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Sharon, I hope, that Bill is not looking for excuses not to go to the dentists. After you prepaid and getting him this far to begin with. Yes, it is very cold outside. One should not be out too long in these temps without risking getting frost bite to exposed areas of the skin.


Your instructor sounds like she is filled with energy. I am sure you are glad that you have someone to go with especially breaking up the driving and have some company as that is the most important.


I heard on the news last night that we could get some measurable snow possibly on Thursday night into Friday. But I forgot you have already gotten measurable snow already. I mean our area could get that measurable snow like 1 or 2 inches.


I hope you had a better night and got some rest. Have a good day and keep warm.




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I got a good nights sleep last night was really tired. Had a real good workout at the pool today, not quite as many women there as last week. I counted 18, probably because of the cold weather.


No Bill really did have a runny nose but hasn't gotten any worse. I think I might be getting it to, took an alergy pill and that helped. Think we must have gotten next to someone who had it.


Tomorrow supposed to be better, don't want anymore snow though!


How is your Bill doing, everything good with his throat? Seems like I am getting heartburn more often and it worries me, eating a lot of tums.


My sister is out of the hospital, she has a home nurse that comes every 3 days to change her bandage. I had called the hospital and her house and didn't get an answer on Monday, called again today and got a hold of her, I told her to let me know when something changes.

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Sharon, I am glad you got a good nights sleep. Glad to hear your sister is back home and that she has someone to come to check up on here as well. It is very cold here this morning. I did hear where we could get snow by the weekend. I supposed we have gone a very long time without any snow thus far at least for our area.


We have used this prescription nose spray to keep us from getting any real colds for a few years. It has worked and the key you just have to stay on top if the condition.


When you went to the pool was it for the water aerobics and was it with your friend as well? Bill has had to increase his medication. The last time he went back in November or December they said he still had swelling. So that is why they increase the medication. His condition is one that has to be kept an eye on it with frequent checkups.


Have a good day today and stay warm.




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Yes Mary went with me to the water aerobics, she wanted to stay and go into the steam room and whirlpool but she had a haircut appmnt for someone at 11am, so she had to get dressed and leave pretty quick after the class. She is a beautician and is filling with for a gal that has went on vacation. She has an IL license but is having trouble getting a WI license. She is looking forward to coming next week again. I will see her tomorrow at zumba. Bill has gotten his son to take him to the dentist office and I will pick him up. I called and found out the appmnt is for 3 hours, so I don't think he can drive after being in the chair that long. Hope he doesn't have too much pain or trouble afterwards!


Yes I would think that Bill has to be monitored for quite a while, I know after my breast cancer I had tests for 5 years. Hopefully everything will continue for him to get well.


We had snow showers all day long today, added up a little but its very light, a good wind will blow it all around. I think we are going tonight, just waiting for the 6 o'clock news to be over so we can eat. Bill always like to watch that before dinner.

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Sharon, we got a very light dusting of snow yesterday afternoon, nothing to amount to anything. But then last night it was really coming down before I went to bed. This morning not a real lot fell. I guess we could get an inch or 2 starting tonight into Friday, but it is supposed to be the real light stuff.


So did you go out to eat and dancing last night or just went out to eat?

It is good that you have the other lady to break up the driving and for company as well for the water aerobics and the Zumba class.


It is good that Bill's son will be taking him to the dentists today. Three hours is a very long time to be at a dentists office. Hopefully they can do some good for him and correct any problems. So this will be the first of how many times will he have to go back before everything is all finished? I would imagine that after all of that, you will not want to go out tonight.


Another cold day, so stay warm,



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We did go last night, after we had dinner. Was very surprised to see how bad the weather was once we got started. Almost turned around and came home. it was blowing and drifting and at times almost a blizzard. But we finally made it and just stayed for around an hour. I think I did one line dance while Bill watched one of the tv's they have all over the place. He doesn't dance on Wednesday nights, its only us girls. Coming home it was so much better, the snow had stopped and the roads were not bad. Guess we could have stayed a little while longer if had knew.


