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Sharon, my day was totally crazy today. Bill gets mad when I go all day without taking a lunch. Another nice day today.


I would be going nuts also having ticks once again. Lucky they were not attached. What do you think you can do to prevent getting anymore in the future? You are spraying yourself, so I wonder what else you can do.


That sound great to be going a bus trip to see a performance. Then driving to another on. You said in a few weeks. Is that during the week on the weekend? That would be great to go to LAS if they can get back to you. LAS usually has good fairs as they want you to spend your money there.


Hopefully you can get this tick issue resolved. That would give me the crepes as well.




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I have no idea what else I can do to keep the ticks off of me. I have checked Tinker several times and do not see any on her so thats a good thing. I will continue to try and stay out of the grass and always spray my shoes and socks or legs before I go out and thats about all I can do. I have not found any more and I did cut some of the grass again yesterday.


It is a strange day weather wise today, I had zumba and it was bright and sunny, but cooler. Then I went to Kohls and by the time I came outside it was pouring rain and thundering. When I got home the rain stopped and the sun came out once again. Then just a few minutes ago it was pouring rain again.


As I came through the next town north, I saw they had one of the gas stations all roped off with yellow tape and there was state, county and local police all over. Saw on the FB that someone robbed the place.


Have to go uptown and get some things so hope it stops raining again for a while.

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Sharon, another rough day for me today. It was so bad I was crying a few times. Bill said that no place should ever do that to me nor should I be taking that place the way that I do.


The weather was crazy like you say hear as well. Except we did not get any rain at all. Just sunny skies and then going from upper 60's to very cold 40's. That is a real temp variance.


Well it sounds like you are doing all that you can do at your end to combat those ticks. Hopefully you can keep it all controlled. Bill has gone out and picked up the mulch that will be needed. He also picked up some flowers as well. He likes to plant all perennials.


Only 2 more sessions for yoga and then they will break for the summer. This was a quick class this time around. Many people will be going away to various places over the summer.


Stay warm and stay away from those ticks.




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Kathy I'm so sorry about your bad day. I do know exactly how you feel as that same thing used to happen to me at work. I remember one day while waiting for the train after work, a guy I talked to asked how I was and I broke down in tears. Usually I could wait until I got home and tell Bill about it. He finally convinced me to quit. Way, way too much stress to try and deal with. Its also very bad for your immune system.


Different subject, I bought a Groupon for a local nursery, $25 for a $50 coupon. Going to wait a little to buy stuff though. Lots of rain and thunder again tonight.


Have ine more day to use my 30% off coupon at Kohls so I guess tomorrow I'll go see what I can find.

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Sharon, I am glad that you can fully understand what I have been going through. Bill listens to me, and he just thinks it is so easy to just brush everything off and not let it get to me, but it does. You are right about all of the stress and affecting my own personal health. I am sure all this has a great deal to do with things I have been going through.


Kohl's has always such great deals. Go to get whatever you can and enjoy. We still never got any rain yesterday at all. It just got real cold here. It is raining lightly now, but I have no idea on how much we are supposed to get.


They are coming to pick up the golf cart tomorrow and drive it in the parade in town. I thought Bill would want to go to see and watch it. But he said he has absolutely no interest to go to watch at all. He told me to take pictures.


I never saw that group-on you were talking about. It is great that you have it as all of that stuff can really add up quickly. He has already picked up all of the mulch and even some flowers already. So if I can find the time over the weekend, I should have much to keep me busy.


He also picked up 3 bumper post to put in the ground alongside the alley where that guy behind us was driving on the side of the grass with his huge monster truck. Bill has taken pictures of him doing it, so you might think that Boston would lead some people to think twice about doing things when there are pictures and cameras around. But dumb comes up all of the time.


What are your plans for the weekend? Hopefully today will be better. I have to hold on to positive things and move forward.




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Gee the last post I did didn't show up, I did it on my tablet so I must not have done something right!


So did the parade already happen? What was it for?


No new ticks on me or on Tinker so thats good. One of the gals at zumba said her dog tested positive for Lymes disease. He is taking medicine for it now.


