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I shoveled snow for around 3 hrs yesterday, our plow guy never came. The snow was really wet and heavy so I tried to push it off as best I could. Just when I was almost done, it started snowing again and the driveway is completely covered again. Only a little more snow and we can drive through it but still after all the work! The roads are really bad in the open places, the wind is roaring and it is blowing across the road. The state plows have been going all day back and forth to the state line and back trying to keep the road open. It isn't snowing but there are places where it is like a blizzard or white out.


Had a good zumba class today, I can really feel the muscles in my arms, after the stretch bands and weights at water aerobics the shoveling and the zumba. The zumba gal was telling me there is something else out now that is new. It is called R.I.P.P Guess it combines just about everything and is very grueling. Doesn't sound like something I'd want to do.


Ran into a friend at the grocery store today, he said he was going to the party and asked if we were. I told him too I didn't think so, but maybe. I did leave the door open for change. If Bill brings it up again I might say ok for just this one time again because it is the 2 birthdays we would be celebrating. Of course it would depend on the weather also, if its bad out wouldn't care if we stayed home.


Hope you are having better weather being about 80 miles south, sure is strange to hear the wind roaring all the time. You would think it would blow all the snow into the next county!

Edited by timeormoney
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Sharon, you would think that would be the case. But it seems it always finds it way blowing right onto your own property instead. That is really too bad, after all of the work you did only to have it snow on it once again. I was figuring that this new guy would be reliable. Did you ever find out why he did not come?


I know you are not going to want to hear this, but we really got nothing as far as snow acculturation goes. It started snowing real hard yesterday around 3:30 and it only lasted for 1/2 hour. Later on in the evening it was snowing almost all night. But when I got up this morning, especially with the wind, there is not much at all. At least you would not shovel any of this as it is that light and no real acclimation at all anywhere. It is bitter cold and with the winds even worse.


We turned on the heaters in our pond. As we feel with the extreme temps that we are going to have for the next few nights. It will have to be on to keep the pond from freezing once again. I feel it is better to be safe rather than wait until it all freezes completely over.


With all of the people coming up and asking for you to attend the party for the birthdays, it sounds really big. Also a good opportunity to open the conversation for Bill and his behavior. As long as you can have an understanding about him acting like he is interested and willing to go to be an active member of the entire group, instead of acting like a stick in the mud. If he agrees to an attitude adjustment and you remind him of it and stay upbeat and positive, I would say go for it. You deserve to be happy and to enjoy yourself as much as anyone else.


I would think with all of these exercises that you are doing, that you should see some positive gains and weight loss. I never heard of this new program. What exactly does those letters stand for? I would love to have a class offered in water aerobics. I am going to ask tonight and see if anyone knows of one.


After the class tonight it is beef sandwich's that I will pick up after the class. Tomorrow is up for grabs on what we will do for staying in or going out to eat. I take it the roads were OK for driving to the class today? Did the other lady go with you or did you go it alone?




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Bitterly cold here tonight, not sure if the wind is still blowing as hard, can't hear it roaring anymore.

The other gal did not go to zumba class today, she called and said she was visiting her mother for a couple of days. We only drive together on Monday afternoons so I don't have to worry about her going or not.


I made baked potatoes and had toppings of chili, cheese, sour cream and broccoli. Very filling!


Sounds like you lucked out with the snow, saw there were some tornados in Georgia glad we didn't get that. Think that was a good thing to turn on the heater in your pond. I saw there was a skim of ice in the bay as I drove along Lake Geneva today and that takes a whole lot of cold to freeze.


Have fun at your class and enjoy your sandwiches.

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Sharon, I got a call around 5:15 telling me the yoga instructor was sick and that the class was canceled. Last week she got into an accident and had to be driven to the class by her husband. Also my friend said she was sick as well. So no yoga last night. I just went and got the beef sandwiches directly after work.


It is bitter cold here and the winds last night were blowing hard. What a change to be going outdoors with this huge temp drop. With all of that rain there is a lot of places with ice. Our gates were frozen shut where we could not turn the key in the locks.


It sounds like you had good stuff for dinner last night. Good comfort food on a cold night. Well tonight is the test, weather you will go out tonight or not? I hope things do work out that you both can go out and have a real good time at the B-Day party. Let's hope the weather cooperates as well.


