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Sharon, the lake is just across the street form us. So we have a good view right from the front of our house. Bill's son called from Australia yesterday as Bill had told him he is thinking about doing Boston next year. His son thought he said this year and was concerned that we may have been involved in that mess. Like Bill said, his main concern would have been me as a spectator as I could have been on the side watching like everyone else was. I am sure Chicago and all of the other big one's will be affected by this tragedy.


Well that was good that the instructor gave everyone their money back, not good that you will not be able to finish. But if you have other things that will be keeping you busy, then more time for you to do them. I will look into those command hooks and see what they have. Bill did get mad at me as I did put tacks into the side of the woodwork to hold up the side sashes. I could have used those command hooks instead.


Bill was very adamant about putting the money in a separate account. I don't know either how other's have gotten away with putting the money into their own personal accounts. I guess that is how some of these people have gotten into trouble. It should be over $3000 when everyone pays.


I am not for Bill letting them use the cart for the parade. But he said to me over lunch when I was home earlier, that it need new brakes. He ordered them today and if they are not installed by the time they want to use it, then he will not let them borrow it as he feels it would be unsafe without having the proper brakes working well.


It has been overcast today and it is raining now. More for the next few days as well. It really came down around here last night. Stay dry.




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It has been raining cats and dogs all day long, and now some roads are starting to flood. We are high enough that we don't have to worry, but the sump pump has been running lots more than usual. I put that grass seed out yesterday, hope it doesn't all wash into one big pile!


I went to renew my drivers lic and get the yearly lic plate sticker today, got there around noon. There was a sign on the door that said "power out" but people were still going in. They gave everyone a number as they came in and told us to sit down. After a bit they said they had contacted comed and the power was going to be out at least 2 more hours. I left as did many others. I went to Kohls and yep found 3 things that I had to have. One top was on the 80% off rack and was only $3.00 another was $5.00 the other one was also on sale but was $11.99. Not bad though for just killing time. Then I went back past the lic place and it was still dark so I went to Jewel foods and bought some nice soft rolls and some lunch meat for dinner. The last time I went back to the lic place they were up and running so I could get both things done before heading home, in the pouring rain.


Yes I wonder what else they can do at these marathons to make them safe, seems if someone wants to do something its almost impossible to stop them.

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Sharon, it was raining like that here this morning and then it stopped, and now it has just started to pour. It also looks like night time as it is real dark and very windy with much thunder and lightening. I think we are in store for some real rain now and tonight and tomorrow. It is good that you were able to do other things while waiting for the power to come back on at the licence place. I keep saying this, you just can't beat the deals at Kohl's. See what a little diversion did for you waiting for something else.


I have these licence plates that I have had for a long time from my past, special vanity plates, and Bill thinks I should get new one's as he said I can look up the new plate on-line. I thought I might wait until I get another car as I have a 2003. He said it would cost me double doing it that way, instead of just getting one now. I do not do things quickly at all. It takes me a very long time when making decisions.


I would think that there will be places that will be flooded after this latest bout of rain. We here are OK, but like you said, there are other areas that will for sure have flooding. I am sure that we will be getting a message from the club across the street that the golf course will be closed for a few days with all of this rain. That place will not be able to drain rainfall like this.


I get my nails done today after work and tomorrow after work I have yoga. Bill is supposed to go to the club tonight as they are having a huge drawing, and you have to be present to win it all otherwise you only get 1/2 of the pot. Tomorrow he has a meeting so it all works out fine as I will be home late with the beef sandwiches.


I agree, there is only so much you can to these day to make things safe for yourself. I heard that they have arrested someone. So I guess we shall see later on in the news tonight.


Tray to stay in between the raindrops,




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I was surprised that the lic plate sticker was $101 now, they raised the price again! However my 4 year drivers lic was only $5, must be because I am a senior citizen. I was telling the girls about it last night and they said, only 4 years??? Ours in WI is for 8 years. Guess we are going to have to move to Wi before my 4th year is up so I can get a nice long one without going to get it again.


How come your lic plate would be cheaper now than if you waited? Didn't quite understand that. I would think it would be the same price now or later.