Yes he survived the 3 hr appmnt today. Actually had some good news, 2 of the teeth did not need root canals, just crowns so we have a credit of a little over $2,000.00 to be used for the next time. He has an appmnt in two weeks for some more work and then in 4 weeks the real crowns will be ready and they will replace the temporaries. They told him no biting into anything, use a fork and knife to cut up everything you put in your mouth and eat soft things. That is going to be a challenge for cooking. Its been two hours now and his lips and nose is almost "unfrozen". We are having mashed potatoes and gravy and roasted chicken for dinner. He ought to be able to eat all of that.


Found out at zumba today that the Tues zumba was cancelled because only 2 people showed up. Wonder how long that will go on before they completely cancel the class.


Haven't heard you say anything about the jerk lately, hopefully he's leaving you to do your work without interfering.

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Sharon, as far as the jerk goes, I have just been keeping silent about him. Last week on Friday he came in late in the day, like 2:30. If he would only come in sometime in the morning it would not be too bad. Then he has all of his cronies that stop by. Around 5, then he starts wanting to do things. Since we had to go to the wake last week, I had to get out of there. On the other hand he will call me at 5:30 and wants to go over all of this stuff. Then I will not get home until after 6 and all stressed out.


The way his schedule goes now. He leaves for STL on Monday flying out of Midway in the morning. One of his usual routine is to call me while he is boarding and going on the plane until they tell him to turn off his cell phone. I often say to Bill, imagine sitting next to the jerk talking and always acting like mister important. Then he will call me once he gets to STL.


He returns to Chicago on Thursday evening and usually comes into the office back here on Friday. But rarely does he come in during the morning hours and that are what backs me up once he starts all of his crap.


I am glad to hear that Bill came through all of the dental stuff OK. I would think that you are real happy to have that $2,000 credit. Perhaps with the next procedure that will not have to do as much again and that credit can keep building up. That would be a great thing to happen.


It was doing the same thing here last night as where you were as far as the weather goes. It was really coming down. But this morning there was not all that much on the ground. I guess tonight and into tomorrow we could get anywhere form 1 to 2 inches of snow around here. Sunday into Monday rain and freezing rain.


I was thinking that the weather might affect you going out last night. But luckily it did not last and that the roads were good for you driving. So you kind of figured that they were going to cancel that 1 class, that is why you took the water aerobics class instead. So why would you think they might cancel the rest of the classes? Are those classes having low attendance as well? You are enjoying the workout with the water much better and it is a welcome change as well for you. Perhaps this is one of those things that you will just have to wait and see how it all plays out.




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No I meant that they would cancel the Tuesday morning class with Nicole since it is her class that only 2 people showed up for. They won't cancel the Thursday morning class with Mandy, she gets a lot of gals to come, I think there were around 15 women there this morning. Mandy very seldom isn't there and when she can't be she gets a substitute. That is how we found out about Andy the gal in Elkhorn Monday nights, she substituted one day and we really liked her.


The water aerobic class uses different muscles and it always good to change up so your body doesn't get used to the same things and quits getting better. It's a lot of fun too. So between the Monday night zumba, the Tuesday morning water aerobics and Thursday morning zumba, along with my bowflex you would think I would be skinny minnie, but unfortunately, its not so. I put the wrong things in my mouth and screw it all up.


I think when people talk on their phone in a public place they like to appear to be a big shot, like your boss on the plane. Most other people around could care less who you are or who you are talking too they just want you to shut up, ha ha Maybe someday someone will tell him that to his face.

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Sharon, that is one thing that really annoys me when someone is talking loud on a cell phone when I am out or even on a plane. I almost feel like telling them to shut up but I am not that brave. I figure that they are trying to let everyone know how important they are. Sometimes I just stare and give them dirty looks and sometimes that helps, as they might get the message and get off. Yet, others that just plays into what they want and they keep talking louder.


Bill bought one of those cell phone busters where once he turns it on, it cuts the signal so the cell phone cannot get a connection. He has had so much fun with that and it is really amusing watching the people who cannot talk and how upset they get. Although they do not know what is really going on, or Bill would be in trouble.