I have been busy cutting grass and weed eating and spraying. My tulips are blooming so beautiful, I just love them.


We don't have water aerobics this week, the instructors wedding anniversary is coming up and she took the week off. Also found out from Bills daughter that Sunday while we were too tired after working in the yard all day to go to the pool that they went but the whole hotel was closed down until this Wednesday. They are putting in a new water softener. So I went to zumba this morning instead. Tonight going to a Womens Banquet in honor of Williams Bay, WI womens club's 87th anniversary. Its at the Geneva National Club House so should be quite nice. There is going to be drinks and visiting from 5:30pm to 7pm and then dinner and a silent auction. I heard about it from the women at the water aerobics and I don't really know them very well. When we are in the pool we are busy exercising and then they get in the hot tub and I stay in the pool and swim.


Hope you are having a good day, it is so nice outside!

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Sharon, the parade was on Saturday and it turned out to be a very nice day. I took pictures as Bill did not want to go to watch it. We have what is called a Good Neighbor's Parade every year in town the first Saturday in May.


It sounds like you have been busy as well. This dinner and auction sounds like a lot of fun tonight. I was thinking of you over the weekend as I have not heard you mention anything about your sister. How is she doing? I found out over the weekend that my sister is pulling the plug where she works at the end of this month. I guess she had an anxiety attack last week and she feels she has had about enough. I might not be too far behind her if things do not change where I am working. Just way too much stress going on here for me.


Bill has been busy doing most of the outside work. He planted flowers and put down most of the 30 bags of mulch that he had bought. When his father was alive, they used to go to the cemetery a few times a week. I know that most people do not bother with going to cemeteries except maybe once a year.


His father would be happy that his son has kept up with taking care of things there. He has planted perennials and put down mulch. As he said, once he is gone, there will not be anyone to bother taking care of things. So he has taken the steps so things will keep on growing. So between the house and the cemetery he has been keeping busy. If his sister does not cause any further problems we have 2 places where the father is and his mother will eventually be.


That guy with the monster truck where he was driving over the grass on the side of our house and the alley. Bill has picked up bumper posts and is planning to put them in tomorrow. With pictures of him doing it, I think Bill has the problem taken care of. Some people just do not respect any one or their property these days.


He is usually very good taking care of our computer at home. Somehow he got a virus in it and has taken the tower into the place in town that takes care of the office computers. So hopefully he will get it back this afternoon or tomorrow sometime.


I have been having much trouble with Peachtree at work and trying to get the problems fixed. Everything has been driving me nuts and have not been good at all. Enjoy the beautiful weather, and have fun tonight.




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It was a good time at the banquet, must have been several hundred women there. I sat with the gals from water aerobics, we had a very nice dinner and they did some entertainment with a theme of thats what friends are for. They did a skit like Golden Girls and like Laverne and Shirley. Quite funny!


Yesterday we went down to Navy Pier, there were so many of us going they had two busses. We spent a couple of hours there and had lunch on our own, then got back on the bus and went to the Lyric Opera House. The play was just so, so, nothing special. In fact Bill fell asleep several times and I hate to admit I found myself sitting with my eyes closed a couple of times also. It kind of dragged for a while in the beginning. It got over at 5pm and the crowds were terrible! What with people leaving the theater and the people trying to get to the train station it was very difficult to find the bus again. Then with all the traffic we couldn't even get back on I90 so the busses headed down some regular streets. We went through the black neighborhoods and then the mexican neighborhoods and were glad we were on a bus instead of driving a car because the "hoods" looked pretty rough. We finally got on I290 and when we got to Woodfield got on I90. We were supposed to be home by 6:30, but didn't get home until 8pm.


Tonight going to see Annie get your gun, the buffet should be wonderful too. Its been a busy week so far! But I like it like that!!


Maybe you could look around and see if there are any part time jobs that would appeal to you with another company before quitting your current one. I know you are not ready to quit altogether but it might make a big difference on your mindset and health if you could enjoy what you do. Just a thought.


Ok, got a run, lots of clouds today but no rain ....yet.