I did not sleep hardly at all last night, the sump pump kept running and shutting off, running and shutting off all night. Bill said he is going to do something to it so it keeps running when we go to bed tonight, then it won't be so noticeable. I think it is right underneath our bedroom.


One of the gals at zumba is having a Wrap party at her house tonight. I wasn't going to go but they were saying you could lose a couple of inches around your stomach or midriff, and it stays gone for between 4 to 6 months. I'm not sure I believe that but I just might go and see, if I can stay awake long enough.


The rain has let up a little bit and only misting right now. Guess we got one more day of it though.


Saturday we are going to the Midwest Horse Fair in Madison for the day, we have been going for quite a few years, always enjoy looking at all the "bling" things they have in the one big building of vendors and watching the horses perform in the arena.

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Sharon, I remember that show you go to every year. Isn't that the show you went to last year and your were disappointed because they were so very crowded that you had long lines going in, and had to park a long ways away?


Yes, yes, and yes, we have gotten much rain. I also saw this morning that cars were taken into this huge sink hole, and I do not know if you saw that as well? It rained all last night and real heavy this morning. It is also misting here as well. Of course the golf course is closed and is expected to remain closed until next Tuesday. We had a little backup into our wash tub in the basement, but nothing else.


You remember all of the road construction in front of our house last year and it continues one block down form us this year? Well we never had storm sewers here. Now we do. Also Bill spent $8,000 3 or 4 years ago when they called it the 100 year flood or rain, and I do not know if you remember that time? He spent all of this money putting in a brand new well for the sump pump, actually 2 wells, 1 for regular use and the other as a backup. Also a complete new drain tile system all around our foundation in the basement.


I question everything he does and I also give him a hard time about everything. But I must say, he does this right the first time and does not take shortcuts. So when I have said to him, about being worried about flooding or backups, he mealy says, that he did not spend that kind of money to worry. He also has it checked up each and every year for safe keeping.


So I would imagine that ours ran most of the night as well, but we cannot hear it as it is very quiet. We did get that little backup, but nothing that would cause any alarms. Another advantage, is the lake across the street that I have told you about. As a bonus, what they did was put 2 huge run off drains that flow into the lake for drainage from the street.


I did not understand the licence plate thing like you. So Bill explained it to me this morning. I have a vanity plates now. I would not keep these plates when getting a new car. So they would give me new plates just like everyone else getting a general everyday plate and I would have to pay the standard rate. Then I would have to put in for and apply for a new vanity plate and that would be another fee for that plate. Where, by just applying for one now and then just transferring it when and if I buy a new car.


Hey, I am all for going to something if they say they will tell me of ways of loosing inches or a few ponds, and keeping it off as well. Needless to say, I can hope for all of that. Have you ever seen this commercial that is on TV, where they have this couple posted in a drawing showing a man and women and he looses a whole lot of weight and his pants fall down, and the woman gains weight? I feel like I am the woman in that commercial. As Bill has lost some 60+ and I have not or gained.


The fee structure is crazy what they have us paying for things, and then you hear that a place close to you in WI, has a better program, go figure. I personally think that the seniors are the one's getting the short end of things.


With all of the heavy rain falling last night and all of the thunder and lightening, I did not sleep too well last night either. Hopefully tonight will be better for us all. Probably hard to take Tinker for walks with all of this rain and flooding?


Stay dry and safe,




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Yes that makes sense about the lic plate now. I was thinking you lived across from Lake Michigan but now I see that it is a different one. I was thinking your Real Estate taxes would be really high. That is good he fixed up everything so that you don't have to worry about flooding. I saw on the news some people had up to 4 feet of water in their basement, that would be terrible. Bill fixed the pump so it would just keep running for right now instead of running and shutting off all the time. He said it was running for a minute then off for a minute and a half all the time. It was driving me nuts trying to sleep, so last night it was much better and I got a good nights sleep. He will change it back tonight because its not pumping out as much anymore, seems the water is sinking into the ground now like its supposed to. This morning we have had snow showers and its really cold and windy. Hope tomorrow is better for us to walk around at the Horse Fair.