Last night we had the yoga and at least the heat was turned up. If not I was going to say something as last week I froze. Someone else might have said something to her before the class.Our instructor had to be driven to the class by her husband as she got into an accident by her house. We have good numbers for our class and I could see them canceling a class if it continued to have very low turnouts.


After the class I drive a short distance and pick up our beef sandwiches. Bill has to be patient as he does not eat until almost 9 by the time I get home. Sometimes my friend will go and get the sandwiches as well and we may talk for a bit. Last week it was so windy I almost got blown off the highway. Last night is was just cold.


They said the forecast was revised for our area. Now we could only get 1 inch when it is all finished. It is snowing lightly now and I would say about a 1/2 inch has fallen thus far. Yesterday, just east of us in Indiana some places got as much as 1/2 foot of snow form the plum of lake effect. We got almost nothing. By Sunday it could be rain or freezing rain/snow mix. If that comes to be it might get real nasty with lots of accidents. Saturday I hope will be OK, as we have to drive about 1/2 hour to my daughter's house where the family party will be held. They normally have the party towards the middle or end of December, but things changed for this year. The party starts at 2 so we should be home 6 or 7.


Enjoy the day, and I will be praying that we do not get too much snow today.




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Thats funny, I never heard of a cell phone buster, what a good idea! Bet its fun to watch them try to figure out whats wrong.


We had another couple of inches of snow yesterday morning, just light fluffy stuf. We syayed home last night. The friends with the knee replacement called and asked us if we wanted to go to the Moose dancing with them, it was supposed to be a good country band. I told them no, made the excuse of Bills dental work.


Today Bill did some bookwork he had brought home and we are spending the night at home tonight. I hear we are supposed to get some bad icy weather tomorrow so not sure if we'll get to the resort or not.


How was you Christmas, nice to see everyone again?


When we have our zumba class we make them turn the heat off we all get so hot moving around.

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Sharon, it was so cold the first time as it was cold outside and yoga we are not moving around like you would be in Zumba. Once I get chilled it takes me too long to get warm again. With no heat at all it is almost impossible to get warm, except to sit on your hands, and I don't know why that would make me warm, but it does.


I saw that the weather had tracked to where you got more snow than us. We only got about 1/2 inch. Yesterday it was nice and sunny. Today is supposed to be bad later on with the freezing rain and snow/rain mix. Today is our anniversary. So I would like to go out to eat someplace, but it will depend how it looks later on this afternoon. If we get what they are predicting, there will be many accidents. It will be 6 years for us married and 8 years of being together.


With the weather being so bad around you, it was best not to go out. I also would think that Bill was not feeling himself after the dental work. So it was not such a story with him being in the chair for over 3 hours. How far away is the resort for you to drive? Depending on the weather just like us, will depend on if you or us will go out as well.


The party was good to see the entire family. As we only have everyone all together this 1 time a year. We got home around 7:30. There is a lot of kids and they were not too bad considering all of them together and what it could have been. Taking pictures that we only do once a year.


Have a good day today and let's hope the weather does not get as bad as they are saying it will.




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We got some freezing rain around 2 pm today, just enough to cover the ground. We decided not to go to the resort or out to eat. I just microwaved a couple of frozen dinners and heated up a couple of dinner rolls.


Happy 6 th Anniversary to you!! Hope the weather is better there so you can go for a nice dinner.

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Sharon, Bill asked if I wanted to leave around 1 as they said it should hit around 2. So we left a little after 1 and when we got to the restaurant that we have been there in the past, a local rib and steak house, they were having a Sunday brunch form 11 until 2. We got there around 1:30 and saw it was priced at $16. So the price was right we decided to get the brunch. Of course we both had the dinner portion rather than the breakfast.


Since we did not have to wait for the meal to arrive we left a little after 2 when it was starting to come down and the parking lot was a bit slick. The drive home was not too bad and when we got home it started coming down at our house a little after 3. I was stuffed and I was glad we went out early.