The jerk come back sometime today. So always interesting on how or what kind of mood he will be in. Have a good day,




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Too bad about the class, sounds like your instructor is having a run of bad luck. Hope she gets back in the swing of things soon, at least they let you know there was not going to be a class.


I about froze going out to the mailbox! It is so very cold and still somewhat windy! Noticed this morning someone had came in and did one pass on the circle driveway. I heard a plow but thought it was the state plow out on the road. There really wasn't much snow to plow since I had already gotten the worst of it off. Must have been our plow guy but he didn't stop or come in.


Yes we'll see about tonight, don't know what will happen, Bill hasn't said anything about it again. And with it being so cold would be just as well to stay inside.


Saw the commercial last night about the Total Gym, looks like you can do many different things on it, is your Bill using it daily also?

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Sharon, I hear what you are saying about letting us know. You have had bad luck for that happening to you, and it would upset me a lot if the same happened to me. I agree about today being so brisk. I also heard that starting around midnight and lasting through tomorrow we are supposed to get 4 inches of snow. This will be our first major accumulation of snow this season.


Bill has been using the Total Gym not as much as I thus far as he has been busy doing things around the house. But at least he has been using it, and that was the purpose of getting the gym in the first place.


If you do go out tonight, you should be able to go and get back before the bad weather hits us. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, be safe and stay warm.




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Well we didn't go Friday night, when Bill came home from work he shut the garage door and later fell asleep reading the paper. I told him, when he woke up, that I hope you are happy, you got what you wanted. . .to stay home. He said I thought you said you didn't want to go! Then he said there is still time lets go, but by then I was too upset to even consider going.


We had more snow Friday night to Sat morning and our plow guy did come. He said his truck had broke down and that is why he didn't come the other time. He said he saw someone had plowed it but I told him it was me who shoveled it.


More flurries this morning, watching and trying to decide if I should go to church or if it is going to make the roads bad. The church I go to is about 15 miles away.


Are you watching the super bpwl today? I think the half time show and cimmercials should be good.

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Sharon, I am sorry that it did not work out for you to go out on Friday. We did get snow as well, maybe just a little over an inch. It is snowing now, so Bill may go out later on when it stops and clear it all away. But tonight and into tomorrow we are supposed to get another 1 to 3 inches of additional snow fall.


We are staying home where it is warm and quiet, versus going to the club where it will be crowded and a lot of distractions. We may however go to just drop by for a drawing at 5 where you have to be present to win the entire pot. If you are not there then you would only get 50% of the pot. The pot is at $14,000. So we would only got for the drawing and then leave.


It is good that the plow guy is back up and running. So hopefully he will be reliable fir the rest of the season. I have seen some or most of the commercials already. They had a preview special on Friday and I also went online and was able to view a lot more. Some are very good and other's not as good. Should be a good evening.


Tomorrow we have to leave early to go to have the inserts for my shoes checked. Bill has his usual appointment and I will go just to have them checked.


Have a good day today and enjoy the game and all of the commercials.




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We went up to see the snow sculptures, it was very cold and windy. We went into the Riviera and had some hot chocolate and then looked at the rest of the sculptures on the other side. After that we went to a restaurant across the street and had dinner. Now we are back home and ready to watch the game.


Wasn't that pot the one you won last year? Maybe lightening will strike twice and you will will again. Thats a lot of money, I'd go over to fine out if I had won also!


Hoping we don't get anymore snow for a while and that it warms up!

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Sharon, I remember that you go each year to see the ice sculptures. The pot that we won last was a different raffle, and we won $6000. This is something different and no one won yesterday, so the pot will grow until someone wins it. This game is called the Queen Of Diamonds. From a deck of cards, when someone pulls the Queen then they win. So the pot was $14,000 last night and the next drawing is in 2 weeks. So we just went over there for the drawing and came back home afterwards. For this game you have to be present to win the entire pot. Otherwise you will get 1/2.


I cooked steaks on the grill and we just watched the game and all of the commercials. The game want a lot longer due to the power failure. You would think with something as big as that game, they could have the power worked out.


I heard that your area got a lot more snow than ours. We only got about 1/2 inch and it started snowing around 10 last night and was still snowing this morning. We had to leave early as I went to get my inserts checked and to see how they are doing for my feet. All checked out just fine.


Another week of work and the temps I guess will be warming up later on in the week. People are always filling themselves with a lot of junk during the Super Bowl. Now that all of the hype is all over, it is time to move on to the next thing. Whatever that will be.