Last night I went to that wrap party and got my midriff and stomach wrapped. Then you waited for at least 45 minutes. They measured you in three places, the midriff, the belly button and about an inch below the belly button. I only lost an inch in each spot. One of the gals lost 8 inches, but really she didn't look any different to me. I bought a package of the wraps as they said I would continue to lose for the next 72 hours. I kinda doubt it but willing to give it a try. Then when I thought we were all done she asked me how I wanted to pay for the wrap they used. I thought it was like a demo, you tried it to see if you wanted to buy it, not that they were going to charge you for it. It was $30 !!! Kinda felt taken advantage of since there was never any mention about the demonstration one costing any money.


I am wondering if we are ever going to get spring!

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Sharon, the lake across the street is just a small lake associated with the country club. It is spring fed and used to be an old clay quarry. We did get much rain and like you, misting and light snow today, windy,cold and damp.


I guess the weekend should be much nicer. Maybe 60's tomorrow. I hope you have decent weather for your show tomorrow. Are you going out tonight? I really do not know what we will do for dinner tonight. It is kind of a toss up to see how I feel after working.


If I was you, I would be a bit upset. It seems like they got you and they should have been up front about being charged for the wrap used. Like you, I would have gone there thinking I was going to a demo and not being charged to try something out. Of course, I would want to see if they could do me any good in loosing pounds or inches. I don't think that they charged you for trying something out before you knew any kind of results.


Many areas flooded and with lots of water. It was a lot of rain coming down at once over a short period of time. Enjoy the show and have a good weekend,




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Kathy, the saga continues with the wrap party. I didn't lose anymore inches so I called the gal that gave the party on Friday and told her I wanted to cancel the order I placed that was for $59.99 since it didn't do me any good. She said she had already placed the order and that since I had signed up as a "loyal customer" I had to continue purchasing items for three months or there would be a $50 cancellation fee and a restocking fee. I told her that wasn't right, everyone has at least 48 hrs to cancel a contract ( which I didn't even know was what I was signing, just thought it was to purchase the one item). She said there was nothing she could do. I told her I would cancel the charge on my credit card and she said it wouldn't do any good I would still have to pay. So I asked for the company's number and called them. After 45 min on hold to speak to someone I was told they would cancel the order no problem. That was all on Friday, yesterday I checked my e-mail and there was one saying my order had been shipped. So I called my cc and told them to dispute the charge since I had already cancelled the order. We'll see what happens next!


OK, so anyway, its pretty nice out today, could almost be mistaken for spring. I am going outside and spread some weed and feed on the grass in the front since it is supposed to rain tomorrow.


Hi Mary, I don't supposed that northern Michigan is feeling too much like spring since us being in Illinois haven't been feeling it. But today the sun is shining and the wind is low so all in all is pretty darn nice.


The Horse Fair was real good, but cold!

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I've had to deal with companies like that and it's just not pleasant.


We have a beautiful day today, sunny and about 47 degrees. However, on Thursday the U.P. is supposed to get upwards of a foot of snow. My hubby has to go up to serve on a prison ministry team. EEK. Hope it stays away from his area. I'm going south 5 hours to Ypsilanti for a women's prison ministry week-end. Guess we are going in totally opposite directions!


Praying for a real spring before summer hits!

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Sharon, I am glad you had a nice time at the fair. As for the orders, I would be livid and would have done the same as you. That lady was just trying to push her orders and just was giving you a lot of BS. Once the items arrive I would not even open them or even accept delivery, if you are home, and send them back. Your CC company is and should stay on top of it. I never heard of such a scam like you went through. It was not a good experience at all.


I agree, it is a very nice day today. I also heard that we could get around an inch of rain tomorrow. The places that flooded will not want to hear that about more rain. Many flooded places that I saw on TV and from just driving around.


It was my B-Day yesterday so we went to the club on Saturday for 1/2 off and to our usual Chop house for the % of my age off my bill. Tonight 1/2 burgers. So I did fairly well not to be cooking for a few days, and that is always good news for me.


Things should be warming up this week. I also think that one day we will go from having heat on to putting the air on the next day. When it all happens, everything will just blow up for growing. Tinker should be loving this weather.


Mary, you must be totally sick of this weather like we all are. Snow, wow, I have seen pictures on TV of some of the places who have the snowfall. You and your hubby is going in opposite directions and keeping very busy with all of the driving. Let's pray for nicer weather to arrive very soon. Have a safe trip.