It did not seen like it was real bad as far as the icing goes around us. But I did see where some areas it was real icy. It rained all night and is still raining now a little, but the temps are going up into the 40's today. So you played it safe and just stayed put. Thank you, as you will know the time goes by quickly.


I have been working out on the Total Gym last week. I am trying to use it 3 X a week. As my arms have been aching form doing the exercises, and I guess that is a good thing.


Another week ahead and I can't believe by the end of the week we are in February. Have a good day today.




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Today all the ice is gone, and no rain either. I won't have a problem driving to zumba tonight so thats good, except if there is fog, which they are saying could happen. I took Tinker for a walk this afternoon, it was nice enough out to do it and she got a little exercise.


Had one of our dancing friends call and say it was 2 peoples birthday and they wanted to have a party at the dance place this Friday. I told her no we will not be going. She said to think about it and maybe I would change my mind, but I won't. Bill makes it no fun to go anymore so I'm just not going to go.


Tomorrow is supposed to be even better weather, but then the bottom drops out again and they say there could be black ice from all the melted ice and rain that might come. I will sure be glad when spring comes!

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Sharon, today was a nice day as far as the weather goes. Gloomy but temp was OK. It did get foggy here as well and I am sure we will have fog around for a few days. I am sorry to hear that you feel things are not working out going out dancing on Friday's. Have you talked to Bill about this or are you just keeping it to yourself? Friday's was a good night out for you for such a long time. It would be a shame to let something small turn into something major for lack of communication, if you know what I mean.


Tonight we are going out for our usual 1/2 price burgers. It is kind of funny how this all started with a mistake by going to this place to find out about the 1/2 night. Now it has become a regular thing for us to do each week and just another excuse not to cook dinner for another night of the week.


My goal it to try to exercise on the Total Gym at least 3 X a week to see if I can get something going. We have it set up in our spare bedroom as that way I can use the CD to watch the various exercises on the TV Monitor. There are some 20 minute exercises to watch and do. I can feel it in my arms as they have been aching form doing the exercises.


It got up into the 50's here today and expecting in the 60's tomorrow, before like you said, the bottom drops out once again for heading back into the deep freeze. When is that travel show coming up for you and did you ever find anyone to go with you?




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The travel show was last weekend, the gal I asked to go said she would get back to me, but never did. I did not go since she never responded I couldn't ask anyone else.


Tonight I went to pick up Mary for zumba. I waited in her driveway for a bit then honked then called her. I said I am here and she said for what, I said zumba, she said she forgot all about it. Guess no one thinks its important to let me know these things.


I talked to Bill about going dancing last week but not much was said, so I continue to be mad about it. He knows something is wrong but doesn't want to get in an arguement. I haven't told him about the birthday parties this weekend, don't know if I'm going to or not.


Good for you doing the exercises, that is one thing the bowflex doesn't have, any programs. You just get on and some little bars show up for every few minutes you are on.


Water aerobics tomorrow,should be nice weather too.

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Sharon, so did you go last night by yourself? I would be upset as well, as I figured that this lady was going to be a good person to be taking turns going, as she seemed to have interest in the same as you. Last night it was raining heavy with lots of thunder and lighting. I guess we could get lots of rain today. Very windy outside now.


We went out for our usual Monday night 1/2 price burgers. The past few Monday's have been real cold, so it was nice having the warmer temps last night. I want to use the Total Gym at least 3 X's per week. I figure that once I get in the groove my mussels will feel better and I will not have pains like I do now. How about you, have you had any muscle pain form using the Bowflex?


Men are just like that. They don't talk much about things that we would never let go. One thing that I have learned over the years that sometimes we have to take the lead, for if we waited for them to start something up, things will never happen. Also the most important thing, and this includes me as well, communication. One can never communicate too much. Most often we do not communicate nearly enough. If I want something to happen, I have to talk up, otherwise nothing will get done or what I want will ever get accomplished as well.


