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Yes I did order from edible arrangements and they are terrific! I have also purchased 2 more reduced coupons for them. They have several different arrangements you can order, I usually go with the small one, it looks like flowers. It has pineapple petals and cantaloupe centers and then some strawberries and grapes, its just lovely. I'm sure you will like it, however they are all ran by different people, I think it might be a franchise so hopefully the one you go to will be as good as the one I have been using.


Very nice day today, got the birthday party tonight, still don't know how many will be there, last time there was 27, but I don't think there will be that many with it being on a Friday.


Got the refrigerator delivered yesterday and its plugged in getting cold. Over the weekend I will transfer the stuff from the old one.


Went for another walk with Tinker this morning, she is enjoying it also.

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Went to church this morning, then went to brunch. The waitress said they had about 900 reservations. It was a mad house when we got there, but we got a booth right by the buffet so that was good. Also had free champagne that I mixed oranges juice with and made a mimosa. I don't like the taste of champagne so by putting the orange juice in it, it was real good.


Then we went to the resort and did the steam room and pool, Bill did the hot tub. Not many kids left so that was pretty good also.


Now just going to relax for the rest of the evening.


Hope you had a Happy Easter!

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Sharon, sorry it has been so long that I have not been on here. I hope you and Bill had a nice enjoyable Easter. I hear what you are saying with Sunday as our club was also very crowded, not as crowded as the place you went to, but still crowded.


Things have just been totally crazy at work with everything falling on me and no else to accept or take ownership of anything there. I come home all stressed out and most days I cannot even take a lunch. We went to my daughter's house on Saturday for our family Easter Dinner. Sunday we were all alone at our club.


They came to open our pond yesterday. So I get comfort in watching the fish in a clean pond now. A sign that spring and good weather is coming.


We are leaving Friday and coming back on Sunday, going to Vancouver to visit some friends who are leaving on a cruise on Sunday. I have never been there so hopefully I will have a good time away.


It has been very cold yet sunny these last few days. I would think good times to be out walking with Tinker. I would think that most if not all traces of the snow in your area should be gone as well. Another few weeks and we will be cutting the grass once again.


We are having an energy company coming to put in insulation in our house tomorrow. With your new frig I am sure it has the best energy usage and it will also give you piece of mind knowing all of your food will be safe.


Have a good day tomorrow and let's hope things start turning around soon at my place of work.




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So glad to hear from you, was getting worried! Glad you had a nice Easter with kids and by yourself also.


I hope your poor fish don't freeze! We have gotten rid of all but a couple of small piles of snow and I actually have some yellow crocus' blooming.


Too bad you have to deal with so much work, you know the stress is really bad for you, hope you stay well. Up here the stomach flu and diarrhea has been going around. We have not caught it and we surely do not want it, but everyday hear of someone else who has it.


Gotten in several walks with Tinker so the weather is not too bad, had Com Ed come and pick up the old refrigerator today, I should get the $50 check in a couple of weeks. The new fridge is for the basement and will only handle things like pop or watermelons, things like that. I have a french door refrigerator upstairs that we bought new when we moved in about 5 years ago.


OK, once again, glad you are ok and back to posting

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Sharon, I also forgot to wish your Bill a HAPPY B-DAY on Monday. With all that has been going on I have barely enough time for myself.


Yes, with the sun out at least we feel a little better, even though it is still on the cold side. The fish adapt to whatever the temp is, so the have no problems adjusting to the temp changes.


Just running myself crazy with my last day of work for this week before we leave very early tomorrow morning. I will try to check back later before we leave. Enjoy the rest of the day,




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Have a great time, the time off will certainly do you good and you can destress. Yes we had quite a weekend, birthday dinner at a local restaurant on Friday night. There were about 15 or so of us, then about 8 of us went dancing at the resort. They had a dj and we closed the place at 12 midnight. Then on Sat night we had dinner with 6 of them at the mexican restaurant and Sunday just me and Bill did the Easter Buffet. So it was a weekend of eating, eating and eating!!! Impossible to lose weight.


I got the brakes done on my car yesterday, and they were supposed to put 4 new tires on, but they didn't get delivered in time so they gave me a Chevy Malibu, 2013, to drive. I like it, nice and quiet inside and good suspension to handle the bumps, but I will be glad to get mine back. They just called and said it was ready, so I'll go pick it up and then come back and take Tinker for a walk.