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Sharon, it sounds like you have been keeping very busy. At least you had nice weather for going downtown yesterday. The advantage of being on a bus is not going through bad neighborhoods on your own and getting lost as well. But you are at their mercy and you just have to go with the flow.


Bill worked outside all afternoon and into the night yesterday. I went out to see if I could do anything to help when I got home form work. He was putting in those bumper posts to keep, that guy from driving on the side grass again. I though there would have been rain but nothing yet. Then I guess it is supposed to cool off for a few days.


The only problem with trying to find a job at this stage of the game, it is hard both mentally and just trying to get into the mind set to go out and go through the interview process once again. I will hang in there for a bit longer and give it some more time before I rush into any decision.


Both of us now have summons to serve on jury duty. Bill has to go as an alternate in a week and yesterday I got a registered mail to serve at 22 and California next month as an actual juror. Funny how we both got notifications close together. Certainly not looking forward to that, but I guess we have to do our civic duty.


Your banquet also sounded like there was a huge group and that sounded like a good time as well. You are lucky that you have that kind of stuff available in your area to go to. Have fun at the performance and the banquet tonight as well.




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Had a really great time last night. There was a shrimp/scallop/noodle/sauce item on the buffet that was so good!! Also they are known for their signature sweet potato souffle and that was wonderful also. A small piece of chicken, fish and beef tenderloin and I was stuffed. Before dinner I had a drink called strawberry sensation, it was like a strawberry shake with vodka. Bill had a Pina Colada. The desert was Atlanta pecan pie with caramel sauce and whipped cream dollop. Then we went in for the show and once again had front row seats so we didn't have to worry about anyone tall sitting in front of us. The show was just terrific lots of pretty costumes and many songs. It was a much better show than the one we saw in Chicago.


I wouldn't want to go down there for jury duty, how safe is the area? I was only called once and that was for the grand jury, also wasn't far to have to go.


You are right it isn't easy going on job interviews and starting over, especially when you have been at a company for so long and worked your way up and know all the "ins and outs" of the job.


Well, cold and gray here today, looks like it will be that way for the weekend!

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Sharon, that is exactly what I am being called for a Grand Jury and Bill said he would drive and get me there. I really do not think it is a good area at all for me to be alone in. I always eat way too much when eating at a buffet. We also like sitting in the front row for the very same reason. People now days are not considerate of other's.


I did not go to yoga last night as I had to go watch my GD sing at a performance. So next week is the last week of yoga, and we decided not to sign up again, but rather go walking around like doing 3 miles each week. We'll have to see if that does anything for weight loss.


Tomorrow we have a kids B-Day party for one of the GK's. I am coming back to pick up Bill when the food is served as he does not like being there with all of the kids running all around. For the next 4 days cool weather with 80's on Tuesday. Cold, damp and dreary all day.


Have a good weekend and enjoy whatever you do.




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Sharon, I hope you had a very nice Mother's Day. I know that it is hard for you every year, but I wish you all of the best. We went to the club for a brunch. On Saturday I was at my daughter's house for the kids party.


Now we go from having heat on yesterday to possibly having the air on today. Going from temps of 33 yesterday morning to almost 90 today. Crazy isn't it.


We are staying in Oakbrook tonight as Bill has to have outpatient surgery on his foot tomorrow morning to remove part of a nail that has been rubbing and giving him problems. So to avoid traffic and getting up real early we are staying at a hotel. It also gives me an excuse to shop at Von Mahr's to shop at Oakbrook Shopping Mall.




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Sunday morning I got up and dressed for church and then felt I just couldn't go and face the sermon and all the other mothers. So I stayed home. We went to dinner at a nice restaurant around 3pm and then to the pool. One of Bills daughters called to tell me Happy Mothers Day. On Saturday another one of Bill's daughters came over and brought me a bouquet of flowers and a card. It was very nice of both of them to think of me.


Yesterday I was mowing and weed eating and didn't get around to getting on the computer for very long. Today had the water aerobics and I am beat! Afterwards I went and got a few groceries and a couple of plants from Lowes. I don't want to buy too much until I go and used the $25 Groupon on got for a local nursery, its worth $50.