So tonight water aerobics and hopefully the weather will corporate and not be raining. At least it will be warm. But like you said yesterday, once the temps shoot back down, we will have to concern ourselves with the black ice.


The jerk calls me last night at 5:15 and wants me to make all of these air line reservations for him, 8. It never fails when I am getting ready to pack it all away, then he calls with his so called very important things to do.


Have a good day,




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I had the water aerobics this morning, Mary called before I left and said she wasn't coming, she was going to visit her mother. We don't share driving to the pool so that's one good thing. Guess she is not going to be reliable for zumba or the pool. That is why I almost prefer going places by myself, you are not at the mercy of someone else or waiting for them. We did have a real good workout and it has stopped raining after a really hard rain early this morning. When I went past the lake to go to the pool the steam was rising off of it, it looked really pretty. This weekend is the snow sculptures at Lake Geneva and also something going on in Williams Bay. I think they start with the sculpting tomorrow so it should get cold enough for them. Today it is 56 so it wouldn't work at all!


I am not a good one to communicate, I just don't talk at all. Since I don't have anyone to talk to all day its just an easy thing to do, not to talk to Bill when he comes home. I am sure he doesn't realize how upset I am at him or even why but I am too stubborn to tell him or make a big deal out of it. I will just give up the Friday nights and dancing because sooner or later it will hurt him too. I know thats not a good thing to do, but I put up with his acting bored and tired for so many Friday nights that we went, I've just had it, its no longer worth it to me.


OK, good you've got the hamburger deal for one night a week, I stopped and got an Italian beef for dinner last night after zumba. They are so huge even though we share one we can hardly eat it all.


I'm sure if you keep up with the total gym you will see results in a week or two! Its just keeping doing it that is the key for it to show.


Evidently your stupid boss couldn't get his sh*t together in time to ask you to do the reservations during regular working hrs! Has anything really changed since your talk?


Enjoy today, I'm going to take Tinker for walk again, she likes to get out a little bit too.

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Sharon, you might as well get out and take advantage of this warmer weather while it lasts. I am sure that Tinker likes to get outside when it is like this as well. The jerk always seems to do things at the last minute. Really nothing has changed at all except for the increase in salary. I guess he thinks that since he is paying me more he can take advantage of me more and treat me the way he does. I am really getting fed up with it all. I should not let things go for so long before I say something to him on how he talks to me. Enough is enough.


I am kind of the same way. After all of the stress I put up with at work each day. When I come home not much is said. Bill does not talk at all and most often I have to drag things out of him. If I get upset, he just calmly sits there and really does not say too much and it drives me crazy most of the time. But I also realize that nothing will ever happen unless I drop hints or make it happen. So I have to work on communication just as much as anyone. But I have found out from over the years, that positive communication works the best, even though communicating is not always the easiest to do. Pushing myself to communicate, even though difficult, is much better than none at all and holding all of the frustrations inside.


So now it sounds like Mary may not be so reliable as it seemed like it would go. I know what you are saying about not relying on other's. I feel the same way. The lady that I have been going with to yoga and other things lost her husband 2 years ago. So there is really no one else in her life and she has been very reliable as I know she loves the company, as she is all alone and biding for some real company.


It was raining heavy here this morning as well. Last night I woke up a few times with the heavy rain, thunder and lightening. Even though it is not raining just now it is overcast and gloomy. Also it is very windy. Right now my normal week for cooking is Monday's out for 1/2 price burgers. Thursday's for Beef sandwiches after yoga. Then another nights usually Wednesday's for going out to eat at the club. So that only leaves Tuesday and sometimes Friday we may go out as well.


Enjoy the rest of today,




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Had a nice walk this afternoon. Got it in between the storms. It has gotten extremely foggie here tonight, maybe the cold front is getting here. Hope the weather doesn't get too bad so we can't go tomorrow night. It is one of the gals birthday and the bartender will make free taco fixings for us. Heard we could get between 2 to 4 inches of snow.


I try to pick up something for dinner a couple of times a week too, I get tired of cooking all the time.


My muscles are really tired tonight, that water aerobics class seems to work every muscle in my body. Hard to believe that irs harder than zumba.