Try not even to think about work while you are gone!

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Sharon, it sounds like everything went very well for Bill's celebration B-Day bash. The main thing is you all had a good time. You must have a great place where you take your car to be fixed, that they give you a loner car for you while yours is in the shop.


Leaving this place and going away, I will not be thinking of anything around here. Since we fly stand-by, that is what I will be thinking about. Getting on and off with no problems. However I let Bill do all of the planning and worrying about the flights. I just pray that we get on together and fly together. Last year I had to return from San Diego alone as there was only 1 seat and Bill got the next flight behind me and his flight had 1 seat as well.


Isn't that the truth about celebrations and eating out. Trying to maintain or keep our weight down. Perhaps now that the nicer weather is here we will find it easier to get down to our goal weight.




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Had a busy weekend again, went to the home show up town, but they had a shred day and you could take stuff up to have it shredded. We got rid of a couple of boxes of papers.


Then went to a ballroom dance and sat with a real nice couple. Was surprised when I went to church on Sunday to see them there. Evidently they are members also, he was an usher, and we never had met each other. Small world as they say.


Rainy Monday but it is already making the grass green up. Nicer temp also.


Got my brakes done, front and rear, and got new tires, just a little over $1,000.00. Maybe by the time I need to replace the tires again I will be in the market for a different car. Mine had 93,000 miles on it but runs real good and I really like it.


Hope you are having a fun time!

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Sharon, I would not say that I am having a fun day at all. I should have taken today off as well, as I am tired from all of the traveling over the weekend. It was nice to get away but too far for such a short time. Our flight was 2 hours late on Friday. Coming home we had no problems. It was nice seeing our friends and visiting for awhile. They are leaving today and flying to Asia for a cruise tomorrow.


The weather was like it was here this morning on Friday and when we were leaving. Saturday was a nice day. Today started out to be a rainy day but it turned out to be a nice day. It was nice that you were able to go dancing and meet that couple who was right where you go to church.


It was also good that they fixed your car and that they gave you a nice car to use while yours was in the shop. We did not eat a lot while there and did some sight seeing on Saturday. We tried on Friday but with the rain it was not good walking around.


It should be warming up from the cold temps that we have had. With the rain that is forecast this week the grass should be greening as well. I have a Dr's appointment for a checkup tomorrow morning with my personal Dr.


It was nice going away but too far for such a short time.




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I forgot how long you were going to be gone and was thinking you were still on vacation, too bad you had to come back to work and couldn't stay a little while longer.


Went to the water aerobics this morning and it was pouring like crazy outside, lots of flooding around in the ditches. When I got back home saw that it hadn't rained all that much here, but it is really dark and still drizzling. The grass is already turning green, looks great.


Just went outside to put some seed in the bird feeder, and it feels like its 20 degrees colder than it was this morning! brrr

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Sharon, I was not all that impressed with Vancouver. I would not return there again unless we were taking a cruise. It was just too long of a trip for only the weekend. The weather was not all that good either. It was dark and drizzle here this morning. Bright sun now and it is close to 60. A big difference from where you are I know.


I was real crabby yesterday, mainly form lack of sleep and too much traveling. I was kind of short with Bill when I got home form work when we were going out to eat last night for our usual 1/2 price burger Monday night.


It was good you were able to get out for the water aerobics this morning. Too bad that the weather did not corporate for you. We were up early so we could vote and then I left from there for my Dr's appointment. All checked out OK. She will call me in a few days with the rest of the test results.


I got roped into sitting for my daughter's kids after work today as the other grandma is out of town who usually is available to watch them. They are saying it could rain more later on this evening.


I see that Dianne has started the old site up once again. What do you think about that? Enjoy the rest of today,




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I get crabby too if I don't get enough sleep, my poor hubby has learned to just deal with it and stay out of my way, yours probably has too. Hope you are feeling better today, but having to babysit after a long day at work will probably not do too much to improve your mood.


Yes it has been gray and dark here all day, really had some downpours this morning, even some thunder. I think that Tinker has gotten a little hard of hearing so it doesn't bother her as much as it used to.


Yes I saw on FB that they had started back on CC, it was getting kind of quiet on My Family and no one was going on very much. We'll see how it works with the new site. How did you see, I didn't think you were on FB.


I have some corned beef cooking for dinner, since we ate it so many times for St Patricks day I waited to make it. It smell pretty good, hope it gets nice and tender.