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Sorry I guess I forgot about it being your birthday, sounds like you had a nice dinner out and didn't have to cook so thats always a good thing too. So a belated Happy Birthday to you!


I got all the weed and feed applied yesterday, it was so beautiful out, loved being outside. And today we are having rain which is a good thing, it will wash the weed and feed down into the grass. Of course the people with flooding will not appreciate any more rain.


Had a good water aerobics class this morning, the water has been so nice and warm its really good, but will all the workouts everyone gets pretty hot. I'd rather have the water this temp though than cold, you don't even have to go through getting "used to it".


Mary sounds like you and your hubby are busy with prison ministry duties, to bad they are not in the same direction though so you could go together. Me and my hubby went up to the UP a few years ago on a bus trip. We did the boat ride along the USA, Canadian border among other things. We really enjoyed it but it was cold and rainy that day so we had to stay inside the boat instead of out on the deck.


My daffodils are finally starting to open and the tulips and hyacinths have big buds just ready to pop open with just a little more warmth and sun.

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Sharon, no worries, I know it is hard for me to keep up with all of the different celebrations there are. I do not even want to think of a B-Day except for the discounts that they offer. It has been raining here for a few hours and I guess a lot more expected through the evening. Like you said, too bad about the folks who have having flooding issues. Hopefully this will not impact them further.


It is also good that you were able to get out this morning to your water aerobics before the heavy rains hit. But I do not think your area is supposed to get too much. Rather our area and areas south.


You have been doing good with your own flowers and that is why they are coming up for you. Our's are still coming and haven't really popped out as yet. Probable because of the cooler temps.


Mary, we were talking about perhaps going to the UP later on this year. Possibly either driving or maybe even flying. Have a safe trip during all of your driving. We are glad that you have stopped by to join us here.




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Bill stopped by the mower place yesterday and they said our should be done and brought back by the end of the week. I think that is going to be just in time because the grass is really starting to grow!


Got an email yesterday from the wrap company saying they had indeed cancelled my order, thank goodness. But today got the package from them. I will take it back up to the post office and refuse the delivery and hope that is the end of it.


Very nice and sunny today but cold again. I think I might be able to use the weed eater on some of the tall weeds from last year. Last year I kind of let things go because it was so darn hot!


I know what you mean about birthdays, nice to have but hate to have to add another year to my age!!!


Yes, nice to have you with us Mary.

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Sharon, they came to cut our grass yesterday even though it was raining some. Today a crew came and planted trees along the parkway down the street and 1 in front of our house. Just another thing from all of the work they did along our street last year.


It has been cold and overcast all day here with light rain at times. This is the perfect growing weather and things will really be starting to bust out. Even though they just put the new sod down in December, it has really started to grow and get real green.


I am glad you got all of that stuff worked out with the wrap place. It would make me question the next time they or anyone else wanted to present something after the experience you just went through. I always am willing to find new ways to loose weight or exercise. But to go through all of the hassle that you went through takes any thrill out of any kind of experience.


I saw an on-line thing for a Zumba video for $70. It did spark my interest somewhat. However the more I thought about it, I know that I would never be able to do those exercises in my own house as I am just not motivated enough especially after work. That is why I give you so much credit for all that you are doing each week.


Have a good day today,




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Kathy I know if I didn't go to an organized group exercise class I wouldn't do it at home. Also even if you get tired, you keep going because everyone else is so there is motivation that way too. I was telling the zumba instructor about my ordeal because she was at the party also. She said she had no idea either that they were going to charge us for the wrap they used the night of the party. I took the package up to the post office and told them I was refusing delivery and they said they would take care of it. So I think I am finally through with everything to do with it.


I was going to work outside today, but its pretty darn cool and windy also so haven't done it. I know its supposed to get warmer with each day so I guess I'll just wait to do anything outside. We don't have any plans for the weekend so it will be nice to work around the house.


Hope you are having a nice day!

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Sharon, my # 1 daughter stopped by today, and I brought her back to my house to give her a bunch of stuff that I have been cleaning out of the basement. Then we went to lunch. I agree, that today is still too cold and windy to be working outside. This weekend holds for nicer weather.


