is trying to push me out in a few years. As he is having his daughter doing more and more. He has also said to me when do I plan on retiring. Once again yesterday I went all day without taking a lunch. Then I come home like a crazy person and this is getting out of control. It takes me too long to calm down in the evening.


You have all of the snow and here we have and had nothing at all. Now they are talking about rain with the warmer temps.




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No Bill did go with last night, but the Italian beef restaurant is in the same town as the zumba, I picked it up and took it home.


I see why you can't go to the pool, the hours are really not good for you, other than the weekend. I hope your hair appmnt is after the zumba, when I go my hair always get sweaty and wet, I know yukky, but at least I know I'm putting alot of effort in, some women don't sweat at all, but I always end up dripping. I went all the way to the zumba class this morning only to find a note on the door saying it was cancelled today. You would think they could call or something, its a ways for me to go, 24 miles round trip, besides getting up, getting dressed and driving all the way there. There is supposed to be a water aerobic class at the resort on Tuesday mornings, I might just try that for a while since I am already going to be going on Monday nights, at least for the next 3 weeks.


Bill had xrays taken and the dentist is going to put together a couple different plans for him to see what can be done about his teeth. We are going back again tomorrow to see what he comes up with. Of course Bill is talking about the money but I told him what better place to put it than in fixing up your teeth!


You might be right about the jerk wanting his daughter to take over, you know thats how things work sometimes in a family owned/run business. Like the plant I used to work at, when the son of one of the owners took over the plant in Ohio, it was only about a year that it was closed and shortly thereafter the one in Il that I worked at closed. Put about 250 people out of work when they closed up.


Try not to stress about it too much, what will happen will happen whether you worry about it or not, I know easier said than done, but it can affect your health.

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Sharon, I don't know why men are afraid to go regularly to the dentists and take care of their teeth. Having good teeth will keep you healthy and out of pain down the road. I hope he does not put it off and goes tomorrow and has something done or agrees on a plan.


Bill is also looking at another health club in the sane area about the same distance as the one he is at. The 1 he belongs to now, me as well, except I have not used it, has 2 for 1. The other place does not. So he figures since I have not been going no big deal to join this other one without the 2 for 1. This other place is much cleaner and is run much better. On the weekends they stay open until 7 so there might be some opportunity for me to go sometimes and pay as I go.


He has been complaining on how people do not take care of the place and they do not have things the way they should be. So to pay more money to get a better environment might be worth and it and would make him happier and it might be an all round better experience. I will just have to wait and see what he decides.


I agree there should be some kind of phone tree if nothing else to let people like you who travel a distance know that there is no class. The jerk plans to sell out his other business in STL in a couple of years. He would also get out of this place. The fact is, if he leaves and either has his son run it or his brother run it. I feel it would not be too very long when they would fold. With these big box type of places a small family owned place just cannot survive.


Even though he is a real jerk, he has kept this business going strong and especially with his other business that complements this place as well. If he sells out the other place and pulls out of here I really feel it will go bye, bye. So maybe just a good time for me to get out with whatever I can and live happier than I am now.


The hair appointment is scheduled before the Zumba. I am thinking it might be best to just cancel and reschedule for a better time.




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He will go tomorrow because I take him and sit in because he has a hearing problem and doesn't always get what people are saying. Yes, its something else he needs to get taken care of.


I talked with my friend tonight that has the SO that has his knee replaced, because of his diet restrictions she has lost 6lbs and was already thin to begin with. The SO is having prostate surgery on Friday so the urine flows out of his kidneys better. She has been cooking things w/o salt and low protein and sugar. I have been watching what I eat and exercising and have lost 1pound! Doesn't seem fair.


I think that would be a good idea to change you hair appmt. Switching to a different health club might be a good idea, especially if it is cleaner and better kept up. The resort we go to has gotten so much better after it was bought out and got new mgmnt. There is still one thing I wish they had and that is 2 showers. Sunday a gal went in before me and stayed in the one shower forever, while I was standing there waiting and freezing.

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Sharon, I can remember you were telling me some of the disgusting things you saw people doing in the pool over the summer. That just goes to show, that no matter where you go there are always selfish and inconsiderate people who just do not think of anyone else except themselves. This is a good example of the shower. I would think that the minimum would be 2 not 1. Once again a person thinking of only herself and no one else.