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Sharon, I agree with the corned beef as we also had a lot of it during that period. I got a notification on my e-mail that there was a post on the CC Site. You are right about face book of me not going there. It was also too hard and it took too much time to read everything on the My Family site as well.


It was doing much of the same here this morning and it has just been real cloudy and dark this afternoon. My daughter kind of made me feel obligated to her to watch the kids yesterday. I really hated to say no to her as she was up the creek with not having anyone to watch them. But it was too much for me to handle especially after the days I have been having at work.


We have been getting some energy work here the past few weeks as a combined effort with Com-Ed and Nicor who are paying 70% to have your house more energy efficient. You can find the info on their own sites if you are interested. They have been doing sealing in the attic and basement as well as blowing in insulation in the attic and they are doing that on Friday.


Things are gearing up at our club as this Sunday they are having what is called a Spring Fling, where all the leagues have their sign ups and free food from 2- 5. I don't know if I had told you, Bill bought a golf cart in December and he has been working on it and fixing it up. He is all ready now and his plans are to use it for transportation to and from the club from our house. He also has a drivable cover with a heater for inclement weather.


Yes, Bill knows when to stay away from me when I am crabby. Lately I have been a little nuts with what I have been dealing at work. Stay dry,




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A golf cart sounds pretty nifty! Especially since you can cover it and heat it, it will be great transportation to the club for you. I've often thought one would be nice here too, I could go all the way to the back of the property, but then again, I think I probably need the exercise. Speaking of which, we had a pretty energetic zumba class this morning. And yesterday I tried doing the "challenge" they had on FB on a zumba site. It is 50 squats and each day add 5 more. Well I did 25 but two different times and today can really feel it. Maybe its the cold damp weather too, but seems today everything hurts or aches!


The corned beef was good and we are having it again tonight. So it will be easy to get dinner ready. Bill had some dental work done again today and his mouth was numb around 2pm. It should be all thawed out by dinner time though. They were fixing some cavaties that he had. He said he got choked and had a terrible time catching his breath. The dentist told him "Stay with me now Bill" so they must have been concerned too.


Hoping for sun soon, lots of fields are flooded around here. But we are ok, the house sits kind of on a hill, the sump pump has been running kind of often.

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Sharon, I am glad to hear that Bill is doing OK. Most men do not like to go to the dentists and put it off way too long. Dentists have much to be concerned with these days as many people have had a health issue while in the dentists chair.


We all need the exercise. But the reality is I will not really walk over there when it would be good exercise. So might as well try the cart. You must have done some good exercises to be aching. Even thought it may hurt now, you did good exercising to get to that point. I saw something on-line yesterday about buying a Zumba exercise program. It looked good, but I opted not to buy it just now, maybe later.


We start back tonight, and for the next 6 weeks at Yoga once again. This is called light yoga, so it is not like you would think it to be. I do not think I could do the real Yoga as that would be too intense for me. Afterward, then I go to pick up the beef sandwiches. Bill have to wait too long, I know, but he seems to be OK with everything.


He brought up to me today when I was home from lunch, on how I have been bringing too much of the carp at work home with me. He is right and I need to separate that place from my personal life. They only care about themselves and would never care about me or what would happen to me.


We got a note last night form our friends who we went to visit in Vancouver last weekend. As they are over in Asia now on a Celebrity cruise. Their pet sitter had to spend $3,000 on their dog as he had a kidney stones. They told them to put him down as they would keep coming back and causing him much discomfort. They have been having a rough time of this. Also they said the ship was having problems and had to pull in a port in Hong Kong for repairs.


It has been raining here all day and very gloomy as well. We have this jerk behind us that has one of those monster trucks, that thinks he is funny driving on the side of our grass in the alley causing mud just because he thinks he is being cute. It is a shame that more people do not think to take care of things and act stupid.


I guess by Sunday, it should be much nicer. Yet we have to put up with this stuff for a bit longer.




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Yes another gloomy rainy cold day. I had the mower company come and pick up the 2 mowers to get them all serviced for the season. They should be ready by next week sometime. One of them I didn't want to send, its old and little but Bill said go ahead and see what they can do. They are going to check it out and let us know how much it will be or if it is even worth fixing. The other one is our big good one.


Going dancing and visiting tonight, one of the Wed night gals thought her and a friend might come too. We'll see if she makes it or not. The other gals dad died last week so don't know if she will be up to going or not.