Have a good day today and stay warm,




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Well you still have another chance at the money, hope you win!! We stayed home and watched the game, like a couple of the commercials. The one with Oprah talking about the military and how they were missed, the one with Paul Harvey talking about the farmer and the Budweiser one with the horse the guy raised and then gave to Bud and how it remembered him at the parade 3 years later. Didn't think too much of Beonces bouncing around and slinging her hair. I usually like her but not so much for the 1/2 time show.


We had to get plowed yesterday morning and now it is snowing buckets again. So much coming down so fast it looks like fog, and you can't see any distance at all. I went to the water aerobics and when I came out it was fine, but soon started snowing and the roads were very slippery and snow covered. Hope by the time Bill comes home it will have stopped and be better.


Had a guy call this morning, the caller I.D. said Private Caller, so I answered it. He was he was Kevin from UPS. I told him it doesn't say UPS on my phone and that they don't usually call. He said yes but he had a package that needed to be delivered and he verified our address. I knew something was up since he had quite an accent. I said so what do you want? He said the package had 5.8 million dollars in it. I told him, yes sure it does and hung up! How dumb do they we are!!! Ha ha

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Sharon, I feel the same way as you about the good commercials and the bad one's and also the 1/2 time show. We have also have had the very same thing with the phoney deliveries and money scam. They have even told us to go to the USPS to pick it up or they were unable to deliver it to us. Like you said, they really think we are all desperate or just plain stupid.


It was doing flurries all day on and off with no accumulation, but now, like where you are, it is really coming down. They said we were not supposed to really get anything today. But who knows, we will just have to wait and see when it all stops. The past few days we have only had to sweep as there was not that much at all.


I have to say, that Bill has been very lucky with winning things over there. I am not lucky at all, but he is. So who knows, but we will make sure we are over there just in case we do get lucky we would get the entire pot. Otherwise you would be giving 1/2 to the next pot and the next person to win. That seems to be a no brainier, and I guess everyone else feels the same way, as the place is packed just for the drawing.


Let's hope we do not get too much snow. You have had more than your shear thus far. Stay warm,




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We got another 3 or 4 inches from yesterday, don't know why but the plow guy didn't come again. I shoveled right up by the garage door but I'm not going to do the whole thing, its supposed to get warmer and maybe it will melt. Yes I think that's enough snow, but now they are saying tonight, late, we will get a "wintery mix". At least its nice and sunny today.


Not much else going on today.

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Sharon, we got nothing as far as snow accumulation. Today is nice and sunny and what little snow there is, it is melting away. Tonight I heard that you area could pick up most of any snow fall. We are only calling for a rain/freezing rain/snow mix.


I talked to my friend who I go to yoga with. She said that because they rent the space form a local church, she doubted they would offer a aerobics class anywhere. I would have to go to a local club and join and that would cost me more than actually taking a class.


Just dealing with the jerk over the phone today. Nothing else going on at our end either. Have a good day,




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Sharon, I saw yesterday, that your area got a lot of snow. I hope today the plow guy was able to come for you . If not after this, it might be best to look for someone else you will be able to depend on. We only got rain all afternoon and into the evening yesterday. My friend called me and it looked like she was looking for an excuse not to go last night to yoga due to the weather. Even thou it was just raining. So I called the instructor and told her we would not be coming due to the weather. See, some people call and let people know instead of leaving them hanging.


It was totally crazy once again yesterday and once again I did not get a lunch. So once I did get home Bill drove us to get the beef sandwiches as I was starving. I had to deal with the jerk over the phone yesterday. He was supposed to get back last night. So I expect that sometime today, whenever he decides to come in, that he will be his usual crazy self.


Like a dummy, I got up real early, thinking I had a dentist appointment this morning. Only to find that it is in 2 weeks not this morning. They never called to remind me. So I figured something was wrong. Bill suggested I call first before I drove there. That is what I did do and discovered my mistake.


It is very cold this morning and icy here. I thought I heard that it is supposed to warm into the 40's today. But looking at the way it is now, it sure does not look like it will make it to those temps. How is everything at your end? Have a good day,




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Yes we got lots of snow and our guy did come and plow us out. It is raining here today even heard some thunder.