I think I will pick up mulch and do some outside work on Saturday. I think starting Sunday the temps will be in the 70's. It is about time. Compared to last year when most of April was in the 80's.


I agree that going to an actual Zumba instructed place like you do has much motivation. After working all week, I am just too tired to be doing any kind of organized exercising. The yoga is relaxed and not hard at all. Otherwise we would not be able to do those moves. It was a thought for me to buy the Zumba exercise video. But in reality, I knew that I would not be using it on a regular basis.


I am glad that you finally got all of the wrap stuff returned and worked out. Something to stay clear of in the future. I think something like that experience would only hurt the sellers.




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You know if I were working every day I would probably be too tired to go exercise also, so I don't blame you in the least. The yoga is giving you benefits and its something that you can do so thats great!


They are supposed to bring the mowers today, before noon and its already 11:30 so I'm looking for them any minute. Could have fallen over when they told me how much it costs, $728.05!!! We could have paid 1/2 on a new riding lawn mower. We will not go to them again, they are way too high. It will be interesting to see what all they did to the mowers to arrive at that price. It just seems we are being taken advantage from all sides lately.


It is warmer today than yesterday but also windier. I am planning to go out and work outside today for a while after I get some vacuuming done. I saw in the paper that it is supposed to rain Mon thru Thurs next week, so that means I better get the mowing done before that, as it is already getting pretty long clumpy in places.


I have given up on finding a reasonably priced flight to Dallas next week, the prices just seem to be getting higher instead of lower. Guess we'll just have to miss this birthday for him. We have our RE taxes and also our medical supplement charges to pay soon so trying to conserve where we can.


Got plans for the weekend? So far we still don't, but plan to go dancing/visiting tonight.

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Sharon, I would have fallen also with that kind of price just to fix them. I thought last year they were taking advantage of you especially when they did not fix the one the first time and they had to come back out to correct. Figuring on what you are spending over the past few years, you could buy a brand new one and have less to maintain. People like us who take care of their stuff, seems people like that who take advantage of you, and that would make me real mad.


Yes, a very nice day today although it is windy, still nice. I remember that you went to Texas in the past. They were on the news a lot the past few days with the presidential library opening as well. Dallas is another place we are looking to go as well. I also agree with the prices that I have been hearing and with 5 major airlines now, they have the corner on the prices. Too much to pay for just a weekend. Also factor in that there is still a huge problem with the traffic controllers where they have given them forced days off and that has things backed up as well.


I want to get outside and do some work over the weekend. Putting down mulch and getting things organized before they get out of control. Today when I get home I will just be too tired after a long week of work. Bill woke up this morning not feeling too good. So I will have to see how he is feeling when I get home.


We are looking to go later on possibly to Mackinaw Island or down to the Golf Shores area in Alabama. Perhaps stay in a condo and look to see what is on the market. Nothing set as of yet, just looking and planning just now.


Going dancing and visiting with friends later on is a great way to unwind after a week of heavy exercising and running around. It will depend on how we feel later on when I get home to see what we will do for dinner. Otherwise just working outside over the weekend. Enjoy and have a great weekend.




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Had a good weekend, went to the dance place on Friday, Saturday I got all the grass cut and Bill worked on getting other things oiled and running, like the rototiller for the garden. Then Sat night we went out to eat, I had paid $2.40 for a $10 certificate for a restaurant not far from here, through Restaurant.com. It was good and the portions were huge so we are having that for dinner again tonight. Then Sunday worked around the yard for a while and then went swimming. How did your weekend go, did you get the mulching done?


A gal from zumba just got back last month from the winter at Gulf Shores Alabama, she said they have a condo there but are thinking of selling it. She said the taxes are super low down there, but they have had it for a while and are getting tired of going every year, imagine that!


I checked the air fares again, now they are running between $360 and $460 a person. Next year I'll have to checking flights sooner to get a good rate. But I think I heard the traffic controllers are going to be back on the job, so thats good.


It has been really dark and cloudy here all day, hasn't rained but sure is gloomy!

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Sharon, I think that is kind of funny how different our weather is. Today we have had much sunshine although windy. At least the temps are in the 70's.