Got a new cellular shade delivered, the one we had was in the corner and I kept pulling the cord sideways. It finally broke. This new one I have the cord on the side I can get to real easy so I can pull it straight.


Good for you starting up yoga again, it can be quite a bit of exercise and good for you to stretch too. Too bad for your friends, as soon as they go away their poor dog has issues. Then to top it off the ship also! Hope they manage to have a good time anyway.


Neighbors they can drive you crazy can't they!!!! There is enough mud without driving on grass and making more.


Hope your weekend is restful!

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Sharon, it sounds like your schedule is back to where it was, with you going out dancing and visiting with friends on Friday night. After a week, it must feel good to get out and socialize. I only go to the yoga for my friend, otherwise I probably would not do it at all. But the stretching is good. But these classes are very light and relaxing. There is nothing too stretchy like a regular yoga class.


We said to our friends, that if it were us, we would not take this trip with all of the tension going on in N Korea just now. They will be cruising all over that area including Korea. I would think that the cruise line might cancel some of the stops if the tension ratchets up more.


I remember you have your lawnmowers serviced every year, or has it been 2 years now. The last time you sent them in they had to come back out because the 1 was not fixed right. Another sign, that spring is here and something for you to look forward to each week. You sure do get a good workout with working outside and the Zumba and aerobics. Compared to me where I don't do much of anything.


I am tired of this cold damp rainy weather we have been having. Next week I saw rain in the forecast almost everyday. But I think this weekend it is supposed to be good with Sunday getting to 70.


Well enjoy the weekend, and have fun tonight.




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Kathy if I worked everyday like you do I wouldn't be doing all this stuff either. I just have to find things to make life interesting.


Wow your friends cruise has sure been a trial for them, hope the rest of the trip goes better for them.


We are skipping the resort tomorrow and instead going for dinner and a comedy show at the place we go to on Wednesday night. Never been there for that so should be interesting.



We finally got our taxes back today from the accountant, was getting nervous we weren't going to get them back in time. We had sent them to the accnt about the middle of May. So Monday will have to get the state one mailed, I think they filed the federal electronically.


Tey are saying snow or sleet for us tonight, but 70 tomorrow, we'll see if that happpenes.

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Sharon, I feel the same way as you about it getting into the 70's today. Yesterday it was down right bone chilling during the morning. We also picked up our taxes yesterday, as they are all finished as he also filed them electronically and all we have to do is send in the check tomorrow.


I have heard much good talk about the comedy shows. So tonight should be a welcome change form the resort. Later on this afternoon we will drive our cart over to the club for the very first time. They are having this annual event called the Spring Fling. The showcase all of the leagues and sign up and have various raffles. Free appetizers as well.


I am just so tired from work everyday, when I get home I am totally drained. I really do not know how much longer I can go like this. We may start looking for another place in the South where we might get another place. Depending on what is out there will depend on what we may get. Lie a condo versus a house with no upkeep.


Well have fun later on at the comedy show and enjoy a nice day later if it does get into the 70's, but it could be windy as well. Whatever the case may be enjoy and have a great end of the weekend.




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Well its very windy and no where near 70 today, at least though the sun is shining. Do you mean quit your job and move somewhere else or just get another place to go to sometimes, like snowbirds? You know when you are under a lot of stress all the time it can affect your health, thats why I finally quit at the bank, the jerk was untolerable!!


We have to call the accountant and find out if he filed our taxes or if we have to or just send in the money, he didn't make it very clear what we are supposed to do.


Didn't get the new cellular blinds up yesterday, going to try for today, otherwise not much else planned until tonight.

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Sharon, I mean to find another place like being a snowbird. I could not give up working just now as I would not know what to do with myself as I have aunts in my pants most of the time. I have thought about cutting back on my hours work in a week.


We ate all of the various appetizers at the club yesterday. I had way too much wine to drink. Since Bill was driving the cart, I had no worries. They made Bill the treasurer for the Bocce League this year. So he has to go to open an account today and keep track of all of the money received. We start playing the league I think May 22.


Since he already has a special account put aside for the taxes, that is not registered with the IRS for paying the taxes he has to go today and send in what we owe. The guy has already filed the stuff for the federal and state electronically, so all he hasto do is send in the money.