We went up to Madison yesterday to the Garden & FLower show, lots of stuff but not many flowers. More yard ornaments, soil, mowers and stuff like that.


Not doing much today either I don't think.

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Sharon, I remember that you go to that show every year. Too bad it was not how it usually is and you would think that flowers would be the topic.


Like you, it is and has been raining hard at times yesterday. For you anyway, as there is nothing around here as far as snow, should melt some of it away. I guess for the next week we will be having milder temps.


Yesterday afternoon, we went to the club for the chef and his cooking demonstration. They host a few of them at various times during the year and have a limited number of places, like 20, and it always gets filled up. So we went and Bill waited for me while I enjoyed some of his creations.


Saturday, I went to my daughter's house for a birthday party for her daughter. A lot of kids and they have way too many parties all of the time. Seems like that is what that generation is all about, parties.


Enjoy the rest of the day and don't get blown away with these high winds.




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It is very windy here and it was snowing hard earlier this morning. It did melt a lot of the snow yesterday though and that is a good thing. Now that it is melting a little it freezes right back up as it runs down the driveway and is very icy to walk down to get the mail. Sure don't want to fall and break something!


Hope your boss is better although don't know why he would be, maybe if you could just tune him out! Maybe he will be gone again and you won't have to deal with him.


That sounds like a nice time yesterday, sometimes when we have our big city festival they have cooks at the Moose that give demonstrations. Always good to get to eat the samples too.


We went to the pool yesterday, went earlier but it wasn't too bad. There were 6 young girls, probably 13 to 15 age. They started having one of them hold the door open and running outside in their swim suits then coming back in and jumping into the pool. They did it so much and held the door open so much it was actually getting cold in the pool room. Finally they left a little before us and the locker room was a mess. The floor was covered with water and there were about 20 towels they had thrown on the floor and not picked up before they left. Guess they probably do that at home too.


I've got zumba this afternoon, not sure if Mary is going or not, with this wind I'm kind of concerned that the snow will be blowing across the road again.

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Sharon, I cannot believe the difference in our areas. We have nothing but the high wind today, no snow at all. I hope you have some salt to put down on the walkway so you won't slip and fall. I know I did last week going from our house to the garage with ice on the sidewalk. I had to put salt down.


That age for girls is typical on how they act. It is too bad that no one at the resort can watch for that behavior and stop so not to inconvenience the adults who come to enjoy the facilities. Spoiled brats and you can bet that they act like that at home as well.


That is one reason we canceled the class last Thursday because of the heavy rain and we were concerned about it turning to ice. With these high winds today, I would be concerned about driving any long distance. We will go out tonight for our 1/2 price burgers. It is only a short distance form home.


That was the first cooking demo that I have attended. It was good to get new ideas and some unique recipes as well. One key item he was using was whiskey and brandy. It seems to really add to the various flavors.


The jerk is in STL now and for the rest of the week until Friday when he is back here. He had to act like a big shot of Friday taking all of the papers that he needed to sign for him dumping all of the pensions that he was covering up until this year. So everyone has been looking for places to invest the money. He could have just signed them at the office, but no.




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Mary called this afternoon and wanted to go to zumba so I stopped and oicked her up. She said next week she will drive. We are both going to the water aerobics tomorrow. She is also trying to lose weight, she does weigh more than I do. She is drinking some kind of protein shake and so is her husband.


We had a really good class again tonight, the leader is so very energetic and lively!


Roads were good and not much snow had drifted. Still very windy though.

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Sharon, perhaps if the diet drink works for Mary, I might be interested in finding out what it is and try it. It was good that she called so you had someone to drive with. I think that you will have a good aerobics workout today. As you seem to have some real good exercises in the water.


It sure was windy yesterday. Today is supposed to be much better and higher temps for the next 3 days and below freezing for the weekend. On Saturday the ladies that I play bunco with, we are going to a show. Since a few of them decide without my input. I hope that they decide to see this movie that I am reading the book just now, Safe Harbor. I would really like to see that movie.


Monday is a federal holiday, but that does not affect me and my place of business. Then the following Monday, the 25th, we are having our bathroom finished. So we will be staying at a hotel near us for 3 nights. Something to look forward to as I can use the pool and hot tub. The new bathroom we are putting in a spa tub, so I will have something to use inside especially during the winter when the outside tub is shut off.


I hope you will have a good workout today in the water, and enjoy the rest of the day.