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Sharon, what a crazy weather patten we have had. It was real foggy here as well. We got lots of rain during the night. It would be something if all of this rain turned into snow. I hope we do not get any snow like you are talking about. Imagine, yesterday it was in the 60's and by tonight it could go into the teens.


That is a good thing that you are getting a different workout form the water aerobics. Water, I would think is much better, since it is not putting any pressure on any of your joints. Between that and the Zumba, you should be seeing some great results. I know I can feel the difference in my arms form the Total Gym workouts. I am only putting in a quick 20 minute workout every other night, working off of a CD.


Let's hope that the weather will be OK, for you to go out tonight. I think it was last week when the weather started out real bad for you going there. But by the time you were going home it was not bad at all.


Another exciting day today. Stay warm and let's hope the weather does not get too bad today.




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Bill called when he got to work, said; rain here, 1/2 way there sleet; when he got there snow! They are saying we could get up to 3 inches but with 30 mph winds. That would also make all this rain on the roads freeze. Crossing my fingers it doesn't get that bad.


20 minutes is a very good amount of time for a workout, congratulations! Yes the water is less stress on your joints but really works your muscles. We also used some stretchy straps yesterday in the water. She said depending on how much slack you left, it could be anywhere from 5 pound to who knows how many pounds. So we tried not to let there be any slack. We did all kinds of moves with it and I can feel it today still. We also did some interval training. We would jog in place, also using our arms, as fast as we could go for a set amt of time, then have a recovery period, then do it again. We did it about 10 times and by the end was huffing and puffing. Too bad I didn't know about these classes sooner! I am almost wanting to go on Thursdays too, but don't want to give up the zumba class. I wish they weren't on the same day at the same time.

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Sharon, wow, that is really something how quickly the weather is turning. I hope we do not get all of that snow that you are saying. But it could also turn to ice if the temps drop too much.


Well water workouts are supposed to be so much better than any other exercise with more benefits. You are right, it is too bad that you did not know about this class sooner. Perhaps over a longer period, this class will be much more of a benefit than the Zumba. I guess you will just have to wait and see. All of the things she is giving to use in the water seems to be having some great results. Good job on finding and continuing with these classes. I am going to ask on Thursday if they know of a aerobics class here as well. I think that most of these classes would be during the daytime and that knocks me out right off the bat.


I supposed you will have to see how the weather is later on to determine if you will go out tonight. I would think that if it gets like you say it is, the roads might be bad. Let's hope and pray for something else, but it does not look good from what they are saying about the snow fall.


Have a good rest of the day and I will pray that it does not get too bad around you or me either.




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We did not go tonight, too much snow and wind. The plows have been going all night trying to keep the roads clear. Supposed to get real cold now too, I hate winter!


Our friend called tonight to tell me who all is going to the dance place on Friday night for the party and asjed me to reconsider and come too. I told her I still didn't think so. Then Bill asked me what she wanted so I told him. He said lets go, its their birthday I told him no I don't like the way he acts when we are there, all bored and unfriendly. Of course he said he would act better, but I still don't think we will go. I would love to and hate to miss but think he would go back to acting that way again, if not this week

, next time.


Hope the roads are ok tomorrow so I can go to zumba in the morning.

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Sharon, now you have opened the door wide to communication. If the weather is OK, then I would reconsider and just keep reminding him about his promise to act better. Just tell him, if he acts like he has been, then you will never go back, and just keep it going in a positive direction without too much negatives. You enjoy going out, so don't let this spoil things. Let him know just how you have been feeling and that you are willing to give it 1 more chance.


It sounds like you really got a lot of snow yesterday. It started snowing real hard around 3:30 here and it lasted for 1/2 hour. Then it only snowed lightly the rest of the evening. There was not any real accumulation. But real cold for the next few days and nights until next week. I don't like this real cold stuff either.


Let's hope that they were ale to clear all of the roads during the night so you can go to Zumba today. Have a good workout this morning, and drive safe and stay warm.




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