They said it reached 70 here yesterday, but with the high wind you could have fooled me on it getting to that. Of course we were inside only to drive over and back. Now I thought I would have seen rain this morning as they were saying we would have it this morning. But so far nothing but still windy.


How was the show yesterday that you went to? I have been thinking about putting up some blinds here as well in a few different windows. But I have not seen anything that I like yet. Bill used some strong glue to put up hangers in the new bathroom so I would not put holes in the new wood trim around the window.




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the comedy show was pretty raunchy, but we kind of expected that. There were 3 comedians one was not funny at all the other two had some things that were funny and some things not so much. I don't think we will go again.


I found some Command Brand Damage-Free Hanging mini hooks. I have used them to hold the cords of the blinds instead of putting in nails or screws. I have the clear ones so they disappear. You can get them in various strengths, I got the lite ones that will hold up to .5 lbs. But they have them that will hold more, might be an idea for you, they are also removable without doing any damage to the wall or wherever you put them up. Got them at WalMart.


I bought some grass seed today, going to throw it around where I had all the weeds cut down last fall. Right now its just dirt and weeds so it needs a little grass to grow.


It got up to around 49 late yesterday after the wind died down, but then during the night the wind was really howling again. Today kind of of nice, sunny once in a while.


I have the tough zumba later this afternoon, only 3 or 4 left and then she doesn't teach there during the summer. She said she would if she could get 18 but kind of hope she doesn't, there will be lots to do outside when it warms up. Hope its better by the time your bocce starts.

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Sharon, thank you for the great suggestion. I know all about the command hooks as I have used them before for various things. I did not think of them otherwise I would have picked up some. Saving Bill from using the glue. Of course that was Bill's idea. We or he just used the old hooks that were put into the wood trim. However I did not know they had hooks for hanging blinds or curtains. I will check that out the next time I am out and about.


It was kind of funny earlier this afternoon. Our bank is just across the street form where I work and I am over there about twice a day. So when I was going over to make deposits I saw Bill's car in the parking lot. When I walked through the door, there he was sitting at a desk opening up the account for the bocce league, and taking out money form another account to pay the taxes.


The one lady whose husband was treasure last year just put all of the monies in their own account and kept track of it all. Bill said he does not want to have anything to do with putting other's funds in our account. So he has a special account just for the bocce league.


I am glad you told me about the show. I also figured that things would be raunchy. I do not know why these comedians these days think they have to use, that stuff to get laughs. I don't know why they can't just be funny with everyday stuff without using the garbage so they think they can get laughs form that.


It was not raining all day, but it started about 1/2 hour ago and it is coming down now. It has been windy here all day, just like yesterday. I did hear that your area was much colder than ours. But Like I had said earlier, you could have fooled me with a 70 with the wind blowing as strong as it was. You could see white caps on the lake with the wind blowing as hard as it was.


Someone wants to borrow Bill's cart for a parade next month in town. Every year on the first weekend in May, the town has what is called a "Good Neighbor Parade", so they want to use his cart in the parade. The sports shop had a float in the parade last year, so I haven't heard what their plans are for this year. If they are not going to do anything, then maybe I'll ride on the cart with the other ladies.


With all that you do, I would think that a summer break form the heavy Zumba would be welcome for the summer. Also I would think the instructor would have problems getting 18 for the entire summer with people doing other things.


Enjoy the rest of the day and stay dry.




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I don't know if they make those command hooks strong enough to hold up curtain or blinds, I am only using the very light ones to hold the blind cords, they do not get any stress on them. I just hang the long cord on the hook to keep them off the floor.


Terrible thing about Boston marathon, so many people hurst, just terrible! Hope they catch who ever did it.


Boy, Bill just gets the golf cart done and someone wants to borrow it! Thats funny. But if you get to ride it in too for the parade maybe consider it.


I think that is a great idea to keep the money in a separate account, wonder how the other guy got away with putting it in his own. Much easier to keep track of if its separate.


Had a real workout in the water today, need to go out and throw the grass seed around that I bought yesterday, but resting up a bit first.


At zumba class last night the leader gave us our money back for the last three classes. She said not enough were coming, although there was 13 of us last night. One of the other zumba certified gals offered to continue it but she is not a good leader at all so I won't waste my time driving that far for her class. I'm kind of glad to have it over, there is so much to do outside now that the weather might get better.


Can you see the lake from your house? You mentioned how rough the water was the other day, which made me wonder.

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