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That spa tub sounds really nice! I have a soaker tub in my bathroom, it is too big and deep so I think I have only used it one time ever, always use the shower in the spare bathroom since you can just walk in, no tub. The tub and shower in my husbands bathroom is the regular kind. It will be kind of like a mini vacation staying at the hotel for you too!


Did a good water ex class today, then stayed in the water for about an hour afterwards talking. On the way home I remembered that I hadn't mailed any of the valentine cards I bought so quick ran home, addressed them and went up to the post office. The bakery is right there so I went in and got 2 pancki (sp) because I guess that today is the day for them.


Did I mention that my stock guy is taking some of his gal customers out to lunch on Thursday? Just a local restaurant but a nice gesture on his part.


We haven't been to the show for quite a while, always like to go though, I think I would like to see the new Lone Ranger movie, ha ha, I always liked him when I was a kid!


They keep saying it is going to be a little warmer but it never quite gets there, cold and windy again today!

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Sharon, I have been thinking the very same thing as far as the weather goes. Every time I am outside, I am thinking that it is cold and windy. At least the wind is not as bad as yesterday. But where is this warmer stuff they have been talking about.


That is good that you can relax in the pool after the workout. Bill renewed at the old health club, 2 for 1, once again. I most likely will not go due to my work hours. But he is not paying any extra for me anyway. The other house there was a very high spa tub. The older we get, the harder it is to lift our legs up so high. So a lesson learned and this new tub is only 3 inches taller that the one we currently have. Also those tubs they advertise where you can just walk in. However they do not say anything that you have to be inside waiting for the tub to fill up first. I like to run my bath water first and I would not like one of those tubs. So I am looking forward to using it, as that will be something to replace the one outside when it is shut down over the winter.


The next thing Bill wants to do is finish the basement. He is going to get an estimate form the guys doing the bathroom work to form out the basement with 2 by 4's and he will finish the rest. Since we only have 1 bathroom. The plan is to put a bathroom with only a shower in the basement. He said that is a project he can work on this year.


I think I spoiled us going out on Thursday, as I have a hair appointment after work. The yoga is finished already. So I will have to find out when my friend want to do something else. I hope she chooses Zumba. So by the time I get out I am figuring it will be too late for us to go out to eat. So I will just go to pick up our beef sandwiches as usual on Thursday's. Last night was our usual 1/2 price burgers. How romantic is that. ha,ha


Bill and I have never been to a show. We either rent movies while staying at a hotel or we may see a good movie on a plane. But we have not gone to a traditional show.




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Both Bill and I have never had more than one bathroom in our lives, so having 3 is really great. Like I mentioned, I have one with just the soaking tub, it is off the master bedroom. The one he uses is actually the main bathroom with tub and shower. Then we have one right by the back door that is a walk in shower and a toilet and sink, very small room but very handy. We also have a bathroom in the basement, I painted the walls, the floor has linoleum the walk in shower is tiled and the plumbing is ruffed in. Actually all it needs is to have the handles put in the shower and the toilet put back on. We need to get a vanity and sink and some type of storage cabinet to finish it off. But with Bill working every day it probably won't get done, when hes home he is tired.


He gave me one more thing to get mad at him for, we had agreed that he would pay his son as an expense instead of as an employee. No bill deal since his son already has a business and could just count the money for taking care of the apartments as income instead of wages. That would have taken away monthly and quarterly tax forms and deposits for the Fed, Futa and Suta. And all the end of the year tax forms. Without him having an employee I could have contributed to my IRA also. Last Saturday he gave me the information for January taxes for his son. Guess all of our talking didn't do any good. He also does all of his sons bookkeeping, by the way his son is going to by 49 this year! Time for him to take responsibility for his own business, but I guess Bill doesn't see it that way.


Oh well, it is a sunny day today, yesterday I bought a couple of those pantzikis (sp) for Fat Tuesday from the bakery. We had them this morning, more like a deep fried bismarck with cherry filling in it. Didn't particularly like it.


As far as I know the only thing I'm doing to celebrate Valentines Day is going out to lunch with my stock broker and the other ladies he has invited.

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One more thing about those walk in bathtubs, you not only have to get in and fill it but then you have to wait until its empty to get out. We have seen them at different home shows and I think that is a real drawback. Yours sounds like you will get a lot of use out of it. It has jets doesn't it?

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