Sounds like you had a nice Mothers Day, always nice to go out and eat.


Yes it is hot today, I actually liked the weather yesterday, it was right around 63 and very nice to work outside in. I don't think it will stay this warm for very long, think I saw it is supposed to rain the next couple of days.


A while back we got an estimate for a reverse osmosis system, it seemed kind of high so tomorrow I am having another company come and give us an estimate. I would really like to get one installed, it would make the water taste better. We have a well and have it tested every year, it always comes back good but I still want to have one put in.


So far no more ticks!

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Sharon, with the weather the way it is everything will be blossoming out all over the place. The weeds do not take long at all to bust out either. Lucky you were able to get the outside work finished yesterday. Yes, good to wait and take advantage of getting the rest of the flowers with the Group On. I have a bunch that I have not even planted yet either.


It is good to her that you have not had any more problems with those ticks. Let's hope it all stays like that. Sunday was quiet, with just the 2 of us and that was just fine with me. I kind of like the piece and quiet.


I would think that Tinker loves to be out walking in this weather. Enjoy it and have a nice rest of today.




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Another nice day today! I bought a 1/2 price Forsythia bush at Lowes yesterday, it has already bloomed yellow and now is green so thats why it was 1/2 price. Its little but next year it will be bigger and yellow in the spring. I would like to get an Azalea next, with my certificate at the nursery.


I don't think the ticks are gone, we've just been lucky! I always spray my shoes with bug spray before I go outside, so maybe that helps. I have been brushing Tinker and trying to get all the loose hair off her, she sheds almost year round but now with the hot weather its worse. Every morning I do a little bit since she doesn't really like it.


One of the gals at the place we go to tonight is having a birthday so she will be bringing treats for all of us. There are only 6 of us (+Bill) and we have a good time talking and dancing.


Did your Bill get his foot taken care of this morning? Nice you could go with him. My Bill got his teeth finished up on Monday, but he went by himself the last couple of times and the dentist didn't do what we had told him and Bill didn't tell him it was wrong. He was supposed to put a permanent bridge in the back bottom and he put one that comes in and comes out. I know Bill will not fool around with that and thats why it was supposed to be permanent. Also it doesn't fit right and it has cut into his gums from the first night he ate with it. He took it out and hasn't put it back in because its so sore. He was going back to the dentist and show him what its doing today.


Did you get the stakes in the back yard so the jerk can't drive over your lawn?

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Sharon, Bill did not have any choice in the matter as I had to go with him as he could not drive home after the anesthesia. Plus we stayed at a hotel in Oakbrook just down the street form the surgical center. The Dr said it took him 1 1/2 hours to drive to the place this morning with the traffic. So it was good that we planned the hotel stay. Everything went well and we were back home here around 11:30. He had 2 prescriptions to fill so since it was only going to be 20 minutes we decided to have lunch together and pick up the med's so I did not have to go back. So back to work now for the afternoon.


They are having bocce sign up tonight at the club as the season starts next Wednesday. We were asked to help out with the administration duties of the league this year. Bill is the treasurer, so another couple and we are the one's doing the behind scenes work for the league.


It is good that you are spraying. Even though you have not spotted any ticks, you still have to take the preventive measures that you are to keep them away. I am surprised that Tinker does not like you brushing her. Most pet's enjoy the massaging feeling with the brushing.


They said that south there was supposed to be rain this morning. But there was not any sign of any rain and like you said, the weather is beautiful. It is too bad I had to return to work. Just too busy to take the entire day off.


Bill put the posts in last week, painted them yellow, put new sod down where the jerk drove and tore up the grass. Kind of like the trouble you were having with your jerk neighbor with throwing stuff over your fence. On Sunday the jerk was out cutting his grass, and Bill walked up to him to ask him what his problem was with us and him driving over our lawn on the side of our house. Of course he acted like he did not know what Bill was talking about. So Bill showed him the pictures of him doing it and told him that if it continues there would be trouble. Bill also reported it to the police just to have a record of it so the guy does not think he can just take advantage of us anytime he wants. All has come to a screeching halt now.