I would also think the same thing as you about making a simple choice of what club would work the best. But that is his decision and is entirely up to him. I hope you have a good success with Bill today at the dentist office. Today is supposed to be another very nice day with lots of sunshine. I figure each day we have that like today. That is one less day we have without the cold and snow.


I heard yesterday that this past year was the hottest on record for the entire country. I often think around this time of year when our days are shorter and the temps are much colder. Of how we were only a few months earlier complaining of how hot and sweaty we were. I have said time and time, that I will never complain about the heat as I know all too well that there is something else out there that is more undesirable than the heat, and that is the extreme cold and snow. I will take the heat any day over the alternative.


Doesn't that just drive you crazy about how easy some people can loose the weight and here you are and here I am doing everything possible and trying to do the right thing and watching what we eat, more so with you as you really go above and beyond with exercise, compared to what I am doing, and we cannot loose anything to save us. It has bothered me with what Bill has done, but then again I also realize that most of his loss was from being sick and in the hospital, and that is not the best way for any of us to loose weight.




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The dentist had three different options, one which was a full set of dentures, we disregarded right away. The second and third, had options of bridges and natural teeth. We are pretty sure going with the option where he builds up and crowns the ones in the front on the top and fixes and crowns and also pull one on the bottom then adds a bridge for the back teeth. Bill has let his teeth go just terrible and he is eating now almost like his older sister who chews on her front teeth like a rabbit. It will be a little over $7,000, but if we pay for each appmnt a week ahead of time they will take 5% off. I think in a little over a month or month and a half he should be looking pretty good and would be able to smile again.


Yes I don't want to have to get sick to lose weight, just been trying real hard with the food. That gal I was telling you about said she was snacking on WW bars, strawberry ice cream dipped on the top in chocolate. I bought a box today and she is right they are very good and only 100 calories opposed to the Dove bars I usually eat that are 3 or 4 time more calories and fat.


Tonight going to visit and dance with the gals, Bill always comes with and there is always someone for him to talk with also. He knows these gals too, we have known them for probably 20 years.


Hope its another nice day tomorrow!

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Sharon, wow you probably were prepared to hear about the cost of the dental work. Dental work is very expensive. But it sounds like he has given you some options to pay and make it a bit easier. Too bad you could not negotiate for 10%. I don't know why men are afraid to go regularly to the detest. Let's hope once the work is all complete that he makes a better effort to manage his teeth better. The pain you get from having bad teeth can really be unbearable, and no one wants anyone to go through that kind of pain. You have already had a taste of what that is like.


Well it sounds like your fiend has given you a good suggestion on what to eat for snacking. If it works then give it a go. Now you are not going to believe this. I got a call from my friend last night who I have been doing the exercise with. She said they canceled the Zumba class for lack of participation as they did not get enough to sign up for the class. What a bummer as I was really looking forward to that. So she asked me if I would be interested in doing yoga again. Even though I am not crazy about doing the yoga again. She likes it and I am real company for her.


This is the friend who lost her husband over a year ago years ago. She said that a lot of people are away for the winter. So they may offer the Zumba at a later time, but for now it is out and we will start the yoga next Thursday. I spent all of the time form our last class looking forward to taking something new, only to get real disappointed with the cancellation news last night.


So how was your evening out last night with the dancing and getting together with your friends? It is good that you have known these friends for so long and that you are able to get together every week like this. I had a real time getting onto this site yesterday, most of the day. I guess we have another nice day ahead for today, so get out and enjoy.




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We had a good time last night, one more gal that we knew from a long time ago came, we hadn't seen her for several years. She is alone, divorced and always is busy doing something. In addition to working as her churchs secretary, she does square dancing and clogging and was glad to find we are still doing line dancing.


Had a pretty good zumba class this morning, too bad you can't find one around your area, we have quite a few to pick from. I think it is more fun than yoga, but if you can't find a zumba class than its good to at least do something and I'm sure you will have some fun with your friend too.


We have a nice sunny day but it didn't get as high a temp as they said it would, but I was able to scrape all the ice off the driveway today. We are supposed to get some rain tonight and tomorrow morning, better than snow! Wouldn't it be nice if it would stay pretty much like this and then warm up to an early spring??


Hope your day is going good,

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