I can't remember if I had said anything to you. Bill was starting to not feel well on Friday. Saturday he woke up with a full blown strep infection. It was worse on Sunday, so we decided to go to the minute clinic at CVS.


Saturday my daughter's made me feel guilty and they both had me going to and driving around to various ball games to watch. On Sunday after we returned, I eventually went outside and pulled weeds as they were really getting out all over the place. Bill should start to feel better soon and perhaps next week I can get the mulch out.


It was good that you were able to get out to dance and to the resort on Sunday. That place will really be getting crowded over the summer. Funny how our weather transitions form cold to warm very quickly. I agree, if I did have a place down there, I certainly would not be complaining about it. Of course we are just in the thinking and planning stage. But we are thinking about renting a condo in the Phoenix development and also look around and see what is on the market.


I guess this air traffic controller thing is only a temporary fix. At least until the end of September. So if we will be flying, good to do so before it all starts back up again. Perhaps you can start planning for next year and just keep looking for a good deal to come up.


Enjoy the beautiful weather,




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I think you did mention that Bill wasn't feeling well, isn't it funny stuff like that always happens on the weekends. At least you had somewhere you could go and get something for it, up here you have to go to an emergency room and then sit forever and the drs usually don't know what to do for you anyway. Glad he's on the road to recovery.


The ticks have started up outside again. I absolutely hate them!!! Tinker had one on her and this morning I found one in my hair. Disgusting little things. Last Sunday I sprayed the whole back yard with bug spray that included ticks, but then we go for a walk along the road everyday so maybe thats where we are picking them up. Tinker has flea/tick stuff on her but I don't. They will last for about a month and then disappear, so that will be good. In all the 30+ years I've lived up here, only the last couple of them have we been bothered with ticks. Don't know what has changed, wonder if the people in town get them?


Everything is starting to bloom and its so pretty out today. Very, very warm and sunny but supposed to change and go back into the 50's again soon.


I went ahead and mailed a birthday card and some money to my GGS yesterday. Maybe try earlier next year, or go later this year.


Your are kind of lucky to live close enough to your Gchildren to go see them play their games, except of course when they play the same day in different places.

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Sharon, I remember you had that tick problem last year. I agree, disgusting. I have been seeing the ads on the TV for prevention for our friends that depend on us to care for them. With temps like this, everything is busting out. It just comes on us from one extreme to another. I will not complain about the heat, as I know all too well that there is an alternative just around the corner waiting to strike back.


It is good that we had a simple place to go like CVS. I hate emergency rooms and the waiting. I think he may have picked something up last Tuesday when he was down at the Dr's office in the waiting room or passing through the hospital. That infection he has is highly contagious and I pray I do not pick it up. So it makes sense that he most likely picked it up last week when he was on his Dr visit.


Yes, it seems like every Saturday and even during the week they all play on the same day. I am just too stress out and tired to do anything like that on a weekdays. I am even tired on the weekends especially when they are all on the same day. The kids just do not think of those things. The 1 daughter lives just down the street. The other is about 20 minutes away. Another one is in Naperville and that is 40 minutes away and that is Bill's GS. We plan those events way ahead of things. My daughter's just spring their things upon me.


Our nearest plans are at the end of May, Memorial Day Weekend, when we will go to Saugatuck, MI for the weekend. I am planning to go to LAS with my friends in July to visit a friend who has cancer and is not doing too well. Bill is scheduled to go to some coaching training in CA, then as well. We will look possibly to go to Golf Shores around August or September.


Stay away from those ticks and enjoy the beautiful weather.




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Another really nice warm (hot) day today. I would like to go out and do so weeding and digging but am almost leery of doing it. Last night as we were sitting watching DWTS on TV, I found 2 more ticks in my hair. We did go for our walk after dinner but I sprayed my shoes and socks with Cutters bug spray and stayed mainly on the road not the grass along side. So I don't know where I got the ticks. Luckily neither one was attached yet! It gives me the creepy crawlies!!



We only have a day trip with the bank to see Oklahoma in a couple of weeks and tickets for Annie Get Your Gun at the Fireside theater the next evening, which we will drive to ourselves. We don't have any overnight trips planned, although Bills daughter wanted everyone to go to LV, but never got back to us about the dates.


Not much else going on, so hope you are having a good day

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