Bill bought those Azalea plants a few weeks ago. They look so good once they bloom. You are lucky that you were able to get a discount with GroupOn.


I hope you are enjoying this beautiful day, and have fun going out tonight for the B-Day perty.




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As crazy as people are now a days I would almost be afraid to confront someone like Bill did! Good thing it went ok and he knows you have pictures. Maybe he will be more careful and not do it anymore, hopefully!


We are going to a wake tonight, an old dancing friend died "unexpectedly". Haven't really kept in touch so don't know what was going on with him.


I cut the front yard again today, this time I lowered the blade and cut it much shorter, getting tired of having to do it every 5 days.


My GD and her mom live down where they had the tornados last night. Luckily neither was in the path so they didn't have any damage, but really scary. My GD hubby works for the electric company so she said he will be very busy for quite a while getting everyones elec back on again.


Bought a couple more yellow tomato plants after zumba today. Some are they size of cherry tomatoes and the others are regular full size ones. They are so good, and have less acid in them than the red, although I am also planting red ones.


We are going ahead with the reverse osmosis system, they are supposed to come and install in on the 22nd. Then the water will be very tasty! The first quote we got was $850 and this one was $689. They were very highly recommended so not worried about the lower price. In fact everyone we talked to has them either for the ro system or for their water softner.

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Sharon, I think that is a very smart decision for getting the water treatment. Bill did not want this guy to think that he can intimidate us or keep doing things to us. He even pretended like he was pointing a gun at him with his finger. One more reason he went to the police to report everything. But you are right about crazy people today, one never knows.


Bill was summoned as an alternate juror and now has to go tomorrow to serve. I have to go next month to serve on a Grand Jury. Funny how both of us were selected around the same time. I keep meaning to ask you, how far away do you live from where they had that FBI thing last week. I think it was in Shannon IL.


Bill had the surgery on his big toe yesterday, so I do not know how he will feel going tomorrow and it is too late to try to do anything about it now. Good to cut the grass shorter so you will not have to trim it so often. Too bad about you friend. It is lucky that you were able to find out about it.


Last yoga tonight. Then she want to walk after this for exercise. Bocce starts next Wednesday for the next 3 months. So our summer will be busy. In a few weeks we will be going to Saugatuck, MI for the Memorial Day weekend.




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The FBI shootout was at the bank in Richmond, its about 20 or so minutes from us. Evidently they had been following them and knew they were going to rob the bank. They got them before they even entered the bank so that was good.


That is strange that both you and Bill got called for jury duty, but you will probably only have to go once a month, while he will have to go everyday. Hopefully he won't get on one that lasts months like the Jody Arias trial. That one went on for almost 5 months!! Now they are trying to decide if she should get the death penalty or life in prison, she has already been found guilty.


I am going on a 5K walk tomorrow morning with a couple of the gals from zumba, its a run/walk deal and we are only going to walk. Its in the Kettle Moraine State Forest in Whitewater, WI. The one gals hubby is going to drive and I have to be at her house (15 min away) by 7:30, so we can register around 8am. Thats going to be hard since we will be at the dance place probably until almost midnight. Then in the afternoon my church is having that pig roast cookoff from 3 to 7pm. I think I will be very tired by then!


Looks to be a little cooler today but the sun is peeking out now and again! Have a nice weekend. Bet you can't wait for your trip to MI!

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Sharon, when I was home for lunch, Bill was already home. He was called as an alternate today. So it was a 1 time deal and they only kept him 1 hour and then let them all go.


Now next month I am being called for a Grand Jury at 26th and California. Bill said he would drive me there. I have no idea at this point, if I will be there for 1 day or a few days. It all depends on the trial.


Wow, it sounds like you are having a very full day tomorrow. Those pig roasts are a lot of fun. Getting into walking a 5K will be very good exercise for you as well. I plan on doing a few of those as well. What will Bill do while you are gone?


Lucky you were far away from that shooting last week. Crazy things have been happening all around .We were invited to Mc Henry for a graduation, Memorial Day weekend, and we will be gone. So I will have to send something.


I have bunco tonight, so I will be out late as well. Then my daughter has already asked me to watch her kids in the morning for a while. So both of us will be running on lack of sleep.


Bill's computer crashed. So he is working with Dell to fix the problem. This is the same one he had to send it in to clear out viruses last week. Have fun tonight and tomorrow for the walk and pig roast.




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Usually the grand jury only decides if there is enough evidence for the person to stand trial or not. When I was on the GJ, they went through enough cases in a day for us to determine, so that we only had to go once a month for something like 3 months. It is easy to figure out if there is enough evidence for trial rather than if someone is actually guilty.


I hate when the stupid computer starts acting up, you just know you have picked up a virus from some spot you looked at.

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Sharon, that is good news so maybe I will not have to be there too long, like more than 1 day. How was dancing last night? Today you have a very busy day today. I feel tired just reading about your activities today. Enjoy and have a good day today.


Another nice day today with nice temps. Enjoy the weekend. They have us all with computers working and then not working. They do not want them to work too long without putting more money into them.




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Yes had a busy weekend, didn't get home Friday night till 12:30, all our friends came and I didn't even know they were going to, just showed up for my birthday. We had fun dancing and talking. Then I got up at 6am on Sat morning and got over to Mary's house by 7:30 am. Her husband went too and he drove. The other gal that was going to go called and said she couldn't make it. We walked through the woods on a path following the runners. It took the fastest runner a few seconds over 19 min, it took us walking, and walking very briskly, an hour. My legs were really tired afterwards and on Sunday. On Sunday I went to church and then we went to the Fair Diddley on the square in Woodstock. It took a couple of hours to walk around twice, once to look at the stuff on one side of the street and another trip around to look at the stuff on the inside of the street. We were just getting ready to leave when we heard them tell the vendors to be out of the square by 4pm as their was a bad storm coming. But the storm didn't come until around 9pm and then it was only a little rain. Guess we are supposed to get more tonight.


This morning I keep hearing a banging, I asked Bill if he was doing something and he said no, we looked around and saw there was a robin that was throwing himself against the screen on one of our windows. There was little fluffy feathers all stuck in the screen. We had seen him looking in the window on Saturday before we left, but now he was throwing himself against it. I pulled the shade down and put a flag on a small shepherds hook right in front of the window so he couldn't do it. Don't know what that was all about!!

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Sharon, you did have a very full weekend. Happy belated B-Day. Bill's computer crashed and he is waiting for someone to come out and replace the mother board. I also got home around 12:30 and had to get up early and baby sit. Then on Sunday I went and watched more games.


I took off on Friday so we can leave early to avoid any traffic and not have to drive too crazy while going up there. We will return on Monday and should be home 11 or 12. The robin was trying to build a nest and I guess she figured that getting into you house was the best place.


It is sunny and warm here today and windy. I guess we could get storms later on. Hopefully we won't get anything like the other places got yesterday with all of the tornado's. Half price burgers tonight and starting walking on Thursday's. We are going to try to do 3 miles each time.


Bill just cut off the bandages off his foot on Sunday as he does not see the Dr until Thursday afternoon. I guess he felt it would heal better with it off rather then leaving it on. They are going to take the stitches out on Thursday.




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Hope you have good weather on your trip I think the rain is supposed to move out of here but might be a little chilly. I'm sure you will enjoy it no matter what the weather though.


How is Bills foot, getting better?


Sounds like its going to be a busy summer for you and your GK's ball games! I bet they really appreciate you being there.


The water guy came a day early! I was expecting him today and when I got home from water aerobics he was in the driveway. I had to go to Rockford and pick up an Edible Arrangements so I called Bill and had him come home. It worked out ok, but would have been better if they would have stuck to the scheduled day. Now I have really good tasting water and am very happy!


I was fixing a sandwich and a glass of ice tea and when I went to put the gallon jug of ice tea back and set it next to the gallon of milk, the shelf came loose and the gallon of milk cracked and I had the whole new gallon all over the floor. I finally got it cleaned up and got to eat my sandwich. I was really hungry too since I had fasted over night for my blood test and it ending up being from 9:30 pm to 11:30 am.


Rain here today, so no grass cutting!

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